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MARCH 2025

The Great White West Aims to Crush Slavs and Chinese

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The Great White West Aims to Crush Slavs and Chinese

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“And the noteworthy thing is this, that while America avariciously fed the war with her industry and avariciously intervened in order to help crush a likely and dangerous competitor, she has nevertheless retained a reputation for pacifism. This is one of the most interesting paradoxes, one of the most curious jokes of history-jokes from which we did not and do not derive much merriment. American imperialism is in essence ruthlessly rude, predatory, in the full sense of the word, and criminal. But owing to the special conditions of American development, it has the possibility of draping itself in the toga of pacifism. This is not at all done in the manner of the imperialist parvenus of the old world where everything remains transparent. In the case of the US, however, its bourgeoisie and its government, thanks to the special conditions of America’s development, this same pacifist mask seems to have become so glued on the imperialist visage that it cannot be torn off… The imperialist progress of the US therefore proceeds under the banner of “the freedom of the seas,” “open doors,” and so on. Thus when America is compelled to engage in acts of open military criminality, the responsibility — in the eyes of the US population and to a certain degree in the eyes of mankind as a whole, falls upon all the other citizens on the planet but not on the USA itself.” Leon Trotsky from the Internet Archive

Written by John Stanton

As the United States fractures internally (Roe v Wade overturned, economy, military spending, etc.), president Joe Biden and his NATO cronies continue to pursue a sanctions regime-and NATO expansion-against Russia that is having the ironic effect of damaging the economies of Europe and the United States, and the ability of the US to wage war. That reality seems to have reached everyone in the world except the dolts who lead the Western nations.

It truly is astonishing to watch the G-7 and NATO summits which are theaters of the absurd; meetings of rouge bandits laughing away while their policies lead to death and destruction on a global scale. Highway robbery does not describe adequately what the US-Europe have done with Russian foreign assets or those of other nations (Iran, Venezuela, Afghanistan) at the receiving end of the US sanctions regime. Further, as the United States and its NATO puppets continue to punish Russia for its military activities in Ukraine, the end result of the deadly gambit is to send to the slaughter more Ukrainians as Russia methodically moves to liberate Luhansk and Donetsk, and fortify its gains in the south of Ukraine.

Arsenal of Stupidity

Meanwhile, defense contractors apparently are set to make billions to replenish stocks of ammunition and weapons sent to Ukraine by the US and NATO. US troop and equipment levels in Europe will reach Cold War heights in the future. But even here, the feckless allies seem to be shooting themselves in the foot, so to speak, as-like sanctions on Russian oil and other goods that have been counterproductive-the ability of US defense industry to arm Ukraine and its customers in a timely manner, or to go toe to toe with Russia’s and China’s defense production capacity, is open to question. Does the US have an adequate defense industrial base to continue to supply the Ukrainians and fight the Russians and Chinese? Moreover, the Russians have thrown a monkey wrench into US military theory about precision guided weapons as the ultimate solution to fighting cheaper and more accurately on the battlefield.

According to Alex Vershinin writing for the Royal United Services Institute:

“The first key assumption about future of combat is that precision-guided weapons will reduce overall ammunition consumption by requiring only one round to destroy the target. The war in Ukraine is challenging this assumption. Many “dumb’ indirect fire systems are achieving a great deal of precision without precision guidance, and still the overall ammunition consumption is massive. Part of the issue is that the digitization of global maps, combined with a massive proliferation of drones, allows geolocation and targeting with increased precision…The war in Ukraine demonstrates that war between peer or near-peer adversaries demands the existence of a technically advanced, mass scale, industrial-age production capability. The Russian onslaught consumes ammunition at rates that massively exceed US forecasts and ammunition production. For the US to act as the arsenal of democracy in defence of Ukraine, there must be a major look at the manner and the scale at which the US organizes its industrial base. This situation is especially critical because behind the Russian invasion stands the world’s manufacturing capital — China. As the US begins to expend more and more of its stockpiles to keep Ukraine in the war, China has yet to provide any meaningful military assistance to Russia. The West must assume that China will not allow Russia to be defeated, especially due to a lack of ammunition. If competition between autocracies and democracies has really entered a military phase, then the arsenal of democracy must first radically improve its approach to the production of materiel in wartime.”


