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The Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Qods Force

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The Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Qods Force

Wrriten by Dennis M. Nilsen, PhD exclusively for SouthFront

When the Islamic Revolution occurred in February 1979 with the return to Iran of the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a political earthquake in the Middle East very visibly began.  Until this year, the Iranians had only experienced the rule of an emperor, shah (شاه) in Persian, and with the advent of the guardianship of the jurist (velayat-e faqih) established by Khomeini, the 2,500-year imperial tradition of Persian came to an end.

The Revolution was the culmination of opposition to the progressive modernization and centralization of the country under the last shah, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi (1941-1979).  The shah succeeded his father Reza Shah in 1941 and ruled uninterruptedly until 1953, when after a brief exile, he was brought back by means of a coup planned and orchestrated by the British and Americans, a coup known as Operation Ajax by the West and the 28 Mordad coup d’état by the Iranians.  Following his installment, his rule became more and more subject to the Americans, to the point where he relied solely upon them for military equipment and even drew closer to the Israelis, something which the religious authorities repeatedly condemned.  The damn broke in 1979 in a flood of support for the returning Ayatollah, and this led quickly to a movement to depose the Shah and his entire government.

The Ayatollah Khomeini instituted a form of government called the velayat-e faqih, or guardianship of the jurist, a form which he quite openly declared to be a preparation for the return of the Twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi.  The purpose of the Iranian government now became clearly religious and eschatological, the very opposite of the secular purpose of serving as a Cold War American ally in the Middle East to maintain a military parity against Soviet Union which Muhammad Pahlavi saw as befitting the country.  Ayatollah Khomeini removed his country from such earthly concerns and directed its whole purpose towards preparing for the Return of the Mahdi, thus reinstituting a clear moral order for the state.

As with the Turks, the Shah’s military was dedicated to the secular form of government and was a key foundation in maintaining the Shah’s rule.  Hence, with the success of the Revolution, Khomeini and the new leadership decided that for that very reason it could not be trusted.  Many officers, if they could not leave the country, were either imprisoned, dismissed from their posts, or in the worst cases executed by revolutionary tribunals.  However, because the country could not do away entirely with its military force, Khomeini decided to create a force dedicated to the new movement, to counter any remaining secular tendencies in the armed forces as well as residual opposition to the new order, and to further protect the ideological purity of the government.  This organization was named the Sepah-e Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Eslami, the Corps of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (IRGC).  Founded in May 1979 as a consolidation of the various paramilitary bodies which had formed upon Khomeini’s return, it soon became organized along military lines during the long and hard-fought Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), called the Holy Defense by the Iranians.

Although Khomeini very vocally directed both the Artesh and the Sepah to abstain from any organized and direct involvement in politics in his last testament, Article 150 of the IRI Constitution names the Sepah collectively as “the guardian of the Revolution and its achievements”.  This splendidly vague phrase invited a debate within Iranian politics after the death of Khomeini, with reformers and moderate elements – including the Ayatollah’s son Hassan Khomeini and the present president Hassan Rouhani – rejecting politicization; Conservatives and Principalists favor a close collaboration.  Active members of the IRGC do not sit in the Majlis, but many former members do, especially since the 2004 election when the Principalist factions actively sought ought veterans to run for Majlis seats.  Although the Sepah do not claim any one party as its own, an example of strong indirect influence is the Resistance Front of Islamic Iran, founded in 2011 by Mohsen Rezaee, a former intelligence officer and former head of the Sepah.  The party strongly professes adherence to the velayat-e faqih form of government and is in the umbrella alliance of other Principalist parties called the Principalists Grand Coalition.  President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (2005-2013) joined the Sepah in 1985 during the War of Holy Defense, and created his first cabinet almost exclusively from IRGC members; his two administrations marked a strong upswing in the influence the Sepah has exercised since the end of the War of Holy Defense.  Since the election of Rouhani in 2013, their influence has lessened although the president has made public expressions of support for the Sepah; although he is a critic of their involvement in politics, he does realize their power as a body and of certain individual former members.

