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The Saker: “Russian Response Options To The Latest Israeli Provocation”

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at his blog

Over the past 24 hours the Internet, including this blog, have been flooded with opinion on what everybody and anybody would do if they were in Putin’s boots.  Proposals range from declaring an no-fly zone over Syria to, I kid you not, send a couple of Russian SSBNs (subs which carry intercontinental ballistic missiles) off the coast of Israel.  Furthermore, since Putin has failed, at least so far, to implement any retaliatory measures, the usual chorus of “Putin is a traitor” has been swamping my poor mods with sanguine expressions of disgust about Putin, Russia and yours truly :-)

I do realize that nothing I say would change the minds of this latter group, but for the rest of us in the real world, a short reality check might be helpful.  So, here it is a a short bullet-point format.

  1. Putin is absolutely right to take his time and not announce any immediate measures.  Not only is this region of our planet extremely dangerous, he also needs the inputs of all the experts.  In Russian we say that “haste is only needed when catching fleas”.
  2. Furthermore, there *are* questions which need to be investigated.  For example, the Russians have declared that the Russian air defenses and the Syrian ones have now been integrated.  Most people don’t realize that an S-200 battery does not just fire by itself or by the decision of the crew.  At the very least, this decision is taken by a air defense command post which evaluates the threats and allocates targets. There is a high probability that Russians were also involved in the chain of events which lead to the downing of the Il-20.
  3. Declaring a no-fly zone over all of Syria is simply not in the current Russian capabilities.  Like it or not, that is a fact.  However, declaring an air exclusion zone over Khmeimim and Tartus is something the Russians could do, especially with the help of the Russian Navy ships near the Syrian coast and the Russian AWACS in the air (putting a pair of MiG-31BMs on combat air patrol over northern Syria would also be an option).  The size of such an air exclusion zone over Russian forces would have to be very carefully agreed upon with all the relevant experts and lawyers (yes, Russia does care about international law).

So let’s not speculate about all this and wait for the Kremlin to take some kind of decision.  Then we can evaluate it.  Right now all these speculations are just a waste of time.

Also, speaking of Syria: has anybody noticed that the agreement between Turkey and Russia has removed any justification for a US attack on Syria and that the Israelis have organized their latest little bloody stunt right after this deal was announced?

Finally, and on a lighter note, did you know that the Russians have, apparently, run out of Novichok gas and that they are now using rat poison to kill daughters of military band leading generals?  No?

See for yourself :-)


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Modernized Syrian Mig-29s should be capable of dealing effectively with the IAF over international waters off the Syrian coast. And supported by long range Buk Mk llls and modern coastal anti ship batteries could provide a formidable deterrent to the IAF and Israeli navy in this area of operation.


Qader/ Noor Anti-Ship Cruise Missile http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4V49TYPUQk0/TwJ8vxxFcJI/AAAAAAAAHaQ/-FLPHWAv7y8/s1600/iran+iranian+navy+test+fires+Strait+of+Hormuz+Noor+long-range+anti-ship+cruise+missile+150%25E2%2580%2593200+km+%2528255%252Bkm+air-launched%2529+Yingji-82+or+YJ-82+Eagle+Strike+CSS-N-8+Saccade%2529+coast-to-sea+QaderMightymissilLand-attack+cruise+missile+%25288%2529.jpg


Buk Mk lll http://www.arms-expo.ru/upload/medialibrary/3a7/3a77dee682aaac7fe1fe27e4bf130076.jpg – “Rosoboronexport” for the first time offered foreign customers the latest Viking ” –



Mig-29s https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/upload/iblock/4c8/Screen_170130_080647.jpg


Yes the timing of this stunt was pretty clearly not a peaceful gesture. It does seem well within Russian capabilities to send some Kalipers into a very specific spot in Idlib that would essence ask, you wanna play nasty?

John Trudgian

There is an echo here of the Turkish shoot down of the SU-24 in Dec 2015. I’m sure the Israeli pilots are celebrating a successful mission – and tactically it was a brilliant plan to shadow the Russian plane into the attack zone. However strategically there is a problem. Netanyahu and Lieberman have given personal assurances to Putin regarding de-confliction. They both now owe Putin and they can ill afford to snub that obligation – Russia is protecting Israel from Iranian advances across Syria. What appears as a success may actually be a blunder. Putin plays cards carefully and the ace he has been given will be held back for the opportune moment. Back to the Turkish shoot-down. That provocation to ignite a Turkey-Russian conflict appeared a tactical success at the time. Yet fast forward 2.5 years – a strategic disaster. Turkey has been flipped into Putin’s orbit. Israel’s military strength is also it’s weakness. They can’t help but overplay their hand.


