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MARCH 2025

The Masks Have Been Dropped. Tahrir Al-Sham Wants To Establish Contact With The Zionists

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The Masks Have Been Dropped. Tahrir Al-Sham Wants To Establish Contact With The Zionists

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Written by Damir Nazarov

The second month of the “renewed” Jabhat Nusra’s rule has begun and the world community is witnessing the brutal aggression of the Takfirists against the minorities of Syria; the Alawites and Christians have even had to arm themselves. However, the propaganda of Qatar, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia is repeating about the “remnants of the former regime” who allegedly started an “uprising”, thereby justifying the actions of the al-Julani dictatorship against the minorities of Syria.

At the same time, the jihadist regime is trying to flirt with the main enemies of the Islamic World, when the self-proclaimed governor of Damascus directly stated that his group “has no problems with Israel“, and he also demanded that the Americans establish “good relations” between the parties. These words from the Tahrir al-Sham representative made Erdogan look like a complete fool, especially against the backdrop of the words of his main ally in the ruling coalition: “After the liberation of Damascus, al-Quds will be liberated.” (After some time, the same member of the Jabhat Nusra regime hastened to refute his words, since his superiors understand that various other factions of the FSA can use this incriminating evidence for the upcoming political struggle in the new Syria) In fact, the interview with the Americans explains why Jabhat Nusra so easily allows the Zionists to seize lands in the south of the country.

For its part, Zionism has tried to point to the “new government” of Syria as an “enemy“, but such a diplomatic maneuver has been characteristic of the occupiers for many years. “Israel” is trying to show itself to the world community as the “only democracy” in a hostile region with an abundance of dictatorships and sectarian groups, so when one of the aforementioned forms of political government exposes its ties to the Zionists, the occupiers immediately try to hide these very ties. Zionist statements should always be seen as a kind of code that combines a message for the West, a justification for their existence and a certain agenda. When Zionism “complains” about the jihadist nature of the regime in Syria, it should be understood as a complaint to the American people about a certain “threat” at the gates of “Israel”, therefore, according to the logic of the Zionists, the Yankees should help the “only democracy” in the region. But when that very help is received, the Zionists will direct it precisely at the ideological enemies of Tahrir al-Sham in the person of Iran and certain organizations affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Since only the Islamic Republic and the ideal brothers Hamas in the region have Zionism as an existential enemy.

As for Tahrir al-Sham, they are fulfilling their part of the deal with the Americans properly. Zionism has been given guarantees of “peaceful coexistence“, and the main enemy of the “new Syria” is now Iran and its allies. Everything happened as the envoys from Washington wanted. Just a couple of months ago, Tahrir al-Sham expressed condolences over the martyrdom of Yahya Sinwar and claimed that in their march on Damascus, they took an example from the actions of Hamas on October 7, 2023. But today, officials of the former al-Qaeda assure the Zionists that they want to live in peace with the occupiers and Syria under the rule of Tahrir al-Sham “will not become a threat” to the Zionists.

It is important to add that despite the alleged support of Hamas, during the entire “al-Aqsa flood”, neither Tahrir al-Sham nor their allies or supporters from the Syrian opposition have ever condemned the Zionist invasion of the Gaza Strip, ignored the Palestinian genocide or offered any assistance to the Palestinians. Instead, Tahrir al-Sham is drawing the world’s attention to itself so that people continue to ignore the genocide of Gaza.


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ah, erdogan’s nazarov dog wakes up a little from his coma? it was predictable from the start nazarov the whore! hts is a us-turkish-zionist production!, erdogan is domneh so no surprise except for propagandists like nazarov

Malcolm Z

i remember how even drunk yeltsin kept the turks at bay…he supported armenia that won the nogorno karabaj war, also deployed s-300 and troops in cyprus to avoid a turkish invasion, but now putin ( a business manager) has close ties with turks in detriment of the geopolitical interests of russia. the clear example is the loss of karabaj, syria and part of libya, also the uprising in kazajistan


of course. syria same as egypt and usa is now run by jews ( in this case jews, which pose as “islamists”) germans knew all the jewish tricks and fought these pest bravely, but sadly us & uk people same as russian people not realized the real enemy, and are till today still believing most of the jewish lies. truth history is hidden from them, see: https://cuturl.cc/xas

