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The DPRK Declares Itself a Nuclear Power

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Originally appeared on thesaker.is

Note by the Saker: please read carefully what this official statement says.  There are two key elements here, first, the DPRK has successfully completed its program of nuclear tests and ballistic missiles test and, second, the DPRK will now act as a responsible nuclear power and never use its nuclear power unless she is attacked.  In plain English this simply means: we made it, you could not stop us, now we are a nuclear power on par with all the rest of them and there is nothing you can do about it.  No doubt, the Hegemony’s propaganda machine will present that as a huge, immense, victory for Trump.  In reality, it is anything but.  Truth be told, I personally doubt that the DPRK has a real nuclear warhead or anything beyond an intermediate-range missile.  But that is neither here nor there because whatever the facts of the matter really are, the fact that they themselves declare that they have real nuclear warheads and ICBMs and that nobody can do anything about it means that they have won.  Besides,  you can’t prove a negative anyway.  So whether these capabilities are real or not, the status of nuclear power claimed by the DPRK will have to be granted to them.  Thus, “Rocket Man” wins!  The Donald lost this one.

3rd Plenary Meeting of 7th C.C., WPK Held in Presence of Kim Jong Un

Pyongyang, April 21 (KCNA) — The 3rd Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea took place in Pyongyang on April 20.

Kim Jong Un, chairman of the WPK, guided the plenary meeting.

Attending the meeting were Presidium members, members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK and members and alternate members of the C.C., WPK and members of the Central Auditing Commission of the WPK.

Present as observers were members of the WPK Central Committee and party and administrative officials of ministries, national institutions, provinces, cities and counties, major industrial establishments and institutions and co-operative farms and members of the armed forces organs.

The plenary meeting dealt with the following agenda items:

1. On tasks of our party to further accelerate socialist construction as required by a fresh high stage of the developing revolution

2. On bringing about a revolutionary turn in science and education

3. Organizational matter

The first agenda was discussed at the meeting.

Kim Jong Un made a report on the first agenda.

He said that the plenary meeting was to be convened to discuss and decide important matters for attaining goals of higher stage of socialist construction as required by the developing revolution and under the prevailing situation.

Saying that the overall situation is rapidly changing in favor of the Korean revolution thanks to the DPRK’s proactive action and efforts after the declaration of completing the state nuclear force last year, he informed that a fresh climate of détente and peace is being created on the Korean peninsula and the region and dramatic changes are being made in the international political landscape.

He said that the miraculous victory of having perfectly accomplished the great historic cause of building the state nuclear force in a short span of less than five years is the great victory of the WPK’s line of simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of a nuclear force and, at the same time, a brilliant victory that could be won only by the heroic Korean people.

He referred to the progress made in the economic construction along with the all-party, all-state and all-people struggle for implementing the above-said line.

He declared with pride that the historic tasks under the strategic line of simultaneously developing the two fronts set forth at the March 2013 Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the Party were successfully carried out.

He said that the victory of the WPK’s line was won and thus the struggle of the Korean people who worked hard with their belt tightened to acquire a powerful treasured sword for defending peace was successfully concluded and the firm guarantee by which our descendents can enjoy the most dignified and happiest life in the world was provided.

He said that no nuclear test and intermediate-range and inter-continental ballistic rocket test-fire are necessary for the DPRK now, given that the work for mounting nuclear warheads on ballistic rockets was verified as the whole processes of developing nuclear weapons were carried out in a scientific way and in regular sequence, and the development of delivery and strike means was also made scientifically. He added that the mission of the northern nuclear test ground has thus come to an end.

He clarified the WPK’s peace-loving stand to make positive contributions to the building of the world free from nuclear weapons in conformity with the aspiration and desire common to mankind, provided that the DPRK’s might was put on the level wanted by it and it became possible to reliably guarantee the security of the state and the safety of the people.

He said that today when the historic tasks listed by the strategic line of simultaneously developing the two fronts were successfully carried out, the WPK is facing important tasks to accelerate the advance of the revolution with confidence in victory and thus hasten the final victory of the socialist cause.

He clarified that at the present stage in which the DPRK was successfully put on the position of the world-level politico-ideological and military power, it is the strategic line of the WPK to concentrate all efforts of the whole party and country on the socialist economic construction.

