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MARCH 2025

The Pending WW III Resolution In Congress to Defend Ukraine Against Russia

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The Pending WW III Resolution In Congress to Defend Ukraine Against Russia

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Written by Eric Zuesse

On April 25th, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Joe Wilson (SC-02) and Ranking Member Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) introduced the Ukraine Victory Resolution in the House of Representatives. Then, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (CT) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), along with Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC), introduced the same resolution in the Senate. It states that U.S. policy is to assure Ukraine’s victory against the Russian invasion, and that, if Ukraine fails to defeat Russia there, then the U.S. Government will guarantee that Russia will be defeated in Ukraine. It is not yet a formal U.S. declaration of war against Russia, but commits the U.S. to going to war against Russia if Russia wins its war in Ukraine. In other words: it says that there will be WW III if Russia wins in Ukraine. If this Resolution becomes U.S. law, then there will be only two possibilities: either Ukraine will defeat Russia in Ukraine, or else America will go to war against Russia thereby producing WW III.

Original cosponsors of the resolution in the House of Representatives also include: Mike Lawler (NY-17), Richard Hudson (NC-09), Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18), Mike Quigley (IL-05), Doug Lamborn (CO-05), Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27), Brendan Boyle (PA-02), Lloyd Doggett (TX-37), Deborah Ross (NC-02), Jim Costa (CA-21), David Trone (MD-06), Joe Morelle (NY-25), Susan Wild (PA-07), and Marcy Kaptur (OH-09).

The Resolution says: “it is the policy of the United States to see Ukraine victorious against the invasion and restored to its internationally recognized 1991 borders.” This means that unless Russia will return to Ukraine all of the land that it now is controlling within what had been the 1991 borders of Ukraine, which includes Crimea, Donbass, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia, there will be World War Three between America and Russia.

Consequently, I phoned my two U.S. Senators and one member of the House to tell each, that every member of Congress has the most solemn obligation not only to vote against this prelude to WW III, but to state publicly that it is insane, for the following 5 reasons:

  1. To place the entire world at severe risk in order to assure that Russia will be defeated in Ukraine is insane and is psychopathic, and is stupid if not viciously evil.
  2. It would be viciously evil if only because the war in Ukraine started with the U.S. coup during 20-27 February 2014 when the Obama Administration overthrew the democratically elected leader of Ukraine in a very violent coup, which was carried out behind the scenes by U.S.-trained Ukrainian rabidly racist-fascist anti-Russian white-supremacist ideological nazis who had their organizational origins back during WW II fighting with Germany’s Nazis to cleanse away Jews and defeat Russia, which had been America’s key ally during WW II.
  3. There is even a smoking gun recording of Obama’s agent planning and directing the coup, Victoria Nuland,instructing the U.S. Ambassador in Kiev on 27 January 2014 whom to place in charge of Ukraine’s government after the democratically elected Ukrainian President gets overthrown — and that person, “Yatsenyuk,” did become appointed exactly a month later.
  4. The reason for Obama’s coup was in order to get into NATO the one country whose border is the nearest of all to The Kremlin, being just 300 miles away from Moscow. In the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, America refused to allow the possibility that Soviet missiles would be only a 30-minute missile flight (1,131 miles) away from a blitz nuclear attack beheading America’s central command in Washington DC. The present version is instead about the possibility that American nuclear missiles might become placed in Ukraine only a 5-minute missile flight (317 miles) away from blitz-beheading Russia’s central command in Moscow. Putin won’t accept something that would be even more dangerous to Russians than JFK rejected in October 1962 as being a national-security threat to Americans.
  5. Putin tried to prevent the necessity of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, by on 17 December 2021 seeking a promise from both the U.S. Government and its NATO anti-Russian military alliance NOT EVER to allow Ukraine into NATO, but, on 7 January 2022 got firm rejections from both, which made inevitable then that Russia would invade Ukraine in order to achieve by force what America refused even to negotiate with Russia about Russia’s central national-security concern (which mirrored JFK’s for America in 1962).

Any member of Congress who fails to condemn publicly, and to explain the insanity of the Ukraine Victory Resolution, doesn’t belong in Congress, because that person is a mortal threat to the entire world. This proposed law must not pass.

Please forward this article on to your two Senators and one House member.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Irish gerry

This is decending into madness.


Unfortunately, this madness will take a huge toll on the worlds population, if the arrogant US idiots go on with their insanity.

AM Hants

By design. How many members of the Eugenics Community are running Blackrock-Vanguard? Stanley Johnson – father of Boris, Eugenics advocate. Victoria Nuland and what did her father specialise in? Bill Gates and wasn’t his father a leading founder of Planned Parenthood, which was set up for Black genocide and also heavily linked to the US Eugenics Movement? If you look into them all and their backgrounds, you will find a cult that never went away. Their goal is to erase at least 90% of the world population.

