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The Impeachment of Donald Trump and America’s Global War

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The Impeachment of Donald Trump and America’s Global War

(AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

Written by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront

During a question-answer session with students at the Johns Hopkins University, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi inadvertently revealed a number of interesting facts that shed a new light on the motives behind the impeachment and the views in Washington on the international use of force.

When specifically asked why Pelosi was opposed to impeaching George W. Bush and is now in favor of impeaching Donald Trump, Pelosi volunteered that her “vehement” opposition was due to not wanting to make impeachment a part of Washington political conflict even though she KNEW, courtesy of intelligence briefings she and other members of the so-called “gang of four” received, Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction. What are we to make of this startling admission that was entirely ignored by the mainstream media? Because it is a rare occurrence indeed to have a senior US politician admit the United States essentially committed a crime against humanity, namely an unprovoked war of aggression knowingly embarked upon and backed up by fake evidence, when it invaded Iraq in 2003.

“Remember the Maine!”

The first point is that there is a bipartisan support among both the Executive and Legislative branches of government for war. For reasons still to be revealed, the US elite must have decided at some point after 9/11 if not earlier to embark the country on a course of ever-escalating wars. While that intent was never communicated, and could never be communicated to the US electorate, it was wholeheartedly embraced by both political parties.  Pelosi’s admission incidentally makes a liar out of Hillary Clinton who, on a number of occasions, asserted she voted in favor of the infamous “Authorization of the Military Use of Force” because of the intelligence information she received at the time. Now we know that she and others voted in favor of war even though they knew there was no intelligence supporting the US claims of Iraqi WMD existence. One should therefore expect similar revelations year s and even decades down the road about what the members of Congress really knew about MH17, the alleged uses of chemical weapons in Syria, the Novichok scare, and other allegations made against Russia in recent years.

Power Behind the Throne

Pelosi’s revelation also indicates just how powerful the pro-war lobby is. Any member of Congress who received that briefing could have gone public with that bombshell information and, in doing so, prevented the war from ever starting. So why didn’t even a single member of the “gang of four” choose to reveal the truth to the US public or even their own respective political caucuses?  Pelosi’s admission that she had to resist strong pressure by Democratic Party members of Congress to impeach Bush indicates that the power in the two chambers of Congress is strongly centralized, party discipline does exist, and moreover party leaders are a product of a process that places proponents of continued war in positions of leadership. Pelosi’s and Schumer’s power are largely based not on their charisma or even skill as Machiavellian political operators, but by the fact they are their party’s top fundraisers on whom many rank and file party members rely to win their races. It would be unlikely in the extreme Pelosi or Schumer, for that matter, would rise to that position had they been anti-war proponents of big social programs. Moreover, one has to consider the possibility that the current “intelligence community” has borrowed a trick or two from J. Edgar Hoover, is keeping close tabs on some or all members of Congress, and is providing suitable compromising information to Pelosi in order to keep them in line. The level of Washington corruption, revealed for example in the Manfort and Cohen, trials is such that hardly a single member of Congress can claim an investigation into their affairs would not reveal something damning and even prosecutable.

Presidential Fortunes and the Forever War

Looking back on the three late-20th century impeachments, one is struck that in each case the individual in question pursued a policy of ending wars and reconciling with Russia and China. Nixon’s resignation came only after he ended the war in Vietnam, “went to Beijing”, and ushered détente with the USSR. Since all of these policies were opposed by US hardliners and  Nixon’s impeachment was product of FBI surveillance and espionage in the Nixon White House, one has to consider the possibility it was at least in part revenge for his peace initiatives. Nixon’s two successors, Ford and Carter, attempted to continue the détente and were rewarded for it by failing to win a second term. Carter’s last-minute turn toward supporting the islamist insurgency in Afghanistan and failed rescue attempt of US prisoners in Iraq did not save him. Reagan clearly got the message—it was all Evil Empire the first term, followed by an effort to improve relations in the second term when he was a lame duck. George H.W. Bush, however, who wanted to lay foundations for a lasting post-Cold War peace was similarly sabotaged and deprived of a second term, and Bill Clinton’s initial opposition to US military adventuring triggered an impeachment in the second term once the scandals in the first term failed to bring him down. Bill Clinton did get the message—the final years of his presidency were characterized by an escalation of violence against Iraq and the unilateral intervention in Serbia’s Kosovo province. George W. Bush’s presidency was nothing but a sequence of actions that often violated both US and international law, with not even a hint of impeachment on the horizon and two presidential terms assured. Even though Obama ran on “ending the wars”, he seems to have gotten the message early on as the wars on his watch actually expanded. So here too, no scandals, and certainly no impeachment.  Hillary Clinton would have certainly continued on that path, and was therefore afforded kid-glove treatment by the FBI during the investigation of her private e-mail server. But all Donald Trump needed to do is tweet a few times about the desirability of good relations with Russia, and was saddled with multiple investigations, scandals, and of course the impeachment process that focuses squarely on US policies toward Ukraine. So the message is clear: support escalations of violence and you will not get any trouble from the deep state. Oppose them, and they will destroy you.