He said that it is necessary to launch a general revolutionary offensive and make a dynamic advance in the economic construction under the uplifted militant banner of “Let us further accelerate the advance of our revolution by concentrating all our efforts on socialist economic construction!”

He noted that the immediate goal of the struggle for realizing the new strategic line is to keep production going at full capacity at all industrial establishments and reap a rich harvest in all agricultural fields during the period of carrying out the five-year strategy for national economic development and thus make the people’s laughter resound far and wide across the country.

He pointed out that the long-term goal is to put the national economy on a Juche, modern, IT and scientific basis and provide all the people with affluent and highly civilized life so that they can live as well as others.

He clarified the tasks for thoroughly carrying out the new strategic line, and ways for doing so including the issue of prioritizing economic work in the overall work of the party and the state, tapping all the human, material and technical potentials of the country for economic development.

He called on all the fields and units to thoroughly rely on science and technology, steadily improve the self-development spirit and effect production surge and leap under the unfurled slogan of self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

In order to thoroughly implement the new strategic line on channeling all efforts on the economic construction, it is necessary to drastically enhance the role of party organizations, he stressed.

He urged the economic guidance organs including the Cabinet to occupy their position as the master responsible for the economic affairs, meticulously organize the operation and command for making rapid economic progress. He also urged all the fields and units to be unconditionally subordinate to the unified command of the Cabinet for implementing the economic policy of the party.

Speeches were made on the first agenda item at the plenary meeting.

Speakers were Choe Ryong Hae, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau and vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the WPK, Pak Pong Ju, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and premier of the Cabinet, and Kim Jong Gak, director of the General Political Bureau of the Korean People’s Army.

Resolutions on the first agenda item were adopted with unanimous approval.

The resolution “On Proclaiming Great Victory of the Line of Simultaneous Development of Economic Construction and Building of Nuclear Force” specified the following decisions.

First, we solemnly declare that the sub-critical nuclear test, underground nuclear test, making nuclear weapon smaller and lighter and the development of the super-large nuclear weapon and delivery means have been carried out in order in the course of the campaign for implementing the party’s line of simultaneously developing the two fronts and thus the work for mounting nuclear warheads on ballistic rockets has been reliably realized.

Second, we will discontinue nuclear test and inter-continental ballistic rocket test-fire from April 21, Juche 107 (2018).

The northern nuclear test ground of the DPRK will be dismantled to transparently guarantee the discontinuance of the nuclear test.

Third, the discontinuance of the nuclear test is an important process for the worldwide disarmament, and the DPRK will join the international desire and efforts for the total halt to the nuclear test.

Fourth, the DPRK will never use nuclear weapons nor transfer nuclear weapons or nuclear technology under any circumstances unless there are nuclear threat and nuclear provocation against the DPRK.

Fifth, we will concentrate all efforts on building a powerful socialist economy and markedly improving the standard of people’s living through the mobilization of all human and material resources of the country.

Sixth, we will create international environment favorable for the socialist economic construction and facilitate close contact and active dialogue with neighboring countries and the international community in order to defend peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the world.

The resolution “On Concentrating All Efforts on Socialist Economic Construction to Meet Requirements of New High Stage of Developing Revolution” clarified the following decisions.

First, we will orientate the overall party and state affairs into the socialist economic construction and concentrate all efforts on it.

Second, the Party and working people’s organizations, power organs, law enforcement organs and armed forces organs should enhance their roles in the struggle to concentrate all efforts on the socialist economic construction.

Third, the Party organizations and political institutions at all levels should regularly control and review the implementation of the decisions made at the 3rd Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the WPK so as to ensure their thorough implementation.

Fourth, the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly and the Cabinet should take legal, administrative and technical measures to carry out the tasks set forth in the resolutions of the plenary meeting of the WPK Central Committee.

The second agenda item was discussed at the meeting.

Kim Jong Un made a report on the second agenda item.

He underlined the need to bring about a revolutionary turn in science and education, adding that the issue of concentrating all efforts on the economic construction would be unthinkable without the rapid development of science and education.