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

not unless jesuit franco is a jew obama told you ” the pope is the moral authority fir rule of law” there’s no position higher than that. we don’t speak hebrew and we don’t follow the jewush calendar we speak english and use the vatican’s calendar.


and england was is really still romes. a briton still in the law today is a slave of rome.


church and vatican were long infiltrated and turned around by the jews. judaism is satanism. and at least by the 2nd concilium everything was turned to satanism. but in fact likely even much before that. jesus never ordered his follower to have a “vatican” or hunt down witches.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

but he himself hunted down the money-changers and interest-takers and whipped them violently out of the temple, and destroyed their tables. so this upright doings of him we should take as bright model and holy plan for what we ought to do to all those hook-nosed bankers and their jerks and mercenaries everywhere. !!

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

franco was fighting trotsky and the masons. look up moscow gold and masonic element in the spanish republic. was straight out of the protocols to bankrupt the country then push communism while looting. harriman and stalin peobably thought it was madness. even if you agree with liberalism or communism it was ruthless.

Shlomo's little weenie

ai fuckwit created bot on the loose. respond accordingly 🚦💩💩💩


he was drunk becayse he was trapped and frustrated and filled with self loathing imo the usual reasons people drink. imo


sooooooo surprising……


israel will run roughshod with impunity under democracy. if you love democracy then you love israel.


control the money supply control the press control the press control the mob that is democracy


true except you have to control the law to do that legally.


you don’t get it or don’t want too maybe chatles is king of israel its his kingdom. the bibi government doesn’t even have a constitution nothings what it seems.


look at charles face, he too is jewish, whole uk kingdom family is half inbred jews. they married with jews, even the current woman of charles son (and therefore likely next queen of england) is half-jewish and by her uncle directly blood-connected to the rothchild family.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

miss kate middleton – she is half jewish indeed. and an uncle of her is directly bound by marriage to a rothchild.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor
Niccolo Machiavelli

same sunni, different day…….

Grab Your Gat

same salafi different day.

The Zionist

it seems like sunnies are less crazy.

keyboard warrior

yes very crazy. they like to live like slave dogs for the zionist and their western masters. they been barking like mad dogs to have a chance to get to save their sunni brothers in palestine, because they are the true warriors. but now they have a front with israhelli they become like small dogs. rolling on their backside for their masters. their masters tell them jump and they jump as highest they can as a loyal dog!! they only strong against other unarmed minorities in syria. they are dogs!

Grab Your Gat

it seems to ziocrook that salafists are made in israel.


they will all die soon hopefully, and true syrians retake control of their ancient lands


zero surprises. this was apparent from the start (only thing we didn’t expect was that syria would surrender and disintegrate so quickly). i think after all these decades muslims simply accepted the supremacy of the zionist entity as a natural fact. erdogan agreed on a power sharing deal with usa and the euro-american apartheid settler colony “israel” over the corpse of former syria.

Last edited 2 months ago by Redguard

you really need to separate propagandas from reality unless you’re just another anti semitic nazi troll. imo they’re very popular here wearing their saul alisky rules for radicals, always the same always the opposite passive aggressive caps. imo


i have no problem with bullets hiting hts filth and terror synagogues


🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆

Edgar Zetar

i don’t understand why sf wrote a lot of reports about a failed state without goverment in syria. syria has two regional powers, turkey at the north and israel at the south, both owns syria land and resources now, also is the supreme hegemon who reigns over all their childrens, so, the new syrian goverment will be the first “head of snake” goverment of the xxi century, and had to be aligned to turkey, israel, be a demilitarized zone.

Last edited 2 months ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

and had to be controlled indirectly by all specially israel, and the supreme hegemon watching over them at the top. people has to study the new “head of snake” goverment because they will want to instaurate this new kind of goverment in every land they wanted to enslave to take all their resources. if russia fails they would do the same to russia for sure. russia should open their eyes or they will be conquered by the exceptionals breed.

