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MARCH 2025

The Kurds Have Lost the Chance to Decide their Fate: Only Damascus Can Save Them

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The Kurds Have Lost the Chance to Decide their Fate: Only Damascus Can Save Them

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Written by Elijah J. Magnier – @ejmalrai; Originally appeared at his blog

Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria “very soon” and to deliver  the city of Manbij to Turkey fell as a shock to the Syrian Kurds gathered in the northern part of the country. These Kurds, who act on a day-to-day basis as a shield for the US forces, have been deliberately manipulated by the US establishment to cover and protect its occupation forces in the north-east of the Levant. Trump is apparently ready to dump the Kurds from one day to the next. Not content with that, Trump is now putting the Kurds “up for auction”, betting on which Arab country will occupy the Kurdish controlled area and dispose of the territory they are currently based in.

So, what are the Kurds’ options?

The US President clearly attaches no importance to the fate of the Kurds. He is ready to abandon them, despite knowing that they have no other place to go or protection they can seek. The Kurds lost the trust of the government in Damascus because of their unwise political and military choices – and of course they are hunted down by Turkey who considers all Kurds in Syria to be part of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), a terrorist-affiliated group by Ankara’s standards.

The “myths” around the Kurds (“they are the best fighters against the ‘Islamic State’ (ISIS), or “the Kurds are “best allies of the US”) are incorrect. This rhetoric emanates mainly from the 90s when the US used Kurdistan to secure a foothold in Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s era. In fact, the US saw in the Kurds a bridge into the Middle East enabling the establishment of a military and intelligence stronghold for themselves and their Israeli allies. With the war imposed on Syria, the US landed in the Syrian Kurdish area of al-Hasaka with the hope of dividing Mesopotamia and the Levant. Moreover, the Kurds in both Iraq and Syria have no problem in overtly stating their strong bounds to Israel despite the animosity of the respective state they live in: Iraq and Syria.

The Syrian Army and its allies fought against ISIS over the entire Syrian territory losing tens of thousands of officers and soldiers. And in Iraq, the Iraqi security forces fought against ISIS over the entire Iraqi geography where ISIS was present and lost thousands of officers and soldiers (Hashd al-Sha’bi alone lost more than 11,000 militants).

By contrast the investment and loss of Kurdish lives has been more limited. In Iraq, while fighting ISIS in the Kurdish northern area, the Kurds lost around 2000 militants. And in Syria, when the Kurds fought against ISIS, their losses of militants were in the hundreds.

The Kurds Have Lost the Chance to Decide their Fate: Only Damascus Can Save Them

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The US played on a Kurdish vision: the Kurds in both Syria and Iraq wanted to establish a State. Washington nourished this dream through its own need to have local forces as Proxies to establish bases in areas where Iran has its centres of influence (in Iraq and Syria). The Kurdish plan failed in Iraq due to the determined Iraqi central government’s will to prevent the partition of the country. In Syria, it had, and has, no chances of succeeding because Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria all have their own reasons to prevent either a Kurdish state or a US occupation of the northern part of the Levant.

The US is not expected to leave without exacting a price in exchange for its withdrawal or an even heavier price if its forces stay. Trump turned back from his decision to retrieve his forces from Syria “any time soon” without giving a specific timetable for his continuing stay. He then asked other countries to replace his forces, not taking into account the Kurds or carrying about them. These are, indeed, the least of his worries: they also represent expenditure he is unwilling to undertake. The Americans, in fact, did not invest any sum, even in the reconstruction of the city of Raqqah which they destroyed to dislodge and relocate ISIS.

Whatever the decision may be (to have the US forces remain, or to pull out of Syria), the Syrian Kurds have lost the chance of deciding their fate, largely due to their repeated decisions to hide behind the US’s skirts.