He said that in recent years our Party has made not a few achievements through active measures to boost science and education to suit the requirements of the higher stage of the developing revolution. He also analyzed and reviewed drawbacks in the fields of science and education and their causes.

He set forth the strategic slogan “Let us make a leap forward by dint of science and guarantee the future by dint of education!” and clearly specified the tasks and ways for putting spurs to building a scientific and technical power and a talent power.

Speeches on the second agenda item were made by Pak Thae Song, member of the Political Bureau and vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the WPK, Kim Su Gil, alternate member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and chairman of the Pyongyang City Committee of the WPK, and Kim Sung Du, chairman of the Education Commission.

The resolution on the second agenda item “On Effecting Revolutionary Turn in Science and Education” was adopted.

The plenary meeting discussed the organizational matter, the third agenda.

There was a by-election of a member of the Political Bureau of the Workers’ Party of Korea Central Committee.

Kim Jong Gak was by-elected member of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK.

There were recall and by-election of members and alternate members of the Party Central Committee.

Sin Yong Chol, Son Chol Ju, Jang Kil Song and Kim Song Nam, who had been alternate members of the Party Central Committee, were elected members, and Kim Jun Son, Kim Chang Son, Jong Yong Guk and Ri Tu Song were elected members of the Party Central Committee to fill vacancies.

Ri Son Gwon, Hong Jong Duk, Sok Sang Won, Jang Kil Ryong, Pak Hun, Ko Ki Chol, An Myong Gon, Ko Myong Chol, Kim Son Uk, Hong Man Ho, Kim Chol Ha, Kim Yong Gu, Kim Chol Ryong and Kim Il Guk were elected alternate members of the Party Central Committee to fill vacancies.

Recall and by-election of members of the Central Auditing Commission of the WPK were held.

Ko Chol Man and Choe Song Gun were by-elected members of the Central Auditing Commission of the WPK.

Kim Jong Un made a historic concluding speech at the plenary meeting.

He said that the declaration of the victory of the line of simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of a nuclear force and advancement of the new line on focusing all efforts on the economic construction at the current plenary meeting is a political event of historical significance in accomplishing the socialist cause of Juche.

The main spirit of the 3rd Plenary Meeting of the 7th Party Central Committee is to further accelerate the advance of our revolution under the unfurled banner of self-reliance on the basis of the great victory of the line of simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of a nuclear force and thus attain ahead of schedule the higher goal of socialist construction set forth at the Seventh Congress of the WPK, he noted.

Stressing that the core and main principle of the new revolutionary line of the Party is self-reliance, he underscored the need to maintain indomitable perseverance in the spirit of self-reliance as ever and open up the avenue for prosperity and bring earlier the rosy future.

Our goal is to activate the overall national economy and put it on an upward spiral track and thus establish independent and modern socialist economy, knowledge-based economy, in the period of carrying out the five-year strategy for the national economic development, he stated.

He stressed the need to attach importance to science and education and develop them in order to achieve the higher goal of socialist construction by thoroughly carrying out the new revolutionary line of the Party.

In order to realize the revolutionary line and the policy of the Party, officials should make strenuous efforts with the strong determination and work hard with high abilities to put their fields and units on the level as required by the Party, he added.

source: http://kcna.kp/kcna.user.special.getArticlePage.kcmsf

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Methinks one of the biggest problems the West had with the Nork nuclear/missile program were the constant tests. Nuclear tests make people nervous. Launching ICBM’s across the territory of others makes people nervous. As long as neither happens everybody can go back to ignoring the problem. Which is what everybody really wants anyway. To paraphrase a certain British minister for defense, the Norks should just shut up and go away. As long as the Norks are neither seen nor heard, then there is no problem as far as everybody is concerned.


The US stirred up the Norks to put pressure on China, but it backfired. It doesn’t matter what NK does, it’s what Washington tells the western media to print that sets the climate.

this name is better

its backwards i think north korea wasn’t on the spotlight until their ballistic missile tests began it made japan nervous and being militarily supported by the us the us had to get involved .. personally i think north korea is hurting from sanctions and the tests was a way to get attention north korea isn’t going to openly say they are struggling lol but they seized opportunity and squeezed themselves into the negotiating table whether their nuclear program exists or not no diplomat will take a chance at an unpredictable country … the way i see it is as long trump can make peace with north korea its always going to be viewed as a win especially from countries who felt threatened such as japan … i hate trump but hands down this will go in the history books (only if peace is achieved)


And it is absolutely okay for the americans to make their military drills in South Korea on a regular basis. It does not create tension at all?! Most peaceful military drills for years after killing millions of North Koreans and destroying their country. I get it. “Methinks’, the americans should just shut up and go back home.


