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MARCH 2025

The Only Populists That Billionaires Fund Are Right-Wing Ones

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The Only Populists That Billionaires Fund Are Right-Wing Ones

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Written by Eric Zuesse

The 372-page book that the European Center for Populism Studies published in March 2023, THE IMPACTS OF THE RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE ON RIGHT-WING POPULISM IN EUROPE, opens its Chapter (pp. 200-209) on “The Russia-Ukraine War and Right-Wing Populism in Latvia” by saying something that has broad applicability across all U.S.-and-allied nations,  

Right-wing populism, and populism more broadly, has long been a feature of Latvia’s political landscape. Indeed, in December 2021, a few months before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Latvia’s president, Egīls Levits, a former judge at the European Union Court of Justice, warned that populism was a threat to Latvia’s democracy:

“We see what happens when populists are elected to parliament in Latvia and elsewhere. They collapse. They are not capable of meaningful politics, simply wasting your vote and creating difficulties for the parliament and the state.” (“President urges voters to be on guard”, 2021)

Mr. Levitz was stating the common fear that billionaires have against all forms of populism: the need that populist politicians have to at least seem to be representing the interests of the public instead of only the aristocracy’s interests, creates instability and unpredictability in the Government, and might even cause the aristocracy to lose its control over the Government.

That Chapter goes on to say:

The late Joachim Siegerist, a shadowy far-right German-Latvian politician who never spoke Latvian, is generally regarded as Latvia’s first major post-communist populist. Having been kicked out of the radical right-wing Latvian National Independence Movement (Latvijas Nacionālās Neatkarības Kustība, LNNK) in 1994, Siegerist founded the People’s Movement for Latvia (Tautas Kustība Latvija, TKL). During the 1995 parliamentary election, he campaigned on both a nationalist and anti-corruption platform of “Russians to Russia and Latvia for Latvians,” handing out free medicine to emphasize the perceived failure of government economic policies and promising to weed out corrupt bureaucrats and politicians who were supposedly holding Latvia back. This combination of Russophobe nationalism and criticism of a corrupt and out-of-touch elite set the template for right-wing populism in Latvia for the next three decades. Twenty-first-century additions to this winning formula have included criticism of liberal ideas spreading to Latvia via European elites and, of course, anti-Soros conspiracy theories.

Right-wing populists typically campaign against corruption (of politicians who don’t characterize themselves as being right-wing populists) in order to appeal to the fundamental sentiment of all populists (but not of any aristocrats), which is an abhorrence of corruption.

For example: when the U.S. Obama Administration, started, in 2011, to plan, and then, during 2013 and early 2014, he carried out, the coup that overthrew the democratically elected (in 2010) President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, the way that they attracted huge crowds to their public demonstrations on Kiev’s Maidan Square to overthrow Yanukovych was to focus against his corruptness, which is actually a feature of all of Ukraine’s leading politicians ever since the end of the Soviet Union in 1991 — no different than any of the others. And, of course, America succeeded in its overthrow and replacement of the democratically elected Government, and its replacement of that neutralist Government by a racist-fascist rabidly anti-Russian government, on the basis of that virtually universal public abhorrence of governmental corruption, but the public-approval ratings of the subsequent, the U.S.-controlled, Ukrainian governments, have all been even lower than the public-approval ratings of President Yanukovych had been while he was in charge there.

What that showed was the public’s disappointment when a right-wing populist has come into power by attacking the corruptness of the existing billionaires-backed Government, and then they find out that the right-wing populist replacement-government isn’t merely corrupt like its predecessors had been, but is in some ways even worse than the overthrown government was.

This is the difference between what the public perceives, on the basis of the billionaires-controlled media they see and hear, versus what the actual reality is (a choice between conservative fascism versus liberal fascism), which has been hidden from the public by those billionaires — that is, by the censorship that they operate and run (on their behalf), to fool the public to vote for candidates that have been funded by billionaires.

This is how it happens that, if an Establishment, or liberal-fascist, government — a “liberal ‘democracy'” — becomes replaced by an ‘anti-Establishment’ (or populist) government, then this will be done by installing a right-wing-populist (or right-wing-fascist) one to replace the prior, more liberal, regime. But they both are fascist (ruling the public for the benefit of the billionaires, the aristocracy). For the public, the only viable options — the only options that the billionaires will fund — are between liberal fascists versus conservative fascists. But that still is an aristocracy instead of a democracy.

There simply are no billionaires who will fund a left-wing-populist politician’s campaigns. The difference between a left-wing-populist and a right-wing-populist politician is that in order to be a left-wing populist, or “democratic socialist” and “anti-imperialist,” politician, the basic necessity is to NOT be financially dependent upon the donations from ANY billionaires — in other words: the necessity is to NOT be corrupt. The reason for this is that all of corruption in government is corruption to and by the super-rich, the aristocrats (or, in a colony or vassal-nation, it’s instead called “the oligarchs”), against the public — and, so, a left-wing populist wouldn’t even possibly be a left-wing populist if he or she were to be financially dependent upon any of the super-rich.

That is why, for example, in America, the right-wing-populist Donald Trump was able to become President but no left-wing-populist (such as Bernie Sanders or William Jennings Bryan) ever did. And, of course, so many Americans were disappointed in Trump as President so that he became followed by the Establishment, or Democratic-Party billionaires) nominee, Joe Biden, who has turned out to be just as much of a disappointment as his immediate predecessor had been.

