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MARCH 2025

The Donbass War Of 2021?

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The Donbass War Of 2021?

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Written by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront.

Ever since assuming office, the Biden Administration has been probing countries it designated as America’s enemies for weaknesses through a variety of provocations. So far this approach has not had any successes. China plainly told Biden’s SecState Blinken to go packing, Iran is showing no eagerness to kowtow to Washington under new management, and Russia itself has stayed the course, brushing off verbal attacks and promising either in-kind or asymmetrical responses to any new chicaneries from Washington or Brussels.

That does not mean that Washington has acknowledged defeat. Unwilling to concede, it is liable to escalate a crisis situation elsewhere. Since Navalny’s perennial “poisonings”, “hunger strikes”, and “leg pains” have not had the desired effect on Western governments and his life and health are moreover quite secure in a Russian prison, so the prospect of a new war in Eastern Ukraine is back on the agenda, and the opponents of Nord Stream 2 now have two things to pray for: Aleksey Navalny’s death and a Russia-Ukraine war.

Zelensky on the Spot

The Russian government has made it clear on numerous occasions that it is adhering to the Minsk Agreements, will not abandon the Donbass, but at the same time will not escalate the situation out of the desire to minimize the damage to all concerned. In practical terms it means a continuation of “coercive diplomacy”. Russian military force will be used only if Ukraine attempts to create facts on the ground through offensive action. For that reason it is unlikely in the extreme that Russia will be the one to escalate first. It is worth remembering that both the summer 2014 campaign and the winter 2014/15 campaign were initiated by Kiev which first sent troops and bombers to suppress the then-peaceful protests against the Maidan and referenda to secede, and then to hope to quickly resolve the stalemate. Both operations ended in failure through the efforts of the hastily assembled and armed militias of the breakaway republics, with some “Northern Wind” military support that decimated Ukrainian forces.

Poroshenko survived the disasters that shredded the Ukrainian military thanks to the alliances he’s made with the nationalists while preparing for the Maidan. Zelensky’s position is considerably weaker and more vulnerable to the consequences of a military defeat. Having been elected on a promise to end the war in the Donbass, he has already badly disappointed his supporters on that score. But his transformation into a warhawk, perhaps best characterized by his awkward appearances on the front lines wearing an ill-fitting helmet and a remarkably short armor vest, has not earned him even grudging respect from the nationalists and neo-Nazis on whose shoulders much of Ukraine’s war effort rests. While Poroshenko could get out of many a tight spot with his “Cynical Baderite” jacket, Zelensky is now a very lonely person in Kiev, a hostage to the decisions of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council whose decisions he automatically signs, in contrast with Poroshenko who often simply ignored them.

In practice it means that Zelensky might be in process of being a scapegoat for Ukraine’s all-but-inevitable defeat at the hands of Russian forces hastening to aid the republics in the event of Ukraine’s military scoring early victories. Blackmail might be playing a role in Zelensky’s calculus too. There were persistent reports in March of an imminent release of a documentary implicating Zelensky’s office in the failure of Ukrainian intelligence operation to lure Wagner associates to Ukraine in order to imprison and try them. At the same time, if Zelensky sends his military to a defeat, his reputation will be gravely damaged, possibly to the point of forcing him to resign and even endangering his life. His nervous activity of the first week of April, including a total non-sequitur of a visit to NATO headquarters in order to plead for Ukraine’s quick admission to the alliance, is indicative of a man in a tight spot with no easy ways out.

Resistible Force Meets Immovable Object

Zelensky might be in a less anxious mood if he had a reliable military instrument to wield. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are not that instrument. While the Russian military entered 2014 rather unprepared for the prospect of high-intensity land warfare thanks to the Serdyukov reforms that made the brigade the main tactical unit, since that time much lost ground has been recovered through the reactivation of several divisions and armies, such as the First Guards Tank Army, and modernization of Land Forces’ equipment. Russia’s military today is a considerably more impressive force than it was seven years ago.

Meanwhile Ukraine’s armed forces stagnated. Unmodernized T-64 remains its most numerous main battle tank while production of light armored vehicles proceeds at a trickle. Considering that artillery has been the most active arm in the years of static warfare along the line of separation, Ukraine’s “god of war” remains in poor shape and is suffering from ammunition shortage. In the last decade, Ukraine has suffered seven major ammunition depot explosions, in addition to the tremendous expenditure of munitions during the 2014 and 2015 battles and the occasional escalations of shelling since. Since Ukraine is a failing state that cannot even maintain its crumbling civilian infrastructure, it is little wonder that it has failed to establish domestic munitions manufacture. It did receive some supplies of weapons and munitions from NATO member states which have stores of Soviet-pattern weapons themselves, most notably Bulgaria, but little in the way of heavy artillery munitions. Since Ukraine also does not manufacture artillery pieces, specifically the technology-intensive barrels, for either its tanks or howitzers, the existing artillery park is being gradually used up, and every shell fired not only diminishes existing reserves but also adds to the wear and tear of the artillery pieces. An effort to provide cheap indirect fire capabilities by procuring 120mm “Molot” mortars manufactured in a factory owned by Poroshenko did not live up to expectations. There have been several cases of these mortars bursting during live fire exercises, with dire consequences for their crews. And if a simple technology of a mortar cannot be mastered by Ukraine’s defense industry, what success can it have attempting more challenging tasks?

