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MARCH 2025

The Saker: A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

The first round of the Presidential election in the Ukraine took place on April Fool’s Day and it could be tempting to dismiss it all like a big farce which, of course, it was, but, we should not overlook the fact that some very interesting and important events have just taken place. I won’t discuss them all right now, there will be plenty of time for that in the future. For now I will only focus on those elements of a much bigger picture which seem most critical to me. These elements are:

The Nazis suffered a crushing defeat in this election

By “Nazis” I primarily mean their main figurehead – Petro Poroshenko (the rest of the “minor Nazis” did so poorly that they don’t matter anymore). Think of it: in spite of his immense wealth (he outspent everybody else and even spent more that twice what the next big spender – Tymoshenko – doled out for each vote), in spite of his immense “administrative resource” (that is the Russian expression for the ability to use the power of the state for your personal benefit), in spite of his “victory” with the Tomos, in spite of triggering the Kerch bridge incident, in spite of breaking all the remaining treaties with Russia, in spite of his control of the media and in spite of the (now admittedly lukewarm) support of the West, Poroshenko suffered a crushing defeat. See for yourself:

The Saker: A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election

source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47767440

Look at the only two regions Petro Poroshenko (i.e. the Nazis) actually won (in blue) and see how nicely they overlap with the rough historical contours of the Galiciaregion. But Poroshenko managed to even lose part of that to Iulia Tymoshenko! Bottom line: except for a minority of rabid hardcore Nazis in Galicia, the rest of the Ukraine hates the Poroshenko Ukronazi regime. We always knew that, but now we have the proof.

The Saker: A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election

Now I don’t want to present that just as some kind of massive anti-Nazi vote because, in truth, this is first and foremost a massive no-confidence vote against the entire ruling elite of the Banderastan which emerged in 2014 as a result of the Euromaidan coup d’etat. Remember how Poroshenko promised peace in weeks, a full respect for the Russian language and prosperity for all? Well, all he delivered was chaos, insecurity, poverty, violence, a massive influx of Ukronazis from Canada and the USA and, above all, a completely hysterical, rabid, russophobia combined with abject groveling before the AngloZionist Empire. He also brought an absolutely unbelievable level of corruption, having personally doubled his net worth many times over. The legacy Ziomedia and the Ukropropaganda can say all they want, and they can try to ban the Russian media and Internet in the Ukraine. But the truth is that everybody in the Ukraine knows that the Ukraine went from being the richest Soviet Republic to the poorest country in Europe. In fact, there are quite a few African countries which are doing much better than the Ukraine. The truth is, and has been for several years now, that the Ukraine is a failed state and that there is absolutely no even vaguely plausible scenario in the foreseeable future in which the Ukraine could begin to recover.

Hence this amazing result: short of the Galician Nazis, everyone else absolutely hates the regime in power. So Poroshenko’s score is a humiliating defeat for all the Ukronazis. But not for Petro Poroshenko himself!

Petro Poroshenko scores a remarkable personal victory

Poroshenko’s absolutely vital goal was to make it into the 2nd round. Had he failed to make it he would have had to immediately jump into an aircraft and leave the country (because the most likely victor of the Presidential election would have been Iulia Tymoshenko and we can be darn sure that she would immediately jail him and most of his cronies). In order to make it into the 2nd round, Poroshenko did not have to defeat Zelenskii, but only defeat Tymoshenko and that Poroshenko also succeeded in doing. Oh sure – it was thanks to a huge, massive fraud all over the country (especially in the easternmost and westernmost regions) and he beat her only by 2.5% but that is more than enough.

Besides, it is practically impossible to falsify an election and compensate for, say, a 15%-20% difference. But to cheat and change a result by less than 5% is much more doable. In fact, if we assume that a 5% fraud is well within the means of an outgoing President and billionaire, then we can also see that we will never know who really won. See here for an almost finished (99.68%) count for the top four contenders:

The Saker: A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election

While Zelenskii is untouchable and way ahead of everybody else, Poroshenko, Tymoshenko and Boiko are all within less than 5% of each other.

Interesting, no?

