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The Saker: “No 5th Column in the Kremlin? Think again!”

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

Following the re-appointment of Medvedev and his more or less reshuffled government, the public opinion in Russia and abroad was split on whether this was a good sign of continuity and unity amongst the Russian leadership or whether this was a confirmation that there was a 5th column inside the Kremlin working against President Putin and trying to impose neo-liberal and pro-western policies on the Russian people. Today I want to take a quick look at what is taking place inside Russia because I believe that the Russian foreign policy is still predominantly controlled by what I call the “Eurasian Sovereignists” and that to detect the activities of the “Atlantic Integrationist” types we need to look at what is taking place inside Russia.

The Russian 5th column and its typical operations

First, I want to begin by sharing with you a short video translated by the Saker Community of one of the most astute Russian analysts, Ruslan Ostashko, who wonders how it is that a rabidly pro-western and vociferously anti-Putin radio station named “Ekho Moskvy” manages not only to elude normal Russian legislation, but even gets money from the gaz giant Gazprom, which is majority owned by the Russian state. Ekho Moskvy is also so pro-Israeli that it has earned the nickname “Ekho Matsy” (Ekho Moskvy means “Echo of Moscow” whereas “Ekho Matsy” means “Echo of the Matzo”). Needless to say, that radio has the unwavering and total support of the US Embassy. It would not be an exaggeration to say Ekho Moskvy serves as an incubator for russophobic journalists and that most of the liberal pro-western reporters in the Russian media have been, at one time or another, associated with this propaganda outfit. In spite of this or, more accurately, because of this, Ekho Moskvy has been bankrupt for quite a while already, and yet – it continues to exist. Just listen to Ostashko’s explanations (and make sure to press the ‘cc’ button to see the English language captions):

Interesting, no? The state giant Gazprom is doing all it can to keep Ekho Moskvy afloat and above the law. In fact, Gazprom has been financing Ekho Moskvy for years! According to the hyper-politically-correct Wikipedia: “As of 2005 Echo of Moscow was majority owned by Gazprom Media which holds 66% of its shares”. If Gazprom is majority owned by the Russian state, and Ekho Moskvy is majority owned by Gazprom, then does that not mean that Ekho Moskvy is basically financed by the Kremlin? The reality is even worse, as Ostashko points out, Ekho Moskvy is the most visible case, but there are quite a few pro-western media outlets in Russia which are financed, directly and indirectly, by the Russian state.

So let me ask you a simple question: do you really think that Ostashko is better informed than the Russian authorities, including Putin himself?

Of course not! So what is going on here?

Before attempting to answer this question, let’s look at another interesting news item from Russia, the recent article “Pension reform as a fifth column tool to overthrow Putin” (original title “About a fair pension system”) by Mikhail Khazin translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard from the Stalker Zone blog (and cross-posted here and here). Please read the full article as it sheds a very interesting light on what the Medvedev government has been up to since it was reappointed. What I want to quote here are Mikhail Khazin’s conclusions: (emphasis added)

In other words, all of this reform is frank poppycock, a political joke aimed at destroying relations between the People (society) and the Authorities. The specific aim of this is to overthrow Putin, as our liberals are commanded to do by their senior partners from the “Western” global project. And it is precisely like this that we should treat this reform. It has no relation to economic reforms – neither good, nor bad. It not an economic reform, but a political plot! And it is from here that we have to proceed.

Having explained what is really going on, Khazin then goes on to openly state how such an operation is even possible:

Now concerning the media. It should be understood that at the end of the 90’s-beginning of the 2000’s practically all non-liberal media died. Completely. And of course, practically all non-liberal journalists definitely died (only a few dozen mastodons from the times of socialism remain). And the youth that grew from the faculty of journalism are in general totally liberal. They were a little bit suppressed in the middle of the 2000’s, but after Medvedev’s arrival to the president’s post they again blossomed. But then the attack of the State on everything that doesn’t reflect “the policies of the party and the government” began.

And then it so happened that now there are many “patriotic” publications in Russia that employ mainly liberal journalists. An enchanting sight. These journalists (in full accordance with the ideas of Lenin that they didn’t read) see their main task as supporting “theirs” – i.e., liberal-financiers, Nemtsov, Navalny and, so on, and to sully the “bloody KayGeeBee”! And it is this that they are involved in, meaning that, propagandising as much as possible the policies of the government, they optimally irritate the population by using Putin personally. There is just a need every time to act out some disgusting story (how an elderly man died on the way to the polyclinic or hospital, how children were taken away from a large family, how an official or a priest hit a pregnant woman and/or juvenile children with their chic car), to explain that this isn’t just the result of the policies of the liberal power, but the concrete fault of the President, who put on their posts the very ministers and law enforcement officers who encourage all of this.

Amazing, no? This is an attempt to overthrow Putin and it is covered-up by the (pseudo) patriotic press. What about Putin himself? Why does he not take action? Khazin even explains that:

Of course, the President is guilty, first of all, because he understands that if he starts to cleanse this “Augean stable”, then he will be obliged to shed blood, because they won’t voluntarily give back their privileges. But the most important thing, and this is the essence: the liberal Russian elite today set for itself the political task of removing Putin. Why it decided to do this is an interesting question: if Putin himself and a liberal are flesh from flesh, then this task is stupid and senseless. Not to mention suicidal. But if he isn’t a liberal (it is probably correct to say not a political liberal) then, of course, this activity makes sense. But at the same time, for purely propaganda reasons – because people hate liberals, there is a need to hang the label of political liberal on him.

Now let’s connect all the dots: there is a pro-western (in realty, western-controlled) faction inside the government which is financing those who are attempting to overthrow Putin by making him unpopular with the Russian general public (which overwhelmingly opposes “liberal” economic policies and which despises the Russian liberal elites) by constantly forcing him into liberal economic policies which he clearly does not like (he declared himself categorically opposed to such policies in 2005) and the so-called “patriotic media” is covering it all up. And Putin cannot change this without shedding blood.

But let us assume, for argument’s sake, that Putin is really a liberal at heart and he believes in “Washington Consensus” type of economics. Even if this was the case, surely he must be aware that 92% of Russians oppose this so-called “reform”. And while the President’s spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, declared that Putin himself was not associated with this plan, the truth is that this process does also hurt his political image with the Russian people and political movements. As a direct result from these plans, the Communist Party of Russia is launching a referendum against this project while the “Just Russia” Party is now collecting signatures to dismiss the entire government. Clearly, a political struggle of monumental proportions is in the making and the traditionally rather lame internal opposition to Putin (I am talking about the major political movements and parties, not tiny CIA-supported and/or Soros-funded “NGOs”) is now transforming itself into a much more determined kind of opposition. I predicted thatabout a month ago when I wrote that:

“it is quite clear to me that a new type of Russian opposition is slowly forming. Well, it always existed, really – I am talking about people who supported Putin and the Russian foreign policy and who disliked Medvedev and the Russian internal policies. Now the voice of those who say that Putin is way too soft in his stance towards the Empire will only get stronger. As will the voices of those who speak of a truly toxic degree of nepotism and patronage in the Kremlin (again, Mutko being the perfect example). When such accusations came from rabid pro-western liberals, they had very little traction, but when they come from patriotic and even nationalist politicians (Nikolai Starikov for example) they start taking on a different dimension. For example, while the court jester Zhirinovskii and his LDPR party loyally supported Medvedev, the Communist and the Just Russia parties did not. Unless the political tension around figures like Kudrin and Medvedev is somehow resolved (maybe a timely scandal?), we might witness the growth of a real opposition movement in Russia, and not one run by the Empire. It will be interesting to see if Putin’s personal ratings will begin to go down and what he will have to do in order to react to the emergence of such a real opposition”

Those who vehemently denied that there as a real 5th column problem inside the Kremlin are going to have a painful wake-up call when they realize that thanks to the actions of these “liberals” a patriotic opposition is gradually emerging, not so much against Putin himself as against the policies of the Medvedev government. Why not against Putin?