In the Afrin enclave north-west of Syria, the Kurdish administration refused to deliver the area back to the control of the Syrian government. The Kurds decided to fight against their fiercest enemy, Turkey, for two months, losing the entire area and creating hundreds of thousands of refugees who fled to al-Hasaka and Deir-Ezzour. The Afrin administration believed the world would rush to support them and prevent Turkey’s military action: that was their biggest mistake. In fact, it was only President Bashar al-Assad who sent 900 men of the National Defence Forces (NDF) to help Afrin resistance, but failed to convince the local administration to allow the Syrian Army to take control of the enclave before it was too late. The US would rather see Ankara’s soldiers (the Kurds’ fiercest enemy) in control of Afrin than Damascus’s.

The Kurds seem unaware that they are no longer the West’s “prodigal son”. They chose to disregard the mistake the Iraqi Kurds made when these decided to go ahead with their referendum and spectacularly failed to reach an independent state. And the US is probably happy to see more Kurds from Afrin flocking into al-Hasaka, populating it with more US proxies to the benefit of Washington’s objectives in the Middle East.

It is known that the Kurds have lost hundreds of militants while fighting ISIS to recover Manbij, Raqqah and other villages in al-Hasaka and Deir-ezzour. They fought to support the US occupation of north-east Syria, offering to Washington an excuse to hold on to Syrian territories, claiming their presence was related to the “war on terror”. Not only did the US did not intervene in Afrin, but Washington asked the Kurdish YPG forces to leave Manbij to the benefit of its NATO ally, Turkey.

The Kurds Have Lost the Chance to Decide their Fate: Only Damascus Can Save Them

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The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said, following his meeting with his US counterpart Mike Pompeo, that “the US and Turkey will begin controlling the town of Manbij”. Local Arab tribes al-Bubna, al-Baqqarah and al-Tayy issued communiqués “welcoming the Turkish forces in Manbij as these will put an end to the PYD and PKK occupation of the city”.

Clearly the Kurds have willingly consented to be manipulated by the US establishment in the hope of collecting the crumbs left behind by the US forces, and maybe materialise their dream of independence. That seems very far from becoming a reality, at least in the next decades.

The Kurds were indeed surprised to see Donald Trump declaring a fast withdrawal from Syria, realising suddenly that they were being dropped from one day to the next. It was hard for the Kurds to hear the US establishment turn its back and act according to its own national interests with no regard for what could happen after their withdrawal, ignoring the sacrifices the Kurds had made to help fulfil US objectives in Syria.

When Trump agreed to keep the US forces “for a bit longer”, this decision gave an injection of temporary – but false – hope to the Kurds, thinking their fate was postponed. But for how long? Only until the US pulls out all its forces or is forced to pull out under the attacks of the “Syrian Resistance” that is beginning to gather strength in the US occupied area of Syria.

The newly announced resistance seems to belong to local tribes, mainly the “Bakkara” and the “al-Assasneh”, and other local groups ready to stand against the US forces, bringing back the memory the way the insurgency began against the US forces in Baghdad in 2003.

What the Syrian Kurds are certainly failing to acknowledge or even realise is the fact that Trump will not go out of his way to protect them neither will he put his air fleet at the Kurds’ disposal to transport them to America when the time comes to leave Syria. The outcome is predictable: when war ends, nobody wants proxies. They become a heavy burden.

The Kurds Have Lost the Chance to Decide their Fate: Only Damascus Can Save Them

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Moreover, the US has no intention of eradicating ISIS because it justifies their presence in Syria. ISIS provides an excuse for Washington to keep its forces in the Levant. It also helps the US’s objectives when its militants attack the only available route between Syria and Iraq, the albu Kamal – al Qaem road. And lastly, it gives some indications – although somewhat feeble – that Syria is still unstable.

The US will not let go of Turkey, aware that Russia and Iran are waiting to receive Ankara with open arms. To keep Turkey on its side, Washington offered Turkey the Kurdish control of Manbij on a silver platter. Moreover, the US is aware that Turkey will never accept a Kurdish state on its border with Syria. It is therefore, it is only a matter of time before the Kurds realise they are being sold off, and that their  fate has been sealed.

The Kurds were at some point considered as traitors by the central government in Damascus: they will continue to be seen as such unless they give up acting as a shield for the US. President Assad opened the door to direct negotiation and the Kurds said “ready to negotiate”. The price the Kurds need to pay is not complicated: they must stop protecting the occupying forces (US, French and UK) in the north of Syria.