And what is the effect on Europe and the entire globe of banning Russian oil from the world market. Well, China and India have been absorbing Russian black gold exports and then there is this little technicality that puts the bluster of Biden and his fellow NATO thieves over their Russian oil embargo and price caps statements to the challenge. According to Automatic Earth:

“By any standards, there are definitely not enough adequate oil blends around to come close to satisfying European refinery requirements comparable to homogenous continuous over-abundant constant Russian high-quality Ural’s which the EU now has decided to ban. And also please accept once and for all that a specific oil blend is not just “any oil blend” to be plugged & played anywhere anytime. Oil blends are not fungible. A very specific refinery or processing plant tune-up needs to be specifically matched with an always constant high-quality homogenous oil blend in large enough quantities and for a given desired output such as diesel fuel, or whatever. No “open architecture” is possible here, that´s just for IT nerds, not for refineries. And definitely there are no vendors all lined up happily willing and able to sell you their oil blend in unlimited quantities already fully adapted to whatever plant you may have ´as-is´ for whichever desired production output you may need delivered just-in-time on-demand and only when you need it.”

What the f*&^ is going on? With every new counterproductive sanction, it almost seems that the US-NATO countries know full-well that sanctions do not work and are setting up their people up for some kind of wicked escalation that Biden will announce in a televised address to the US nation. It’ll go something like this: “We’ve tried everything to limit Russia’s ability to fight in Ukraine and it hasn’t worked. Now we must, for the sake of humanity, send our troops, aircraft, missiles into Ukraine to stop the Russians. It is painful for me to make this decision. God Bless our troops.”

It is so very clear that the US and NATO are aching to fight the Russians directly in Ukraine (as the New York Times reported recently the CIA and Special Operations forces are supporting Ukraine and they have been since the beginning of the conflict there and as early as 2014). But If Russia falters in Ukraine then that means China would get involved directly as it will not allow the US-NATO to colonize Russia. Who else might come to Russia’s aid or what other conflicts might arise around the globe as the US gets bogged down in Ukraine or maybe Taiwan? No one knows for sure. Uncertainty reigns in 2022 and that means every decision made by US-NATO leaders is nothing more than a gamble. The West is running out of cards to play.

Consider this: There are also plans to take Russia whole. What? An official US government body, the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, seeks to “decolonize Russia.” On 23 June they held a conference titled Decolonizing Russia: A Moral and Strategic Imperative. The goal, under the guise of liberating Russia’s indigenous peoples, is to colonize it to decolonize it.

“Serious and controversial discussions are now underway about reckoning with Russia’s fundamental imperialism and the need to “decolonize” Russia for it to become a viable stakeholder in European security and stability.”

All About Race?

It really appears that US and NATO leadership want a great conflagration to happen between the Great White West and the Slavs, Chinese (21st Century Red Menaces), and other non-White ethnicities (Iranians). We seem to be heading back to the days when Western Europe and the USA were best known for colonizing, exploiting and enslaving people, from India, Africa, and Central America right to the plantations of the US southern confederacy where Blacks were enslaved and picking cotton.

In this view, the core driver in the US-NATO Great Power Competition is really a global race war as hatred of the Russian and Chinese peoples is cultivated in the western citizenry each and everyday by the mainstream media, a key player in the US military information support operations (MISO) program. As the US propaganda campaign has it, the US never committed atrocities in Afghanistan or Iraq or Syria or Vietnam or the Philippines or Chili or wherever its plutocratic interests were threatened. Propaganda says the US has never committed war crimes. Well, Trotsky was correct: the pacifist mask, the mask that talks about law and order, democracy and freedom is nearly impossible to tear off because, apathetic US citizens-and naive global populations- refuse to believe that US engaged in the exact same activities it accuses its enemies of.

“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,” a famous revolutionary once said.

Perhaps the 21st century citizens of the West should revisit and modify a practice the Greeks used during bad times. These days, it seems, US-European leaders seem to be the cause of rotten events and they are certainly “angering the gods.” So pick a couple of leaders from the US-NATO alliance (those demigods) and, to make sure they know they will be held to account by the gods and the people, follow this formula:

“Whenever the anger of the gods declares itself through famine, an epidemic or other catastrophes, an attempt is made to deflect it onto a man and a woman of the people…They are paraded through the streets to the sound of instruments and, after having been beaten, they are banished from the city (Athens) and at other times they were condemned to the flames and their ashes thrown to the wind.” Giacomo Leopardi in the Zibaldone, quoting Aristophanes from Equities


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hunter bidé lab pork !