Because most Russian instinctively feel what is going on and understand not only the anti-Putin dynamics at work, but also how and why this situation was created. Furthermore, unlike most westerners, most Russians remember what took place in the crucial and formative 1990s.

The historical roots of the problem (very rough summary)

It all began in the late 1980s when the Soviet elites realized that they were losing control of the situation and that something had to be done. To really summarize what they did, I would say that these elites first broke up the country into 15 individual fiefdoms each run by gang/clan composed of these Soviet elites, then they mercilessly grabbed everything of any value, became overnight billionaires and concealed their money in the West. Being fabulously rich in a completely ruined country gave them fantastic political power and influence to further exploit and rob the country of all its resources. Russia herself (and the other 14 ex-Soviet republics) suffered an unspeakable nightmare comparable to a major war and by the 1990s Russia almost broke-up into many more even smaller pieces (Chechnia, Tatarstan, etc.). By then, Russia was subserviently executing all the economic policies recommended by a myriad of US ‘advisors’ (hundreds of them with offices inside the offices of many key ministries and various state agencies, just like today in the Ukraine), she adopted a Constitution drafted by pro-US elements, and all the key positions in the state were occupied by what I can only call western agents. At the very top, President Eltsin was mostly drunk while the country was run by 7 bankers, the so-called “oligarchs” (6 of which were Jews): the “Semibankirshchina”.

This is the time when the Russian security services successfully tricked these oligarchs into believing that Putin, who has a law degree and who had worked for the (very liberal) Mayor of Saint Petersburg (Anatolii Sobchack) was just a petty bureaucrat who would restore a semblance of order while not presenting any real threat to the oligarchs. The ploy worked, but the business elites demanded that “their” guy, Medvedev, be put in charge of the government so as to preserve their interests. What they overlooked was two things: Putin was a truly brilliant officer of the very elite First Chief Directorate (Foreign Intelligence) of the KGB and a real patriot. Furthermore, the Constitution, which was passed to support the Eltsin regime could now be used by Putin. But more than anything else, they never predicted that a little guy in an ill-fitting suit would transform himself into one of the most popular leaders on the planet. As I have written many times, while the initial power base of Putin was in the security services and the armed forces and while his legal authority stems from the Constitution, his *real* power comes from the immense support he has from the Russian people who, for the first time in very long time felt that the man at the top truly represented their interests.

Putin then did what Donald Trump could have done as soon as he entered the White House: he cleaned house. He began by immediately tackling the oligarchs, he put an end to the Semibankirshchina, and he stopped the massive export of money and resources out of Russia. The then proceeded to rebuild the “vertical of power” (the Kremlin’s control over the country) and began rebuilding all of Russia from the foundations (regions) up. But while Putin was tremendously successful, he simply could not fight on all fronts at the same time and win.

Truth be told, he did eventually win most of the battles which he chose to fight, but some battles he simply could not wage, not because of a lack of courage or will on his part, but because the objective reality is that Putin inherited an extremely bad system fully controlled by some extremely dangerous foes. Remember the words of Khazin above: “if he starts to cleanse this “Augean stable”, then he will be obliged to shed blood, because they won’t voluntarily give back their privileges”. So, in a typically Putin fashion, he made a number of deals.

For example, those oligarchs who agreed to stop meddling in Russian politics and who would, from now on, pay taxes and generally abide by the law were not jailed or expropriated: those who got the message were allowed to continue to work as normal businessmen (Oleg Deripaska) and those who did not were either jailed or exiled (Khodorkovski, Berezovski). But if we look just below the level of these well-known and notorious oligarchs, what we find as a much deeper “swamp” (to use the US expression): an entire class of people who made their fortunes in the 1990s, who are now extremely influential and control most of the key positions in the economy, finance and business and who absolutely hate and fear Putin. They even have their agents inside the armed forces and security services because their weapon of choice is, of course, corruption and influence. And, of course, they have people representing their interests inside the Russian government: pretty much the entire “economic block” of the Medvedev government.

Is it really any surprise at all that these people also have their paid representatives inside the Russian media, including the so-called “pro-Russian” or “patriotic” media? (I have been warning about this since at least 2015)

Just like in the West, in Russia the media depends first and foremost on money. Big financial interests are very good at using the media to promote their agenda, deny or obfuscate some topics while pushing others. This is why you often see the Russian media backing WTO/WB/IMF/etc policies to the hilt while never criticizing Israel or, God forbid, rabidly pro-Israel propagandists on mainstream TV (guys like Vladimir Soloviev, Evgenii Satanovsky, Iakov Kedmi, Avigdor Eskin and many others). This is the same media which will gladly criticize Iran and Hezbollah but never wonder why the Russian main TV stations are spewing pro-Israeli propaganda on a daily basis.

And, of course, they will all mantrically repeat the same chant: “there is no 5th column in Russia!! None!! Never!!”

This is no different than the paid for corporate media in the USA which denies the existence of a “deep state” or the US “Israel Lobby”.

And yet, many (most?) people in the USA and Russia realize at an almost gut-level that they are being lied to and that, in reality, a hostile power is ruling over them.

Putin’s options and possible outcomes

Sadly, in the USA, Trump proved to be a disaster who totally caved in to the Neocons and their demands. In Russia, the situation is far more complex. So far, Putin has very skillfully avoided associating himself with the Atlantic Integrationists. Furthermore, the biggest crises of the past decade or so were all associated with foreign policy issues and those are still controlled by the Eurasian Sovereignists. Finally, while the Russian government clearly committed some mistakes or promoted some unpopular policies (such has healthcare reform for example), they also had their undeniable successes. As for Putin, he continued to consolidate his power and he gradually removed some of the most notorious individuals from their positions. In theory, Putin could probably have most top Atlantic Integrationists arrested on corruption charges, but short of engaging in a massive and bloody purge, he cannot get rid of an entire social class which is not only large but powerful.

Some of my contacts in Russia expected a purge of Atlantic Integrationists right after the election. The logic here was “enough is enough” and that once Putin got a strong mandate from the people, he would finally kick Medvedev and his gang out of the Kremlin and replace them with popular patriots. That obviously did not happen. But if this pension reform program continues to further trigger protests or if a major war blows up in the Middle-East or in the Ukraine, then the pro-western forces inside the Kremlin will come under great pressure to further yield control of the country to Eurasian Sovereignists.

Putin is an exceedingly patient man and, at least so far, he has won most, if not all, of his battles. I don’t believe that anybody can predict for sure how things will play out, but what is certain is that trying to understand Russia without being aware of the internal conflicts and the interests groups fighting for power is futile. In her 1000 year long history, internal enemies have always been far more dangerous for Russia than external ones. This is unlikely to change in the future.

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Val Shadowhawk

Some very inyeresting doings. If Medvedev was indeed instslled by the oilgarchs (Neo Bolshevik Leninist/Marxists), and I for one believe he was; Putin has his hands full. I would say he is not alone. There are others working with him in key positions. The terms Saker uses in reference to the ‘liberals’ or ‘Atlantic Integrationists’ should say Neo Bolsheviks. And the ‘Eurasian Sovereignists’ are the Russian Nationalists. This keeps the confusion down and the air a bit clearer. What’s with all of the silly wordsmithing anyhow?

Daniel Castro

“Neo Bolsheviks”

Just zionists would do.

Val Shadowhawk

If you wish. But understand, not all of the Bolsheviks were on board with the ‘exclusive homeland for the jews’. Iosef Stalin being but one of them. Thus the term ‘Neo Bolsheviks’ i.e. next generation. The new or ‘Neo’. They as a whole will go along with the zionist project. However history records a bit different ‘twist’.

Daniel Castro

Zion (Israel) is just secondary, worldwide “chosen” supremacy is their main goal (meaning, chosen not exclusively jewish, but all who hold the same ideology that few should rule humanity like gods because they hold money or power).

