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The Saker: “Trump’s Last Hurrah?”

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The Saker: "Trump’s Last Hurrah?"

Donald Trump

Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

There seems to be a quasi consensus that Trump will not prevail and that Biden and Harris will get into the White House no matter what. To my surprise, even the Russian media seems to be considering that the Trump presidency is over.

Yet, I am not so sure at all.


Because at this point in time, I think that it would fair to conclude that anybody actually willing to look at what has been revealed by this election will have to agree that this election was stolen, rigged, falsified – chose your expression – and that going to the courts to challenge this obscene miscarriage of the democratic process is a fundamental civil right and something which any democrat (small “d”) should support.

And yet, because we live in a media-created pseudo-reality in which absolutely crucial things like the rule of law seem to have become secondary to ideological imperatives, no matter how extreme, there are those who simply refuse to see the obvious. Yes, the 9/11 false flag trained the western societies well and many now simply lack the lucidity and courage to face reality.

Courts, however, are bound by the rule of law, at least in theory, and don’t have the luxury to simply pretend like crucial evidence presented to them simply does not exist.

True, the lower, state, courts are unlikely to resist the pressure put upon them to come up with the “right” conclusions, but never say never – all it takes is one single principled judge and Trump or, more accurately, the Giuliani team, might get the break they need. Still, it is pretty obvious that Giuliani’s real hopes are with the Supreme Court. This makes sense, local judges are much easy to influence and sway than Supreme Court Justices who are unassailable and who realize that they will make history, the only question being is: how till they go down in history books, as a “profile in courage” or as impotent cowards who betrayed their oath?

I will say that I am, to put it mildly, not impressed by Trump’s demeanor during these crucial days: he completely ceded the narrative to his opponents (a couple of incoherent and poorly phrased “tweets” do not qualify). True, Trump never displayed the qualities of a real leader, so this is hardly surprising.

Giuliani, however, is a tough SOB and he seems to be determined to take this fight right up to the Supreme Court. This is why I believe that it is very dangerous to make any assumptions about what the Justices might or might not do. Is it possible that even the Supreme Court justices would betray their oath and cave in to the Dem’s pressure? Yes, I suppose so. Concepts such as truth, honor, integrity, courage and heroism are very much out of fashion in the modern world, especially in the US. This is why the traditionally hallowed term “hero” is applied left and right to every bureaucrat or civil servant simply doing his/her job: real heroes are long gone.

Then consider this: if the SC sides with Trump and overturns the hundred of thousands of illegal votes, the US will be immediately plunged into an orgy of chaos and violence, all of it encouraged and coordinated by the legacy corporate ziomedia à la CNN. The thugs of Antifa/BLM will immediately engage in Kristallnacht-like rampages in “protest” against the “racist system”. Their main target? White, Christian, males, of course!

Some justices might even feel torn between standing up for what is both legal and moral and the practical considerations of the consequences of an adjudication in Trump’s favor. Their oath ought to be their guiding principles, but considering how often the SC voted along party/ideological lines in the past, I am not very confident that the Justices will strictly do the only legally and morally right thing: uphold the law and vote their conscience.

Finally, whatever we may think of the election itself, it is obvious that the US elites have created the appearance of a fait accompli, hence the kind of nonsense like, say, Biden and his “Office of the President Elect”. It is therefore reasonable to assume that even if the Supreme Court fully sides with the Trump campaign, the US elites will never accept this. They will try to find a way to impeach, legally or otherwise, those Justices who voted “wrong”.

I think that there is also another consideration which we have to remain aware of: Trump’s entire presidency is been one long and never ending prostitution of the United States to the desires and whims of Netanyahu and his gang of thugs. True, as Israel Shamir pointed out, the Israelis failed to deliver anything in return to Trump. And yet, as Philip Giraldi recently explained, Trump is still very much Israel’s prostitute, which is why there are an increasing number of Israeli experts (see here and here) who believe that Trump might strike at Iran as a “farewell” present to the Israelis.

Is that really possible? Could Trump really do something so crazy?

You betcha he could!

One one hand, I have always maintained that Trump is the Zionists’ “disposable president”, meaning a one term president who will do everything the Likudniks want of him and who will then be jettisoned and replaced by a truly “kosher president” like Biden/Harris. On the other hand, however, there is the precedent of the US meekly taking the Iranian missile attacks in retaliation for the murder of General Soleimani which seems to indicate that the Pentagon just does not have the stomach for a full-scale war against Iran.

So which will it be?

Nobody knows. The only thing we can be sure of is that we are certainly entering very dangerous times.

Those who hope that a Biden/Harris presidency might be better are deeply deluded.


Because, as many have already pointed this out, even if Trump is ejected from the White House, “Trumpism”, as an ideology, is here to stay. Even if you believe that Biden/Harris beat Trump in a fair election, surely must you still realize that there are tens of millions of Americans who feel that the election was stolen and that Biden/Harris are usurpers.

Personally, I take a very dim view of “Trumpism”, but whatever its (many) flaws, this ideology, however vague, has “redpilled” millions of Americans who now realize that they are living in a fake democracy or, to use a Russian expression, “democracy” in the US only means “power of the Democrats”. Simply put: we can call them “1%ers” or the “US Nomenklatura” or the “deep state” or whatever other term which comes to mind, but the bottom line is obvious: the US is not a democracy or a republic, it is a dictatorship of the few over the many, the “best democracy money can buy” and a system based not on one man one vote, but one dollar one vote. Whether they realize it or not, most Americans are serfs of an occupying parasitic regime which sees them solely as a (cheap) commodity.

