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The Saker: “The Tulsi Gabbard phenomenon as a diagnostic tool”

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

Ever since Tulsi Gabbard announced that she will be running for President in 2020 her personality and candidacy have been a subject of heated debates and after I posted a rather small message from her, I have been getting panicked emails warning me that she is a fake and that I should “jump on her bandwagon” or otherwise endorse her.

So, first and foremost, I am not – repeat NOT – endorsing her in any way shape or fashion.

However, I do find her and what is taking place around her extremely interesting and I want to look at it a little closer.  This won’t be a review or analysis of her ideas, political platform or chance of getting elected.  Neither will I try to read her mind and do what so many other folks are doing and confidently declare that I know what her true values, ideas or plans are.  I don’t.

But there are a few things which can already be observed about her which I want to comment on.

The Saker: "The Tulsi Gabbard phenomenon as a diagnostic tool"

Ask yourself: why do liberals hate this lady?

First, one might imagine that she would be the *dream* candidate for the Democratic Party: she is a female, she is not White, she has impeccable “patriotic” credentials, she is obviously both very good looking and very smart, she does not have any skeletons in her past (at least none that we know of for the time being) and she is not associated with the notorious Clinton gang.  So what’s there not to like about her if you are a Democrat?

Well, as we all saw, the putatively “liberal” legacy Ziomedia hates Tulsi Gabbard with a passion.  Maybe not as much as that legacy Ziomedia hates Trump or Putin, but still – the levels of hostility against her are truly amazing.  This may seem bizarre until you realize that, just like Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard has said all the right things about Israel, but that this was not nearly “enough” to please the US Ziolobby.  Check out the kind of discussions about Gabbard which can be found in the Israeli and pro-Israeli press:

This is just a small sample of what I found with a quick search.  It could be summed up “Gabbard is not pro-Israel enough”.  But is that really The Main Reason for such a hostility towards her?

I don’t think so.

I believe that Gabbard’s real “ultimate sin” is that she is against foreign wars of choice.  That is really her Crime Of Crimes!

The AngloZionists wanted to tear Syria apart, break it up into small pieces, most of which would be run by Takfiri crazies and Tulsi Gabbard actually dared to go and speak to “animal Assad”, the (latest) “New Hitler”, who “gasses his own people”.  And this is an even worse crime, if such a thing can even be imagined!  She dared to *disobey* her AngloZionist masters.

So, apparently, opposing illegal wars and daring to disobey the Neocons are crimes of such magnitude and evil that they deserve the hysterical Gabbard-bashing campaign which we have witnessed in recent times.  And even being non-Christian, non-White, non-male and “liberal” does not in any way compensate for the heinous nature of “crimes”.

What does this tell us about the real nature of the US society?

The Saker: "The Tulsi Gabbard phenomenon as a diagnostic tool"

Appeasing *never* works with the Neocons

It is also interesting to note that the most vicious (and stupid) attacks against Gabbard did *not* come from “conservative” media outlets or journalists.  Not at all!  Most of the attacks, especially the more vicious ones, came from supposedly “liberal” sources, which tell us that in 2019 USA “liberals” do not refer to folks with liberal ideas, but to folks who are hell-bent on imperialism and war; folks who don’t care one bit about any real “liberal” values and who use a pseudo-liberal rhetoric to advocate for war outside the USA and for a plutocratic dictatorship inside the USA.

As for Gabbard herself, she already managed to publicly back-peddle to one obnoxious lobby (the homo lobby) on the issue of marriage (see hereherehere and here) and I fully expect her to cave in to the Zio-lobby just like Trump has been doing every day since he made it to the White House.  Apparently, US public figures like Gabbard and Trump still don’t understand the simple fact that NO amount of grovelling will EVER appease the Neocons or the Ziolobby (see here for a perfect example of that attitude from Commentary).