Economically, the Sepah is arguably the largest owner of interests in the Iranian economic, through either direct holdings or through subsidiaries.  After the end of the Iran-Iraq War, the IRGC sought to expand its influence in the economy partly to aid its many veterans in obtaining employment, partly to maintain the high level of influence which it had attained during the war.  The Sepah collectively has a great presence in the defense, engineering, construction, aerospace and automotive industries.  In addition, they exert control over several bonyads, charitable foundations directed by high-level Shiite clerics: two very important bonyads with clear Sepah links are the Mostazafan Foundation of the Islamic Revolution (بنیاد مستضعفان انقلاب اسلامی‎) and the Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs (بنیاد شهید و امور ایثارگران‎).

In terms of manpower, the Sepah counts between 120,000 and 125,000 active members, divided between the Ground Forces, the Aerospace Force, the Navy and the Qods Force.  Overall control of the Sepah is exercised by Ayatollah Khamenei, but direct command is held by Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari.  The Ground Forces, commanded by Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour, numbers, as far as can be known, 100,000 men and are divided between 32 provincial commands and the Tehran City Command.  They can best be described as mobile armored infantry, as the Sepah utilizes armored personnel carriers and has little or no tanks.  The provincial commanders have command over the local Basij paramilitary units as well.  The Aerospace Forces, commanded by Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, possess an inventory of attack and transport fixed wing aircraft and helicopters, but their mainstay is their arsenal of missile forces, a collection of thousands of short- and intermediate-range rockets which the Iranian Government continues to develop as a regional and national deterrent to possible Israeli or American attacks.  Thus, the Aerospace Forces are tasked with a political task of great importance.  The Sepah Navy, commanded by Commodore Alireza Tangsiri, is tasked with maintaining defense of the shoreline and territorial waters of Iran in the Persian Gulf; it performs this with a large number of high-speed coastal patrol boats and an arsenal of anti-ship missiles.  Lastly, the Organization for Mobilization of the Oppressed (سازمان بسیج مستضعفین) – known as the Basij – acts as a paramilitary force to complement the regular military organization of the Sepah.  Officially it counts 11.2 million members, with 600,000 available at any one time for service, and engages in the suppression of internal dissent, aids the police in law enforcement, and also provides social services and organizes religious activities.  It has branches in nearly every facet of Iranian public life, and is the chief means whereby the revolutionary government educates society about the political ideals and goals of the velayat-e faqih.  It is currently commanded by Brigadier General Gholamhossein Gheybparvar.

The remaining element of the Sepah is the least understood but also the one which continues to appear with the greatest frequency in the Western press, due largely to the ongoing Syrian rebellion: the Qods Force.  The Qods Force is the corps within the Sepah which engages in irregular and clandestine warfare outside the borders of the Islamic Republic, and is tasked with both direct military action and with advising and supplying its allies’ militaries.  Its commander, Major General Qassem Soleimani, is by far the most well-known officer of the Sepah, and he shares the same rank as Sepah commander General Jafari, an indication of the importance of the Qods Force to the Iranian Government.

The Qods Force carries the mission of ensuring the geopolitical (i.e. territorial) security of the Islamic Republic by pushing the front line of confrontation with the Zionist enemy as far from its borders as possible.  Further, it also serves the purpose of recalling by its name and its operational efforts against the Israelis the Shia eschatology which is built around the capture of Jerusalem by the Muslims as a preparation for the return of the Twelfth Imam, Mohammad al-Mahdi, whom the Iranians believe is currently in the last days of his Great Occultation.  This latter purpose remains largely unknown in the West except to those who pay close attention to the oppositional religious ideologies which serve as foundational beliefs for Israel and Iran.  Jerusalem plays a central part here, and a further explanation is needed.

All Jews reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah, and many see in the successful formation and defense of the State of Israel as a prelude to his appearance; further, although this is not widely discussed in Israeli society, it is believed that upon his coming, he will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, thereby permitting the reestablishment of temple sacrifice and the fulfilment once again of the Law of Moses.  The question of who controls Jerusalem thus holds a central importance to religious Jews.  Further, the recent victory in the Knesset elections of Benjamin Netanyahu, whose position as prime minister depends upon the Ultra-Orthodox parties, means that we will probably see a move to officially annex East Jerusalem as well as all Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Likewise, Jerusalem holds great significance for Muslims because of the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, the place of the Ascent of Muhammad.  According to the Book of al-Jafr, which the Shia attribute to the Sixth Imam, Ja’far al-Sadiq, Jerusalem must come under Muslim control as a precursor to the return of the Twelfth Imam, Mohammad al-Mahdi.  The Ayatollah Khomeini saw in the establishment of his political velayat-e faqih the only true Muslim government in the world, and believed because of its success in the face of Western opposition that this heralded the coming of the Mahdi.  Therefore, he preached the spread of the Islamic Revolution to all Muslim societies in general, but specifically directed attention to Jerusalem, which he viewed, as do all Muslims, as being under unjust occupation by their Jewish enemy.  The control of both the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock – both of which stand on top of the foundations of the Second Temple – are a particular scandal to them.  Hence, there is no surprise that both General Mohammad Ali Jafari and his deputy Brigadier General Mohammad Salami have stated in clear terms that Jerusalem is the object of the Islamic Republic’s jihad and that the war in Syria has begun the end times.