These ideas used to be corralled into what the Ziomedia liked to call the “extremist fringe” but now millions of Americans are becoming aware of this reality, CNN & Co notwithstanding. Put the Biden/Harris ticket into the White House and millions of people will go into some kind of “resistance mode” – whether that be political activism, civil resistance, local/state insubordination to the Federal power or even armed resistance.

One of the top priorities of the Dems in power will be to crack down, hard, on the First and Second Amendments to the US Constitution. Right there we can expect a lot of local/regional/state resistance because, unlike their ruling “elites” (i.e. masters), most Americans passionately care for what are really the cornerstones of the US political system. Yes, there is a reason why the Founding Fathers placed the First Amendment in first position and the Second one right after!

The Dems will castrate the First Amendment through their control of all the major Internet platforms (YouTube, Google, FaceBook, Twitter, Amazon, etc.) and, since this will not be government censorship, at least technically, but decisions of the private sector, even the ACLU will have nothing to say about this.

The Second Amendment will be trickier to deal with, because there is no private or non-governmental institution which can do to the Second Amendment what big tech companies have done to the First one. However, all it takes is a few well-orchestrated “shootings” or any armed refusal to be disarmed, and the label “domestic terrorist” will be swiftly applied to those who dared to resist Uncle Shmuel.

Again – we are about to enter an extremely dangerous period, both inside the US and on the international front.

Trump’s handlers must realize that the AngloZionist Empire is already finished and that all that’s left is an agonizing United States. The same probably goes for the Biden/Harris handlers. Hence both parties have a huge interest in, first, creating some crisis which can distract from what is really going on and, second, in using whatever power they still have to “fire their last shells” before the ammo box goes empty.

Conclusion: too many variables to call it

The truth is that absolutely anything can happen next. There are simply way too many variables to try to make a prediction. Will Trump attack Iran? I want to believe that this ship has sailed, but I will never say never to something as evil and stupid as an attack on Iran. However, under pretty much any scenario, we can be pretty sure that come January there will be a power vacuum in the Executive and roughly half of all Americans will consider that the election has been stolen. That kind of power vacuum, or even a duopoly, is very dangerous and typically results in even more chaos and violence. Eventually, some kind of “tough” regime comes to power. But this is a threat that we can discuss further down the road.


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Vox Populi

Trump is a narcissistic sore loser and that makes him very dangerous, an swan song war with Iran for his Zionist masters can not be ruled out. Trump is a nasty and vindictive draft dodger who has no regard for human life.


Both him and Putin arw Chabad puppets. And I’m not saying Biden is lass of a servant, just for another group, ADL.


Get your hand off it,then again they pay you to serve hitlers/cias dreams right?

Hellary supporters,yee hellary,yee biden,yee lgbtq,hmm utterly despicable generation:


More jargon …

klove and light

spot on!!!!

All nations that recognize the illegal immoral criminal genocidal satanic entity named israel puppets………..

those so called “gulf nations” and i will even add saudi arabia to that list, are far from beiing a nation………they were constructed by British on orders by satanic zionists………

and the reason why they control and when the control started by satanic zionists is fairly easy and can be traced back in history without a SINGLE DOUBT. The banking system/monetary system.

Be it in netherlands, Uk or USA.

Here are quotes…one of the first opponents of satanic zionism and their evil doings was Andrew Jackson.

1-. “The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government … are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.” 2-. “Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”

And if anybody believes here of the smartasses espeically the zionist putin lovers here, that Russia is not part of the satanic zionist monetary system, check out your fucking brains you are morally bankrupt. ps. little history again……RUSSIA was taken over by satanic zionism in 1917 !!!

between 1917 and 1937, 35 million russians were murdered by the ” NEW PEOPLES REGIME”, the so called communists, an invention of british satanic zionists you smart asses here……….ps. your current “freedom” loving treacherous zionist pig putin, was born into this world, and was at the forefront in the KGB which used all their power to fight against the 1. church/faith …an essential procedure for any communist nation, ie, see china…..and an ESSENTIAL PROCEDURE for satanic zionism. FAITH is the single most important enemy of satanic zionism…..as FAITH is the single most important enemy of communism.

So they finally meet in our times…and 99% smart asses cant see it coming.

A one world government, with jerusalem as its capital under satanic leadership.

The coming “nuclear exchange” between east and west is a THEATRE play for the 99% dummies. It is a “controlled ” war. Both sides have the same master. Satan Arhiman.

so keep on writing about YOUR sides…good usa, bad usa, good riussia, bad russia , good uk , bad uk, good china,bad china…… ALL THE SAME….THEY are all playing a theatre play for you dummies.


It’s about the FED, all Russian billionaires are part of the system and poor russian peasants believe Putin is some kind if superhuman to rule over 90 jewish billionaires. That explains how they are rulled, they are sadomasochistic. But they rush to point at the jews from USA and UK. I guess that’s the only freedom for them.

Trap Is Not Gay

Go back to Israel, shill.

These smearings against Putin are pathetic.


Oy vey

Trap Is Not Gay

Your masters, SHILL.


Putin is a shill.

Trap Is Not Gay

No, you are.


No, Putin :)

Trap Is Not Gay

George Soros’ democratic two balls are in your mouth.

