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MARCH 2025

The Saker: “The AngloZionist Empire: a hyperpower with microbrains and no cred left”

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

Last week saw what was supposed to be a hyperpower point fingers for its embarrassing defeat not only at Venezuela, which successfully defeated Uncle Shmuel’s coup plans, but also at a list of other countries including Cuba, Russia, China and Iran. It’s is rather pathetic and, frankly, bordering on the comically ridiculous.

Uncle Shmuel clearly did not appreciate being the laughingstock of the planet.

The Saker: "The AngloZionist Empire: a hyperpower with microbrains and no cred left"

Eviction Notice of the USSS

And as Uncle Shmuel always does, he decided to flex some muscle and show the world “who is boss” by…

… blockading the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, DC.

But even that was too much for the MAGA Admin, so they also denied doing so (how lame is that!?)

Which did not prevent US activists of entering the embassy (legally, they were invited in and confirm it all).

Now the US Secret Service wants to evict the people inside the building.

So much for the CIA’s beloved “plausible deniability” which now has morphed into “comical deniability”.

If you think that all this sounds incredibly amateurish and stupid – you are 100% correct.

In the wonderful words of Sergei Lavrov, the US diplomats have “lost the taste for diplomacy“.

But that was not all.

In an act of incredible courage the US, which was told (by the Israelis, of course!), that the Iranians were about to attack “somewhere”, Uncle Shmuel sent two aircraft carrier strike groups to the Middle-East. In a “daring” operation, the brilliant USAF pilots B-52 bombers over the Persian Gulf to “send a message” to the “Mollahs”: don’t f*ck with us or else…

The “Mollahs” apparently were unimpressed as they simply declared that “the US carriers were not a threat, only a target“.

The AngloZionists apparently have also executed a false flag operation to get a pretext to strike Iran, but so far this seems to have gotten rather little traction in the region (so far – this might change).

The Saker: "The AngloZionist Empire: a hyperpower with microbrains and no cred left"

Lavrov reacting to the latest US threats

Now let’s leave this “Kindergarten level of operations” and try to make some sense from this nonsense.

First, while the American can pour scorn on the Iranians, call them ragheads, terrorists, Mollahs, sand-niggers or confuse them with Iraqis or even think that Iranian are Arabs (as, apparently, are the Turks, at least by the US common standard of ignorance), the truth is that the Iranians are world-class and most sophisticated players, especially their superb analytical community. They fully understand that a B-52 anywhere near the Iranian airspace is a sitting duck and that if the Americans were planning to strike Iran, they would pull their aircraft carrier far away from any possible Iranian strikes. As for the B-52, they have long range cruise missiles and they don’t need to get near Iran to deliver they payloads.

In fact, I think that the proper way to really make the Iranians believe that Uncle Shmuel means business would be to flush any and all US ships out of the Persian Gulf, to position the B-52s in Diego Garcia and to place the carriers as far away as possible to still be able to support a missile/bomb attack on Iranian targets. And you can bet that the Iranians keep very close tabs on exactly what CENTCOM aircraft are deployed and where. To attack Iran the US would need to achieve a specific concentration of forces and support elements which are all trackable by the Iranians. My guess is that the Iranians already have a full list of all CENTCOM officers down to the colonel level (and possibly even lower for airmen) and that they already know exactly which individual USAF/USN aircraft are ready to strike. One could be excused to think that this is difficult to do, but in reality is is not. I have personally seen it done.

Second, the Americans know that the Iranians know that (well, maybe not Mr MAGA, but folks at the DIA, ONI, NSA, etc. do know that). So all this sabre-rattling is designed to show that Mr MAGA has tons of hair on his chest, it’s all for internal US consumption. As for the Iranians, they have already heard any and all imaginable US threats, they have been attacked many times by both the US and Israel (directly or by proxy), and they have been preparing for a US attack ever since the glorious days of Operation Eagle Claw: they are as ready as they can be, you can take that to the bank. Finally, the terrorist attack by the USN on a civilian Iranian airlinercertainly convinced the Iranians that the leaders of the AngloZionist Empire lack even basic decency, nevermind honor. Nevermind the use of chemical warfare by Iraq against Iran with chemicals helpfully provided by various US and EU companies (with the full blessing of their governments). No – the Iranians truly have no illusions whatsoever about what the Shaytân-e Bozorg is capable of in his rage.

Third, “attacking embassies” is a glaring admission of terminal weakness. That was true for the seizure of Russian consular buildings, and this is true for the Venezuelan embassy. In the real (supra-Kindergarten) world when country A has a beef with country B, it does not vent its frustration against its embassy. Such actions are not only an admission of weakness, but also a sign of a fundamental lack of civilization.