As I am “a man of Action ” I would immediately get ready with nukes to hit the US/UK/EU -hard -yes it would take me but you have to stand up and fight for your cause and this is a world cause – Nows the day and nows the hour see approach proud Edwards power-chains & slavery -Wha would be a traitor knave -wha sae base as be a slave -let him turn and flee——-

Klaus meier

Die EU/ Nato sind Sponsoren des ukrainischen Staatsterrorismus seit mindestens 2010 unter Inkaufnahme des Erstarken von Neonazis mit Staatsleitenden Funktion in Armee, Polizei, Sicherheit… Krimineller kann die EU, trotz Raub von Staatseigentum fremder Staaten nicht handeln. Fehlt nur noch die Selbstvernichtung durch Atomwaffen…. So dumm sind die….


What did we learn today ?…for the american far right wing nuts…slavs /aka russians( are not white)

Thought Criminal

Slavs are white, but many slavic speaking countries such as Russia or those in the Balkans got mixed with non-European ethnicities like Mongols and Turks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thought Criminal

@thought criminal

This whole “anti-white agenda” is jewish, goddamn why are you people here so stupid not to realize this ???? All the governments from USA to Europe to Russia to China are fully infiltrated and have been highjacked by the jewish vampires !

These parasites from hell, they are opening all borders for all kind of violent foreigner including blacks to swarm Europe and USA and let Muslims and Chinese into Russia too and as soon as the last western bastions have fallen will also let the blacks into Russia. The jews are behind all the wars !!! Zelensky = jew, Merkel jew, Sarkozy jew, Blinken jew, Victoria Nuland jew, Bill Gates jew, Noah Harari jew (WHO) , Henry Kissinger jew Putin jew, Abramovich jew Kolomoisky jew , Mückstein (Austria) jew Trudeau (Canada) jew, Lagarde (EZB) jew, Wolfowitz (world bank) jew, Zuckerberg jew, Silversteen jew (911), Yellen jew (FED), George Soros jew (Open society foundation), Barbara Lerner-Spectre = jew (Paideia pro-migration organisation Sweden) etc. etc.

It’s all jews calling the shots ! Hollywood jewish, Wallstreet jewish, all the UDSSR oligarchs jews etc. etc. These hook-nosed demons are turning the whole world into shit. And they can only do it because 3/4 of earth population is so dump and damn stupid to not even realize it. It is jews behind all this global shit. Just because of us tolerating their acts, they can do it. Mankind needs to wake up quick and fight these parasites from hell, these hook-nosed worm that claim to be “god’s-chosen people. Whereas Jesus said the truth about them, telling all of us that they are not chose people of God but “the Children of Satan” coming out from the ‘Synagoge of Satan’.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

You talk too much slave, get back to work toiling for Mr. Noseberg. Hasn’t your mom gotten tired of paying all of your bills? You whiteoids are too stupid to be granted freedom from Jewish rule, Neanderthal morons haven’t even figured out we run the all banks, militaries, governments, and royal families from our submersible UFO bases. Can’t wait to see the look on your primitive faces when one of our reptilian allies sheds his coat publicly.

helene matz

jesus was a jew


hahahaaaaa right


You’re are not understanding the writing, there’s BOW and ARROW. what you are seeing and talking about most is ARROW. The BOW is the deep state in the deep west. Anglo saxon, example is the people running the five eyes. Concerning Russia I think they are done. One of the main objectives for war is to social engineer a whole community, like it was done to the Japanese, it’s done to Ukrainians and the blood shed is actually meant for better memory hatred towards Russians.

USA Evil Empire

The “West” today (US-UK and their pathetic EU vassals) is anything but white. It’s actually anti-white in every possible way…


replace *White* with *Zionist/Jewish* and it makes sense: the Great Zionist West aims to crush Slavs and Chinese.


I prefer to use the term anglo-zionist alliance.

S Balu

7even-N-6 Spot on I salute you In fact ruling anglo saxons elite and establishment is using zionist as Frontage


S Balu thank you and yes they have had an alliance for centuries now. It seems to be a symbiotic relationship that is nearing the end of its dominance.


