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The Saker: “Bibi in Banderastan, or the Importance of Words”

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The Saker: "Bibi in Banderastan, or the Importance of Words"

Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

Israeli Prime Minister made it to Kiev today, where he was greeted by the (pseudo) “traditional” Ukronazi slogan “Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!”. For somebody like me who dislikes Zionism and Nazism just about the same, it was a sweet irony to see an Israeli Prime Minister officially traveling to the Nazi-occupied Ukraine to commemorate the massacre of Jews at Babii Iar greeted by the very same slogan which the Jews murdered at Babii Iar heard from their Banderiteexecutioners while they were being shot.


Do you already hear the choir of voices protesting: how can anyone expecting to be taken seriously write a paragraph about the civil war in the Ukraine with all the following words: Ukronazi, Zionism, Nazism, Nazi-occupied, Jews and Banderite?

That is a very good question.

But I have a better one!

How can anyone expecting to be taken seriously write a paragraph about the civil war in the Ukraine WITHOUT all the following words: Ukronazi, Zionism, Nazism, Nazi-occupied, Jews and Banderite?

The Saker: "Bibi in Banderastan, or the Importance of Words"

Let’s begin with the first question. The obvious implied criticism behind the first question, is very simple and it assumes that there is a profound and inherent contradiction between everything Nazi and Jews/Zionism. Speaking about a “Nazi Jew” or a “Nazi Zionist” is just as nonsensical as speaking about dry water or and diamonds raining from the sky!

Except that both dry water and diamonds raining from the sky do exist in real nature, so let’s not jump to conclusions too fast and see which contradictions are real, and which ones are only apparent.

I won’t even go into the (deliciously controversial) topic of the historical fact of the collaboration of the German National Socialists with various Zionist organizations which, rather naively, thought that a nationalist like Hitler would understand their own nationalism and help them to emigrate to Palestine. But this goes even further than that as Hannah Arendt said, in her superb book “Eichmann in Jerusalem” (see excerpt here or, even better, read the full book (for free!): various Jewish organizations continued to work with/(for?) the Nazis well into the so-called “Holocaust”.

To be honest, I don’t think that we, safely sitting in the comfort of our homes, should be too quick to condemn these Jewish organizations. Yes, of course, many of them were “naive” (and I am being polite here), but others must have realized that European Jews are in a great deal of danger and must be evacuated at any cost and if the only way to achieve such an evacuation was to deal with the Nazis, then so be it! This is no different than offering a bribe to a jail guard to obtain some kind of favor. Thus I think that Jewish organizations which today categorically deny having collaborated with the Nazis are mistaken on not one, but two grounds: first, the truth is coming out and it is impossible to suppress it and, second, there is nothing shameful in swallowing your disgust to save a person. Except that for the racially deluded minds of modern Zionists, such an admission would take the air out of their silly notion of racial superiority. Hence the categorically crimethink nature of speaking about this]

No, what I want to suggest here is very different: in our 21st century, most of the 20th century terminology has lost its meaning. What is a liberal (no, not Hillary!)? What is a Communist (no, not Obama!)? What is a Christian (no, not the Pope!)? What is a democrat (no, not Kamala Harris!)? What is a patriot (no, most definitely not Trump!)? What is a tyrannical dictator (nope, not Putin!)?

You think that I am being facetious here?

Then explain to me how a rabidly Takfiri regime like the one in Saudi Arabia can get help from Zionist Israel? Or how the “democratic West” gave its full support to Takfiris in Chechnia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Libya and Syria? How is it that during the so-called “Global War on Terror”, (which was supposed to be officially waged against al-Qaeda and its various local subsidiaries, in retaliation for 9/11) the various Takfiri groups only got stronger? Yet what we really see is that the US provides training, financing, coordination and even close air support for pretty much every al-Qaeda type out there?

