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Written by  Julian Macfarlane, media analyst from Tokyo


The New York Times has become a soulless tabloid.  It no longer does “journalism”. Instead, it mews and spews US State Department and CIA propaganda.

So far, the only thing it hasn’t done is to accuse the Russians of throwing babies into the air to catch them on bayonets, as the British claimed the Germans did in WWI.  Not that the Germans actually did that! But the NYT picked up those stories too.

The only reason they are not running a similar story today is the Russians don’t use bayonets – they just don’t fit well on modern AK rifles.

A quibble.

With a little ingenuity, the NYT will manufacture something similar –maybe Russians throwing babies in the air for shooting contests.

Do I exaggerate?  Yes. But not by much.

Case in point, a recent article in the NYT.

Dead, Alive or Devastated After Russian Strike on Apartments.


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This article is full of inaccuracies and outright falsehoods, which no serious journalist should put their names to.  But Megan Specia and Nicole Tung did exactly that.   Shame! And shame on their editors—and on you — if you subscribe to this rag.

The aim of the piece is to portray Russians as monsters, who just want to tear people apart. Orcs, as in Lord of the Rings.

Yet, Russian policy has been to try to avoid civilian casualties.

It is not in their interest to do what the Banderites do – continuous shelling of civilians, —not to mention mutilation, rape and murder—which the goons in Kiev see as effective methods of ethnic cleansing. After all, it worked for Stepan Bandera in 1943.

The Ukraine has yet to recognize Bandera’s genocide of 100,000 Poles, much less his annihilation of Jews.

The raison d’etre of Russia’s “intervention” was framed in moral terms — the “responsibility to protect”, to prevent “genocide”.  You might argue that ethnic cleansing and genocide are not the same thing.  But death is death. And to ethnically cleanse you must make people afraid.

Prior to February 24, UAF shelling of civilians in the remnants of Donbass and the LPR increased steadily, despite the Minsk accords, as NATO built a UAF proxy army for a “final solution”.

None of these facts matter to Specia and Tung’s story line.

It is considered a war crime to deliberately or recklessly attack civilian populations or places where civilians would be likely to congregate, but Moscow has paid little heed to the international rules of war.

The assault on Dnipro was hardly the first time a Ukrainian population center far from the front lines — including the city itself — had been targeted since Russia invaded in February. Russian strikes on train stations, theaters, shopping malls and residential neighborhoods have led to significant loss of civilian life, as has the shelling of cities and towns near the front line.

“Train stations”?  They mean the missile strike on a train station in Kramatorsk in 2022.  Later conclusively proven to have been carried out by the Western Ukrainians themselves. LINK

“Theaters”. They mean that theatre in Mariupol.  Similarly proven to be a false flag. LINK, LINK

“Shopping malls”?  An occupied shopping mall in Kremenchuk was hit by debris from a precision strike on the Kredmarsh machine shop adjacent to it. LINK

Then, of course, residential neighborhoods! The Russians do not target these. Why would they when they have much better targets? In any case, they pay scrupulous attention to the “international rules of war”, certainly compared to Ukraine, NATO or the US.

However, civilian infrastructure is often hit by debris from Western Ukraine’s air defense missiles, including their own S300s.

Shame!   It is not Russia committing war crimes. It is Zelensky’s Western Ukraine. (Video here) LINK

Specie and Tung bolster their argument with an insert called “The State of the War”.

The State of the War (Rebutted)


The Russian military and the Wagner Group, a private mercenary group, contradicted each other publicly about who should get credit for capturing the eastern town. Ukraine’s military, meanwhile, has rejected Russia’s victory claim, saying its troops were still fighting there.

No, the Wagner Group and the MoD did not “contradict” each other. The Wagner Group talked about its success.  The Russian military talked about theirs. The credit for Soledar is shared.  Naturally each group talks about what it did!

Russia’s Military Reshuffle: 

Moscow has shaken up its military command in Ukraine again, demoting its top commander after just three months and replacing him with a Kremlin insider who helped orchestrate the ill-fated invasion.

No, there was no “demotion”, no reshuffle.  No replacement.  Merely clarification of already existing roles.  Name changes only.  Gerasimov was always in command.  Suvorikn was in charge of aerospace with Salyukov and one other.


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As the war progresses, Russia is trying to learn from its mistakes and also to streamline the Russian command structure, which still retains vestiges of Soviet style military bureaucracy. As Putin reinvents Russia, he is also reinventing its armed forces And Gerasimov and Surovikin and the less well-known Salyukov have been – and still are — key players—driving reform from the top, responsive to mistakes on the ground.

Western Escalation: 

A cease-fire proposal seemingly aimed at splintering Western unity has instead been met with an escalation of military involvement by Ukraine’s allies.

What cease-fire proposal was that?