So, Zion is just an alegory, it is the land of dreams, Zion is not Israel, zion is the whole world under totalitarian rule by a tiny oligarchy.

So, zionism, globalism, neoliberalism, international socialism, bolchevism, all the same shit.

Val Shadowhawk

It is now. But it wasn’t always that way. Even at present, we have two main factions amongst orgsnized jewry. Let us break it down in simple terms. The ‘left’ faction consists of the Lenin school. And the ‘right’ or Neo Cons = the Trotsky version. Both are of the Communist (jewish extremist) mindset. But will differ with each other over how to achieve the ‘objective’ as you correctly observed in their ‘World Order’. The ‘israeli’ component consists of both today. The Likuds vs the ‘jewish Home’ party. Netanyahu vs Neftali Bennet. And they DO differ on many of the given points. One wants to mow down Palestine in ten seconds. The other, prefers a ‘softer kill’. So just pointing this out for you and others. It must be recognized, if we are to begin to truly wrap our heads around how our common enemy ‘thinks’.

Daniel Castro

So we should rejoice they divide themselves just for such a tiny ridiculous matter as palestinian mostly barren territory.

“Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad”

Val Shadowhawk

Yes!!! Agreed!!!

Tudor Miron

Neo Bolsheviks… One of the main wins of Trotskists was their ability to label their own evil doings by the name of those (Bolsheviks, Stalin was a Bolshevik) who actually busted their reign in Russia by 1929. Call them for what they are – Trotskists. Today this same trotskists are working very hard to blame Stalin (one who exterminated them) for their own crimes. BTW, are you aware that late Stalin was openly disapproving Marxism (which is actually nothing more than a secular version of biblical project)? How often do you hear word Zionism openly used by todays and past politicians. Stalin was openly using this world when describing western world order. Like Putin, Stalin inherited a terrible entity when he took power – Khazarian kaganat v2.0 was flourishing in Russia under blood thirsty Trotsky (Leon Bronshtein) and those representing his agenda (burning Russia as fuel for world revolution). It was a bloody mess and it took another bloody mess (1937-39) to sort and clean it out. Stalin should be viewed in context of times and circumstances – all human civilization was a bloody mess in between two world wars during that period.

Wise Gandalf

neo bolshevik tudor miron

AM Hants

How long has Prime Minister Medvedev worked with President Putin, including their time at St Petersburg University? How many Presidents and Prime Ministers reverse roles, then happily hand them back? The Sakers obsession with Prime Minister Medvedev, destroys his credibility. Used to enjoy the Saker, but, apart from the odd, decent article, seldom bother with the site anymore, owing to his obsession with Medvedev.

Daniel Castro

I find it strange how Russia did not act against Hillary Clinton plan to kill Gadafi in 2011 and start the arab spring, for me one of the reasons is Medvedv allowed.

It was Russia’s greatest strategic mistake in the 21st century until now, all you do since then is catching up.

AM Hants

Trust, at the time, then learnt there lesson.

Daniel Castro

I don’t believe in trust in the highest level of power.

Daniel Castro

Also, I don’t believe in mistakes in the highest levels of power.


Really, so how do you explain Trump appointing Rosenstein? In fact Trump has fired so many of the people he hired it’s now mundane.

Daniel Castro

Trump was overpowered, I can accept one being overpowered, but basic mistakes at this level is unthinkable.


Trump makes mistakes, he makes lots of mistakes, Churchill made lots of mistakes. The idea that the powerful are incapable of making mistakes is quite naive.

Daniel Castro

Most of this things we call mistakes are just dirty deal, corruption, acting under threat, etc.

Also, those in power are not allowed to make mistakes, if they do make mistakes they must be held accountable one way or another.


They are held accountable by those who vote for them, it is not our place to tell the people of other countries how to vote.

Daniel Castro

No, some “mistakes” ammount to treason, it is not everything to be judged by elections.

But I do not intend to say there should be intervention in Russia, of course this is matter for russian people to decide.


Are you God, who are you to judge others? How dare you accuse the leader of Russia with treason, when you are not Russian. You sound like an American, like you have the right to decide for all.

Daniel Castro

I never acused him of treason. I say some bad actions that may be considered “msitakes” when made by a president can be interpreted as treason because the consquence is just to grave.

This is theoretical of course. As in my first post I say I find strange Medvedev cattering to USA plans back then, but of course we don’t know exactly what happened.

But as a foreigner I say it would not be good for russian image if you pass this message to the world that you are intending to trade other countries well-beings with USA in shady deals in UN, not good at all.

Look, I really admire russian people, I just want this to be clear.

AM Hants

Mistakes? Lessons learnt, who remembers how they took out Gadaffi, and the outrage he still feels? Who makes it a habit to save various Presidents from assassination attempts? Have you never learnt from an error of judgement?


It is normal that you “find it strange”.Because you probably ignore that Russia is centralized presidential system (like France.) All the executive power is in the hands of the President So it was 100% Medvedev’s decision. Putin has voiced his desatisfactions with his decision but anyway all stopped there.

Daniel Castro

Exactly my point,

Medvedv allowed the arab srping, which as a plan ultimately against Russia.


Medvedv didn’t “allow the arab srping” Killing Gadafi has nothing to do with “color revolution’s” It was pure military intervention followed by US-NATO-Jihad

Daniel Castro

It was a revolution aided by military intervention… and Obama would have bombed Assad too if Putin allowed.


NO it was NOT There was nothing as usual set up of color revolution There was NATO intervention and beginning of financing Jihad (anti Gadaffi “rebels)

Daniel Castro

The intervention was justified by the argument Gadafi would kill innocent protestors. When they bombed Gadafi the “rebels” already had an army to take him down.

It is the same scenario it was in Syria, no difference.


NO All color revolution tooks power through DEMONSTRATIONS This was pure military intervention with “NON flying zone” imposed by US-NATO so that they can permanently bomb Gadaffi loyalist and help their US- JIHAD”rebels” to win!

Daniel Castro

Semantics, it was all part of the same plan made by Hillary, they needed Gadafi down to create ISIS.


ISIS was created in Iraq, originally they were the Sunni death squads General Paetraus created as part of his surge campaign.

Daniel Castro

Ok, back then was not ISIS, it was just al-qaeda.

The military action of this ongoing war in ME really started in Lybia.


General Patreus created ISIS using officers from Saddams army.


They have deliberately sent all Sunni Iraqi army home and have made those people without income so that they can come later and bribe them to become ISIS ! Huge number were regular Iraqi officers who used to KILL Jihad maniacs under Saddam and now CIA,MI6 and Mossad have bribed them to become Jihad maniacs themselves. To create Sunni Caliphate and reject Shia domination in Iraq. According to Israel plan of war between Shia against Sunni.

Huge number of mercenaries came to Syria from Libya Those were US-Jihad maniacs from war against Gadaffi moved to Syria to start new war With many sent from EU and many other Maghreb countries and Central Asia also.


whatever Georgia,Yugoslavia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine (1st one not Maidan), Bulgaria,Moldavia,Egypt and ALL Arab “Spring” revolutions were “color revolutions” were situations where regimes were removed through DEMOSNTRATIONS WITHOUT MILITARY INTERVENTIONS

Daniel Castro

The way they take down governments they don’t like is not important, what is important is they take them down and there are some russian politicians who allow them to, even when they can easily stop the aggression using veto power.


You are now going of the topic because my argument proves that I was right

Also your new argument is nonsense

Daniel Castro

Your original argument was that Medvedv made the decision to allow NATO intervention in Libya, exactly my point.


“Medvedv made the decision to allow NATO intervention in Libya”

Yes by not BLOCKING vetoing that voting on “non fly zone” in Libya in UN. Which was practically giving free hands to UK& France(and US) to start bombings

Daniel Castro


Since the start I said you were right, don’t you see that?