Nor is the human factor any better. To borrow Wellington’s characterization of his own soldiers, UAF rank and file are “scum of the earth, enlisted to drink.” Military service remains highly unpopular and attracts only those who cannot find lucrative employment in the civilian economy—or abroad. Draft evasion and bribery of military recruitment officials is widespread, leading the Rada to drastically increase penalties for such activities to include lengthy prison terms. Even if such measures do not result in an exodus of able-bodied males out of the country, they are hardly likely to fill the ranks with motivated recruits. In the first week of April 2021 alone, Ukrainian forces have lost on average one soldier a day to non-combat causes, which included alcohol and drug overdoses, careless handling of weapons, suicide, and murder. The single greatest killer of Ukrainian soldiers, however, are their own minefields, which have killed 57 soldiers and injured 126 between July 27, 2020 (the beginning of the last ceasefire) and April 3, 2021, a statistic indicating a very low level of training and discipline.

Units themselves remain understrength. Some of the brigades are short of 60% of enlisted personnel and 30% of officers. Troops’ low morale translated into not only irregular and erratic training but also into poor equipment maintenance habits. An inspection of the 59th Brigade whose results fell into the hands of Novorossia intelligence services revealed that as of March 2020, some 60% of the brigade’s heavy weapons and vehicles were either greatly behind their maintenance schedule or were altogether unserviceable. The brigade has not held any maneuvers because the fuel supplies delivered to its logistics units never made it to the actual tactical subunits, suggesting theft by brigade’s leadership.

Cossack Mace

For all of the above reasons, a Ukrainian military operation, even a limited one, seems unlikely in the immediate future. The very visible Ukrainian troop movements meant that no element of surprise could be achieved. The aim appears to have been to relocate sizable formations to the Donbass so as to provide them with an ability to launch a quick, almost no-warning attack in the future, after Novorossia’s vigilance has been dulled by months of alerts and provocations.

Unless other events intervene, the period of greatest danger will be the Cossack Mace exercise held during the summer of 2021. The aim of the exercise which will take place under British leadership is to practice repelling a “Russian invasion” and then launching an offensive to secure the Ukraine-Russia border which would mean the end of Novorossia.

The fact of British leadership is particularly worrisome, since that country seems to have undertaken the task of “dirty tricks” on Washington’s behalf. In this instance, the “dirty trick” could be using the exercise to rehearse invasion of the Donbass immediately prior to its execution or, equally plausibly, the exercise itself might turn into an invasion. Foreign command of the invasion would be consistent with the Ukrainian trend of slipping under direct control by Western powers, and reminiscent of the role of the Military Professional Resources Incorporated (MPRI) in the planning and execution of Croatia’s Operation Storm in 1995.

One can’t even rule out direct British participation in such an operation, since a British-supported Ukrainian offensive against Novorossia forces would not be an offensive against Russia. The Defence Review released in March 2021 stated that the British Army would stand up four so-called “ranger regiments”, or battalion-sized formations whose aim would be to train “indigenous forces” and, if need be, actually go to battle with them in order to pursue British interests as part of the “Global Britain” project. An addition of professional British soldiers, in conjunction with British planning and execution of the operation, would provide a morale boost to the UAF and increase the chances of at least moderate success. Once embedded within Ukrainian forces, British troops would also serve as a deterrent against a direct Russian intervention.

