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The Saker: “S-300s And Other Military Hardware For Syria”

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

This week Russian officials declared that the delivery of S-300s for Syria was completed and that this first batch included 49 pieces of “military equipment”, including radars, control vehicles and four launchers. Russian officials added that, if needed, this figure could be increased to 8-12 launchers. Defense Minister Shoigu added that “the measures we will take will be devoted to ensure 100 percent safety and security of our men in Syria, and we will do this”. This leaves a lot of unanswered questions.

The Saker: "S-300s And Other Military Hardware For Syria"

First, it is still unclear which version of the S-300 was delivered to Syria. Some sources say that this might be the S-300PMU2, others mention the S-300VM while, yet other sources speculate that this might be an S-300V4 or its export version the Antey-2500. I will spare you the technical details (those interested can look at the pretty detailed Wikipedia entry here), but it should be noted that until the specific version of the S-300 becomes known it will be very hard to assess the potential impact of this delivery. The original S-300s are by now maybe not obsolete, but most definitely not the bleeding edge of air defense technologies. (The first S-300s entered service with the Soviet military in the late seventies!). But the newest version of the S-300s are very close in capabilities to the S-400 system and thus rank among the most capable air defense systems ever built. For example, a lot has been made from the fact that the Israelis have had many years to study the S-300s delivered to Greece, but what is often overlooked is that the version delivered to Cyprus and which was later re-deployed to Greece was the (relatively outdated) S-300PMU-1. The probability that the Russians would deliver this version to the Syrians is close to zero. However, when I think of Israeli Defense Minister (and bona fide nutcase) Lieberman declaring that “one thing needs to be clear: If someone shoots at our planes, we will destroy them. It doesn’t matter if it’s an S-300 or an S-700” he probably was told by the Israeli military analysts that the S-300 is not that formidable a weapon and missed the fact that they were referring to the older version and not the kind of kit the Russians would be using nowadays.

What is sure is that just four launchers are not very many, but are enough to protect any one specific part of Syria. They will also increase the overall number of Russian/Syrian air defense missiles thus helping to achieve the officially stated goal of ensuring “the 100 percent safety” of the Russian forces in Syria. However, this is certainly not enough to create a complete no-fly zone over the entire country, at least not against a large scale attack.

Still, the Russians already have S-300s (and even S-400) in Syria and 4 more launchers do provide them with some additional firepower, but not any new capabilities. I think the most likely explanation is that the S-300s delivered to the Syrians will protect a few important strategic Syrian targets (Damascus?) while, at the same time, adding firepower to the (rather small) Russian task force in Syria. As for the statement that an additional 4-8 launchers could be delivered, that is both a sign that the Russians want to keep their options open while, at the same time, creating a deliberate ambiguity about how much firepower they actually possess at any one given moment in time.

Second, I will repeat what I said before: S-300s are not what the Syrians need most. In terms of anti-air missiles, what they need most are higher numbers of Pantsirs-S1/2 mobile medium to short range air defense systems. Not only are the Pantsirs ideal to protect against cruise missile strikes, they can also protect the S-300s, which will become a critical issue if the Israelis decide to try to destroy them (which they threatened to do in the past).

What S-300s primarily add to the Syrian capabilities is not so much the ability to intercept more missiles, but the ability to track and engage AWACS and other battle management and reconnaissance aircraft at very long ranges. In theory, an S-300V4 could make it impossible for the Israelis to put up an AWACS at any useful range. The AWACS would either have to remain too far to be of use, or take the huge risk of being shot down by a high speed and very maneuverable missile (S-300V4 missiles have a flight envelope of 400 km at Mach 7.5 or of 350 km at Mach 9!). If the Israelis conclude that the Syrians now have S-300V4’s, they will have to dramatically decrease their air operations in Syria and will switch to tactical (ground to ground) ballistic missiles and long range artillery systems. More S-300s also improve the overall radar coverage and will close some gaps created by the Syrian mountain ranges.

Third, it remains equally unclear, perhaps deliberately, which electronic warfare systems Russia has deployed (or will deploy) in Syria and in what numbers. Possible candidates include the Zhitel R-330Zh electronic intelligence and jamming system, the Borisoglebsk-2 RB-301B electronic warfare weapon system and the Krasukha-4 jamming system. As for the automated command and control system which might be deployed to Syria, my guess is that the Polyana D4M1 would be a prime candidate. Whatever the actual mix will be in the end, I would argue that this presents a more formidable capability than additional S-300 launchers. Sure, this is apples and oranges, but we have to keep in mind that these electronic warfare systems are extremely powerful force-multipliers which can dramatically increase both the Russian and the Syrian defensive capabilities by jamming GPS signals, datalinks, cellphone signals (used for targeting and intelligence), radars, by creating false targets and even by destroying electronics. Electronic warfare is one field in which the Israelis have always enjoyed a huge superiority over their Arab victims and the fact that this has now changed is an extremely distressing development for them, even if they will never admit it.

As predicted, the Israelis have declared themselves both superior and invulnerable so they will continue their policy of (completely illegal) aggression against Syria. They have several options here: the Israelis might decide to stick to basically symbolic attacks against unprotected targets and declare each time that they have destroyed a huge depot of Hezbollah missiles or a Syrian chemical weapons plant. That would greatly help to bolster Netanyahu’s “patriotic” credentials while keeping the real action at a purely symbolic level. The second option would be to use ballistic missiles and long range artillery and strike some real targets. Finally, the Israelis could try to launch a complex and large air attack on the Syrian air defense systems in an attempt to show that S-300s are no big deal for them. The option of using ballistic missiles is probably the most likely one (and if the Syrians don’t keep their S-300s fairly close to each other (so they can protect each other), the Israelis might also be able to destroy them). That is a rather risky plan since, if successful, it would just result in more air defense system deliveries from Russia. This is something the USA might strenuously object to since every time the Russians deliver military hardware to the Syrians to protect them against the Israelis, they also improve the Syrian capability to defend their country against US/NATO/CENTCOM attacks (the delivery of S-300s to the Syrians is just as much a disaster for the USA as it is for Israel so I imagine that the US commanders are rather angry with the Israelis for creating this situation).

It is important to keep in mind that while the S-300s are certainly formidable air defense systems, they are not a Wunderwaffe which could, by itself, prevent the Israelis from attacking Syria. The latest delivery of military hardware from Russia will definitely mark a sharp increase in the Syrian (and Russian) defense capabilities, but if the Israelis are determined to continue striking Syria, the Russians will have to deliver even more systems.

Speaking of the Israelis, their big delegation which traveled to Moscow apparently only succeeded in further irritating the Russians. I had speculated that they might present some kind of exculpatory evidence but I was wrong: apparently, they had nothing to say besides “Iran is bad” and “Syria is responsible”. This is what caused the Russians to show a record of the radar data of the Russian S-400 in Syria to prove that every words of the Israelis were lies, lies and more lies.