My point is he was in line with Hitlery zionist plan.


OK sorry there are too many comments already and I’m starting to lose the grip


Me too, time to bail out.


Sorry, but in English no fly means not flying? The UN resolution did not give the US/NATO the authority to bomb Libya, in fact it was to stop the US bombing Libya. Russia tried to stop the US, blaming them for not doing more is churlish.

Daniel Castro

I think I will send some jail attorneys we have i my region and you send them to represent russia in the UN, they might do a better job.


UN represent nothing really It is joke!! When US can’t find the way to have it the way they want …they just IGNORE UN !


“Sorry, but in English no fly means not flying?” Sorry, but in English “zone” means “zone” So it was no fly “zone”.

“UN resolution did not give the US/NATO the authority to bomb BUT they have gave them right to” IMPOSE NO FLY ZONE

NO Russia did NOT VETO in UN that decision and that is the essence of the problem! I will not repeat this again I have said it too many times already !

Jens Holm

What about hum-bugs or In-sects :)

Kindly regard from the Teachers og tolerence for free spelling.


So you think that it is Russia’s job to stop America? How about Canada, why don’t they stop America? Better still why don’t you stop America?

Daniel Castro

Russia has the obligation to stop USA in UNSC, as it seems China is their partner in crime.

If you don’t do that who will?!


Why does Russia have an obligation to stop the USA, why should Russia send its young men into harms way, to help people who are too lazy to help themselves.

Daniel Castro

Stop USA in UNSC = using VETO power

You are over-interpreting stuff.


OK that I can go along with, however there are quite often deals done between governments, that we the people know nothing about. As an example, the US offers to stop its terror war in Chechnya, if Russia votes for a no fly zone. The first duty of a Russian President, is to serve the Russian people.

Daniel Castro

That would be immoral, and I don’t think most russians would agree with you.

The president must abide to the law, Russia is a UN member, russian president can’t give another UN member state in a platter just because of some threat of USA.


“That would be immoral,” Welcome to the real world, time to grow up, morals are a construct.

Daniel Castro

Call Putin and tell him to say that in public.


Look politicians have to deal with morons to get elected, sometimes they have to lie, because the people they are helping are too stupid to know what’s good for them. Putin will say what needs to be said, in a way that appeals to the prols. You are living in a bubble, time to grow up and deal with reality.

Daniel Castro

You don’t understand me.

My point is Medvedev decision of cattering for Hillary was obvious, and this is bad for russian image, and morals. His allegiance with the west gave power to russian enemies, and Russia had to pay for his cattering to USA since then, you lost billions, almost every week there are dead russians in Syria.

And in the end the maintenance of UN establishment is good for Russia, you only have to lose from this trend of color revolutions and USA interventions, isn’t this clear to you?


It’s obvious to you, in hindsight. I think Medvedev thought that a no fly zone meant that the US would not bomb Libya. But even if Russia had vetoed the no fly zone, the US would have bombed, and you would be blaming Medvedev for stopping the resolution that would have prevented the US bombing.

Daniel Castro

No, I wouldn’t, I do not expect Russia to intervene militarily anywhere, Syrian intervention for me was a surprise.


NO what I was talking about was the UN resolution. If Russia had vetoed the no fly zone, do you really think that would have stopped the US?

Daniel Castro

Perhaps, but even if it didn’t the blatant unlawful action could (would) have other consequences.


Russia has veto power in UN Security Council and they can bloc anything BUT ! But US… if they really want IGNORE UN decision and bomb the country all the same !

Example Yugoslavia was bombed without UN decision US decided and even involved NATO in their 1st aggressive war against country that did not attack them

Daniel Castro

Who was in power in Russia then?!

Who surrendered Soviet Union to the west?!

It is the same stock of Medvedv, only more alcohol in their blood…


“Who surrendered Soviet Union to the west?!” Gorbachev And he is traitor in disguise (I’m not communist) Fall of USSR was not necessary. All that was staged treason to look like something else.

Mevedev is Russian LIBERAL and that is not mortal sin as long as he is not traitor . Mevedev represents lobby of super rich in Russia


Exactly, most of Americas crimes are committed without any form of UN approval.


finally we agree about something :)


There were no protests, the US wanted Libya’s gold and stole it, a simple armed holdup, nothing more.


Syria was not color revolution also. Wherever was used or Jihad or US-NATO military it was HYBRID interventions with the elements of “color revolution” to start riots and conflicts but immediately after that was used ARMED conflict whic has nothing to do with “color revolutions”

Last “color revolution” in Ukraine was paramilitary neo-NAZI intervention combined with very violent “color revolution” Last “color revolution” in Armenia recently has removed regime without riots or any big conflict like all other “color revolutions”


Agree. Well they saw what happened to Gadaffi so it was clear that Putin will refuse


Which Arab spring are you referring to, the one in Egypt?

Daniel Castro

Arab spring really kikcked off with the death of Gadafi.


I didn’t he did ! Maghreb “color revolutions” Egypt,Tunisia,Maroco


Because it wasn’t in Russia’s strategic interests. Do you think Russia has nothing better to do than run around the planet trying to stop American crimes?

Daniel Castro

Stop american crimes back then would be just not allowing the UNSC which gave europe green lights to pound gadafi into oblivion.

It. was. just. a. signature. on. paper.


NOT TRUE. But also it wasn’t”Russia’s greatest strategic mistake” which is also pure exageration Gadaffi was not allay of Rusia


The US invasion of Libya, took out Libyan oil exports, which is good for Russian oil sales. The invasion of Libya caused the refugee crisis in Europe, which causes conflict between Europe and the USA, that is also good for Russia.

Daniel Castro

The formation of jihadist terrorist army to overthrow russian allies and ultimately attack Russia is against russian interests.

Indeed, Medvedev must have though about the immediate profit with oil, which is typical zionist thinking.


The US had already created the jihadist terrorist army years before, in 1977.


You are being cynical That is very much appreciated approach here on the forum (but not the most intelligent that can decipher essence of the problem ) You depict Russia as US but Russia is not US.


No not at all, but do people really expect young Russian men to risk their lives saving other countries from the terror exported by the US,UK and France?If the world wants to stop Americas war of terror, the whole world has to stand up, not just Russia.


The problem was that Russia VOTED in UN security council FOR US-NATO “not fly zone” which took all the territory through bombing Gadaffi army while Jihad maniacs took control over the Libiya

So no there was no talk about Russia going into Libya to help with their army The “non fly zone” was problem (used in Iraq against Saddam to remove him from power) “non fly zone”= US-NATO free to bomb

Daniel Castro

Exactly, Medvedev gave green light to NATO, which is something no russian president should never do, never.


You should run for President of Russia next election, you obviously know more about running a country than Medvedev.

Daniel Castro

I would spend 4 years saying nyet and then return the power to Putin, and just doing that I would be better than Medvedev.

Monte George

Few would deny that Putin knows more about running a country than Medvedev, and Putin opposed supporting the no-fly resolution in the UN. Medvedev should have listened to him.


Yes but Russia believed that a no fly zone meant no aircraft.

Daniel Castro

Nonsense, I can’t believe one could be so stupid. This is kindergarten level of naivety.


What! What does NO fly mean to you?

Monte George

It means no Libyan govt aircraft. It implies the need for NATO aircraft to patrol and enforce the no-fly zone. That is the whole point of a no-fly zone, it’s a foot in the door.


So you mean that anything the US says is a lie, and they mean the exact opposite?

Daniel Castro

When dealing with murican government just accept everything they say is a lie, this should be universal law of politics by now.


That is why Anglo-Zionists are the kings in the use of Hegelian dialectics, Sinbad2.


bollocks the same was in Iraq and everybody knew what that means

Putin was ANGRY and he even said it for that to be the “BAD decision” even though at the time president Medevedev was his BOSS


There was no, no fly zone in Iraq. The US had been laying siege to Iraq for a decade before it attacked.