An Ounce of Prevention

It may well be that the sudden Russian troop movements, the reinforcement of Crimea, and even Belarus’ deployment to the border of Ukraine, indicate contingency planning to launch an enveloping counteroffensive that would trap Ukrainian forces in a giant cauldron between the Dnepr River and Novorossia itself. At the very least, their presence forces Ukraine to divert forces away from its offensive grouping on the Donbass toward the border with Russia and even Belarus. It is also possible that the snap deployment was intended to pre-empt Ukraine’s increasingly obvious moves to mount an offensive during the summer, an offensive with direct foreign military employment. Russia’s pre-emption may also include a changed status of the Donbass. President Putin’s declaration that the rights of 600,000 holders of Russian passports in Novorossia has become a priority for him. An official recognition of Novorossia, combined with the placement of a Russian peacekeeper force, would stop the Ukrainian offensive dead in its tracks and moreover render any British participation unsustainable, though at certain diplomatic cost due to the withdrawal from the Minsk Agreements it would entail. The forceful Russian response has already had the effect of knocking not only Ukraine but, judging by the panicky demands for Russia to “explain” its troop movements, all of NATO. It communicated that under no circumstances will Ukraine enjoy tactical, operational, or strategic surprise. Now the question is whether Russia and major European powers can craft a diplomatic solution that will allow Zelensky to back down in a face-saving manner, thus ending the danger of war against the Donbass.

British “ranger regiments” and “greyzone warfare”

Use of NATO forces directly vs. unrecognized republics is no the same as use of NATO forces against Russia. Recognition by Russia would, on the other hand, create an additional layer of deterrence, though associated with risks for Russia.

If LPR/DPR are formally recognized by the Russian Federation which then spreads the umbrella of “extended deterrence” which, it should be noted, is backed by a potent nuclear arsenal. It would also mean Russia’s formal rejection of Minsk Agreements and of the Normandy Four format, creating a legal limbo fraught with unpredictability. NATO countries which committed themselves to preserving Ukraine’s “sovereignty and integrity” could hardly be expected to ratify this move.

Major minelaying operations by Ukrainian forces, which may be part of the offensive preparations. The greater the extent and intensity of mines on a certain sector of the front, the greater the ability to concentrate forces on other sectors—suggesting that whichever  sectors of the front are not seeing a minelaying operations are being reserved as corridors for future assault, making them eligible for DPR/LPR defensive minelaying.


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Kenny Jones ™


Supreme Blyat

Can’t figure if it’s a praising or an insult.

Kenny Jones ™

Ah looks like we have a nazzi here

Supreme Blyat

Where, where?

Kenny Jones ™

POV: I am replying to it


Some people think nazis are everywhere, hiding under the bed, rearranging the furniture at night….

Supreme Blyat

Thanks. That’s what I was trying to say :)


The terrorist Ziocorporate globalists were always worse than the Nazis, they profiteered dearly in Germany during and after Hitler’s rise to power. Without them mediating, he would’ve directed his soldiers West rather than east.


More accurately…


Albert Pike

Makes no sence to equal a complet Zionist/Lubavitch controlled state like the Ukraine with ‘Nazi’ Germany, and not to give the further inside that the jewish Hitler and protector/saviour of the Lubavitch Rebbe, who was also financed by zio-corporations. You are strengthening just the mystical jewish intelligence creation of Warburgs-Abwehr agent Adolfs Nasi/Nazi’s. A correct picture would show the zionist star of david behind the theosophical/masonic swastika, since the founder and financer of the Azov Battalions Kolomoyskyi is a Chabad echolon. Which proves once more that the Jew-eater Nazi’s were always a jewish fake, created to herd the German Jews to Palestine and to make war and lose war, to destroy Amalek, which in their book are the nordic Germanic peoples. Which brings one to the Viking Kievan Rus, one of the ingredientes of the Russian and Ukrainian nations. If one nordic nation with Germanic Gods is Amalek – then they all are equally target of the insane Jewish drive, to usher in mashiach…

Kenny Jones ™

Hitler was a freemason mate


Russia should never forget that its terrorist Ziocorporate globalist “allies” took 3 fucking years to do anything about the almost 5 million German soldiers sent to invade Russia. And when they did do something, they spent more time raping French and German women than fighting the few teenage and elderly German soldiers that got posted to “occupy” France.

The Normandy format is shit for Russia, and benefits for NATO Zioterrorists moving further east.

Putin’s got much negotiation to do to keep pitching the interests of the Russian Jewligarchy and keeping Russia as an open market for the terrorist Ziocorporate globalists to invest in, while ensuring the security of Russia against NATO/EU “security and estability” schemes.

Lone Ranger

The only question is will Russia beat their own record? In 2008 they managed to crush the invading cianazi georgian troops in 5 days… I think this time 3-4 days will be enough.

Supreme Blyat

I wouldn’t completely rule that out though back then NATO was still busy with Iraq and preparing Arab springs, now the goal is to economically isolate Russia from EU.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Which is a pipe dream, as the very pipes that keep Ukraine economically viable, flow with Russian product.

Supreme Blyat

As many pipes that keep Russian economically viable too. It’s a huge pumping station without finite products on the global markets.

Lone Ranger

You mean like pharma, heavy industry, trucks, cars, jets, planes, helos, sats, rockets and rocket engines, weapons… Was a nice try…Not.