Hakkol Havel

I wonder what the possibility is that Russia would just nuke the United States if war (declared or undeclared) broke out between them.


No need for nuclear weapons, when economic ones will achieve far greater destruction.

The dollar is being dumped globally at an ever increasing rate, and major US banks are beginning to collapse like dominoes

AM Hants

Plus so many are waking up as the Globalists find themselves seriously exposed.

AM Hants

Do believe they have better ways to skin a cat, than going after the innocent civilians. Russia are more professional and humane than to stoop to the 3 Corporations antics.

Look how the majority of the world is dumping the $US? How will the people of the US handle turning into a 3rd world nation, as the the East, including Asia, become the dominant nations, able to live in peace?


Da sa înceapă o data… Ne am plictisit sa tot ne amenințe.. Basme… Ei stau la caldurica si lupta prostii


Warmongering jews r unhappy.. first Syria now Ukraine.. these were suppose to be israreli lands by now.. but putin.. now they plan to deploy silly poles and some of their n..rs against russians.. different people , same result but technically ww3.. not good.



AM Hants

Greater Israel Energy – which so needed Syria on board. Appears that the Middle East has moved on and isolating the non-semitic part of the area. Funny, how they are lacking in semitic DNA, yet, the Nomadic tribe, who are not of biblical faith, are the first to scream anti-semitic discrimination. The same group that used genocide on the Biblical sector of the faith. Still doing it today.


Yatseniuk.. top ranking freemason jew.. like mostly the rest ukies during maidan, plus some high ranking jew congress organisations directors and such.. every war is a jew war.. and current sponsors? jews: cohen , blumenthal and on.. these “resolutions” r originating from USRAEL..

AM Hants

Not the Biblical Jewish Community. Remember, the Nomadic Turkic Tribe, Barbarians who reinvented themselves as the AshkeNAZI. They adopted Islam, Christianity, Judaism and learnt Hebrew, in order to disguise themselves.

Ironically, the Head of the European AskeNAZI Community, calling themselves the European Jewish Community, was the founder of Azov and one of Zelinsky’s mentors. Zelinsky’s other mentor, was the Hungarian, born of a certain faith, who openly admitted to be agnostic (so cannot be called anti-semitic, if you criticise him). On the same programme, where he stated there was no God, apart from himself, he also bragged about the greatest times of his life working as a Nazi Collaborator, back in Hungary 1944. Watching his peers and community getting on the death trains, before he went and looted their homes.


There is more to Jewish thought thn just they went mad and turned evil somewhere in the Caucus and spread across the world. The idea that the temples destruction signalled something like the fall of Alexandria and an end to the “Bronze age” civillizations. Mysteries of the Pyramids, Ancient CHina and Slavs and elts all forgotten under the Roman Empire.

Medieval and Late classical jewish communities were already in China and Africa. Starnger theories that would give Marx a heart attack they’ had visited the Americas.

The idea the jewish legacy is linked to the memory of anceint times and mysteries but now usurp the work of the other monotheists who preach universalism,humanism and immense resilience against all forces was forgotten.

Their own philosophy and theology has pushed them to massive egotism and self destruction. Some blaspheous visions of spiritual tyranny anathema to the wisdom of solomon and moses.

Army of Lovers – Israelism Army oflovers – Crucified

AM Hants

Must admit, there is one heck of a lot of studying that I wish to do, with regards the Roman Empire and history of the last 2,000 plus years. They use the same script, from century to century and never change the narrative.

With regards the Jewish Faith, I try not to generalise, but, with regards the Sat anic sect, not the Biblical side, I cannot get over their lust for evil and how many have been sacrificed, over the centuries, just to keep them happy. Not forgetting their addiction to theft and slavery.

AM Hants

Part 2 Today, 3 Corporations rule the world and they are all based on the rules of the Roman Empire, including taxes and laws.

The City of London, who are still and only just running the world economy. Who controls the Vatican Estate and the Crown Estate?

Washington DC, who are were once the main power behind the military of the world, but, Russia has taken that title. Washington DC might have the largest and most expensive military, but, they sure do not have the most powerful, unlike Russia.

Then you have the Vatican (remember that Jerusalem was an outpost of the Roman Empire over 2000 years ago). All three, squat in nations that they are completely independent from and have no loyalty to.


EVer seen the scene in Batman with the league of shadows moving in formation. Ever seen the masks they wear and how they move in the that block like formation. Its a mystery religion. They have mechanisms of behaving and and outmaneuvering everyone. Games within games…..but remember wheels within wheels…..some games aren’t for the profane or secular….The orthodox should think about the lifting of the papal ban on freemasonry. Hitler hated but Naoleon the god emperor who sort out the pyramids loved? Similar atrocities and body counts. Especially for Russia…..