Certainly not technically up to speed on how brilliant the plan was, does not seem out of the realm of possibilities that another missile, or more, could have got pretty close to the precious Israelis, hiding behind essentially a non combatant aircraft.

The guys who shot the missile must feel like shit and be looking for another kick at that can.


Well, Israeli fighter pilots did dirty job. But they don’t feel guilty for that, I’m sure. I’d compare those jewish sums to nazi crew in gas chamberes. You know, they all only did their jobs. Not feeling guilty at all.


No shame in sniping unarmed Palestinians, what would give them pause? Psychopathic behavior!


It doesn’t appear that the French frigate was involved in the incident. At least the French have claimed that they weren’t involved. So I wonder if this could be a clever setup to kind of imitate the USS Liberty operation whereby Israel deliberately attempted to sink the ship and have Egypt take the heat. Take down a Russian target (how they view it) and leave the French frigate to take the blame. Curious that the French immediately disavowed any connection with the incident.


“It doesn’t appear that the French frigate was involved in the incident.”

You don’t have to be actively shooting to be involved in a military attack. If the French ship looked to be moving into a firing position while the Israeli aircraft were moving into position it could be argued they were helping the Israeli’s attack Syria. Kinda like the offside rule in football …. you don’t have to touch the ball to influence play.


“You don’t have to be actively shooting to be involved in a military attack”

Exactly. Low flying aircraft firing near your position makes it look like you did it. I wonder if the French frigate was the patsy (Israeli tactics) to be blamed in order to have NATO involved; even though technically, article 5 is for an attack on one’s country and not when you launch an attack against another.


I am as much in the dark as anyone but I suspect there are powerful interests in israel, France, GB and the USA who would like to see the Syrian war boil over and for Russia to make a mistake, lose their dicipline and lash out in revenge creating a wider war.

Personally my WAG is this is about $USD hegemony. Not NATO or US hegemony but the global elite itself. I believe that powerful interests have a lot riding on the $USD and they are at a turning point right now.

Bonus WAG. It’s apparent that the root of most of the worlds current problems (climate change, limited resources, migration) is overpopulation. A world war involving nuclear/ bio weapons could be seen as doing a great deal to solve those problems. Not only that but think of the oppertunity for a few hundred wealthy investors to rebuild the world. It would dwarf the USA’s position of being the only industrialized country left standing after WW2.


Too much to respond to right now…. when I return.


I am sure they got it planned so that lot’s of little kids will be left to pick over.

Muriel Kuri

What does your term WAG mean? I’ve seen it with many different meanings.


Wild Ass Guess

Muriel Kuri

Thanks – I like it!


I agree it is about wealth and power, but there are 2 competing interests, the US and Israel. The Zionists are well represented in the Deep State of the US which is why foreign wars continue regardless of who is elected. I see the US elected mental midgets as 1) afraid to confront the Israeli lobby because of the money they command and the politician’s drive to remain in office enriching him/her self. 2) believing that backing Israel regardless of their brutal psychopathic behavior in the Middle East is somehow advancing their goal of Empire. 3) I see the US as merely the dog that the Israeli tail wags as Israel continues to build up it’s nuclear and armed forces for the day they can discard the US dog.

The dollar reserve currency is what funds both the Empire building and Zionist psychopaths, without it, this tragedy foisted upon the planet ends.

The Empire always sought to destroy Russia. they thought they had destroyed it forever in the ’90s believing only that carving up the country, after fleecing it’s state controlled resources, was all there was left to accomplish, then came Putin. Slowly and methodically he rebuilt Russia, which is why he is so despised by the current and past colonial powers.

The corporate heads of the US, also being as greedy as the rest of the bunch, always sought to stuff their pockets with more and more loot so they hit upon a plan. That plan was to increase their wealth at the expense of the working man/woman by exporting their jobs to foreign countries. First Japan, then a host of others and finally ending with China. You could say that the US created China as the economic engine that it is.

Meanwhile, Russia was now a power to be reckoned with having not only nuclear weapons, but a powerful military. So while the Empire was busy pursing Israel’s interest in the Middle East, Russia, knowing the threat the Empire posed, had been busy building superior weapons to stave off the Empire, for it knew that if it didn’t, it would lead to their demise.

And so we come to the present, the Empire, realizing that it is in the process of losing it’s goal for world conquest, has been flailing about with it’s control of the dollar threatening anyone doing business with and sanctioning Russia. This has had 3 main results.. 1) making Russia self sufficient and stronger 2) pushing Russia closer to China both economically and militarily 3) spreading the value of dumping the dollar to all of those countries being sanctioned for doing business with either Russia and/or Israel’s target, Iran.