They should most definitely go home, better for the US, better for the region. Of course the purpose of US/ROK training was because there was once a time when the DPRK army could overrun the ROK. That time has long ceased, with the ROK army now easily capable of defeating their northern neighbor. So these exercises are more a response to DPRK nuclear/missile tests. The North test a missile, the US and ROK conduct a training, to which the North test something else, and so the cycle continues.

The reason of course why the North fears these exercises so much is because it brings additional US military presence to the peninsula, at a high state of readiness. Which all make for a perfect recipe for an out of the blue decapitation strike against the North. Large scale military exercises have often been used for that purpose and it was why during the Cold War NATO and the WarPac sent observers to these exercises to prove that no such out of the blue attacks were being planned.

this name is better

very well said

this name is better

that’s wrong i dont think millions of north koreans died during the korean war maybe if you put all the numbers together and those drills were only being exercised because north korea stepped up its program lol its usually how it goes i flex you flex


What’s wrong is your knowledge. Few americans are well informed and less are objective to reality. I understand, you would rather not embarrass yourselves by admitting to the crimes but they are done. Bombing of North Korea 1950-1953 The U.S. Air Force (USAF) carried out an extensive bombing campaign against North Korea from 1950 to 1953. During the campaign, conventional explosives, incendiary bombs, and napalm destroyed nearly all of the country’s cities and towns, including an estimated 85 percent of its buildings.[1] Deaths among the civilian population have been estimated at approximately one million people, a number comparable to or greater than the toll from the World War II bombing of Germany (400,000 to 600,000 civilian deaths) and Japan (330,000 to 900,000 civilian deaths).

this name is better

lol i’ll look into but i still think your numbers are off and not accurate but like i said i’ll do some digging in pal

this name is better

i retract my statement your right i just looked into it i apologise


It is really bad that your government under the guidance of israhell has presented their crimes to you in a light that has nothing to do with the truth or reality.

this name is better

yeah our government does do a poor job at admitting its mistakes but i blame myself for not digging into the details of the war myself .. i love my country but i fear my government … thank you for clarifying that with me


“i love my country”

what exactly, does this mean.

this name is better

exactly what it says its not rocket science lol


look first…then contradict if necessary. Americans are doing mass murder on Muslims right now. Over 2 million dead. We are killers, and we kill for globalists.

this name is better

ok i will


And even more American? SO many will outright deny fact, based on disbeLIEf….or beLIEf of something else. As Asimov said, and fluoride insures as practice, in America, ignorance is knowledge.

this name is better

“look first … then contradict if necessary”

this name is better

well said i agree


Wait for it…. This is a North Korea thread. We can expect that autistic retard “Rob” to come in here any moment with some shit spam about Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, or Libya.


like you just brought ?



klove and light

dont worry folks….nk and us r on a collision course..just as russia/iran-syria/Hez-Leb and nato are.It is unavoidable.Not just through politics and policies but through the(never gets mentioned) war industry.people have to understand, that countries like the usa, england,france make most of their hard currency inflow through weapons sales..in the bilions each year.These countries can no longer compete on the international non-war industry platform.Just some examples . the usa produces less than 2 % of non-war industry goods on our planet.take cars for example.us cars do not get sold…yes in the usa with 80%off…no refrigarators…etc…you could go on and on and on..the usa, france and england are constantly loosing ground on the international market platform…their school education has totally collapsed..imagine TEXAS..21 % of all white males under age 35 cannot read or write in 2015!!! take the total collapse of the british healthcare system.its dead!!!british people travel all over europe to get operations!! take france…the total collapse of social society in all of their cities.That went so far that the people of an entire district in paris, decided to go on hunger strike because the living conditions were and are unbearable.Take england with the worlds capital of knife/machete attacks!One could list another million examples including the gender wacos…him she it…or the child marriage which has a big comeback in england,france and germany!sickos!! These countries are dead already.they have past the point of no return. The question with these..call them psychopaths,maniacs assholes, whatever, will be and is………