I see that as yet another proof of the absolutely amazing combination of gross incompetence and breathtaking arrogance of the Israelis. The way they conducted their entire attack is already a testimony of their gross lack of professionalism, and they only added insult to injury when they showed up in Moscow and looked the Russians straight in the eyes and lied about everything (even though they must have known that Russians had it all recorded second by second). When Putin spoke of a “chain of tragic circumstances” he was very politely trying to give them an out as long as they apologized and compensated the Russians, but to the Israeli Herrenvolk that would have been totally unacceptable. They did what they always do: they doubled down and accused all their critics of antisemitism. What else is new?

In conclusion I will say that, while I might very well be wrong, I still don’t believe that the Israelis had some sophisticated plan to achieve some still to be determined goal. During the past year the Israelis informed the Russians about their planned airstrikes in Syria via their deconfliction line only in 10% of the cases. For the remaining 90% they did not even bother, in spite of having promised to do so in their agreement with Russia. In sharp contrast, the Russians always informed the Israelis of their operations, as did the Americans towards the Russians. But the Israelis simply think that they don’t have to abide by any kind of norms of behavior. That kind of contempt for agreements (and for non-Jews in general) is typical of the Israeli mindset and it will eventually bring the downfall of the last openly racist regime on the planet.

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Keep it Real

my guess the none export version of the russian army upgraded to todays threats! Syria will recieve russia tracking hardware. The only nation that gets that! that system is up to date!

Vince Dhimos

Maybe I missed it but I did not see any discussion of the kind of radars that can “see” the stealth fighter F-35. Russia has such a radar system but it has technologically limited. The issue of whether or not the S-300 in Syria can kill the F-35 is actually the main issue. My research suggests it may be possible. Details here: http://www.newsilkstrategies.com/news–analysis/could-the-russian-made-s-300-shoot-down-an-israeli-f-35

Zo Fu

Firstly, stealth is a hoax and it never worked.

Russia has numerous ways how to spot stealth airplane. For example: 1. Brutal force – big early warning radars installed on the ground 2. Long wavelength – Use more LW mobile radars in the proximity of predicted trajectory of attacking jets. 3. Satellites – simply monitor Israeli airports from above and notice starting jets 4. IR sensors – working for distance up to 40 km. Very good resolution and passive mode of scanning so can’t be detected and avoided. Every Russian fighter has them. 5. Passive radars.

Secondly, F35 will try probably low approach as Israel did with F15 and F16 before. In low altitudes “stealth” doesn’t mean any advantage, because jet is covered by terrain.

John Whitehot

“Secondly, F35 will try probably low approach as Israel did with F15 and F16 before. In low altitudes “stealth” doesn’t mean any advantage, because jet is covered by terrain”

that is one tactical approach that on paper always works well, but in practice has caused more losses than ever anticipated (I.E – RAF Tornadoes in Gulf War, IAF F-16 hit by S-200). It may work best in very mountainous areas, where planners can plot a route that allows the fighter to pop out for the attack and get back into cover – but it’s anyway defeated if the target has AWACS and / or other means of searching (like observers on ground).

Zo Fu

In practice it was precisely this scenario how Israeli downed all Russian planes, Su24, Su25 and IL 20 as well. By cowardly surprising ambush.


If you were in a war you would use CSAs. Next stupid statement please!


perfect tactics

John Whitehot

Israel downed no Russian airplane.

Turkey downed one with an “ambush”.

The Su25 was hit by ground fire.


Mountainous areas, like in Lebanon… they are perfect for hit-and-run tactics, and israel already used lebanese airspace many times.

John Whitehot

to drop munitions from so far away you have to fly high.

you can’t use cover by lebanon mountains to strike syria.


you are sooo idiot

John Whitehot



In majority of attacks on Syria IAF have used stand-off missiles fired from F-15/16’s operating inside Lebanese airspace – they have only entered Syrian airspace on handful of occasions – and on last occasion used the Russian IL-20 as screening cover. The F-35 is just another variable tactical factor – it has very small internal payload space for ordnance and any external hard-point additions make it just as visible as an F-15/16.

John Whitehot

most radar systems with significant signal processing power are able to observe stealth planes.

that would be all Russian radars built since about the 90ies.

long wave, low frequency, and all that kind of things are just probably chit-chat.

the real point is that no aircraft returns a zero decibel signal. even if it returns a smallish amount of energy, it is different than background noise for the receiving sensor. That is enough to categorize it as a contact – more – it could even be more easily identified (for example, as a “stealth plane”), compared to two different 4th gen like F-15 and F-16 (identified for example as “multirole aircraft”).

As it is now public knowledge that F-22 have been intercepted left and right over Syria, it goes by itself that the “signal library” contained in Russian radars have been updated with all the new threats, if it wasn’t already (which is entirely possible).

Zo Fu

“most radar systems with significant signal processing power are able to observe stealth planes. that would be all Russian radars built since about the 90ies. long wave, low frequency, and all that kind of things are just probably chit-chat.” You don’t have clue what are you talking about. In 1980 Russians succesfully intercepted ballistic missiles with hypersonic speed and radar crossections 10 times lower then F22.


You don’t have clue what are you talking about. In 1980 Russians succesfully intercepted ballistic missiles with hypersonic speed and radar crossections 10 times lower then F22.


In 1999, Serbian shoted down “stealth” F117 with s125 Neva system , 1961 design. And guess what. It had long wavelenght radar.


they had normal radar and catched f-117 when had open the bomb storage case AND had turned off the jamming


F117 with bomb door open. No longer so stealthy. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c59c5bc81525d47380329bd4fbf85ae6a0a2ba3a57bfab68fb402d865c3c597d.jpg


it was lucky accident. read the book written by Lt. of yugoslavian army, who shot down. btw., he obeyed direct order. therefore was also removed from position and later kicked out from army.


Bullshit. The battery commander was named Zoltan Dani – and was a very well trained officer. These were obsolete 1960’s SAM systems – yet the operators quickly worked out how and when to tactically use them without drawing a NATO ground suppression attack. The Yugoslav’s had agents on ground visually observing the NATO operational air base in Italy and knew everything taking off and landing. On the day, NATO didn’t put up any AWACS or ground suppression aircraft, and the F-117’s flew the exact same route as in their previous attacks – basic NATO hubris – and Yugoslav’s were waiting with half minute radar operational window and it all worked. One F-117 went straight down and a second limped home – it was later reported as decommissioned – most likely due to extensive damage.


My dear, i know z. dani personally. and a have jhis book about thos incident. HE WROTE? HE TELLS ALWAYS, it was an accident. what you wrote are your tales.

of course, you can tall, why did not repeated yugos that situation? :DDD


Bullshit – you couldn’t even previously cite the battery commanders name.



better answer the question!


Calling total bullshit on your claims – your comments indicate you know nothing about the 1999 events or the relevant RSFJ chain of command.


idiot are you, because he became colonel later.

i wrote. z. dani. this is normal in civilized countries. i know, his mother was rumanian, father hungarian. what do you know more about him, ha?!


yes, in that moment is visible.


