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MARCH 2025

The Return Of The Horrors Of The Durand Line

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The Return Of The Horrors Of The Durand Line

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Written by Damir Nazarov

While the international community remains inactive against Israeli crimes and continues to allow jihadists to take over Syria, the border conflict between Afghanistan and Pakistan has once again escalated. Both sides accuse each other of not respecting borders and of a real proxy war.

Pakistan’s main complaint is the alleged support of the Afghan Taliban for the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan(TTP), which is what is called the “Pakistani Taliban.” However, the official government of Kabul rejects such connections and believes that the Pakistani junta should “solve its own internal problems.” The former allies became almost the main enemies in the region, immediately after the departure of the American occupiers, but both sides are restrained from all-out war by the presence of takfirists from local ISIS cells. As for the TTP, they regularly emphasize their autonomy from their “Afghan brothers.”

In response to accusations of “supporting terrorism”, the Taliban have responded with diplomacy, with the Islamic Emirate’s ambassador recently meeting with Unity Party leader Hamid Hussain. The meeting took place amid bloody clashes between Shiites in the Parachinar district and extremist groups. The Shiite issue is no less pressing for Pakistan than the TTP situation. That is why the Taliban has begun to actively play this card, demonstrating yet another “weakness” of Pakistan’s military rule.

Analysts tend to believe that Pakistan’s plans to create “strategic depth” in Afghanistan have failed. By Islamabad’s strategy, they mean long-term support for the Taliban in Afghanistan. However, the Taliban, although an ally of the Pakistani military, never considered itself a “strategic asset” of Islamabad. Simply because the phenomenon of the Taliban structure included a council of three main components, which ultimately formed the backbone of the movement. The three components are political Sufism from Pakistan, local Pashtun nationalism and veterans of Islamic movements from the Soviet occupation. In such a situation, it is simply unrealistic to control an entire ethnic group that has solid military and political experience.

The border dispute between Afghanistan and Pakistan dates back to the British colonization of the region and remains a hot-button issue to this day. Ethnic issues and acute economic problems in both countries exacerbate the situation, which has often escalated into armed conflict. The situation with the territorial crisis has been going on for almost 90 years. A kind of “Pashtunistan” existed both under all types of colonization and without external intervention from world powers. For Islamabad, this is a headache that it has not been able to solve since the declaration of its independence.

The situation is now aggravated, among other things, by the chaos within Pakistan itself, a clear example of the crisis being the frequent change of the head of the Inter-Services Intelligence. The pressure on Imran Khan also demonstrates the problems inside the military rule of Pakistan. Therefore, taking all these combined facts together, one can come to the conclusion that the border crisis with the Taliban may be just a mask to distract attention from the internal chaos in the central apparatuses of Islamabad.


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U.s emp🍌re

1) america will invade canada and will make it 51 state

2) america will invade greenland ( if not russia will invade it, russia wants to invade greenland after ukraina, russia needs greenlands resources and oil too)

3) america will invade mexica ( if not, russia will let joining mexica to the brics and mexica will be 2nd cuba and russia ally)

4) turkey will invade syrian kurdistan (rojava) and will make it 82 state.

U.s emp🍌re

5) america will invade panama ( if not china troops will continue patrolling in panama canal)

U.s emp🍌re

turkey will invade syrian kurdistan (rojava) and will make it 82 state.

Ramses Ill

1) mexico is america

2) canada is america

3) the usa is a vanishingly small part of america

4) what should russia do with greenland, no country in this world has as many resources as russia

5) russia gets crimea and donbass

6) what erdo and his sunni turkish gang are doing no pig cares



canada is catholic mexico is catholic america’s authority for rule of law is catholic undemocratically though russia doesn’t have greenland. ctimea has been russia’s for hundreds of years rome no doubt believes istanbul is still their constantinople. .

Grab Your Gat

takfiri gang of erdo thecunt.


world will be much better place without taliban


1) you will be confined to a padded cell and medicated for the good of humanity.

U.s emp🍌re

1. russia will invade greenland before usa invade it. (after ukraina russia needs resources and oil of greenland )

2. russia will not let greenland to be 2nd alaska.

