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The F-35 Works Perfectly Fine, Apart From Its Nearly 900 Deficiencies

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The F-35 Works Perfectly Fine, Apart From Its Nearly 900 Deficiencies

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The most expensive project in military history, the mighty F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, entered 2021, and continues its flights with a few flaws.

To be completely honest, the flaws are a bit more than few. The F-35 fighter jet has 871 software and hardware deficiencies that could undercut readiness, missions or maintenance, according to the Pentagon’s testing office.

The Defense Department’s costliest weapons system “continues to carry a large number of deficiencies, many of which were identified prior to” the development and demonstration phase, which ended in April 2018 with 941 flaws.

The F-35 Works Perfectly Fine, Apart From Its Nearly 900 Deficiencies

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As such, in nearly 3 years, less than 100 flaws were solved. In the entire 2020, the number of solved flaws sits at the impressive number of 2 (just two, there’s no typo).

Lockheed has delivered or is under contract for 970 aircraft of a potential 3,200 or more planes for the U.S. and other nations.

Despite that, there’s strong support in Congress for the $398 billion F-35 program that retains strong backing in Congress and from overseas purchasers despite its problems.

Those include a stalled one-month simulation exercise required to certify the plane is combat-ready against the toughest Russian or Chinese threats and thus ready for a decision on full-rate production.

The simulation was supposed to happen in December, but it didn’t.

Ellen Lord, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, has directed a review by May 31st.

In October, the F-35 program will mark 20 years since Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed beat rival Boeing Co. in the contest to build the next-generation U.S. fighter.

Aside from the technical flaws, the F-35 program faces a $10 billion shortfall in the Pentagon’s planned budget for 2021 through 2025.

The Trump administration’s final budget blueprint calls for requesting $78 billion for research and development, jet procurement, operations and maintenance and military construction. But the Pentagon’s independent cost analysis unit estimates $88 billion will be needed, according to a June 2020 analysis.

The US national debt has eclipsed $27 trillion — or more than $200,000 per household. But instead of making a concerted effort to curb spending, lawmakers are determined to double-down on costly boondoggles. Case in point: the F-35 fighter jet, estimated to cost more than $1.5 trillion over the course of the program.

Still, Lockheed argues that out of the 871 deficiencies, “only” 10 are potentially serious “Category 1” issues, defined as critical deficiencies that could jeopardize pilot or aircraft safety or degrade mission effectiveness.

That’s compared with 102 such problems among the 941 cases cited in 2018.

Lockheed said in a statement that none of the 10 current deficiencies are “1A” problems that could affect pilot or aircraft safety but instead are in “Category 1B,” which the program office defines as representing “a critical impact on mission readiness,” training or maintenance.

“Though we have not seen the report, we track all F-35 deficiency reports,” Lockheed spokesman Brett Ashworth said in a statement. He said about 70% of the 871 pending items “are categorized as low priority or are with the F-35 Joint Program Office for resolution.”

Of the 10 pending “mission impacts” deficiency reports, nine have “closure resolution plans, with seven already delivered to the government awaiting action,” and the others currently being reviewed.

Among other findings, the testing office’s report said that although the F-35 is showing increased reliability, it’s still taking maintenance personnel too much time to repair aircraft and that cybersecurity vulnerabilities identified during earlier testing “have not been resolved.”


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So “871 deficiencies” put together cant make one huge “deficiency”?!

Keep churning them out in thousands, that will bring air dominance over the sky to all enemies of US – NATO.


Slave to your slavic dick …


Putin is your Daddy :)

catalin zt

He’s an fascist jew retard…


Aka,hardcore lgbtq/democrat supporter:

catalin zt

In ur khazarian whore(mom) stinky for sure! Ha ha ha jew piece of s***


F 35 is the byproduct of American ineptitude in building reliable weapons, Gerald Ford class carrier, littoral ships and the inability to build a land based ICBM, hypersonic weapons and effective anti ship miissiles are a long list of failed or semi failed projects.

Servet Köseoğlu

AGM-158C LRASM is very effective anti-ship missile.


Right, subsonic cruise missiles that can be jammed by peer electronic counter measures. How does that compare with Russian kh101, kh32, and Chinese anti shipping missiles that have terminal speeds of Mach 3? Then there are Russian hypersonic missiles of Mach 8-9 velocities.