On the battlefield level, the Qods Force operates mostly at the level of advising foreign militaries on the use of irregular tactics.  They have most prominently helped form and direct the popular mobilization units (PMUs) in Iraq which successfully turned back the Islamic State when the American-formed and supplied Iraqi Army disintegrated.  In Syria, they have aided President Bashar al-Assad’s Army in forming similar units to keep order in areas recently cleared of Salafi rebels.  Oddly enough, much of what they do was developed by the Soviet military theorist Alexander Svechin, in which he called the ‘Operative Art’ of irregular warfare: whereas the American approach to the war has failed, the Iranian – and also Russian – approach has been, in agreement with Svechin, ‘suitable, feasible and at an acceptable cost’.

The Sepah continues to be the shield of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and will assuredly be both the nemesis and strategic foil of the Israelis and the Americans for many years to come.

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Hardcore times. D2A! D2Z!


Iran and NK operate a joint research and development center and sure people know what that means.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The IRGC is a guard tasked with protecting Monotheist against anti-Theist aggressors. The US schools teach we came from monkeys. The UK schools teach we came from monkeys. The Schools of NATO countries teach we came from monkeys. That makes these military’s 100% anti-God. Christians and Shia unite! We must liberate God’s creation from these anti-theist.


Evolution doesn’t teach that humans came from monkeys. This is a common and constant false accusation that worshippers of the God of Israel (aka Jews, Christians, and Muslims) make against the concept of evolution. The concept of evolution implies that humans and monkey have had a common ancestor, not that one came from the other. This is proven by the similarity in our DNA, body structure, high intelligence, and many other similarities.

I’m not against worshipping God but I’m against worshipping the God of Israel. Worship a God that is not against truth and reality. Also It is much better to worship your own tribal god than to worship the god of the tribes of Israel don’t you think?

Real Anti-Racist Action

Dolphins having higher intelligence then any simian primates. Also, Enoch was the first Christian. He professed and prophesied about the coming Christ and that only He ‘the coming Christ’ would be the way. Enoch lived and died thousands of years before the first Hebrew or Abraham or the Jewish religion. Enoch preexist even Japethites, Shemites or Hamites. That is how old Enoch and long ago Enoch walked the Earth. Christianity preexist Judaism by thousands of years easily. You always want to be careful when addressing Enochian-Christians. Most of us have read through the Septuagint, Talmud, Enoch, Koran, Jasher, Book of Giants, Torah, Jubilee, and many many other texts including modern science and of course the Darwin’s personal ‘Journal’ (Darwin was a good guy, others who invented ‘Darwinism’ twisted things). We are always fluent in Apologetic’s devoted to the Logical defense of the scriptures with archaeological proof and science every step of the way. Also, Koine is basic to any Enochian-Christian when reading through many of these scriptures. My classes on Aramaic start this summer. Some even learn Enochian, though I have not beyond the alphabet.

Also, RNA are More than Just Messengers. But our zionist teachers never wanted to share with us this information as it counters their political motivated narratives, just how RNA we are truly based. And epigenetics are also something that the mainstream wants to keep far from the public eye. Or else people would learn how easily their genetics are being mutated in very bad ways with GMO’s and toxic chemicals. But those are discussions for another time perhaps.


Its good to be knowledgeable.

One thing the world is misunderstanding is how scientifically measured time (carbon dating) and the monthly waning of the moon has almost no correlation, and even nasa cant measure biblical time prior to 1670AD, possibly explaining the 4 day difference and how 200,000 years with the first man is 6 or 7k Bibkical years.