There was “NON fly zone ” in Iraq and it was related to certain region above Iraq That was region of Kurdistan and north of Iraq Remember Saddam targeting Kurds with the poisonous gas? That was after that incident Some Iraqi airplanes were SHOOT DOWN when they didn’t respect that limitation *That was before total invasion “Desert Storm” beginning of the end of Saddam


You mean the gas that the American gave him to use on Iran right ?


actually the chemicals were of German origin if I recall right… r you implying that I’m doing US propaganda against Saddam?! don’t waste my time with that ill intended interpretations..


“The U.S. knew about, and in one case helped, Iraq’s chemical weapons attacks against Iran in the 1980’s, according to recently declassified CIA documents obtained by Foreign Policy. Their detailed timeline, also constructed with the aid of interviews with former foreign intelligence officials, indicates that the U.S. secretly had evidence of Iraqi chemical attacks in 1983. The evidence, FP writes, is “tantamount to an official American admission of complicity in some of the most gruesome chemical weapons attacks ever launched.””

Never said jack shite, about what you implied.


Without to forget it’s Donald Rumsfeld who had supplied the Gas to Saddam Hussein….


yup, the aspartame freak who helped do 911….


Countries are manipulated with credit/debt, bribes, coercion, partnerships, regime change, invasion. All of them by globalists.

USA is a big globalist hammer. Israel is a little globalist hammer.

Saddam threatened the American petrol dollar by promulgating a trade of oil to euro….

Petro dollar keeps the big hammer and little hammer swinging for globalism.

Those that do not subscribe to usury, to the imperialism, are being wiped out as we speak. Elected leaders replaced with “responsible men “. Men who share the globalist dream of sustainable feudalism.

Basic requirement for successful globalism is controlling resources.

Globalists have been very slow at achieving this objective.

“We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia.


But a change is coming.



“Agenda 21 UNCED, 1992 Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment. ”



Yes “No fly zone meant no aircraft” but for Libya “no aircraft ” not for US-NATO !


The only thing you can regret the Russians is their believe in mankind, sometimes they lack realism a bit,call it naïve, but they learn from their mistakes and set a true example with Syria.

They will no longer intervene in other people’s countries unless they are asked to do so and everything can be done in accordance with international regulations. Pure from back cover. Especially when you know how those Anglo-Zionists from London can do enormous damage without any evidence and with the smallest lies and accusations? Do you really think that Russia wants to allow itself to be sacrificed again in a following World War?


I agree with you. I think that is the main reason why Russian’s have underlined that they are in Syria only to kill terrorists not to start war with NATO or liberate Golan or help Iran in establishing their influence there.


Look at the Syria Quite few Russians dead (all professional army ) When there is valid reason (in defending Russia )than Russians can accept Russian men to risk their lives .


unfortunately, the world supports globalism.


Well they will get what they want, some people seem to enjoy being slaves, who are we to deprive them of their misery.


Not true, the majority of the world is ruled by accomplices of globalism. Our politicians give up their own country, sovereignty and self-determination in favor of their personal position, wealth and family. The rest can rot on the streets and fight each other out. To help them, the millions of migrants are sent to the west and brought so that we do not attack our worst enemies, the banksters and their secret societies.


very true.

When I say the world, I mean those with power. Not the herd of useless eaters , many of whom still run to vote in an oligarch, helping speed the demise of their own freedom.

Concrete Mike

Libya was bad for everyone. I remember Putin after, he was furious, and he said quite clearly, we told you don’t go in there…never again.

It’s not about alliances, this is about destroying Europe, this is for the profit of the big corporations on our backs…


Libya, has oil, gold, and WATER, and was a gateway into Africa. Damn straight it was a strategic mistake.


I’m not going to watch your video

“Libya, has oil, gold, and WATER and was a gateway into Africa. ” So what?!

“And Russia fucked up, letting it happen” It was Medevedev’s decision he was President at the time. Can’t be repaired.

I’m fucking sick of you Arabs, Muslims or who ever you are with you fucking passionate irrational exaggerations ! You just can’t accept certain facts. Russia has certain power lobbies in fight for power and that is Russian reality (in US is the same problem but MUCH worse in scale) Putin didn’t have choice but to leave presidency to Medvedev because of Russian Constitution. So Destiny played against Gaddafi If Putin was in power Gaddafi would be live today.

Do not comment any more because your comments are already going on my nerves. You do not sound like reasonable calm person at all and I don’t want to waste my time on empty conversations with irrational overexcited people !


u don’t have to watch it dimwit…

“So what?”

nor do you feel the need to think before you flap your gums…

“I’m fucking sick of you Arabs, Muslims”

I am a 4th generation white man from Canada dimwit…

“If Putin was in power Gaddafi would be live today.”

Perhaps. And I never said otherwise. And I do not care about your fragile nerves…

Russia fucked up…large.


“I am a 4th generation white man from Canada dimwit…”

That’s even worse than! My nerves are not “fragile” as much as I am FED UP with OVER-EXCITED irrational idiots like you. I had enough of your kind of idiots and I will not take any more crap from shitheads like you ! You are BLOCKED you idiot !


run forrest run….

Sam I. Am


ابوعبدالله العراقي

Don’t except anything good from Russians there are different side of the same coin, look in the past at the Chechen wars. They killed Muslims and them Muslims killed far more Russians in their response, ruined their worldwide image of military “superpower” and weakened their economy.

Daniel Castro

Don’t get too excited, we were all cheering for Russia back then as we are now.

You people are the most hated in the world, you stand at the same level of pedophiles in the mind of people… I should say it is even worse than that…

ابوعبدالله العراقي

Hated why? We didn’t do anything wrong to others until you attacked us (Muslims) im not talking now abut the ISIS but about Muslims in general. We are victims of your greedy colonialism, stupid secularism and godless atheism.

Daniel Castro

You have been funded by CIA to attack USSR, the same as the FARC (Forças Armadas Revolucionarias da Colombia), and many others here in Latin America, trained by the comunists to engage in terrorism in our continent.

Terrorists are terrorists.

I have nothing against muslims.

ابوعبدالله العراقي

That is not excuse, see what you have proved? You impose your colonialisim upon us and you goals, both the USSR and USA. Put your noses away from our lands including Afghanistan where the opium production skyrocketed under your “democratic” rule. Leave us and take away with your your installed secular governments in the middle east including the one in al-Sham where criminality and immorality spiked to historical numbers under your rule. We don’t need you we lived without you and we will survive without you, but you need us for the oil and cheap mineral resources. You are using guise of terrorism to fulfill your goals but the so called terrorism is only natural instict of our people to protect us from the invaders.

Daniel Castro

My what?! Democratic rule?! For me taliban shouldn’t have been toppled by USA, it was better than the current regime, but it was even better when it was the USSR allied government, sorry, I am just pragmatic.

Chechnya is better now than it would ever be under any form of caliphat.

Look at my name, my ancestors fought the mouros when they invaded Portugal, we don’t have a good cultural memory of islamic rule, I’m sorry.

You don’t understand wars only make things worse in modern world, it is really the very last option, and you should really know your enemy when you decide to fight a war, and you true enemy is not the one in front of you, it is that behinfd your back pulling the strings.

First things first, cut those strings, then think.

You are not thinking.


If half of what you said was true then you would have had the support of the world HOWEVER: you were serving the zio mafia all the time. No wonder your Muslim brothers are after you. Playing the victim is the trade mark of an artificial element (not a country or a state) in the ME.

ابوعبدالله العراقي

Nope the world is blind, they don’t care. They eat and sleep, eat and sleep, watch TV and news and don’t think about it at all. The masses are controllable by the huge propaganda machinery (showing only what is desired to fit into the puzzle). Media highlighted our beheadings and burning of the pilots alive but they never mentioned the reason behind that, what has happened before. They also ignored our missionary work, the factor of unifying two artificially divided countries by the imperialists of the same people by removing borders. People in the whole world simply don’t care again i say they work, eat and sleep. No time for research they simple believe the crafted image of us using short films from our propaganda without the context.