There are two phenomena which explain this gradual dissolution of meanings into meaningless and insipid categories: first, the correct meaning of many terms has been covered by a thick layer of ideological imperatives and, second, most 21st century politicians couldn’t care less what any word really means. All they care about is framing the discussion in a way which makes it easy for them to obfuscate their numerous crimes.

The truth about the Ukraine is very simple: yes, there are bona-fide Nazis in the Ukraine and, yes, they have a lot of influence due to their quasi monopoly on violence and total collapse of the state. True, these hardcore Ukronazi freaks are a rather small minority, but one which is well organized, well funded and fully prepared to use violence.

There are also a lot of Zionists in the Ukraine. And while these folks silently hate each other, they hate (and fear!) Russia much, much more; just like mobsters can fight each other, but can unite against any common threat (such as, say, an honest police chief).

Oh, and yes, there are also plenty of very influential Jews in the Ukraine (Kolomoiskii and Zelenskii being the two best known ones right now) and they have the full backing of the AngloZionist Empire and all of the Zionists interests in the West. And I think that most folks fully understand that. The real reason behind all the protests about me using terms such as “Ukronazi” stems from a very different cause.

The problem is that you get a lot of ruffled feathers when you suggest that the US, which is supposed to be some kind of “land of the free and the home of the brave” aka “the indispensable nation” is found in bed with the self same folks who the US propaganda machine paints as arch-villains: Nazis, of course, but also Takfiris. As for the Zionists, it would be wrong to say that the US of A is “in bed” with them. No, it’s even worse: the much-maligned and ridiculed term of ZOG (as in “Zionist Occupation Government”) is much more accurate, but it offends those who rather think of themselves as “rulers of the world” than the voiceless serfs of a regime of foreign occupation!

US Americans love to thump their chests while mantrically chanting some nonsense along the lines of “USA is number 1!” and they get really mad when they are told that “the party is over” which I did in this article in which I wrote:

Both US Americans and Europeans will, for the very first time in their history, have to behave like civilized people, which means that their traditional “model of development” (ransacking the entire planet and robbing everybody blind) will have to be replaced by one in which these US Americans and Europeans will have to work like everybody else to accumulate riches

And, just by coincidence, Paul Craig Roberts recently wrote an article entitled “American Capitalism Is Based On Plunder” in which he explained that US foreign policy is basically driven by a plunder imperative and that if that imperative cannot be realized abroad, it will be implemented at home (I wonder if he will be accused of being anti-American or even of “Communism”? It is quite striking to see a paleo-conservative like Paul Craig Roberts basically paraphrasing Lenin and his statement that “imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism” (a historical truism which the western propaganda system is doing its best to bury, obfuscate, ridicule and the like).

Writing things like these typically result in a barrage of ad hominems which, by itself, is quite telling (usually the same 2-3 folks, some probably remunerated for their efforts) There is a Russian saying that “the hat of the head of the thief is burning” (see here for an explanation of this rather weird expression) and this is exactly what is happening here: the folks protesting the loudest are always the ones who are most unwilling to stop the planetary plunder, messianic arrogance and imperial hubris in which they were raised. It is not only their livelihoods which are threatened by such talk, but even their very identity. Hence the very real and very high level of rage they feel.

Finally, there are all the Nazi sympathizers who absolutely hate Jews and for whom any notion of Nazi and Zionist collaboration are just as much a case of crimethink as it is for Zionist Jews to admit that they have collaborated with bona fide Nazis many times in the past.

However, if we set aside silly ideological shackles, we can immediately observe that the kind of ideology of racial superiority which the Nazis are known for can also be found in the Judaic (religious) and Zionist (secular) ideologies. In fact, both National-Socialism and Zionism are just two amongst many more types of European nationalisms which have their root in 19th century ideological categories.

Let’s try a different approach: what do Ukie “dobrobats”, al-Qaeda forces in Syria, KLA units in Kosovo and Israeli settlers in Palestine have in common? Correct! They are all first and foremost thugs who all prey on the weak and defenseless. In other words, they are the perfect tool to force civilians to surrender and accept some kind of foreign rule. That foreign rule is, in each case, the one of the AngloZionist Empire, of course. This, in turn, means that their official ideologies are almost irrelevant, because in reality they are all servants of the Empire (whether they understand it or not).