F117s have jamming?



John Whitehot

“You don’t have clue what are you talking about.”

no no, i have more than a clue, it’s just that i don’t have to coverly suggest things that benefit the US MIC or Israel like most of your iterations do.

“In 1999, Serbian shoted down “stealth” F117 with s125 Neva system , 1961 design. And guess what. It had long wavelenght radar”

that’s the bs spread around by the pentagon.

in reality, they shot it down because they KNEW where to point that radar, because they analyzed previous strikes and found out that the “stealth bombers” would always use the same approach profile (these smart americunts).

at that point, even the ’60 vintage radar they used was sensitive enough to find the F-117 in a small sky area.

You can call me Al

They are fully integrated into the Russian system and the AWACS.

Hisham Saber

The engine of the F-35 gives off the hottest heat signature by far than any aircraft in the world.

The homing systems of the S-300/400’S love this.

John Brown

The S-400s are there at the Russian base and they can see the F-35 and the F-22. Russia can now deny any involvement in the shoot down of any F-35s or F-22s, saying it was the Syrians and at the same time it would be great advertizing for the Russian defense industry, if with a little help from the S-400s in Syria, which can be denied, if the S-300 shot down an F-35 and especially an F-22 or many of them. The USA would then lose many military contracts as would Israel if it’s an Israeli F-35 shot down by an S-300. It will be a 10 plus billion dollar shoot down in business gains for Russia and business losses for the empire. Russia will be highly motivated to make it happen. Its also a good test for the Russian air defense systems and a chance to improve the capability of Russian radars and missiles to track the F22. The empire may even try to deny such a shoot down happened if and when it happens.

Zo Fu

Well I was unable finish reading. Firstly S300 is opened architecture system so it doesn’t matter what version was deployed to Syria lately. Open architecture means , that every S300 launcher is able to process any data and it doesn’t matter, if the targeting radar was old S300 system or new S300 system or S400 system or satellite or AWACS or anything else. It is equipment of command center what matters, not missile own radar. As the system is integrated, it will be command center of S400 standards – state of the art and capable to spot stealth jets. Secondly: every S300 version is precisely guided according to those data and only in the final approach there can be a slight difference as the missile uses variety of semi active radar homing systems, approaches in different speeds etc. But in case of F35 it doesn’t matter as they are very slow and unmaneuverable and they can be even jammed in the time of attack. Thirdly: Attacking AWACS. Well, you are probably kidding me. Awacs radar range is 700 km. They will never fly over Syria, they can be somewhere above Israel or even Turkey, Georgia, Cyprus, Mediterranean sea.. Please – learn facts first before writing any “opinion”.


One thing , there will never be Ww3 if russia takes down the AWac in case of Israeli attacks.

The Americans would say there is a crash of the AWac in Nevada as has happened countless times.

The Americans have no guts to start Ww3 they can never win. Look at the geography.

At beat UD can defend America and no where else. Russia would take Europe, China Asia, Iran ME .

That’s it. Any fool think there would be ,WW3 just because an American plane I’d shot down is naive

Zo Fu

You can’t imagine the outrage if Russia downs Isreali AWACS in Israeli airspace . Israel screams like pig even if they are attacked over Syria and catched red handed during their agression. WW3 will be iminent as US already add to their doctrine first strike scenario preciselly matching this one possibility.

Learn yourself., because you don’t know, what are you speaking about !!!!!! 2018 nuclear posture review:

7 NUCLEAR POSTURE REVIEW ongoing li fe extension program for the B61 bomb, it will be a key contributor to continued regional deterrence stability and the assurance of allies . Flexible and Secure Nuclear Capabilities: An Affordable Priority Throughout past decades, senior U.S. officials ha ve emphasized that the highest priorit y of the Department of Defense is deterring nuclear attack and maintaining the nuclear capabilities necessary to do so. While cost estimates for the program to sustain and replace U.S. nuclear capabilities vary, even the highest of these projections place the highpoint of the future cost at approximately 6.4 percent of the current DoD budget. Maintaining and operating our current aging nuclear forces now requires between two and three percent of the DoD budget. The r eplacement program to rebuild the t riad for decades of service will peak for several years at only approximately four percent beyond the ongoing two to three percent needed for maintenance and operations. This 6.4 percent of the current DoD budget require d for the long – term replacement program represents less than one percent of the overall federal budget. This level of spending to replace U.S. nuclear capabilities compares favorably to the 1 0 . 6 percent of the DoD budget required during the last such investment period in the 1980s, which at the time was almost 3.7 percent of the federal budget, and the 17.1 percent of the DoD budget required in the early 1960s. Given the criticality of effective U.S. nuclear deterrence to the safety of the American people, allies and partners there is no doubt that the sustainment and replacement program should be regarded as both necessary and affordable . Enhancing Deterrence with Non – strategic Nuclear Capabiliti es Existing elements of the nuclear force replacement program predate the dramatic deterioration of the strategic environment. To meet the emerging requirements of U.S. strategy, the United States will now pursue select supplements to the replacement prog ram to enhance the flexibility and responsiveness of U.S. nuclear forces. It is a reflection of the versatility and flexibility of the U.S. t riad that only modest supplements are now required in this much more challenging threat environment. These supplem ents will enhance deterrence by denying potential adversaries any mistaken confidence that limited nuclear employment can provide a useful advantage over the United States and its allies. Russia’s belief that limited nuclear first use, potentially includi ng low – yield weapons, can provide such an advantage is based, in part, on Moscow’s perception that its greater number and variety of non – strategic nuclear 8 NUCLEAR POSTURE REVIEW systems provide a coercive advantage in crises and at lower levels of conflict. Recent Russian state ments on this evolving nuclear weapons doctrine appear to lower the threshold for Moscow’s first – use of nuclear weapons. Russia demonstrates its perception of the advantage these systems provide through numerous exercises and statements. Correcting this mistaken Russian perception is a strategic imperative. To address these types of challenges and preserve deterrence stability, the United States will enhance the flexibility and range of its tailored deterrence options. To be clear, this is not intended to, nor does it enable, “nuclear war – fighting.” Expanding flexible U.S. nuclear options now, to include low – yield options, is important for the preservation of credible deterrence against regional aggression


“””Russia attacks Israel, USA will use “low yield” nuclear weapons against Russia. It is in their nuclear doctrine, read it .”””

If US will use some low yield pea shooters against Russia, Russia will sledgehammer them with the Sarmat or SS18, 750 kilotons MIRVs.

US also stated that if Russia will use conventional hypersonic weapons, they would retaliate with nuclear weapons. Sounds like they try to compensate their nuclear ineptitude with nuclear threats.


” If Russia attacks Israel, USA will use “low yield” nuclear weapons against Russia.”

I would be certain that Russia would send some rather High Yield nuclear weapons to the USA and all of their major bases around the globe in return.