What’s Next for Trump?

It is a virtual certainly Donald Trump will be impeached on both articles, and then acquitted in the Senate. It remains to be seen just how much of a circus Senate GOP want to make out of the trial. If they want to, they can haul in Hunter Biden and all kinds of shady personages for questioning, in the process revealing a lot of Democrat dirty laundry and bolstering Trump’s re-election chances. Whether they do so or not will reveal what the game plan is. If the Senate trial fails to shed light on the Bidens’ dirty dealings in Ukraine, it will become clear the aim of the impeachment is the same as in the earlier cases: to punish a president for being insufficiently warlike, prevent him from being re-elected, and hamstring his foreign policy even if he is elected. But if Trump is re-elected, particularly after the GOP’s resounding assault on Democratic Party corruption and double-dealing in Ukraine, then he will be in the same position as Nixon and Reagan were in their second terms, namely having a free hand to address urgent foreign policy problems.


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This Impeachment will be voted down eventually, but it will just be a ‘ceasefire’. As the US goes through 2020 the divisions will reach boiling point and all bets will be off. A collapsing empire is at it’s most dangerous when it finally sees it’s own demise, and it will lash out to take many with it, especially those it (wrongly) blames for it’s downfall. If you think this decade was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i hope the clown does get impeached


First stage requires a simple majority in the House vote. But the second stage requires a 2/3 vote in the Republican controlled Senate. So never going to happen, but Trumps chances in 2020 reelection may be affected.

John Wallace

Trumps chances in 2020 may be affected. That is the whole objective of this Democrat impeachment drive. They realise they can not win against Trump so have to do something to give themselves a chance. It is all a charade anyway , the whole political setup where the decent candidates in either party are sidelined and marginalised so that the one most complicit will get the money that wins so it doesn’t matter who wins . It is all a circus trick to keep the masses entertained ..


it looks that way but he will remain in office and will also be elected for a second term.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i hope u are wrong


True. Whether for Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Confucians, agnostics or atheists … it doesn’t matter – this all out war faction is extremely dangerous for all of us. This means all the more that we cannot let ourselves be split. Remember if they want to rush us against each other.

Hasbara Hunter

What is wrong about George W. Bush & his Neo-Cons? They only demolished a couple of Asbestos Towers in New York & invaded Afghanistan for a little Heroin-Production…after that invaded Iraq to suck up American Oil & Take all the American Gold out of Iraqi Banks… The Coketransporting Clintons founded the Clinton foundation so that they could covertly Traffic & Smuggle Kids from all over the world with the help of Laura Silsby & Many others to deliver the Paedophile Elites Fresh little Kids to Use for whatever purpose…But yeah impeaching Trump for some phonecall with the Ukraine sounds fairly logical



Mena investigation https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB920421328276427000



Rodney Loder

Pelosi is suing for impeachment because she supports Donald Trump in the absence of Hillary Clinton who’s was her mentor.


@southfront: Well presented, Southfront, and totally agree. But when and on what occasion Pelosi made this admission? Such information is important for us readers if we want to quote it ourselves.


