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MARCH 2025

The Houthis Release Video Of The Recent Attack On Saudi-Led Forces In Yemen

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The Houthi-affilated media outlet “Yemen Wrath” released fresh combat footage showing operations of Ansar Allah (also known as the Houthis) against coalition-led forces in Yemen.

The video reportedly shows the Houthi recent attack on Saudi-led forces on the Meris front in Al-Dhale governorate on April 4. Heavy material and human losses were reported.

Since the beginning of Apris, the Houthis carried out several attacks on targets in Saudi Arabia. They reportedly used a missile to target the Kanayis Airbase, behind enemy lines in Saudi Arabia. Also, On April 3, the Saudi-led coalition announced that it had thwarted an attempt by the Houthis (Ansar Allah) to carry out an attack with a booby-trapped boat. This claim was proved by a video released online.

Heavy clashes are continuing in both the Madghal district and the Hayfan district, as well as in Marib.

Meanwhile, as the situation remains tense, the Saudi Arabia has reportedly deployed US-made MIM-104 Patriot air-defense systems to Marib. However, the effectiveness of Saudi systems are far from been effective enough, as the continuous Houthi attacks on the Kingdom’s territory reach their targets, including Aramco oil facilities.


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Just Me

If true, then it is only a question of time the Ansarallah will capture a Patriot battery too like they have destroyed or captured most of the cowardly Saudi morons armor.

Icarus Tanović

They don’t even dare to do any combat operations with tanks anymore.

Just Me

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/356cea605df3fbf149088c4dba1c7456f35f91cc81229fc1ed68af706b2d89d3.jpg Well they did try some armor assaults on the Najran plains but the result was that they fled losing most of the armor that was captured intact. The Saudis are natural born fuckwits.

Ashok Varma

With the Kornet and Iranian Dehalveiah being produced locally, the Saudis would be even dumber to try a front armour assault. They would be blown to kingdom come.


Icarus Tanović

They produce those shaped charges on factory quality, that are placed close to some road, I bet you have seen that before.

Supreme Blyat

They had enough with it, failing to protect Riyad and want to put it at shame


Not a great advertisement for US Patriot either. Anyway state that spends the third largest budget in the world on weapons procurement program and can’t even defend its own capital is worse than a basketcase. The Saudis are a sub-human disgrace.

Ashok Varma

That is why India bought S-400. US weapons are expensive, come with strings attached and are mostly hype.

Supreme Blyat

The prince spent all those money to be liked by the americans but if a relative will promise to spend even more, well…


the true legitimate rulers of the arab islamic world are going to defeat all the imposters starting with the arab peninsular and its fake royals

Alekai Mordechai

You can’t do it in 4 years son. Bidens gonna be dead in few years.

But keep trying.

Just Me

Biden is already brain dead and has to read from cue cards or his wife puts words in his senile mouth. He is in very poor health anyway and is being medically resuscitated 24/7.


Alekai Mordechai

And Trump is well on his way.

Don’t worry pandeho!


the saudis are screaming foul and they scream “evil hashemites trying to destroy arabs” right now with 100s of twitter accounts while they try to murder children and continue to crucify shia arabs

Just Me

The pig Abdullah is a Wahhabi scum and supported by Morocco and Saudis and also Egyptians. The Hamzah guy is slightly better and more anti-Zionist.


i didnt talk about abdullah the imbecile or about any of the fake hashemites and again the real hashemites are al houthi but that is the saudi point about what they whine now for years


ansarullah army is made of ethnic iranians and the al houthi religious ideological revolution is hashemite since one third of al houthi are hashemite royalty


there is a difference between what we have like sayyid in iran which even my neighbor and a friend are sayyid but al houthi are the real hashemite not some imposters like jordanian “royals” and al houthi are in a sense the real legitimate leaders of the islamic arab world not al saud and neither jews


when it comes to jordan i can say that the biggest fear of the zionists is another front building up in jordan and they will do everything to avoid it and jordan elites are the same as zionists on this issue they have no interest in restoring palestine therefore they will do whatever america and zionists want

Ashok Varma

Jordan is another illegal British imperialist created cancer in the heart of the Arab world like its Zionist masters occupation of Palestine.