Keep in mind that Boiko is the closest thing to a pro-Russian candidate and that just a few years ago he was virtually unknown. See for yourself:

The Saker: A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election
2014 results vs 2018 poll

Look at the stats for 2014: Poroshenko had 55% of the vote, Tymoshenko 8% and Boiko just about 0%. Please also notice that in the 2018 poll Tymoshenko is way ahead of Poroshenko while Boiko is not far behind. As for Zelenskii, he scores just like Poroshenko.

The Saker: A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election
Miller, Medvedev and Boiko

This is not today’s topic, but Boyko’s score is rather amazing considering that he was presented by the entire Ukronazi propaganda machine as “Putin’s agent” and that he even had the audacity to travel to Moscow to meet with Gazprom CEO Miller and Prime Minister Medvedev. Boiko not only won as many regions as Poroshenko – 2 – but the eastern Ukraine clearly voted for him, which tells us all we need to know about where the true sympathies of the people of the Donbass really are. In fact, we can be pretty sure that this outcome has been carefully noted in Donetsk and Lugansk and that this only makes the position of the Novorussians vis-à-vis Kiev even stronger. Finally, it should also be noted here that the outcome of this first round of elections further confirms that the current Banderastan is falling apart and that this is an artificial country with artificial borders and no heritage (cultural, linguistic, religious or political) common to all the people currently living under the Nazi occupation.

What we see here is a double effort by Poroshenko: on one hand he used his immense personal wealth and his equally immense “administrative resource” to buy as many votes as possible, while on the other hand he got the missing votes simply by falsifying the election. In fact, I think that pretty much all the main candidates agree that the election was stolen, except for the two who benefited from this.

We will never know for sure how much of the votes were stolen but Rostislav Ishchenko, probably currently the best expert on the Ukraine, estimates that no less than 20% of the votes were stolen, and of these no less than 10% were stolen from Iulia Tymoshenko. Of course, this is just his best guesstimate, and 20% sounds extremely high to me, but he is the expert with deep connections on all levels in the Ukraine. What is certain – and everybody agrees on that – is that the fraud was massive, way bigger than in any previous Ukrainian election.

Will the Zionists replace the Nazis next?

First, I want to share with you this ecstatic “victory speech” by the The Tablet Magazine (“daily online magazine of Jewish news, ideas, and culture“) which, amongst many other interesting things, heaps lavish praise on Poroshenko for being so staunchly pious about the memory of the “Holocaust” and having Jewish aides:

Poroshenko will likely be remembered by the history books as the president who was most attentive to the work of honoring Holocaust memory since Ukraine gained its independence from Russia during the collapse of the Soviet Union. The 75th anniversary of the Babi Yar massacre, held in 2016, was an international event conducted by Poroshenko and his administration with immense tact and generosity. Poroshenko has also been personally comfortable with Jewish aides, including both of his chiefs of staff and the country’s current prime minister, Volodymyr Groysman. Poroshenko will likely be remembered by the history books as the president who was most attentive to the work of honoring Holocaust memory since Ukraine gained its independence from Russia during the collapse of the Soviet Union. The 75th anniversary of the Babi Yar massacre, held in 2016, was an international event conducted by Poroshenko and his administration with immense tact and generosity. Poroshenko has also been personally comfortable with Jewish aides, including both of his chiefs of staff and the country’s current prime minister, Volodymyr Groysman.

Amazing, no? Zionist praise for a Nazi junta leader? In fact, there is absolutely nothing amazing about that at all, not any more amazing than the so-called “Christians United For Israel“. I have always maintained that Zionism and National-Socialism are two sides of the same coin, born from the same ugly womb (European secular nationalism) and that all that separates them is a flipped hierarchical scale, that’s all. Fundamentally, Nazis and Zionists are twin brothers, even if deep down they hate (and often admire!) each other.

The Tablet article goes on to mention that while Tymoshenko is hiding her Jewish roots, Zelenskii does not. In fact, Zelenskii is just a glorified puppet and everybody in the Ukraine knows that his puppet-master is Igor Kolomoiskii who is waiting out the final outcome of the Presidential election safely hidden in, you guessed it, Israel. This is how the Tablet concludes:

The transformation wrought in Ukraine by the Maidan revolution has been an exhilarating roller coaster that has not bypassed Ukrainian Jewry, which is now in the midst of an exciting period of cultural revival paralleling that of the wider Ukrainian society, which is still just beginning to rediscover its own past and imagine an independent future. Whether this post-Soviet country will choose to elect an openly Jewish president, or a part-Jewish president, or continue with its current philo-Semitic president, the future of Ukraine’s Jews would appear to be brighter than anyone might reasonably have imagined.