Paid shill pawn loser, Putin is NOT not you, cannon fodderer.


Putin is Chabad pawn, Deripaska servant, Abramovich slave.

Trap Is Not Gay

Back to Israel, shill.

cechas vodobenikov

not enough meth in your trailer park tammy?


Never enough. How was krokodil today?

Hind Abyad


Hind Abyad


Hind Abyad

JFK American dollar.

Rothschild Illuminati cookbacon dollard.



Looks like Arabs started to like Israel more and more lately… Great people these Arabs :)

Hind Abyad

Arabs are Semites



And that’s why more and more Arab countries are friends of Israel, now :)


Can you see The Great Enlightment? https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2016/11/%D7%94%D7%A0%D7%A9%D7%99%D7%90-%D7%A4%D7%95%D7%98%D7%99%D7%9F-%D7%95%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%93%D7%95-%D7%A8%D7%91%D7%94-%D7%A9%D7%9C-%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%99%D7%94-%D7%94%D7%92%D7%A8%D7%91-%D7%9C%D7%90%D7%96%D7%90%D7%A8-%D7%91%D7%90%D7%97%D7%93-%D7%9E%D7%91%D7%99%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%95-%D7%91%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%96%D7%99%D7%90%D7%95%D7%9F-%D7%94%D7%99%D7%94%D7%95%D7%93%D7%99-%D7%91%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%A7%D7%91%D7%94-Copy-9.png

Trap Is Not Gay

YOU JEWS/USA/SHILLS understand these smearings against Russia are PATHETIC?

Can you understand it, right?

To say the least.



Deripaska, Abramovich and Lev Leviev are the real masters of Russia. No big difference.

Trap Is Not Gay


Trap Is Not Gay

Israel is your country.


I wouldn’t mind, jews are patriots not like russians.

Trap Is Not Gay

Still your masters.


And yours :)

Trap Is Not Gay

I that the Jews pay you for, shill?



Arkadi Rotenberg, Berel Lazar. Another Putin’s masters. And so on..

Trap Is Not Gay

Your masters, shill.


*Russia’s masters.

Trap Is Not Gay

Russia is not the USA.


Indeed, it’s the bottom.

Trap Is Not Gay

The USA is at the bottom (of Zionism).


And Russia at the bottom of USA’s toilet.

Trap Is Not Gay

USA doesn’t exist, only the farm of Jews.

Russia is a country to begin with, and the best country by far.


Russia is a country as long USA and Israel allows it.

Trap Is Not Gay

Tell the hypersonic ICBMs that.


That’s what the communists thought.

Trap Is Not Gay


The only Zionist/Communist is the USA.


The ones with thw ICBM’s. They thought USSR is indestructible because of them.

Trap Is Not Gay

Your English is broken.

Go eat some kosher meat in Tel Aviv, shill.


My English was broken from the beginning. That’s how a loser loose, pointing at the other’s grammar and running away like a bitch. Where was your ICBM when Soviet union imploded? Exactly, where it will be when the current federation will do the same.

Trap Is Not Gay

Russia is still there though, only the Jews left (to the collapsing globalist USA).

Your masters always in the “coincidence”.


The jews just moved in the billionaires class. If you google any Russian billionaire background your brain will melt.




Ask Putin, he has only jewish friends.




This list is not only right, but somme amplifications are missing…. ! It’s show their sly specialty is to control Justice and Medias….

The dramatic COVID-19 “Coup d’Etat” “Holdup” and “Genocide” is showing perfectly their “recipes” applied in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia, Korea, WW2, Russian Revolution, WW1 ….

The Unimaginable uncountable Gulags atrocities are replaced by the Nazi “bogus” Holoax Gas screen permanently repeated by Hollywood and MSM ! The Alexandre Soljenitsyne, last book is banned by the Justice and Medias to solve the inconvenient Truth…. Everybody knows “Jesus walk on the waves alike the US on the Moon”

Humanity is a Gullible Bag full of shit without any memory since ever !

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel : “History teaches us that man learns nothing from history.”

COVID-19 would be the toughest lesson organised with an invisible virus imagined by the medias, only hopelessness starvation death and Suicides by millions aren’t augmented virtuality, but ignored !

The WW1 Rockefeller “Spanish Flue” did 50 millions victims, the others 50 Millions in the Colonial Empires are considered inexistant ! https://www.globalresearch.ca/true-story-1918-viral-influenza-pandemic/5728776

“What I didn’t know, didn’t hurt me” said the Ostrich with the head hidden in the sand !

“THE ART OF WAR” From 1945 until today – 20 to 30 million people killed by the USA by Manlio Dinucci It’s a fact, not an analysis, not even an opinion – the « free and open international order» promoted since 1945 by the United States has cost the lives of 20 to 30 million people throughout the world. No President, whoever he may be, has managed to slow the rhythm of this killing machine. https://www.voltairenet.org/article204021.html

Bolshevism Was Basically a Jewish Movement – The Historical Facts from Lenin to Andropov “Stalin had three wives, all of them Jewesses … Svetlana Stalin had a total of four husbands, three of them Jewish. Various authorities allege that (Lenin’s) wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya was a Jewess and that her family spoke Yiddish in the home.” https://russia-insider.com/en/history/bolshevism-was-basically-jewish-movement-historical-facts-lenin-andropov/ri22603?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Critical History of Jews in Russia – a Brief Comment from Ron Unz ” … given the overwhelmingly Jewish composition of the top leadership during much of (the revolutionary) period, it is hardly surprising that “anti-Semitism” was deemed a capital offense (in Russia).” https://russia-insider.com/en/alexander-solzhenitsyns-critical-history-jews-russia-brief-comment-ron-unz/ri24929


Are you kissing their ass for free?

cechas vodobenikov

self humiliation is the best u can do


Arkady Rotenberg. What interesting names Putin’s friends wear :))

Hind Abyad

Bored IDF want to look useful



They look like the little greens

Hind Abyad

‘Little green’ fully equipped for adult’s War.