Concrete Mike

I agree, the wahhabi saudis are nothing but traitors to the anglos, how deluded are they to think they are arab defenders


the best part of saudi delusional whining with its 100s of propaganda accounts is to call al houthi (real hashemites) ethnic supremacists and modern day hitler in an attempt to delude people about this conflict when its the al saud behave in a racist disgusting fashion towards yemen while yemenis themselves are quite multi ethnic and multi cultural with even africans being among ansarallah ranks and being considered as their own

Supreme Blyat

Probably Hitler would give Houthis as example of bravery on the battlefield, for German soldiers, so yeah Houthis are Nazis :))



Supreme Blyat

Anything sounds like an absurdity until it happens


hitler was a coward and a traitor to germany

klove and light

and a master zionist

Supreme Blyat

He was a crazy boy

Ashok Varma

Also a part Jew uneducated corporal with a perverse mind and sick fetishes. Nazis were akin to Zionists in their degenerate behaviour.


just to explain my point the real brave and smart elites in germany at the time wanted to have a 20 year rebuilding of germany before germany ever took part in any war but the elites around hitler were banksters new rich industrialists and generally a bunch of cowardly people and their fear of the globalist power was greater than that of anything so they followed orders as if they didnt had their own minds

Supreme Blyat

Bitler had 2 options, to go for Kavkaz or Iraq. Secretly dealled with Brits to delay war between them as long as possible, while fighting Russia. But Americans had a long time strategy to wipe British Empire and what was left of it. So they forced Brits to break the secret accord with the Germans.


the nsdap was super degenerated

Supreme Blyat

Indians are nazis too because they worship the swastika :)

Ashok Varma

Swastika has nothing to do with Nazis, Hitler was an uneducated corporal.

The word swastika comes from Sanskrit: स्वस्तिक, romanized: svástika, meaning “conducive to well-being”. In Hinduism, the right-facing symbol (卐) is called swastika, symbolizing surya (“sun”), prosperity and good luck, while the left-facing symbol (卍) is called sauwastika, symbolising night or tantric aspects of Kali.

Supreme Blyat

What symbol should have the nazis adopted to catch all the jews?

Just Me

They are just ornery mountain folks who are natural born warriors and just don’t cotton to the idea that Wahhabi hated scum will take over their ancient lands. They just love to chew khat and fight in sandals and live on dates and goat milk. No fancy logistics or food kitchens needed. The moron MBS sure Fcuked with the wrong hombres.


Alekai Mordechai

They gave up those M2A1s just like that??

What is it?

Summer Heat sale?

No wonder, few in israel don’t wanna sell weapons to those sauds.

Just Me

The Saudis are illiterate tribal Wahhabi Bedouins have no heart for a battle against the battle hardened Ansarallah, they lose the lead tank and simply abandon the rest. In one battle where the Saudis committed a whole division with over 200 M1 and Leclerc, almost all were destroyed or captured. After that they never used their regular army as the “officers” were the first to flee on foot.


Just Me

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7e0860d79270e8d5b03283f0bc771aa2dff37100f24bea31094523cec0363eb9.jpg Saudi column trashed by Houthis near al-Khobh, south of Jizan, Saudi Arabia. 4th (King Khaled) Armoured Brigade ceased to exist after this decisive 20 kms inside Saudi territory. The town of al-Khobh was destroyed and the Houthis took dozens of tanks, APC and vehicles as trophies.

Just Me


Alekai Mordechai

Yo! Its Iranians be gleeful now.

Free french goodies?


to put it simple everyone who would have won the rhetoric competitions in the beer cellar would have become the leader and hitler simply won because he could out talk the other competition

Ashok Varma

Houthi leaders request Iran not to stop uranium enrichment

A leader of the Yemeni Houthi rebels, Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, has called on Iran not to stop uranium enrichment before the parties to the 2015 nuclear agreement return to the deal.

“If Iran accepts to stop [uranium] enrichment before [other parties] implement the agreement, it will repeat the mistake of the previous agreement, which was not implemented despite the guarantees, and the negotiation will be linked to the [Iran] missile program later,” Al-Houthi wrote on Twitter.

“The basis of any agreement is practical implementation, not dialogue and signature only, like the United States and its allies do with their agreements including the Stockholm Agreement, which they refused to implement,” he added.

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