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The Final Straight To Ukrainian Counteroffensive

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The Final Straight To Ukrainian Counteroffensive

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The Final Straight To Ukrainian Counteroffensive
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The Final Straight To Ukrainian Counteroffensive

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The Minister of Defense of Ukraine claimed that the country is “at the final straight” to the counteroffensive. The country’s General Staff only has to decide how, where and when to launch offensive operations.

In its turn, the White House said that the United States will soon provide additional packages of military assistance to Ukraine; while Washington has already handed over almost everything that Kiev has asked for.

The Russian side also confirms that Kiev is ready for the upcoming escalation, and Moscow “carefully monitors” the enemy’s actions.

According to Zelensky, the Ukrainian military plans to return Crimea to its control during the offensive. The head of the peninsula has repeatedly responded to the ambitious statements from Kiev, assuring that the republic is ready to meet the Nazis. There are enough forces on the peninsula and a deep-echeloned defense has been built.

To date, it is not clear whether the Ukrainian military would risk attacking Crimea without having the necessary naval forces, while attempts to pass through the isthmus are fraught with the probability of terrible losses.

On the evening of May 1, Ukrainian drones again unsuccessfully targeted Crimea.

However, in order to get to the peninsula, Kiev still needs to break up the Russian grouping in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. They are expected to become the main battlefield for the Ukrainian offensive.

A member of the Russian Council in the Zaporozhye region said that Kiev has completed the transfer of reserve units from central Ukraine to the region. By the end of this week, the 116th and 118th brigades of the territorial defense, as well as the 46th airborne assault brigade, should arrive at the contact line.

For example, ammunition and military equipment of the 46th airborne assault brigade were stored in Pavlograd. On the night of May 1, Russian aviation struck warehouses containing ammunition, fuel and air defense systems in this city. Kiev was going to supply fuel and weapons to the Ukrainian grouping in the Zaporozhye direction.

The head of the Wagner PMC warns that the Ukrainian side is ready to attack and has everything necessary for the offensive operations.

On May 1, the commander of the Ukrainian Ground Forces stated that Ukrainian troops attempted to conduct counterattacks on certain sections of Bakhmut in the DPR. However, he could not boast of any success.

So far, there have no significant changes on the front lines in Eastern Ukraine. Positional battles and artillery duels continue.

The Ukrainian command is pulling additional forces to the front, preparing for a counteroffensive; while the Russian military is preparing its defense, ready to counterattack if Ukrainian plan fails.

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Mexican Czar

Crimea belongs to the Slavs. And the slavs belong to the Ottomans according to Erdogan

Romanian yankee whore

And the turks belongs to count Dracula /Vlad the Impaler. Endgame.

Icarus Tanović

That’s right hahahahaha.

Steven Armstrong

Sure Er”dog”an

Icarus Tanović

Erdogan belongs to his steppes in asia, no slav belongs to anybody.


the Ottomans are the past , they belong to the chapter “history of … ” in the school books

Don't know

Ottomans/Turks are not Slavic

Last edited 1 year ago by Don't know

And all Mexicans belong in a trash? Right, jefe?

Romanian yankee whore

Pamfil Military Academy again will help russians to know best moves of the ukroshits vermin related to Zaporodjie ‘counterstrike’: Watch out for the great number of speed boats sent by the Jumarican satanist empire ! They will certainly use them for an amphibious landing JUST NEXT Vasilievka in Zaporodjie !!!!!!!!!! On the bend of Dniepr !!!!!!!!!! Computed chance for that: 79% !! At this percentage I will take into account a powerful defense force in that particular zone. Tactic used: same as the Koreean War Inchon McArthur landings behind nord korean lines which negated ALL NK upper hand and territory captured in SK and practically reversed the direction of war. Goal: enveloping russian defenses from west and rapid penetration to Tokmak ! Tokmak is No. 1 of the vital goal of the filthy motherfucker hohol idiot slaves. Timelapse: max. 12 h to take Tokmak. After that period, ALL landing is KAPUT ! Best countermeasure: prepare the Tu 95 with Kinzhals and be in stand-by as step 2. For step 1, prepare 30 attack airplanes with FAB 500 gliding denazificators. The rest will be done with artillery and mostly by ATGM’s crews in special created bunkers. Also prepare SAM’s because the banderite fascists will first use them to try destroy those ATGM’s to make safe passage for fast armors. Period. Hope for the best and mostly for a great denazification stage. P.S. Be aware of collective shithole AWACS. They will tell you EXACT time of attack. Slava Rossya !