I think it is the other way around, Sir.


US is a failed state and the ultimate banana republic. The front page of the right-wing Australian rag acknowledges.


White North Americans failed to win against sandal wearing Asians in Vietnam. White North Americans failed to win against mountain nomads Asians in Afghanistan. White North Americans will fail to win against hypersonic nukes carrying Slavs in Europe.


No, whites are not in power in the west: it’s the great Alliance of antiwhites who’s running our countries. And while Western sheeps have accepted their roles as servants, in the East they still haven’t (well… just Russia and Belarus)


absolutely, wow you see I was right to come to SF, people actually get it here lol.


It’s a completely wrong article, he even says ” and against other non white minorities (Iranians)”. Iranians are white, like Syrians and the war against Syria started during Obama presidency whose vice president is in power now. I guess this John Stanton is a British or American journalist who actually hates whites


Completely agree with you, this is the worst article SF has ever posted. Disappointing because I really SF they are the first English speaking site I discovered that tells the truth regarding Russia’s SMO but this article does not belong here.

Johhny Bravo

Your conclusions about this being a ‘white war’ against non-whites is just ignorant of the reality inside the USA and Europe. Whites are a hated minority in the USA, and a hated majority in Europe. The governments have turned against the white peoples who reside there and have disenfranchised and displaced whites from the civilizations they built. Whites have NO SAY about what their governments do. Western Democracy is a farce. Who is running the show? Bankers, Technocrats, and Globalists. This is not a war against any one people. This is a war by the Self appointed Elite against ALL OF US. They want us all dead or enslaved. ALL OF US.


By reading the comments I’m glad I’m not the only one that agrees that this is the worst if not one of the worst articles on SF that I’ve ever read.


Everything you just wrote is correct. The only people that will comment that whites get preferential treatment in the EU or in the US say that because they are unaware, they don’t live here.


Thank you.

USA=usury, sodomy, abortion

This one is pure bullshit. The west is currently under jewish domination, esp the great satan (america). It doesn’t support whites/europeans in any way. In fact it seeks to slowly get rid of them while rewarding only the “good” whites (those who are “anti-racist”, pro-sodomy, pro-abortion and hate on their own ancestors).

The USA’s state cult is nigger-worship after all. They have murals and statues of fentanyl monkey george floyd wherever they can and get angry when they get destroyed.

Yes, the anglo empire and pretty much every post-enlightenment “white” empire sucked. But the US is clearly a jewish empire.


Hahaha, bend the knee to your Jewish overlords or we’ll beam you with one of our giant space lasers and send you home after a George Floyd sized anal probe whiteoid. Anyone seen my lapdog Zion Don recently? That orange moron signed the entire US government over to the Jews.


Those who don’t believe the majority -white-heterosexual male is discriminated against just watch UK media television adverts -put down-made a fool of -made to look mentally deficient etc. As I watch German internal TV adverts on satellite 19 Astra big difference .


Of course the white race is discriminated against in western Europe and the U.S. You see it and hear it everywhere, that is why this article is completely inaccurate. In order to control a nation you need to divide and conquer the people first and the governments of the west pit the majority whites against the migrants and minorities. That is what is clearly happening in the states and in Europe. As a matter of fact the empire of lies is fuming because they can no longer infiltrate Russia who happens to be one of the last white Christian nations that has complete immigration and territorial sovereignty.


So whites should not accept divide and conquer and just accept third-world immigrants? How about whites not accept the effort to divide whites and deport the third world?

Every major people, race, culture, group deserves reasonable autonomy and it is the greatest of crimes to create “diverse,” “multicultural” societies. Such societies are pure poison to all concerned, even to the minorities who long for the day when they will be the masters. Non-white minorities will inherit the riches and splendors of white civilization but after they spend the first two days looting and burning the palaces and temples the whole nation will revert to savagery. Using the streets as a toilet in San Francisco? The wave of the future for the whole nation. Rule by the dregs of society. Total anarchy.

