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The Real War: Imperialism in the Arbitrary Western Values vs. Nations’ Sovereignty

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The Real War: Imperialism in the Arbitrary Western Values vs. Nations’ Sovereignty

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Written by Simon Chege Ndiritu

Biden and Johnson will divert funds from local economies without the approval of local populations to arm “democratic” Ukraine as Imperialism drops the façade of democracy. As Russia advances in Donbas, NATO continues to expand arms supply to Ukraine. Meanwhile, Inflation ranges in NATO economies but nations in the organization make no effort to remedy citizens’ fall in living standards as they prioritize NATO’s war and threats.


The end of June and the beginning of July 2022 is turning out to be a historically interesting period. There was a quick succession of imperialists’ meetings starting with the G7 followed by NATO. The G7 meeting becomes interesting in that out of statements to defend undefined western values, the only takeaway was a whimsical photos session with jokes concerning Putin’s bare-chested horse-riding photos. The NATO meeting concluded with more threats against Russia and attempts to cast China, which is located on the opposite side of the North Atlantic, as an enemy. Meanwhile, as of 30th June Russian forces were so successful around Lisichanks appeared to be very cautious in announcing their progress. For instance, on 29th, they reported controlling only 30% of Lisichasnks while the Sky news embedded with the Ukrainian forces stated that the city was a forgone conclusion. As of 2nd July, towns around Severodonetsk-Lichisansk were falling at an unprecedented rate. Russians were practically steamrolling opponents even at notable costs in men and materials. Against this backdrop, imperialists have pledged even more weapons to Ukraine, following a very practicable style. NATO started by supplying small western weapons in mass and has progressed in a nearly linear pattern increasing the complexity of weaponry but reducing the numbers. Some US allies have claimed running out of stock.

Freudian Slip-Liberal Values Equals Corruption

The Real War: Imperialism in the Arbitrary Western Values vs. Nations’ Sovereignty

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I found a comparison of western media’s views before and after the special operation. In a 2015 article, the Guardian reported that Ukraine was the most corrupt country in Europe but on February 27th 2022, the same media reported how fighting for Ukraine represents fighting for Liberal Ideals. This outward contradiction constitutes a Freudian slip in that both articles show westerners looting both Russia and Ukraine. My audiences should note that among factors that have contributed to Ukraine’s corruption included the self-confessed corrupt activities of Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s looting of Ukraine. The Guardian conveniently omitted such details in its article describing perverse corruption in Ukraine.

Guardian’s second article described above had a subheading “For a long time, Tories have been happy to take Russian money and attack the democratic values they now claim to hold dear. So the Tories receive money from Russians without giving any products or services in return but continue to hold some values dear. What could these values be? Under such circumstances, the only values that the UK, EU, and NATO hold dear are corruption and imperialism.  Both articles show that the current war waged by EU and NATO is designed to create conditions for looting Russia, Ukraine, China, Iran, and the global south. Parts of West’s liberal ideals is the belief that all resources from the rest of the world (including Russia) should be traded in a manner that pays tributes to the west. That’s why this war will not be ending soon.

The Real War: Imperialism in the Arbitrary Western Values vs. Nations’ Sovereignty

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Beyond the missiles, artillery shells, grenades, and rounds flying across the battle lines in Ukraine, the real war is occurring somewhere else and is directed by a sleazy minority wanting to control the world by purporting to coordinate the majority. They wish to maintain the US-led financial empire amply described by Michael Hudson, which enables them to get the best of commodities, labor, and profits for nothing. Putin and the Majority are calling for a fairer world. This war is the ultimate showdown between debt-money (fiat currency) and real commodity money. It amplifies the call for an equitable world noted by among others Thomas Sankara, Mohammad Mosaddegh, Muammar Gadaffi, and now Nayib Bukele and Vladimir Putin. All these personalities have argued that all regions would have equitable development if their countries had enough freedom to trade their resources for real money. However, Atlantic colonial powers, starting with Spain, Portugal, France, England, the Netherlands, and the US have thrived in taking resources anywhere in the world using violence and or paper money. The Branding of the North Atlantic in NATO should be noted. It is only these countries that got rich by kidnapping and enslaving Africans, trading them, stealing resources from Africa, and India, and waging wars against China to curve it up. From these past actions, we can deduce what the transatlantic liberal order and its aspirations are. Mosaddegh, Sankara, and Gadhafi were quickly thrown under the bus for standing contrary to these North Atlantic aspirations but things have changed and their monopoly of violence is lost.