”Hundreds of Palestinian Minors Are Imprisoned in Israel. This Is What Arrests Look Like Israeli soldiers burst into a refugee camp in the dead of night and abduct a teenager. They then hold him for a full day, with no food. Nearly 300 invasions like this take place every month in the West Bank’ https://www.haaretz.com/magazine/.premium.MAGAZINE-hundreds-of-palestinian-minors-are-imprisoned-in-israel-a-look-at-the-arrests-1.9346284?utm


I know they are 4 times worse than nazi and 2 times worse than commies, Hitler was only quarter jew and Stalin half.


Sorry, but instead to say “Go back to Israel” an insult for the Levant innocent Semites !

It should be GO to Birobidzhan to let us breath and forget them out of sight to avoid revenge spirit bad Karma !

It’s fairness instead to let them to taste their own Gulags Medicine, to be cut into pieces with metal saw without anesthésia….

Tsars mistake was to have created Pale of Settlement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pale_of_Settlement

Birobidzhan is a town and the administrative center of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Russia, located on the Trans-Siberian Railway, near the China-Russia border. As of the 2010 Census, its population is 75,413, and its official language is Yiddish.[6] Birobidzhan is named after the two largest rivers in the autonomous oblast: the Bira and the Bidzhan [ru]. The Bira, which lies to the east of the Bidzhan Valley,[16] flows through the town. Both rivers are tributaries of the Amur.

May I suggest, if you didn’t know it already, to read the Soljenitsyne wonderful small book(100pages) One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Day_in_the_Life_of_Ivan_Denisovich

Trap Is Not Gay

They own the whole USA, not a neighborhood.

Fog of War

– BoJo’s new chief of staff Rosenfield is a former Treasury official, ex-Bank of America manager & Jewish World Relief chairman –



Also there is no newspaper in the UK, to not have among its shareholders, CEOs and executives of Rotschield owned banks. That’s official, no conspiracy. I’m just too lazy right now to dig for the article.

Fog of War

You anti-Semite . Thats just conspiracy theory.


You got me, please keep it secret.

cechas vodobenikov

the nazi from ukropistan projecting her LGBT self hatred


Shlomo Dovber Lazar also known as Putin’s Rebbe


All Bolsheviks were Ashkenazi’s Gulags Boss’s for 65 Millions Christians Genocide !

Hitler and Waffen SS were liberator considered by Russian masses … !


Those who executed the criminal orders given by the bolseviks were normal russian soldiers. Communism which imply part of the pipulation to kill the other part of the population won in Asian countries like China, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Russia. These people can mass execute own nation just because sombody gave the order.


Mao Genocide advisers were Ashkenazi’s

Cambodia atrocities were engineered by the bear Henri the bogus Peace Nobel Prize !

Kissinger’s Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna: A Master Key into Universal History https://www.globalresearch.ca/kissinger-1815-congress-vienna/5718304

Do Paul Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney , Benjamin Netanyahu and al are igloo Eskimo’s I imagine the Sicarian terrorists were Martian who came to built the Pyramids, that why Emperor Hadrian did the Diaspora


Advisers and politicians didn’t pull the triggers, it was their own who carried the criminal orders because they are cave people. You can’t spot the wrong doing because you are of their kind and would do the same thing if ordered to.

Hind Abyad

Occupybacon grease spot


There is no insult that can describe being the legacy of some maggots that pasively assisted their nation being decimated by bolseviks. And current nostalgists being tolerated as normal people.


Facts are facts, Israel modern Archeologist can dig as much as they want, none King Salomon, King David and all the smalah never existed !

Zionist nationalist myth of enforced exile

Israel deliberately forgets its history https://mondediplo.com/2008/09/07israel

TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL https://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/978-1-59148-141-6-TellTruthShameDevil-2nd-LowRes.pdf

Lie as much you want, more discredited you would be… !

Truth will set you free (lol)


Yes, facts are facts, conspiracy theories are conspiracy theories.


If a Mad Dog bite you, the owner is the responsible !

Dishonesty to the core will drown you, sooner or later !

Epstein. Maxwell, Madoff, Alexandre Stavisky and al show you the way


Ok so the Russian zoldiers who executed their own unarmed conationals were the rabud dogs and the owners of these digs were the bolseviks. Before punishing the owner, always the rabid dog is put to sleep.

Tommy Jensen

They were shitting too much. They had to put a ringworm in to stop it.


Crime against Humanity for all the responsible would be Good !

It’s ample time to clean-up the NATO/US and Politicians corrupt Scoundrels Augeas stall !

Italo Vernazza

You know, Alexander, I’m not sure that the guy can actually read.


votes 3 times less than comments is usually a troll sign…

Tommy Jensen

So what. The Russians had a difficult story because of their country’s wealth. They are pragmatic and prefer a poor civilised life with an existential pension rather than Gulag and WW’s.