By contrast: the leaders in three EurAsian countries — China, Russia, and India — have somehow been able to have and retain very high public-approval ratings for a very long time, and each of the three has a unique way to do that, which none of the U.S.-and-allied countries has yet been able to match. Is it left-wing populism? If so, it’s of a different type than in The West. I would characterize it as being secular-populist as opposed to either theocratic or aristocratic, and as being anti-imperialist instead of imperialist (or “neoconservative”), and as being traditionalist-patriotic instead of globalist. Is it “left-wing”? Maybe that can be reasonably debated. But, of course: no Western (or U.S.-and-allied) country has any sort of left-wing-populist Government. The U.S.-and-allied countries are various forms of fascism, even including racist-fascism or nazism such as in Ukraine. Those three Asian countries might establish somewhat new ideological categories; but, whatever it is, it seems to be more successful than in The West (which is obviously in decline). The U.S.-and-allied countries are, apparently, too corrupt for any form of left-wing populism to be possible there. Where the billionaires control the Government, how would left-wing populism of any type be even a realistic possibility? I see no way in which it can be.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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I used to be a lib, but after what the demorats did in Ukraine I am now tending to support the Reps. I hope that Trump will have the balls throw the Kiev Clown under the bus

John Kesich

Trump had 4 years to do something about Ukraine. What did he accomplish in those four years regarding Ukraine or anything else? Aside, of course, from following deep state orders, enriching himself, and sending a bunch of fools to get themselves arrested on his behalf based on a pack of lies about voter fraud? …

John Kesich

… In point of fact, Trump got into the White House thanks to the RNC’s Interstate Crosscheck election fraud. The fact that instead of calling that out, the DNC, and MSM, pimped the Russiagate red herring should tell you a lot. While most Americans can’t see beyond the red / blue box we’ve been corralled in, a majority are smart enough to recognize who is pretending to be the lesser evil.


A most excellent comment. Yes, it took manipulating 3 states votes to put him in the WH, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. 3 traditionally democrat states. Yes, it was all a scam…and still is. Similar to gerrymandering, he eliminated enough votes to swing these states by razor-thin margins, which gave him the electoral college, not popular vote, win. Funny how the Dems didn’t fight it.

Last edited 1 year ago by zman

Still believe, eh? What about what he did in Syria? Iran and Soleimani? KSA and Yemen? The 1000s of stingers and javelins sent to Ukr? Venezuela and Guaido? Morales and Bolivia? Russian/Chinese sanctions/tariffs? Tramp was no different than any of the others, he just had the TV experience to better bamboozle the people. All the MSM opposition was fake, there are many crimes he’s committed that have never seen the light of a TV camera or news article. When it came to Israel, there was no limit to gifting. So, how was he different in reality? He’s a better actor/liar? Try to remember that his money came from the same ilk as Zelinsky’s backers. When supporting our constitution, did he ever out the anti-BDS laws as unconstitutional…or for that matter, ever even mention them? There is far, far more…but you’ll never see it in the news. Strange that those that ‘hate’ him, never really out him. Who runs the MSM? There might be ‘good guys’ out there, but Trump ain’t one of them. You might read some of Whitney Webb’s work for a better idea who Trump is and how he got where he is.

Last edited 1 year ago by zman

“The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy” 🤦‍♂️

– Biden

Guy Metdrapedes

If you view the world through communist lenses everyone appears right wing. A few hundred million murdered isn’t enough for you people?

John Kesich

Metdrapedes sounds Greek. I would have thought the right wing junta the US/UK installed, Operation Gladio and the recent EU pillaging of Greece would have led to a deeper understanding.

Like the “freedom and democracy” the US psychos have inflicted on much of the world? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba, Palestine – to name but a few.


It’s amazing how many Europeans don’t even know about Gladio. Does he even know who Aldo Morrow was and how he died? Who the Red Brigades were and how they came about? These were just the tip of the CIA iceberg.

Uncle Ho

Moses Mordecai Levy was funded by the freemasons as are the wars today worldwide. Depopulation and profit go hand in hand.

John Kesich

Sad that you consider Sanders a leftist populist.

Even Jimmy Dore had to finally admit Sanders was a sheepdog herding voters back to the DNC.

John Kesich

Russia and China have some very definite right wing leanings while Modi and the BJP are straight up Hindu supremacists.

Uncle Ho

No they’re controlled by the FM lodges in each of the provinces of India…and those outside its borders.


Yeah, when he rolled over for Hillary even his supporters knew he was a shill.


Depends…..hardcore deep state operators know there are levels and layers to government. Savy billionaires can see legislation as a shpping list. Socialists and communists can muscle out small businesses. You should look at the comapny town system and consider whether its socialist or free market. EVery town can operate on such lines……Theories of withering of the state or capitalism work suntil someone wins are complex when you take into account different elite oligarch goals….


Gaprom mercenaries or the battle of Blair mountain….what are we fighting for?

Then what about lunatic fringe which is easily found in billionaires….

The cult – she sells sanctuary Tracey thorn – its all true…


Any species that preys on its own young will go extinct.. Russians bounced back from the demographic collapse…..

Cicadas? DOn’t think it can be done…..thrmodynamics….things like that……horrific….


Some things a mob won’t ever be able to admit. Watch the groups collapse when populism turns against itself and you see the politics of the id…..the dis?

Vitalic – fade away


Left wing vs right wing, in theory they different, but in practice are the same. Both result in tyranny and suffering for the people of the country. Both advocate a dual legal system and standards one for their supporters and one for those that do not support them. This is why we saw such horrific governmental acts in NAZI Germany and the USSR. One was right wing, the other left wing.


The second axis, is uniform support of the law verses anarchy and favoritism. President Trump supported applying the law uniformly and not abusing it, which is why he is despised. President Putin, does the same to a lesser degree, which is why is vilified.

The billionaire globalist want someone whom they can bribe, and it is much easier to bribe “right wing fascist” and “left wing commies” then honorable men.

Uncle Ho

Joaquin and Boaz are the shadowy figures behind who runs the western world these days: satanic eugenicists that despise humanity.

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