Simon Ndiritu

It sounds like you are describing what white colonialists and imperialists did against Egyptians,Arabs and indians only a few hundred years ago but are now poor and can’t explain how. I agree with you that hardworking whites christian conservatives are discriminated against in the west


The male ideal portrayed in movies and adverts is a lisping twink. If you ever want to see the starkest example of the campaign to turn Western culture on its head watch the movie “Congo.” It was a great novel but in the movie the fearless, kick-ass leader of the expedition is a young white woman. Her brave, intelligent, strong assistant is a black man. The only white man around is a pudgy, weak, sniveling coward. Read the culture, ladies and gentlemen. Read the culture.

hunter bidé lab pork !



I Don’t feel or see white privilage. I see oligarch control and corruption of our institutions.

With the election cycle approaching and the deep state predicting the outcome, very little will change. I predict another color revolution and if necessary, a 2022 election virus during this election cycle. Another round of rigged elections should be expected.

As far as a great white revival of the EU as a unipolar revival, I don’t feel or see it. I just see multiple layers of corruption run by a bunch of oligarchs. Powerful Jewish families are overly represented. As far as I know, they are not white and they don’t claim to be.

Last edited 2 years ago by JayLindberg
tommy tranny sawyer

me and usa #87 aim to earn roubles in oklihoma lgbt brothel


Russia needs to get nuked already. That’s all there is to it!


Nah you need a swift backhander,then forced strip naked and bullet blow ye fekn ear off sic p00fta gimp!


your immoral lgbt military defeated by Taliban—you cowards will never challenge Russia directly—cowards….you pay the ukie nazis to fit for you….how is that triple gas price working for you?


Yuri, there are many problems in US society and the stupidity and cowardice reach to the moon. However, the US military is still highly capable even though I know it is more “diverse” since my Army days. In time of relative peace (hah!) I think all militaries tend to become dominated by politicians not warfighters. Gen. Milley and Sec. Def. Austin are examples of useless men and Austin bears full responsibility for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. A 2LT could have organized a competent withdrawal operation. The error was in the decision to change a possibly (!) good idea to punish the Talibs in the short term to one of “nation building” with no end in sight for 100 years.

The problem with the Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan wars is that the political leadership have no strategic vision. What kind of a national objective is “nation building” in Iraq and Afghanistan? Our criminal war against Syria is really to obey the Israelis’ demand for our fighting to enhance Israel’s security, especially as a way of neutralizing Iran and paving the way for Greater Israel. Now it is reduced to a sordid theft of Syrian oil. Do you see any “American” interest that is advanced by this? I don’t. And why do we give more than $10B to Israel every year? I do not want to give that kind of money to Bulgaria or Liberia. I don’t want to give that kind of money to anyone.

Vietnam was actually a military victory by the way. It was well fought and the North Vietnamese were terrified that Nixon would resume the bombing. This victory was achieved even though Johnson ignorantly interfered with the conduct of the war down to the selection of bombing targets. But that victory was thrown away by the leftist scum in the US Congress. Read Frank Snepp’s book, Decent Interval and you will see what I mean.

So moronic political “leaders” with zero concern for their own country involve the US in wars that have no purpose. Please do not blame that on the US military. The war could have been “won” by punishing Pakistan and killing every living creature in areas that opposed us. That would have been criminal and, worse, ignoble and, again, for what purpose should that war have been fought?

The US political class has the arrogance to think that the US should rule the world. That is pure insanity, especially when our own “democracy” is a pure joke. Minding our own business is what the US needs to do and then the world will be a better place. The European fools would then be on their own and can watch their own nations disintegrate under the mountain of debt and civil war from the future attempted minority takeover.

Jewish hostility to ALL other people is an important key to understanding what has been going on. Just look at the deliberate destruction of the US economy and culture. Is it not obvious that only a purely malevolent spirit has engineered this? If someone hated the US and its white population what would they do differently from what is being done now? It’s utter madness from the Atlantic to the Pacific and this has come about because of deliberate, intelligent, organized action. Think about Soros. Why would he want to finance so many prosecutors who had as their primary objective the destruction of centuries of experience with dealing with the sewer rats of society?


I wish people would learn how to spell a country’s name before mentioning it. It’s CHILE with an “E” not Chili. “Chili” is a spice.


“only amerikans fetishize the alphabet”. Richar Hofstadter Daniel bootstin described the amerikn reduction of thinking to spelling as “the amerikan spelling fetish”


You mean the great White shabbos goys being lead by the jews? All the idiots that enlist to fight wars for Israel?

Fiji refugee

Excellent analysis. The oligarchy wants to kill us. Take the first inscription of the Georgia guidestones to heart! It is happening now.