That’s what Putin tells them: Yeah? You poor? Would you prefer gulag instead? Be pragmatic, comrade! Then he fixes his shiny watch – gift from a jewish oligarch.


Blame the Jooz … is that it? pmsl


Fog of War

– BoJo’s new chief of staff Rosenfield is a former Treasury official, ex-Bank of America manager & Jewish World Relief chairman –




Hind Abyad

Rothschild failed Balfour declaration


Hind Abyad

23rd Feb 2017 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 is a Chapter VI resolution.

It’s one of many reminders to Israel of that state’s obligations to the law. In fact the majority of resolutions against Israel are only reminders. Had Israel adhered to the law there’d be no reminders. The Israeli reaction against the US on this matter is simply nonsense.

Permanent UNSC Members cannot and do not veto the binding International Laws, UN Charter cited in a Chapter VI resolution. Despite a resolution being vetoed, the Law and UN Charter reaffirmed and emphasized in the resolution remain in force and an obligation on the parties. The US usually abstains from voting in the hope that a majority will also abstain.

So what is the big deal about the US abstaining on this resolution? NOTHING! The US abstained as it has done numerous times before on numerous Chapter VI resolutions. What is Israel yapping about? The resolution was unanimously adopted by those who chose to vote.

That’s how the UN works.

2334 is quite simply a concise round up of all the prior UNSC resolutions reminding Israel of its binding legal obligations. If Israel adhered to the law, there’d be no resolutions against it.”

Hind Abyad

From Haaretz On December 6, the IDF Spokesperson tweeted in English a photo of a map described as “declassified,” showing Hezbollah military positions scattered among Lebanese villages.

Eighty-five villages appear on the pictured map along with thousands of sites tagged as military sites of combat equipment, launch sites, anti-aircraft and infantry positions.

“This is a war crime,” the tweet said. It was retweeted hundreds of times.http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.757921

However, under International Law it is legal to defend ones towns and villages. Laws of War, Art. 25. The attack or bombardment, by whatever means, of towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings which are undefended is prohibited. When we look at Gaza and the West Bank, it’s obvious they have no defences against Israeli missiles, bombs, war planes, artillery fired from war ships miles out to sea, fletchettes, white phosphorus (used during daylight hours so not for illumination and in areas where there were no Israeli troops to hide in its smoke, not that anyone would want to hide in its smoke, it can be lethal.’

Hind Abyad



Found this – thank you. RF seems to have blocked me (!!??)

‘Ancient Russia; a millennium: 988-1988’


Hind Abyad

Disguised trolls spy on me..like Jimbo..you found it on Russian Faith? This happened to me.. maybe it’s cookbacon https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5642e1c266ed30f85884fa7482c40f4786b2bd710c1ed6aaea2af957b62431e8.png


This is happening quiet often to me, but I reload few times and its ok.

None doubt everybody is taped by NSA using algorithmes, maybe its China worst…

There is a good new voltairenet article

NATO Puzzle

by Thierry Meyssan

No one challenged NATO rules during the Cold War except France. But in view of its excesses since 2001, each of its members (except Turkey) is thinking of getting out of it, including the United States for whom it is nevertheless indispensable. The internal report on what it should become illustrates its contradictions and the difficulty of reforming it. https://www.voltairenet.org/article211825.html


Joos on the brain … loser

Trap Is Not Gay

Shills don’t get tired



Putin is not a Jew, is a Sabbath Goy. A servant that does jews job during holly day.

Fog of War

Only in Russia would Putin’s house cleaner, and good FRIEND , and up with a $101 million dollar fortune. I’m sure she was a REALLY good friend.

” According to the piece, Putin had a daughter, Elizaveta, with Svetlana Krivonogikh, a fellow Saint Petersburg native and longtime friend, who had previously been employed as a cleaner. Krivonogikh allegedly became acquainted with Putin in the 1990s. ”

” The report also suggests that, through her connection with Putin, Krivonogikh received stock in Bank Rossiya, and now owns combined assets worth 7.7 billion rubles ($101 million). ”


– Kremlin Dismisses Reports on Putin’s Links to Cleaner-Turned-Millionnaire as Yellow Press –


Tommy Jensen

and this is not the only thing. Putin also have a toilet of pure gold with the American flag painted in the bottom, plus Putin also has a gold castle.

Fog of War

Mock all you want. Facts dont lie. Try explaining my question instead.


Would that be the one on the Caspian Sea?

cechas vodobenikov

Putin would allow his deermo to be contaminated by flag from banana republic w no bananas? more Tammy LSD dreaming


Reminds me of the man from Madras, who had two balls made of brass. In stormy weather they both banged together. and sparks flew out of his ass!


Thay are quite a few of Putin’s friends that ‘win’ auctions for huge state sponsored contracts


Ofcourse for the sake of patriotism. Isn’t that Russians deserve to work hard for mother country?

Also Sochi highway was the most expensive in the world.

Fog of War

Stop your kvetching.

Hind Abyad

They work hard God bless Russia.. while Israel parasite sucks American blood. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a0ecc2d733454a73ff8f852e59d9afd9cb8eaf05c38f388ccff4ffcb0588617e.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/daac43abb97a98c063f554652af3b8754262509082d6f1f65634da47baee4062.jpg


“They work hard God bless Russia” are you sarcastic or just idiot? 90 Russian billionaires are Jewish and another 10 are Muslims. From 100 billionaires in Moscow there is not a single one with 100% Russian blood.