Conclusion one: it’s all a big lie!

Yes, it is a big lie. All of it. And this is how we end up with an Israeli Prime Minister who, by any criteria, is not only a Fascist, but also a Nazi as long as we make it clear that his brand of Nazism is a Jewish one, not a Germanic one. And it’s not just Bibi Netanyahu who does not mind dealing with Ukronazis, so the the the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine (see here for details). As for the said Ukronazis, they are now t rying hard to deny that Bandara and his gang massacred Jews during WWII. As for Zelenskii, he is most definitely not a Nazi, but he has already caved in to the Ukronazi ideology (i.e. a form of Nazism which substitutes myths about “ancient Ukrs” to the more traditional Germanic myths about the Aryan-Germanic “race”). Then there is Kolomoiskii who is simply a typical Jewish mobster who has no personal ideology whatsoever and who has no love for the bona fide Ukronazis, but who is being very careful about how to purge them from power lest they beat him yet again. And above them all, we have the leaders of the Empire who use ideological categories as slurs but who don’t give a damn who they back as long as it is against Russia.

Against this background it is worth asking a simple question: do these words even matter? Do they still have any kind of meaning?

Conclusion two: yes, words do still matter!

I believe that they do, very much so! This is precisely why the legacy corporate ziomedia and those brainwashed by it freak out when they see expressions such as “AngloZionist”,“Ukronazi” or even the rather demure “Israel Lobby”. When somebody comes up with a powerful and correct descriptor, say like “ZOG” – the propaganda machine immediately kicks into high gear to shoot down in flames whatever author and article dared to use it. In fact, there are at least two types of wannabe word censors which typically show up:

TYPE ONE: the real McCoy. These are the sincere folks (whether of the Nazi or Zionist persuasion) who are truly outraged and offended that such “hallowed” words as Nazi/Zionist (pick one) can be combined with “abominations” such as Nazi/Zionist (pick the other one). These are all the Third Reich nostalgics, the defenders of a “White Christian West” and all the rest of them neo-Nazis.

TYPE TWO: the paid trolls. These are the folks whose task it is to obfuscate the real issues, to bury them under tons of vapid ideological nonsense; the best way to do that is to misdirect any discussion away from the original topic and sidetrack it into either a barrage of ad hominems or ideological clichés.

Seriously, what we are witnessing today is a new age of censorship in which government and corporations work hand in hand to crush (ban, censor, demonetize, algorithmically purge and otherwise silence) all those who challenge the official ideology and its many narratives. It would be naïve to the extreme to assume that the so-called “alternative media” and blogosphere have been spared such an effort at silencing ideological heresies.

LINKBOOKMARKNext time these self-appointed enforcers of the politically correct doxa come out, try this experiment: when you read their comments, don’t just look at what they write, but also try to guess why they write what they write and then mentally place a T1 or T2 sign next to their comments and you will soon see that they follow a careful pattern 

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Ugh…. Nazis, phuulees, not again. The facts are, dear Saker, they are the same people, and I dont bother to drool about the genetics since its mostly hoggwash anyway, but the truth is, Khazars did arive europa a long time ago, 800-to the present, as an Turko-Mongol people, they may look white, but are not, even geneticly, but stil not white, thats because of the Paternal composition, but its the Maternal they dont talk about, since Jews count their Mother as the prime source of the family, just as in the North. They lie, simply.