This really says it all, doesn’t it?

The Saker: A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election
A Jewish law student turned stand-up comedian as President of the Ukraine next?

So yes, if Zelenskii gets elected in the 2nd round, this will be a huge victory for the transnational “Grand Israel” otherwise known as the AngloZionist Empire. But can Zelenskii really get elected and will the Nazis accept defeat?

Comparing Poroshenko and Zelenskii

Where Poroshenko was the ultimate apparatchik Zelenskii is the ultimate outsider and just as the people of the USA did not vote “for” Trump as much as they voted “against” Hillary, so the people of the Ukraine did not really vote “for” Zelenskii, but “against” Poroshenko. In fact, Zelenskii does not have anything resembling a political program (only vague and nice sounding slogans) and he most certainly has no other political record other than being a standup comedian and actors in several (pretty good) satirical series. Frankly, it appears that Zelenskii was as stunned by his victory as Trump was by his. Still, in theory, it is almost impossible for Poroshenko to win this one. Not only do all the other candidates hate Poroshenko way more than they would dislike Zelenskii, voters for Tymoshenko or Boiko are far more likely to vote for Zelenskii than for Poroshenko.

This creates an extremely dangerous situation: Poroshenko can only win by a massive fraud.

Now Tymoshenko did declare that the first round was stolen, but she decided not to appeal this officially. Furthermore, it is now apparent that Tymoshenko was ditched by most of her US supporters, something which she clearly did not expect and which came as a total shock to her, hence her stunned reaction to the announced figures. She has always been, and still is, a remarkably intelligent lady and a very calculating realist: she simply knows that an official rejection of the outcome from her would make no difference. But you can be sure that behind the scenes the interests Tymoshenko represents are now talking to the people of Kolomoiskii and that Poroshenko is fully aware of that.

In spite of being the most universally hated politician in the Ukraine, Poroshenko managed, in extremis, not only to get into the 2nd round but he also managed to be opposed by a weak and generally ridiculous opponent like Zelenskii whom he would crush in a debate (which Zelenskii will probably refuse precisely for this reason) rather than against a formidable opponent by any measure like Tymoshenko. So that part of the plan worked. What did not work is that the Nazis clearly under-estimated how hated they have become.

Conclusion: a very interesting and very dangerous situation

Poroshenko is now truly cornered: he absolutely must win, or he must run. In order to win, his options are very limited: he can do more of the same (buy and/or steal votes), of course, but that is unlikely to be sufficient. But a massive crisis of some kind, preferably against Russia (of course!) would come in really handy right now. I hope that the Kremlin has placed everybody on high alert as the danger of a provocation (especially a false flag) are higher than ever before.

Another very real possibility in case of a Zelenskii victory is an violent insurrection by the Ukronazi death-squads (known as “dobrobats” in Ukrainian). Such an armed insurrection could have the support of key units and individuals in the police and security forces. Should that happen, it is very possible that Moscow would officially refuse to deal with the new junta and declare that Russia recognizes the Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics which, paradoxically, could be a great deal for the Ukronazis as this would trigger a crisis serious enough to justify martial law and any imaginable crackdown in civil and human rights.

Alternatively, if Poroshenko comes up with some kind of pretext to either cancel the 2nd round or with some trick to prevent Zelenskii from participating, then there is a very real risk that the 80%+ of people who voted against Poroshenko and who hate the current regime with all their heart will protest, possibly violently. We can be sure that the repression will be ruthless and violent.

For all these reasons the situation right now is the most dangerous one since the Euromaidan.

