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The Luxury Swiss Peace Summit Was A Flop

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The Luxury Swiss Peace Summit Was A Flop

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Written by Piero Messina

To make peace it is better to gather in a five-star resort equipped with all comforts. Western diplomacy loves luxury and the pleasures of life. To discuss peace between Russia and Ukraine, it was decided to hold the summit in increasingly less neutral Switzerland. 

The summit took place at the legendary Burgenstock Resort in Lucerne. A little corner of paradise for the delegations present at the summit: stuff for billionaires. Room stays cost between $1,500 and $2,000 per night per person. The Lucerne resort covers an area of 10,000 m², features 3 private spa rooms, 15 treatment rooms, a fully equipped fitness area, an indoor swimming pool and 2 outdoor swimming pools, one of which is an infinity one with breathtaking views of the lake of the Four Cantons. The catering service is also enchanting: the rates to take advantage of international cuisine vary between 200 and 400 dollars per meal. In short, if you have to play at making peace, it’s better to do it with a full belly and maximum comfort.

The Luxury Swiss Peace Summit Was A Flop

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No harm done, therefore, if the summit was a gigantic flop. First of all due to the absence of the Russian and Chinese delegations.  What makes the noise above all is the fact that no member of the BRICS, of which Moscow is part together with Brazil, India, China and South Africa, ultimately gave the green light to the final declaration of the Burgenstock conference.  In addition to the BRICS countries, Mexico, Indonesia and Thailand also decided not to sign the text. In the end, Iraq and Jordan, with a joint note, also made it known that they were withdrawing their signatures from the final document.

Can that document be considered the basis for future peace negotiations? Probably not. The main points of the paper are a statement of principle that would amount to an unconditional surrender by Russia. That document takes no account of military dynamics on the battlefield.

The Luxury Swiss Peace Summit Was A Flop

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The final communiqué was signed by 80 out of 92 countries present at various degrees of representation. The other countries that do not appear on the list are Armenia, Colombia, the Vatican (observer), Libya, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates. The three top institutions of the European Union appear in the list of signatories but not other international organizations.

In a draft being finalized before the signing of the document – which calls for the complete exchange of prisoners of war and the return of children deported from Russia – it was read among other things:

“We reaffirm our commitment – we read in this draft statement – to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all States, including Ukraine, within their recognized borders at the international level, including territorial waters, and the settlement of disputes by peaceful means as principles of international law”.

Yet this is fine for Ukraine because it is the “first step”, as President Volodymyr Zelensky said yesterday and Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba reiterated in other words today:

“The countries that did not come to the summit see what is happening: Ukraine is building consensus around the peace formula and this allows us to make enormous steps forward towards a just peace, not at all costs”.

According to Kiev, in short, the foundations of an agreement are being laid here in Lucerne which should then be submitted to Moscow and possible negotiating countries.  If the Ukrainians’ starting point is not to give up any of their lands, it will be a dialogue of the deaf.


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Allahists are Nazis

these narcofags selling dreams to their patrons and and giving nightmare and hell to the ukr. population

U breaka, I fixa

they are the devil’s spawn.


but why so stupid?! mad adolf looks like monster of rock compared to these kids with toy guitars, very angry kids though.

Western Fag CLownshow

the coked up jew delivers what the tribe always delivers…..shit

Western Fag CLownshow

not inviting one of the participants of the war – russia, this is worse than a joke. this is an insult to the intellilgence of everybody present. this infantile mentality sums up the western world in 2024

U breaka, I fixa

last farts from a dying empire.


you mean americunt, i gues

J. R. Swedsen

a total flop. but hey, it managed to fill up the kanton’s kasse specially considering the overpriced catering. the losers are we tax payers.


i live close to the resort. the entire resort is overpriced, not just the catering.


over priced? its only $1500 per night.


check out the special suites, 1500 is cheap compared to the really expensive rooms


there’s clearly a shadow world in which only the uber rich exist with their flunkies like trudeau, zelensky etc.

Last edited 4 months ago by Cavery

always been that way. human socierty even in ancient times is a pyramid, a few powerful men and women at the top, a lot of poor people at the bottom, and all the rest of use somewhere in the middle, and lots of movement up and down the levels all the time.

U breaka, I fixa

what do they care, it’s not their money.


shame on hungary (always number one pro-zionist) and serbia and turkey (dubble-faced snake) because they backstabbed russia and signed the peace document!

Last edited 4 months ago by Daniel

my guess about serbia is that they want kosovo back. you know, their international borders, just like ukraine wants.

but we americans will keep them hostage on that point, for they helped squash our nazis that we supported during ww2!

Lloyd Austin Powers

we americans always support islamofascists and ukronazis when they can help us out with new military bases.


hell yeh brotha! 🗽👍


ah, but the us is a nazi nation. why else would the beloved congress members give a standing ovation to genocide bibi and then click their held together.


is it a treason to sign a fake agreement ? all that shit is a circus…. they know it, they eat the meal, they sign the shitty paper and that’s all. it has no value.

