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Philip M. Giraldi: “The Media Is Reluctant to Report Israel Boasts of Killing Iranians”

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Written by Philip M. Giraldi; Originally appeared on ahtribune.com

It is rare that a high official in a government will admit that his country has been killing foreigners without any declaration of war or being subjected to an imminent threat, but that is exactly whatIsraeli Regional Cooperation Minister Tzachi Hanegbi has done recently, boasting on a Sunday morning talk radio show that “Israel is the only country in the world that has been killing Iranians for two years now.”

Philip M. Giraldi: "The Media Is Reluctant to Report Israel Boasts of Killing Iranians"

Hanegbi’s candid admission of a policy that is a war crime included his description of how Israel “strikes the Iranians hundreds of times in Syria, sometimes admits it and sometimes foreign reports reveal it. Sometimes the chief of staff [reveals it], sometimes the outgoing air force chief [reveals it], but it’s all coordinated policy.”

The interviewer then asked “what would happen should Israel get in trouble with Iran?” and Hanegbi responded that “You can see that the Iranians are very limited in their responses [to Britain’s seizure of their tanker], and it’s not because they don’t have abilities, it’s because they understand that Israel means business.”

Hangebi went on to add that Israel is “very aggressive when it comes to our national security… We still didn’t see the Iranians backing off from their intention to entrench themselves militarily in Syria, and this campaign isn’t over. But they know exactly who to mess with, and who can be annoyed. We can’t.”

The minister’s comments inevitably were not reported in the western media, which is reluctant to air anything that demonstrates just how irresponsible Israeli policies actually are. In the United States, in particular, the Jewish state is consistently portrayed as some kind of perpetual victim in spite of the fact that it is the only nuclear armed power in its neighborhood as well as having the most powerful conventional military arsenal.

The Iranian government did not respond directly to the report of the Israeli minister’s comments, but there was some mention on Tehran’s Press TV local broadcast, which noted that “This is how Israelis are freely and proudly talking about killing Iranians! Just imagine what would happen if it was the other way around!” Indeed. A boast by Iran that it had been very successful at killing Israelis would have produced shocked headlines in every European and American newspaper.

The Israeli admission that it is attacking targets in Syria should come as no surprise to anyone who has been following developments in the region. That there have been hundreds of attacks may be an exaggeration to impress the Israeli listeners regarding their country’s military prowess, but it is certainly true that numerous incidents have been recorded both by the Syrian government and by foreign observers. In one notorious incident on Christmas Day 2018, Israeli warplanes masked their approach to targets inside Syria by flying closely behind civilian airliners transiting the region. It has been speculated that they hoped that Syrian air defenses would respond by shooting down a civilian plane, creating a major crisis for the Bashar al-Assad government. In the event, the Syrians held their fire and the Israeli warplanes launched their missiles against targets near Damascus, killing Syrian military personnel and civilians on the ground.

What is astonishing is that Minister Hangebi does not perceive the implications of the Israeli government’s apparent willingness to kill Syrians on the ground by intent and also as collateral damage even though it is not at war with Damascus. It does so with the stated objective of killing Iranians even though it is also not at war with Iran. It is, to state it succinctly, several war crimes tied up in one package and it would make the Jewish state uniquely a rogue among nations but for the fact that the United States has done the same sort of thing with cruise missile strikes in Syria, though not in as sustained a fashion as have the Israelis.

Israel’s willingness to use its armed forces in what might be described as non-traditional roles creates some very specific problems for the region. One particular concern is that the Israelis might stage a false flag attack, possibly in cooperation with its temporary friend Saudi Arabia, to draw outside powers into a war with Iran. The recent incidents involving mining two tankers, attributed to Iran but much more likely a false flag, nearly succeeded in doing just that. Subsequent incidents involving the seizures of a tanker carrying Iranian oil by the British and a retaliatory move against two British tankers by the Iranians have threatened to escalate into a shooting war. There should be little doubt that any ambiguous armed exchange involving Iran and Israel would see the American Jewish dominated media immediately laying the blame on the Iranians, producing demands by the Israel Lobby, Christian Zionists and Congress to get involved in the conflict.

There should also be particular concern over developments in neighboring Iraq, even though the country is not yet under attack by the Israelis. Shi’te militias in the country, linked to Iran, have long demanded that American military bases be closed down. Recent rocket attacks on the bases have been blamed on the militias, with Washington placing particular emphasis on the militia links to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp, which has now been listed as a state sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. State Department. The Israelis are well aware of the dynamics of what is going on in Iraq and might be inclined to stage an incident in that country that will kill Americans and be blamed on the Iranians. The comments by Minister Hangebi that Israel is “very aggressive when it comes to our national security” would strongly suggest that his country is prepared to do anything – even something quite stupid – to eliminate what it sees as the Iranian threat.

