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Russian Defense Ministry Warned Of Bloody Provocations On Easter In Ukraine

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Russian Defense Ministry Warned Of Bloody Provocations On Easter In Ukraine

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On April 18, the Russian Defense Ministry warned about the upcoming bloody provocations of the Kiev regime in Ukraine. According to an emergency statement, special Ukrainian nationalist battalions are preparing mass shelling of civilians on Easter Night in different regions of Ukraine:

” According to available information, the Kiev regime, with the support of several Western countries, is completing preparations for monstrous provocations with numerous victims in Zaporozhye, Nikolaev, Odessa, Sumy and Kharkov regions. For this purpose, more than 70 mobile groups were formed from nationalist battalions on vans and cross-country vehicles equipped with mortars (so-called “traveling mortars”) with the task of shelling Orthodox churches and churches on Easter Night (April 23-24, 2022) to accuse Russian servicemen of massacring civilians on this sacred holiday for believers.

A large number of Western news agency journalists are to be involved in the filming of the alleged “Russian atrocities” and the immediate spreading of the fakes by Kiev.

The Ukrainian authorities’ prepared provocations demonstrate their complete indifference to the fate of their own citizens.

We call on the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations to immediately influence the Kiev regime to prevent this inhumane provocation that ignores all norms of morality and international humanitarian law.

We warn the countries of the so-called “civilised West” led by the US in advance that the Russian Federation has an evidence base of another terrible crime being prepared by the Kiev regime.

This emergency statement should be published immediately and reported to the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organisations through all available information resources.”


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Ukraine’s whole strategy as taught by NATO is to use civilians as shields and cover. The Ukrainian Nazis have then developed on these themes to attack any Russian orientated citizens or indeed any citizens, regardless of their views when they can fit those attacks into productions that reinforce their propaganda campaign and drive for cash.

jens holm

Nato is not even in Ukraine. If we were there were no Russians.


You piece of shit could only talk with you head up your arse

jens holm

Nato is not in Ukraine.


get paid to troll lies? pathetic.


The US is managing this entire war, so using civilians as shields is a US tactic. It has always been used.to in the attempt to win wars.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ron
jens holm

So far more then 300.000 has been evacuated. Thats was what was possible because of the devastating Russian bombardments.

Most likely they prefare being there instead of being Russian hostages. Only 30.000 went to the ussian side.

Hardly none support the inavsion of their own cuntry.

And yes: The Ukras dont send civilieans into owne and ruusians bombarment zones. They also keep them away from own mined areas.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Alltimona

Biblical lies, Russia is planning his historical way of war; war of the scored earth like they do time after time. Bombing, killing, raping everybody and anything. https://t.me/dvish_alive/10236

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

Okay expert

Zelen sky the dick player

You must be really frustrated in your life, some pedo Zionist issues in your childhood?

jens holm

Mixing in pedo zionists in this confirmYou level fine.


Bombing, killing, raping? Hopefully not in that order. Who wants to rape a corpse? Only you and Bill Clinton.


Bro, don’t give drugged Zelensky and his sick advisers an idea, they always need more and more insane accusations…


Propaganda brain

jens holm

Thats not propaganda. Thats free speech. You can agree, disagree and also comment.

Your makes no comment.


HELLOOOOOO…can you hear me with your head so far up your Jew arse?


> when their flagships are getting blown out of the water by Ukrainian missiles.

I bet NATO did that using special forces, submarines or other means. The Ukrainian army can’t even piss straight at this moment.


Okay expert


No Ukraine soldier will be so deviated that he willingly will do the Russian hence men’s job. They are not that degenerated to do such sick war crime. The fact Russia is claiming it means they plan it.

Peter The Ungrateful

“No Ukraine soldier will be so deviated… They are not that degenerated to do such sick war crime.”

Oh, there is plenty evidence to the contrary, i.e. Kramatorsk train station terror attack carried out by 19th missile brigade, to name just the most recent.

jens holm

So where is the link for that insinuation?

Peter The Ungrateful


jens holm

This is not a reliable source. The rest of the world has been there live and not only with sober journalists. Its by many mobil phones and androids by the still alive ones.

Next it makes no sense Ukras should bombarde an important railway transportation HUB as supply route for miliary units and supply.

next it makes no sense to bombarde own evacuated civilians.

Its an insinuation of the worst kind any od Ukra missile should have done that. We also have seen the Russians arrive having a lot of old stuff themself. I makes no sense ony the Ukras has that first generation none. .

Peter The Ungrateful

“The rest of the world” meaning WESTERN propagandists. There is no question who owned the Totchka-U missile being used and where it came from.