U.s emp🍌re

2. russia will not let greenland to be 2nd alaska.


so taliban islamists will fight pakistani islamists. sounds ok for me.


taliban help syria to remove assad


i hope pakistan win lol


every analyst worth his salt said all year long that it was time for china and russia to enforce its vision and multipolar world order … they failed to do so … and now trump will go after brics and any countries dumping the almighty usd.


we see the result now of russia’s duplicity when it comes to the israelis and we see that nationalist divides this day and age are a facade for the real war which is a class war of rich v poor, of white v darkie


it’s class as in class room which school ? thats the bottom line, but even so ” we are all disposable to them ” imo


he’s already compromising on crypto. he wants to protect the auto oil industry fof texas and ford gm chrysler etc and jobs .they’re very very manipulative at creating motivations .imo


and denmark’s the western worlds ” safe ” house its where the royals always intermarry into .they’re all connected to the danish royal family .


afghanistan is a country with one of the largest groups of racially different ethnic groups aligned to different near countries surrounding afghanistan .

this goes way back in history by those who invaded and conquered it ,even in modern history the taliban took a while to overcome local tribesmen , so it has always known war and tribesmen are quick to take up arms if they think they have a good cause .

neither russia nor the usa completely overcame them and both pulled out .


true ,but yet in a way no they always need wars to keep the economy afloat at rhe end of the day ,so they have to maintain the sets scripts props to be ready for action lights cameras .it’s just the horrible truth peace would throw billions out of work, out of the mines steel mills ship building farming for wool for uniforms, leather fir boots etc etc etc . the world is geared for war as the most profitable business


the “world is geared for war ” –well you can certainly say that about the usa a large part of its economy rests on the war industry that helped hillery aka “killery ” when she shouted in the senate-war-war-war to which she was well paid by the said industry under a so called “charity “/shell company which she owns .


taliban = israel


taliban hate assad gaddafi and houthis so i hope pakistan win


why is fake news bbc and cnn not showing horor of mozambique cause by their install stooges of swpo,freelimo,zanupf and anc.this partie oppress black people and are giving away mineral resources.


i heard that on average each african female is having 10 children .population growth is exponential usually .even then they’ve always culled surplus to requirements allowing for the fact they like an abundance to keep wages low housing high and so on a juggling act of balancing resources for maximum profits

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

another pupet is ruto he went to haiti to impress his master biden how he can kill black people in haiti.ruto knows that biden cause this war and him were supposed to cll for dialog not killing.


haiti’s a real nightmare on elm street of child trafficking imo i hope i’m.wrong about the rumours of decades .but i fear not i think the truth is hidden there.

Max Hermansen Oslamabad

what “israeli crimes”??? defending themselves against the terrorists in ham as and hizzbolla?


against bidens machinations in funding g the whole thing by paying iran billions basically .


killing 50.000 in gaza, at least half children, and blocking enough food and medicine for the other 2 million people is self defense? stfu you bastard.

Shlomo's little weenie

50000. multiply that by 10 or even 15. the medical commentators at the english ‘lancet’ have been on the ground in this extermination site. they’re dedicated medical specialists and realists, not like their lying, murderous, jew banker sponsored leaders.


israel itself is a crime

Behead the zionists

first and most contemptible crime of usrael is its existence.

the beginning of its existence began with slaughter of innocent civillians. its continuity was based on slaughter and now its end is initiated by slaughter.

its crime is to consisting of crime.


imrahn khan was very likely really princess diana’s brother in law through marrying her step sister jemina .that was not convenient after diana’s divorce and had to be remedied i’m pretty sure imragn knew too much about the whole business of the fayed family involvement with dodis aunt being married to the biggest arms dealer on earth at the time ,adhnan khashoggi .the rests propagandas imo

Don Juan de Austria

these sunni-saracens are taking over most of the middle east, next thing you know and ramzan kadyrov will be russia’s ambassador for syria and sheikh of tartus and khmeimim


western colonialism is the horror that will need to be wiped out for good


probably just mi6 and research analysis wing winding everyone up. long term pakistan and central asia are to be absorbed under some bizzare hinduvata scam operation. even the africans are struggling to claw back wealth from oligarchs but indians are naturally inclined to accept population control, corruption and theft taught by the british…..

Shlomo's little weenie

the photo of that old raghead / taliban type gives one an insight into the reasonable mentality they exhibit in staying alive. they’ll never go hungry as long as they keep wearing a meat pie on top of their heads

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