The Kurds allowed Turkey to walk into Syrian territory to occupy Afrin rather than turn to the state that hosted them when they landed in the Levant. The Kurds have disposed of a territory but it doesn’t belong to them. It belongs to the state of Syria and the Kurds must wake up.

The Kurds Have Lost the Chance to Decide their Fate: Only Damascus Can Save Them

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So, what to do with the Kurds? Who is left on their side?

Trump has always been ready to leave the Kurds behind but postponed his decision because it is to Israel’s advantage – not that of the US – to keep the American occupation of northern Syria. Also, Trump wanted money from both Saudi Arabia’s and the Emirates. He thus transformed the US Army into mercenaries and “guns for sale”. The Emirates and Saudi Arabia – according to the media – both offered 400 million dollars but Trump asked for 4 billion dollars to keep his soldiers on the ground. It seems the US forces have become like a duck laying golden eggs provided by wealthy Middle Eastern countries. And in this mish-mash the Kurds have no place at all.

The equation is very simple: if the US forces stay and occupy north-east Syria, Washington needs to invest in rebuilding the infrastructure, which means spending real money. This doesn’t fit with Trump’s objectives to collect rather than invest even one dollar. This is what the Kurds resisted realising and which they still seem not to have understood.

To conclude, the Kurds have no special place under the wings of the US. They are no longer alone in the Middle East with ties with Israel. Bahrein, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Emirates are no longer hiding the exchange of visits with Israeli officials and are overtly speaking in favour of a relationship with Tel Aviv.

The Kurds may have only one possibility: to reach out to the central government in Damascus for mediation, stop protecting an occupying force, and understand they are the cannon fodder for the benefit of the US-Turkish relationship. The Kurds need to make it very clear they are unwilling to be used as a shield for the US goal to divide Syria. All recent positioning of the Kurds makes this extremely unlikely. But this is the only way forward for them, if they are able to take it. They can then win a full reintegration into the state that hosted them when they arrived in the Levant 100 years ago.

Proof read by: Maurice Brasher

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Assad & the Kurds need to make a deal acceptable to both sides – without the Kurds the US has no boots on the ground (other than Isis) – some kind of limited autonomy may be the result. Any deal has to preclude the presence of the US.

Rex drabble

Assad tried that,they said NO.Now they DIE or SURRENDER..No more talking!


You are wrong That was before Turkish invasion of Afrin (without US lifting finger to defend Kurds) Turks also started to negotiate with US against Kurd interests now. Any way US turns things… with the time Turks will get more impatient so either Turks will get even more concessions from U.S. or they will confront Kurds directly ignoring U.S.. So only viable – acceptable option for Kurds is Assad !


are u on drugs????????? AFRIN is and was SYRIAN TERRITORY , they the kurds on mulitple occasions said FUCK OFF to the syrians…..and dont forget the worst part of this satanic jew slave piece of shit humans…..THEY ARE STILL FORCEFULLS RECRUITING SYRIANS INT HE EAST……..you know what that means bro? FORCEFULLY RECRUITING KIDS?????? they go into the villages and towns on GUNPOINT, and take away the kids of the syrians…what do u think does that look like ??mom and dad and uncle and sister sitting at the sideline saying”yeah take my children with you, thank you kurds”??? NO NO they shoot them in the kneecaps, they torture them and kill some…. NO bro….they have choosen their path all by THEMSELVES with all consequenses.DEATH


I’m not on drugs but I see that you are. Judging by your reaction. Try to read again what I wrote and all from the start to grasp the context (if you can)

“Recruiting” Syrian represent nothing. Ther are SAA troops in Al-Hasakah region so all those young men have to do is to go to the SAA and accept their uniforms = PROBLEM SOLVED .

If they had any decency they should have enlisted long time ago in SAA because their country is in war… But it is never too late…

Slow down with whatever you are taking…. even if it is energy drinks and caffeine….