Hind Abyad

Not my business occupybacon, go fry a Zionist egg



Bonsoir Hind,

Un article sur l’idiosyncrasie la real Politiques du XX siècle qui a mené a la catastrophe de la Planet et de ses habitants…. ! ======================================================

Fall 1941: Pearl Harbor and The Wars of Corporate America

By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels

Global Research, December 06, 2020

Global Research 11 December 2011

Region: Asia, Europe, USA

Theme: History

79 Years Ago. December 7, 1941. Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor


Myth: The US was forced to declare war on Japan after a totally unexpected Japanese attack on the American naval base in Hawaii on December 7, 1941. On account of Japan’s alliance with Nazi Germany, this aggression automatically brought the US into the war against Germany.

Reality: The Roosevelt administration had been eager for some time to wage war against Japan and sought to unleash such a war by means of the institution of an oil embargo and other provocations. Having deciphered Japanese codes, Washington knew a Japanese fleet was on its way to Pearl Harbor, but welcomed the attack since a Japanese aggression would make it possible to “sell” the war to the overwhelmingly anti-war American public.

An attack by Japan, as opposed to an American attack on Japan, was also supposed to avoid a declaration of war by Japan’s ally, Germany, which was treaty-bound to help only if Japan was attacked. However, for reasons which have nothing to do with Japan or the US but everything with the failure of Germany’s “lightning war” against the Soviet Union, Hitler himself declared war on the US a few days after Pearl Harbor, on December 11, 1941.


Hind Abyad

After Trump leaves, US and Israeli aggression against Iran remains Aaron Maté·December 4, 2020



Habités par la rage de voler et détruire

What do the US hadn’t succeed destroy ? ? ?

Air, Soil, Rivers, Lakes, Water & Watershed, Seas, Cities, and Food are Polluted…. even Historical Ruins dynamited and Archeological sites bombed

Poor US/Israeli, nothing will left to be damaged for their Damaged-Culture ? ? ?

The Planet Biodiversity balance was a “Miracle” until the human sapience Monkeys started to walk down the trees for the Cave housing… One race became “God Chosen” the Planet got Covid…. !

Hind Abyad

You made laugh ;-) I live in my head they can’t take that..Bonne nuit


You are welcome sur la Planet Absurdistan !

Tommy Jensen

Dont forget we live longer and more comfortable today than before. Less many things. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65a95bedbece14d717b8d867abe846190650dc9f26a1761941c4148f423c21a1.png


Apparently the “Spanish flue” was a Rockefeller game….

The “COVID-19” a Bill Gates and al insatiable cupidity and arrogance folly….

Such massive fraudster “Neutralisation” should be an urgent priority ! =====================================================

The True Story of the 1918 “Spanish Flu”

By Kevin Barry and Dr. Gary G. Kohls

Global Research, November 06, 2020

Region: Europe, USA

Theme: History, Science and Medicine

For long version of original Kevin Barry article, click this or this.

For over a century, various entities that are involved in the propaganda machinery that has been tasked by the powers-that-be to advance American patriotism and corporate profiteering have covered-up the truth about what actually started the epidemic of what became known as the “Spanish Flu”, successfully obscuring what was actually a shameful experiment perpetrated by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research – the uber-wealthy entity that started the American Medical Association and the School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University

For over a century, Americans have been led to believe that what was the true epicenter of the pandemic – US Army military bases – was actually the result of a Rockefeller Instutute vaccine experiment gone awry. The culprit vaccine, nicely documented by author Kevin Barry was perpetrated upon hapless military recruits at a variety of bases in the US. Spain had nothing to do with the epidemic, except for actually allowing its journalists to write about it.

The experimental vaccine was devised when the only vaccine that had ever shown any promise in preventing disease was the smallpox vaccine (which, when evaluated in retrospect, didn’t actually deserve credit for the disappearance of smallpox, since only a small minority of world citizens every actually received the vaccine.)

The crude experimental vaccine was intended to theoretically prevent bacterial (not viral) meningitis in soldiers, which had been a problem in past wars. Barry nicely documents the story that has been left out of the history books, ignored by the Mainstream Media, deleted from the Pentagon archives, and misrepresented by the pharmaceutical and medical industries, the NIH, the CDC, the NIAID and every corporation that seeks to profit from vaccinating as many infants, children and adults that they can. And that includes, of course, the widely discredited Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that has spent hundreds of billions of dollars funding, founding and subsidizing corporations and other entities that promote universal vaccinations for whatever is proclaimed Big Pharma to be “vaccine-preventable disorders”) https://www.globalresearch.ca/true-story-1918-viral-influenza-pandemic/5728776


Un autre article un peu long et explicite sur le carnet de la route cahoteuse ou l’US deep power veut conduire les populations qu’il contrôle ou qu’il croit contrôler… ca va tanguer !

