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The Iraqi Сomplaint Exposed Problems Within The Leading Resistance Factions

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The Iraqi Сomplaint Exposed Problems Within The Leading Resistance Factions

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Written by Damir Nazarov exclusively for SouthFront

In mid–January 2024, the IRGC conducted a special operation against the Satanic triangle, the Americans – Zionists – Takfiri. The Iranian missile attack hit the headquarters of the Mossad in Erbil, the facilities of radical extremists in northern Syria and their colleagues in Pakistan. The Islamic Republic explains these acts of retaliation as a response to the Zionists for the murder of Sardar Razi Mousavi in Syria and the terrorist act committed by ISIS in Kerman. The result was announced immediately, during the IRGC’s military operation in Erbil, Pishro Dizaei and his friend Karam Mikhail, both employees of the Mossad, where the former was responsible for stealing local oil for the Zionists, were eliminated.

Immediately after the liquidation of the Zionists, the Iraqi government hastened to file a complaint against the Islamic Republic at the United Nations. This step surprised many observers and analysts, because the Sudanese government has long been positioned as “pro-Iranian”. However, reality has shown that such statements have no basis. Moreover, when the facts suggest the opposite, for example, the Iranians have been most actively asking official Baghdad in recent years to end the presence of terrorist groups in self-proclaimed Kurdistan, in response the Iraqis nod their heads and do nothing, the government of Sudan is no exception. As for the alleged “pro-Iranian orientation” of the current Iraqi prime minister, it is worth recalling that at the beginning of last year, Sudani was seen in a video format at the Summit for Democracy conference, where the well-known terrorist Netanyahu was also present. Frequent meetings with Americans also leave a certain imprint on the image of the Iraqi prime minister. Accordingly, the allegations about the “dependence” of Sudani on Iran against the background of these facts do not correspond to reality.

Of course, in some way, Sudani’s position can be justified by the fact that he continues the tradition of premiership established after 2003, when the Prime minister of Iraq must maintain a balance between the United States and Iran. But in the story of the complaint to the UN, something else is surprising. The fact is that Sudani is almost completely associated with the resistance faction represented by Asaib al-Haq, led by the famous Sheikh Khazali, who is guided by Iran in his ideology. The sheikh owes a lot to Tehran and largely depends on Iran, but this nuance does not prevent the head of Asaib al-Haq from exercising independence. For example, his statements a year ago, when he announced that Iraq must “balance its interests between the United States and China.” Due to the lack of a clear reaction from the Sheikh to Sudani’s slander against Iran at the UN, it can be assumed that Khazali took a neutral position in the diplomatic confrontation between official Baghdad and Tehran. There are rumors that the Sheikh simply did not prevent the Sudani cabinet from filing a complaint with the UN. It is too early to draw conclusions, but the emerging distance between certain circles of Tehran and the Sheikh is still present.

Another moment showing “mild rejection” The IRI from the Iraqis can be understood after the words of Abu Ali al-Askari (a representative of the security service of the Hezbollah Brigade of Iraq), when he noted that his faction did not know about the Iranian operation against the Zionists in Kurdistan. It turns out that the IRGC does not inform the leading faction of the Islamic Resistance about its plans for Iraq.

So, it should be summarized. The resulting “cooling off” of the Iranians in relation to Asaib al-Haq and Kataeb Hezbollah arose due to two reasons, 1 – accumulated problems from the Iraqi side, 2 – political struggle within Iran’s law enforcement agencies. But in terms of significance, the first reason is much higher than the second. Sheikh Khazali’s problem is his excessive desire to participate in the political process of the quota system, which a priori creates problems in communication with the leading branches within the IRGC. As for the Iraqi Hezbollah, this organization has great ambitions within the “coordinating committee of the Islamic Resistance.” Kataeb simply want to take a leading position in all matters related to al-Muqawama al-Islamia. Competition with other factions cannot but annoy the IRGC, which is tired of the eternal strife and quarrels between Iraqis. Therefore, the lack of coordination between the Iranians and the Hezbollah Brigade is, among other things, a kind of sign to the Iraqis, saying that they are not the main option of the IRGC in Iraq. In a deep sense, the message of the Iranians was a message to the resistance factions, especially the Hezbollah Brigade – “it’s time to independently increase the scale of anti-Zionist operations.”

The ruling Shiite establishment of secularists has already shown its “duplicitous insides” once when it did nothing against the occupiers after the murders of Suleimani and Muhandis. Resistance factions (not all) similarly, they took a weak position, reproaching the Iranians for allegedly not signaling an attack on the positions of the Americans. The factions did not understand that in such situations it is necessary to act independently. Today we see a repetition of that story. History does not teach Iraqis anything, but it is important to understand that punishment for their misdeeds will definitely happen.


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sorry southfront, i usually appreciate your work and articles, but this one is extremely poorly written, makes a lot of confusing statements, like mixing up between mohammed shia’ al sudani (iraqi pm), with “sudanese government” and “government of sudan” which has nothing to do with iraq…. plus a lot of the points are arbitrary personal opinions and speculations that are not based on objective facts….