You can call me Al

They may not have guts nor need them; they are fecking insane.


And taking drugs Al.

You can call me Al

Good call. I have always wondered if I would / could be Guy Fawkes or a dictator, if I took drugs, I get half way through fantasy and I fall off the chair pissed as a fart; always before I give the order to take beck England. Maybe next time.

Hisham Saber

Thank you. This Zo Fu seems like a hasbara troll. Always insinuating that if Russia were to start shooting down Israeli planes, it would trigger WW3. All there would be is a lot of whining and noise from the U.S., U.K., France et al.


The sign of idiot is the one saying:

“I am always right” “I am always right” “I am always right” “I am always right” “I am always right” “I am always right” “I am always right”v”I am always right” “I am always right” “I am always right”

And nothing else. Tone down your comments, please.

Hisham Saber

Russia could and can strike Israel with impunity and all there would be is a lot of noise from the U.S., U.K., France et al. Other than that. Israel could easily be neutralized by Russia in a matter of days. And there wont be no WW3. Tiny Israel has no strategic depth to speak of. Zero, nada.

Pretty much, Israel is fucked, they miscalculated badly on this one. And the Russians are now really sick and tired.

Btw, the S-300 warheads/homing systems love the engine heat of the F-35’s, because they are by far the hottest engine on any aircraft in the world.

And the Penatgon would go ape-shit if one were shot down by Russia/Syria. Israel is a paper tiger.


Perhaps all the posturing by Israel to deploy F35’s against Syria is to blackmail the US into giving even more money to Israel to actually NOT use the F35’s , as the US knows that a failure of the F35 in real combat would destroy sales of the aircraft :)

Tommy Jensen

Technical bla bla bla details bla bla bla. Conclusion:

The delivery is smoke for the public and Russian servicemen until the next incident of 80 SAA or 50 Hezbollah or 25 Iranian advisors or 2 Russian generals or a Syrian science center filled with Syrian professors and young students have been blown to pieces by Israel/US/UK.

Zo Fu

Unfortunatelly – this is preciselly the purpose of the delivery. To shut up Putin’s critics and give them some example, that Putin is “doing anything” to protect his people. Second purpose is to silently take all S200 from Syrian army, so they will lack any independent antiaircraft capabilities since now. If Syrian S300 decides to fire at Israel warplane, Russian commanders will know it and can eventually stop it if Putin orders so. Because – you know – the system is fully integrated.

Manuel Flores Escobar

blablabla is to launch more than 300 cruise missile in these years of war. with minimal damage….more than 80% have been intercepted and destroyed…of course Syrian defense cannot cover all Syrian assets..like Iron dome dont have 100% accuracy vs Palestine domestic rockets!


S 300 was always intended to be just one (very important) piece of AD2 puzzle – not an of the shelve jack-of-all traits universal solution. Long range AA system needs support from mid and low range assets, radar and EW systems and most important of all – modern and capable air force. Syria needs several bns USD worth of equipment and dozens of modern fighter jets to become self sufficient. And even then – without effective means of response to an attack – even most modern network would eventually succumb to attrition. Syria needs a lot more than it got but even this few pieces of equipment are a good deterrent that raised the stakes in the poker game with the Zios…And the game is not nearly over yet…

You can call me Al

You must have missed the fact that Russia stated “other equipment” shall be supplied. Please also note that the S-300s are the Russian version not export models and will be fully integrated within the Russian air defence. I agree with your comment, but this is a hell of a good start.


Hell of a good start would be half a dozen Israeli jets on the bottom of the Med – this is just an OK start..


I would prefer any downed Israeli fighter jets to be on ground where they can be photographed and shown to the whole world :)

Its a wild card I know, but just the thought of Russian cyberwarfare being able to take control of a US F35 and land it would be wonderful :)

You can call me Al

Followed by an entire US fleet for future fish feed.

But yes, I agree with you.

Boris Kazlov

U$AIPAC will definitely see this as a “casus belli”.


or maybe, these plains would be found to have crashed in Nevada whilst training new pilots who lost control?

viktor ziv

Well You covered holes in Sakers article. Thx. Anyway I need to stress out “the S-300 is not that formidable a weapon” is quite strange conclusion since S-125 (ex. Yugoslavia, more correct Serbian and Monte Negro association) was able to retire state of the art F-117. Also can anybody direct me to article or clip where Lavrov stated 100% secured? I dont think 100% belongs to diplomatic language. Again Russians will operate S-300 for next 100 days. So attack on S-300 would bring hard response from Russians no matter how many bns are provided to them from uncle Sam.


It is not expected S300 would be cure all for Syria but rather that it would make it really very expensive to strike Syria . Is it worth even a single plane shot down or worth the F35 being shot down … and there goes all the secrets .? No..

Afaik, Israel or even US cannot afford to risk even a single plane not to say they need a multitude of planes to be shot down before they are able to destroy the S300. Remember the S400 are also there besides the Su35 etc.

No my opinion is Israel or US can bark all they want .. it is game changer.


Russia should monitor US, UK and Israeli military bases and their planes to keep own servicemen and of their allies safe in Syria. This is a shame that Israel attacked Latakia in which Russia lost IL-20 with 15 servicemen and Israeli planes returned back safe. No action from Russia by S-400 in Syria. Now its better to blow these all S-400 in Syria. These are useless.

You can call me Al

Russia brought the S-400 into Syria to protect their bases and troops NOT to protect Syria; that has always been clear and stated. Now, however may be different.


So have Russia protected their IL-20 and 15 servicemen? No. The Israeli fighters came close to Russian bases attacked there and left the area without any action from Russian aerospace forces. Either Putin scare from Israel or there is some other covert deals between Putin and Israel.


The Israelis didn’t shoot down the Russian plane, so the Russians didn’t shoot them down. And they were long gone before a decision could be made about what to do about them using Russians as human shields.


Russian plane and Forces lost due to escalation by Israel.


The IAF planes, which never fired on the Russian plane, were long gone before a determination could be made as to exactly what happened and what to do about it.


Correct, some think that real life is like a video game. Israeli trash have not launched a strike since then. This is positive news, air defense in Syria is taking a leap forward. :)


Not only is Russia winning the war, but they’ve also backed the IAF and NATO out of Syrian airspace. And that will continue with the S-300 and EW deployment.


BS, part of the rules of engagement was to let the Russians know where and when the Israelis will fly and probably attack and that did not happen in this case as it did not happen in 90% of other cases. It is hard to understand why did the Russians allow this situation to develop, why didn’t they warn Israelis sooner about these breaches of existing rules of engagement? This behavior clearly identify an intent to just defend itself in Syria and not to attack (as opposed to the Israel/Nato/etc…) and that would explain Russia’s behavior so far, I would also like to believe that that would also explain its behavior in the future regarding Israelis flights around Syria


Yes that’s part of it, but the main part was don’t shoot at each other. And using Russians as human shields was getting them shot at. So a stop has been put to it.