Re: your last paragraph….. It is a sad fact that US Generals, questioned by the Senate Armed Services Committee regarding a world war with China & Russia, responded with a yes that they would win it, it would take a little bit longer then they would like, but with acceptable losses.

So there you have it, the psychopaths are wanting that final war because they feel they will prevail. They won’t really, but they’re too stupid to realize this.


Nothing would be left the ones wealthy or powerful enough for a ticket to a underground bunker will turn on each other once they realise all there billions are now worthless as there’s nothing left to buy or any were to go.


I view Israel as a terrorist organization masquerading as a country.

Muriel Kuri

Hear, hear! I like it!

Brother Ma

No doubt about it. Frogs were involved.

Muriel Kuri

Ribbit …. Ribbit …. I think the French were going to be made a patsy of – just like the US sailors on the USS Liberty that was attacked by the Israelis in 1967 – they wanted it to look like Egypt had sunk the ship and then have the US retaliate by nuking Egypt for them. Fortunately it didn’t play out well at the end – the game was up because there were survivors.


Let’s remember the sequence. Turkey and Russia announce a plan to deescalate what has been a very tense couple of weeks. Israel’s response, let’s tip over the wood stove while the fire is still raging. This has always been their role. Name a time when they brought peace to any conflict other than through destruction.

Without all the US funding none of this crazy shit would have happened, not on this scale anyway. Zionists seem to think they should rule the world and god help you if you get in their way.

Hope the world figures it out, or is it already too late?

Brother Ma

Well they do think they are endowed with Exceptionalism by Yahweh don’t they! We are just like so much cattle to them. Their Head Rabbi Ovadia said it! Can you imagine the outcry if the Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury said this?

One law for Jews and one law for others and USA and UK allow it!


An overgrown sense of entitlement is certainly a big part of this situation.


“Without all the US funding..”

The ONLY thing that will end all of this is the death of the dollar as the reserve currency. Without that free credit all of that death and destruction meted out by psychopaths controlling the US government becomes unaffordable.


Yeah like the saying goes, “follow the money”. It seems obvious that Putin has a lot on his table at any given moment. Yet he still manages to have time to want to kill ugly hookers and retired spies in the UK?

I read all the little behind the scenes deals being made between emerging countries and it gives me hope. The NWO is actually the same old shit.


We’re definitely in agreement. I realized long ago that the US is not as exceptional as the psychopaths would have us believe, as the US, UK and Israel are in a tough competition for that title when it comes to 24/7 propaganda and just plain old BS.


The Russians came into Syria to try to prevent another Iraq, Libya

Brother Ma

Respect is only for thinkers like us. Ninety nine percent of people watch bbc,deutshe welle,cnn and fox. They will believe what they are told because they are sheeple!


Market shares continue to drop, I think even sheeple know, on some level, that the truth is not being delivered.

Floyd Hazzard

So, whose allies are the Russians? The Israelis? Even while Russian soldiers are in the trenches and dying alongside Syrians and Iranians? The Russian traitors running the military with the mentality of Jewish settlers, while Russians in Syria legally are being slaughtered by internationally illegal activity are shameless. Russians and their supposed allies yroops are dying to allowing illegality according to international law, while the @$$#0(€$ in the Kremlin nod in approval.


“So, whose allies are the Russians? The Israelis?”

Russia is allied with Syria in the Syrian civil war. Russia also has good relations with Israel with a lot of Russians emigrating to Israel and a lot of Russians retiring in Israel.

Russia is allied with Syria not out of idealogical reasons or because of brotherly love …… in that case they have more in common with Israel than Syria. They are allied with Syria for strategic reasons. There are a lot of Russian nationals fighting with the terrorists that Russia doesn’t want returning home, they don’t want a terrorist state close to their southern border and they have basing rights in Syria they don’t want to lose.

Just because the Russians have a common cause with Syria doesn’t mean Russia is willing to enter into WW3 to defend Syria. They are already sacrificing blood and money to aid the Syrian war effort. Asking Russia to risk nuclear war in a situation where at best they gain a small port and air base and kill 10,000 Chechen terrorists is likely a price Russia is not willing to pay.


Some interesting facts that explains why Turkey’s flipping to Russian side: 1. Russia ban its own citizen to travel to Turkey. This causes Turkey’s tourism to go down. Majority Turkish’s tourist is from Russia 2. Russia definitely have a hand in thwarting Turkish coup assassination attempt (instigated by CIA) on Erdogan’s life. Turkey suddenly have 180 degree change in relation to both Russia and US after the failed coup

3. Russian intensified their bombing mission on ISIS smuggling oil trucks going through Turkey, causing trouble to Erdogan’s son oil transporting company

given all the reasons above, it’s no surprise Turkey would flip to Russian’s side

Muriel Kuri

From what I’ve read, Pres. Putin was involved very deeply in rescuing Erdogan from the coup. Russian intelligence notified Erdogan of the coup and aided him until he was safe enough to act on his own. Erdogan owes his life to Putin.