The key issue here is what will the AngloZionist Empire decide? The problem here is that it has been years since the USA has had anything even vaguely resembling a “US foreign policy”. Under Obama and, even more so under Mr MAGA, the State Department has become just a public information agency whose sole role is to deliver either sanctions, or threats, or both. This is absolutely crucial so I will repeat it:

There is no such thing as a “US foreign policy”

What we do see is key agencies, actors, individuals all having their own “mini foreign policies” which sometimes brings about goofy results (like when the CIA and the Pentagon support different sides in a conflict). In fact, the two main branches of Ukrainian politics – Nazis and Zionists – are both richly represented in the US government and various entities support different candidates and different agendas. The same is also true for the EU, but since the EU is almost irrelevant (Victoria Nuland was quite right about that), this does not matter.

It would be an exaggeration to say that the US lost control of the Ukraine, but Trump clearly cares very little about the Ukronazis and as for Trump’s puppet masters, they don’t seem to be able to agree on a single policy towards this issue. Hence we see in the Ukraine what we see everywhere in Trump’s pretend foreign policy: absolute, total chaos.

What about Russia in all this?

Right now the big debate in Russia is “to recognize the outcome of this election or not?”. Both sides have very strong arguments and the Kremlin keeps making very vague statements clearly waiting for the outcome of the 2nd round of the election. This is a very tricky question made even more complex by a growing realization amongst many observers that recognizing the Poroshenko regime the first time around was a big mistake. Personally, it seems to me that at this point in time all the Kremlin can do is wait and see what will take place. After all, Poroshenko is truly cornered and there is a high likelihood that he will do something dramatic to avoid a 2nd round of voting. Consider this:

The infamous Minister of the Interior, Arsen Avakov, arguably currently the most powerful and dangerous man in the Ukraine, has made an most interesting statement about Zelenskii:

“A decent man from another world. From another plane. Ready to deal with problems, but at the same time recognizing that in many issues he is not fully competent. In my understanding, this means that he is ready to delegate authority. However, the question arises: can we – Ukrainian society – offer the quality of the elite, which can be entrusted with the implementation of such powers? After all, if he delegates authority to scoundrels – as it happens in some series of “Servants of the people” – it will be very bad for the country. Using expats is also not an option…”(…) “He knows for sure that from point A it is necessary to come to point B, and I am ready to agree with it. But the problem is how to go this way. Often, if you go head-on, you will crash into a wall or break. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right path – and here should work competent and honest specialists”

In plain English this simply means: Zelenskii has no personal power base, he will be a puppet, so he better offer me a good deal (“delegate authority“), or I will turn against him and, how knows, an unpredictable accident (“you will crash into a wall or break“) can easily happen. Shocking? Welcome to “Ukrainian thug politics”! Besides, if the Nazis decide to kill Zelenskii they can easily blame it on Russia. Either that, or on a “lone, deranged, gunman” which they can find in the thousands amongst the various Nazi death-squads.

Right now the Nazis are in a total panic, they are declaring that Zelenskii’s victory is “Moscow’s triumph”, they say that Zelenskii will sell out everything Ukrainian and that he is a Putin agent. At the very least, they will now dig up as much dirt on Zelenskii as possible (whether real or manufactured). Thus literally anything can happen in the next couple of weeks, ranging from some kind of scandal in Zelenskii’s past to a Ukronazi attack on the Donbass.

This is why the Kremlin must now wait and see what happens next.

However, since in practical and political terms the difference between Poroshenko and Zelenskii is roughly the difference between Coca-Cola and Pepi-Cola, the Kremlin knows that no matter who actually wins, the russophobic policies of the current Ukronazi regime will not change. Furthermore, there is a increasingly vocal segment of the Russian public opinion which is totally fed-up and disgusted with the Ukronazis and which now demands a much tougher stance towards the Ukraine.

In truth, there is a broader unfavorable context which makes a redefinition of Russia’s policies towards her neighbors both urgently needed and very delicate: two key Russian allies (or “assumed allies”?) like Belarus and Kazakhstan are acting in very ambiguous and sometimes even anti-Russian manner and there is clearly a renewed effort of the Empire to break these two countries out of the Russian sphere of influence and subordinated them to AngloZionist interests. Right now the Kremlin is trying to appease Lukashenko by giving him even more money ($600 million) and I am not so sure that this is the right approach. As for Kazakhstan, so far the Russians are pretending that all is well and dandy in spite of the fact that an increasing number of ethnic Russians are, again, leaving the country and seeking refuge in Russia. Frankly, there is only that much one can get with carrots, and holding a visible stick might be more helpful in this case, especially considering that the Empire has many more “carrots” (money) to offer than Russia.

If insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results, it is time for the Russians to come up with new policies towards their most important neighbors. If not, then “more of the same, only worse” is all Russia will get.

As for the Empire, it does what it always does

Finally, I want to conclude here by focusing on the absolutely despicable, revolting and totally hypocritical self-induced blindness of the West about this election. If all this had happened in Russia (or Venezuela, or Iran) the entire united West would be up in arms denouncing the ‘stolen election’ and threatening fire and brimstone if the Russians did not immediately fall on their knees and kiss the Emperor’s ring (I wonder what kind of ring, if any, Trump has) or something to that effect. But since the toxic regime of Ukronazis cum Zionists in Kiev is “our son of a bitch”, the leaders of the Empire are acting like the three monkeys: see nothing, hear nothing and, above all, say nothing.

Truly, the AngloZionist Empire must be the most hypocritical and dishonest in world history. Think of it:

Pretty much all the candidates have declared that this election was stolen. As did all the Ukrainian media not controlled by Poroshenko. Not only that, but millions (some estimates are as high as 10 million) of Ukrainians (mostly, but not only, aboard) were prevented from voting. Thousands of complaints were officially lodged. But no, the global West did not notice. As for the US, it declared this election free and fair (now there is a surprise!).

At the very least, the Empire could have made a (very credible) “Guaido” out of Tymoshenko (who clearly should have been either first or second), but she was ditched, probably as way too smart and too potentially independent minded: the Empire likes its puppet to be stupid, or drunk, or both (think Eltsin or Poroshenko here). Having to chose between two non-entities like Zelenskiii or Poroshenko is much preferable for the Neocons than to have to deal with a smart women like Tymoshenko and, thus, no amount of russophobia on her part will be sufficient to reassure the World Hegemon that she is worth preserving.

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Still wed to the idiot UkroNazi theory, lol. Porky is half Jew and half Shabbos Goy, like Lenin. He was never a UkroNazi, the fact is Jews hate Russians in pretty much the same way that the Nazis did (and the same way that the Russian chauvinists hate, say, Ukrainians or Chechens). Nobody wants a neighbor to take over part of their country – even Syria is still contesting Israel occupying the Golan Heights.

Bottom line is, Ukraine will continue to be ruled by Jews, 0.2% of their population. No surprise there. And the idiot “Ukrainian nationalists” will continue to serve their kosher masters and attack Donbass simply because it is part of the Jewish hybrid war against Russian nationalism (they’re still entirely pissed the Jewish oligarchs lost control of Russia).


That’s the Saker. ;) Intelligent but stupid. Blinded by his self created ideology and delusions.

I am surprised that he is so well republished still. Most commentators just laugh about him nowadays.


What is the cause of YOUR disagreement with Saker? What thoughts do YOU have to offer in contrast to Saker’s? To come here and just label someone this or that gives you ZERO credibility so either put up (some arguments) or shut up?


The whole “UkroNazi” farce has been so thoroughly discredited, if you still buy that bile, there’s no way to prove otherwise to you. Not even Russian media broadcast that utterly idiotic propaganda anymore.

Harry Smith

It’s very funny how you accentuate that:

Not even Russian media broadcast that utterly idiotic propaganda anymore

Your ass is burning because people in the world now can see the truth, am I right? Here is the fact you would not like (2 months ago on Russian TV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5a21ZXkaz4 Fluffy ukronazzi


Please summarize, I’m not watching a 10 minute video. First minute talks about a cemetery in Canada. Skipping through it there are some people who are related to others who “corroborated” with Nazis.

Has nothing to do with the “UkroNazi” blatant lie that Russia was propagating for a few years.

I’m far more worried about the Communists/Stalinists in Russia.

Harry Smith

Well, you have to watch the video, if you say that “UkroNazi” is lie.


Summarize it and I might. What I scanned in the vid is only about Canada.

Here’s another hint: you can’t demand people watch videos or read books when debating. I could give you a list of 10 books to read to and make an idiot comment like “you can’t say anything until you’ve read those books”, lol.