Servet Köseoğlu

replacement for harpoon,next-generation(almost undetectable+on board algorithm) faciliating on-line distribution of coordinated attack ,combining fire-distribution decision-making with route planning decision..it is absolutely effective..


American ineptitude? lol

That’s why American weapons systems are desired around the World … keep on discounting them … to your detriment


American Israeli ineptitude, American weapons are bought under mafia like pressure by US poodles.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sanctions actually Twat.

Jens Holm

It was about if they work or not. They mainly seemes to do even if some of Your friends buy and take profit for it.

catalin zt

The Khazarian Fascist paedo talking….


F/kn slavic scum

Jens Holm

You dont have to introduce Yourself again unless the only support is from people born yesterday or seniles.

Lone Ranger

Desired? Nah. Most costumers are forced or bribed.


Forced with what if weapons do not work? Bribed with what if the Dollar is belly up?

Lone Ranger

Forced with color revolutions, sanctions, economic pressure.*

Bribed with anything from A to Z. Whatever works… Epstein didn’t kill himself…


Color revolutiins cost money and sanctions also mean not doing business with… Since the American economy is already belly up, according to some mongrel here, how can a dead economy still force economic sanctions?

Lone Ranger

They cant really anymore except for a few NATO vassals. Even Germany and Canada said no to the Flop-35. Its the end of the road. They have abused their own system too much.


Did they buy the SU-57 rust yet?

Lone Ranger

You mean the Flop-35… It seems Chair Force and Navy started ordering F-18s and F-15s. Senate is too busy alloxating enough funds just to keep low rate production of the Floppy alive.


But thoze are american planes not russian. Why they don’t buy russian?

Lone Ranger

Because they are occupied countries.


USA is belly up, dead empires can’t occupy anyone u dummie :)

Lone Ranger

Wrong. Rome had vassals and colonies till the very last second before they fell.


Damn Rome lasted 1000 years. Another 700 with USA I’ll get bored

Lone Ranger

Romans were a lot smarter tho. U.S. has already reached its shelf life…


Marx said the same. Lenin, Hitler… Write a book :)

Lone Ranger

Do you often refer to sore losers to back up your point? Cause its slightly counterproductive if you ask me…?


Don’t worry, I have sympathy for losers too, that’s why I talk with you.

Lone Ranger

Projection at its finest…

Lone Ranger

The Flop-35 is based on the Yak-141 by the way.




Its actually restricted for NATO nations to buy Russian equipment.




its not sad its both has to do with NATO standards and political reasons the NATO standards do not cooperate with Russian ones its quite common knowledge that they are not compatible (Turky Greece Slovakia and Bulgaria all have issues with their S-400 and S-300 integration since they are not NATO compatable) and i dont need to say for the political reasons.


Russia should join NATO and make compatible arms.


uhhhhhhhhhhhh i think you’re smart enoth to realise that is not possible but Russian indeed makes NATO compatible arms if the client needs the NATO standard but actual NATO nations cant buy them…well they can but well they will most likely get in diplomatic or in the turk’s case also economic trouble.



Like Russia err Soviet Union?

How long can you hold your breath?

Lone Ranger

U.S. has collapsed a long time ago while Russia has been restored. Better luck next time… How long can you? Bide isnt Trump, you can kiss goodbye to the turbozio BS… While Iran is gaining ground. You lost in Syria and Yemen, Iraq…

Jens Holm

I see big probldems but no collapse. Numbers says You are wrong.

I wonder who You see as winners then. Russia has restored to 1991 and thats it.


US collapsed long ago? Coulda fooled me and the rest of the World outside of your circle … eh?

Russia restored to the dustbin? They don’t win at hockey either … eh?

YOU lost? Whose YOU?

Iran is standing over the failed states of Syria / Yemen / Iraq … shit hole ‘arab states’

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts, try to handle it Shlomo ??

Jens Holm

Thats one airplane of many many. So we buy the good and not so expensive ones. Why not.

And is jets like that the future at all. I told my Goverment we should order less and instead have more drones. Thats an option too.

They didnt listen.

And who makes very good drones?


Germany and Canada: we revolt against USA. We won’t buy any F-35. Enough is enough. USA: ok… Germany and Canada: We want to buy more F-18!