SIDERBAR: This issue is crucial to the understanding of the United States. The US is an extremely developed country, but not a civilized one. Oscar Wilde (and George Clemanceau) had it right: “America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between“. There are signs of that everywhere in the US: from the feudal labor laws, to the lack of universal healthcare, to absolutely ridiculous mandatory criminal sentences (the Soviet Penal Code under Stalin was MUCH more reasonable and civilized than the current US laws!), to the death penalty, to the socially accepted torture in GITMO and elsewhere, to racial tensions, the disgusting “food” constituting the typical “SAD” diet, to the completely barbaric “war on drugs”, to the world record of incarcerations, to an immense epidemic of sexual assaults and rapes (1/5 of all women in the US!), homosexuality accepted as a “normal and positive variation of human sexuality“, 98 percent of men reported internet porn use in the last six months, … – you can continue that list ad nauseam. Please don’t misunderstand me – there are as many kind, intelligent, decent, honorable, educated, compassionate people in the US as anywhere else. This is not about the people living in the US: it is about the kind of society these people are living in. In fact, I would argue the truism that US Americans are the first victims of the lack of civilization of their own society! Finally, a lack of civilization is not always a bad thing, and sometimes it can make a society much more dynamic, more flexible, more innovative too. But yeah, mostly it sucks…

By the way, the US is hardly unique in having had degenerate imbeciles in power. Does anybody remember what Chernenko looked like when he became the Secretary General of the CPSU? What about folks like Jean-Bédel Bokassa or Mikheil Saakashvili (this latter case is especially distressing since it happened in a country with a truly ancient and extremely rich culture!). And while we can dislike folks like George Bush Senior or James Baker – these were superbly educated and extremely intelligent people. Compare them to such psychopathic ignoramuses like Pompeo, Bolton or Trump himself!

So this latest US “attack” on the Venezuela is truly a most telling symptom of the wholesale collapse of US power and of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy and lack of civilization of the Neocon ruling elites.

The big question is obvious: will they attack Venezuela or Iran next?

The Saker: "The AngloZionist Empire: a hyperpower with microbrains and no cred left"

NYT’s so-called “anti-Semitic” cartoon.

In the very first article I ever wrote for my blog, as far back as 2007, I predicted that the US would attack Iran. I still believe that the Israelis will never cease to try to get the US to do their dirty work for them (and let the goyimpay the price!). What I am not sure about is whether the Israelis truly will have the power to push the US into such a suicidal war (remember, if Iran cannot “win” against the US, neither can the US “win” against Iran – thus Iran will win simply by surviving and not caving in – which they will and they won’t). The good news is that US power has been in sharp (and accelerating!) decline at least since Clinton and his gang. I would even add that the last two idiots (Obama and Trump) did more damage to the US power than all their predecessors combined. The bad news is that the collective IQ of US leaders has been falling even faster than US power. We can hope that the first will hit zero long before the second, but there is no guarantee.

Truly, nobody knows if the US will or will not attack Iran and/or Venezuela next. The Neocons sure want that, but whether they will make it happen this time around or not depends on so many variables that even the folks in the White House and the Pentagon probably don’t really know what will happen next.

What is certain is that the US reputation worldwide is basically roadkill. The fact that most folks inside the US are never told about that does not make it less real. The Obama-Trump tag team has truly inflicted irreparable damage on the reputation of the US (in both cases because they were hopelessly infected and corrupted by the Neocons). The current US leaders appear to understand that, at least to some degree, this is why they are mostly lashing out at “easy” targets like free speech (on the Internet and elsewhere), Assange, the Venezuelan Embassy, etc. The real danger comes from either one of two factors:

  1. The Neocons will feel humiliated by the fact that all their threats are only met with indifference, disgust or laughter
  2. The Neocons will feel buoyed by the fact that nothing terrible happened (so far) when they attacked a defenseless target

Either way, in both cases the outcome is the same: each “click!” brings us closer to the inevitable “bang!”.

By the way, I think I should also mention here that the current state of advanced paranoia in which the likes of Pompeo point their fingers left and right are also signs of terminal weakness: these are not so much ways to credibly explain the constant and systematic failures of the Israelis and the Americans to get anything actually done as they are a way to distract away from the real reasons for the current extreme weakness of the AngloZionists.

The Saker: "The AngloZionist Empire: a hyperpower with microbrains and no cred left"

2006: The people of Lebanon celebrate the victory which turned the tide of AngloZionist imperialism

I concluded my last article by speaking of the terrified Venezuelans who refused to be afraid. I will conclude this one by pointing at the first instance when a (comparatively) small adversary completely refused to be frightened even while it was the object of a truly terrifying attack: Hezbollah in 2006. Even though they were outnumbered, outgunned and surrounded by the Israelis, the members of the Resistance in Lebanon simply refused to be afraid and, having lost the fear too which so many Arabs did succumb to before 2006, they proceeded to give the Israelis (fully backed by the US) the worst and most humiliating thrashing in their country’s (admittedly short) history.

I urge you to read al-Sayyid Hassan’s famous “Divine Victory” speech (you can still find the English language transcript here and here) – it is one of the most important speeches of the 20th century! – and pay attention to these words (emphasis added):

We feel that we won; Lebanon won; Palestine won; the Arab nation won, and every oppressed, aggrieved person in this world also won. Our victory is not the victory of a party. I repeat what I said in Bint Jubayl on 25 May 2000: It is not the victory of a party or a community; rather it is a victory for true Lebanon, the true Lebanese people, and every free person in the world. Don’t distort this big historic victory. Do not contain it in party, sectarian, communal, or regional cans. This victory is too big to be comprehended by us. The next weeks, months, and years will confirm this.