David Pryce

Maybe some parents don’t want there child to enlist in the Syrian War because child soldiers are a terrorist action, and I don’t want to astound you but Al Hasakah is surrounded by all the ills of Syria US regime SDF ISIS The small area of Syrian soldiers has survived by holding there base and teenagers, adults who wish to join have been getting there SAA uniforms Kids play with bikes and friends not AK – 47s


“Maybe some parents don’t want there child to enlist”

Why are you talking about “child soldiers”?!? Where did you get information that they want to enlist “children”?!!

” I don’t want to astound you but Al Hasakah is surrounded by all the ills of Syria”

Listen whatever you have been told it is not accurate. There are no ongoing animosities between Kurds, Jihad maniacs (SDF) on one side and SAA on the other side. So there is no danger whatsoever for those YOUNG MEN to do military service there.

I think that you try to present SAA as some kind of criminals who are manipulating children or forcing them against their will to become soldiers. If that is the case do NOT waste my time.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You are of course talking about the YPG/PYD recruiting young children as this has been their modus operandi for generations even kidnapping Arab children or Turk or European.


I didn’t know that. But that has nothing to do with SAA -Syrian Army. They do not take children in the army.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They force Syrian Arabs to fight for the SDF this has been since day one and try to silence opposition from any ethnicity even their own. Kurds dream is over they need to learn this and stop being sectarian bigots in Syria.Look at Qimishli and Hasaka Syrian Army is located there and many Arabs from the SDF are turning themselves in and joining SAA. Raqqa has a resistance group opposed to the US and Kurds not ISIS causing problems there. ISIS had boats provided by YPG/US to cross the Euphrates earlier.


“They force Syrian Arabs to fight for the SDF” I thought that SDF is practically ISIS To “silence opposition” is job of any occupational force. And they have full US support for that “forced mobilization” and “silencing of opposition”.. Yet nobody was stopping those young men to go to SAA- Syrian Army and becoming soldiers. That is even their DUTY to do that! And if they do not want to become soldiers of SAA- Syrian Army than it is their problem how they are going to avoid becoming soldiers of “SDF”.

I will quote Forest Gump on Kurd’s “Stupid is what stupid does” These people must use their last chance to reconcile with Assad before it is to late. Their leaders are either totally corrupt or idiots

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Arabs get stopped from joining in Hasaka and Qimishli , the factions ISIS not all remain in Syria as elsewhere in the world they are shunted to exist.

William Carrington

Kurdistan, United Arab Republic both total failures because of tribalism .


Listen…. Syria was all right as country before all this …just like Libya. Now you can label them with many evils of this world if that makes you happy.. Everybody can make some theory and explanation that is not prohibited. Feel free to do so but I will not join you on that…

William Carrington

Thanks for replying , l am 100% for Assad and his Secular supporters.For all the good Col. Ghadaffi did for Libya it was in vain,thanks to Washington .Please check Abel Danger about Deep State interference .Best wishes.


You welcome William. I’m glad that we share similar views. I am sure that many people in Libya deeply regret the choices they have made at the time. Their lives were extremely better then they are now. In way many people in Syria understand that they have no alternative to Assad unless they want to become like Afghanistan a failed state with permanent war.


When saying “United Arab Republic” did you talk about “Syrian Arab Republic” or “United Arab Emirates” ?

William Carrington

Nassar (Egypt) tried to form a UAR but it failed ,after him came Saddat who tried to get a peace deal with Israel and was assassinated ! Whata melting pot of devided countrys’ the Mid. East is. I was stationed in Bahrain ,’63 and ’66 and left the army in 1977. Best wishes.


they were not allright, both ruled by maffia clans

Promitheas Apollonious

it appearing that both used as their raw model USA.

William Carrington

Feeding B 52s ,F 104s etc. to ” liberate ” Vietnam , caused a very big queue of tankers off the coast of Bahrein .The 7 sisters ,ruling the oil waves.

Promitheas Apollonious

is this supposed to be an answer to what I said? As for the 7 sisters they used to, now they dont even rule.. their bowel movements.


Yes the only viable option for the Kurds is Assad, but now that they have invaded Arab territory, they have probably closed off that option. Perhaps Germany will take them?


“Perhaps Germany will take them?” It is not funny… Syria needs peace and shortest way to the peace is that Kurds reconcile with Assad.

