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The Drums Of War Are Sounding In The Streets Of Jordan

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The Drums Of War Are Sounding In The Streets Of Jordan

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Written by Damir Nazarov

On October 18, two Jordanian citizens launched an attack against Zionist soldiers, a guerrilla raid took place near Ein Gedi. Immediately after the martyrdom operation, the spokesman for the al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida, praised the guerrillas and pointed out that the Jordanian front looked “promising”, and the head of Jordan’s leading opposition party, the Islamic Action Front, Murad al-Adaileh, noting the sabotage of the guerrillas, asked “not to hurry”, as “the battle is approaching“.

The armed attack from Jordan occurred a short time after the news of the murder of the legendary Yahya Sinwar. Thus, the boiling point of the Hashemite Kingdom’s social environment has almost found its limit. The martyrs Hossam Abu Ghazaleh and Amer Qawas showed an example of single military actions against the enemy, thus there will be more such operations and it is likely with the use of various types of weapons. These students proved that the so-called “omnipotent Western agents” that have enveloped Jordan since the Cold War are more than just a myth.

There is no doubt about the motivation of the martyrs, this is the Jordanians’ response to the crimes of the Zionists and a demonstration of solidarity with Hamas and other resistance factions. Another thing is that, for example, American Republicans see what is happening in Jordan through the factor of Iran’s increasing influence on the public consciousness of the monarchy. I am inclined to agree with the imperialists, Iranian influence is certainly present, but the pro-Republican media, as usual, ignore important details. For example, it is no secret that in addition to Hamas, the main intermediaries between Iran and the Muslim-Brotherhood of Jordan were the Turks and the Ikhwans of Iraq.

If Hamas and the Iraqi Brotherhood proceed from a long-standing dream of uniting the Axis of Resistance with influential representatives of the international network of the Muslim Brotherhood, then the Islamic part of the Turkish establishment fulfills a more multifaceted task.

If Hamas and the Iraqi Brotherhood proceed from a long-standing dream of uniting the Axis of Resistance with influential representatives of the international network of the Muslim Brotherhood, then the Islamic part of the Turkish establishment fulfills a more multifaceted task. The Turks are trying to prevent the split of Jordan’s Ikhwans into “moderates” and “hawks”. At the same time, Ankara is establishing contact between the pro-Palestinian corps of officers of the Jordanian army and the local “Brotherhood”. Finally, the third task of the followers of Khoja Erbakan is to oust the influence of Qatar from the Islamic environment of Jordan.

To my questions about the Turkish influence on the Muslim Brotherhood of Jordan, a member of the academic circle (who wished to remain anonymous) of the Imam Khomeini Institute in Iran replied that Iran was completely satisfied with Turkish tactics. The Iranians also do not want internal strife within the opposition, which could ignite a civil war. Iranians, in the old-fashioned way, believe that resistance to Zionists is effective only when the pro-Palestinian ranks include all anti-Zionist forces and there should be a high level of coordination between them. It is extremely important for Iran to remain in the shadows, because the goal of any Arab autocracy is to eliminate any fact of pro-Iranian influence in favor of the Zionists. The kingdom of Abdullah II has always been distinguished by its special loyalty to the Zionists and the Anglo-Saxons.

As for Qatar’s influence, the Iranians and Turks are well aware of the conformist tendencies of some figures of the Jordanian Brotherhood, who draw strength for their position precisely by consulting Qatar. Actually, the relatively recent hostility of a number of politicians from the upper echelon of the Islamic Action Front towards Iran’s policy in Syria and Iraq was also a “merit” of Qatar. However, active Turkish political interference has almost nullified* Qatari diplomacy.

Conclusion. The hidden Iranian-Turkish cooperation is gradually bearing fruit, Jordan is actively moving towards resistance, there are nuances associated with the figure of Abdullah and his retinue. The US-British military presence looks more like a facade than a real contingent.

Turkish activities in Jordan can be described as Soft power (the political wing of the local Ikhwans), while the Iranians are more likely to use elements of hard power (Iraqi resistance factions in Syria and on the Iraqi-Jordanian border). Thus, the political noose is already tightening around the autocracy of Abdullah II. We will find out what happens very soon. A year ago, I warned that all the most important things on the anti-Zionist front would begin in Jordan.

* – This is not surprising, as strategic allies, there is a hidden cold war between Ankara and Doha for dominance over the Sunni area of the Islamic world.


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assad defeated zionists

it is understandable that both democrats & republicans follow israeli dictates since the jewish lobbies money control us politicians. the king of jordan has got to be the most duplicitous, spineless, arab monarch in muslim history. one day he vociferously denounces israeli atrocities against civilians in gaza & the next day he orders the jordanian military to actively defend war criminal netanyahu’s army of extermination when it justifiably gets attacked

Uncle Sam

free arab palestine (jordan)

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