And, indeed, the next weeks, months and years have very much confirmed that!

Any US attack on Iran will have pretty similar results, but on a much, much bigger scale.

And the Iranians know that. As do many in the Pentagon (the CIA and the White House are probably beyond hopeless by now).

Conclusion: good news and bad news

The good news first: Pompeo and Lavrov had what seems to be a meaningful dialog. That is very, very good, even if totally insufficient. They have also announced that they want to create study groups to improve the (currently dismal) relations between the two countries. That is even better news (if that really happens). Listening to Pompeo and Lavrov, I got a feeling that the Americans are slowly coming to the realization that they have an overwhelming need to re-establish a meaningful dialog with the other nuclear superpower. Good. But there is also bad news.

The Saker: "The AngloZionist Empire: a hyperpower with microbrains and no cred left"

Finally some meaningful discussions between the two nuclear superpowers!

The rumor that the strategic geniuses surrounding Trump are now considering sending 120,000 troops to the Middle-East is really very bad news. If this just stays a rumor, then it will be the usual hot air out of DC, along the lines of Trump’s “very powerful armada” sent to scare the DPRK (it failed). The difference here is simple: sending carriers to the Middle-East is pure PR. But sending carriers AND 120,000 troops completely changes that and now this threat, if executed, will become very real. No, I don’t think that the US will attempt to invade Iran, but 120,000 is pretty close to what would be needed to try to re-open the Strait of Hormuz (assuming the Iranians close it) while protecting all the (pretty much defenseless) CENTCOM facilities and forces in the region. Under this scenario, the trip of Pompeo to Russia might have a much more ominous reason: to explain to the Russians what the US is up to and to provide security guarantees that this entire operation is not aimed at Russian forces. IF the US really plans to attack Iran, then it would make perfect sense for Pompeo to talk to Lavrov and open channels of communications between the two militaries to agree on “deconfliction” procedures. Regardless of whether the Russians accept such deconfliction measures or not (my guess is that they definitely would), such a trip is a “must” when deploying large forces so near to Russian military forces.

So far Trump has denied this report – but we all know that he suffers from the “John Kerry syndrome”: he wants better relations with Russia only until the Neocons tell him not to. Then he makes a 180 and declares the polar opposite of what he just said.

Still, there are now rumors that Trump is getting fed up with Bolton (who, truth be told, totally FUBARed the Venezuelan situation!).

As for the Iraqis, they have already told the US to forget using Iraqi territory for any attack. This reminds me of how the Brazilians told the US that Brazil would not allow its territory to be used for any attacks. This is becoming a pattern. Good.

Frankly, while an AngloZionist attack on Iran is always and by definition possible, I can’t imagine the folks at the Pentagon having the stomach for that. In a recent article Eric Margolis outlined what the rationale for such an attack might be (check out his full article here). Notice this sentence: “The Pentagon’s original plan to punish Iran called for some 2,300 air strikes on Day 1 alone“. Can they really do that? Yes, absolutely. But imagine the consequences! Margolis speaks of “punishing” Iran. 2,300 air strikes in one day is not something I would call a “punishment”. That is a full scale attack on Iran which, in turns, means that the Iranians will have exactly *ZERO* reasons to hold back in any way. If the AngloZionists attack Iran with 2,300 air strikes on Day 1, then you can be sure that on Day 2 all hell will break loose all over the Middle-East and the AngloZionists will have absolutely *NO* means of stopping it.

This will be a real bloodbath and nobody will have any idea as to how to stop it.

And you can be darn sure that the Iranians will show much more staying power than the imperialists, if only because they will be fighting in defense of their country, their faith, their liberty, their friends and their families. To expect the Iranians to cave in or surrender in any way would be the most stupid notion anybody could entertain.

Could they really be THAT stupid in Washington DC?

I don’t know.

But what I do know is this: any such attack will be extremely costly and very, very dangerous. Obviously, the Neocons don’t give a rats ass about costs, financial or human. They just want war, war, war and more war (remember McCain’s “bomb, bomb, bomb – bomb, bomb Iran“?). But the Neocons are only a tiny fraction of the US ruling elites (even if the most powerful one) and my hope is that the sane elements will prevail (which, indeed, they have so far).

As for right now, we are still okay. But if the US actually beings sending large forces to the Middle-East, then all bets are off.

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Good, common sense analysis, the Anglo imperialists created the Zionist evil. The only difference are that Jews are 100 plus evil compared to any other plague that has infected the planet. The Zionist agenda is one dimensional plunder of the planet and create a global brainwashed enslaved state. It is a million worse than what their Nazi mentors did. All enlightened people must stand up to Zionist evil before the planet goes up in flames. Since 1948, the so-called Zionists have brought nothing but bloodshed and misery to Palestine and the world.


you should learn to read sakers articles and opinions very carefully and read especially between the lines as he is trained to tell half truths and pass subliminal messages to your brain. Dont fall of the key words he is using to put your mind at ease re read more carefully and tell me what you think, if you are able to read between his lines and find what I told you. If not ask and I explain you but I believe you can.