Brother Ma

You are saying that Israel or USA shot down Russian plane in 2015 and Turkey knowingly took the fall for it as a patsy? Why?

Some pundits say France frigate was going to take the fall for Israel actually shooting ilyushin with fifteen pilots .The theory is that Putin was too smart because then he would have to cook the french frigate and possibly trigger wwIII. So FUKuS was unsuccessful in dragging him into the war and now israel OWES him.

So Putin is a brilliant strategist or he got snookered!

Muriel Kuri

As much as his ‘non-action’ sometimes upsets me, when my head has cooled I realize that it’s only due to his very cool head that the world & all it’s inhabitants hasn’t already been turned to cinders. Basically, the world owes it’s life to Putin.

Brother Ma

Just like US thought it a tactical success to invade Iraq and only managed to upset the Shiites as well and also make Iran more powerful in Iraq and in the rest of the world. Haha . Stupid Yankees! I could see that happening. Their strategists are useless about the big picture.


Going to begrudgingly agree with the Saker on this one. Israel had to be given the chance to lie/tell the truth behind closed doors. They said there would be an investigation, complete with the results given by Israel’s Defense minister himself (Lieberman). I’m sure the RF will be asking questions they already know the answers to, and Israel is cought lying, a sequence of protocols will be followed.

Also in the calmer heads should prevail corner:

Aircraft/ship downings-

Iranian airliner downed by US, 1987

US SIGINT plane captured by China, 2000

Turkish naval vessel damaged by US an tiship missile during NATO combat exercise, 1992

US naval vessel struck by Iraqi anti- ship missiles during Persian Gulf escort duty, 1989.

There are several other cases that I can list, but in none of them does the hostile destruction of a plane or ship lead to a military response by the victim.

Putin is following established procedures.

Don Machiavelli

Israel and ‘investigation’ is funny when together in same sentence. Remember Sharon and Lebanon massacres? He was rewarded with top official position. Menachem Begin? Need more? Those are lying hypocrites and devil’s advocates. Remember that girl Ahed Tamimi? Remember Rachel Corrie? Investigation? They do not know the meaning of the word. Look up Mossad motto.


Just knowing that lying and speaking with two faces are second nature to Israhell is not enough.

Remember their first response to the news that a RF aircraft had been downed? They said their aircraft had already returned to Israeli airspace. The Russian MoD already knows where the Israeli planes where . They know what lies have been told in public. Now they need to see if those lies will be repeated, possibility backed by phony evidence, right in their faces. They need to hear Lieberman call them liers even when there’s no face to be lost in private. Then they’ll know what to do.

You can call me Al

Christ, I never knew that. I would say thank you for the heads up – but….





6 points, 6 triangles, 6 lines. They are imposters and deceivers.

Don Machiavelli

Yeah, Revelation 2:9, known for many centuries. But Christ was a Jew, wasn’t he? Man those Khazarian impostors really piss me off :)


Rev 2:9 ” I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

Yes, Christ was of the tribe of Judah. But He did not practice the Judaism of the Pharisees. Physical or hereditary Jewishness is not the real question. A true Jew, just as a true Christian, practiced/practices the Commandments and Laws of Yahwh.

It doesn’t matter what the heredity is, it is what you live and teach. These people, leaders at least, do not adhere to the Commandments of Yahwh. They are the Synagogue of Satan. And by their actions they bring dishonor and tribulation upon those they rule over, just as they always have done.

Don Machiavelli

Well said i agree.

Don Machiavelli

It’s well known fact and it was simple reference to their reality. I think that you are among those who know it for what it really is.

Vince Dhimos

Yes, and even in the more extreme case of flight 007 shot down by Russia over Kamchatka, Reagan did not respond militarily. Of course it was a spy mission putting the lives of passengers at risk, so what could he say?


I remember that situation, including the fake Su-15 pilot recording saying he recognized the plane as civilian.


None of those are comparable to this. The captured plane by China did not lead to loss of life. Iraq was our ally when they “accidentally” hit our ship in the Persian Gulf. Iran could not retaliate. The Turkish incident was as you say a NATO exercise. I guarantee you that if this were the U.S. instead of Russia and the culprit was Syria instead of Israel, you would be seeing severe retaliation.


The captured US plane was forced to land after one of China’s best pilots clipped it’s wing and lost his life. No one believes NATO ships hold exercises with live, harpoon missiles with armed warheads. The Syria vs US cenerio is problematic because Israel and Russia are nominally allies.