If Israel would not attacked Syria then Syrian army would not used SAM missiles. The losing of Russian IL-20 plane and 15 servicemen is the consequences of Israeli terrorist and aggressive action.


The Russians have international law and deconfliction agreements with Israel, Turkey, the US and perhaps others that they’ve agreed to abide by. After a thorough investigation they’ve since modified the deconfliction agreement with Israel to downgrade Israel’s status as a result of the Jew’s irresponsible, criminal and threatening actions.

Would you rather that Russia violate international law and it’s diplomatic military agreements, and start shooting down planes in international airspace that haven’t fired on them when it’s unclear what happened or whose to blame?


Israel use other’s shoulders to kill their enemies. In the IL-20 scenarios Israel used the Syrian shoulder.


You didn’t answer the question and are evading the issue with a stupid nonsensical reply.

stary ujo

Russians generals had very sharp conflict with Putin , about agreement with Netanyahu . Now all action in Syria manage generals , Putin is out ! Without support of generals Is Putin lost !

Tudor Miron

Sharp conflict with Putin? Putin is out? :) Would please share some evidence?

Zo Fu

At least some tensions are visible. Putins party lost some preferencies because of unpopular pension reform and Putin’s explanation of IL20 downing as “unfortunate accident” didn’t helped to improve his popularity either. It was generals who accused Israel and reserved some counter-action. Deploying of additional S300 is not solving anything, it is a compromise. What generals probably wanted to do is shot down Israeli intruders. As I understand, they didn’t recieved green lights for that so tensions are slowly growing up. I can smell it in the air.


He is right. Compare the Putin statement with the Russian general and defence minister statements after IL-20 and 15 servicemen they lost. The S-300 delivery to Syria has done by Russian generals. There is no comments from Putin. If still you have doubt then repeat the all previous videos. Thanks.


Yep, Sergey Shoygu was very angry and even threatened with revenge, while Putin is trying to de-escalete and defuse this situation. Putin is right here, risking a full scale war with Israel is out of question. But the problem is, the Israel is the main enemy, since the first day. Turkey, Saudis, even Americans… you can negotiate, you can haggle with them… but Israelis are just bloodthirsty psychos, they hate Syria (a lot of them hate Russia (Lieberman)), israeli strategic objective is to prolong the conflict and bleed Syria as much as possible.

Hisham Saber

Russia could severely punish Israel, and suffer no consequences except a lot of noise from the U.S., U.K, France et al.

Unless the Israeli’s want to dig themselves a deeper grave, they know not to push Russia’s status as a world power to the test. They miscalculated and got outed for their arrogance.

Harold Smith

“Putin is trying to de-escalete and defuse this situation. Putin is right here, risking a full scale war with Israel is out of question.”

If a “full scale war with Israel is out of the question” then Russia already lost.


It’s Israel who is backing down, not Russia. Israel, and NATO have been backed out of Syrian airspace rather than risk war.

Harold Smith

What does your comment have to do with mine?


You’re claiming that Russia has already lost when it’s Israel that is backing down in the face of Russian advances rather than risk full scale war as Russia and it’ allies win the war on the ground and in the air, and Israel and their terrorist proxies lose it.

Harold Smith

Okay so you apparently can’t read or you can’t comprehend what you read, because that’s not what I said.

I was responding to NeoLeo’s implication that no matter what happens, Russia will avoid war with Israel. My point is that *IF* Russia has already determined that it will avoid war with Israel (or the U.S.) no matter what happens, then Russia has already lost, because all Israel (and/or the U.S.) has to do is to keep escalating until the point where Russia – unwilling to engage in direct combat – runs out of options and will be forced to surrender.


I’m dealing with reality. And am pointing out that you’re exploring foolish nonsensical hypotheticals that have no basis in reality. Russia isn’t avoiding war, Russia is advancing on the ground, in the air and on the sea. NATO, Israel, and the GCC are avoiding conflict with Russia and retreating as Russia advances.

Harold Smith

Yo shit for brains, for the Nth time, I was responding to NeoLeo’s claim that Russia would under no circumstances get into a war with Israel. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Why don’t you tell NeoLeo that he’s full of shit? Why argue with me about his statement?


You’re the one ignoring the obvious. I’m just bringing it to your attention to illustrate how factious and myopic your argument is comparison to the reality of the Russian conduct in the war.

Harold Smith

Yo shit for brains, I was responding to NeoLeo, and you involved yourself in the discussion to admonish me for something he said. Why don’t you tell him he’s full of shit?


I replied to you because you’re engaging in a factitious nonsensical argument about how the Russian’s are conducting the war. Which is totally contradictory to how they actually are conducting the war. If you can’t get that through your thick head. Then maybe you need to spend some more time with a dictionary or a thesaurus.

Harold Smith

“I replied to you because you’re engaging in a factitious nonsensical argument about how the Russian’s are conducting the war.”

LOL! As I’ve been trying to explain to you, knucklehead, I didn’t proffer any value judgement as to how the Russians are conducting the war; NeoLeo did. All I did was to point out that if his assessment is correct, then Russia has already lost.

“If you can’t get that through your thick head.”

Yo shit-for-brains, as I’ve said, I didn’t proffer any value judgement as to how the Russians are conducting the war; NeoLeo did. All I did was to point out that if his assessment is correct, then Russia has already lost.

“Then maybe you need to spend some more time with a dictionary or a thesaurus.”

ROTFLMAO! Well look who’s talkin’: the mentally and morally defective jew asshole who has trouble composing a meaningful sentence; the mentally and morally defective jew asshole who cannot grasp the third grade level grammatical concept of the apostrophe; the mentally and morally defective jew asshole who makes an ass out of himself trying to use “big words” that he doesn’t understand like “factitious.”


I’m not a Jew. I was raised catholic. Are you always this rude, antisocial, and obnoxious when someone criticizes your misrepresentation of what’s happening or is likely to happen in the Syrian war? The Russians aren’t behaving, nor are they likely to behave in the manner that you’re describing. Or don’t you agree? Why do you make so a fool out of yourself when a rational person points that out?

Harold Smith

“I’m not a Jew. I was raised catholic.”

I’m not talking about your professed “religion”, goofball; you’re obviously an ethnic jew (and therefore a liar).

“Are you always this rude, antisocial, and obnoxious when someone criticizes your misrepresentation of what’s happening or is likely to happen in the Syrian war?”

Being that you’re a liar, a mentally and morally defective fool and consummate jew asshole, it’s impossible for you to be mistreated; by me or anyone else for that matter.

“The Russians aren’t behaving, nor are they likely to behave in the manner that you’re describing. Or don’t you agree?”

As I’ve already pointed out to you many times, idiot, I didn’t actually make any value judgement regarding Russian actions in Syria; NeoLeo did. All I did was to point out that if his assessment is correct, then Russia has already lost.

“Why do you make so a fool out of yourself when a rational person points that out?”