Astrid Watanabe

I was reading a Saker’s Article in Russia Insider and was startled awake by a comment made by Ma_Laoshi. I quoted it here a few times so I don’t want to repeat it. But you are right about this.


It’s possible to add a link to your other comments, isn’t it? Or I could be less lazy and chase it down. A bit pressed for time. As a long time admirer of the Saker I am not adverse to being awakened, just skeptical of the need.


unfortunately I did not read what you mentioning and therefore have no idea what the comment was.

S Melanson

Yes, absolutely. I copy my response to Saker above and provide some example of his misleading framing and interested in your thoughts.

—————————- I agree the defeat of the IDF in Lebanon in 2006 was a crucial and game-changing victory for Hezbollah as Saker states in the article:

“I concluded my last article by speaking of the terrified Venezuelans who refused to be afraid. I will conclude this one by pointing at the first instance when a (comparatively) small adversary completely refused to be frightened even while it was the object of a truly terrifying attack: Hezbollah in 2006.”

But it was not the first instance and it is misleading to say: “Resistance in Lebanon simply refused to be afraid and, having lost the fear too which so many Arabs did succumb to before 2006”.

This speaks to the IDF mythology of invincibility that was cultivated after the 1967 ‘Six Day War’. This is similar to the Japanese mythology of invincibility that was a consequence of Japanese successes in the first half of 1942 that stunned the Western Allies. The Coral Sea and Midway battles dispelled the myth soon enough. Similarly, the IDF myth was soon dispelled by the Egyption war of attrition following the 1967 war and especially the 1973 Yom Kipper War that nearly brought down Israel, bringing a reluctant Israel to the negotiating table with Egypt to seek peace. The 2006 Lebanon war was a continuation of an on-going dismantling of IDF mythology.

But the Saker had an opportunity to highlight the important developments in Yemen of the past year that is still on-going. This terrible conflict is current and directly comparable: “Even though they were outnumbered, outgunned and surrounded by the Israelis, the members of the Resistance [Hezbollah] in Lebanon simply refused to be afraid“.

To illustrate, I paraphrase al-Sayyid Hassan’s famous “Divine Victory” speech”:

We feel that we won; Yemen won, and every oppressed, aggrieved person in this world also won. Our victory is not the victory of a party. It is not the victory of a party or a community; rather it is a victory for true Yemen, the true Yemanese people, and every free person in the world. Don’t distort this big historic victory. Do not contain it in party, sectarian, communal, or regional cans. This victory is too big to be comprehended by us. The blood stained weeks, months, and years that have passed confirm this.

The Coalition is fighting for their lives in Yemen to save Aden, the false capital, from falling. For all intents and purposes, the false capital has already fallen and the world owes the exceptionally courageous Ansar Allah and allied tribes a great deal of gratitude.

Message to the elites: as you have repeatedly discovered, the ‘little people’ are not so little after all.


I know you are all over the Yemen issue, which is admirable, but to diss Saker for not including it here seems a overly picky. Your “Yes absolutely” did nothing to enlighten my apparently naïve admiration of the Saker.

S Melanson

Do not let admiration for Saker, or anyone for that matter, including me, blind your objectivity. I admire Saker and have praised his writings many times. You can check my Discus account and see for yourself. I have also criticized Saker as well and I feel this article is batting below his league.

Framing is important for not just what you include and how you say it, but equally, what you leave out. Saker perpetuates the myth of the cowardly Arab by making it seem that Arabs overcoming their fear is a recent phenomenon and a rarity. This is wrong on both counts. I provided examples in my response regarding the aftermath of the devastating defeat inflicted upon the Arabs by The IDF in the Six Days War of 1967. This is when the mythology of the invincible IDF reached its height and the USA went all in to back the winner as a new US regional enforcer.

If Arabs were cowardly, the time following the defeat would unlikely see Arab confrontation with Israel. But not only did the Arabs confront Israel, they almost brought Israel down. Study the Egyptian war of attrition and the Yom Kipper War. The only reason Israel was not destroyed was due to poor command and control (not fear) that prevented the Syrian 4th armoured division from exploiting their breakthrough and taking Tel Aviv.

The Egyptian forces in Sinai showed skill and bravery causing significant IDF casualties and you will find IDF sources readily concede this. Although Israel eventually triumphed, it was near disaster and the Israeli government fell in disgrace. This is why Israel and Egypt made peace. Israel did not make peace with cowardly Arabs, they made peace with a nation whose armed forces they came to respect. I also add that the myth Arabs being war mongers that no nothing of making peace, runs into a dissonant wall considering the peace between Egypt and Israel has held forty years without violation. Similarly, the peace between Jordan and Israel has held for 25 years, also without violation.

It is when you come to admire a writer that you hold them to higher standards, not lower, as in being more forgiving. Readers should challenge an author based on what is written, to keep the author on their toes and make them better. The Saker Is capable of better. He should be aware of how the topic fits into the historical record of indigenous resistance movements successfully resisting and even defeating nations far more powerful – Vietnam, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Finland vs. Russia, Scotland, Yemen, Turkey emerging from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire and many more examples.