Putin’s offer of a Christmas Truce so Orthodox Christians could go to church?  LINK

The Western “escalation” is verbal rather than actual—since the US and NATO are just clearing their garages of old shit, which is not going to help much since even when refurbished. It is mostly unsuitable for the Ukrainian scenario, hard to supply and maintain, and mostly unavailable until next year, by which time Novorossiya may have replaced “Ukraine.

New Equipment: 

The Western allies’ provision of infantry fighting vehicles signaled their support for new offensives. Now it looks likely that tanks will be added to the list of weapons being sent.

As if a few tanked-out tanks would make a difference. The title should be “New Old Equipment”.

In the first couple of weeks of the war, the Russians lost a lot of tanks, although not nearly on the same scale as the UAF, which to date has lost close to 8000.  After the drive to Kiev, losses were fewer.

The Russians learned quickly.

Most tank losses in Ukraine came from mines, IEDs even, anti-tank weapons and air power.

Message to NATO: massive WWII tank battles — the kind that the Abrams was designed for — were almost a century ago.


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Tanks have their uses, but also their vulnerabilities. For effective use, they need support from AFVs, drones, and infantry – all of which require training, integration and organization at the battalion level.

One reason, Russia is going slow in the Donetsk is simply that has re-train an army of more than 300,000. They all have military experience, but this is a new kind of combined arms war.

The UAF ‘s new equipment.  Simply put— too little; too late.

Specie and Tung’s “The State of the War” might make the grade in a high school newspaper.  But this is not “journalism”.

OF course, the substance of this article is the claim that the Russians deliberately targeted a residential building with a KH22, which is a Soviet era air-launched cruise missile designed for attacks on American carriers. In its original incarnation – 60 years ago—it was very accurate but did not need the kind of pinpoint accuracy we are capable of today with precision missiles — since it was designed to carry a nuclear warhead.

That was 60 years ago.

The Russians do not waste resources.  They progressively develop their hardware.  So, the current S35S is really just an upgraded Su27 from Soviet times – but this upgraded fighter is as good or better than any F15 or Typhoon.

The KH22 has been modernized, with its upgraded mode the KH32 appearing in 2016. From 80% accuracy it has gone to a remarkable 97%.   It is probably still used in the Ukraine but is largely supplanted by the KH32 for targets requiring precision.

How did the Ukrainians know it was a KH22?

They didn’t!  Have you seen any pieces of the missile? Nope.

What really happened?

Most likely, the missile was not a KH22 at all, given the difficulty in shooting down a high velocity missile of this kind. Video footage shows whatever hit the people was moving at a much slower velocity. The best explanation is that the missile was a subsonic cruise missile which the Ukrainians fired at with an S300 from the vicinity of the apartment building.

What hit the building could have been the S300 itself, deflected into the building at low altitude, with the cruise missile falling on one side of the building. Or it could have been the cruise missile deflected onto the building. Or perhaps debris from the impact of both. Such events have happened repeatedly before in other cities.

In any case, a KH22 it was not.

You can see in the video here (courtesy Slavyangrad)

For the rest of the article, click here to go to my Substack page.


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North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

NYT is run by the CIA and owned by rhe FBI


Only someone with a palate for garbage or an odd sense of humor would use the NYT for anything but starting a fire. This propaganda is reminiscent of the pre- gulf war propaganda.


Russians rape children with dildos and stick forks in them. You won’t believe it, but the same articles were about Kadaffi during the barbaric NATO bombing in Libya


New York Times , e compari , in ita Il Corriere , La Repubblica ecc.. , ma chi li legge ? Quindi : «Fama di loro il mondo esser non lassa; misericordia e giustizia li sdegna: non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa.»


The propaganda of the MSM has reached levels of 80 years ago in Germany. Watch “Die Deutsche Wochenschau” on youtube. The same propaganda BS as today.

Ultrafart the Brave

IGNORE the lying BS about Russia, because Western nations like Australia are ALREADY UTTERLY SATANIC.

“Full term abortion” is perfectly legal in EVERY Australian state and territory. That’s where the “doctor” inserts a steel tube into the skull of the living child as it is in THE PROCESS OF BEING BORN, and then vacuums the baby’s brains out to kill the child.

Then the newborn’s body is cut up and the meat and organs sold off to industry – worth hundreds of thousands per baby. If you need baby parts for your religious rituals, then come to Australia! In any case, murdered babies are already processed into foods, medicines and cosmetics consumed daily by unsuspecting Australians.

Laws to require pain killers for these newborn babies during their murder were BLOCKED by Australian politicians, since pain killers would have CONTAMINATED the baby parts and made them unsuitable for sale. Now they’re pushing for “post-term abortion” up to TWO YEARS of age.

The Crunge

What do we expect from the Jew York Slimes? My 6 million over and over and over again while ignoring the rest of the 79 to 85 million killed in World War 2.

If they really cared about Ukrainian people, they might talk a little more about the 14 million Ukranians who starved to death in Holmodor and little less about those 6 million.