As I’ve already pointed out to you, you silly bitch, you wouldn’t know “rational” if your boyfriend shoved it up your ample jewish ass. Moreover, as I’ve already explained to you many times, and will explain yet again, asshole, I didn’t actually make any kind of value judgement regarding Russian actions in Syria; NeoLeo did. All I did was to point out that if his assessment is correct, then Russia has already lost.

It doesn’t matter how many times you claim that I did make such a value judgement regarding Russian actions in Syria, the demonstrable fact remains and will always remain that I didn’t. All I did was to respond to NeoLeo by pointing out that if his assessment is correct, then Russia has already lost.

“The Russians are at war with terrorists in Syria, not their sponsors, which are many and include Israel.”

So now you want to change the subject, you silly bitch? Sergey Lavrov or Vladimir Putin personally told you that? They explained to you the details of Russian policy in Syria, particularly vis-a-vis U.S. and/or Israeli involvement?

I think not; rather, that’s just another one of your absurd, self-serving bare assertions, presented as if it were indisputable fact. And it’s clear you’re a liar, so prove your statement, you silly bitch.

BTW in making that statement you imply that Russia’s involvement in Syria is not actually to defend Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity per se, but essentially academic in nature; a case of irrational geopolitical pedantry. According to you, Russia won’t let “Joe” beat up “Bill” but Russia doesn’t care if “Bob” attacks Bill and beats him up. I wonder if that makes sense to even an accomplished idiot such as yourself?

Finally, in making that statement, you impliedly agree with my reply to NeoLeo. If as you claim it is official Russian policy to never directly engage Israel or the U.S. no matter what they do in Syria, then Israel and/or its U.S. vassal state can invade Syria tomorrow, defeat the Syrian armed forces, depose Assad, and hand Syria over to its terrorist mercenaries, while Russia, being true to its ostensible mission (according to you) sits there and does nothing.

Everything you’ve said in this discussion reflects your profound ignorance, stupidity and dishonesty.

Now I think it’s time for you to run along and get back to painting swastikas on your front door, or making up holocaust stories, or defrauding your insurance company, or whatever it is you do when you’re not online demonstrating your profound ignorance, stupidity and dishonesty.


I’m not going to waste my time trying to engage in a rational debate with no evidence from a head case like you, and the evidence that I’ve provided disproves the profanity laced lies and disinfo that you’re peddling.

Tudor Miron

If you watch full Putin’s statement than after saying that it was a “chain of tragic events” he clearly stated that Israel is the reason behind this event and Russia’s position was expressed by defence minister Shoigu which was fully agreed with him.


I understand it was intelligence from the US Coast Guard Tudor and they got the ‘heads up’ from their mates in the Ukranian Cost Guard Tudor.

So it must be true :)

Boris Kazlov

They did have disagreements like when Putin suspended bombardment of Aleppo, but generals bend to civil authority, although Putin is commander in chief but also President so he sees a larger picture than generals.

Tudor Miron

Larger picture – good point.

You can call me Al

Sharp ?, do you mean a discussion or even a heated discussion, so what ?; the result is positive to all the goodies.


I agree with most of the article. What the Saker doesn’t address in detail is the ability to shoot down IAF, as well as US, manned aircraft with the S-300s. Which in my opinion is their primary purpose in response to their using Russians as human shields in their attack on Latakia.

Hisham Saber

Not cost beneficial to use a rather expensive S-300 on a simple drone. Drones fall into the EW framework Russia has already, and is building up in Syria. The S-300 is perfect for the F-35’s because they have the hottest, by a large margin, engine of any aircraft in the world. Homing missiles love this. F-16’s are another good example, the Israeli’s are pretty much fucked. They painted themselves in a tight spot.


One can only hope.

John Whitehot

radar homing missiles love positive radar cross section, not hot engines. nonetheless the F-35 Rcs is large enough to be engaged by s300s, be with open or closed baydoors or with or without stores under wings.

Vince Dhimos

Yes, I wonder how they can call any jet “low observation” as long as they burn fuel.


US and UK are using secrete forces like Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc. to attack Mideast countries and take lands from them. As long as the US forces are there in Mideast the war will be going on.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpEp9vD5fHQ Syria: Delivery of S300 missiles, No Fly Zone mark a turning point

Zo Fu

I don’t know, why I should look at some Indian-looking guy telling blah-blah-blah. S300 and S400 are in Syria 4 years already and were never used against Israel. Why recent delivery of additional hardware should be a “turning point” ? This guy is a classic youtuber and idiot hunting numbers of viewing.

Hisham Saber

Do you somehow believe Russia is afraid of Israel?

Things have changed now. Putin has given over to Shoigu and the MoD the reigns on how to deal with the Syria conflict. If that included shooting down, cock-pit blackouts, jamming Israeli fighters and bombers and missiles, then that’s what Russia will do. And theres hardly a thing Israel can do about it. Russia could neutralize Israel in days, just by using stand-off weapons.


I am sure how 49 vehicles provide for only 4 launchers. The following is the breakdown of the S300 command, control and radar in a battalion unit:

The 30N6 FLAP LID A is mounted on a small trailer. The 64N6 BIG BIRD is mounted on a large trailer along with a generator and typically towed with the now familiar 8-wheeled truck. The 76N6 CLAM SHELL (5N66M[42] etc.) is mounted on a large trailer with a mast which is between 24 and 39 m (79 and 128 ft) tall. 5N66M continuous-wave radar Doppler radar for target acquisition 30N6 FLAP LID A I/J-band phased array digitally steered tracking and engagement radar. A trailer-mounted command centre.

This system by itself without S400 integration can track over 100 targets, track and engage 36 targets simultaneously and guide 72 missiles.

Four launchers with the capacity of firing 16 missiles represents a poor missile arsenal in view of all the radar and support equipment needed for an effective S300 deployment which would account at most for 10 vehicles. With four launchers (a battery) the system is under utilized, I think the number of actual launchers is a lot higher.


There’s probably 10 or 12 pantsirs deployed with the S300


Also include additional EW and Radar vehicles, plus what was on the normal delivery schedule. This might be 49. The 4 S300 may be the starter set, it takes time to train.


I do not think so, S300 complex pertains to equipment related to its direct function. My take of the 4 launchers is that it is four battalions of launchers with a total of 32 vehicles and 128 launchers, bringing the total vehicles to about 42, without the reload cranes and supply vehicles.


But it is far more better than before when there was no S-300 at all isn’it.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Russia knows that Israel will not attack from lebanon airspace..among other reasons..IAF fear that S-300 can shot down jets and pilots can be captured by Hezbollah….they will attack from israeli airspace using long range Delilah and Popeye air to ground missile and maybe launched from Subs….thats why Shoigu told that the range of the S-300 deployed is more than 250km( more than the range of the Israeli missile)…in my opinion Syrian defense forces will try to shot down an Israeli jet even when an airstrike is not occurring!


If Putin thinks, he needs only to protect the Russian military and not Syria at large, he’s prolonging the Syrian holocaust.