Jens Holm

hahahahahhaha – mission ??? Certainly. that soldier followed orders from some King or President.

Jens Holm

The 1001 arabic deep good night again.

If that few zionist runned fx 1 billion muslims, You must be extremely stupid and deserve it.

Jens Holm

You are victims, because You have chosen it Yourself and even insist.

Syria is a fine example. Those people can choose being in an Assads dicatatorship as usual or go firther back in Jahisdism enjouying Jihadism of the most ultimative kind.

And all of You still are raised as obeyers and all agree in democrasy in a moderate marxisme way, which unite You too.

You not even liberated yourself and even blame kurds and turkmen now has expanded in Your country.

Well, there also were no Syria for 1000 years and it was made by others as well as they moved the old Syria to the north. Aleppo and Raqqa provinces was not Syria So You blame them for You comming there blaming them not to be arabs state.

We even here mainly Turks but also Syrians blaming armenians, because they fleed from genoside,.

Sekularism is the winner all over the world. You cant even make cheep plastic buvcekts from oil. Thats were the money is – not exporting dirty asphalt oil from You.

But of course sekularisme also i about gaining respect by schoold education, skills and hard work – and not only in the cheepest way just being born i some 50:50 game and as winniers raise buy and sell half of the population as we do with cars.

I almost only see a religios nightmare, where the main things is not about religion at all but greedy coilonialism inside countries as Turkey, Iraq and Syria.

Why do You fx insist in borders made by mainly britts ands french for oil. in Syria and Iraq You cant even share it with all Your populations but behve like those areas with oilm are Your own private ownerships.

And let me remind You, that muslims, whatever they are come to Allah care of Gabriel responsible one by one.

So Your logic sense in Your version should say, if one muslims die, You have kill them all and let the old men tell, how nice or bad You have been. You tell muslims should be like sheep.

The other version might be better – Nobody are allowed to be dead. Allah is working hard to make concrite wall dividings, so muslims dont kill each other again there too :(


Ahhhhh…..so you must be ISIS. Are you tired yet from running away from the purge in SW Syria? Must be tough seeing your buddies going up in flames…

ابوعبدالله العراقي

Situation is quickly changing https://i.imgur.com/j9svs5s.png https://i.imgur.com/ZZcLh3i.png


Not so.

Tudor Miron

Yes, satanic shaytans, head choppers, known as daesh are dissapearing from the face of this beautiful planet.

ابوعبدالله العراقي

Said civilian and child butcher Assad’s supporter?

Tudor Miron

I’m supporting Syrian state and its legitimate president Bashar Al Assad. We, Russians exterminated your kind of scum in Chechnia and Dagestan many years ago. Syrians are exterminating daesh goat lovers now – with a little help from our side. How does it feel working for Greater Israel against your own people? I should better ask – how does it feel dying for greater Israel?


I think this is a lot different from the Syria scenario for the fact that there was a Russian Naval Base stationed there which, for whatever reason, had a strategic advantage. Putin has been reluctant to get drawn into any overseas battles unless absolutely necessary, and I have no doubt that Medvedev consulted with him on Libya.

Daniel Castro

My point was only about them letting the UNSC resolution against Gadafi pass, I don’t think russians should run around the world chasing USA warmongers.

Jens Holm

I dont.


Some people see conspiracies in the sun coming up in the morning.

AM Hants

It gets so boring.


And they are right to “see” them They just have to take appropriate medication or get informed (depending on gravity)and it will PASS.

Jens Holm

Its like Syria. Every other opinion is conspiracy and will be hit hard.

Empire's Frontiers

You mean Russia and China aren’t stealing California’s light every evening?

Preposterous! We know what they’re up to over there!


some people are stupid enough to think conspiracy only exists as foolishness…

One of the most prevalent crimes in the law books is called

“conspiracy to commit” .

There are many conspiracies taking place, every day the sun comes up. But I prefer evidence of fact, rather than generalizations.

And the grandest conspiracy of all, the conspiracy that drives geo politics, the conspiracy that the retards simply cannot think through, is called globalism.

“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ” | David Rockefeller |

( see trade deals removing soverignty,immigration, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)

ابوعبدالله العراقي

Jihad against the traitors follows and conforms will all the principles of our religious, intellectual and humanitarian laws. The summary of our outlook is that our Islamic state reserves the right to live a free life under the shade of an Islamic government that adheres to their Islamic ideology. But the arrogant Idol of today (America, Russia and their allies) seek to force their own ideology upon us through the means of occupation and usurp our most fundamental right of life (freedom). The Russo-American invaders have not desisted from any brutality and severity in pursuit of subduing our Islamic state. They bombed our villages, cities, mosques, hospitals, murder innocent Islamic state civilians, forcibly displace them and torment thousands of Muslims through unimaginable torture in prisons. And they have afforded themselves judiciary exemption as well so that they may not be held accountable to anyone. On top of this, they want to spread new provocations, immorality, discrimination and conflicts in the country, loot our precious mineral wealth, create new armed groups for their own colonial goals (The so called “Moderate rebels”) and seek to use our homeland as a rival post against our neighbors and the entire region in general. If the American invaders were given the opportunity to succeed in implementing this dangerous policy then the entire region and specifically our country of al-Sham and people would be embroiled in such misery and hostilities that all pathways of salvation would be lost.

You can call me Al

You sort of know me and you should know that I am definitely pro- Russian. I say that before the following:

I think everyone should be advised to read “The Saker’s” article thoroughly, because for me, they are no longer what they seem.”

Now to go to the twilight zone…. if you bring up one of his old articles and try and …..well analyse it with his new articles, it is not the same chap writing it. We again, are being hoodwinked.

AM Hants

Remember his old articles, with regards the cauldrons in Donbass, when he would get emotional. Together with his devotion to Strelkov, who I used to seriously respect. Till he believed his own legend. When you look at the Communist side of Russia, it runs on the same formula as the Soros regime change script. Start slowly, passive aggressive, then build up. Noticed it a lot, before and after the Russian election. Together with the comments. Finding it funny, when some oldies, suddenly changed gear and now just rant and moan, using pure ‘soft psy op’ techniques.


I remember a comment, on this site, recently, mentioning that The Saker IP address was based near a major US military base in Florida, which was highly reliant on US intelligence. Do not know if true or not, but, snippet of info, that I retained. Just like when you said RI, had connections leading back to Soros. Know you do not often pop onto the site, but, have you noticed how much it has changed, both, articles and comments? Or am I being neurotic?

Take care and enjoy the rest of the World Cup, with or without a drink in hand. Whilst I go back to wondering how come Spurs have so many of their players, performing in the World Cup. Last time they had a showing was when Jimmy Greaves played for them.


It’s very easy to change IP numbers.


“The Saker: “No 5th Column in the Kremlin? Think again!””

Yes they are: the Russian Prime-Minister Medvedev , the Russian Central-Bank-pvssy, and other West-Europa-oriented Oligarchs. It stinks like ROTHSCHILD, the Yeltsin /Rockefeller Oligarchs fvcked themselves appointing PUTIN as President in year 2000.

(And since then the Rockefeller-NWO-Connection tries desperately ( in all kinds of SOROS’ like “opposition”-attempts to ignite a MAIDAN-KIEV-like upraise) => ALL THIS to regain the control over the Kremlin and the Russian RESOURCES ( to cover with something REAL VALUABLE the PONZI-hokus-pokus US-dollar)

Wise Gandalf

Yes they are: the Russian Prime-Minister Medvedev , the Russian Central-Bank-pvssy, and other West-Europa-oriented Oligarchs. It stinks like ROTHSCHILD, the Yeltsin /Rockefeller Oligarchs fvcked themselves appointing PUTIN as President in year 2000.

Allof them are at might.