Washington and Israel had designed this attack on Syria in which Putin lost IL-20 with fifteen officers and received a lot of appreciation from Washington, London and Paris.

Israel attacked three times Syria in one month while no retaliation from Putin side. I am surprise if next time Washington and Israel design an attack on Syria in which Russia lose commercial airline with 300 passengers. So this will be a new game changer.

Don Machiavelli

Russia seems to be just another pawn in the global scheme made by Zionists. Sad, i expected more of Russia not that one tiny shithole country can mess up with once great power.

You can call me Al

It has only just started, it is certainly no where near over. Sit back and watch.

Don Machiavelli

Dunno man, ‘start’ is lasting since Lybia. If this was all ‘start’ i fear what the continuation of ‘the race’ could bring.


This is not right.

Don Machiavelli

I wan’t to believe that too especially because Russia has suffered a lot in her history and most of that suffering was because of things which have Zionist imprints all over… But history is one thing, reality of the day is another. Russian can’t (and it should not, for many reasons) start full scale war against Western imperialism but one of the ways to lower Western influence is to equip it’s allies. Meanwhile, instead of equipping Syria Russia makes sales to Saudi Arabia. Enough said.


Russia has put its Heart and Fist between Syrians and NATO, A fleet is floating off of the Syrian Coast as we speak and Who knows How many Russian are reluctant to spill Blood for You. Again. Instead of Equipping…. Maybe everything is perfect over there in Australia…

Don Machiavelli

Russia has indeed done much good for Syria but it’s a fact that Israel does as it pleases even against Russia. That worries me.


Why wouldn’t the Israel’s do what they want they own the U.S. government that are willing to sacrifice U.S. blood for Israeli interest and shield all criticism of Israeli actions

Don Machiavelli

I didn’t get ‘Australia’ remark…


Really there’s not much Russia can do,Putin knows the neocons are hungry for war the big prize is Russia it self with all its resources. If Russia hits Israel they know America will hit back,Israel owns there government. The U.S has bases all over the middle east they have war ships and sub’s aircraft carriers backed up with Nato in the Mediterranean, Israel is at home NATO members Italy Greece and maybe Turkey not far away Saudi Arabia and Jordan aswell. That’s a lot of fire power close by.Sure Russia has ships and sub’s in the area but there severely out numbered and Back up if far away and wont be a option in case NATO attacks through Ukraine.Russia can only rely on Iran.China to far away and will be worried about the U.S.pacific fleet.As it stands they have the a large number of Russian warships divided and ready to be taken out completely with acceptable losses to NATO.Putin would have no choice but to abandon Syria an defend Russia.Iran and Syria would be left to fend for themselves.The Corporations want Russia’s gas and oil for themselves no matter risk.


It’s still unknown publicly what actually happened. What really went wrong is currently classified. Jamming in conjunction with swarming that normally wouldn’t be allowed is a real possibility.


It’s worth mentioning Ash Carter’s statement from the past “Russia must pay a body count for it’s activities in Syria”. Any significant loss of Russian nationals, in the Syrian theatre, should acknowledge that threat .

paul ( original )

I don’t know what Russia will do, if anything. I do know,however, what the USA would do if it had been one of their aircraft. They would immediately put the blame on one of their enemies without evidence and take huge retaliatory action .


This game has hurt Russians, Syrians and Americans.

Njegos Maljevic

You brilliantly described difference between USA and RF, who wants war and who wants peace!


Like 11.9. hoax, which led to 7 trillion dolars disaster and 1 million people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Can you cite an example of the US retaliating militarily for the loss of an aircraft?

Muriel Kuri

And those acts would have spiraled into WWIII.


There is a lot of bullshit there. 1. Nobody knows, that Syrian S200 missiles downed IL20. It is what mainstream says. I say, be extremely careful with this statement. It is probably hoax and part of provocation , because mainstream came with this fake news IMMEDIATELLY (for God’s sake, how could they know ?) 2. There was French vessel near Latakia firing missiles. Coincidence ? Surely not. Why nobody asks role of Macron’s (Soros’s & Rothschild’s) France in the incident ?

3. Putin’s reaction was very weak. Why ?

Let me explain it a bit. Firstly ,four Jewish F16 and French vessel Overn were apparently coordinated from the same command centre . French vessel was a bait for IL20 meanwhile F16 were bait for Syrian S200. It is highly unlikely, that French vessel would fire missiles on Latakia and not inform USA (and Israel) about it. It is highly unlikely, that Israel accidentaly missed inform Russia about their 4 F16 striking in proximity of Russian Latakia airbase . Timing was key aspect of this surprising attack. Russian should be convinced, that Israel and France are performing attack on Khmeimim Airbase, so they were forced to send IL20 immediately, before Syrian PVO was informed.