Also the fallen angels story is maybe possible but throws the narrative quite drastically.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I agree with your comment. And I understand that people would be skeptical, it is only natural. It is a bit of s stretch unless vast time is spent researching such things. And people have lives and jobs and family. I never feel any ill towards the skeptic. But for those who are truly interested I only like to provide some information I recommend they tap into to add to whatever other information they are also assimilating. I try to do so without offending, and I apologize as I know from time to time I fail in sounding nicer in comments. Actually I prefer talking over commenting lol. It can be difficult to read people’s intent or mannerism in comments. Especially when you do not know someone. I have no problem with the unbeliever. But I know the mainstream social engineers condition people to shut down this other side of things without exploring most of the information. So I try and do what I can, abet far from a graceful perfection I would I could convey such information in. Anyway, good day to you.


Evolution is a fact although there is disagreement as to the precise mechanism involved. One can still hold a belief in god & accept the science as plenty of scientists who are christian do.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Micro-Evolution which is in the Bible is a fact. Macro-Evolution is a debunked theory. Also, there is no fossil record bridging the gap between monkeys and humanoids. There should be at least thousands of such complete fossil displayed in museums complete with RNA and DNA workups like we do for life forms far older according to macronist. We have fossil’s of Dinosaurs from ‘millions’ of years ago, but not the missing between monkeys and humans from measly tens of thousands of years ago. Their are so many science books of take apart step by step every single detail of both ‘micro’ and ‘macro’ evolution and gives the RNA and Epigenetic and Biochemical cases for everything. https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81IiXPIFFfL.jpg https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81zA4MBWcBL.jpg https://media.karousell.com/media/photos/products/2017/07/29/darwins_black_box_1501310685_04b3c642.jpg

Real Anti-Racist Action

In my original comment you replied to (i said nothing about evolution) which I am glad you brought it up. I said anti-Theist. You trapped yourself when you automatically and incorrectly assumed that an anti-Theist and a macro-evolutionist are automatically the same thing. Because they are not. An anti-Theist is someone who is against Theist.


US designating IRGC as terrorists can be compared to Iran designating US National Guard as terrorists. Current Iranian President is too western orientated, Iran needs to bring back Ahmadinejad or someone similar who is not afraid to stand up to the West and take action.


Yes we need a more hardcore posse.

Zionism = EVIL

There are no educated Iranians left to form a nationalistic hardcore. Since the mullahs hijacked the revolution in 1979, over 6 million educated and moderate middle class Iranians have fled to the west and millions more would if they could. Bani Sadr and Ahmadinejad were the only educated Iranian leaders to hold nominal power but were both booted out by the corrupt mullahs. Iran today has no civil society left and the people are tired of corruption, shortages, unemployment and mullahs stealing the country’s immense wealth. Khamenei and his mullah thieves in collaboration with Erdogan’s crooked family stole $20 billion in Iranian gold reserves a few years. The head of Bank Melli stole $3.7 Billion and fled to Canada. Iran is a mess and ready to collapse, much worse than Iraq was under Saddam.


Yes, its very sad because Iran lost most their Men during the Iran Iraq war, and as of 2005ish Iran was 75% Children under 25.

And I agree Ahmadinejad and Sadr were based much like Imam Khomeini(rh), but the revolutions been weakened by gravitators to westernism.

And yes also banks in Iran are horrible places next to their realestate and other newly western adoptions.

But having been there and Turkey, both countries are slated to pown the west and its just picking up.

Zionism = EVIL

Why do you think the mullahs got rid of Ahmadinejad? He was educated and honest. Now two CIA stooges the smiling pimp Zarif and fat Rouhani are destroying Iran. It is now only a question of time that Iran will be hit as the Americunts have no use for the mullahs anymore and want a more pro-western regime. Iran has had the biggest brain drain of any country and even the more conservative religiously oriented bazaari and rural poor are fed up with mullah corruption. At the time of the revolution that was hijacked by the mullahs, there were 40,000 mullahs in Iran, now unfortunately there are over 250,000 so-called mullahs all stealing from the public purse. If any country is all set for regime change it is Iran.


Tbh AlQaeda and Rebels have a much higher chance of joining the Axis than any western analysts, and its only a matter of time when Axis is bombing entire cities in europe than Idlib.