[Sidebar: this entire business about Rep. Ilhan Omar also illustrated something very crucial to Donald Trump’s personality.  Let me explain:

In the bad old days of the Soviet Union, one of the tricks used by the prison/camp administration to break a prisoner (be he political or not) was to stick him into a cell with the so-called “roosters”.  In the slang of the Russian criminal underworld, the “roosters” are the very lowest category of prisoners (in what is a rather complex hierarchy): “roosters” are either homosexuals, rapists, child molesters or men who have been down-ranked (“lowered” in slang) to that status as a punishment for some kind of action which the criminals consider reprehensible (like interacting with other “roosters”, mistakenly sitting down next to one, not repaying a card-debt, etc.).  I won’t go into all the details here, but suffice to say that one thing which was well known in the Soviet jails/camps is that somebody who has committed some kind of trespass can be “lowered” to the status of “rooster” and that the prison/camp administration often uses these man as “combat roosters” – they send them to attack and even rape some prisoner who needs to be broken.  And, needless to say, after you have been raped by such “roosters” you yourself get that status for the rest of your life.

What Trump did in the case of Rep. Ilhan Omar is act like a “lowered combat rooster”, sent to abuse somebody else on the behalf of the prison/camp administration.  Of all people, Trump ought to know that accusations of anti-Semitism are absolutely, total hogwash. This is just a verbal whip used by AIPAC/ADL/etc to beat up their opponents.  In fact, all Omar did was to say on Twitter  that some members of Congress support Israel because they are collecting money from Jewish groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).  Duh?!  Is that really news to anybody?  Even Trump himself mentioned that during this campaign.

By the way, check out how Rep. Ilhan Omar grills that sorry SOB Abrams here: http://thesaker.is/rep-ilhan-omar-vs-elliott-abrams/ .  This young lady clearly has more courage and integrity that all her colleagues taken together!

But the Neocons have now “lowered” Trump to the status of “rooster” and he now is acting like a willing “combat rooster” for those who “lowered” him to that status, which makes Trump the worst and most despised kind of “rooster”: one who willingly serves his own rapists.  See for yourself:

The amazing thing is that Trump seems to be  completely oblivious to how utterly dishonorable, spineless, subservient, weak and cowardly he looks every time he tries to so crudely brown-nose the Neocons.  Apparently being a narcissist does not include the ability to be aware of how others might see you.]

In fact, one of two things are most likely to happen next:

  1. Tulsi Gabbard remains true to her ideals and views and she gets no money for her campaign
  2. Tulsi Gabbard caves in to the Neocons and the Deep State and she become another Obama/Trump

Okay, in theory, a third option is possible (never say never!) but I see that as highly unlikely: Tulsi Gabbard follows in the footsteps of Trump and gets elected in spite of a massive media hate-campaign against her and once she makes it to the White House she does what Trump failed to do and appeals directly to the people of the USA to back her in a ruthless campaign to “drain the swamp” (meaning showing the door to the Neocons and their Deep State).  This is what Putin did, at least partially, when he came to power, by the way.  Frankly, for all her very real qualities she does not strike me as a “US Putin” nor does she have the kind of institutional and popular backing Putin had.  So while I will never say never, I am not holding my breath on this one…

Finally, if Gabbard truly is “for real” then the Deep State will probably “Kennedy” her and blame Russia or Iran for it.

Still, while we try to understand what, if anything, Tulsi Gabbard could do for the world, she does do good posting messages like this one:

I don’t know about you, but I am rather impressed!

At the very least, she does what “Occupy Wall Street” did with its “1%” which was factually wrong. The actual percentage is much lower but politically very effective.  In this case, Gabbard speaks of both parties being alike and she popularizes concepts like “warmongers in ivory towers thinking up new wars to wage and new places for people to die“.  This is all very good and useful for the cause of peace and anti-imperialism because when crimethinkconcepts become mainstream, then the mainstream is collapsing!