U breaka, I fixa

i don’t think so. washington signs fake agreements and makes fake promises all the time. i think it’s in the intl rules-based guide book they dreamed up.

Last edited 4 months ago by U breaka, I fixa
efihenya jensova holmenko

stop insulting my husband please. he good man. he has good sides too. for example he is generous and has a lot of fantasy. and is not jealous.


what a lovebirds in that picture! is zelensky even trying to touch in public vhere he seems to be going to touch?🤣🤣🤣

Moshe Dayan

russia needs to target the real sources of this contrived war to destroy their federation: and it’s not the hardware on the ground, it’s those eugenicist criminals who are forcing their evil agenda upon the world. may god bless the russian federation as it does battle against the demons who created the pandemic.

LGBTQ Peace Summit

waste of money and time. these politicians will soon have to answer at home for the inflation and possible nuclear war. not to mention that a large majority of countries involved in this summit have leaders that have already been voted out while new governments are being formed.


“we reaffirm our commitment – we read in this draft statement – to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states” like you did against yugoslavia? like you did against serbia when you stole kosovo and by force crushed serbia’s sovereignty? f….n hypocrites, liars. thieves and murderers


without double-standards, the eurotards would have no standards at all.



voiceless lapdogs of uncle sam.


+iraq, afghanista, libya, numerous color coups, bribing officials and murdering them, if bribes and threats not work. threats to invade over the world or invading via terrorist groups like “al-qaeda” or daesh. sodomy at its best. you probably know that ancient sodomites were not pervert only, but liars, crooks and gangsters also. a day without a crime was useless day for them. now sodom is covered by waters of the dead sea. new sodom is too big and will be covered by the dead ocean.


trudeau found a nice puppy dog. if only his puppy dog knew who his daddy was.

U breaka, I fixa

isn’t trudeau a puppy dog too though?

Rise of amalek

the image of treadeau and mr. z says it all… like 2 fruit cakes about to swap saliva.

John Kesich

a flop? volodymyr had a great time. btw, what’s he reaching for in thumbnail?


he wants to confirm that macron is really the wife in his marriage! 😂😂😂🎪


thought about the same. these perverts are no longer hiding!


zelensky will fit a noose perfectly once it’s round his neck and swinging in the wind – need to make certain that he never get to use his stolen properties, be it cash or houses or boats. a firing squad might be an alternative!


that zelensky is sleaze is well known but it seems as if he’s after the other persons (trudeau?) member? no


this whole “peace meeting” is one big propaganda trick, which only tries to smear russia and try to show ukraine as wanting peace. in an effort to forget that ukraine attacked the self-declared regions from 2014. and killed and abused an ethnic minority before that.

U breaka, I fixa

silliest thing the dying empire ever dreamed up, next to that liberaci stagecoach the uk’s royal family rides around in.


typical photo op flop


lol, look like puppet zelensky want to shake something else. bunch of low life sell out scum bag puppets to the max the whole lot of them.

Massa John

brics++ is the only answer to this travesty of truth


80 out of ~190 counties and iraq with jordan revoked their signatures. first goal was to invite at least 150 countries. result — 80 countries and organizations. and 50 is the number of sodomites who attacks russia. circus with clown of kiev and kamala with her “today is today. and yesterday was today yesterday. tomorrow will be today tomorrow. so live today, so the future today will be as the past today as it is tomorrow.” outstanding imbeciles!

Last edited 4 months ago by Антон

all participants were automatically included on the signatory list, just by being there, unless they opted out.


a lot of oddball non state associations signed this worthless joke piece of paper to pad out the numbers, like the office of some priest in constantinople. and the eu signed it 3 times.

i’m just surprised they didn’t get the worshipful company of fishmongers, the golders green masonic lodge and the english collective of prostitutes to sign it as well.

Conan M

and it was preordained to be a “flop” when the bis continues to be a bag holder of the f-u.k.u.$./i$rael/eus war crimes and looting operations in the me, africa and now eastern europe after 30 years that have price tag(s) far in excess of their value. this is why russia should have opened the door to the independent not-for-profits like ae911 truth that could have avoided more of it after the lies and deceit of the “official” 9/11 commission report.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

zelensky está pegando no pênis do trodeu que faz um sorriso maroto pra ele. dois gays enrustidos. chupa zelensky, chupa meu pau seu desgraçado!


is zelensky reaching for the other bisexuals (trudeaus) dick in that photo?

looks like they want some action between them.

Massa John

you’re vermin


that left hand is-a-creepin’.


thing’s will be decided on the battlefield, and not on a junket at a five star resort by a collection of little local politicians on a busman’s holiday.


just look where zelensky’s left hand is. certainly a match made in hades.


peace is near data says 🤣

Last edited 3 months ago by Madman
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