Supreme Blyat

What percent of total exports value are these?

Lone Ranger

What percentage are U.S. products? Their main exports are stolen oil and second grade weapons…

Supreme Blyat

Main? Mineral fuels are 11% of US exports.

Lone Ranger

They could only steal that much…

Lone Ranger

U.S. is more a pump station these days. 335million citizens and they export less than Germany.

Supreme Blyat

Not yet. Only products. But they export more services. And from that products they export only 11-12% are raw materials. While Russia exports only 11-12% finite goods. Russians survive on the country riches like oil, gas, wood, minerals instead of work.


Russians survive on the country riches like oil, gas, wood, minerals instead of work.

Correct. Russia produces useful things. The US produces services such as a crap educational system, crap healthcare system, crap legal system, crap police system, prisons, crap weapons, crap rockets, crap Boeings etc.

Supreme Blyat

So russia instead of producing anything, fearing it could be crap, they just export the country natural resources, like any banana republic.

Lone Ranger

U.S. instead of producing anything, fearing it could be crap, they just export the country natural resources, like any banana republic.

Lone Ranger

Factually wrong.yeah services like money laundering and war… Hardly considered products. Raw materials are finite too, except less profitable… Russia is making more profit lol, U.S. run a trade deficit of $900billion last year, all time record, Russia ran a trade surplus of $210billion. Total debt U.S. $29 trillion vs Russia a $190billion. Forex reserves U.S. $124billion vs Russia $590billion. Ouch… Better luck next time 🐱

Ricky Miller

I love it when you smash trolls with your facts club. It makes my day.

Lone Ranger


Supreme Blyat

Ahh the debt argument from people who hate the word Economy. Why would USA need forex reserves when all the countries support the Dollar as reserve. Check 71 Dollar chrisis. I forgot you can’t :))

Lone Ranger

Nobody supports the dollar anymore aside from the FED. It a non economy… QE Unlimited, exponentially growing debt and derivative bubble, sanctioning the whole World, because they aren’t competitive anymore. They cant even compete with Germany or Russia, let alone the EU or China lol. I know that’s too much for you, better ask for further instructions of your supervisor…

Lone Ranger

Nobody hates the world economy more than the crumbling pedonazi americant empire. Their motto “competition is a sin…”

Ricky Miller

Many countries are looking to transact in alternate currencies. The dollar reserve status is seeing it’s curtain call; slowly, then all at once.

Supreme Blyat

Many countries? Currently global economy is run by private companies. Only commies are that clueless to think countries are the ones who set international trade currency.

Ricky Miller

Really? Than why is it that Ohio Governor’s are always flying around promoting state trading with other foreign governments and companies? Why is it that companies get tax breaks and buy offs from governments in order to promote locations and deals between private companies and governments. And governments can regulate what currency is traded in it’s jurisdiction; just try and do a deal in the United States using North Korean currency. People like you crack me up, preaching at folks about private companies and communism. Really, how much corporate welfare and government bailouts would be required before you admit that things are not what they seem?

Supreme Blyat

Are you supporting the idea that the US Dollar is so popular because of the US government and not the US private sector?


Because eventually “all the countries” will take blood leeching parasites off their back.

Supreme Blyat

All the countries: hold my beer. And dollars :)

Ricky Miller

Services? You are funny. The switch from industrial production to “services” is why most of the United States has fallen into decay. It’s also why entire skill sets are being lost here; so much so that the U.S. Navy had to approach Carnival Cruise Lines for help and advice on maintaining naval vessels, the repair of which is falling behind more and more at public shipyards in the United States. One economic path (services) is sexy but also is a path to economic ruin and declining average incomes, dependent on government deficit spending. An economy based on actually making things represents more self-reliance and is a broad shouldered economy which lifts more boats and keeps ahead of it’s debts.

Supreme Blyat

I was talking about exports. That means other countries value their services. Of course you don’t since can’t afford a licensed windoze :)

Oliver Eitel

u have the right avatar name but the wrong picture…..Russias real GDP is bigger than that of Germany….and when Lockdown continues well then it might get even bigger than that of whole EU….just nations that work and produce something to sell are real economic powers like China….the US won’t grow its economy….real economy will shrink and the US will become less productive…. like the EU and like the lat years….Michael Hudson explained that every well…. rentire and finance capitalism. hahaha they inflate the stockmarket and house market and add the value of the inflated assets to their economy hahahhaha in reality nothing was build nothing was created no real value to back their currency thats why they all will get hyperinlfation……..the US had 40 Millions foodstamps users already in 2016….lol US and EU will go down in life quality and economic power as they have nothing to offer…???