The most important achievement of Tulsi Gabbard, at least so far, has been to prove that the so-called “liberals” don’t give a damn about race, don’t give a damn about gender, don’t give a damn about minorities, don’t give a damn about “thanking our veterans” or anything else.  They don’t even care about Israel all that much.  But what they do care about is power, Empire and war.  That they *really* care about.  Tulsi Gabbard is the living proof that the US Democrats and other pretend “liberals” are hell bent on power, empire and war.  They also will stop at nothing to prevent the USA from (finally!) becoming a “normal” country and they couldn’t care less about the fate of the people of the USA.  All they want is for us all to become their serfs.

All of this is hardly big news.  But this hysterical reaction to Gabbard’s candidacy is a very powerful and useful proof of the fact that the USA is a foreign-occupied country with no real sovereignty or democracy.  As for the US media, it would make folks like Suslov or Goebbels green with envy.  Be it the ongoing US aggression against Venezuela or the reaction to the Tulsi Gabbard phenomenon, the diagnostics concur and we can use the typical medical euphemism and say with confidence: “the prognosis is poor”.

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yeah, tulsi is without hope but at least she’s out there speaking her mind. a few will hear and realize how right she is but the rest, the blind and deaf and speechless, will continue to ignore the doings of washington and/or the climate change and/or and/or till their dying days. and on the hill the crew, be they democrats or republicans will, continue to be sold to aipac and all other israeli-friendly groups and do their biddings. to put it crudely, the israelis stole the government in washington dc and every other government on a state-level to such an extent that the people is something you don’t need to heed any kind of attention to, unless, of course, it’s something about drugs for which the privatized prison system is a perfect match.

can it get any worse – no not really, but it’s still a hoot and a larf! poor buggers.


The problem US voters have is that before the primaries start they have a lot of interesting and sometimes good candidates to chose from. And then the primaries start, first the green primary (who sucks the most special interest cock to get the most money), which significantly whittles that choice down, and the real primary finishes that job. The first states that vote still get some choice, but after that the eliminations follow more rapidly, so by the time most voters in the primaries finally get their say, they are already left with few good choices, if any. So you always end up having to pick between a douche and a turd sandwich.


The primary votes are rigged, as is the media coverage. I suggest you watch Oliver Stones the Untold History of the United States, especially the episode where he covers Henry Wallace and how the Democrats simply ignored the votes.

Jens Holm

Rigged is a wrong word most of the time. Those Votergrouos represent the organisation.

If not some chessplayers could make a footballclub into a chessplayer.

If You have seen X factor its kind of same thing. The experts recommend but all can vote – and they Yoy add .


Watch Stone’s expose on the selection of Truman, and if you then can’t see that rigged is the appropriate word then you have a brain malfunction.


Even if Tulsi Gabard goes to the White House, still the “Deep State” will rule the U$. No matter who is in the White House the shadow government, the “Deep State” runs the show and it is business as usual!


Only if the new Pres wants it. As the most powerful human in human history he/she can get rid of anyone.

Empire's Frontiers

Imagine you and your family own well over a trillion dollars worth of assets spread across countless acres of land with access to unlimited water.

And on that land you have farms and factories that provide for tens or hundreds of millions of people. Trucks and trains your factories built running between them.

With that sort of position on this earth, do you really suppose the winner of an American reality Tv show (pres. election) has any power over you?


He can murder anyone he wants; even Putin could reassert state sovereignty.

Empire's Frontiers

I take it you quite like television.


Not since TardBBC was murdered by Thatchler.


I forgot to ask, how many divisions dos this plutocrat have?


No he/she can’t, he can’t fire members of congress, he can’t fire Judges, in fact as Trump has found out, he can do anything he wants, as long as he does exactly what he is told.


He doesn’t need to; a discreet nod to the zionist antisemites and the dissident is smeared as an antisemite and gone. That’s what Aipac etc are for.


I really think that donny is doing his best to become the unchallenged commander in chief or with other words ‘get rid of the deep state and/or the military industrial complex. he’s on his way but they, the ds/mic, in the shape of lunabin ready bolton and fatso, so far manage to put a spaniard in the works. but donny is working away and afghanistan is next in line, after syria and after that you have iraq, which country is longing to see the back of the american army. and believe it or not, donny has no desire to get tangled up in a new war in the middle east, against iran, whatever his son in law would like or israel for that matter. donny is a business man and he sees no or very little upside in further wars for moronistan as it is.