It makes an awful lot of sense to bombard the Kramatorsk train station, because the people there are majority Russian speakers, hence “the enemy”. It was a terror attack, nothing less, even the inscription “For The Children” was insult added to injury.

Take your head out of your ass and come back to reality.

jens holm

Sometimes it not even makes sense to comment things like this. We are very well informed and its a waste trying to connect anything to people, which lives in a total censured narrowminded world.

Furthermore they are threatend to be loyal a leader whcih now not even can say if 500 or 50 are dead at Moskva. How can any be like that against its own inhabitants.

Peter The Ungrateful

You are well misinformed, disinformed and propagandized. And don’t mistake me for a Russian, I am an EU citizen that sees through all those lies.

Check YOUR sources AND their track record, i.e.: hxxps://winepressnews.com/2022/04/08/nbc-indirectly-admits-to-propagandizing-viewers-and-pushing-falsified-info-regarding-russia/

jens holm

You are of that kind. You must like spanking living here. You have lied about the rest.

Garbage tt site

Peter The Ungrateful

Maybe read the original story on NBC? The link is in there too.

Or, keep lying to yourself and projecting.


Try Maidan snipers you pathetic dumb twat.

For 8 years Maidan terrorists continuously slaughter their own citizens from Kiev and Odessa to Donetsk and Kramatorsk, and here you are stupid pile of shit, saying they would never do this! How laughable you are moron.


HELLOOOOOO…can you hear me with your head so far up your Jew arse?

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The UN, OSCE, International Committee of the Red Cross are under the control of the US Zionists.


Me too. I love it. Compared to the rest of the world we has a much better and even longer life. Hip hip.

If people like You eed food we will parahote criminal pigs for You. We also has wine donated by some Rochild.

St Olaf the Frottigist

Dear 77th Brigade, surely there are labour laws in the UK that prevent the exploitation of the mentally ill. Please let Jens go back to wetting his diapers in his mommy’s basement. With the UK’s unemployment problem I have no doubt you could find a slightly more literate stringer for the same money.

jens holm

Thats not Our point. When 20.000 Syrians came here, we were not ready. They also was too different from us. By that they can handle jobs after long time only.

The other part is, that we actualy can give some of the incommers jobs. When they feed themself or partly feed themself and even pay some tax, we can take more. I makes less minus in the budget.

I am from Denmark.


Jens you were born of a pig inseminating your momma in the Poolish gettos

jens holm

Sure and the pig was polished too.

The ICRC may be an exception. They are the only NGO that is legal in the DPR.


Hahaha.. just like Russia was running out of cruise missiles and gasoline a month ago right? Almighty NATO intelligence, they said Kabul would hold out for six months when they were operating inside the country! The Taliban WALKED in to Kabul without firing a shot in TEN days, you are overdosing on the Kool-Aid. You must have been the kid in the back of the class that was eating glue all day, unless you were homeschooled in the family trailer. Your information isn’t based on any sort of intelligence or facts, it’s made up propaganda from NATO and the Kiev junta 🤣. Good news from Donbas though, cruise missiles and artillery are raining down on Nazis and ultranationalists like never before. Phase 2 has begun! Z


And you think Russia seeks to gain something from shelling civilians and churches? Cmon, this isn’t one of your favorite US propaganda movies where the “bad” guy does irrational things just so that the hero is justified in killing them. Ukraine and the west, on the other hand, gain a lot of international support when they stage such false flags, they also pressure other states into further sanctions and military support. And not to mention they keep the hypnosis going for the likes of you. Think a bit will you? But it’s not that you do not understand, it’s that your truth is subjective to your agenda, which is in nature supremacistic and unwise, purely diabolic and arbitrary.


Russians have plenty of spies in Ukraine, even Ukros say so. You are really stupid if you failed to notice this, they have very accurate info on Ukro units and depots.

How many Russian soldiers died today?

Obviously this tag is not informing it’s audience about the 7000 dead and frozen Russian soldiers waiting to be collected in Ukraine morgues

Peter The Ungrateful

Not to mention the 23,000+ Ukrops who Rest In Pieces (RIP).

jens holm

Its the Stalin epoke repeating. The parents will know in about 2062.

jens holm

None here cares about that Moron. He already has doomed himself. We have called Monsanto and many are donating.


South Front has to investigate this question: has the coronavirus pandemic been provoked by the decadent yankee imperialism?

Karl Pomeroy

No, it’s been provoked by the decadent NWO elite and their City of London controllers.

jens holm

Our best Russian friends are friends as long as they stay in Russia. We will never blame them for that and offend the Mongolians about it too.


You have no human friends.