Supreme Blyat

Ahh people who use “the real” remind me of Trump and other fakers. Sorry but can’t read the rest of your comment. I’m too precious ))


The same idiot that has no knowledge on weapons systems yet lecutes ppl on them and now you are trying to lecture ppl on economics? Did you finally at least learn the differance between a CVN and a LHD?

Supreme Blyat

Lecturing is a pompous term for this site, also I don’t care what a CVN means, these are hobbies for bullied children.


Ah i see so you still have no clue what it means…its quite hipocritical of you to call them children yet at the same time refuesing to at least google the meaning oh bacon you never change after all of these years of me observeing you,you still are the same old guy.

Supreme Blyat

Thanks for your time. It means something for me.

Robert Ferrin

Services do not enter into products sold or GDP that’s why the financial system is about to crash, as only about 90% of all U.S. treasuries and bonds are sold and the rest has to be bought up by the Fed, at zero interest rates, with debt equal to 130% of GDP we are little but a third world beggar country while Russia has little to no debt at all with billions in gold to back it up.

Ricky Miller

Wrong. Russia exported in currency value more food than gas from 2019 onward. Russia also is involved through ROSATOM with nearly a dozen major atomic reactor projects worldwide, at great profit. Russia is energy independent and mostly self-sufficient in food, and the country makes nearly all of the buses and agricultural equipment it needs and uses. Who imports rocket engines from Russia? The United States, that’s who. And Russian weapons are still sought after all around the world, especially in places like India and Algeria. You are guilty of repeating Western propaganda.


Rosatom profits abroad must be large as it is an entirely value-added product under its foreign contracts and there are No hidden infrastructure costs like in its domestic undertakings (that also covers R+D). I estimated yesterday that Just One reactor put online in Belarus added 6% to National By electric production..so different from the very dangerous deterioration of UA conditions.

Supreme Blyat

In Siberia a tomato is more expensive than in New York. There are vlogers who travel through Siberia, if you ever heard of something called Youtube.

Ricky Miller

Again, more propaganda. There are cities in Siberia where certainly fresh produce is pricey, especially at certain times of the year. A big reason for that is the fact that they are at the far end of a long rail supply chain. But on average the Ruble buys about three times as much in the Russian economy as the dollar does here in the USA. Also, produce in America really isn’t a free market. Farmers get paid not to bring some crops to market, in a form of price support. Local farmers markets flood the market with cheap tomatoes which brings down the average price. Also, most tomatoes grown in the USA are chemical nightmares and often genetically modified to deter pests and boost yields. In Russia, a higher percentage of produce is in some degree organic, which is costly to produce, realitively. Bottom Line, let’s see price comparisons between processed cans of tomatoes in four separate year round comparisons, and between multiple Russian and American cities. Not just Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and New York. Or, Yakutsk to New York in January. Stow the poopaganda nonsense.

Supreme Blyat

“But on average the Ruble buys about three times as much in the Russian economy as the dollar does here in the USA” A Ruble is 1.2 cents. That means you go with $1k in Russia and nuy goods at $240k value. Then you sell it and repeat. Why don’t you do it?

Ricky Miller

The luxury apartment I booked in Saint Petersburg cost me $228 for eight days. In New York City it would have cost me three or four times as much. My hotel in Washington D.C. when I went to the Russian Visa Center cost $121 for one night. The luxury hotel I booked in Moscow my first night there was $69. You should perhaps get out of the habit of using currency values to compare buying power and use PPP instead. By GDP Russia’s economy is about 12-14% the size of the USA’s. But, Russia actually manafactures more things and produces and consumes electricity at 24-26% of the volume of electricity produced in the United States. Buying power does not equal out to actual economic activity, or volume. A case of Napa Valley wine, 12 bottles, cost me $222. A case of Russian Red, 12 bottles, cost me the Ruble equivalent of $33. They were both similiar in quality. The Napa Cabernet was a bit better but the Russian bottles and labels were really cool. Money buys things differently, across currency values, inside domestic economies.

Supreme Blyat

If you go to India you will find soup 10 times cheaper than in Germany but you can also die from some nasty bacterias. That’s why PPP is shit.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

European market is a profitable one, but so are the eastern ones, China, Japan, South Korea etc, etc. Russian Arctic exploration will power a new generation of consumers.

Lone Ranger

They already failed. Ín 2008 Irak vas petty much over and in damage föntről mode. Same as today. EU knows hát without cheap Russian has They are toast.

Supreme Blyat

It’s Iraq not Irak.

Lone Ranger

In my language its Irak…

Supreme Blyat

We are talking in English not dog language.