Last edited 2 months ago by Edgar Zetar

this is why this is happening. russia was target since forever. syria is stepping stone to iran, then russia. all those years wasted because they thought it was a good idea to create a homeland for these terrorists in idlib. all because of turkey and their allies israel and u.s. israel is about to flank hez to the east of lebanon, waiting for fake cease fire to end.


big big mistakes have been made, those head choppers should have been killed not allowed to settle in idlib.


do unto others oliver. green acres is the place to be, etc.


no you’re naive war is the most profitable business on earth it needs good excuses for motivations grow up.


russia is fully jewish controlled already since 1917 (jewish aka “russian” revolution) – wake up man !!!! get your mind straight, inform yourself and dont be fooled by the state medias. here see this docu from part 1 -end . https://cuturl.cc/bzz

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

how many times have you been told that chatles is king of israel? why do you keep pretending you don’t know the truth? what’s your motivations?

Edgar Zetar

never believe a jew, even if the say he is god, the tried to brainwashed me since childhood, but they failed badly, one in a hundred millions, never believe a jew or the king of jews, is equal to the king of lies.

Last edited 2 months ago by Edgar Zetar

hts said the truth al quods will be litrated of all nonjew lives just like the rest of the israeli controlled territory with the only exceptions beeing the duze who seem to be treated as friends.


total and dominance of the trio of us/ isreal/ turkey over the middle east is upon us and when trump is in office iran will be attacked to expand the dominance into the caucasus and whatever name al quida will use there will march first to kill the armenians and then through azerbeyddzhan to attack russia. its still the original plan ist was just delayed for 12 years and china is next after that.

Last edited 2 months ago by kotromanic

sorry to say but.. china is controlled by jews since late 1950’s already. mao tse dong was installed by henry kissinger and jewish-usa yale university by special program and institute called yale-china association. so please dont fall for their different branches worldwide.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

its bad yes. usa,eu,russia & china, egypt, jordan and now libyia,syria, are fully (and partly iraq) are in the hands of world jewry. so if we want to be free we need to fight the beast by its core and tell the truth about them jews being satanists! judaism is the highest form of satanism !! that’s what everyone on earth needs to grasp !!!

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

they why is there support for uygurs in xinyang why is erdogan alloud to tout his great turan fantasys?


because uygurs are like islamists.jews always support islamists and religious fanatics when they have choice between nationalist enemy or religious enemy. erdogan on its part is just tolerated by israel as long as he helps suppress direct enemy at israel border, like assad, and replace it with israeli secret intelligence service (isis).


oh, surprise! never expected this. lol.


nb oct 7th as the trigger set up by a biden funding iran. note the ukraine 95 th symbol eagle with 7 claws and eight feathers all pharaonic symbols. 7 being 3+4 for standard pyramids, and eight being for the great pyramid which has 8 sides. btw pyramid means a pancake. its not the egyptian name of them.


i have to wonder how mahmood on utube will spin this? he thinks they’re going to oppose israel. he keeps claiming these takfiri are gonna make good and they are being misunderstood. right. this is why arabs are in the state they’re in, they keep stabbing each other instead of israel. btw, erdo is just as bad and loves israel too. this is why he had to get rid of assad.


you tube will spin 85% pro nazi. imo.


yes and russians sadly are exacly the same – being occupied and ruled by jews since 1917 – and still not getting it. these scum is laughing at you. because you helped them to destroy all those that wanted to erase the jews pest from the face of the earth. see this vid (your own ru countrymen told you – but obviously you not learn or listen). the vid is more than 17 years old – had you get what he told you – you’d now not be in this stupid smo mess. see: https://cuturl.cc/qhs

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor
Conan M

remember? youtube.com/watch?v=9vkksqtotvs

AM Hants

basically it is a battle between turkey, who want the ottoman empire back and israel, who want control of the levant and the greater israel project. both demand the same territory, just who will win the battle?


no it’s a battle for global rule of law so that the winners own everything and you own nothing. they make it very clear.