The Real War: Imperialism in the Arbitrary Western Values vs. Nations’ Sovereignty

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Operating above Nation-State

Trans-Atlantic cabal is purporting to coordinate global trade grain and oil trade to earn supernormal profits by distorting prices and supply using threats, violence, money printers, and a narrative fake western values that the rest of the world should aspire for. Consider the example of trade in wheat and how they want to purport to regulate participants but not produce. In January 2021, the USDA reported that Russia planned to restrict the sale of grains and oilseeds to mid-2021. In February of 2021, Russia imposed export taxes on wheat and would cap export at 8 million tonnes beginning in February 2022. The international media punctuated these announcements with the context that Russia was the leading wheat exporter.

Gro Intelligence would report,

“The country’s latest move could further squeeze already tight global wheat supplies”

Reuters concluded,

“European wheat prices rose on Monday after Interfax news agency reported on Russia’s ban on grain exports”.  

The western media gladly reported that these measures would have adverse impacts on the global supply. Therefore, westerners miraculously bestowed upon themselves the power to regulate global wheat supply but not to produce their own wheat. Such views are interesting especially in the context of Western recent proposals to “decolonize” Russia and make it a responsible player on the “international stage”. According to westerners, Russia and other nations should only produce but have no say in how these resources are traded including whether their local populations have preferential access. For instance, in May 2022, India also banned wheat export and westerners responded. CNBC noted that India was the second-largest wheat exporter globally and proceeded;

“Global buyers were banking on the world’s second-biggest wheat producer for supplies after exports from the Black Sea region plunged following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late February”.

Again, westerners took upon the weighty responsibility of advising India on what to do in the interests of “global buyers”. A more constructive approach would be to recognize that the Russian and Indian governments have cardinal responsibility to feed their populations over the rest of the world. Also, western governments should be championing for localized food production to save the environment as opposed to transporting wheat over long distances using carbon-intensive fuel if the climate debate is anything to go by. However, The British would be happy to see India or Russia export all its wheat to western markets where prices are always higher due to larger supply of money and later have Russians and Indians starving. Responsible countries should reject the existing western-lead mode of food circulation as it leads to oversupply in the western markets, leading to wastage while poor and developing countries grapple with shortages.

The Real War: Imperialism in the Arbitrary Western Values vs. Nations’ Sovereignty

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Imperial Speculators vs. Workers in Developing Countries

However, ‘developed’ Wests’ behavior in this case is a good pointer to the real problems. Russia has not been the largest grain exporter in history but has only overtaken other producers recently. Why did this happen?  The most practical answer ‘is the misallocation of capital’. There is a small group, which manipulates commodity prices to make profits without work. An example of this can be illustrated using India’s decision concerning Grain export. On 20th December 2021, Reuters reported that India had suspended trading in commodity futures to curb inflation. The reasoning behind Russia restricting exports was also to reduce local prices. Both India’s and Russia’s efforts were designed to prevent speculation on grain in which big western contractors using cheap money would buy grain Futures in Russia and India among other markets to create ‘shortages’ and make supernormal profits and hence lead to sky-high prices. With such an economic model, large Western corporations cannot engage in agricultural production, and this is an economic system that the G7 minority wants to maintain. A world in which developing countries do all the work while the wests’ mega corporations reap all profits seamed attainable actions of Russia among other countries threaten this. Therefore NATO will keep on arming Ukraine to the Bitter and may directly intervene.

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USA- no morals-no human rights-no international law -no peace treaties- no problem murdering the world population-Bill of Rights-1st Amendment- binned -4th Amendment-binned-8th Amendment-binned CIA now able to operate inside the USA any international law ignored is answered by “Exceptionalism”=dictatorship- Run from Tel Aviv- Lies continually ( second nature ) -world mafia.

dr david hill

All about what is going in in reality, but the interviews with the UK undertaker with regard to the Covid vaccine (part of the Great Reset like the Ukraine conflict) is enlightening with the white line substance in arteries and veins after being vaxed that blocked the blood supply and causes the heart attacks, not the clots that they are telling us – The Globalists are Going to literally Destroy 90% of Humanity and have the world just for Themselves and for their future generated off-springs – But the 10% left will just be Slaves to these ‘elites’ so no-one will be Free and have any Human Rights at all – https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.com/2022/07/the-total-destruction-of-westand-its.html


The US/UK vaccine fights against your bodies natural defence leaving it permanently weakened -a boon to Big Pharma USA -it was not 100 % tested but rushed out and the USA government + the EU is covering up the number of fatalities after injection. I have a UK scientific paper not published in the media admitting its big faults – NO I refused to take it –a “miracle ” ( according to doctors ) I am still alive.