“now that they have invaded Arab territory” Not important at all as long as blood is not spilled The most important thing is that there was no bigger conflict between Arabs-SAA and Kurd’s and they even fought in Aleppo on the same side. Syria needs Kurd help to get rid of U.S. and Kurds need SAA help against Turk occupation in Afrin (despite Astana that is occupation) Both sides need each other Syria is multi-ethnic and multi-religious country

Promitheas Apollonious

give rights to the whores who betray syria not once? That be the bigger mistake syrians do.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The US south betrayed the US once and now they are an integral part of a world superpower. Learn from the masters or you will become their slaves.

Promitheas Apollonious

try and activate a second cell and also learn history. And who are the masters according to you…. my advice watch less hollywood and try opening a book for a change.

O rly

so you want Syria to treat Kurd the way modern Americans treaty the confederacy?

ok Kurds are treasonous traitors, and there legacy and memory should be purged from the public square.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Yes, that would be the idea. The former confederate states are 100% part of the US, aren’t they?

O rly

yah, that fine, and syria can denounce all Kurdish leaders, remove all Kurdish history from schools, prohibit Kurdish languages and have all kurds renounce their loyalty to kurdistan.

yah then they can have all the autonomy they want.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The southern states of the US are free to choose their language for education (English with an accent), teach their version of history in schools, elect their own governor and state legislators, send 2 senators each and house reps in proportion to their population to the capital in Washington DC, elect the US President, but they do all have to swear loyalty to the US (not confederate) constitution. The Kurds should be delighted with this offer and Assad would be wise to make this offer and so begin the birth of a new superpower, the United Federation of Arab States (UFAS).


would u make a deal with me after i take away your kids on gun point??????????????? Thats what “forcefull recruiting means”…the kurds coming into the villages and towns at gunpoint.What do you think that looks like ey?? mom and dad, sister and uncle sitting at the sidelines saying” yeah take away our kids, thank you”????????? No they shoot some, torture others, and kill some. Nobody made the kurds choose their path…it was their choice.now live with the consequences.DEATH.


Will you give autonomy to the part of your country just because some ethnic group want that? There is no double standards, your answer for your country have to be same and for all other countries…

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Why should Texans have their own state in the US? The Arab Nation can learn a lot from how the US was built, maybe adopt the US constitution wholesale.


Yes a some form of Kurdish self autonomy in Kurdish dominated region should be not too much problem except their behaviour as of late simply make it difficult for anyone to believe them they’d behaved themselves with that much.

Syrians can be Arabs, Yezidi, Turkmen, or Kurds. Kurds ? based off ethnicity.

O rly

because texas joined the united states as an existing state.

why should whites or Mexicans or blacks get local autonomy within Texas?

answer: they don’t.


What if ethnic Mexicans become the majority in Texas or other states or even parts of other states and demand their own autonomous areas, their own state or annexation with Mexico – Atzland (or however it is spelled)?

And the U.S. was built by taking over all the land – from ocean to ocean – from the Native Americans – by making treaties with them then breaking them as the U.S. colonized and moved further and further west, by regular massacres and ethnic cleansing.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

If Mexicans become the majority in Texas than they will be new and most loyal Texan Americans, the more the merrier. As a golden bronze British Indian, I would thoroughly approve. However, as Trump would say, it would be pinky Texans own fault for not having enough babies and leaving the front door wide open. Don’t the pinky Texans know how to have babies? As a science teacher, I could give them a few lessons on reproduction! Besides, Texas and California belong to the United States of Mexico!


“As a golden bronze British Indian”

I assumed you were Armenian because of (Yerevan).

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Check out my British flag.

Sven Schmidt

Does religion matter in texas, can the muslim in the USA get their own state? Or the black people may want California to become a black only state! Is that possibile?Or the mexicans or the irish? Total BS! The state is secular everybody has the same rights in syria!

Wise Gandalf

Will you give autonomy to the part of your country just because some ethnic group want that?

This is normal way.

Jens Holm

Thats not give. Thats stolen identity by force.

And there are many small more os less independent encklaves around the world even some are not recognized by many.