Jens Holm

Correct: Ypu stink from both ends.

Tudor Miron

Very interesting. It seems like if Saker realized that his later articles (more than a couple of months) started to stink and that he was loosing credibility. May be that’s the reason behind this honest article – in order to sell some lies one needs to package it in some obvious truths. The higher the level of priority https://youtu.be/0fF3TQ0lJnU, the higher truth percentage is required. Good article for a change. Here he’s actually drawing a picture very close to reality and there are no major distortions other than some obvious things – Saker is showing that he has no idea of what Trump is about https://youtu.be/3yW2dHAbBJo (notice the date of that video and relate it to what happened.) and also this one https://youtu.be/_f1XGTAm568 Another obvious distortion that Saker is “interwoving” in this articles text is saying that Russia has a 1000 years of history. Actual fact is that roughly 1000 years ago, west (biblical project which is a concept of governing) began invasion of Russia, but Russia is much older than that.

Other than this necessary corrections I could recommend this article as representing the true picture of what’s going on inside Russia in terms of politics and interests of different clans/corporate groups. Church is one of those (one of the oldest and most powerful and wide spread) and as far as I can tell Saker is working for that clan/corporate group.

Wise Gandalf

Tudor Miron, the FSB agent at work. :)))


This article CONFIRMS what I have been saying for well over over a year now, as witnessed by Putin’s, not only tolerating ISRAEL but even encouraging Israel by giving way to it’s aggressions, especially against Syria and Iran

I said then and say again,the PRICE will be terrible for Russia.

At least Russia will not be alone because the WHOLE of the West is paying for allowing Israel to exist , where it and those ASHKENAZI have no right to be, and the WORST is yet to come.


It appears in politics there are two main schools of thought. I think what Putin is doing is simply balancing out the two for the sake of Russia. If people get divided enough that would cause internal chaos at the worst possible time, when the US is snarling at the border.

Often there is a lot more information that we are not privy to, not to mention a long way away. The best bet is to judge based on previous actions, which Putin has a long history of. I think if he can take Russia from a wreck to a beacon of hope and one of the most respected countries, then I would say he has things well under control. I think the best question is, what will happen when he leaves? How will a successor be appointed? Will they live up to expectations? After all, Putin had a lot of experience in Intelligence, so is this required to deal with matters today, or is it a matter of balancing budgets and appointing the right Minister’s?

ابوعبدالله العراقي

Not true, The saker a.k.a kremlin paid “independant” poster of Russian propaganda simply realized that his image of Russia is getting way too far from reality and their actions and failures are showing something completely different and not even well crafted propaganda will be able to cover this up.


If you truly want to understand terrestrial politics, you need to understand the extraterrestrial component. I have weapons permits, nuclear, biological, chemical and government advisory and other security clearances. Which is one of the reasons that I guard my identity. I’m not a security services or government insider. But my work gets stove piped and reviewed by people in the US, Russia, and internationally.

This is a beam weapon entry wound scar below my left eye that almost blinded me in that eye. It measures an inch and a quarter in diameter and 3/8th of inch at it’s deepest penetration. It damaged the teeth on the upper jaw underneath it to the point where they were so painful that I had to chew my food on the other side of my mouth for two months and it took a year to before it was pain free.

I’m left handed, so that’s my targeting eye for open sights and scopes. I’ll be leaving this afternoon to run a day time contact op in the mountains to work on terrestrial/ET/ED integration. Hopefully there won’t be any violence and I won’t have to use the weapons that I’m bringing with me.



I haven’t had time to go to the range to test fire the 9mm and .40 S&W builds that I recently got back from the gunsmith. So on today’s contact op I’ll be carrying my CZ-52 chambered in Tokarev 7.62 x 25 and a .32 acp back up pistol:



New PF-9 and Sub 2000 builds:



Today’s op went well. I looked at about 200 square miles of remote mountain wilderness tribal land that is closed to the public, other than by permit, and borders federal wilderness land, which is fairly common in the western US.

The annual motorized access permits for the gated tribal land are fairly expensive. I bought a hiking only day pass on line and parked outside one of the main gates and hiked in to look at the internal gates to see if they were open for allowing motorized access to the interior of the property. They were. So I’m going to by an annual motorized access permit before they sell out for the year.

The federal property that the tribal land borders is inaccessible to the public for all practical purposes. Because it’s separated from publicly accessible land by a white water river that 99% of the public won’t attempt to cross to get there. It wouldn’t surprise me if there is a non conventional indigenous population of ET managed early humanoid Bigfoot back in there that occasionally venture onto the tribal land as well.

The tribal land and adjacent federal land which is accessible from across the tribal land and is legal to hike, bike and camp on with a federal permit. It should be excellent for ET contact work. And suitable for bringing my elderly parents with me if I can get my contact work to the stage where they can be medivacked for better medical treatment than they can receive here.

The canyons and valleys on the tribal land and adjacent federal land are from 500 to 5,000+ feet deep and provide 360 degree visual obstruction to the outside world for ETs to bring ships in unseen. The trees are up to 100 feet high and it should be a simple matter for the ETs to bring their ships in cloaked until they get below the tree line. So even if there are other people somewhere on the property. Which there probably won’t be. They can drop down to a remote section of unpaved roadway, uncloak, and land or hover for pick up and drop off, without causing a disturbance.

Transport beams are a concern of mine. I had what seemed like a non consensual lock on and lift several years ago. That stopped just as the lift started. Which is one of the reasons that I carry.


This is a purported transport beam cattle mutilation. There are also human mutilations. Having been on the receiving end of this technology. I try to prepare counter measures against it.



I am going to try to help usher in a new age of our safe and peaceful transition into becoming an ET race and civilization ourselves. And to do this using the scientific method and judicial quality evidence without getting into a lot of metaphysics. And to present this as open source material that people can consider and provide feedback on. To try to get something operational that works for the general public.


That looks like a scene from a Monty Python movie.


You act like something out of a Monty Python movie.


And that is why the US has so many mass murders, they allow crazies like you to own guns.


You’re a truth hater and a moron.

As far as mass shootings go. People like myself in ET/ED contact work have nothing to do with it. Mass shootings were rare before big pharma got CIA mind control drugs of the type present in almost all mass shootings legalized and pumped into society in large quantities.


Jealous, how many do you own?


Non, I’ve only had the need to use a weapon once since I left the military, and that was to kill a rather persistent brown snake. I could get a license and buy a rifle, I have in the past, but what a waste of money, when I have no need to own one.


Why are you harassing me with your insults, false accusations and stupidity?


If you’re the victim of violent crime, and the criminals put you in the hospital with life threatening injuries. Do you still have no need for a gun? Can you even buy a pistol or get a concealed carry handgun permit where you live? Do you even think that they should be legal? Is that why you’re harrassing me, because you hate truth and freedom?


But I won’t be a victim of violent crime, because the crack heads don’t carry guns in Australia. The statistics speak for themselves, America is much more violent than most countries, and the most violent countries are the ones where everybody carries a gun.


You’re either ignorant or a liar or both. People are put in the hospital with life threatening injuries from violent crime in Australia every day. The violent crime rate in the UK involving bodily harm is double that of the US. The murder rate in Russia is quadruple that of the US. Legally owned guns stop millions of crimes in the US every day. Usually simply by brandishing without a shot being fired. You’re a habitual liar.



That statement is typical of the lies told in the USA. Guns were not banned in Australia, automatic weapons were banned. If you can’t hit your target with one bullet, maybe you shouldn’t have a gun.


You’re making false accusations, which is typical of lying disinfo trolls. Copy and paste any lies that I’ve written and post proof rebutting them.

– Australia banned semi-automatic weapons –



“individuals documented to have been under the influence of psychiatric drugs and not only includes mass shootings, but the use of knives, swords and bombs. 27 international drug regulatory agency warnings cite side effects including mania, violence, psychosis and even homicidal ideation.”