It was African kings who got rich selling slaves, and Arabs were buying and raiding for African slaves long before Europe and the Americas. The US thrived when we had a gold backed currency, since Nixon closed the gold window it has been a long down hill slide. Talk about historical ignorance! Buying slaves never made people rich, the Southern planters were all in debt, Jefferson was so heavily mortgaged he couldn’t free his slaves, he wanted Virginia to buy the slaves under eminent domain and free them. The US had to import Irish bog trotters to dig the Eire canal, slaves didn’t get the job done even with freedom promised at the finish.


Alexis De Tocqueville wrote about the difference between Kentucky a slave state, and Ohio which did not have slaves. Ohio thrived and was very prosperous, while Kentucky was backwards and not developed. The truth is, slavery was not good economics. Ben Franklin also wrote about it.


“the least reproach offends amerikans–the slightest sharp sting of truth turns them fierce…I know of no nation where there is no independence of mind nor any real freedom of debate except amerrika” Tocqueville


Ordinary americans are brainwashed to the level, that majority of them doesn’t have clue where is Ukraine and who are they helping in Ukraine. They knowledge about the world not going beyond US borders.


I am aware —I attended graduate school in USA…I was astonished at their boorishness and stupidity….”the men amerikans most admire dare to tell them the most extravagant lies—the men they most despise try to tell them the truth”. HL Menkhen

Simon Ndiritu

In a characteristic western style, its always the victims’ fault. So, it was African Kings that sailed African slaves across the Atlantic. It is similar to arguing that Libyan’s oil deserves to be stolen because Gadaffi was a ‘dictator’ and such nonsense. But I agreed with you that gold standard maintained US greatness but I can Argue that the country’s global preeminence resulted from the WWII war industry including the destruction of European economic competition during the war.


anglos are racist by constitution…USA has never been great except at stealing from small weak nations

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
Simon Ndiritu

That is true. But this time, they are so stupid in that they cannot teach their dumb populations to produce now that there is nothing else left to steal from. Russia Guys with unlimited resources which Anglos are salivating for is armed to the teeth with nukes, conventional arms and highly motivated and patriotic troops


“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded w a fine coat of fraud. amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans—they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell


No, it was overwhelmingly Jews who controlled the trans-atlantic slave trade. Look at what Tony Martin wrote, now deceased professor at SOAS with a pitch-black skin, who dug this information out from Jewish records. You might be interested to learn that some Jews pray for the swift re-introduction of slavery in the year 2019, of course with only us Gentiles being the slaves, because, quote, “every Gentile wants to be a slave to a Jew”, and that the Gentile will only then find meaning in life when he is enslaved to a Jew.


half wit amerikan racist—most slave traders were Dutch and English, not Jews…being incompetent morons you require superior Jews to rule you


ask stupid question—more stupid conclusions


“for the 1st time in western civilization in USA slavery was tied to race”. Daniel Boorstin “USA is the most aggressive nation in modern history”. Istvan Meszaros amerikans are immoral morons “from the inception of amerika it has been informedmed by ubiquitous sleaze and hustling”. Walter macdougal “obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon

Simon Ndiritu

“sleaze and hustling” these two words reflect the reality of the nature of US which has a criminal record in place of a history


Good article but I think you miss the reality of the slave trade. The vast majority of slave ship owners were jewish and freemasons. Further you missed Italy, which as the seat of the Vatican and home to the Venetian Black Nobility and their Jesuits. Italy has gained more from colonialism than any other power. The fact they hide their wealth in Switzerland and behind central banks and large corporations is just the manner of these covert kings. These were originally the Phoenicians, but of course they get around.

Simon Ndiritu

Thanks. That is a new Dimension I will be looking into.




Sorry for the error of the first post!