Suck It

I’m trying to figure out what form of trash you are, Norwegian, Swedish or Dutch. I’m thinking the latter. I met a Dutch person once. They reminded me of Germans without character. That’s the vibe I get from you.

jens holm

Its very impressing You know Dutch that well. Have You met two germans. As I recall it Germans and Dutch are about 100 millions.

You might stay there for some time to understand their charakteristiscs. I live in an working class enviroment now. Many years ago I lived in a typical middle class area. There are big internal differences even we are rather homogenized.


I have noticed that the sheeple of Europe have started to lose interest in Ukraine, not surprising really considering their short attention span. Listening to the news and reading the papers, Ukraine is no longer the top story. Who cares about Ukraine when we have Champions League?

So how do you get the War back to headline status, so we can get more money? Well, the article above tells us how. By the nasty bastards in Kiev attacking and killing civilians, Russians or Ukrainian, it doesn’t matter cause the scumbags in charge don’t care. Whats important for the murderous usurpers of Kiev is that the deaths can be blamed on, yes you’ve guessed it, the Russians.

jens holm

I dont think its like that.

Its More we now has the tools for handling a lot of it well. By that a lot becomes routine.

Our goverments by the people has decided to give all kinds of help. That will continue.

We also so far has handled the 20 to 30 incomming refugees. They all has their own bed, roof, new clothe, gets food every day. Many of them already is in prefar for a job and the companies and the governess know what they can and how to help them to ake vancant routine jobs faster.

All children here goes to school even parts are improvised because of language. We are solving the finaciel part well or relative well. Now its a matter of adjustments only.

Many NGOs do their parts as well as is goes. The ukras learn a little about us by sight seeing both as tourists and as if the will remain here for years and make a life.

You are right. It is the Russians which did things even worse in Ukraine by invansion and full scale war. We need no reminders every day in the news.

;amy here work harder to make us less independent of Russian gas and oil. That can be done much faster but is long time investments.

Michigan Man

Yes, and what is also very much speaking for itself is that none of the whole hysterical Kremlin poodle fanboys here, did every put forward a list or at least a number of the civilians killed in the mystical 8 years of hellish bombardment of Lugansk and Donesks areas. WHERE ARE THE NUMBERS ??? How many civilians killed in this 8 years ? 500 ? 5000 ? 50000 ? 500000 ? Nobody of all the russian trolls here can give numbers – but they claim it was very bad, high, high numbers of course, but when it come s to the numbers … uaaa .. wait .. no. No numbers. Very convincing these putin fanboys. Just lies, hate, russian propaganda and lots of empty air in their heads.

And then look at what the russian invasion caused in Ukraine ! 3 Mio refugees, at least 30.000 – 50.000 plus dead ukrainians (civilians and soldiers combined) , half the country destroyed etc. etc. And also 15.000-20.000 young russian soldiers KIA. For what ? So it is very clear that Putin is a filthy war-criminal and needs to be executed big time !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
dj dd

Russia missed a very big opportunity to grab the south and east of Ukraine in 2014 with minimal human and material loss. They could have grabbed more if they wanted to. They continue to disappoint their supporters and well wishers all over the world with their inconsistencies and half-done jobs that always come back to haunt them.

Last edited 2 years ago by dj dd
Karl Pomeroy

I think all of us Donbass watchers were deeply disappointed in 2014. Strelkov had advanced to Slavyansk, as I recall, assuming the Russians were about to reinforce him with troops, which the Duma had approved. We all waited and waited. The Russian troops never came. Meanwhile, Strelkov had to retreat. So now 8 years later, Putin finally does what we hoped for then, except today it’s a different world and his actions don’t have the same meaning. For more on the tragedy of 2014 see:


jens holm

Thats right. They didnt dare.

To me they are mad. If ukraine is Russia, they will get 35 mio hostile inhabitants. Those are voters too. I see no keep.

I see You only has the military part. Thats why Ukraine asked to be helped and their military forces now are totally restructured for modern defence added modern weapon. Russia should be happy the ukras dont have the offensive part of US and UK training.

I can only see the Russians are in old day warfare only added bombarments by missiles and like that. We now donate ukras more offensive weapons.

I would like to see Ukras erasing some TV towers in Moskva.


Russia should STOP WHINING and just track and take the Nazi zio Jew terrorist OUT…PERIOD…including ALL the western press travelling with the jewkrainians terrorist

jens holm

Those nazis only are 2,15% in the whole countryand 1 brigade of 19.

There are no reason for any Russian whining. They think and behave like Armenia. Much of their stuff is old. The soldiers are not well trained and in old days ieffective commands.


typical of the north atlantic terrorists kill civilians blame the one fighting their aggression. its simply astonishing that the masses under the propaganda thumb of nato,fall for the BS.

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