Lone Ranger

I dont speak ukropnazi… I was talking in english, sorry if you cant read it.

Oliver Eitel

they should open a Club for the Ukro-Wahabi-Zio-inbreed gang….what do all this clowns here?

Lone Ranger

They are working. 25cents per comment hasbarat brigade sponsored by the cia, mossad and papa soreass.

Supreme Blyat

In English it’s Iraq.

Lone Ranger

You should write s book about it…

Ricky Miller

Cool it, nutjob.

Oliver Eitel

dog or donky? which one was your father??? or can’t ur mother remember?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Which one was first you mean.

Supreme Blyat

Was that an insult atempt or zoophile phantasies? Let me guess… Both. Let me contribute. Do you remember me as a pig with a long red dick inpaling your mom? Oink oink. Barely can get her screams out of my ears. Can’t believe she survived. Did she?

catalin zt

Right the English is PURE SATANIC!

catalin zt

By the way if u are ukrop u must know that the anglo-saxons will put an end with ur “country” ha ha soon! They started already :) ! By the way next is : Galitia to Poland,Novorussia to mummy Russia where belongs,Hertza,North Bukovina,Transcarpathia and north Danube Delta to ROMANIA where it belongs! Amen! Like that the Almighty God is treating betrayal and Murican anglo-saxon ass licking!!!

catalin zt

It’s SHIT both !


“now the goal is to economically isolate Russia from EU.”

Right … so what do you suppose was on the adgenda at that meeting between Merkle, Macron and Putin last Tuesday? We know Putin’s going to supply them with the Sputnik vaccine but do you really think France and Germany are going to allow the Ukraine to hold them hostage by shutting off Russian gas? Or do youthink they’ll pay twice the price for US shale gas?

On March 22 Charles Michel had a phone conversation where he threatened Putin with sanctions over Alexei Navalny … he then went to his constituents to discuss sanctions and was told to fuck off by France and Germany.

If anything France and Germany are afraid of being isolated from Russia.

Supreme Blyat

Double price? On Russia Today it said could be up to 30% more expensive. But the current price is more like 20-25% more expensive and that, just because the cost of infrastructure maintanance and shipping. Also sanctions on Iran gas could be lifted. Anyway EU will still import Russian gas for the next 5 years no matter what.


Germany and France aren’t going to bet the farm on US shale gas. It’s not a dependable source. What happens if crude tanks again and US shale gas isn’t worth the price to take it out of the ground? And even if the axed Nord stream 2 what happens if the Russians decide to build a gas terminal in the Baltic and offer a cheaper alternative to US shale gas? Shipping shale gas across the Atlantic and expecting Europe to pay a premium is a US pipe dream.

Ricky Miller

But the truth is that Shale gas is being dumped on the world market. The wells ran dry faster than expected and New frakking sources had to be discovered and utilized in a hydrocarbon ponzi scheme. Financiers of this operation are looking at multi billion dollar losses and one should consider the price of American Shale as bait, without a long term deal that includes price guardrails. Really American Shale is being hung out there in front of European consumers the way that baby formula is marketed to third world mother’s, cheap at first with samples and coupons but later, after Mommy’s milk is dried up, the real price hits.

Supreme Blyat

Shale gas was doomed from the beginning. The promisses were heavily inflated and 20-30% price difference is huge on the global market.

Though repeating that shale gas is twice as expensive than Russian gas, shows huge amount of inconfidence from Ruskey bots.

Lone Ranger

Its actually 3times as expensive with shipment…,:)

Albert Pike

The Russias are Lubavitch controlled too – so it all will follow the Chabad script ‘we want mashiach now’. So it can’t be a little ‘Blitzkrieg’…


Lone Ranger

If you would be right Russia wouldn’t have blocked the Greater Israel and the Ukronazi Khazaria projects. They did both 🤗 Hezbollah has now an office in Moscow..oy gevalt…

Albert Pike

I saddly don’t see blocking – half of Israel speaks Russian, and Israel is still allowed to attack Damascus. Nearly all of those muslim anti-jews were jewish creations, starting with the british financed masonic Muslim Brotherhood of the jew Hassan Al-Banna, and going to 33 deg. mason Yasser Arafat’s PLO. It isn’t much different with Hamas. And Hezbollah – well look at the Iran and their jewish Halabi sheikh created Hojjatieh Society infestation. I wouldn’t be surprised if at the core it’s the same with Hezbollah…

https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/jns/retired-egyptian-general-muslim-brotherhood-founder-was-a-jew-israel/article_cf24df2b-b519-5078-af18-5f9023f2d6fb.html https://www.voltairenet.org/article212567.html

Lone Ranger

But those Russian jews cant influence the foreign policy of Russia. That’s why they left in the early 90s in the first place, they lost, communism ended. If you noticed Israeli strikes are getting near useless now with SAA using upgraded SAM systems. But Russia has to walk the razors edge, they could avert a full scale attack in Russia but not in Syria. Non the less the war is basically over. Last remnants of isis are getting wiped out. I doubt Mossad would drop a tactical nuke on Hezbollah if it was under their control, like they did in Beirut a few months ago.