Harry Smith

Well, if you are not able to watch 10 min. video, here the words of US senator Ro Khanna (Rep.):

White supremacy and neo-Nazism are unacceptable and have no place in our world, I am very pleased that the recently passed omnibus prevents the U.S. from providing arms and training assistance to the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion fighting in Ukraine.

https://thehill.com/policy/defense/380483-congress-bans-arms-to-controversial-ukrainian-militia-linked-to-neo-nazis Beware, your masters won’t give you pork fat more than a week, if you will say that US senator lies.


What does Ro Khanna have to do with anything? Nothing? Oh.

Azov Batallion is neo-Nazi anti-Russian, right? Except they speak Russian amongst themselves, moron. And they’re not anti-Jewish in any discernible way given they are funded by the oligarch Jew Kolomoisky. So how exactly are they neo-Nazi? Because they once flew a Nazi flag and made a Hitler salute? LOL, doesn’t mean shit, except in the mind of a paranoid Communist I suppose. Plenty of people carry a Lenin poster, doesn’t mean they want NKVD back in business.

As to your last paragraph, I have no idea what it means, except, most likely, that you are a lunatic.

Harry Smith

What does Ro Khanna have to do with anything? Nothing? Oh.

Are you trying to say senator Ro Khanna knows nothing?


Yet again, just labeling and personal attacks and zilch/nada/no argumentation/proof to support ones claims. Here something for you to educate yourself: “https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-neo-nazi-question-in_b_4938747” “https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2016/02/01/azov-f01.html” “https://therealnews.com/stories/ukrainian-fascist-leader-speaks-in-us-congress-while-nazis-launch-racist-attacks” “https://www.stateofglobe.com/why-2019-ukraine-imports-terrorists-and-exports-terror-1933-1991/sample-post/guest-author/” the facts that they are now attempting to hide the nature of all those troops by absorbing them into all sorts of Security formations does and will not chage the facts who they really are “https://www.channel4.com/news/svoboda-ministers-ukraine-new-government-far-right” Forgive me for asking but your apparent inexperience leaves me with one possible conclussion, are you perhaps one of these? “https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/”


What personal attack? Your’s? The “put up or shut up” shit you wrote? lol, talk about an ueber-hypocrite.

What do your links prove? Nothing. Nothing about it is educational, to me at least, all very old news. Yes, some heroic parts of Ukraine fought against the Red Army – unfortunately they were not able to destroy them all, and unfortunately they also destroyed some innocent people.

That was in the 1940s though. We’re talking about today. Today you have a few radical individuals who were helpful in the coup who got some security positions, some by Svoboda founder/members. But these are just individuals, and in fact very few. There is no party platform. There are actually far more Communists in Russian government, that does not make Russia Communist. Or do you think it is? Maybe a Cold War is in order to stop Russian Communism? LOL, now you sound like an American neo-con!

Now I’m hasbara? lol. Thanks for ending my night with a good laugh.


WOW! you are the Bandera worshiper aren’t you? That explains it all, a nazi-collaborator worshiper who is going against all the press in the world and a US Congress as well. Just crawl back to that hole where you have been hiding …


No, I don’t worship Bandera. But obviously you have a very limited, reduced intelligence – OK, to be honest, you are a massive fucking idiot. so I’ll move on.


Jewish Nazis refer to themselves as Zionists. They would deny that they are Nazis, but they have exactly the same political and cultural values, including the belief that they are the master race. There are 180 thousand non Nazi(Zionist) Jews living in Russia, who choose to live in Russia. The problems in Ukraine comes from Polish Nazis, not Jews.


There are 180 thousand non Nazi(Zionist) Jews living in Russia

How do you know they are not ZioNazi? It’s a very great generalization to make, Esp. since, say, Haaretz disagrees: http://www.haaretz.com/news/features/just-don-t-call-them-gaydamak-meet-israel-s-russian-oligarchs.premium-1.533382 .

Why is it with only 180,000 Jews in Russia – or about 0.1% of the population – so very many of them are oligarchs?

The problems in Ukraine comes from Polish Nazis, not Jews.