@The Crunge

I agree with what you say. Indeed such a shame this so-called “Special Military operation” is to all of mankind. And although I not always agree with what you say, but in this case I do.

Anyway. Why are we not getting real and start talking about the other facts too ? US will not invade Russia, that’s just bullshit media fake-news, and we all know it !! As neighter official side is truely interested in winning the war, nor in pushing for sincere peace-talks, then why can t we, the people here, start doing it (discussing peace – resp. ending this war) on our own ? Wouldn t that be better than talking about how to more effeciently kill each other ?

What most here still not realize is that it is not Russia who is targeted by the so-called Ukraine War. It is Europe !!!

Would the USA (which is a fully jewish controlled entity) indeed want to fight Russia ( which too is a completely jewish controlled entitiy) then the USA would of course do it with effective means and gear.

Remember that in 1944, with the Normandy D-Day operation, USA was landing onto the beaches 40.000 US soldiers every single day into Europe against the National-Socialist German Wehrmacht.

Whereas now USA has trained an “unbelievable dangerous” number of 500 Ukrainian troops in Germany Grafenwöhr US base to fight in Ukraine. UK announced having trained 20.000 Ukraine troops, over the past 6-8 month, which will be ready tfor combat within the next weeks. This all knowing that Russia has just drawn in 300,000 (!) conscripts and thrown them to the front.

So for all who have at least 1 functioning braincell left, it should be absolutely clear, that USA isn t fighting Russia, and Russia isn t fighting the USA. They didn t do in World War 1, they didn t do in World War 2, and of course they do not do in World War 3 eighter ! Instead they, like always, work hand-in-hand in order to destroy those who are not accepting jewish supremacy !

Btw. Europe too is already jew controlled but fell to them only in 1945, and the western civilization stemming from Europe, and the anti-jewish knowledge is so deeply routed inside its culture that the jews are very afraid that – especially now after the vaccine-jab-genocide, which the jews commited, the europeans will wake up to who did this to them, and again start rising and fighting the jews to the death !!! That’s why the jews want to eradicate Europe first !!!

See, for example, if USA was truely wanting to prepare Europe for fight with Russia, then USA of course would do the following:

For example: Pushing for nationalism in whole of Europe in order to create a militant maximum anti-russian sentiment inside Europe, and get the populations of the different nations as menly, tough, war-ready and battle-hardened as possible. Get the men to become men again, istead of pussies. Train the armies of that nations intensively, and enlarge their size by a factor of at least 20 !

But what is the reality ? USA pushes for sanctions of Russia which are by design only hitting Europe, not Russia, USA forbids EU to buy russian gas and oil, but USA itself buys and imports large amounts of russian gas and oil and is even expanding it. Moreover USA pushes for homo-globo agenda, degeneration, poisoning of European food, want from 24th Jan. 2023 the europeans to eat vermin, which are mixed into the powdered grain products, bread, potato-mixes etc. etc. Nationalists are hunted down, incarcerated, murdered etc. in Europe (The same direction, btw. is happening even inside the USA)

So here we see it clearly that the USA does the direct oppossite of preparing Europeans for war with Russia. Instead they are weakening Europe and its people in every possible way, in order to make them easy prey, and destroy them completely.

And still you people here not realize that they are in cahoots? Can t you see from all these facts, that they are both working together !???

Why is all that, you ask ? Because both USA and RU are controlled by Jews, which want to first eradicate Europe, then the USA and Japan, then that little bit what s left of fake-christian Russia, then Islam, and finally all none-jews apart from 500 mio, who will be needed as servile slaves and whores to the jewish self-proclaimed masterrace.

The ADL chief, and living scum, Abraham Foxman told this full openly in 25th Aug. 1998 in New York already, but people are to ignorant to listen to announcements of these disgusting, maximum satanist, hook-nosed demons.


And another one, Moscow’s ex prime Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, and also good friend of Mr. Putin, goes even more direct on it, listen here: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/U1gOYHsx3nVC/

Or Here too: https://birthofanewearthblog.com/the-jewish-agenda-to-destroy-the-white-race/

Therefore forget all the western (US & EU propaganda) as well as the eastern (Russian & Chinese propaganda) as behind them its just jews who not want to de-nazify or de-russianize your countries, but in fact want christians to slaughter each other. They want that you, as a christian, go out and slaughter your christian neighbors, landsmen and brothers on their (the jews) behalf ! That’s the cause of it all. Therefore, wake up and DON ‘ T do it !!! If you start see through the fog of jewish lies and there media propaganda and refuse to kill your fellow christian brothers and sisters, these jewish vermin are the fucked ones.

And, god-willing, all christians and muslims one day will unite and hunt down all these hook-nosed filth of the earth, till the last cockroach is eradicated from the face of the earth, and mankind will be free of these satanic world-parasites once and for all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
Isser Harel

Not even useful for wiping the ass.

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