SDFs want something which is very normal in parts of the world. Thats making their own decisions for important local matters and make progress by that. And You do see the succes for that around the world as well.

Even the uprise by others has the same reasons. The poor parts was not helped and that included the poor parts of the big towns as well.

People then went into tribe mode, because thats the only structure rthey knew beside the fear and bajonet one driven by Assads.

All from Your areas are told lies and lies about democrasy and only the bad parts are showed well. Our relative wellfare is based on many strings and not – as I saw written about Raqqa – that SDFs were not democrates.

The main reasons for democrasy are many and not the evil assumptions we see here veryday made by parrots of baathistas and Erdopedia.

If we were as You insinuate oil only was for lamps and we made better hays for cars – if there was any cars.


Again, will you give autonomy to the part of your country? Answer to your self, not to me, nor anyone else.

Mustafa Mehmet

No way


It’s up to every nation to decide how it wants to deal with its minorities or majorities. So long as ‘doing something to their own people’ isn’t involved or we don’t like them, or they’re an ‘investment’ – like a colony or the free state of Montenegro and its ‘Yacht Club’.


Exactly! It’s up to every nation to decide! Whole nation to decide, nor other nations, nor UN, nor part of country.


kurds should be exterminated like the terrorist scum they are

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

That is not how the new Arab Confederation, with its capital in Damascus and Assad as its first Confederate President, will be built. How do you think that the 13 British colonies have become a superpower of 50 states and owners of another 50 slave states of today? True revenge will be a new Earth-shattering Arab/Muslim secular superpower from Morocco to Iraq, maybe on to Indonesia, with a gap in Israel, India and mainland SE Asia.


dream on….

Gregory Casey

Why not??? It is very much in their interests!!

Tommy Jensen

“nothing but a dreamer……..”, Supertramp.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

If you don’t dream you will end up in a sewer. In fact REM sleep, when we have active dreams, is essential for our health and sanity. So, Tommy boy, I will have a dream: that one day, soon, the Arab and Muslim lands will be united in a Confederation, and be another vital node in the multipolar world, just like the (federal) Republic of India, where I was born. All it takes is a continental congress in Damascus, after Assad has re-claimed every inch of Syria, like a phoenix rising from the ashes created by the destructive US, the very invaders who will be expelled with their tails between their legs. What will the US and its minions do? Bomb around the clock? “One o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock, BOMB! We’re gone to bomb around the the clock tonight … in broad daylight!” Apologies to MLK and BH.


How about they change their name to Jew, then they could all move to Israel or the US?

Feudalism Victory

So basically trump is working to make peace in syria?

William Carrington

More like “Pieces”.

O rly

like in iraq they will suffer the consequences of being on the losing side, they will accept was is given to them or they will get the turkish military.

Sven Schmidt

No deal with traitors! Take it with force!


Once a traitor, always a traitor, Syria must free itself from these zionist scumbags forever.


ty.spot on…..kill them all….how can the syrians ever ever ever trust those scumbags ever again…kill them all..their women and children…and nobody give me bs about them fuckin kurds who prostituted themselves to the satanic jewish interests……NOBODY MADE THEM….IT WAS THEM THE FUCKING JEW SLAVES KURDS WHO CHOSE THAT PATH.period.


Yeah right, genocide is a good idea on your part. :(


they should lock you up for good

Richard M

Try the de-caf, or is it captagon twirling your boat?

David Pryce

Kurds must be invited back into the fold as autonomous Syrians. Under no circumstances should a Syrian Soldier or Arab defend the obvious strikes by Turkey on the kurds once US regime leaves Homes confiscated and land stolen by the kurds should be returned to the Arabs in there neighbourhood They made there bed and secured relative freedom from US proxies ISIS after they came under US command which still stands today, from the first year of thr war. The Kurds had the Ace card they now hold nothing

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Assad has already invited the Kurds back. Will the Kurds accept or will they be backward enough to expect that the US will actually sacrifice their own mercenaries to protect them???

Wise Gandalf

But did not offer anything.


Totally wrong, he agreed to let them live. After betraying their country, they don’t really deserve such kindness, but Assad has a kind heart.