Could not disagree with you more. I never met a “Polish Nazi” in Ukraine, not even in L’vov, and beyond that, there are no “Nazis” aside from ZioNazis in Ukraine.

Met lots of ZioNazi Jews throughout Ukraine though.


3 out of 8 of Tymoshenko’s grandparents were reportedly Jews, which if true, makes her eligible for Israeli citizenship as a Jew.

“Zelensky was born 25 January 1978 in Kryvyi Rih, Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine) to Jewish parents. …

Zelensky supported the 2013-2014 Euromaidan movement. During the War in Donbass, he actively supported the Ukrainian army. …

During his presidential campaign, Zelensky said that he would like Ukraine to become a member of the European Union and NATO …

Regarding the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea, Zelensky said that, speaking realistically, it will be possible to return Crimea under Ukrainian control only after a regime change in Russia.”

– Volodymyr Zelensky –



Ukraine Jew PM Groysman http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2017/05/01-15.05.2017-%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%A9-%D7%94%D7%9E%D7%9E%D7%A9%D7%9C%D7%94-%D7%91%D7%A0%D7%99%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%9F-%D7%A0%D7%AA%D7%A0%D7%99%D7%94%D7%95-%D7%A0%D7%A4%D7%92%D7%A9-%D7%A2%D7%9D-%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%A9-%D7%9E%D7%9E%D7%A9%D7%9C%D7%AA-%D7%90%D7%95%D7%A7%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%99%D7%A0%D7%94-%D7%95%D7%95%D7%9C%D7%95%D7%93%D7%95%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%A8-%D7%92%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%99%D7%A1%D7%9E%D7%9F-%D7%A6%D7%99%D7%9C%D7%95%D7%9D-%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%91%D7%99-%D7%92%D7%93%D7%A2%D7%95%D7%9F-%D7%9C%D7%A2%D7%9E-e1494852048912.jpg


Zionist Poroshenko https://static.timesofisrael.com/fr/uploads/2019/01/PM-Netanyahu-Ukrainian-Pres.-Poroshenko-e1548124354479.jpg


Yup, the land of the Orcs, when from joke, to be an elected comedy. Sweet. Why am I not even supriced.

What could possibly go wrong.


Real Anti-Racist Action

Jewish Comedian (((Zelensky))) Leads Presidential Race in Ukraine Many Jews are running in Ukrainian elections but only the most ardent Zionist lead the polls. Comedian and showman Volodymyr Zelensky has dominated voting in the first round of Ukraine’s presidential elections.

The first official exit polls released at the end of voting projected Mr Zelensky to finish on 30.4 per cent, a full 12 percentage points ahead of incumbent Petro Poroshenko (17.8 per cent) and former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko (14.2 per cent).

But the real drama of Sunday’s election was the closer than expected margin between second and third places, which apparently eliminates Ms Tymoshenko from the second round on 21 April.

The difference of less than 4 per cent raised the prospect of prolonged protests and legal disputes.

At an event at her campaign headquarters after the exit polls were announced, Ms Tymoshenko refused to admit defeat. Instead, she claimed her own figures showed she had finished in second place with 20.9 per cent of the vote, and urged Ukrainians to wait for full and final results.

Yes, literally all three of the main candidates are Jewish.

Yes, Zhirinovsky is also part Jewish. But he routinely says more based things than Alex Jones, so I unironically enjoy his hot takes and so do most Russians, it seems.

This time was no exception. He believes that Zelensky doesn’t have a chance because Poroshenko, as the incumbent, has the whole corrupt security services on his side and the other candidates will just give their votes to him in exchange for money. And then he says that Russia should have invaded a long time ago and does his whole “heads, pikes, ramparts” spiel.

By the way, the most popular political talk show on Russian channel 1 is Evening hosted by a Jew named Vladimir Soloviev. The whole show is just him and his clever Jewish friends all chit-chatting. Some nights, there isn’t a single goy guest on. They even joke about this and don’t hide it. It is, admittedly, very funny.

Everywhere you look, mang. Just Jews everywhere.

Now, some people say that Poroshenko was, in fact, not a Jew.