It will be interesting to see who exercises their second amendment rights


Of course an article that begins with the premise that American conservatives are racist would start off with a quote from friggin (((LEON TROTSKY))). The man single-handedly popularized the use of the term ‘racist’!

The first thing that people need to understand is that politicians do NOT follow the will of the people. They have propagandized almost half of the populace to support globalization, and so make it LOOK like they are following the will of the people but that doesn’t make it true.

White American Christian conservatives WANT to be FRIENDS with Russia. Stop trying to divide us, Mr Stanton!




This is the worst article I’ve ever read on SouthFront and it is completely inaccurate, specially the part dealing with race. And quoting Leon Trotsky that two faced snake of a tyrant, really? And no the battle between the western empire of lies against Russia and China is not because of race. The U.S. is allied with South Korea, Taiwan and Japan and last time I checked those countries are pretty asian just like China. I can dissect this article more but i won’t waste any time doing it. Two thumbs way down on this flawed and divisive article.


utter stupidity—anglos are racist and fascit…US is allied w nobody—S Korea and Japan are de facto US colonies—Taiwan will soon be liberated by China….”the stupidity of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell


What country do you live in? You don’t know anything that is happening here in the U.S. since you are not experiencing what life is like here. The vast majority of white Americans are not racist. As a matter of fact most white Americans are being indoctrinated and brain washed with “:white guilt” from the moment they enter kindergarten. White Americans have become the target of the government and the mainstream media here in America. Biden went on national television and proclaimed that the number one threat to America is the white race. He stated that the fact that white Americans will no longer be the majority population is excellent progress. It is the leaders of the U.S. and EU governments that are purposely flooding their countries with migrants to breed out the majority white race. You wouldn’t understand because you place too much emphasis on race, you seem like the typical individual obsessed with race, there are a lot of people like you here in America. I treat every individual exactly the same. I don’t pass judgement on an entire race, nor do I give any preferential treatment to anybody just because they have the same skin color as me. One thing I won’t do is repeat the number one lie of the mainstream media and the empire of lies that the white race is evil or that all white people are racist.


Bravo for you. Now tell me. Have you noticed the hostility of blacks to whites? I’m sure you think they are just like you and want a colorblind society. What difference does it make to you that the racial and cultural balance is shifting inexorably away from core Western values to the delights of third-world horror? None, I’m sure. Are you that clueless?


incompetent impotent transgenders cannot crush taliban; moron gringos have tried for 60 years to crush little Cuba…these pathetic pedophiles cannot crush pygmy military


The only thing to understand is nato pledge to continue not nuclear proliferation, what means everyone are building atomic weapons. This world is going to …. even ukraine was in that path.

Tommy Jensen

Its true. Russia has issued carpets infested with small pox and corona virus to its innocent natives who are accommodated in colonies in Russia. These natives who are still living in wigwams are not allowed to progress toward democracy and freedom, they simply lives as slaves for Russia.

The International community has therefore decided to divide Russia up in 6 zones where US State Department will appoint a governor to rule for each, because Russia cant handle and gab over such a huge area, as they are simply too incompetent and amateurish to handle their own affairs.


bad sarcasm

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Nonce

Germany industry begins shutting down as it runs out of Russian gas because of a Jew in Ukraine. What an economic holocaust LOL.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Bidet Is A Senile Nonce

“It is so very clear that the US and NATO are aching to fight the Russians directly in Ukraine (as the NYork Times reported recently the CIA and Special Operations forces are supporting Ukraine and they have been since the beginning of the conflict there and as early as 2014). But If Russia falters in Ukraine then that means China would get involved directly as it will not allow the US-NATO to colonize Russia. ”

I was going along with the jist of the text until this nonsense popped up. Russia has very clearly and often explained “There will never again be a war on Russian soil.” Though the Natostanners are not the smartest they obviously understand that NO Natostanners will ever march on Russian soil. Gaspadin Sarmat will greet the Natostanners not on Russian soil rather on what is left of rump Ukropland, Poland etc etc should the threat of direct Natostan ever become more than precisley that. The EUSSR and its owner the USSA are collapsing. The last thing they need is a direct confrontation with Mother Russia’S tried and tested armies…let alone a confrontation with the Dragon herself.

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