The 2006 victory in Lebanon over the IDF was significant but not the first by any means and not the most important in my opinion as it did not bring Israel to the negotiating table as was the case with Egypt. Note also I struck out resistance and put in Hezbollah – I did not like that the Saker did not identify Hezbollah as it was clearly the only meaningful resistance to the IDF.

I was surprised that Yemen was not mentioned as it is current and highly salient to the topic. It is also a topic that is urgent and the outcomes carry enormous symbolic significance as it is the archetypal struggle between David and Goliath(s). I may be out of line by pointing out the omission, but even so, Saker needs to hear from his readers just like any other author.

If I did not admire Saker, I would be less likely to take the time to comment on his articles and even less likely to respond to your comment as I do here.


He qualified this section by saying the forces going up against Israeli aggression were comparatively small. Egypt vs Israel was not a Davey vs Goliath confrontation back then. Certainly the powers of Israel have expanded greatly since then with the US presence in the region, and within Israel itself, greatly expanded.

As to the courage of Arabs. The treatment of the Palestinians speaks volumes. It’s the difference between fighting a bully when he attacks your friends in the school yard, even when you know you will be beaten or standing there and watching, for decades!

So this article covered a lot of ground. He had qualifying remarks that allow enough room to diffuse your criticisms. I have seen him pummelled mercilessly by people who obviously have not even read the piece. Thus the Yes absolutely strikes me as pilling on to a completely unsubstantiated weak critique.

Saker has often shown his humanity and admits to imperfection. I think there is an internet tradition to trash everyone, but I for one see the Saker as a hero and do not expect him to be perfect.

S Melanson

You are shifting context to have me saying something I am not. Egypt was an example of bravery and I even indicated they were near peer level to Israel as an army the IDF came to respect. Yemen I give as an example of David vs. Goliath and there is no dispute on that.

You criticize Hardhawk for unsubstantiated claims but you do the same by claiming Saker diffuses my criticism. How so? Worse is your implying I did not even read the article. Obviously I did. The part about unsubstantiated critique does not merit a response.

I stand by what I wrote.


” I will conclude this one by pointing at the first instance when a (comparatively) small adversary completely refused to be frightened even while it was the object of a truly terrifying attack: Hezbollah in 2006.”

“having lost the fear too which so many Arabs did succumb to before 2006,”

He did not say all Arabs. The unsubstantiated critique referred to HH’s post to which you responded, Yes, absolutely. Not sure how you got an accusation of not having read the post when you obviously did. HH probably not. He generated a weak unsubstantiated critique to which you piled on with your yes absolutely. You ok bud? You seem a bit overwrought.

I would agree he could have put in a good word for the Houthi.

S Melanson

I think we are both overwrought. Good observation. You do have a point in what you say.


Hell man I am on vacation with internet access for the first time in ages. I am rusty and not very coherent but pretty relaxed. All the best.


Don’t get to keep up so much the last 6 months or so but it seems that dumping on the Saker is still popular.

One of the things that I find admirable is detailed explanations in common sense language. Vague illusion to things “everyone” should plainly see, seems like an elitist, academic type, slight of hand. You won’t or can’t really explain it, but you act as if its a foregone conclusion in your sweet little, holier than thou manner.

To me Saker manifests a knowledgeable humbleness. When he says, “I hope I am wrong,” my instincts shout, me too! Having spent some time on his site with all it’s diversity and soul, I will just ask you this. Who trained him to deceive us to what end?


you may


Sorry less than illuminating for me. Will try this again not sure how to make it simpler.

Who trained him (Saker) to deceive us and to what end?

Your response reminds me of talking to a computer, I have very little patience for that, so in the absence of a substantive answer to what seems a very simple question I will bow out of any further conversation, good day to you.


if you dont have the knowledge and capacity to know when you read propaganda and when you read an honest opinion then my advice to you is not only to search what you reading but also to get some waking up pills kid. As for having patience or not I could care less. I am not here to educate any one or care to educate any one who fail to do his home work and has no ability as it is obvious fro you to connect dots.


Well went and read some of your past posts. We share an admiration for Putin and Russia’s role in preventing WW III it would seem. It also seems obvious English is not your native tongue and you tend towards insulting people and have even less patience than I do.

In a world were trillions have been spent to deceive the mass of people there is no shame in going down the wrong road. But staying on it does seem like an error. I have zero faith in MSM. I don’t even own a TV and have not watched it or Hollywood “programing” for over 40 years now.

As someone who dropped out of school in grade 10 I am certainly guilty of not doing my homework. A modern education seems to me the backbone of propaganda so my humble efforts of reading various sources is something I am eager to expand. I avoid video unless of speeches as there is much manipulation in most video productions. Never mind the data charges.

One of my disappointments with alternative world views is the disunity that exists among the various groups. The world seems in a very precarious state with divide and conquer one of the central themes of empire.

So to be able to sit in contumacious dismissive judgement of others is a luxury our world cannot afford. If this is the affect of your contribution, how does that contribute to the advance of society?


k i dont admire Putin but do respect all he did for Russia that I consider my second home. By saying this does not mean I am a follower of him and agree with what ever he does especially of the last 2-3 years.