Secondly, mainstream was eager to star the fake news, that IL20 was shot down by S200. It is highly unlikely. F16 flew very low. So they couldn’t be detected by Syrian PVO. They would be detected to late, probably on returning turn to Israel. But this is not the case. They were attacked in the proximity of IL20. My conclusion – IL20 was shot down by missile fired from French vessel rather then by Syrian S200. Thirdly Russian reaction was too weak. Putin is probably aware, that this provocation was a pretext to start WW3. If Russia retaliated and sunk french vessel (the real killer of IL20), mainstream would describe it as an attack on NATO member and WW3 would be iminent. If Putin decided to shot down Israel jets, it would be a problem as well, because the official narrative is, that S200 downed IL20, not jewish missiles. Conclusion. Israel scums (and their vassal, US inteligence in Pentagon) orchestrated pretext for WW3. Russia lost 1 plane and 15 servicemen, but the plot to start WW3 and blame Russia for that failed. Putin will probablky move S300 missiles to Syria and declare no fly zone for Israel (hence Israel’s air force chief was sumonned to Moscow) but still – people are right blaming Putin for denying S300 for Syrian PVO.

It was his personal (and costly) mistake and his bad decision. And if my theory is true (as the official narrative doesn’t make any sense), Putin is lying to his own nation about death of 15 crew of the IL20. I suppose Russians should know all the truth.


The Russians have repeatedly reacted with weakness… Everybody can confirm this. I would have fired upon the attacker with everything. this was the right thing to do. Clearly something is not right. ”

The Future Belongs To Us”


The official version is always perception management! The attack on Sunday, at Damascus Int Airport, is rumererd to have targeted Iranian plane delivering S300 Clone. Also, last night, witnesses on ground claim two hostile aircraft were successfully hit. (Ron Paul) Today SF is posting Iranian bragging rights about S300 clone being more accurate than Russian original. Maybe retreating aircraft are responsible and S300 clone is more accurate! One thing that is clear, after the last attack from the sea, 55 heavy missiles and rockets were sent to 8 military sites in Golan. Commontaters in Lebanon highlighted that a strategic balance now existed. Will we ever know? QED

Floyd Hazzard

I’m surprised that this zionist apologist pretending to be otherwise believes that anyone values his settler views still.

You can call me Al

Are you form the US by any chance ?

Tommy Jensen

We already have competent conclusion of the incident. Russian Generals have stated Israel deliberately created the situation period!!

Putin´s reaction on his own Military Generals statement are weird period!


Putin=good cop

Russian MoD=bad cop.


“Russian SSBNs (subs which carry intercontinental ballistic missiles) off the coast of Israel. Furthermore, since Putin has failed, at least so far, to implement any retaliatory measures, the usual chorus of “Putin is a traitor” I 100% believe the Russians are peaceful to a point where it hurts them. Maybe others. Clearly everything is not honest in this story. Defend Yourself.

Ray Douglas

‘The agreement has removed justification for the US to attack Syria’. Saker, you should know that the US only needs to justify any and all actions to its dumb population. Everyone and his mother knew there was no WMD in Iraq before the war. Everyone and his mother knew that there was no danger of Qaddafi bombing his own people. To say that justification for attacking Syria has been removed does not reflect the history of US wars. Their puppets (Israel) do it for them with the proviso that if anyone retaliates daddy US will come to the rescue. I really do think an attack by Russia on Israeli military runways to prevent the takeoff of Israeli planes. Cratered runways are a viable and justified response.


Runways though are easily repaired.

Ray Douglas

The message would be as important as the holes in the runway. Still, five or six large holes about fifty feet deep would be an amazing message.


Runway repair is a skill that is regularly practised. The most important aspect is that any mats laid over the damage must not exceed about 25mm in depth to accommodate fighter aircraft.

Brother Ma

Sorry ,mats ?why ? Can’t just put concrete in again?


Concrete needs time to ‘cure’. It takes 28 days without additives to gain the desired strength. Over specification can of course give a desired strength in a shorter time.

The use of metal mats that are bolted to the existing concrete surrounding the damaged area is a faster way to bring a runway back into action until permanent repairs can be made.

Engineering units of the British army are specifically trained and equipped to do this. There was a probably still is :) a grandly named ‘Dynamic Compactor’ that consolidated the backfill of a blast crater. In reality this machine was an old 1950’s era tracked crane with a very heavy slab of flat steel ,about 3ft square, that was attached to the crane lifting hook , raised to the maximum height and dropped onto the backfill material :)

I jest you not :)

Brother Ma

I did know that the Americans used punched metal mats as runways in the Pacific islands in and / or crushed coral in WWII. Cool!