rus je nateraz v závetrí. mal by sa postarať o to aby to tak aj ostalo. treba pripraviť asi tak 5 ks rakiet oriešnik, aby mohli udrieť na usa a jej základne v sýrii, ak budú ruské vojenské základne napadnuté!!! inak bude musieť rusko nadobro opustiť sýriu. pritom má legitímnu zmluvu o prenájme do roku pána 2066!!! na tej by mali trvať a mali by si to vynútiť aj silou ak to nepôjde po dobrom. svetu mier!!!


lets not forget that pladimir vutin spends more time with chabad lubavitch filth than with his anyone else. he said that hts became nice, now we all understand why.

and hamas never supported hts, its propaganda. hamas and hezbollah just said they wished good look for syrian people, which has nothing to do with supporting hts


you’re absolutely right. it’s a pleasure to at least one or two clever posts on this board here after over an hour of reading. i more and more understand why ukrainians dont want russian system and russians in their country. russia is so big, so many resources. why are they so damn poor and invade foreign nations ?

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

they should better get their country & brains together. ukraine is no threat to russia. not even usa can invade russia and topple their government – so how stupid are the people to believe in putins propaganda ? an obvious chabadman & anti-russian jewish dwarf.


hamas this and hamas that anyway. the palestinians have had their politics dominated by kikes since before ’48. they have long years experience that every honest leader they choose gets whacked and a pos raised in their place. #hitlerwasakike

Professore Saviano

the “axis of resistance” flutters like a fart in the wind.


you’d know all about that.


well, in a way i wonder. what will israel strategically achieve by having a sunni- islamic neighbour that will definitely exterminate israel – instead of the secular assad regime?


they won’t exterminate anyone like those big girls in saudi arabia and other gulf states.


use your brains whe sent the homeless jewish refugees to israel? do you actually think they wanted to go there or do you think they wanted their homrs and shops and businesses back in europe? wake up. they were virtually sent there like england sent prisoners to australia or african slaves to america the west indies, to do the hard work of building the place up for the most profitable manner. imo.

R. Ambrose Raven

had nasrallah, hezbollah and iran adopted an effective strategy, this situation would never have arisen. they had a much longer period of opportunity than is usually granted to parties at war, but they blew it, with these consequences, plus more to come.


you really need to get out more imo.


your words fully true. iran especially messed it up. of course their main fault was to let their president get assassinated (helicopter) and then they allowed that israel put a pro-israeli puppet as “iranian president”.(pezeshkian who is not iranian but half-kurdish and half aserbaidshani)

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

now iran is f*cked, all their secrets already sent to israel, their commanders and allies bombed, shot, assainated, nasrallah, hamas leaders, assad. all due to treason. but treason & infiltration is israel special skill. iran should have know it. but they were lazy – now they are going to pay high price in blood for their mistake.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

mark my words – soon the last hardline iranian military and spiritual leaders will be assasinated + some houthi leaders too ( at least if they tell iran government about their positions). usrael is planning to destroy iran – and putin will help them (cheating on iran same as he cheated on syria). giving israel information, and backstabbing them in the moment of highest danger.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

when assad was in power their wanted to removed him.now that their betray and removed him why are their crying.wither their kill christian or minority who cares let them kill according to saudu and erdogan.the initil plan has started.


more total naivete enough is enough. where art thou?


starting to wonder if tahrir al-sham is nothing more than a group made up of competing factions held together by common cause. now that the commonality no longer exists, we are witnessing the early stages of disintegration. may not be much longer before guns are turning on one another.


yes you’re correct they want to build a new world from order out of chaos. imo


twists and turns. it s persia and turkey that are the pieces that are the puzzle. imo everything revolves around them in a way. somehow. iran is the only rich nation that isn’t under the bank of england’s federal reserve system and the ayatollah is a major rival of vatican canon law as the head of sharia law the two rivals when they want it that way. otherwise usually the nazis are their allies historically.


putin has made russia a laughing stock.remeber these words putin is a undercover trotskist…his suspect


what the fuck are those east turkestan people doing there? they just rode in through turkey and are planning to use it as base to start on the chinese? is erdogan on fucking drugs or have they got him on the rite of khazar kingship like michael hutchence.. ………

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