Zionism = EVIL

I believe Russia’s farcical intervention in Syria was more to protect Zionist interests than defeat so-called alCIAda. The Salafist takeover of Syria would have posed a real threat to the Zionist entity. The Assad’s have more or less colluded with the Zionists and kept the Golan quiet for over 40 years and not allowed any resistance. The Americunts and Russian treacherous scum have the same goals, which is keep the Zionists as the major power in the region. Now Russia is licking Turkeys arse just to carve up Syria. Iranian mullahs are the biggest losers as they have gotten a weak imploding Iran into an Arab mess needlessly. The only losers are the Iranian people who are suffering great economic hardships as the once rich economy collapses due to mullah corruption. Iran is running short of water too as the mullahs have not invested in dams and infrastructure as the recent devastating floods showed.


Im quite sure Asia is bound by a common denominator, bullying by the west.

Some of its so brutal it looks like will be washed out over time, but I think even zoomers who study history will quickly figure out whats going on.

Zionism = EVIL

The only way to stop thuggery and bullying is to hit back as Pakistan recently showed. The Iranians and Syrians are hit daily by Zionists and do nothing and that only invites more attacks. School yard rule #1, always hit back at your bullies, no matter how weak you are as if they know that you will retaliate they will move on to some easier target. Iran and Syria have a combined population of close to 100 million and there are barely 6 million Zionist scum, so why not hit back?


After this comment I’m convinced you’re a Zionist shill pretending to be anti-Zionist. If you were legitimately anti-Zionist and have been on this for months/years there is no way you would be saying Salafis were anti-Zionist and better than Assad. hahaha you clowns always overplay your hands. You had a good cover up to now, I had my doubts about you but you didn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Now you’ve exposed yourself. I suppose it’s time to change accounts because this one’s busted.

Zionism = EVIL

The problem with group think and living in a shallow cocoon is that any different point of view based on reality is considered “Zionist” and subject to childish labeling. I state the obvious, Iran has the potential to be a rich first world country if the Shah had survived. Today, despite its wealth it is a backward isolated failed state where the mullahs are surviving by sheer brutality and repression. Why don’t they hold an open multi-party election and see how “popular” they are?

viktor ziv

Please,remember Syria was on the road collapse. Also, spetsnaz took active role in Allepo, Palmyra and DeirEzzor. You’re not helping guy by giving him bread every day. You help him if You teach him how to make the bread on its own. And this is course of action Russia is doing in Syria for past Years. To know your enemy keep him closer then you keep a friend. Israelis destroyed three buildings. 20 injured, no, fatals, isn’t that strange? Bibi is on full swing to survive political turmoil. Here we blame S300 being not effective, but why to activate it for three non important buildings? Yes,Bibi is scoring with this attack at home. But who is the guy to replace him, better or worse for Syria?

Zionism = EVIL

To be honest Putin has spent more Russian money and lives looking for dead fucking Jews in Syria than protect it. 15 Russians were killed by Zionists when their IL-20 was downed, did the Russian fallen get a lavish ceremony in the Kremlin? like the ugly Jew fuck who died in Lebanon’s invasion in 1982 did! Let’s face it Russian people are being taken for a ride by the Jew parasites and their shill Putin.

viktor ziv

Mate. I understand your frustration, it is chess play. We’ll see it few months. Putin brought back Russia strong. It takes time to make it effective.


You have a superficial understanding of the matter you’re commenting on.

You need to realize that Iran is a democracy and people elect the presidents not the “mullahs”!

Also, the Iranian people voted in large majorities for the Islamic republic and the constitution in 3 referendums. So the Islamic republic was not brought up by the US to be toppled by it due to uselessness!

Concerning the population of “mullahs” in Iran before and after the Islamic revolution, you need to provide references.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran is a weak country with an economy smaller than Bangladesh and US has no interest in occupying a bankrupt basketcase seething with dissent. The Brits and Russians did occupy Iran without any resistance and only left after Americunt warnings. Today, Iran has no military to speak of, its airfore is 1960’s museum piece, even worse than Afghanistan’s. The corrupt mullah regime faces growing internal unrest as in most of the so-called Muslim world. The Americunts already have destroyed 5 Muslim countries and Iran is next, unless the idiotic mullahs who have brought so much misery on Iranians test a nuke, which I doubt they can. What kind of morons boast about a non-existent nuclear program and then invite punishing sanctions for nothing?