The Turko-mongols, have created the central europa as we know it, and got solid foot hold thru the Catholic chuch, and so on, and in the 1500 invented what we have to day as the Bible, 90% of this book is just hoggwash, nothing else but pure fairytales, the second fact dear Saker, is that the renecance, was the tipping point, after that, everything is been faked, everything, incl the Roman empire to the Greeks, witch is also 100% hoggwash. Do you even know how old some of the ancient Greek temples are, huh, 200 years, and so on. The Roman empire was created to give the Catholics an base, the Bysantian is more true, in the turkien we know to day, Constantinopel, when that was crushed by the Ottomans, they created Rome. The staues, the so called “original” are all fakes, even the Italians knows this, but plays along, nothing of the Roman empire is an fact, sorry to popp the bubble. How many books do you think are Original Romans, huh, and how many original Greeks, 3. not much to yell hurray for, is it. They even lie about “ancient Egypt”. The second is Islam, where they lie to, again, I will talk about that another time, I hope they are sincere this time, otherwise I have to bitchslap them, not again because of their faith, but history. The Quran is genuine as far I know, and I respect that one.

But Urkaina and Poland, was the main lands of the Turko-Mogols, and any book, any scripture that contains the words Israel in any way or form, is an hoax, and then the narrative Jew, another blatant hoax, the Turks have come from the Khazarian empire as is colapsed during the 700 to the 900s, and spreaded them self into whats now, eatstern europa all the way to south western Russia and present Belarus, you can see it for your self, the original people was either killed or forced northward, and the Slavs are Europeans, etc etc. The present “ancient history” hoggwash where invented in the 1500s to the end of the 1800s, and thats it. Zionism, is an insane cult, whom uses the Baylonian Talmud as an source, Baal, and Bahlomet is the Catholic church, the horned Bull/Goat, even this images is taken from the ancient uh…. “barbars” and is been perverted to oblivion, most of their “teaching” is total hoggwash, anyway. And Talmud is standing by it self, have nothing to do with the Talmud, aka the Old Test. since that one is also an invention, more or less, hoggwash.

I leave it there, but again, we have been lied to for centurys, 500 years of feed bullshit about history and religion. ISISrael is an insult, nothing more or less, the land of Liars and Murderers, the home of the worshipers of the synagog of Satan, the parasit on our body and soul. They are the enemy of Man, have been that for centurys, and now, their power is massive and have europa by the balls. I dont even know how to get loose, the only language this scums understand is war, total war, either them or us, to compomize is to loose, you dont deal with the spawn of Hell, you wipe them out. The third is the Hebrews, witch have been highjacked, because of their location, nothing else, I have warned you, Jews, the worst enemy we/you have, is the enemy within, they, will be your nemesis, once some of us are gone, you have nobody left to fight them, because we both will be gone. I have writen this for decades, but have spojen to an wall of ignorance and blinded people.

May the lord have mercy upon us all. I am done, but if I can give you some more later, and this time also give something to the Blacks, whom have been under the same yoke and our destinys have and stil is the same, they want us to fight eatch others, ours history hidden, and before I retrun with more, mu humble answer is, look under your feets, in western Sahara is an massive city, Africans, that was once Yours, shipping to, etc, along with our history, we are much older then what you think africans. They even use Bulldosers, catepilars to hide or simply ignore history, even the Russians do that, and so on. I pray you will one day awaken, to not the fake history, but to uncover the truth under your own feets in Africa, look at ancient Maps. Blessed be the peacemakers.



The alleged massacre at Babi Yar seems to have never happened. American WW2 aerial surveillance photos (of which there are several millions) of the critical years show no signs of mass burials at all. And believe it, the mass burial of 100,000 people is very visible from the air. An American journalist went to the area after the war and tried to interview people about the massacre. No one even seemed to understand what he was talking about. So Saker, try to stick to the facts rather than concocted myths, it’s much simpler that way.


Comment of the article looks like those abundant in Russian Insider.


Oh, Russia Insider…. With friends like these, Russia needs no enemies


Bibi is war criminal and Israel is terrorist state.

Carol Davidek-Waller

One should confuse the aberrant individuals who have seized power in Washington with America. The represent no one but themselves. For decades 80% of Americans who have been polled believe their government has it wrong, is heading in the wrong direction. We would be just as relieved to be rid of these monsters as the rest of the world.

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