He got off to a bad start in a lot of his supporters eyes with his Muslim bashing. Which reeks of Israel first. Add to that ditching the Iran deal, when most Americans supported it, and moving the embassy to Jerusalem, which most Americans didn’t support. Then we had the Syrian false flags with the Russians and nukes in the equation. Which was also dimly viewed by many of his supporters as dangerous and foolish. How much of this was coerced and consensual is open to debate.

After endless Jewmedia vilification. A lot of people ignore it. But they don’t ignore the issues that I’ve just described. As far as Trump being fundamentally antiwar, I agree. And not starting new ones is half the battle. Stopping the existing ones is the other half. So far, after two years, he’s had zero success at that. How many times does someone have to cry wolf before you start questioning if they can get the job done?

You can’t place all, or even most of the blame on Trump for these failures. He’s clearly up against an entrenched opposition that represents almost the entire government that he’s running. Not only is he getting next to zero cooperation. But even worse they’re trying to roll back everything that he’s trying to do in the courts, and in the legislature. And behind it all are Jews who are thoroughly embedded throughout the power structure. The solution is to get rid of all of them by outlawing Judaism as a criminal organization so that there are no more American Jews. It’s not a cure all. But it will correct the biggest part of the problem.


If what you is right, then why donny is so scared of the “deep state”? Why not do what he said he would do? He is even about lead the U$ another bloody regime-change adventure in Venezuela! Why is he surrounding himself with satanic neocons like Pompeo, Bolton, Eliot Abrams etc?


Great question. Trump has filled his administration with Jews and Christian Zionist neocons, and then complains that none of his anti Jew world order policies get implemented. Not that it would make a lot of difference when being a Zionist Israel firster, anti America firster, is a prerequisite to getting elected to the US legislature. At a time when 81% of Americans oppose $38 billion in aid to Israel.

The entire political system in the US is gerrymandered by the Jews and their Israel first sycophants. The msm is a Jew monopoly, and they’re vastly over represented in other policy and administrative positions in government and society:

– Who Controls America? –

“When Victims Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America

Banking/Finance Who Controls the Economy? Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 2) Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 1) Who Controls Goldman Sachs? Who Controls American International Group? Who Controls the Treasury Department? Who Controls the Federal Reserve System? (Part 1) Who Controls the Federal Reserve System? (Part 2) Mass Media Who Controls Big Media? Who Controls Hollywood? Who Controls Television? Who Controls Music? Who Controls Radio? Who Controls Advertising? Who Controls the News? (Part 1) Who Controls the News? (Part 2) Government/Politics Who Controls the White House? Who Controls the Senate? Who Controls the Congress? Who Controls the Supreme Court? Who Controls the State Department? Who Controls the Justice Department? Who Controls the Defense Department? Who Controls the Treasury Department? Social Engineering Who Controls the Ivy League? Who Controls the Think Tanks? Who Controls Professional Sports? Who Controls the Anti-Defamation League? Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center? Who Controls the American Civil Liberties Union? Who is Behind Gun Control? Who is Behind the Climate Change Hoax? “New World Order” Who Controls the Group of Thirty? Who Controls the Bilderberg Group? Who Controls the Trilateral Commission? Who Controls the Council on Foreign Relations? (Part 1) Who Controls the Council on Foreign Relations? (Part 2)”


You made very good points! I can’t help but ask how do a few Jews managed to control all those important agencies?


Nepotism supported by money, criminality and corruption.


Saint Paul, himself a Jew spoke similar about the Jews when wrote:

(…For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus, You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last…)

1 Thessalonians 2:14-16


All of the apostles where former Jews. It was clear by the time of Christ that Judaism was a failure and needed to be replaced. The writing was on the wall through out the old testament that it was severely flawed from it’s inception. It needs to be eradicated and made extinct.


