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The Fraudulence Of Existing Climate-Control Plans Is Clear By Now

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The Fraudulence Of Existing Climate-Control Plans Is Clear By Now

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Written by Eric Zuesse.

On May 30th, Reuters headlined “Insurers’ climate alliance loses nearly half its members after more quit”  and reported:

Three more insurance companies including Tokio Marine have left a United Nations-backed net-zero climate alliance, leaving the group with about half the number of members it counted two months ago as insurers take fright at U.S. political pressure. …

The remaining members of the NZIA, which include Britain’s Aviva (AV.L), Italy’s Generali (GASI.MI) and France’s Credit Agricole Assurances, are set to hold more calls this week to decide whether and how the alliance can continue given so many members have quit, sources familiar with the discussions say.

The NZIA is one of several industry climate alliances that exist under the U.N-backed Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) umbrella group. GFANZ was launched in 2021 ahead of the U.N. climate summit, COP26, in Glasgow.

Ever since the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement was reached and became signed by some governments, its lack of any enforcement provisions made clear to the world that this was just a political show by liberal governments but nothing that had any chance to achieve any of its announced goals; and, after that, only fools have continued to believe that liberal politicians were sincere about the necessity to take real action to address the problem.

By contrast, conservative politicians lie and say either that global warming is not happening, or that it’s not caused by humans if it is happening, or that nothing should or can be done about it if it is happening; and, so, for the public, there is a choice only between either liberal fraudsters or conservative fraudsters, and nothing is being even so much as PROPOSED about the problem that would have any CHANCE to succeed — such a proposal (if it even can EXIST) has either not been forthcoming, or else it has been 100% censored-out by not only politicians but also the press, and therefore isn’t even being discussed, at all.

I previously documented this when I headlined “You want to know how to stop global warming? Here is how:” and opened by describing what the actual solution is, if a solution is still possible:

Outlaw the purchasing of any stock or bond — any investment securities — in fossil-fuel extraction companies, such as ExxonMobil and Peabody Coal: any such company at all.

The article went on to argue that all proposals which, like the Paris Climate Agreement, rely upon international consensus in order to have any chance at succeeding will inevitably fail because any nations that either don’t sign it or that do sign it but then violate it, will thereby gain international competitive advantage against any nations that do sign it and that fulfill its commitments.

Furthermore, it pointed out that all of the proposals to restrain global warming that are appealing to the public to “do your part” such as to reduce consumption or install solar panels, are intrinsically fraudulent because global warming (if it exists and if humans are certainly a cause of it, even if not the sole cause of it — and over 90% of the climate scientists endorse this viewpoint) is a global problem and therefore DOES require SOME sort of global solution to it.

The reason why ‘solutions’ such as the Paris Agreement can’t succeed is that it can’t even be functioning effectively unless everyone signs onto and fulfills it — which can’t and won’t happen. By contrast, as my article argued (and documented in its linked-to evidences): Even if only a single major nation will “Outlaw the purchasing of any stock or bond — any investment securities — in fossil-fuel extraction companies, such as ExxonMobil and Peabody Coal: any such company at all,” then that will immediately have an immense global impact, which will cause many fossil-fuel-extraction corporations to go out of business, and all other such corporations to be doomed to their market-valuations declining until they, too, do. The result of this forced decline in fossil-fuels supplies will be skyrocketing research and development to find alternative energy sources that maybe CAN solve the problem before the problem itself grows so big as to be runaway and totally unsolvable — the world will then be engulfed by it.

All of the documentation, for all of that, is in my article. And that’s also where the fraudulence of the ‘solutions’ that liberals support is demonstrated.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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co2-anstieg ist von 2500 gigawatt kohleverbrennern weltweit verursacht!


co2 hat mit klima nix zu tun, du geistiger blimp!

Just me

co2 wird in gewächshäuser geleitet um dort für das planzenwachstum zu sorgen……….schau einfach bei google nach. ausserdem könntest du noch bei z.b wikipedia etwas über planzenwachstum und menschliche atmung (gasaustausch) nachlesen. dort wird beschrieben wie und warum pflanzen co2 brauchen und wie das mit der atmung des menschen funktioniert.

Just me

zu zeiten der dinosaurier war das co2 level auf der erde viel höher……….co2 hat die dinos nicht ausgelöscht. co” hatte dafür gesorgt,das es zu zeiten der dinosaurier,viel grüner war als es heutzutage ist. die medien verbreiten nur eine agenda und nciht die wahrheit.


kill all white libtards like this boomer groomer zuuuese and this cυnt and cucky global crotch warming problem will be solved immediately.