I do own a TV but only to watch basketball, that is one of my vises so when is no basket is just acting as a big 4k monitor added to my system. No the english language is not my native language but I dont insult people as you say I just speak things with their names literally.

I will try and communicate better with you in the future .

You can call me Al

Not Jews, Zionists.


In the wonderful words of Sergei Lavrov, the US diplomats have “lost the taste for diplomacy“.

Not just the taste, also the ability and skillsets needed. Threats, sanctions and violence, that’s all the US knows how to do these days.

(the Soviet Penal Code under Stalin was MUCH more reasonable and civilized than the current US laws!)

Maybe legally it was, in practice it was not even worth the ink it was printed with. The flimsiest of suspicions was enough to get you sent to the gulag, if not outright killed. Still, the USSR was a brutal dictatorship under Stalin, what’s the US excuse?


The USSR during Stalin’s time as General Secretary liberated women completely. It was also the first country to industrialise without using child labour. It was the first country to make both universal health care and education part of the national program, in 1917. However, Stalin and the USSR were vilified by the US and other right wing regimes the world over for providing ordinary people with opportunity to remove the capitalist shackles which bound the overwhelming majority. Even General Smedely Butler of the US marines was aware that he was little more than an enforcer of US capitalism on 4 Continents.

Promitheas Apollonious

not exactly as you say it.


So, what version of Anglo Zionist (Yanki) Propaganda would you use to rebut the above statement. The Brits we know deployed over 50,000 troops made up from 20 various Battalions, 7 Regiments 3 Brigades along with a plethora of artillery batterys and 6 squadrons of the RAF between February 1918 and March 1922. The Yanks also deployed 11 Battalions, 3 in Archangel and 8 in Vladivostok. The Czechs had over 60,000 troops deployed in support of the ‘White Terrorists’, however when the Red Army caught up to them they were crushed decisively. Kolchal and his hench men were captured by the Czechs and handed over to the Red Army in return for safe passage home. Once the white terrorists were defeated the Yanks packed up their boys from Archangel and sailed home in 1919, it took another year before their southern deployment went home. The Brits of course kept stirring the shit for another 2 years under the watch of WC before they too had to fuck off with themselves. Those 5 years of war obviously distorted the New born socialist state USSR. However, tough as it was there it was tougher to irk out a living in Germany, France and the rest of the west for ordinary people. Of course the Oligarchs of Capitalism have over a 100 years painted a grossly distorted picture of what happened between 1920 and 1990 just as they are doing today regarding Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela. Time to take the blinkers off Promitheas and look what the Brits did to Greece after WW2

Promitheas Apollonious

you have many things confused in your mind and also calling the white russians terrorists show the extend of your ignorance of historical fact unless of course you are a jew.

First using selective memory and using the yank’s and the brits as your main and comparing what happen then in russia who was a western financed and executed revolution against the czar of russia and all the bullshits you seem to think you know calling the russians who try to stop the take over of their motherland from the khazars, as white terrorist, show me where you learn what you saying and that is zionist propaganda what you trying to sell here.

As for what is been done to my country by the brits and not only but all the alleged allies of greece I know better than you and to some events since I been born I have first hand experiences. They also have first hand experience by my people and me what means to open with us a maniot blood feud, so spare me the smart remarks you trying to make to me.

Go and educate your self as to who the red army as you call it was and we speaking during the years you mentioning and who they run it despite the fact that it had russians in it an enslaved population has very little saying especially in the predicament russians found them, selves into. So cut the crap as well the khazarian propaganda, as to who was what and dont compare apples and oranges especially with me.


Stalin murdered millions and slaughtered whole economic groups. Soviet industrialization came at an immense price in human suffering, and that’s excluding the famines that the preceding forced collectivization of Soviet farming caused. His rule was so murderous and terrible that the Nazi’s, the fucking Nazi’s for fuck’s sake, were hailed as liberators in the Baltics and the Ukraine. Think about that! Stalin was a terrible evil man, who belongs in the same category as Hitler. He did terrible things as leader of the USSR and saying things like: oh, but he delivered health care, and education, and he industrialized the country, those are the same excuses that Hitler fanboys use when they say that he build highways and delivered full employment for the people. Or that Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Brother Ma

True but those Ukrainians came to despise those erstwhile nazi “liberators” as did the Shiite Iraqis the Yanks.


And still they fought the Red Army when it returned. It’s most famous victim the commander of the 1st Ukrainian front, Nikolay Vatutin, hero of Kursk. And the situation in Nazi occupied Ukraine was rather complicated, with the Ukrainian insurgents fighting both the Nazi’s and the Soviet partisans, and sometimes joining the Nazi’s against the partisans. Similarly how in US occupied Iraq both Sunni and Shia insurgents would fight each other, next to the Americans. And sometimes each other more then the Americans. Occupations like this are extremely murky affairs.

Brother Ma

Sure I agree. Did you ever read about the Georgians of Hitlers army who then swapped and fought against the Nazis again in Texel Holland?


There was a documentary about them on Dutch TV some 10 years ago. That the fighting between them and the German army went on after the German army had surrendered. In no small part because the Allies were very late to arrive on those islands. On one of them they only arrived a month after the capitulation.