You are getting flustered, don’t worry, you Jews have lost many wars in the past, this is just another defeat, and it’s a product of your perverted nature.

You could try to change and stop being losers, but you don’t, so I guess you like wallowing in self pity.

Promitheas Apollonious

They stand up to the west and they do take action, not just the american brainless way. If you fail to see it, is because you not looking and wishing for an all out war, thinking you be watching it from here or your TV.


Why pick the National Guard, when the CIA is the number one terrorist organization in the world.

But the US is playing to the American people, and Americans are not very smart, and quite child like. The most popular movies in America are based on comic strips, and all the jobs that require an IQ above 80 are filled by foreign workers.

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”-H.L. Mencken,

Today we see that moron in the shape of President Trump, a moron to represent the morons.


It is a comparison from one force to another that have a similar agenda.


Bolton is the spokesman for AIPAC and has the most anti-Iranian agenda. Trump is just a loudmouth idiot who could care less about Iran if Bolton and Kushner did not force feed him with Iranophobia courtesy of Bibi.


Lets be honest, they are all idiots, smart people won’t serve in the Trump Government.


you have no idea what is going on! NONE! your words will go down in the history of “people who had no fucking idea on what was really going on in the world”! Yes the CIA is bad but u got everything else wrong! As for the inner soul of the people,Trump is loved! And the next election will prove this! By his victory! When Russia and the USA become allies, what words will u have to say then??? NONE! because u will become irrelevant! TRAITOR!


It is interesting to note that Iran conducted most missile tests under President Ahmadinejad and held impressive military exercises, they seem to have stopped since Rouhani took over. Iran should be increasing the range and payload of its missiles considering the threats it faces. Iranian forces in Syria need their own air defences. Wonder what the progress of Iranian Bavar 373 system is?


So correct and explains the reason why Iran has these issues is because Rouhani is too western orientated.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

IRGC should test some of their fancy missiles on terrorists in Idlib

Zionism = EVIL

Sadly, the IRGC has historically been very inept and was created by the senile CIA stooge Khomeni as cannon fodder. The mullahs recruited brainwashed religious kids and gave them made in Taiwan plastic keys to “heaven” and sent them to the front to be gassed and mowed down by superior Iraqi firepower. The IRGC lacks modern weapons and even had to import 10,000 AK-103.

Iran imported AK-103’s from Russia, a modern generation of Kalashnikov assault rifles with 30-round magazines since the domestic licensed produced German G-3 are now antiquated like much of Iranian weaponry. The current strength of the IRGC or Sepah is about 125,000 mostly ill-trained and ill-equipped religiously inclined troops. About 5,000 are deployed in Syria where over 1,500 have been killed and 2,000 wounded since 2011. There is growing unrest in Iran over the mounting casualties and the mullahs corruption that was exposed during the inadequate response to floods. Iranian population is fed up with growing economic hardships as the mullahs squander billions in inter-Arab fratricidal wars which have nothing to do with Persians who do not even speak Arabic and are stuck in wasteful war.


Stop spreading bullshit, if IRGC was as weak as you claim the US, Israel, and their stooges wouldn’t have wasted 1 more day to attack Iran. In reality they are scared shitless of IRGC which is why they are bitching and moaning about them 24/7 but don’t dare making even one hostile move. The IRGC you are describing was the one that was formed right after the revolution where Iran had no domestic military production to speak of. Up to that point Iran was completely dependent on the West for military equipment and after the revolution Iran was completely cut off and sanctioned. IRGC literally had to start from scratch. The IRGC of 2019 is light years ahead of the IRGC of 1980.

Moreover just because Israel claims they are bombing Iranian targets doesn’t mean that’s what they are actually doing. With one exception last year where they bombed the T-4 base and killed a few IRGC (for which they got a proper response) they have never attacked any Iranian targets.

I don’t know what to think of you, half the time you seem right on point, the other half you’re spouting complete bullshit and baseless Zionist talking points. I don’t know if you’re just naive or you’re intentionally trying to muddy the waters and spread disinfo.

Promitheas Apollonious

stop trying to think about what he is, he/she, is a zionist stooge one of many here, that is attempting to play it intelligent. You know what they say about whores? They try to hide it, but the joy will not let them.