Les Danois se sont mobilisés pour les mettres en échec sur une nouvelle loi abusive, et ont réussi, un petit debut encourageant… D’autres Pays vont suivre, du moins espérons le ! ======================================================

Sur les rails du « Grand Reset » : le petit train de l’horreur…

Par Vincent Gouysse

Mondialisation.ca, 05 décembre 2020


Thème: Économie

Comme nous l’avons déjà démontré, le Capital financier atlantiste a décidé d’utiliser la pandémie de COVID-19 comme prétexte d’un Grand Reset visant à sauver les meubles face à la contradiction majeure de notre époque : l’effondrement structurel inéluctable du marché intérieur des pays impérialistes occidentaux en déclin. Leurs élites, totalement impuissantes face à l’émergence multiforme de l’impérialisme chinois et à la substitution du « consommateur chinois » comme principal stimulant de la croissance économique mondiale, une perspective assumée publiquement par l’ancien premier ministre J.-P. Raffarin sur CCTV-F le 8 avril 2009, ont décidé que le temps était venu de finir ce qui a été commencé il y a plus d’une décennie : la destruction des chaînes dorées de l’esclavage salarié pour quelques centaines de millions de prolétaires occidentaux relativement privilégiés. En 2007, dans notre ouvrage Impérialisme et anti-impérialisme, nous insistions déjà sur les perspectives économiques et sociales structurellement défavorables :


Tommy Jensen

That means all the vodka rumours were true?


All of them.

Tommy Jensen

So you got that from Insider whose other main story is Dolly Parton keeps her high heels and make up inside her house, ready for the ambulance?


No, from pornhub. Had to admit.



Hind Abyad

Zionist think we’re cows watching trains pass.

Criticize this garbage is ”antisemitism’ you loose your job.. Zionism is mental disease. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a8ee01bec304503671781d8f8a9f20f507129ce8ac159cf4b2a8d420dc48272.jpg

Hind Abyad

@WeltAufgrund Es gibt kein Normalität mehr

.. touched some memories hein? I said it first in 2011 when Sarkozy Sept. 2011 told Patriarch Al Rai to – ‘ prepare your people for an Exodus to Europe, Western Powers will invade Syria in November to install Moslem Brotherhood ‘

The UN resolution was vetoed by Russia and China. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af4a43de1347220ec24638f21d3e1ba615e74fc5860b779d29f5e3c702964b1c.jpg

Trap Is Not Gay

You’re a paid shill.


Putin is Chabad home boy, when Chabad decide to assasinate someone, like Lebed, they don’t even ask him. He just has to dress in black and pretend sad like a good boy.

Trap Is Not Gay


Nothing of that took place.


All if it.

Trap Is Not Gay

In your AIPAC ass



cechas vodobenikov

bacon rotting again


What are you a homosexual pro muppet of uncle scams of incest zeig heir,you weak fascist punk One word you disrespect constituates prove you the sore /soros/fascist troll on sex change hormone tabs,your life is not your own you are broken up and weak as piss biden gimp, one word, BARRETT= game over incests,like I said no furute in fascism nor the lgbtq of incests:

Iq of your shoesize:


Jargon bs …


Trump’s Waning Weeks in the White House Could be the Most Dangerous

By Michael Jansen

Global Research, December 06, 2020

The Jordan Times 2 December 2020

Region: Middle East & North Africa, USA

Theme: Intelligence

Donald Trump has, once again, demonstrated that the waning weeks of his tour in the White House could be the most dangerous during his residency at the executive mansion in the US capital. Free of all constraints and wise council, Trump can now do his utmost to disrupt the international scene and create obstacles to efforts of the incoming administration to reverse some of his most egregious actions on the world scene.

It is no coincidence that Friday’s murder of Iran’s chief nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was timed to take place during the US interregnum. He was the fifth nuclear expert to be killed over the past decade, presumably by Israeli agents and since 2017 with Trump’s active or tacit blessing. He would assuredly give this to Israel after being advised by his hawkish inner circle not to bomb Iran’s main nuclear plant at Nantaz before leaving office. Therefore, the murder of Fakhrizadeh amounted to Israeli compensation for Trump for being balked in his desire to demonstrate his military might: a last hurrah for a chief executive who has disrupted the international order.

Both Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would like to boost tension with Iran https://www.globalresearch.ca/trump-waning-weeks-white-house-most-dangerous/5731368

johnny rotten

The false united states have lasted too long, it is time now for the North American Zionist colony to end up in the garbage of history, together with the illegal occupiers of Palestine, then the world will be able to breathe a sigh of relief, just think how many are fed up with this shit show that never seems to end, a simulacrum of democracy that can’t fool anyone, people with a bit of brains have already left the room and take care of more serious matters than the presidential race of two mummies.


More hyperbolic bs … and wishful thinking

cechas vodobenikov

more childish blather from u…Galtung predicts US empire collapse in less than 10 years….canada and other colonies will become 3rd world


Galtung? pmsl

Canada a 3rd World country?


Because more Arabs are moving here?



Dystopian “Great Reset”: “Own Nothing and Be Happy”, Being Human in 2030 https://www.globalresearch.ca/own-nothing-happy-being-human-2030/5728960

It stink the Mao Great Leap Forward disaster ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Leap_Forward

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

The red and black man should unite and take power in the United States. Let the white occupant taste his own medicine.

Fog of War

How’s Sweden doing ? Whos taking power there right now ?

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

You have to ask a Swede about that.

Fog of War

Your name sounds strangely Swedish to me.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Yes, the last name is Swedish but I am not Swedish.

Fog of War

Last name ? Try your whole name Leif .

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

It’s Scandinavian

Italo Vernazza

It is going… ‘spectruous’…

Lone Ranger

So it will be either civil war or 4 more years of Trumpstein…oh boy…


What the US has been dishing out to the world has now come back to haunt and bite them. Whatever is going to happen will happen and one would be blessed not living in the US.