Promitheas Apollonious

quote for sakers article. “First, while the American can pour scorn on the Iranians, call them ragheads, terrorists, Mollahs, sand-niggers or confuse them with Iraqis or even think that Iranian are Arabs (as, apparently, are the Turks, at least by the US common standard of ignorance)“

Turks are not arabs are mongoloids. the rest of the nationalities in what today is called turkey is the remains of the various nationalities that lived in the area, during the Byzantine empire before it fallen, to the mongols and the crusaders from vatican, who opened the road to the khazars to conquer and destroy the byzantine empire..

Tommy Jensen

TheSakers besserwissen was to bear if he didnt constantly promoted his liberal views that Trump is a clown and a nut head, which Trump is absolutely not.


Good point. It’s strange how TheSaker in this intellectual position can mention both (Obimbo and Trump) in one sentence to be the same idiots or something like that. Did he not realize the possibility that there is a seemingly ultimate war going on between the deepstaters and the patriotic US-citizens, and that the deepstaters are 24/7/365 long in the need to bring everything to chaos and destruction? On the other hand: Some points are ok and well said…

Brother Ma

What makes you think that Trump is not a Deep stater as well? This is just a lovers’ fight between cartel factions. Trumper Repubs against Bushite Repubs and both against the Democrat factions.


yes he is a fool and a nut job ask about the wall.

Joe Kerr

The more Bibi’s orange toyboy opens his mouth, the less support Israel and its U.S. slave colony have. So keep it up Drumpf, the more the merrier… but remember to keep your fat finger from hitting your big suicide button.

chris chuba

I’m not so convinced that the U.S. will be able to run wild and free of Iranian airspace. They have at least two models of air defense, the S300 and their own native one which is untested. The U.S. would be able to bomb, just saying that we might lose a decent amount of aircraft doing it.

I know, the U.S. will launch cruise missiles and our famous ‘stand off’ weapons but that will not be sufficient to take out Iran’s military bases, just their civilian infrastructure which cannot be moved or hidden.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hopefully iran’s antiship missiles does the trick :)))

Lena Jones

The best thing about this article is the picture of Hezbollah supporters celebrating their fantastic and heroic eviction of the invading jews. May all our public squares one day fill up with people celebrating their liberation from jews and their political, cultural and (for some) military occupation!

Jens Holm

Most of them only has one leg now.

Lena Jones

Even a group of lame soldiers could kick the ass of the cowardly idf.

Jens Holm

Sure, and it saves a lot of shoes too.

Lena Jones

Ah the little jew terrorist is a foot fetishist.


Most Americans get it that their government sucks. Which is how Trump got in office, before he betrayed them and circular filed what he ran on. And increasing numbers of Americans are coming to the realization that vermin Jews are the primary problem.

The US and our planet need to be dejudified so that this evil cult goes extinct and the planet is Jew free.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

iran will always be triumphant, no amount of forces or weapons against it will prosper, and the angloshit empire will finally end

Promitheas Apollonious

not if they try and play it politically correct and not fight fire with fire. Especially if they wait for zioangloamericans to attack them first at their leisure. People always believe the illusions they selling to them even the ones who allegedly are in the know of reality, still refuse to see whats in front of them. City OF London colonized usa – canada – australia and all are her lap dogs along with the other followers in nato.

Check the countries that allegedly joined EU but never changed their coin into euro and you know who are the hard core of globalization. the rest are just the convenient idiots who been sold one illusion or another and are used as cannon fodder, for the globalists genocides and destruction of any one stand against them. You can not win this sub humans playing politics, with out making them extinct and erased from the face of earth.

Joe Kerr

Currently, a U.S. attack on Iran won’t have any popular support, both within the U.S. and its allies. Hence, expect a false flag attack to ignite the process.

Promitheas Apollonious

I agree with you.

Jens Holm

Thats right, but it will be accepted under protest. Trying to be nice, as EU does, is like communicating with a stone.

Brother Ma

I cpyld be mistaken bur i beoieve Denmark joined rge Eu but still has its own currency . If Spain,Portugal,italy,ireland and greece were smarter they woykd be in a much better position now and not just serfs to theEU core.

Promitheas Apollonious

no you are not wrong and has nothing to do with been smarter or been stupid and incompetence, it has to do with high treason among the politicians that voters chose to put at the helm, against their own country.

globalization also breed the new generations to be americanized and have shit for brains breaking their national IDs. I dont think Ireland and Italy have any problem any more and as I said has nothing to do with smart or stupid. It has to do with the system that allow the sheep to vote one of two evils. Unfortunately people never wake up to facts and what is attacking them as 90% of them are political followers, that follow the leader.

Jens Holm

I dont agree. I can speak well for Denmark about that. Our economy is much more open then most of the rest. By that we also are much much sensible for ups and downs.

By that we have to react fast on changes in the world to aviod bad things and make in the other hand make a lot of money as soon as we see the opportunities.

Here we do follow the ECU well, but inerest as well as currency has to be changed very fast and be more flexible.

Comparing with Greece is far out. The danish Governess has an exelent economy, but the private ones owes a lot of money away, but mainlky basd in production.