Kansas – Play the game tonight Kansas – Wayward son


If I were am American citizen, I would definitely forward this to my federal representatives.

AM Hants

Ditto. Need to research a version suitable for Westminster.


Complete insanity, these people have lost their minds


World depopulation is a actual goal, down to 500Mil as guidestones said, the EL-ites will simply waitout & rule from their bunkers. They TOLD you their intentions.


Even the Soviet missiles in Cuba were only a response to the American missiles in Turkey… and then America caused the crisis!

AM Hants

Is there a crisis that the US never cause? Operation Gladio never ended.


Who Controls the Senate? Of the twenty(20) U.S. Senate Committee chairmen, eight(8) are Ashkenazi Jews. This is a numerical representation of 40%.

Who Controls the Congress? Of the forty-two(42) U.S. House Committee chairmen and ranking members, six(6) are Ashkenazi Jews. This is a numerical representation of 14%.

Who Controls the US Defence Department? Of the one-hundred eleven(111) U.S. Defence Department senior officials, forty(40) are Ashkenazi Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 36%.

Who Controls the US Treasury Department? Of the twenty-six(26) U.S. Treasury Department senior officials, eighteen(18) are Ashkenazi Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 69%.

The stupid and gullible US Goys will do their bidding. Oy vey, nukes away.

Jut vg

They wish….Russia laughs 😃.

AM Hants

Hopefully the letters using the template will flood into Congress and a few will show a backbone and go with their electorate, but, sadly the rest will go with their sponsors.

Earlier I was listening to an interview with Stu Peters by the BBC. It might not seem connected with the above, owing to being about the vaccine. However, when you join the dots, it says so much.

Does anybody know that the BBC, besides being funded by the UK tax payer, via license fees, is also funded by the Gates Foundation, Clinton Foundation and many of the same crowd that invest in each other?

AM Hants

Part 2 – Ukraine – bio-weapon labs, and what viruses were they working on?

Beyer-Monsanto – Gates Foundation and friends funding the BBC, also invest heavily in Beyer Monsanto. The same Beyer-Monsanto that is heavily invested in Ukraine.

Dems and Rinos – who are heavily sponsored by Gates, Clintons and friends.

Blackrock-Vanguard – the top of the pyramid. How much are they making from Ukraine, via the bio-weapon labs, the military industrial complex, pharma-agriculture corporations? That is before you get onto the trafficking, whether children, organs or just plain people.

How are the people running Blackrock-Vanguard linked with Operation Paperclip and those that ran and created the Nazi and Bolshevik parties?


I’d be careful about Hitler being respnsible for world war II. World War 1 was called the War to end all wars. DIdn’t see anyone complaining about the millions dead or wounded during the War on terror akin to the British interventions in the Middle East around the early oil industry.

You can band guns people will kill each other with broken glass and rocks. Invent a laser and it can shoot down a plane.

Social sciences often ignore religious fundamentalism. Ever consider conservative Lindsey Graham wants wars to get asse son seats in the Church as their social science theology collapses due to their own incoherence. Once the world is shattered they’ll go back to some medieval or bronze age fantasy and there will be no arguments from many secular states.

Death In rome – Its a sin Death in ROme – Lullaby.


OBamas coup? Was that what he was planning with RIchard Luger when they went and toured Eastern Europe looking at abandoned MIC sites and high clearance facilities like Ascension Island bio warfare program. Some guy called Bruc Ivins was accused of mailing US made Anthrax to congress and the whole world panicked. AMes strain…..

No mentionof Georgi Soros supposedly a Nazi informant and Jewish billionaire. Hngarian. Worked for the ROthschilds for a decade before Financial crisis that hit the UK. ABout 5 years before the Russian one wrecked the SOlomon brothers bond arbirtage. Around the time SImeon Mogelivich was making waves. What was that complex called around Manhattan finance?

Army of Lovers – Carry my urn to Ukraine Fun Loving criminals – Scooby snacks


WHen I was young I read my Vice Magazine and understood as man of Vice. When I became a man i picked up the financial time and realized who the real criminals were.

The Sears Catalogue is not love…..

Proverbs 14:1

5 men accused of sears tower bombing.

Aye NIna Rosenwald…..open socitey and Gaystone….Blackrock housing bubble….

Ed solo and Skool of Thought – When I was a yout Dead Prez – Propoganda

Peter Nowak

The context is no more relevant but the information is still reliable https://archive.org/download/TheWarGame_201405/The%20War%20Game.mp4


I think America is going to expirience civil war if they start WW3.


Southfront posts are about life & death struggles but serious debate about the issues & content raised by the site is impossible as seriously mentally ill types post absurb content to damage any real discussion preventing any dialectical process which could elevate into substantive analysis instead of the analretentive crap currently available


The Empire can bluster all it wants. All empires go down this route. They never learn. It’s too bad.

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