But Forbes named him as a Jewish billionaire, and there are persistent rumors that his father took on the name of his wife to hide his Jewish last name – “Groysman” – and Ukrainian nationalists have a habit of calling him out as a Zionist yet fail to do more to turn their country around from what international-Jewry desires to do to the Ukrainian and Russian peoples. The Jews themselves do not hesitate to hijack Ukrainian elections.

He was also the first Ukrainian president to address the Knesset… and he looks like a big, fat disgusting (((you know what))), so we’re going to treat him as such.

Timoshenko is also Jewish. She got her start in the east of Ukraine, as part of the “Donbass Mafia,” a group that made money collecting rents on Russian gas routed through Ukraine as well as sitting pretty on the industrial assets that the east had to offer. She’s been around forever in Ukrainian politics and was part of Maidan 1 in 2004 and a late-comer to Maidan 2 ten years later.

Zelensky (always be wary of people with the suffix “sky”) is the star of a show that’s pretty reminiscent of Yes, Minister and that by all accounts isn’t that bad of a show. Bafflingly, he depicts the wise and more rational members of government as Russian-speakers and the bumbling idiots who muck everything up as Ukrainian-speaking peasants, and yet the show is quite popular. He’s way ahead of all the other candidates and he is backed up by the very powerful and very fat Jewish oligarch who is now mad at Poroshenko – Igor Kholomoisky.

Bafflingly, you will find some of the highest concentrations of Jew-woke peasants in Eastern Europe.

But these same people will turn right around, thump their chests and proudly talk about /ourjews/ being the good ones.

/Ourjews/ are looking out for us.

/Ourjews/ are so clever and better than /theirjews/.

As far as the elections go, this whole damn thing is a farce. Rugged like most elections are where Jews dominate the polling, politics, finances and media.

SOURCE: https://dailystormer.name/clown-country-jew-comedian-leads-presidential-race-in-ukraine/ https://dailystormer.name/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ukraine-election-2.jpg


Thank God this saker is well informed, in the Nazi Ukraine those who command are the Jews. Tymoshenko, Zelenskii, Groysman, could all do “alijà” in Eretz Israel. But if they don’t, it’s because Eretz Israel ordered them to serve them in Ukraine, like Trump serving them in the US.


What of all those usu. posting on SouthFront on and on about how anti-Russian Ukraine is? How they want to destroy the Russian language? I’ve been saying all along this is just idiotic Russian propaganda that fails the second one looks at reality, but still, it was the dominant view on SF for a long time.

Now, how does that view fit in with the fact that a Russian speaker is the leading contender in the election?

Another idiot view finally dispelled? (Of course Saker still rages on about UkroNazis but at least he has finally shut up about the language, lol.)


Euromaidan was an excuse for the Galician fascist thugs to hijack the whole of Ukraine, and Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk breaking away is just a reaction to that. There was never any independence movement in the Eastern region before Euromaidan. The rest of Ukraine ought to come to its senses and kick the Galicia oblasts out of Ukraine, before the Galician cancer rots away the whole of Ukraine. Then Donetsk and Luhansk could, and would, come back into the Ukrainian fold.


The Saker sees many countries in Russia’s near-abroad slipping from Russia’s orbit, and he formulates tentative responses in terms of carrots and sticks, as if these other countries are making mistakes that must be corrected for them. How about putting Russia’s own house in order? There are the historical, religious (in some cases), and language ties; there are Russia’s vast natural resources. And still Russia is not seen as an attractive role model and partner. What could it be? If the Kremlin would put its collective mind to it, some answers could surely be found in the issues of corruption, and in the regular treachery in Russian foreign policy. Saying “The US does it too” doesn’t really cut it since the US can print dollars and Moscow cannot, as the article also states.

China doesn’t even try very hard to be a nice guy: it’s unapologetic about its authoritarian system, and is quite open about its foreign policies being motivated by self-interest. But China can get things done, and trading with them puts real bread on the table. That’s all it takes: the Europeans may sputter feebly about “values” but they all roll out the red carpet when Pres. Xi shows up. Not such a bad model to rely on your own strength.

chris chuba

Did any outside group monitor Ukraine’s election like the OSCE?

I did notice how this election was heralded in western MSM as evidence of Ukrainian independence from Russian authoritianism.

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