Albert Pike

Look I am not writing this just to disagree with you, since at 99,9% I agree with everything what you write – or at least with the hope it contains. But we still don’t know much about the type of nuke they used in Beirut, and mainstream opinion doesn’t even recognize it was a nuke – making it well possible to use it again, when the masks are off. So I hope and wish – even with a atheist prayer to the universe (ahh not really), that you are right and I am wrong…

PS.: Putin and the Jews, this is not that clear cut: https://www.businessinsider.com/putin-calls-for-jews-to-emigrate-to-russia-2016-1?IR=T https://www.thejewishstar.com/stories/why-putin-loves-israel-its-his-drive-to-make-russia-great-again,15840

Master Kotor

Don’t forget the epic betrayal of the Christian’s Southern Lebanese Army before HZB. Hell Global Research reported The Ayatalloh ran free in france in ’79, reportedly wrote a positive letter to the americans and even the iran hostage was fake. The Mullah’s needed time to take over…that’s why immediately after the “revolution” an 8 year war was launched against Iran by Saddam’s Iraq. Once the ritual to Islamize Iran ended, Iraq was terminated, 1991 and 2003. Once the 2003 invasion happened, all the Sunni and Shiite radical groups overthrew the secular government. Same with Isreal supporting Hamas…(Olmert) Same with Libya, they tried to do it to Syria but the coalition was too strong. Idlib and Afrin now would have been all of Syria, an islamist hellhole. The turks have been walling off Afrin while pillaging Idlib into non-existence.


Wahabism as well is one of their creations, as it was funded by a crypto-j ew (the same Wahabism IS-fighters refer to; exactly the Wahabism whose imams have been whipping up islamic fanatism in Europe’s muslims starting in about 2013).

johnny rotten

Interesting article, but contains an inaccuracy, Russia according to Minsk agreements is not part in question, the same as France and Germany, the agreement provides that Ukraine first modifies his constitution in a federal sense and then opened negotiations with the republics , to which the elections will follow, of course Ukraine has not fulfilled any of its prerogatives and the agreements remain dead letter, also with the constant aggression of gay Nazis and the killing of many civilians is practically impossible for the situation to unlock, While the direct intervention of the British would only give more motivation to Russia to take some revenge, as happened more than once in Syria when they killed not a few NATO officers who hid among moderate terrorists, on some Iskanders have already written The name of those British stupids.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I can’t see British troops going in anywhere in the Donbass region. As you say, an Iskander, artillery barrage with laser accuracy, and Boris won’t be getting any plaudits from the British public. There is far too many disasters for both the British military and political leadership to risk here. Like a lot of the recent shenanigans the empire are causing around Russia, China and Iran, this is some “intelligence planner” adding drama and bluster to an already crowded space of what’s going to happen. The Russians can fire Krasnadol guided shells without ever leaving Russia, guided by either their own artillery spotters, recon, or simply using local DPR/LPR units for spotting. They could also put in Spetnaz dressed and addressed as locals. Way too much risk for Britain, but stories like this might raise the hopes of the troops which have been sent East by Kiev.

catalin zt

Let the anglo-saxon capitalist-fascist,paedophile,cunning and selfish,perverse and pervert,satanic and greedy to go to HELL from where this fascist capitalist race came from! Amen!

Lone Ranger

Global Britain…lolz, meanwhile they can’t even disband sharia zones in their bigger cities. In case of an attack, Brits and Ukronazis will find themselves in a three front war from the south, east and north, they will be crushed faster than a tuna can by a pack of hungry kittens.


The ranger regies?

Albert Pike

Global Britain is Frankist Britain. There is a reason why there always comes a Mohel, when a Windsor (Jewish-Hesse Battenberger, you must watch the triad claw finger signs of the House of Hesse in their portraits) is giving birth to a male…

https://zohariststories.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-seven-daughters-of-jacob-frank.html https://www.henrymakow.com/2020/01/Hand-Sign-Indicates-Massive-Satanic-Conspiracy.html


You are absolutely right! This also is he reason why old St. Paul`s cathedral was burnt down – allegedly by accident – in the Frankist messianic year of 1666 and re-erected by Sir Chistopher Wren using a lot of their symbols for the decoration and maybe, who knows, in the achitectonical structure itself. It was burnt on Sept. 2ond, if I’m not mistaken – on a 9/2, 9+2 which makes 11, which is one of the mason’s favourite numbers.