Jens Holm

The Saker is a well known propaganda media of the worst kind.

Lone Ranger

Like you…? Oy…

Jens Holm

The Saker is a well known propaganda media of the worst kind…

Lone Ranger

Than you must feel at home…

Jens Holm

The Saker is a well known propaganda media of the worst kind…..

cechas vodobenikov

writes well known arhaus junkie

Porc Halal

It’s not over yet…



The PA legislature is voting Monday to decertify the election. If that happens, others may follow. I don’t see a kinetic escalation in that environment by the radical left.

Pave Way IV

Disagree with Saker re: Trump starting a war with Iran. But worth noting that in the event Trump does win the election (the legal one, not the popular vote), then he’ll be looking for a little payback for the next for years. And he’s got to be seriously pissed off at certain parties by now.

MSM – ‘Calling’ the election for Biden like it’s a done deal was a really, REALLY bad mistake – they celebrated too early. Trump never did like the MSM, and if he stays, he’ll go full-jihad on them. I revel at the thought. If it happens, it… will.. be… entertaining…

Social Media Stazi – Their corporate profit grave will be marked with a tombstone engraved with ‘Section 230’. If they censored political opinion tweets (like Trump’s), then they meet the definition of publisher. EVERYONE will sue them for everything and pick their goddam bones clean. Good riddance, but I would have been happier to see certain CEOs needlessly waterboarded. Just for the hell of it.

Netanyahu/Israel – He jumped the gun to throw Trump under the bus and congratulate Biden. That’s the equivalent of kicking Trump’s ego in the nuts. Neither Jared nor AIPAC will ever be able to undo that damage if Trump stays in the White House. Bibi knows he’s screwed with another Trump term. I see nothing but good for the U.S. coming out of newly-frosty relations between Trump and Israel.

Bolsheviks (Democrats) – Trump blew every single chance he had over the last four years to skewer those treasonous, corrupt bastards. I know it’s probably too much to hope for, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed for Trump to go scorched earth with them. They would retaliate by busting the Republicans/Trump for everything they could. I’ll cheer on both sides. That was supposed to be one of the benefits of a two-party system. They would attack each other constantly calling out their corruption, keeping both of them honest. That hasn’t happened for years here.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/88733c8d3e0a34cad3b2cda934c0a3f8c9e932187a37e1663910d28d6252fd17.jpg https://mynorthwest.com/2333279/mossyrock-inslee-covid-lockdowns/

Tommy Jensen

The cavalry is on its way. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f5732a518e15033f9c28d7ce8e148e892786f8370838a0444e8dc59dc43969ee.jpg

cechas vodobenikov

loser banana republic with fake democracy oligarchy…incompetent fake military only won 1 war—the war against the south

Tommy Jensen

Makes no sense toward a nation who spend half of the worlds budget on military. Conclusion you dont know what the word “won” means. Bad education.


Saker is oblivious to fact that, as with Bolchevics, europeans bankers are pulling the strings to kick Trump out, how can he get it right ?

Rodney Loder

Maggot Jews are reconciled to the fact that the will have to employ mercenaries to fight future wars, this will not be practical, same goes for Saudi Arabia and the UAE, a big thank- you is being sent out to devotees of the homosexual Sid Loder and his Freemason swine for the assassination of the Mohsen Fakhrizadeh clearing the path of anti globalists putting China on the Palestinian side and keeping Trump in business.

However I think unfortunately Trump will fold soon he’s got maggot Jews in the family like I do using the Holy Ghost to mind control targeted people, must be preordained so the pseudo Christians can’t escape the hell that their lies cast them into.

Hind Abyad

Aaron Maté is the best ”Questions for BBC on new White Helmets podcast series attacking OPCW whistleblowers”

OPCW DoumaSyria·November 30, 2020Update:

A new BBC podcast, “Mayday,” uses smears, gaping omissions, leaps of logic, and factual errors in a desperate attempt to repair the image of late White Helmets founder James Le Mesurier, and discredit the OPCW inspectors who challenged a cover-up of their Syria chemical weapons probe. Mayday’s producer has failed to answer the following questions.a BBC spokesperson responded to me on December 1, 2020, one day after this article was published. Here is the BBC’s response in full: https://thegrayzone.com/2020/11/30/questions-bbc-podcast-opcw-whistleblowers/

Hind Abyad


Hind Abyad

USrael – Saudi Arabia asked Saddam to invade Iran financed the War gave him the weapons https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d2cb7bd0f903a09a35546bbc449eb96e970616abed4711d965af3da357224c6e.jpg .


Hello Hind, something interesting about COVID-19 from Canada

(BANDE ANNONCE) MAL TRAITÉS – Covid-19, le documentaire CHOC


Hind Abyad

J’ai reçue mais quel bouton employer.. suis bannie sur Twitter je touche pas F.B. Entre temps Israel tuent des enfants…

‘US liberal Zionists issue no statements on shocking Israeli killing of boy protester’ https://mondoweiss.net/2020/12/us-liberal-zionists-issue-no-statements-on-shocking-israeli-killing-of-boy-protester/?utm_ By Philip Weiss December 6, 2020 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/221fd0d6f517ebbf9b41cde8994bf7f9b078964686b022c8dc9e372191923d73.png

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