Florian Geyer

i agree. whether its poor translation and the use of words or ‘dumb artificial intelligence, it’s difficult to read.

this is a symptom of our times. newspapers 100 years ago are easy to read because the paragraphs flow in a structured way.


no, we need to dig a bit deeper here and conclude that iran is not willing to up the ante when confronted with the inevitability of multilateral us sanctions imposed on iraq, if the us gets evicted from da sy-raq no? iran hasn’t quite thought dis thru yet……this is da real issue. russia/ china/ india are not committing to da iranian will. not yet!

Last edited 8 months ago by Ahson

lousy vodka english reporting by southfront.


mohammed shia al sudani is pm of irak, hence the confusion, its not refering to the sudan as a country


apart from that ‘sudanese’ mistake the article is ok. it – and that’s important, shows what i said here already long ago. iran and the usa made a deal. when ali al-sistani in 2004 went to london (likely offering a deal to the usa& uk) – and then when in 2007/8 suddenly the shia-death squads started murdering the sunni iraqi population and the true iraqi resistance factions were smashed by this evil massmurder- it was clear that usa&uk finally accepted the offer.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

from that moment on, usa & iran worked hand in hand to kill off the sunni resistance and then usa & iran splitted iraq – oil for the usa + iraq forced into rothchild jewish central banking system – and security in iraq for the us companies guaranteed by iranian militias in exchange for money & the us (worthless) promise not to attack iran.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

likely the iranians knew that the usa promise was worthless – but because the us military was bled out, and usa home front tired and more and more against the war – iran with this treacherous move – at least bought time – about 10 years – which – as we can see now – iran used well to build up nuclear and conventional deterrence and mountain-big arsenal of up-to-date missiles.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

you must hands more then every friday.

i would start with sudan. thats a climate belt all to morroco or something.

here the country is a very big mastake, whch shold be many or several countries.

all in miidle east should be depoted to greenland until they are cool.

we already has reserved i iglo for trump there too. he is there every weekend melting ice.

jens holm

uncle hans 73 ago complain my azz hole too loose w diarrhea to sodomize more than 2 times daily


the u.s. and iraq will begin talks regarding the full withdrawal of all american military presence in the country – cnn

note: earlier today, it was revealed that the biden administration is also considering a full u.s. military withdrawal from syria in the near future

but hey southfront keep copying zionists shit. during a war people don’t talk/write such bs and one should see where this ape stand and get money from.


yemen’s ansarullah spokesman, yahya saree: ‘today, during a two-hour long clash with the u.s. navy in the red sea, we scored a direct hit against an american warship that came to protect two u.s. commercial vessels, which we also successfully struck with several anti-ship ballistic missiles, forcing them to retreat’

No love for 1776!

where did you get that info at?


middle eastern channels (telegram).


benjamin netanyahu called the egyptian president, abdel fattah el-sisi, but he refused to answer the israeli pm’s phone call – channel 13


but people look how resistance doesn’t work and let talk about their “problem” – sf.


in summary, iran is 100% with china, whereas irak is 50% with china and 50% with the usa


iraq is f*cked like germany. the iraqis did a very herous 5 year battle – without help from anyone – and in very unbeneficial terrain for guerilla war, they did true glorious jihad – really destroying the us army and putting the whole machine in a bloody quagmire. but then in 2007/8 when the evil undertaker death squad us john negroponte was sent to iraq and made “ambassor” and the deal with the iranians was accepted.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

usa & iranians licenced death-squads then killed off the sunni civilian population of all the sunni resistance hotbed areas – an evil genocide – using the so called “driller-boys” which often tortured the victims very gruesome to death. small sunni resistance kept on till 2011. but now the iraqis have no iraqi government but a fake government, with a usa created fake-constitution (grundgesetz) , and the fake iraqi government is loyal 50% to the usa and 50% to iran.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

iraq should realize that the us will never treat them with respect. they will help the zionist cause to keep iraq under their thumb indefinitely. yes, the us can and will economically attack iraq, but it’s better to cut the cord now, as opposed to later. if the us is allowed time to coerce iraqi politicians, then the ousting of us troops will take forever. do it now, waiting only helps the zionists and delays iraqi sovereignty.


you are right – but the ousting decision is not made in iraq – and cannot be made in iraq – because its president was murdered together with most of the true iraqi resistance men & women. now iran is the only force able to kick the usa out. so as long as iran keeps its foul deal with the usa and keeps on selling iraq to the usa – nothing will change.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

another problem, which the iranians created themselves by their foul deal with the usa is that – like in syria – there are lots of people who hate them from the deepest point of their heart, and since iran tolerated the us in iraq and still do – there are lots of people who have become used to the cheap us oil money and bribes.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

all this generated lots of spies for the usa, uk and israel inside syria and iraq. that’s the reason why usa & israel have no problem to identify and kill off even highest iranian generals etc. and know where they are and go even before they arrrive at their destinations when it comes to iraq or syria.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa
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