HOW many of us all on planet earth will they take with them in the downward spiral.

this name is better

i agree and disagree to an extent i do agree that usa does make its money off weapon sales and so on but the unites states does alot of trade especially with food maybe american non food products aren’t as popular globally but the usa does have other means to make money they arent fully reliant on weapons i can’t speak for france or britain i’m unfamiliar with their ecomonic system


“especially with food ” pesticide laden GMO for the herd…

” but the usa does have other means to make money they arent fully reliant on weapons”

tell us what these are then. ….my understanding, the only thing our America exports is food, death, and dollars…

this name is better

U.S. exports of services are also booming, reaching $750 billion in 2016 and achieving a trade surplus in services of $248 billion, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. The United States is by far the world’s largest exporter of services, and America’s globally competitive service industries—including audiovisual, banking, energy services, express delivery, information technology, insurance, and telecommunications—benefit immensely from opportunities abroad. TRADE AND FARM American farmers and ranchers also depend on exports. The same is true for America’s farmers and ranchers. One in three acres on America’s farms is planted for exports. For many crops, such as wheat or almonds, more than half is sold abroad. U.S. agriculture is so productive there’s no way Americans could consume this bounty alon


as I said, no exports except for bad food, death, and bullshit built around the corrupt monetary system.

this name is better

lol ok i guess

this name is better

whatever floats your boat i suppose

this name is better

​Canada and Mexico represent two of the U.S.’s largest trading partners, and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been instrumental in helping companies of all sizes export their goods and services. In fact, trade with Canada and Mexico supports 14 million American jobs and generates $1.3 trillion annually in goods and services traded across our borders. Learn more about NAFTA’s importance for American jobs and growth for the U.S. economy.

You can call me Al

The nuke issue is all a nonsense. Even if NK had nukes, they are unlikely state of the art….

I still believe this is what it is all about – https://missiongalacticfreedom.wordpress.com/2017/07/07/there-are-only-3-countries-in-the-world-without-a-rothschild-owned-central-bank/


“nukes” AND “art” in the same sentence.

seems wrong, certainly an oxymoron, IMO.

You can call me Al

The Attacks of September 11th were an inside job to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to then establish a Central Bank in those countries. The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are: -Cuba -North Korea -Iran

Read the link I provided.


I do not disagree with that logic. Money power rules. I get how, and why and when. Names are irrelevant, ponzi scheme type monetary system is real.

Using the monetary system, the bankers have been able to steal ownership of most corporations on this planet. Big Pharma, MIC, Big Agro, everything.

Science says.

The sweetest part of that ponzi scheme. The fact we borrow created out of nothing money from banksters with interest,(1) then the bought and paid for politicos give it back to the corporations which the banksters own,(2) for the globalism the banksters seek.(3) Sweetest scam EVER. Cant accuse banksters of stupidity. The herd is clueless.

1- “In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money” http://www.bankofengland.co… “

2 -“So no, it’s not a hyperbole to say the Banking System is One. We’re not overstating the case when we say it’s just one massive cartel. That the banks own everything, including all the major industries. Oil, Weapons, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Telecom and IT, etc. It’s all one massive monopoly. Controlled from the top down “ ’A total of 737 control 80% of it all” The Money Power is real and these Swiss gentlemen have done us a favor by crunching the numbers.” Please Google “The network of global corporate control”

3- “Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ” | David Rockefeller | ( see trade deals removing soverignty,immigration, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)

“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.” Zbigniew Brzezinski ————- “”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia . ———— “That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks. ————-


I get it. Everone hates on the Americans, but most globally relevant countries play their part s well. And I do not vote. Or wave a flag, or sing a stupid song in allegiance to a bought and paid for socio- economic paradigm.

simplicity, yet beyond most..We are simply mind-washed so the above, is invisible to the herd.

“If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” Edward Bernays

You can call me Al

Hope you don’t mind, but I shall respond tomorrow on your comment.

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