– 36 School shooters/school related violence committed by those under the influence of psychiatric drugs –


Raptar Driver

Funny Richard Dick, you believe in extraterrestrials, that explains a lot and to think I took you almost seriously, time to phone home your mother ship awaits…………..

P.S. Tinker Bell says she misses you.


You’re the liar and head case rejecting the scientific method, judicial process and judicial quality evidence that you use to navigate your life, not me.

Raptar Driver

Sure Dick, I am a “liar” & “head case” because it is so “scientific” to believe in little green men from mars.

You made my day buddy!


You’re a flat earther. In your infantile world view we’re all alone in the universe. And all of the evidence that’s been evaluated, using the scientific method and judicial quality evidence that you use to navigate your life everyday, that documents the reality of ET/ED issues is fake or inconclusive. That makes you a liar and head case with your the moon is made of green cheese stupidity.

This is your speed:

– The Moon is made of green cheese –


So who’s the loon, loon?

Raptar Driver

You don’t know squat! I don’t think we are alone but there is not one shred of proof for extraterrestrials. Now there is proof of extra dimensions, the ‘infant’ says what? Could they be extra dimensional beings? Goo goo Gaga.


“there is not one shred of proof for extraterrestrials.”

Most people would disagree with you, I certainly do.

Raptar Driver

It is your right to disagree, I have no problem with a lively debate but when there is real scientific undisputed proof then I will know, until then it is a theory which I don’t believe in.


There’s plenty of scientific proof and judicial quality evidence. Whether it’s real or not isn’t determined by whether it’s disputed or not. But by whether it meets the criteria for compliance with the scientific method, judicial process and standards for judicial quality evidence. Which is why most people accept it. I’ll go with the scientific method and judicial process over flat earthers practicing their ostrich pose.

Raptar Driver

Most people don’t believe in aliens, no one I have ever talked to but otherwise you are right about the rest except for I am not a flat earth believer, I don’t know what shape the earth is all I know is that NASA and other so called scientific organizations are lying about something, this I know without doubt. If such proof exists then their would be no controversies would there?




If you read Alien Mind, which I have:


George LoBuono talks about non intervention laws that are enforced by current ET civilizations as part of the larger scheme of the way this sector of space is governed. Which would explain the limited interaction between ETs and ourselves.

As far as the shape of the earth goes, if you’re skeptical about that with all of the science and judicial quality evidence proving that the earth is spherical. Then you’re a real odd ball with a limited grasp of reality.

Interaction between ourselves and ETs/EDs is a two way street. Both ourselves and the ETs have to agree to it. I’ve had close encounters where I’ve disengaged for security reasons. If there are laws against intervention or interaction, then we’re dealing with encounters that are either with law breakers who may be dangerous, or with law abiding ETs that are limited in the extent of interaction that they’re allowed to engage in.


Liberal economy = corporatocracy which making making them entitled to pursue profit above everything else (moral, social, environment be damned). Free Trade were a caged arena designed to pit big musculature well fed industrialized corporation against tiny local or similarly small scale business to an obvious result.


“economy = corporatocracy” dimwit…

AG Korvin

Interesting read. St. Putin might be relaced

Tony B.

Seems to me that too many people here are so brainwashed away from the word “conspiracy” that they simply refuse to see what is right before their eyes – that the world is obviously run by conspirators. Most of them practicing satanists such as Hillary Clinton and many of the Rothschild cabal. Just where do you think their power comes from? Perhaps more here should read the words of the man known as Saul and then Paul after he was given his rude awakening.


Putin and Medvedev have jointly built strong Russia, since 1999. I cannot understand why all of sudden and out from blue sky, pundits like Sarker are in panicking mode when is clear that they will run RF for another 5 years.


Let’s not forget reality. 1-The West is trying very hard to destroy Russia economically, politically and militarily. 2-Russian economy and infrastructure is improving every year and very noticeably. 3-Political clout is up like never before. 4-Military footprint and friendships are rising 5-The west is weakening economically 6-The rest of the world is getting a bigger market share of the economy Russia is going in the right direction despite all its internal infightings.

I get the Saker’s frustration though, we all (except the Elite) want everything done right and ethically.


Zionism, Bolshevism, communism,neoconservativism,are all part of the same family,The Synagogue of Satan.


Only an American could write such claptrap. You obviously have no understanding of the Bolshevik/communist movement. Educate yourself https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolsheviks


The leaders of the bolshevik revolution were zionist scumbag Jews, who controlled the destruction and murder of millions of Christian Russians, along with their Gulags At that time it was a death sentence to be accused of anti semitism, just like it’s happening in jewSA and other zionist occupied countries.


Why should we worry about ‘The Saker’? For God’s Sake? No !!! It must be clear that ‘The Saker’ has become nothing more than ‘controlled opposition’, they are eating out of the hands of anglo-zionist dividers. If you think that Putin is the only Russian that changed the face and attitude of Russia, than you are wrong. Medvedev and hundreds and thousands of other patriots made a cross over the implosion of the USSR and made Russia strong and Great again, all together.

You cannot accomplish this by yourself alone. You may criticize as much as you wish, it doesn’t count when you see the results, the contentment and the respect that Russians are giving to their leader Putin and his team. If you believe everything in live has to be perfect you better stop with living your life on this globe. We are all jointly responsible and, instead of complaining, we ourselves would support the objectives and work together step-by-step to give each of us a better and more humane life.

We should be confident en work together, instead of quarrelling and twisting what to do first. People that do nothing but only highlights in giving critic don’t earn any respect or attention. We must remain positive, support each other with advice and action and try to solve our problems together so that we can continue to build a better world together!


Hear hear.

Sam I. Am

The Zionist jews and their shabbos goy accomplices are hell-bent on destroying Mother Russia. They want access to her vast territory and natural resource wealth to keep their bankrupt neo-liberal ponzi scheme afloat, while seeking to flood her with the black and brown hordes which are now invading the West. How ironic it is that it is now up to Putin and Mother Russia to save white, christian, Western Civilization from it’s own demise.


dimwit. It are the white Christian motherfuckers doing genocide on the brown and black people. Driving them out of their countries, then whining because they show up and expect some of the crumbs the rich give you to call yours.

Sam I. Am

Your the fucking dimwit. 1. Who do you think the “white christian motherfuckers” are??? They’re the Zionist Christian shabbos goyim I described above. And, 2. As to your last idiotic statement, I don’t endorse what the politicians in my country are doing in the Middle East, and ‘the rich’ don’t give me anything, I earn everything I have, so your idiotic strawmen are completely irrelevant.


“They’re the Zionist Christian shabbos goyim I described abov”

Only in your twisted and fucked up little mind… ===================== “I don’t endorse what the politicians in my country are doing in the Middle East,”

liar. You use the resources pillaged. You put oil in your car, in the bus, or plane. While you type away how dissociated you are. ==================

“‘the rich’ don’t give me anything, I earn everything I have,”

ignorance is not knowledge. You are ignorant. You are allowed your crumbs.

My so called straw man, is your life dimwit…You are a slave. And stupid enough to blame a single demographic for the power effects of inequality.

““Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.”

Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920s, the second richest man in Britain.

shut up stupid.


“They’re the Zionist Christian shabbos goyim I described above”

Only in your twisted and minuscule little brain..Hate messes up brains. Yours is messed up.

” I don’t endorse what the politicians in my country are doing in the Middle East,”

So what ? And it aint just the politicians. Those that vote, those that fund, those that put on uniforms and do murder for imperialism. Most importantly, you put the stolen oil in your car, stolen resources in your toys.. That IS endorsement.

“‘the rich’ don’t give me anything, I earn everything I have”

You earn, what you are permitted to earn. As technological unemployment puts more of us into third world status. 30,000 children die today and every day from preventable hunger and disease, due only to a lack of money. Its coming.

“your idiotic strawmen”

Are your masters. You are just too stupid to see it.

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.” Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920s, the second richest man in


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