300k war exercise and drills, very impressing…not for Israel.

Vince Dhimos

I have more ore less been expecting to see Russia finally send in S-300s or S-400s to the Syrians. You realize of course that if the Syrians had the capability to knock down the Israeli fighters firing missiles into Syria, this never would have happened because the Israelis would know better than to attack Syria. Instead, Russia has given them tacit permission to attack “Iranian” targets. There is no justification for that. The Iranians know they can’t take over the Middle East or even Syria and that attacking Israel would offset all the gains from the Obama nuke deal. And let’s admit that the nuke deal was one of the true achievements of an otherwise lousy administration,


The constant refrain of “send Syria the S300!!!” is a common one here and in many Syria-friendly quarters. I’m not exactly certain how these systems would change things as they’re not really designed to deal with cruise missiles, which are what the Israelis use most often. They’re really good at downing aircraft, but strike planes have been staying away from Syrian borders for the most part for well over a year now.

Vince Dhimos

The range of the S-400 is probably great enough to hit a plane flying over Lebanon. But I think that may be the problem from the Russian standpoint. They are afraid downing an Israeli plane would invite US intervention.


I believe Ms. Shapiro misconstrued Vladimir Putin’s intentions. He did not want to “kill her” per se, but probably was inclined to tear her up and smash that hot body, to which I completely agree


Please recall the attack on the USS Liberty in which Israel and President Lyndon Johnson conspired to drag America into the six day war on the side of Israel against Egypt and other Arab states. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship. At the time of the incident, the USS Liberty was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 26 nautical miles northwest of the Egyptian city of Arish. Earlier in the war, the crew of the USS Liberty had recorded Israeli communication regarding their massacre of over 1000 Egyptian prisoners of war in the Sinai. Lyndon Johnson ordered two separate American naval fighter squadrons to stand down before they could engage the Israelis and defend their comrades in arms. Johnson gave the green light for a flight team to nuke Cairo. The team was ordered to turn around only five minutes before delivering their payload.

Brother Ma

I never heard about this nuking cairo or Johnson in on it. I read only Us defence leaders were furious and Johnson was angry as hell at this Israeli trick but when told by the American Generals to fuck Israel he said “you want me to go against israel !”as if shocked someone would think such a thing. Who knows what blackmail the Israelis had on the prick?

Samething happened in 9/11 . Israelis brought it down in the end even if they sucked in Arabs to fly into it. It is very easy to do!


I’d like to add that Israel is one of the countries where many Russians migrate to (jewish or not). This is proven by the fact Israel is a Russophone countries outside CIS. Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Russia_relations

But Israel has been well known to side on antagonist side on Russian problems, e,g: war in Syria & Ukraine. It’s unusual for Putin to be very tolerant against Israel, given how sharp Putin is most of the time

I believe there’s 2 reasons for this: 1. Israel is a nuclear power. It’s an established fact , just not very publicized 2. Russia may have a long term plan for Israel by tying Israel at the hip with Syria & Lebanon. Russia has been after stake in Leviathan gas projects, and maybe future Golan Heights oil reserve. Russian can simply lead the project and then build energy pipe through Syria and Lebanon to Turkey and Europe to ship them If this happened as outlined, Israel would be slowly forced to play nice, and it would become foolish for Israel to bomb their neighbours given Israel’s income depends on their neighbour not shutting down the pipe.

Assad will win the war in Syria, it’s just a matter of time. Israel knows that, they are just prolonging the inevitable.


This Saker is an idiot. 1. That is not the point. As a matter of fact the window for “retaliation” closed when the Israeli jets returned to their own air space. THE problem is that Putin is so quick to Absolve Israel. 2. Russian and Syrian Jets have been flying in these skies ever since Russia got involved. And with U.S. involvement and Israeli jets bombing for all these 7 years, then Russian and Syrian air defensed have to have been “integrated” already to prevent just this sort of “mistake”. 3.Decaring a no fly zone has never been a real option. These attacks are not launched within Syrian territory. They launch their missiles from outside just as this one was. The problem is that Russia doesn’t even attempt to defend Syria when they are launched. There are some who make crazy calls for nukes or wholesale bombardment of Israel. Both of which are just not realistic. But Russia should at least have help Syria in thwarting these attacks. But they don’t and now they have paid a price. Now Russia/Putin and Israel/Netanyahu are going to enhance “cooperation” so that this kind of “accident” doesn’t happen in the future. Which means Israel will continue to bomb Syria and Russia will continue to do nothing about it.