It would be a delight to see Global Britain receive a good buggering. The Holy Grail now seems to have become to revise, and thereby effectively deconstruct and destroy, their own history by creating in the minds of its youth that the Knights of the Round Table were all ethnically diverse and that King Arthur himself was black. Stay tuned… My how I’d like to be a Royal Marine getting my limbs sheered off for that!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

British if they do get involved will be on the same losing side as the pro-West politically ruled Ukrainians. That is certain.


What about vast HATO-UA superiority in the Trans-Gender Dept. after the mass shipment of sex-change operation kits delivered 48 hours ago to Kiev from Germany on a us AF C 130 aircraft!

catalin zt

It’s time to break the rotten teeth in of the cabal anglo-jewish paedophilic SATANIC cardboard “empire” and their dirty low grade vassals! Amen!!!!


NATO can solve the problem of “draft evasion” in Ukraine. I am sure there are tons of transgender in Ukraine that can join the forces. That would inspire lot of nazi goat fuckers to join the ranks.

Diana Cornwell

This is going to end badly for all of us, especially badly for both the Ukrainians and the Russians of Novorossiya.

Our ruling classes aim to cull the human race which they see as useless eaters. Our leaders are comprised of established Anglo-European families and Frankist Jews who have seduced them.

The Russians are lying about being allies with the Syrians or sincerely supporting Donbass. Putin’s principal ally is Israel then Turkey and Azerbaijan. Both Russia and Turkey are ruled by Jewish interests. Neo-Bolshevik Frankist Jews in Russia’s case. Putin is a Jew: https://www.quora.com/Was-Vladimir-Putins-mother-Jewish?share=1

And Doenmeh Frankist Jews in Turkey’s case: https://www.turkishnews.com/en/content/2011/11/12/turkeys-erdogan-is-jewish/

The Bolsheviks were rich privileged Jews who collected taxes from the Christian Russian people for the Russian king before they decided to topple the Russian tsar and keep all the spoils for themselves: https://russia-insider.com/en/history/yet-another-six-million-fable-pogroms-against-jews-tsarist-russia/ri25143

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Staring down the barrel of a Russian geopolitical gun Diana?

Diana Cornwell

Sorry, I will no longer humour hasbara trolls like you.

Dick Von Dast'Ard


Diana Cornwell

What a liar and a hypocrite.

Frankist-ruled Russia can annex Crimea but Putin claims that Armenian lands that belonged to the Armenians thousands of years before Russia or Azerbaijan even existed belong to the Turks and the Azeris?

Putin said ‘Karabakh is Azerbaijan’.

That’s all we need to know to realize what a brainwashed and cowed people Russians are.

Russians make me sick.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Putin is normally right. (particularly in terms of post-Soviet territorial political settlement) Anti-Russian Brits make me sick and I should know as I’m a pro-Kremlin Brit.

Diana Cornwell


You dismissed the fact that not only Karabakh but also Nakhichevan and most of eastern Anatolia were Armenian lands since more than 3000 years ago.

What a hypocrite you are.


silly cow, back to the kitchen and hush

cechas vodobenikov

jealous old fat cornhole granny mentally ill—lives backward decayed US colony….comments at SF looking for BDSM attention… granny dildo insufficient

cechas vodobenikov

racist atheist cornhole upset like puerile under socialized amerikan

cechas vodobenikov

dullard racist granny references nazi insider—owned by an amerikan/German nazi bitter obese granny live in cultural desert—upset

cechas vodobenikov

are the Ukropie-dopes truly stupid enough to trust their masters in the decayed rat-anglosphere? ukrop loses Crimea asks cornhole for more LSD and granny sends jens to Kiev with dildo

Feral Finster

His American masters will not give Zelenskii a choice, lest he be faced with one or more of the following:

1. Western prosecutors suddenly start taking a keen interest in his or Kolomoiskii’s financial activities. 2. Maidan 3.0. 3. The IMF regrets to inform Ukraine that it is dissatisfied with the progress of its anti-corruption campaign and as a result, the latest aid tranche will be suspended indefinitely. 4. Coup. 5. Assassination.

Remember, Poroshenko ran for office as a relative moderate in 2015. That lasted until his inauguration.


So based on the knowledge and literally development of situation in last couple days, we gonna see more of Syrian format of development. Ukraine attack Donbass region, heavily. Russia responds but does not pursue. Ukraine’s radical elements destabilize civil order Governmental structures collapse Request to NATO for assistance They cut up Ukraine like a pie. World moves on.

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