Greece are very bad in the Governes part and owe a lot of money to mainly Germany. They dont get tax in from the private ones. Many greeks hardly pay tax. Unfortunatly the rich ones pays even less and they do have too much corruption. …………………….

You seemes to forget that EU also create a lot of help as well as a free market by investments from other countries. You also forget how weak the Italian lira and peso was even before EU. Ireland was one of the poorest country in urope before they joined EU too.

Economy is very complicated. You might be right here and there, but EU makes stability, so You can correct the rest because You can see the rela problems better. Thats how I see it.

The Merkel version for years has been, that cant You make enough money You dont make even more loans but learn to adjust and spend less being more effective having less waste.

I dont know Spain well but I think they have made a too fast build up in too many sectors doing minus and mainly the Tourist sector. I do know Italy much better. They are still famous for money evaporations given to the the wrong people for free – And still from Rome and South is kept like that. Thats not about currency but bad Governess or none. …………………………………………………

The last thing is we havnt given up our sovereignty. Númber one is, that it decided in the countries one by one.

Denmark before that was in EFTA and exchanged from one unification to another and we wasnt alone. We were with Brits, Ireland, Sweden, Austrai and several others. They did it too.

So many millions are not as stupid as You insinuate. True we lost some sovereignty, but we also got influence on the rest of Europe then ever before.

If it can make You smile it to me was exchanging 3 bananas for 7. Hardly none of the bad things we were told could happen has been seen.

Rhodium 10

These US military movements are for American consumers…to attack Iran means that IRGC/Army will target Qatar air base with a single barrage of at least 100 ballistic missile which Patriot launchers only can have around 40% of Success due the number of ground to air missile interceptors and the accurate ratio….Iran have over 10.000 ballistic missile..enough to keep non operative the airbases in Gulf states…meanwhile Hormuz strait would be closed…civilian airports would be under threat of Iranian missile…bad bussiness for USA &Allies….


Dear South Front: This is why you fail as both a businessman and a journalist. This is why you’re considered a disinformation outlet by most people


You lie like a Jew.

Lena Jones

As opposed to the historically swindling jews whose words we should believe? Obey? LOL!

paul ( original )

Prediction is not something I am readily given to. But as a general rule in politics I think the momentum is always to escalate and continue in the current direction. I don’t think ‘administrations’ even just decide to change directions and ‘be good’ unless they are forced by circumstances. So here my expectation would be to see further ramping up of the pressure. Now in these matters the often used form of words is ‘nothing is ruled out’ . It is as well to be aware that such a statement does encompass the use of nuclear weapons. Could that happen here? I think the answer must be that it could. There are restraints and other might feel obliged to point them out to me. On the other hand these thing are incremental and each tiny step forwards takes us closer to a bigger total step. With the development of devastating but low yield atomic weapons the temptation to use becomes greater. Why use 2300 strikes when an alternative using fewer that 100 exists?

S Melanson

I agree the defeat of the IDF in Lebanon in 2006 was a crucial and game-changing victory for Hezbollah as Saker states in the article:

“I concluded my last article by speaking of the terrified Venezuelans who refused to be afraid. I will conclude this one by pointing at the first instance when a (comparatively) small adversary completely refused to be frightened even while it was the object of a truly terrifying attack: Hezbollah in 2006.”

But it was not the first instance and it is misleading to say: “Resistance in Lebanon simply refused to be afraid and, having lost the fear too which so many Arabs did succumb to before 2006“.

This speaks to the IDF mythology of invincibility that was cultivated after the 1967 ‘Six Day War’. This is similar to the Japanese mythology of invincibility that was a consequence of Japanese successes in the first half of 1942 that stunned the Western Allies. The Coral Sea and Midway battles dispelled the myth soon enough. Similarly, the IDF myth was soon dispelled by the Egyption war of attrition following the 1967 war and especially the 1973 Yom Kipper War that nearly brought down Israel, bringing a reluctant Israel to the negotiating table with Egypt to seek peace. The 2006 Lebanon war was a continuation of an on-going dismantling of IDF mythology.

But the Saker had an opportunity to highlight the important developments in Yemen of the past year that is still on-going. This terrible conflict is current and directly comparable: “Even though they were outnumbered, outgunned and surrounded by the Israelis, the members of the Resistance [Hezbollah] in Lebanon simply refused to be afraid“.

To illustrate, I will paraphrase al-Sayyid Hassan’s famous “Divine Victory” speech”:

We feel that we won; Yemen won, and every oppressed, aggrieved person in this world also won. Our victory is not the victory of a party. It is not the victory of a party or a community; rather it is a victory for true Yemen, the true Yemanese people, and every free person in the world. Don’t distort this big historic victory. Do not contain it in party, sectarian, communal, or regional cans. This victory is too big to be comprehended by us. The blood stained weeks, months, and years that have passed confirm this.

The Coalition is fighting for their lives in Yemen to save Aden, the false capital, from falling. For all intents and purposes, the false capital has already fallen and the world owes the exceptionally courageous Ansar Allah and allied tribes a great deal of gratitude.

Message to the elites: as you have repeatedly discovered, the ‘little people’ are not so little after all.

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