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian yankee whore

Today India and China voted a resolution at UN condemning russian aggression. I think this is a huge blow to russian diplomacy. Now Russia is isolated


“Now Russia is isolated” LOL

John Kesich

How relevant are UN resolutions? How many does Israel simply ignore?


Provide checkable proof or it didn’t happen.





Most of Ukraine’s strike will not be in the direction of Crimea, they will strike where the Russian forces are in smaller numbers, the way they attacked the Russians from August to November 2022. The Russians were chased away from very big areas because the Russians were not ready with sufficient number of soldiers. The Russians didn’t know what was coming against them until they were attacked by large Ukrainian forces. This time the Russians have increased the number of their soldiers and they will be able to resist Ukraine attacks.

John Kesich

Hard to launch an attack without ammunition. If the Russians keep destroying Ukrainian supply depots as in Pavlograd what will Ukrainians attack with?


You think Russian intelligence resources are sitting idle?


They need to force the river…

John Kesich

Isn’t it delusional to think about a counteroffensive without air superiority? Or does NATO plan to drop all pretense of neutrality and send in their planes?


some of us fear so


NATO will be getting a mauling if they try as in you don’t attack a Mother Bear protecting her cubs and expect to win the fight.


One armed stroller against each tank and so on…

The Old Man

Bloodbath is loading…..


The Ukrainian flag is ugly. Just two lines. Compare that to the flag they seem to imitate, the Swedish flag which is a yellow sun cross against a blue background. Which is grounded in the Nordic tradition of having a cross on the flag – England, Scotland (an X instead), Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland.

(The Danish flag, Dannebrogen, is the oldest national flag. Before that people didn’t even think of having a national flag. It is said the king was leading his army on a war to the east, when the flag fell from the sky onto the rocks by the shore. A voice from heaven said that as long as they carried this flag, they would never lose.)


hope the best for the Scandinavian countries. Maybe some day they wake up and find to their traditional culture.


The Swedish flag will soon be a green Islamic crescent on a yellow background to signify the yellow streak cowardice of the Swedes against their government and Swedish MSM invited invaders, and the green Islamic symbol signifies dominance over those Nordic infidels.

Oh, and the *real* English flag is Saint Edmunds flag, which is older then the Danish flag.

Last edited 1 year ago by Christopher

“The Danish flag, Dannebrogen, is the oldest national flag” Adopted 398 years ago. The “oldest”. xD

Hans Richardt

Time to attack the Ukraine build-up behind the frontline!!! The result of neglecting, will be costly to the Russian army.

British Racing Green

Soon Ukraine will disappear and be rebuilt within Russia! No debt, no shortage of energy, and the number #1 trade gateway to China… Meanwhile the US is disintegrating along with the Petro dollar, the UK is utterly bankrupt, its ugly King is a dirty pedo, and so is his brother. The so called Kingdom on the verge of breaking up. France is a total riot and Germany is an utterly powerless vassal.


so true and so sad , meanwhile it’s a shame to live in Europe. No dignity and no future.


Ukraine will be shrunk to its 1654 borders, after Novorossiya is re-established, and Hungary and Poland have got back there ancient sovereign territory, and Romania has got its bit back.


RUSSIA SHOULD READ THE 500-2000KG HEAVY FOB BOMBS READY TO DROP A WHOLE LOT ON WAVES ON THE ENEMY IN KEY AREAS AND HAVE thermobaric bombs launchers at the ready 5 to 10 trucks waiting for 5 launches then another 5 while the other reload. Russia should look to have high communication Jamming so the enemy is blind near the front line. Lots and lots of traps mines and else phosphorus bombs dropped by planes and napalm bombs 500kgs to 1001kgs also ready! V O Z !

Gardiner Mulford

Russia should occupy everything East of the Dnipro River by now….. What’s taking so long? God will continue to Bless Russia!!


Maybe it’s the contrary: it’s the Ukrainians that are going to kick out the nazis from Crimea


la guerra es como la astrologia las finanzas o la politica nunca se dice una sola verdad !

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