Dear Mr. Check, I suggest that you take a little time in studying a bit of Spanish History. You are completely out of track when throwing Spain (even Portugal) in the same bag as anglosaxon nations. As well, you are muddying the historic Spanish Empire (ended in 1898 by means of a false flag war with USA) with what is happening in the world of today. I suggest that you read some books from the hispanist Stanley G. Payne: “In Defense of Spain”, “Spain: A Unique History”. Or “Tree of Hate” from Philip Wayne Powell. The History of the world is the History of Empires and you shall distinguish two types: Generator Empires & Predator Empires. The Spanish Empire was of the first type, anglosaxon and Anglo-American Empires are of the second type (Predator Empires). And for your information Spain never had colonies, it had provinces. Spain replicated itself in America in the same way as the Roman Empire did before. We made cities, roads, schools, universities, &c. and not in the coast, as anglo colonies, we did it well inside the territories. We shared our technologies with the new Spanish citizens (native Americans) and mixed with them. The result of Spain ruling the world for almost three centuries is that if you pick at random a citizen between Rio Grande and Patagonia you probably end up 99% with native American or a descendant of a native American mixed with a Spaniard. If you do the same in the USA, you end up 99% with an anglo, an European immigrant or a descendant, not a native American because they were almost exterminated by a Predator Empire. So please be careful: Spain never acted like Leopold II in Congo. The BS narrative of MSM against Russia and China is the very same that created the Spanish Black Legend. History repeats once more and again from the same Predators.

Simon Ndiritu

Great insight. Thanks. I’ll be checking these sources


Very sorry again! It shall say Mr. Chege.

Simon Ndiritu

It’s ok gentleman. Good evening.

Edgar Zetar

Great report to explain the wheat market control of Western Markets, the funny thing they dont produce anything but still want to control the price worldwide.


If you believe that West is not producing anything than no wonder lunatics like you supports Putin and Russia…


Please get us a currency we can own and also trade with, independent of the $. £ & E.


Do note that the Western globalists do nothing for the peoples in the West either. They are a pestilence the World Over.

Trading in futures should be banned everywhere.

Trading in paper commodities should also be banned everywhere.

Simon Ndiritu

That’s true, it’s remarkable how hard working and honestly Europeans can be working hard in farms factories and raising children and communities. In fact, globalists imperialists emperil decent Europeans. I saw a Documentary showing how EUs plan to buldoze a trade deal with Brazil will disadvantage frech and Belgian farmers. Equally, we all remember the forced signing of CETA and how bologna dissented but their views wewe smothered.

Simon Ndiritu

I believe the world will revert to bilateral- based trade as opposed to the current imperialist system. Individuals, companies and nations will have an opportunity to agree on what to trade, the terms and currency to use without third party influence which will be free and mutual


In this new World, what exactly Russia would offer for sale to the other countries?

BTW cutting or removing current trade system will be a great step forward for better world and I’m sure it will happen soon, Putin or not. Make no mistake, this is not what Putin wants – the opposite in fact…


Interesting, with some real substance about commodity future market price manipulation by western financial powers. But still miss the point, food price manipulation is less about profit than it is about regime change, hence it is real act of war by westerner organised thru their multinational. And that conflict is not about commodity price, it is about deciding who makes the rules after the approaching global financial system failure.

Simon Ndiritu

Thanks. ” regime change” is a very pertinent dimension that cannot be forgotten. My dimension was just to balance in the interest of making a short paper and attempt to focus on the current conflict. Thanks for reminding me.


‘Biden and Johnson will divert funds from local economies without the approval of local populations to arm “democratic” Ukraine as Imperialism drops the façade of democracy’ – as far as I know both Johnson and Biden were democratically elected so I don’t know what is this article talking about? Local economies as writer calls them are still subject to government – if you want government which would not support Ukraine you have to win election. And lets make it clear – no politician in the West is able to get elected by supporting Russia! Russia is finished for civilised World, the same way German nazis were finished when they have decided to invade Poland…


anglos have only 1 value transgenderism …


“world domination manifests itself as an intellectual or if you prefer, a cultural diktat. this explains why the amerikans have so zealously tried to bring the intellectual and cultural common denominator of the entire world down to their level. try to convince an amerikan their values will destroy Russia–you will not be able”. Alexandr Zinoviev

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
Simon Ndiritu

True, they have robbed the world of rich diverse culture and replaced it with shallow homogeneous egoism, group thinking, worshiping of money, fame, and sheer ignorance. Today you try reasoning with the pro-western blokes and most won’t hear you, let alone consider your point. All you hear is dismissive nonsense about how everyone wishes to relocate to the US or Europe, which is a lie.


The world is so ridiculous under the JewSA propaganda and censorship, i. e. the “democracy”.

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