By no mean, I’m trying to defend Putin. I’d like to point out that I posted something that can explain about unusual Russian’s tolerance against Israel.

Brad Isherwood

Years back even…..Miserable House of Saud threatened Putin/Russia about Terrorism occuring in Russian. IE. …You do what We* …Zionist* tell you….or its Chechnya war again. Israel recently stating how many times they attacked Syria is bravado just like the Lunatic US Generals and Politicians who said…..”Ya….We kill Russians….we kill hundreds of them”

And what does Putin do in response? Well …..Saudi get to buy S 400,….get a Complete pass on funding,sending mercs by the 10s of 1000s to Syria. US get to steal 1/3rd of Syria with a laughable 2000 boots.

Can the Humiliation before the Zionist masters be anymore obvious. I’m wondering if there are any Russian Generals who realized something was very wrong years ago,…and keep the horror to themselves vs the big goodbye.

So ya…..Putin’s not in Syria for Syria….period. He’s playing his assigned roll and told when to jump. There are history records of US Presidents like Nixon just cursing those GD Jews. Be interesting to know if that has occured in the Kremlin. Hopefully it is now.

Brother Ma

I agree. Why has Russia not integrated saa defenses in Syria with its own jets. Half -arsed defence at best. I am not impressed!

Brad Isherwood

It’s great that poster comment on Sakers website are Excerpt: FB on September 19, 2018  ·  at 12:40 pm EST/EDT

I don’t see that it is at all ‘certain’ exactly what happened…nor what actually brought down the Russian spy plane… even if the Israeli jets and the Russian aircraft had arrived at this juncture at the same moment in time, the Russian aircraft then proceeded flying north for about 30 km before being hit…and the Israeli jets which made a south turn at the same spot would by then have been at least 40 km south…for a total separation of 70 km at the time the Ilyushin was hit…

This does not add up in any way shape or form…so why must we assume that this ‘official’ story is in fact what happened…there is no reason to, and many reasons against… ******

I’ve been watching Russian media and usual Pro Russia publishers Pushing the Story* told to the public which as I have stated on numerous forums, …Came out way to quick and early via the S 200 story before Proper Investigation occured. That’s the Red Flag for cover up

Poster FB on Saker is correct. …….The Story doesn’t add up!

This is Putin’s USS Liberty moment, Internet Media such as Jeff Rense have several regular interviewers saying it’s USS Liberty all over. Putin bowed down at the Altar of Zionism.

Tragic days now for All who had Placed Hope and Faith in Putin.

Brother Ma

Some have said the plane was brought down by FUKUS covert commando team on Syrian ground very close AND behind s200 in line of sight of airplane.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Sergey Shoigu is the honest man in all this issue…he said…” Israel uses IL-20 as a shield”….”Airstrike vs Latakia”.. (symbolic attack near Russian airbase)….”Israel warned us less than a minute”…” We blame Israel for the Russian death soldiers”….conclusion : it was a deliberate operation to undermine Russian military prestige!….thats why Shoigu told to respond ( surely sending a pair of P-800 Oniks to Haifa airbase as a warning..or using S-400 when Israeli jets fly over lebanon coast)….meanwhile president Putin has a problem..it is that “he prefers certain economic interest and bussiness of the Russian entrepreneurs…ahead of the Russian military complex and its prestige!….just the opposite of the United States….therefore without it….enemies lose respect!…

Don Machiavelli

Well said. Economy (owned by Zionists) is important to Russia. Meaning, Zionists are in bed with them too.


also Solomon Krupacek would tell the same


hats why Shoigu told to respond ( surely sending a pair of P-800 Oniks to Haifa airbase as a warning..or using S-400 when Israeli jets fly over lebanon coast).

i would destroy leviathan gas feld in mediterranean sea. this is more clear and painful answer to IL.

btw., il-20 is raconnanse aircraft. how is it possible, that did not recognize IL planes???

Douglas Houck

“Nezavisimaya Gazeta: Response to Il-20 tragedy unlikely, Kremlin needs Israel to contain Iran in Syria”

More: http://tass.com/pressreview/1022420


this is typical russian politic. knife in back of comerads in arm.


Yes, It is no coincidence the decision to split the Russian Syrian friendship with this provocation came right after the idlib offensive was called off.

You must see the USA threat to attack Syria for what it really was: an Israeli threat to attack Syria using its obedient lap dog. When that threat lost its purpose, Israel had to move on to it’s next option.

Attacking Russia directly is more pressure on Russia to get out and let pro Zionist nations Install a puppet dictator, like they have in so many other Arab countries. It didn’t work when a Turkish jet downed a Russian plane, and it won’t work now. Russia has the financial backing of China to operate in Syria, and is willing to pay the cost in soldiers.

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