Trump has filled his administration with Jews and Christian Zionist neocons, and then complains that none of his anti Jew world order policies get implemented. Not that it would make a lot of difference when being a Zionist Israel firster, anti America firster is a prerequisite to getting elected to the US legislature. At a time when 81% of Americans oppose $38 billion in aid to Israel. –

Jacob Wohl

Tulsi Gabbard is an Assad-apologist and anti-Israel proponent. Corrupt and immoral. Trump will win against her easily in a 2nd term race. Not only because he puts America and Israel first, but because he is more righteous and moral than any other candidate, including Gabbard/AOC/Bernie…etc.

The Paranoid Jew

You’re being investigated by us police, you have fraud charges against you for scamming your hedge fund investors, you grew up with a silver spoon JUST like Trump, u NEVER had to work a day in ur life, inherited millions from ur dad and started up ur own investment firms. U scammed investors and talk about immoral and corruption? LOL typical example of an entitled, dumbass trust-fund baby that also happens to be a complete zionist tool :)

Albert Pike

Anybody can call himself ‘Jacob Wohl’. By the way ‘Viel Feind Viel Ehr’ – Georg von Frundsberg…

The Paranoid Jew

very true, but just in case it could be him lol

Concrete Mike

Is that right? So we have a crook here telljng us about morals!!! Im outraged!!! Whyy internet whyyy



sure, but as time goes by, the more derailed and deranged the government will be (just look at lunabin ready bolton) and if there is something seriously missing in moronistan (aka usa) and washington dc, it’s sanity, which someone like tulsi can provide. but that won’t happen and the moron’s will happily ride into sunset on a development out of whack, or with other words, a development which is uncontrollable, since it’s israel doing the steering and not the elected fools on the hill. what a larf moronistan has become – venezuela, afghanistan, iraq, libya, syria, ukraine, north korea, iran, a long line of atrocities committed by the washington dc and israel.

You can call me Al

Sir, you seem to be an amoral jerk off.

Now, go and stick your hooked nose where is belongs, up your behind and be off with you.


Putting America and Israel first is impossible, because the interests of no two nations are alike, and those of America and Israel not at all. You can only pick one master, and putting Israel first is detrimental to the US. Have fun dying for the interests of Netanyahu!

Also Trump more righteous and moral?: WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thank you, good sir, you just my day. Poor attempt at trolling, but at least amusing. You win the Solomon award for today,


See, she already has a target painted on her, and if the Jews say she can’t run, she can’t run, end of story.


Israel corrupt and immoral? Well yes, I agree with you. Thanks for that edifying statement. I applaud your good sense, speaking the truth having not an Irish last name. Salute to you sir.

Concrete Mike

Oh fuck off already, with your israel first.

We know its always israel first, bunch of cry babies allways want more.

Your arguments are poor, Joe Rogan destroyedtse arguments when one of your ideological drones from NYT went on the show.

Im no Joe Rogan fan, but he was right.

All you want is more wars so your bosses stay rich. All you want is material possetions for yourself.

You are the weakling, cant think for yourself regurgitate everything you see on TV.

I got a rope for you, use it before its too late for you.

Albert Pike

‘Okay, in theory, a third option is possible (never say never!) but I see that as highly unlikely: Tulsi Gabbard follows in the footsteps of Trump and gets elected in spite of a massive media hate-campaign against her and once she makes it to the White House she does what Trump failed to do and appeals directly to the people of the USA to back her in a ruthless campaign to “drain the swamp” (meaning showing the door to the Neocons and their Deep State). This is what Putin did, at least partially, when he came to power, by the way.’

Putin did that? Okay partially – what part the important part, or the other part? But please not really, he is no different when it comes to Zionism and the messianic movement (How can one say that the victory of 1948 was a victory of all people?):


You can call me Al

I have no idea, what you are trying to state / prove in that comment. How old do you think Putin is and how old do you think he was in 1948 ?.