BREAKING: Supreme Court Cripples Second House Impeachment Charge Against President Trump! – Harvard Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Explains (VIDEO)



Tommy Jensen

The Supreme Court cant obstruct the Democracy in the United States because of Putins influence. All Americans will revolt against being micromanaged from Kremlin and obstructed in our internal impeachment. Trump will be impeached whether Supreme Court and Putin like it or not! Period.


Judaism and Israel should be outlawed and abolished and the planet dejudified so that it is Jew free. Which would correct many of these problems. Because Jews and Zionists trying to misuse the US as their Jew world order perpetual war hegemony project stalking horse are the ones responsible for these policies.

Truthers like Philip Giraldi address the problem. Authors like J Hawk, Ron Paul and many others ignore it and engage in a blame shifting exercise away from Jews, Zionists and Israel. And substitute a largely nameless faceless unaccountable deep state boogeyman. When the primary problem is Jews.

The Russians recognized the problem before the Jews genocided over 20 million of them. And got rid of 95% of their Jews after the genocide. They should finish the job and the US needs to start it.


Hey mother fucker, you talk alot of shit and I just had to reply. Wanna finish the job? come here then, let’s see how tough you are. You and the rest of the cowards here, I invite all of you to our borders to try and kill us. Don’t send others to die come yourself, It’s been a while since I last killed some terrorists and you will be a good target practice.


You’ll be outmanned and outgunned 10 to 1. If the IDF Bar Khobar commanders are stupid enough to start a nuclear war 6 million of you will die in the Masada ovens.


Do you see any of us afraid? I’m telling it to you here, anyone that wanna test the IDF in a full scale war is welcomed, we are ready to deal with any enemy. Palis would be the first ones to pay the price in that kind of war and they know it, the Persians think they can come out clean and they are also wrong.


Without US intervention you’l lose. 2334 is just the beginning. Once Trump is gone or does a course correction and an American patriot gets in office. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll cooperate.

The way to move ahead with Jew extinction to create a Jew free planet is to outlaw it and hold a referendum replacing Israel with a unified Palestine.


We don’t need NATO’s help, we can take care of ourselves trust me. Your regional coalition that you’re so proud of, will be obliterated in few hours if they dare to cross our red lines. And I’m not going anywhere buddy, if anyone wanna remove me or my family by force, then they can be my guest and try. Don’t be confused between the corrupted Israeli leadership led by Bibi et al and the IDF itself, guys like me are just waiting for the war to start.


You’l lose. If you’re waiting for the war to start, then you’re waiting for your death.


Death for Israel is something that will be my honor, but not before I take some of your terroristic friends down too.


That’s already taken into consideration. Israel’s arsenal, including it’s nukes, are minor compared to what you’ll be up against. Hopefully all Israelis aren’t as stupid as you. http://old.seattletimes.com/special/trinity/art/sedan_crater.jpg


Okay buddy, so you have nothing to worry about. Sit back and relax, watch how we slaughter and carpet bomb your friends once we get the order.


The IAF will be destroyed on the ground before it even gets in the air. And if you respond with nukes. Those will be your last.


sure mate, sure.


Do yourself a favor and find a good real estate agent outside of Israel. And you can watch the Zionists murder Jews just like they did last century.


Like I said, the only place I will be when the mess start is the frontline, just like I were in 2012 and 2014. I suggest you check Israel’s capabilities again before you make a fool out of yourself, you haven’t seen 5% of what we’ve got.


That’s what they said in 73 as they were getting overrun and had to beg to the US to bail them out. Because nobody in Europe would. Except this time your nuke card is being taken away. The Euros want less to do with you now than they did in 73. And no conventional help from the US is going to solve your problems. So you’ll be sol.

As far as 2012 and 2014, you can’t be serious. That wasn’t a regional coalition, or even close.


Well I guess we shall find out when it starts right? don’t worry, the way things are going right now it’s very soon. Those 2 operations I participated in, just proved to me that my leadership is too coward to go all the way, we were stopped only 3KM into Gaza. I do obey orders aferall even if I don’t like it, I hope we put Gantz in power before the shit starts, then you’ll be begging for mercy.


