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Pipe Dreams Of Kiev’s Regime

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Pipe Dreams Of Kiev’s Regime

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Pipe Dreams Of Kiev’s Regime

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While active hostilities continue on the front lines in Ukraine, the Kiev regime can boast of alleged political “victories”.

In recent days, there has been some progress in the process of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union.

On June 17, the European Commission recommended granting Ukraine the status of candidate for EU membership. The same intention was expressed in relation to Moldova. At the same time, Georgia was refused.

On June 22, the French Minister-delegate to Europe Clément Beaune, said that war-torn Ukraine will be granted the status of EU candidate in the coming days.

Brussel’s decision will surely become another reason for the pride of the Kiev regime, which cannot boast of any military victories on the front lines.

However, the granting of the status of EU candidate does not mean that Ukraine will ever become a member of the union.

The accelerated procedure for Ukraine joining the European Union is excluded, as well as other privileges in this matter.

The French delegate stressed in his statement that hostilities in Ukraine should be stopped as soon as possible, but they are not reason enough to abandon the fundamental rules of EU membership.

Any country that is a member of the European Union must meet extremely strict requirements in the fight against corruption, the rule of law, economic development, etc.

Kiev needs to carry out reforms in order to meet the all the requirements for EU membership.

In the case of Ukraine, the granting of EU member status is Brussel’s political demonstration directed against Russia. The decision is aimed not at the result, i.e. acceptance of a destroyed Ukraine into the European ranks. Rather, it is a sign of its readiness to begin a long process in which Brussels gains a direct means of pressure on Kiev.

Thus, Brussels seeks to implement its own policy towards Ukraine beyond Washington’s directives. In the current situation, the fact of granting candidate status is more important for Brussels than for Kiev.

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Elohim Kosher Bar

Apparently SF doesn’t understand the concept of customer service by continually asking for donations from its readership customer base that it clearly doesn’t listen too. I’ve seen this behavior firsthand on numerous occasions while visiting / living in Sevastopol / Kherson pre Maidan Coup.

Speaking of Pipe Dreams, how difficult is it to ban the spammers while allowing free speech for all? Whoever is moderating SF needs to be fired.

Dog Day Afternoon

Kvetch kvetch kvetch


The EU truly has become the most idiotic and embarrassing organization in the world. Not only do they cut themselves off of natural gas and oil and now they have to start rationing energy supplies and start burning wood in the winter but now they literally just set themselves up for yet another monumental Russian BITCH SLAP in front of the whole world to watch in ridicule and entertainment. By announcing that Ukraine has been granted EU candidate status this will only galvanize the entire Russian population to demand that Russia conquer all of Ukraine literally every square mile. After this announcement there won’t be a Ukraine left to join the EU. And Moldova can kiss its quasi sovereignty good bye as well. The EU keeps setting itself up again and again for more Russian humiliation to Russia’s amusement. China is sitting back unscathed enjoying Russia’s domination of the US proxy army in Ukraine while at the same time they are busy bees as they continue to stockpile and produce tons of weapons while the EU and the US are out of ammunition, tanks and missiles. Just remember China has not even sent a single box of bullets to Russia yet. But why do you think they just built a bridge connecting the two nations? Check mate bitch lol.

Hans raus

Thats why most of people want to travel to EU and work there ? :D you russobots want to convince people that black is white and all people in the world dream about living in russian povery xD just be serious cimmie ;)

Dog Day Afternoon

I’d rather live with honor than with a Starbucks on every corner. Besides, I brew my own espresso.

BTW: How is it living in an EU puppet regime? Any problems in bed?


Go ahead, join den European Union, they will take everything you has


But they will leave ukrainians working, for making up the colossal debt from US & EU.

Bernard Davis

The biggest joke in this farce is that the process to admit Ukraine to the EU could take ten years – who would like to bet that there is either a Ukraine or a EU still in existence in ten years time?


Same vision about the bright future of bureaucratic mechanism like EU.


Why 10 years, how about one year from now? Zelensky had the opportunity to avoid all of this. He sold his people and now all he has left a some empty promises and a ton of questions he doesn’t like to answer. He will have no future too. He will answer for the crimes he committed one way or another. Russia will make sure of that.


As there are less and less forces, as the military hardware is blown up, it will become more and more easy to conquer more and more of Ukraine. Many Ukrainians will see it as liberation. I am not sure that every single bit of Ukraine should be re-united with Russia but none of Ukraine should be allowed to have weapons.

Dog Day Afternoon

The world would be safer giving grenades to monkeys than arms to ukrops.


That was a brilliant one, mate. Thanks.


Everything is very much up in the air at the moment politically – the fallout from the special operation in Ukraine is huge and Global – there’s G7, There’s G20, there is the EU, There’s BRICS…….. but underneath there is two driving forces the west and let’s call it the east. The EU in this turbulent time is just following on from its implemented coup in Ukraine and part of that involves taking control of its colonial gain. From Russia’s point of view the EU is not a problem from an economic point of view, but as a back door for NATO, of course there are legitimate concerns. It’s hard to see how this all will play out. Will the EU stabilise and control Ukraine to push it to peace. If peace is not achieved will Russia under increasing momentum, take all or a major part of Ukraine, will Russia decide it’s the 1997 borders and Poland needs to be gone. This is a very dynamic situation. The western oppressive world order has been shattered, what is to replace it, is in evolution and hard to judge its final form. All we do know is it’s going to be multipolar and the west will have lost its global control, remit and capabilities. The pipe dream was the west’s – to think they could hood wink Russia into total erosion of its sovereignty and security, by just political and economic pressure.