Lone Ranger

Not really.

Jens Holm

It keep the dollar strong:)


US Dollar belly up?

YOU must be talking about the Iranian rial or the Turkish lira …



I was talking with Lonely. It’s one of the things he says, not my expression.


costumers? Ralph Lauren / Calvin Klein ?


Lone Ranger

Lower your LSD dosage…

Jens Holm

And the users too.

Jim Allen

That’s why NATO countries buy Russian weapons.


Turkey … lol

Turkey … pmsl

turkey … gobble gobble

Servet Köseoğlu

what gobble-gobble shit eater..? s-400 is way better than patriot…here stick it to your anus ?..??..


Ask a turk … you should know about the anus … eh?

Servet Köseoğlu

ask wherever you are from??? to anyone..smelling anus is your daily hobby in morning… ??….now cry more son of whore.ı hope usa+canada whole north america will be nuked multiple times…you and dumb farbat are shit-eaters..eat it ?

Jens Holm

Russia will sell Armatas to USA. Those are the only ones, that can efford to have them and the one for testing is gone with the wind or sand in Syria.

cechas vodobenikov

when designer buys LSD FROM JENS, taught aerodynamics by bacon at tritz international school of genocide the result predicted


50 DEAD in al Bukamal last night … ALL in a days work err night’s work

What’s with the LSD reference?

catalin zt

Garbage paedo jew…


F/kn shia scum

Lone Ranger

Wasnt it 500? Or 5000? Did you win the war yet? Oy…


SF says 94 … today

Cuz … they’re still counting … eh?

This is the ‘war between the wars’ … eh?

I’m keeping score … your side has a BIG ZERO / ZIP / NADA

YOU’RE losing so far … eh?

Lone Ranger

Indeed, you are losing…


Sure … losing?

It’s shia scum …. 94 DEAD

ISRAELIS ….. 0 dead

I like those losing numbers … eh?

After all … there are many more mooslims … so 94 : 1 seems appropriate although I’m hoping for more … eh scumbag?

Lone Ranger

Thousends of mossadisis advisers died in recent years… Indeed, they were scumbags.

Jens Holm

I have patent in use as well as distribution. He support me by telling it to everybody.

Alcohol was no succes in the muslim world. The muslims could not handle it. Next I tryed Vodka. Russians mainly use it for fuel in Syria and I dont support that.

Jens Holm

And at the same You put a hot ballon into Your behind and fill it with hot air thinking You are Graf Zeppelinn.

Arthur Deodat Jr.

SF please correct HEIGHT and WING SPAN.


Thank you for the feedback. It is done. Sincerely yours, SF Team


while you are at it there are “871 deficiencies” on F-35 ….just in case you know how to resolve them…Pentagon would appreciate. :)


On 24 december 2019, Russia fixed the first deficiency if SU-57.

Jens Holm

Many are in chips not made as potatoes. We see the same for The X Boing. It also has not be programmed well according to the changes and should have been.

Arthur Deodat Jr.

398.000.000.000$/970pcs makes 410.000.000$ per piece. So 82.400.000$ is a little underestimated.

Emad Irani

F35 is only business. Nice move by US

Jens Holm

I like that too. The enemies of US should be happy for an expensive jet like that and hope none can pay for the bombs to it:)

Emad Irani

of course, if one of those things can get up first

Mr T

party pooper here. We are lying to each other and believing our lies.

Still West technology and weapons are many levels higher then Russian or Chinese technologies.

In long future China will beat West in technology, but for Russians…nnnn they make crap….

Proud Hindu

Even chinese make crap.Your bastard pakistan army is losing a lot of soldiers btw.Worry about that paki asshole.


I had chinese made quality 15 years never missed a beat,like usas of yesteryears.


Rational … ???

I believe the West can always rebound by accepting the ‘best minds’ the World has to offer … who are looking for freedom and success (???)

catalin zt

The anglo-saxon SCUM cannot really shit anything without the help of armies of foreign nationals enslaving for the anglo-jewish monetary SCAM!

Jens Holm

I will remind You most Anglo Saxons are were proud to be named like that. They and we dont understand “scum”.

We are fine with Jews too. WW2 Learned us to things could be worse then in Eartern Europe by the slaves there runned by Tzars and Bolsjevics.