Albert Pike

You just have to listen to his speach. It’s not me who is saying it. For what opportunistic reason he saw fit to say it at the time -or if his buddy Lubavitch Rabiner Berel Lazar was standing right behind him with gun in his back- I don’t know. But he said it…


So? I’ve heard worse things being said and done by so many other politicians. Why picking up on Putin? He is one of the few who is trying to balance the crisis, not instigate it.

Albert Pike

Showing what he said is not ‘picking’…


Interesting, out of so many you “chose” Putin. Is it better now? Me and you are at liberty to say whatever we want to. Putin as a statesman does not have such a privilege. Yet, he has been successful and respected, unlike his “partners” and “colleagues”.

Albert Pike

Sure – I agree – Trumps last hanukkah speach inside the White House wasn’t better. And yes Putin’s role is more respectable, and the Russian doctrine isn’t as hellish as the Cebrowski Doctrine. But since Admiral Cebrowski was -together with his awfull sidekick Thomas Barnett- of jewisch/frankist/Polnish/zionist stock, one is back at the core of problem, and that’s the messianic movement – with Israel is at its centre. Therefore it’s not ‘picking’ on Putin – it’s a reality – and back to Tulsi – it’s also a reality for her…


Let;’s think it through… The Greater Israel Project has a goal to annex 40x its land mass. Libya gone, Lebanon gone, most of Syria gone, half of Jordon gone. Since WW2 they have invested 70+ years and 10s $trillions on this. This annexation would be akin to New Mexico annexing the rest of the US into its control. Ok Israel ran into a much more capable force in Hezbollah in Lebanon and lost that battle. SA in the Sinai would have beat them if Syria hadn’t of “Bay of Pigs-ed” them. But all in all Israel has been successful way beyond their capability(thanks to US)….. With all of this in mind Israel was going to win in Syria. Russia RUINED it all. All Putin had to do… was do nothing. This loss in Syria is catastrophic, a crushing defeat of epic proportions. To say Putin is serving Zionism is stone stupid… or troll/shill nonsense.

Albert Pike

“To say Putin is serving Zionism is stone stupid…”

I don’t say anything. All what is said, is said by Putin – for some reason even Putin had to say what he said – and little Tulsi has to say it too. If you want to complain about troll/shill nonsense – write Putin a letter. In his speech Putin is serving Zionism, and you can’t argue that away. In the good cop bad cop game both sides are still cops. The hegelain system of thesis-antithesis, which leads to an (unrequired) synthesis, requires equel opponents. Now Israel did’nt create the ISis troop’s all alone – it was NATO under American leadership. That part requires an equel opponent, and that’s Russia. And even with Putins acchievement – where you say ‘Russia RUINED it all’ – and I say, yes for now – because you and I don’t know the final objective. The objective might even be just to keep all kinds of foreign troops there – maybe to fulfill that wet dream of scripture.

The messianic movement isn’t just Jew’s, it’s whole bunch of loonies, and if you think about it, the Syrian war is just follow-up, of something which was started when the US saw fit to remove Saddam, after they let him into the trap of the Kuwait invasion. The main actors there were two George Bushes -senior and junior- and they had a relative, who was in their believe system not so distant- a Swedenborgian Reverent, also named George Bush born in 1796. Who in 1844 (you can look it up) ‘published a book entitled The Valley of Vision; or, The Dry Bones of Israel Revived. In it he denounced “the thralldom and oppression which has so long ground them (the Jews) to the dust,” and called for “elevating” the Jews “to a rank of honorable repute among the nations of the earth” by restoring the Jews to the land of Israel where the bulk would be converted to Christianity. This, according to Bush, would benefit not only the Jews, but all of mankind, forming a “link of communication” between humanity and God. “It will blaze in notoriety….It will flash a splendid demonstration upon all kindreds and tongues of the truth.” ‘

This was a long time before any ‘Yinon Plan’, and even longer before any gas-pipeline plans, which are said to be the cause of this conflict. I am only bringing this to show that the final objective is still unknown, and therefore Putin’s role in this play is also maybe still unknown…

British Free Corps

Are you aware that Tulsi Gabbard is pro-jewish and gave her “condolences” over a few of the greatest hoaxes of our age she publicly acknowledges as “real”.