That would make him a Billionaire-only and Russian-Jewish(Atlanticist) Zionist supporter.


All Putin had to do to help the Zionists and support them was stay out of Syria. If he had of Syria would have been conquered by terrorists a year ago. To suggest that Putin is a Zionist supporter is absolutely ludicrous.


Look at it as a percentage.

How much Putin supports Israel? My estimate: 50%.

Boris Kazlov

Putin is talking to the Russian populace when he talks about protecting Russian personnel, I am sure that he understands that in this war there is much more at stake.


He also talks to Netanyahu, and promises way to much support.

But this last decision is a small step in the right direction.

Russia may need some 5 more years to fully eclipse NATO in space and air, although the current EW is already impressive.


Saker is correct when he observes the IAF had zero reason to cause, intentionally, the Russian lost aircraft. IAF had every reason to avoid it. It was exactly as Putin stated, a tragic accident.

Putin is smart, level headed, and not driven by race hatred. He is crafting a way forward to advance Russian interests and if he can secure a broader peace and thereby dramatically advance Russian interests globally, he will.

The Generals likewise are not fanatic cowboys (like some contributors here). They want to protect their assets, human and material.

Everyone needs political cover. So Kremlin naturally, in concert with Putin, to satisfy political constituents, must roar like a lion, but in action, prudent steps are being taken to improve the security of Russian forces and protect against another “friendly fire” incident from Russia’s less than sophisticated client.

Remember the interests here. Russia has at risk the strategic advantage it gains by bases on the Levant. Israel has existential interests. The parties will make their cost benefit analysis accordingly.


” It was exactly as Putin stated, a tragic accident.”

The incident may well have been unwelcome for the Israeli leaders BUT it was due to the blatant cowardice of an Israeli pilot who chose to hide behind an aircraft flown by one of Israels allies.


IMO Putin was trying to give Israel an out, to contain things as he did with Erdo, not that he believed such bullshit. Putin refused to meet with them and when they tried to blame Syria when they met with Shoigu, they ‘forced’ his hand. They finally got just enough rope.


I would give the Zio bastards piano wire to hang themselves with :)


That would work like a guillotine.


No frigging argument from me! But rope will do.


The Israelis will probably start testing to see which version of the system the Syrians got and to get them to use it without putting their aircraft in jeopardy. So that they can say that they aren’t any good when they know that they are. Just like they did as they got backed out of Syrian airspace. If the S-200s weren’t a threat. They wouldn’t have been using the Russians as human shields to avoid them. The S-300s are going to be an even bigger problem for them.

Harold Smith

Obviously, they weren’t just opportunistically using Russian plane as a shield; rather, they were carrying out a malicious calculated plan to bring down the IL-20 (therefore murdering Russians).


Many would disagree that it’s obvious that they were trying to murder Russians. There’s a difference between risking killing Russians to save their own hide. And deliberately drawing fire on it to take it down.

Harold Smith

So according to you (and “many” others), the jewish supremacists were on a suicide mission (i.e., they fully intended to sacrifice themselves to missiles fired from the S-200 system) but by an incredible stroke of luck, the IL-20 just happened to be at the right place at the right time for them to hide behind it?


Normally when someone is using non combatants as human shields they’re hoping that whoever is doing the shooting will hold their fire to avoid hitting the non combatants.

Harold Smith

Yo shit for brains, according to the Russian MOD, the missile was locked onto the jew before it was locked onto the IL-20.


S-200s are a mach 9 hypersonic missile. The planes were already in place before it was fired. The IAF aircraft were already hiding behind the Russian aircraft when the missile locked on and launched. The S-200 may not have had a IFF transponder and it changed it’s lock to the larger Russian plane in flight. Some of the details about exactly what happened are classified.

The Jews were probably hiding behind the plane hoping that the Syrians would hold their fire. And if they didn’t hold their fire, then it was a fall back threat mitigation maneuver to try to get away without getting hit like previous IAF aircraft, both manned and unmanned have been. The Israelis were responsible for their risky behavior. That doesn’t mean that the primary purpose of the mission was to set up a trap for the Russian plane. There are other rational explanations for what happened than what you’re peddling. The primary purpose of the mission appears from public source information to have been to hit the Latakia sites. Not set up an elaborate trap to kill 15 Russians.

Harold Smith

“S-200s are a mach 9 hypersonic missile.”

So what?

“The planes were already in place before it was fired.”

What the hell are you talking about?

“The IAF aircraft were already hiding behind the Russian aircraft when the missile locked on and launched.”

In that case, locked on to what, idiot?

“The S-200 may not have had a IFF transponder and it changed it’s lock to the larger Russian plane in flight.”

Now you’re apparently contradicting yourself, you stupid fool. How did the S-200 lock onto any F-16 in the first place if they were “already hiding behind the Russian aircraft”?

“Some of the details about exactly what happened are classified.”

LOL! Yet you claim to know better than Sergey Shoigu, as you apparently disagree with his statements and you seem to be calling him a liar.

“The Jews were probably hiding behind the plane hoping that the Syrians would hold their fire.”

That’s laughably absurd nonsense, and you’re full of shit, as usual. On the contrary, the jews obviously intended to bring the IL-20 down. Nothing else makes sense. (You would probably also claim that the jew attack on the USS Liberty was an accident, right knucklehead)?

“And if they didn’t hold their fire, then it was a fall back threat mitigation maneuver to try to get away without getting hit like previous IAF aircraft, both manned and unmanned have been.”

You’re throwing handfuls of horseshit at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.

“The Israelis were responsible for their risky behavior. That doesn’t mean that the primary purpose of the mission was to set up a trap for the Russian plane.”

Only a jew would say such a stupid thing. Of course the jews intended to bring the Russian plane down, goofball.

“There are other rational explanations for what happened than what you’re peddling.”

ROTFLMAO! You wouldn’t know “rational” if your boyfriend shoved it up your ample jewish ass.

“The primary purpose of the mission appears from public source information to have been to hit the Latakia sites. Not set up an elaborate trap to kill 15 Russians.”

Why don’t you run along now, little Shlomo, and get back to your Talmudic studies, before your Mommy finds out you’re at the computer again.


You’re a false accuser, liar and headcase whose more interested in being verbally abusive, rude and obnoxious than conducting a rational fact and evidence based debate of the issues.

Show me the judicial quality evidence, if you even know what that is, to support your contention that the purpose of the mission was to take down the Russian plane via an elaborate ruse.

Harold Smith

“You’re a false accuser, liar and headcase whose more interested in being verbally abusive, rude and obnoxious than conducting a rational fact and evidence based debate of the issues.”

ROTFL! As if you should have some expectation to be taken seriously. Yo shit for brains, as you’ve abundantly proven, you wouldn’t know “rational fact” if your boyfriend shoved it up your ample jewish ass.

“Show me the judicial quality evidence, if you even know what that is, to support your contention that the purpose of the IAF mission was to take down the Russian plane via an elaborate ruse.”