Translation by Fisher-Price

Lone Ranger

Its like those old throw away cameras. Except it costs $230million a piece. Real life fly away cost not the Lockheed propaganda BS.


Usa could sell presidents that go faulty,no surpise with their ambitious profit scam nof the century,except the debt keeps tallying to no avail,peformance is not the aspect neither is reliability and maitenance.

Jens Holm

But they already do. The real Donald Trump already is collecting green cheese at the backside of the moon by the Jewish lander that.

It didnt crash. Some crashed it, so he cant come back.

Lone Ranger

Biggest scam in aviation history. Meanwhile Navy and Air Force are ordering F-18s and F-15s, whoopsy…


Got no choice really,upgraded gen 4.5.logistics remain stronger.


Those are veey good planes. F-18 can fire missiles with its tail in case it’s chased, also has a very powerful radar, almost twice as F-35. It can literary fry other planes radars. F-35 can be fixed in few years, SU-57, dubbed F-35 killer, didn’t even received its stealthy coat yet. They are waiting foreign investments so they can afford continuing it.

Lone Ranger

Cool story… You start to sound like Jens. Switched to the same dealer?


No, to same pimp who owns your mom.

Lone Ranger

Cute projection… Dont worry, when Kiev is liberated you Mom will be liberated too from that Dyncor sex slave ring.


*moscow will be liberated


Oh now you are certainly shrooming.


I will party hard when Moscow will be liberated.


Ask Napoleon and Hitler for advice.


And Poland and Mongols and Golden Horde etc

Lone Ranger

Already done.


Not yet, but soon.

Lone Ranger

Trust me. Its done. Next stop Kiev…

Jens Holm

Tjernobyl camping. We give discount , if You stay more then 14 days:)


holy shit dude plz for the love of god stop you are makeing yourself look like a idiot again.

Jens Holm

He refer facts only. Dont You have internet?


“facts” then why dosent he ever link a actual source? Evrything he just said is so false its not even funny.

Jens Holm

For people which follow it and F35 and the others has been folowed well beacsue of problems, its common knowledge.


i am not talking about the F35’s problems evry aircraft has issues early on in its service life i am talking about the retarded calim that the F-18 “can shoot missiles out of its tail” and “its radar can fry other radars” even tho thats not how radar works but ok…


Maybe I’ll get along with the ruskies here, who knows


just try to do a basic google search for the shit you write try not to confuse a AAS with a aircraft carrier this time.


F-35 has more deficiencies than Russia has military airplanes.


Is it bird… is it plane is it flop35? https://cms.zerohedge.com/s3/files/inline-images/2021-01-12_07-55-35.png?itok=neQk266h


Keep laughing ya slavic skinhead

Black Waters

You’re a racist bitch.


I hate Islamists / Jihadis …. whether shia or sunni … eh?

They seek the destruction of Israel and the Jewish People

The crowd who blog here are:

•ANTI-Israel Haters … •ANTI-Judaism Haters

I give them back without apology


rightiswrong rightiswrong

We will, lol. How’s your box for oil Twat.


Did the F-35 perform admirably? ✔️

Did the enemy get pounded and the IAF return home? ✔️

Did the F-35 show its STEALTH? ✔️

Checks ALL THE BOXES … ✔️

Did I say the IAF has 2 squadrons of these ‘birds’?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You can have as many as you want, IsraHell don’t pay for them, and the Yanks don’t mind giving them to you. They have no use for them, they’re only good for bombing women and children.

Something the desert people excel at. For real fighting, you call on Christian soldiers and crooks who borrow shekels from Hitlers stolen gold.


Laughable illiterate bs

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your comments!

Sure are Twat.


Lockheed-Martin are what’s known in economics as a rent-seeking corporation – a private corporation that seeks to consistently mass privatize public monies, and create long term monopolies on government contracts – in this instance for military goods and services. All advanced capital based economies struggle with this issue, in various sectors, as relations develop and ossify between private corporations and government agencies – through ongoing annual contracts and lobbying. But Lockheed-Martin takes it to the next level, reflected in their aggressive lobbying and shameless price gouging for their goods and services – and US government agencies have locked themselves into this ossified relationship – constantly losing accountability from the provider with each step forward.

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