Women in politics are something suspicious, they are not naturally interested in go fighting for others there is no puppet master behind (Tatcher => liberalism (anti proletar), Merkel => see migrants, Hilarious => big money).

young people successfull in politic are suspicious, Member of CFR, which Tulsi Gabbard is, are suspicious


CFR, CFR, CFR…… I keep hearing this nonsense, but have yet to see these members do as Tulsi Gabbard has done, i.e. meet with both the leader and the people of the country on the US hit list….. Not to mention her totally anti-war stance.


I have (thanks Obama) lost my urge to trust any politician, but find Tulsi’s path very interesting. She speaks peace better than Sanders and despite our homophobic Saker’s charge of ‘back-pedalling’ to the LGBTQ folks (who just want to get married and have normal lives like hetero or fakin’it folks,) I think her choice of religion makes her question her own biases and work to let them go in the primary focus on helping all. So whatever back-pedaling she may have done might be in her own soul and against her own rabidly homophobic politician dad, with whom she worked to successfully putsch the voters in a stateside referendum to deny potential marriage rights to same-sex couples in Hawaii. Since my own extremely moderate homophobic feeling has changed as I have experienced the absolute normality of this human difference, I believe hers also may have much more dramatically changed to support more love (and unhappy marriages!) between us.

Of course, she could be faking everything. It is never what is said. It is only what is done when one has the power.

Jens Holm

Yerrh I get suspicius when I see men go in war hardly having their heads under their arms. Hillary supported ISIS hard to be rich ???

I allow me to mention Golda Meir defeating Syria and Egypt in 1973.


Bigotry against gays? What a fucker. Confusing American Caesar’s zionist antisemite Praetorian Guard for a manipulative clique is fatuous. Saker you’re an arse.

Empire's Frontiers

Gabbard isn’t a phenomenon any more than ‘official’ motorcycle gangs and controlled opposition groups in Russia.

A state phenomenon perhaps, but not one of the people.


Of course the party machine will not let her be the candidate. The Democratic party has been rigging the selection process since at least 1945, when they rigged the selection for Truman in instead of Henry Wallace. It seems Wallace wanted to be friendly with the Soviet Union, so nothing seems to have changed politically in America in 74 years.

Chris Chuba

The most important thing for the forever war crowd is to make it toxic to visit the countries we are attacking because once you talk to the people, even more so than the leaders, one leaves with a resolve to leave them alone that is much more powerful than anything you can learn anywhere else.

I recall Gabbard talking about her experience having Syrians in Damascus come up to her and plead, ‘why are you attacking us, what did we do to you’. It made a deep impression and gave her the resolve to stand up to the arm chair academics like Liz Cheney and Max Boot. I have never visited Syria but I interacted with one on a website and dang, I’ll never forget that exchange. You can tell the difference between someone who is living through the hell your country is creating for them vs someone dishing out talking points.


Great comment. To know someone from the target country, even if just online, is the best way to get balance, and get closer to the truth, when it comes to the reports.

British Free Corps

I think the uploader’s battering ram approach is a bit autistic, but still a good exposé of Tulsi Gabbard nonetheless:

13 Reasons to Not Trust Tulsi Gabbard: bitchute[]com/video/2QfVuwAhHcQB/

Jens Holm

Too many speculations for anything in this at all. Much like the author do its best to find the badest candidate and then let that candidate represent all america.

Very manipulative. It would be better more sober to make short ID for several candidates. Fx I see Ward as a possible one having a chance for being a candidate.

Much like SAKER itself is trhe hellbent wishing the worst for 325 americans and the rest of the world.

British Free Corps

I think the uploader is a bit autistic, nonetheless an exposé of Tulsi Gabbard despite the battering ram approach:


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