The tragedy in all this for Americans is that Washington is being led into war by an Israeli propaganda and influence machine that is second to none. In May four hundred Congressmen signed on to a generic bill that was intended as a blanket endorsement of Israeli behavior and a blank check for the ruthless Netanyahu government to do whatever it sees fit in “self-defense,” with Washington willing to be dragged into a conflict in which it has no real interest just to show its loyalty to the Zionist enterprise. More recently, by last Tuesday’s vote of 398 to 176, another Congressional bill condemned and established penalties against the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which has become a bête noire for all of Israel’s friends. If America is ever to regain its independence from foreign entanglements the time to start is now and the process should begin by disengaging from Israel.

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Xoli Xoli

Killing of Iranians and Syrians have become a passion for Israel satanic Lucifer regime of Jews.


The job of these Israeli morons is to spread fake news. These Israelis have filled the Trump ears that Pakistan is supporting terrorists in Pakistan but as PM Imran Khan went to America then Trump and his administration realised that Israeli Zionists are number one deceivers. Therefore, now Trump doesn’t trust Israel anymore.


dream on – trump and son in law are squarely in the pocket of the squatters, no matter what they are up to.


To be honest the Washington and Britain foreign policies have shifted from Israel to Pakistan.

That is why last time the Israeli envoy performs HANDSTAND at meeting with Macedonian president.



sure it’s well known that the squatters have taken on themselves to kill anything they deem to be an enemy of the squatters – I think it is time for tit for tat and any israeli descendants anywhere in the world is fair target for assassinations, provided they one way or another support the illegal occupation of palestine by the squatters. such as arranging sit down dinners with hefty cover charges for the benefit of the squatters, tithe collections in the synagogues for the benefit of the squatters or private donations in the millions for the benefit of the squatters. it would be an appropriate response to the bragging of this particular squatter.


Of course, its easy to be cocky when Uncle Scam is behind you, like an school yard bullie, tough when they are in packs, alone they arent even an challange, and my consern is why is Putin sucking up thei scums of this earth, huh, RuF, the truth is, Putin is corrupted, and have no spine what so ever when it comes to the Tribe. Yeah, but drools something about Jews, yeah, how coward, unly an spineless creep would spitlik the same Tribe that have murdered moore Russians than anyone else have, incl the so called Mongols, again, that is not even true, it was the Khazars, whom after all, looks like Turko-Mongols, and they arent white, just bastards, period. Every day that goes, confirms that, every day, Russians, you are closing in to your own destruction, the Jews is the enemy of Russian people, have been so for 700 years, and yet, Putin is spitliking and crawling infront of the enemy of man. Its becoming nauseating to watch.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrzBI03Z36k Helmuth Mutti, incase you woundered.

You should be shamed, Russia and the rest. Free Palestina



You lost me when you started with the Putin bashing when he has done more than anyone to get the problem corrected.

Free man

You should be ashamed of your stupidity. Stop your bullshit about Russia all the time.


Definitely Israel will be dismantled in 2019 and all Israelis will return back to their countries from where they have been intruded into Palestine. Then Palestine will be fully freed from foreign interferers and intruders.


A UN convention outlawing Judaism should be gotten in place as part of dejudifying the planet so that it is Jew free. And Jews, Judaism and Israel go extinct.


Is this the future that Israelis will choose? https://thewindsorwriter.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/6687460479d965580462z.jpg

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

any country who tries to harm iran will be utterly destroyed by God

Free man

For many years Iran has been killing Israelis and Israel has been killing Iranians. This will continue for many years to come. But it’s better if they do it outside of Syria.


Khazarian jews seem to enjoy killing quite a lot. They funny thing is, I don’t even have a huge problem with that – it’s just the way they are. What gets to me is the constant lying and deceptions, decade after decade bs lies about the “only democracy in the ME”, bs about peace talks, about enemies all round, everyone else being racists, every war of aggression is a “defensive war”, every opponent of israel is a terrorist entity, anyone who objects to israel is an anti-semite (are they semites?), and so on. The article says they have the strongest conventional army in that neighbourhood and nuclear weapons too. What I want to add is that it doesn’t stop there. Israel has the financial muscle of the international bankers, it has the western world at its feet using incessant propaganda lies, it has America with its massive army at its feet through controlling US Senate, its President, its MIC and its intelligence services, its most important think tanks, the Federal Reserve, its universities and many other institutions by controlling their gatekeepers. Israel also controls much of the organised crime around the world, as shown by the recent case against Epstein, who seems to be connected to just about everyone.

chris chuba

The U.S. population is so brainwashed we would applaud like trained seals begging for fish. We even applauded when Israel shot down a Syrian jet that was attacking ISIS targets in the Golan Heights. We are complete and total morons to the point of decadence.

We also don’t mention how the U.S. has killed Iranian IRGC forces in Syria over the years by supplying Syrian rebel groups with weapons but consider it an unforgivable atrocity that 600 U.S. serviceman died in Iraq at the hands of native born Iraqi Shiite militias. I’d say that the scales are balanced and that we have to live with the fact that when we invade a country that the people who live there will fight back and that this cannot become a cause for the next war.

peter mcloughlin

There should be objective reporting of all matters relating to the danger of world war. The crisis unfolding in the Middle East has all the potential to escalate. All states have national security concerns. The national security interests of states can overlap on territories of only indirect consequence yet can make a global conflict of a regional one – that’s in no ones’ interest, and that needs to be reported. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/

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