William White

Ukraine should be gone from the map, they are much to corrupt to be given an existence.


If you notice the Germans are saying the EU needs reform, the rules need changing before Ukraine come in. What does that mean – well Ukraine is not coming into the EU, it is becoming PART of the EU. In practical terms that means the EU rules will change to one of majority decisions over Unanimity. Ukraine is a basket case, its only value is farmland for Germany, IT professionals for the EU and skivvies for bars and restaurants. It has no place in the decision making of Europe, but has a place as part of Europe to be controlled and exploited by ‘Old Europe’. Indeed that is where Europe is going generally with regard control and power – the west is making sure it controls the EU – not any of those ‘nasty’ east European ‘troublemakers’ that would oppose immigration, or oppose mass gay indoctrination. In this scheme of things Ukraine of course will not exist by definition – their Nazis will soon be dying their hair pink for the nearest pride march!

Last edited 2 years ago by RealityOfWar

Or, Biden throws another bone to russians: The Suwalki Gap and a chunk of Lithuania? So the show keeps going.

Hans raus

Welcome in western sphere of influence Ukrainian brothers. More and more countrys want to join west. I am not surprised coz i a have never seen people who want to live in russia…. surprise….surprise, i wonder why ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

Pretty simple really – you can’t speak Russian and that is the major hurdle to moving to Russia, so you have never met the Russians returning in their droves to Russia, nor the ones queuing up from old soviet states to get in and get a passport. Not to mention the ones fighting in Ukraine to get into Russia. In the West they have the benefits forms in the language of your choice. Who wouldn’t go to the west for a free lunch if you have no anchor of culture or principles. I know Russians who are totally on welfare benefits in the west and going on luxury cruises – good luck to them!. How long the west can keep giving them out (benefits) is the issue! Not that there is any anti immigration parties about ready to pounce is there! As economics goes south with higher fuel bills, inflation…. on the horizon. Competition just entered the room buddy in a multipolar world, something new for the west – get used to it!


“Any country that is a member of the European Union must meet extremely strict requirements in the fight against corruption, the rule of law, economic development, etc.”: This is a joke, as anyone living in the E.U. can attest. Just read about the French state’s handling of COVID-19. The implication by this article that the E.U. will pressure the zelensky regime to end corruption is an even bigger joke. zelensky has been bribed by the collective west with billions of dollars (stolen from Ukraine) in order to enslave his country. “Thus, Brussels seeks to implement its own policy towards Ukraine beyond Washington’s directives.”: And this is the biggest joke of all. E.U. leaders are as much slaves of the U.S. as zelensky is (a point proved by their readiness to destroy their countries for U.S. interests, just like the Clown does).

I am amazed at the variation in quality in SF material. Some pretty interesting stuff alongside pure, unadulterated B.S.

Simple Justice

The west didn’t want Ukraine to become a federation so what it got was an abomination.

Dog Day Afternoon

Looks to me like Macron’s giving Zelensky the kiss of death there.

Florian Geyer

The Crackpipe Dreams of the Kiev Regime are a Nightmare. :)


It was another disaster for Italian foreign policy: a few days ago Presidente della Repubblica Mattarella told to Georgian President (or ambassador…someone from Georgia) that Italy supported Georgia in its attempt to join EU. Our foreing policy is clear: no national interest must be followed. Do we have any interest in slowing Russian advance? No. Do we have any interest in sanctioning Russia? No. Do we have any interest in cooperate with Ukraine? No. Then why do we accept all this? Because we are a colony. The absolute majority of Italians doesn’t care about Zelensky, a good majority wants to go out of EU but our government keeps on acting like Italians don’t matter. The surprise that is going to happen next year should make them quite anxious: I hope I know Italians better than our politicians and I’m quite sure it’s going to be a earthquake for pro-EU, pro-Nato parties

tommy lgbt sawyer

very similar to my lgbt sodomy dreams


“EU membership”…what a double-minded sink-hole.


again SF plagued by the village idiot—senile lgbt moron jens—aftere swallowing lgbt social worker sperm he is allowed access to internet…..incompetent dane therapy


When Ukraine will finally join EU, this superstate bureaucracy had long time ceased to exist. As for the fight against corruption, the rule of law, economic development, they are all small talk, since EU has the same problems nowadays.


300 ukies sent to Lucifer Nikolaev—-more Yanqui weapons reduced to scrap ukie morale so low soldiers in Lvov refuse to deploy to battle front—ukies using girls and inmates as cannon fodder Sawyer claims this is success—he claims victory when in lgbt brothel and he can afford to pay transgender for rectum re-education


A so called comedian running a country in a war. LMFAO!!!! Closest thing to a fight Big “Z” has ever been in is having a fist shoved up his ass.


It’s just laughable isn’t it


What if the Globalists who support Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) want to keep the war going hoping it destroys not all but a big portion of Ukraine so they can a one world government on Ukraine and add some Saudi Sharia law into the mix.


EU is german nazifascist mafia, and no one elected them. btw EU is highly criminal and should be dismantaled to free the nations of European continent.

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