Yeah I literally figure it out after reading his next comment. Read my other comment a little further below this one. I have to give it to them though they did a good job with this character. He was relatively well hidden and I certainly didn’t have major suspicions about him until now. Where he fucked it up was he pushed the shilling too far and way beyond the reasonable limits of the character he was role playing as.

Promitheas Apollonious

I catch up to him in some of his posts a long time ago. As I said, no matter how hard whores of his kind try to hide it, the joy will not let them. Is good you final figure him out.


You said he was one of many. Who are the other ones who are hiding? All the other shills that comment frequently here either aren’t hiding or aren’t making anywhere near the efforts this guy was making in role playing.

Promitheas Apollonious

I said trying to, not managing to hide it and the one you just figured out others also play his role until they been as him uncovered them selves for the shit they are. Their give away is either against Iran and Assad or Russia. All paid trolls from zios have an agenda to convince every one Putin is a zionist tool or what he said attacking Iran and all move on the same lines using reverse psychology, or trying to.

Zionism = EVIL

Just stating the TRUTH kiddo, whether that gets your goat or not, is not my concern. Iranians are stuck in a losing war in Syria and the backstabbing Ruskies, Americunts, their Zionist masters and even Turkeys are playing them for suckers. What kind of an assinine country sends in its young men to die in a foreign war without adequate weapons, let alone air defence systems? Iranian weakness and idiocy has only emboldened the Zionists and Wahhabis who work together. There is growing anger in Iranian cities now with the rising casualty toll, especially after the mullahs failed to provide even basic relief after the recent flooding.


ok kike, thanks for your insight


No you are a Hasbara agent that gives the impression of being anti Israel, whilst constantly denigrating all of Israels enemies.

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry, but so far Pisrael’s enemies have been weak as piss. The day they fight back like men, I may have some respect for them. In the meantime, the TRUTH will be posted even if it makes well intentioned people upset. I am from the old school who believes one should fight back, no matter the odds.


The Iranian army is ranked 14th by the Global Firepower and that’s excluding the IRGC!

Zionism = EVIL

Actually it is 13th, but global firepower is just a website and real results are found on the battlefield. So far Iran has been taking a hammering in Syria without ever hitting back. You have to admire the Pakistanis for their prompt and effective response against a much larger foe. They did not give ultimatums or gloat, their NSC (National Security Council) met immediately and within 4 hours the stupid Indians were having their Ruskie flying junk shot out of the sky by some very skilled PAF pilots. India has been laying low and sulking since then and won’t be too eager to attack Pakistani trees again with Zionist supplied SPICE ordinance. Iran should have done the same the first time Zionists killed the IRGC in Syria. It should have taken out a few Zionist targets on the occupied Golan at least, which is Syrian territory and even under UN charter, Syria has the right to reclaim and defend its lands. What kind of a pussy ass country just keeps on being bitch slapped almost daily without ever hitting back?


The US has been trying to infiltrate terrorists and drugs into Iran for decades, but have mostly failed. So regardless of their rank on some wankers poll, they are definitely more proficient than the US military.

Zionism = EVIL

Then why don’t they ever fight back?


No, it’s ranked 14th and Israel is ranked 16th.

Concerning Iran’s claimed “non-reaction” towards Israel, firstly you need to understand that Israel attacking Iranian targets in Syria is very exaggerated by the MSM. The truth is only twice has Israel attacked Iranian targets in Syria and only once was it intentional (the Tiyas Military Airbase incident). Secondly Iran responded asymmetrically to both incidents.

You need to understand that countries have a choice to respond symmetrically or asymmetrically.


One should be careful about dismissing the IRGC, they will defend their country if attacked. Iran should be mass mobilizing its resources for a long asymmetrical war in the region. The priority should be air defences.

cechas vodobenikov

perhaps IRGC is not the best military organization; I suspect that experience in Syria has improved their effectiveness

Promitheas Apollonious

IRGC is the ones who teach Hez as well the syrians how to fight in the first place but you are right only war can teach you how to be a warrior, that is if you have it inside you to be one. The russians helped also but they also learn along with the others.

Zionism = EVIL

Syrian military officials’ first criticism of Russia, alleging Moscow’s collusion with Israel as reported in Syrian media. Even Assad’s patience is running low after the brazen Ruskie arseholes collusion with Zionist scum.

cechas vodobenikov

u r a cultural backward racist

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