Last edited 1 year ago by Martillo

climate control is a hoax. its that simpel. but don’t tell the believers it is a religion for them.

Sergey L

stupid retard


dinosaurs crated the ice age according to zuesse. human activity may be irrelevant or negligible—the best that can be done is preparation—nothing can be done about the behavior of the burger consuming amerikan commodity fetishists

Chris Gr

we the commies are going to a really hot place when we leave this earth so we don’t worry about climate change.

Uncle Ho

save the wild jackals in africa and feed them klaus, albert and billy boy.


its an giant all over worldwide fraud. nobody can show and bring a proof that co2 has an greenhouse gas effect, and nobody can do the same for the proportion of humans in this whole climate system. all are only theories. and no matter if even 99% of scientists say so, because the most are employed and well paid in the pro climategate mafia system. they can’t even say exactly how much co2 and other supposedly climate-damaging gases are natural and how much is caused by humans.


i would of been more impressed if the author had looked at the real science, the manipulation of temperature records ( to cool the past to make the present appear warmer) if there’s no sincerity in the actions then the data is flawed and they know it.


curand vor calcula si caldura bombelor nucleare. romania o da inainte cu masinile electrice. sa vedem cine le re asigura asigurarile.


what is this? did shitskin swines learned to type? 😆😆😆🖕🐒🖕🐒🖕🐒

Porc halal

yes, you are the proof of that 🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🤣🤣🤣🤣

Porc halal

yes, you are the proof! 🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


1540: germans can walk across the rhine dry as a bone. co2 is 0.04% of the earth atmosphere correlation does not mean causation. ie increase in co2 in paralllel with temperature may equally be a consequence al gore is a fraudulent corrupt ahole

Last edited 1 year ago by Chris
John Kesich

“think of how stupid the average person is…

and then realize half of them are stupider than that.” — george carlin

and the comments to this article underscore carlin’s point.

Chris Gr

stupid is the one who believes in climate change and stuff like that

Wayne Gabler

perhaps somebody suggested that man caused warming should be a bill that is funded by the worst carbon polluters since about 1300ad. that being said, ice-ages might have a cycle that is about 60,000 years long if you live in alberta.


the public concern for environmental protection is well founded and a means to extract more money than carbon from taxpayers… technology has not enabled drastic carbon reduction without harsh economic consequences at this time.the usa politicians and corporations now exploit the middle ground to the maximum.


liberals are muppets, there is no climate problem that can be solved by humans fcs. paying taxes for weather effects is a criminal conspiracy. a volcanic eruption, tsunami or el niño won’t be long in messing up human plans to organise our planet. it’s bad enough our elites are full of themselves without their minions telling us they can organise the weather like they organise elections.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rightiswrong
Michel F.

just by looking at comments here i can say with certainty that science doesn’t matter, looking at what’s happening year after year doesn’t matter, if ostriches feels secure by keeping their head deep in a hole. for ostriches using a 100 million barrels of oil everyday as no impact whatsoever. if you don’t like something just deny it and it will go away. works every time.


not the science you are peddling. what would you have done with the earth during the times of the dinosaurs, when temperatures were way higher than today, and it wasn’t the weather or climate that killed off the dinosaurs, it was a rock falling from space. only a conceited muppet would believe that humans can alter the planet further than the extremes this planet has gone through in 4.5 billion years of existence.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rightiswrong

should the martians, the jupiterians , saturnians or any humans/creatures living on this solar system should reduce their level of co2, methane and use electric cars, solar planes, solar panels or wind mills since the warming climate trend seems to exist on those planets as well. could the sun be the main factor for climate changes ? nasa seems to agree with that fact.

Last edited 1 year ago by JPJP

certainly the world is warmer than during the little ice age. but is the world actually still warming? i don’t know. where i live temps are in decline since 2012 (i’ve daily temp. records for 24 yrs). however many (govt & govt funded) sources say the oceans are still warming. if true, (and oceans cover ~2/3ds of earth’s surface), then the world is still warming, but i’ve no way to independently verify.


maybe warming is currently happening, depending on how much faith is put in western govts & their funded (puppet) scientists. if so, the next question is: is the warming exceptional, and to what extent?


there are indications that the mediaeval warm period reached temps well in excess of recent yearly averages. for example abandoned viking farms on greenland are mostly still under permafrost. if the warming, is within historical limits, then efforts to assign human cause to it are most likely a political effort to control the populace rather than a sincere effort to confront an actual problem.

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