The goal is for you not to find out and to put the Yinon plan forever war in the trash can of history where it belongs. And to free Jews from the evil cult that they’re in and put it in the trash can of history also. So that everyone on this planet can have a better future. Including former evil Jew pedophile mass rape cultists. But people like you have a vote. And if you choose to make a huge mess. Then environmental reclamation and disaster relief to clean it up has to be part of the operation.


If you think that I’m afraid of Mossad or the IDF you’re mistaken. You better hope that you get the first shot in. Because if it turns into a gun fight. There’s a good chance that you’re not going to walk away alive.


Goodluck, I accept the challenge. See you when it starts.


The only ones who’l start anything will be trouble making criminal miscreants like you. Which is why Israel loses at the UN everyone to 1 or 2. And is why your evil cult needs to go extinct for the betterment of humanity.


We are not going anywhere mate, enter it into your head. I am a proud Israeli and a proud IDF Zionist, anyone that wanna come here and face us is welcomed.


It doesn’t matter what the IDF consists of. It’s qualitatively and quantitatively inferior to what a regional coalition can field. Including nukes. You don’t have the economy or the population to compete. And with the possible exception of the Jew infested US. Which is another problem that needs to be corrected. As long as the coalition operates within international law and UN Resolutions. No one is going to interfere with it. That’s why you’ve relied on the Yinon plan or some variant of it for 75 years. To try to prevent a regional coalition from forming to get rid of you trouble makers.

In a conventional clearing operation to remove the IDF and Israeli government from the occupied territories to implement UN Resolutions. You lack both the man power and firepower to prevent an advancing clearing force from gaining ground up to the 67 line. You will be on the receiving end of as much or more destruction than what you dish out. It will be a net sum loss.

These are national militarys with state of the art weapons, not a walled off Palestinian ghetto force, several of which you’d have your hands full with individually. Collectively it will be no contest if you’re foolish enough to go that route. Once the IDF is cleared out of the occupied territories other resolutions like the right of return to conduct a referendum to abolish Judaism and Israel and replace it with a Jew free unified Palestine can be advanced.

If you choose to mass murder 6 million Jews in the process by starting a nuclear war that you will lose. It will be your loss and your fault. Then there will be no need for a referendum. Because your crime of aggression will be so severe that the coalition will be justified in forcibly disbanding the IDF and standing up a replacement government that includes all of Palestine.

Israel was a mistake and a con job from the beginning that should have never been approved by the UN in the first place. It needs to be done away. Legally and humanely to the extent possible.


Like I’ve said, anyone that wanna face us is welcomed. I have been hearing we’re gonna lose since I was a kid, maybe our enemies are just good at talking. And where is Palestine btw? I don’t see an official state on the map called in that name, I do see a state called Israel.


You haven’t fought anyone of any significance since 73, which you almost lost conventionally. If you didn’t have a nuclear card to play it would have turned out far differently. The Russians could have matched the support that Israel received from the US rather than withholding it, and it would have been game on.

This time regional governments and their armed forces are far stronger compared to Israel. And will have a nuclear option that they didn’t have in 73. Which will literally make Israel’s first strike capability if exercised national and military suicide.


Dr Jekyll posting now: Welcome back RD, where you exploring in a pine forest? Early snow trails are quite fun, before it becomes ice. Appears you have pissed off Rusty_Iron. Good job. :)


SF is to time consuming. I have to concentrate on moving my life and contact work forward. There’re also security issues of to much disclosure to soon impeding progress.


“UPDATE: On the morning of September 21st Phil Giraldi was fired over the phone by The American Conservative, where he had been a regular contributor for fourteen years. He was told that “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars” was unacceptable. The TAC management and board appear to have forgotten that the magazine was launched with an article by founder Pat Buchanan entitled “Whose War?” which largely made the same claims that Giraldi made about the Jewish push for another war, in that case with Iraq. Buchanan was vilified and denounced as an anti-Semite by many of the same people who are now similarly attacking Giraldi.”

– America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars –


Tommy Jensen

There has always been world wars. We cant do a shit to prevent it, only sit down and wait until it hit the others heads.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f8c386c497ffbae04b05ca9211e0b2a47e29d1cb56bc05fc798cf81b22537ff5.jpg …………………LOL.

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