Well asshole since you’re the one making up laughably absurd stories and calling Sergey Shoigu a liar, let’s see your “judicial quality evidence” (if you even know what that is).

“If you’re unwilling or unable to support your foolishness with credible evidence. Then I’m not going to waste my time trying to conduct a debate with someone as demonstrably irrational as you are.”

Look who’s talkin! Obviously none of us have “judicial quality evidence” (if you even know what that is) but unlike your laughably absurd bare assertions (i.e. dishonest jew drivel), my view is the result of common sense reasoning applied to the apparent facts as presented by Sergey Shoigu, informed by the robust historical record of jewish treachery.

“So far the only thing that you’ve demonstrated proficiency at is proving that you’re sick in the head with your compulsive obsession for juvenile delinquent profane rants.”

Coming from a pile of stinky animated dog shit such as yourself, I’ll take that as a compliment, Thanks, Shlomo. (BTW the only way you could hope to actually “insult” me, asshole, would be if I somehow had your approval).

“First you claim that I know nothing about Jews, then you falsely accuse me of being one. Are you on psychiatric medicine for some type of schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder?”

LOL! I merely gave you the benefit of the doubt at first. But when you started making laughably absurd statements in defense of jews, it was obvious at that point that you’re a jew, and therefore of course, a liar. Clear enough, asshole?


You’re depraved mind is in the gutter, trying to conduct a rational fact and evidence based debate with an obvious liar, and head case like you is a waste of time.

Harold Smith

Thanks for the nice compliments, you filthy subhuman devil-worshiping jew scumbag.


I’m not a Jew. Judaism should be outlawed and the synagogues and yeshivas closed and demolished so that it and they go extinct.

Harold Smith

Yes, you really are jew.


You’re a false accuser and a proven habitual liar.

Harold Smith

You’re supposed to be looking at your monitor, not your mirror, as you type your infantile jew drivel, asshole.


You’re wasting my time with your incessant lies and insanity.

Harold Smith

You’re supposed to be looking at your monitor, not your mirror, as you type your infantile jew drivel, asshole.


From the Russian Government news service:

“Shoigu said. “It’s clear to any specialist the strike was delivered using our Ilyushin-20 as cover, because they [the Israelis] thought the Syrian air defense systems would not act in that direction,” he stated.”

– Defense chief vows response to Israel’s actions that caused fatal crash of Il-20 aircraft –


From the Russian Ministry of Defense:



Harold Smith

Yo shit for brains, you filthy subhuman jew liar, the S-200 missile was locked onto the jew F-16 FIRST. The jew then flew the F-16 behind the IL-20, obviously knowing that the missile would lock onto the larger plane.

The jew used the IL-20 as “cover” after the missile was already locked onto it. This proves that jews murdered the 15 Russians on the IL-20. It was an act of premeditated act of mass murder.

“The radar images revealed at the briefing ‘clearly showed the direction of the flight of the S-200 missile launched by the Syrian air defense system, as well as the locations of the Russian and Israeli aircraft,” Konashenkov said, adding that ‘it is quite clear that the missile was targeting the Israeli jet.’

However, the missile then suddenly changed its course and ‘locked on a target with a larger radar cross-section and slower speed,’ which was the Russian reconnaissance plane coming in for landing. The Israeli jet, which effectively used the Il-20 as a cover from the attack, then also abruptly changed its altitude and the flight direction, Konashenkov said.



I wrote:

“Normally when someone is using non combatants as human shields they’re hoping that whoever is doing the shooting will hold their fire to avoid hitting the non combatants. Getting them shot kind of defeats their purpose. …

The Jews were probably hiding behind the plane hoping that the Syrians would hold their fire. And if they didn’t hold their fire, then it was a fall back threat mitigation maneuver to try to get away without getting hit like previous IAF aircraft”

You wrote:

“LOL! Yet you claim to know better than Sergey Shoigu, as you apparently disagree with his statements and you seem to be calling him a liar. …

Well … since you’re the one making up laughably absurd stories and calling Sergey Shoigu a liar, let’s see your “judicial quality evidence””

“Shoigu said. “It’s clear to any specialist the strike was delivered using our Ilyushin-20 as cover, because they [the Israelis] thought the Syrian air defense systems would not act in that direction,” he stated.”

Your habitual lying has been outed. You’re defiling the this thread with your filth, profanity, lies and insanity.

Carol Davidek-Waller

What the Russians are trying to achieve besides protecting their bases is to create a no fly zone along the coast of Syria, forcing the dastardly Israelis to fly over Lebanon and their unfriendly airspace?

Harvey Swinestein

Give the ZioNazis enough rope and they will hang themselves. They have gloated over their intellectual dominance of the Goyim for so many decades it has eventually gone to their heads and made them careless. The myth of Israeli military invincibility has been exposed for what it is . . a crock of sh*t! Without their much-vaunted air superiority they are nothing more than a third rate militia that have nervous breakdowns when facing a real tough opponent like Hezbollah, or Iran, and cry their eyes out when they lose compatriots in battle . .


” is typical of the Israeli mindset and it will eventually bring the downfall of the last openly racist regime on the planet.”

And the sooner the better in my humble opinion :)


In 2013 Syria ordered the V family of S-300 so with that is presumably that those batteries are delivered the ones that have been ordered and stopped order for the Israelis but now continued. A battery of Russian S-300V4 air defense missile launchers has been transported to Syria, Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement. So yes 95% Syria got the S-300V4 systems. They should be pretty good. That was the original order and that was fulfilled.


It’s past time that the chosenites are driven back to Europe. Their arrogance and contempt for everyone is obvious to anyone who looks at them with an open mind.

Jim Bim

Fortunate, the Russian Defence minister Sergei Shoigu took charge and had the final say over the pro Israeli puppets at the Kremlin….that includes Putin ( his statement was pathetic and weak ). It would`n surprise me if Shoigu wanted to go much further but had to compromise, and settle for 4 units in the first dispatch……the pro Zionist in the Kremlin are still very strong, incl. Putin. Russia acts like a Gentleman boxer, playing by the rules…against streetfighter that uses every dirty tricks in the book.

Jim Bim

US and Israeli response to the S-300 for the Syrians US to send Israel more F-35s after Moscow supplies S-300s to Syria – reports Russia`s weak respons is being doubled down by the US and Israel. https://www.rt.com/news/440495-us-israel-f35-russia/

Jim Bim

If this article is correct, Russia has not supplied Syria with the latest S-300V4, but with the older version S-300PMU-2. https://russia-insider.com/en/syrias-new-s-300-air-defenses-could-potentially-take-f-35-f-22-would-be-problem/ri24986


Israel must make the calculus whether a $125,000,000, F-35, is worth it to attack a “suspected Iranian” target? If Syria shoots down any Israeli jet engaged in aggression, no one will be crying but the Israelis. The enmity between Israel and Syria is Israel’s doing. The solution: return the stolen Syrian Golan Heights.

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