Wise Gandalf

Totally wrong, he agreed to let them live.


kurds are not aborigines, syria is not australia

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Stop dreaming they never held any cards as the US has always controlled their fate for the past 100 years.


America should never have been in Syria (…and many other countries). It is my hope that a sane withdrawal is discussed at the Putin/Trump summit. The countries that live together need to find ways to live together and find ways to keep the treacherous, money-grubbing predictors out of the reign.

Promitheas Apollonious

too late for that.


…a little too optimistic? eh? ;-)


If they want to come back into the Syrian government good graces then they should offers themselves as the spearhead against US forces. Anything less than that should be a no deal for Assad. They want to ride on the winning side. Too bad it’s not the US side.

Feudalism Victory

TRUMP 2020 the peace bringer


It looks like the Jew world order is trying to sell out the Kurds to the Turks, with the Turks as a new partner to set up Israelistan in northern Syria with a bait and switch land grab to make it easier to balkanise Turkey once the Turks fall for the trick. The Kurds are probably being told to be patient and cooperate and they’l get Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran as their new autonomous state later.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Excellent article.

Jens Holm

Another Turkish stupidism map of ancient times. And how do I see that.

Well as usual Turkmens are a big líe. They all the time add Turkmen which today live in Turkey being well integrated or assimilated. They also include Turkmens in all possible ways today are Syrians.

The best estimate is, there today are 0,7 mio Turkmen, but the mapos show 1,2 mio of them. ……………………………………………..

Its also mainly is a socalled majority map. So if there are 51% kurds, none others are on the map even if they are 49%. And even worse: If fx arabs are 40%, Kurds are 30% and Turkmen are 30% – it becomes an arabic territory even if 60% is not. ……………………………………………..

That the Eropedia typic Sabah version. The count Manbij in the same way. Manbij towhnj itself is arabic, som the rest dont count. And thats not even true today, bacuse like in the GREAT turkey poeople has urbanized. People from the countrysides has emmigrated to the town whatever etnicity they are.

And thats the cheep base for the dirty Turkish involvements in Syria as well as the one in the kurdish areas.

Next will be as usual in Turkey. The new moderate kurds elected to the parlament probatly soon will be in jail as well.


The Kurds being ‘the best fighters’ or ‘the best friends’ is a unique American perspective on the region.Just as in its previous outings, that ‘jingo’ is going to hit the Kurds in the neck. The friendship’ is sadly misplaced.

Tommy Jensen

The Kurds can escape to EU who always are willing to protect traitors.

Tim Hadfield

Stupid Kurds, relying on America the unreliable. They would still get a better deal from Assad, but their leaders have been bought.


What utter propaganda rubbish. The Kurds *only* option is to decide their own fate. And well they can. And well they must. As I’ve always said, the alleged US support was temporal and patchy at best. The last thing they should do is to deliver themselves into the hands of ‘Damascus’. Damascus itself, a rather impotent player in Syria (nothing really, without support from Russia and Iran) has little room to decide anything. To say Damscus doesn’t care about Kurds would be a sanitized statement. Damscus wishes for no Kurds or no identifiable Kurds in Syria. The Kurds have no vali, hence, they must endure the long bitter struggle for their rights alone. Eventually, when states such as Turkey and Syria fall – which they probably will – they will have their own. Let’s remember that Turkey, Syria, Iran etc. know only one answer to legit Kurdish aspirations: terror. This will not stand.


Maybe little Miss Muffet can find the Kurds a Whey.


The Kurds had a deal with Syria, and they double crossed Damascus for yankee trinkets. Why should they be trusted again?

Jeff Albertson

So much “Assad and Putin military might are great” in this article. If I knew this article was a SAA and Russia dicksucking piece. I would have clicked X earlier.

Hugh Allan

Any group of people, anywhere in the world, be they Arabic, Asian, Hispanic or otherwise, who are unable to see the Americans and Israelis for what they are, self serving dogs, and climb into bed with them deserve whatever fate befalls them.

Hugh Allan

About 50 years ago, the Rolling Stones wrote a song called “Sympathy For The Devil”.

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