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The Saker: “Understanding Anti-Putin PSYOPs: Preparing For War”

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The Saker: "Understanding Anti-Putin PSYOPs: Preparing For War"


Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

Intro: cause vs pretext

It is not an exaggeration to say that in the mythology of the AngloZionist Empire Putin is something akin to Satan or, at least, that he is a kind of “Sauron” who is the epitome of evil. And, we all heard that recently, Biden, in a recorded interview, declared that Putin is “a killer”. When given a chance to soften this statement Jen Psaki did no such thing. We can, therefore, conclude that this was an official, deliberately planned, characterization of the Russian leader.

This kind of language was never used by western officials during the Cold War, at least not on the top levels. So why this seething hatred for Putin?

It is not because he is ex-PGU KGB SSSR. Yuri Andropov was a former KGB Chairman, and he did a lot to strengthen the KGB, its personnel and operations. Yet nobody called him a killer. Neither is this because of Crimea or the Donbass, at least not directly, because when the USSR invaded Czechoslovakia and, before that, Hungary, western politicians did not call Khrushchev or Brezhnev “killers”. It is not because of the shooting down of MH-17 (western leaders all know that these are lies created by western special services), because there have been quite a few civilian airliners shot down by various states, but that did not result in the kind of total demonization of the leaders of these states. I could go on and on, but you get the point: even if we carefully parse all the accusations against Putin, we find out that the kind of total demonization he has been the subject of is quite unique in its intensity and scope.

There is a huge difference between the concepts of “cause” and “pretext”, and all the examples I have given are nothing but pretexts. We need to look at the real causes of such a blind hatred for Putin.

Here we come across another list of possible reasons: first, it is undeniable that while Eltsin almost destroyed Russia as a country, Putin single-handedly “resurrected” Russia in an amazingly short time. From a country which was in tatters and a population which wanted nothing more than to become the next Germany or, failing that, at least the next Poland, Putin turned Russia into the strongest military power on the planet and he completely reshaped the Russian perception of themselves and of Russia. Not only that, but Putin used every single move by the West (like, say, sanctions, boycotts or threats) to further strengthen Russia (by means such as import substitutions, international conferences and military maneuvers). Most importantly, Putin de-coupled Russia from a lot of US controlled institutions or mechanisms, a move which also immensely served Russia.

US politicians spoke of a country with an “economy in tatters” and of a “gas station masquerading as a country”. But in the real world (Zone B), the Russia economy did much better than the western ones and, as for the “energy war” between the US, the KSA and Russia, it ended in a catastrophic defeat for the USA and a triumph for Russia and, to a lesser degree, the KSA.

Then came COVID and the truly epic disaster of the West’s total mismanagement of this crisis. Not only that, but the contrast of how Russia (and China!) handled the crisis and what the West did could not have been bigger. As for Russia being the first country to create a vaccine (by now, no less than three of them actually; now Russia is about to release yet another vaccine, this time protecting animals from COVID) and, worse, the country which created the best vaccine on the planet – this is a PR disaster for the West and there is nothing the West can do to soften the blow. If anything, things are only getting worse as shown by all the coming lockdowns in Europe – contrast that with this photo of happy Lavrov in China wearing a mask with “FCKNG QRNTN” written on it!

But that is not the real reason either, as shown by the fact that the West already hated Putin long before COVID.

The “stolen” Cold War victory

In truth, the West has a very long list of reasons for which to hate Putin and everything Russian, but I believe that there is one reason which trumps them all: the western leaders sincerely believed that they had defeated the USSR in the Cold War (even medals were made to commemorate this event) and following the collapse of the former superpower and the coming to power of a clueless, alcoholic puppet, the triumph of the West was total. At least in appearance. The reality, as always, was much more complicated.

[Sidebar: the causes and mechanisms of the collapse of the Soviet Union are not our topic today, so I will just indicate that I believe that the USSR never “collapsed” but that it was deliberately destroyed by the CPSU apparatus which decided to break up the country in order for the Party and Nomenklatura to remain in power, not at the helm of the USSR, but at the helm of the various ex-Soviet republics. Weak leaders and ideologies which nobody really believes in do not inspire people to fight for their rulers. This is why the Russian monarchy collapsed, this is why the masonic democracy of Kerenskii collapsed and this is why the Soviet Union collapsed (this is also one of the most likely reasons for the final collapse of the US as a state).]

Putin, who was not very well known in the West or, for that matter, in Russia, came to power and immediately reversed Russia’s course towards the abyss. First, he dealt with the two most urgent threats, the oligarchs and the Wahabi insurrection in the Caucasus. Many Russians, including myself, were absolutely amazed at the speed and determination of his actions. As a result, Putin suddenly found himself one of the most popular leaders in Russian history. Initially, the West went into a kind of shock, then through a process reminiscent of the so-called “Kübler-Ross model” and, finally, the West settled into a russophobic frenzy not seen since the Nazi regime in Germany during WWII.

To understand why Putin is the Devil incarnate, we have to understand that the leaders of the collective West really thought that this time around, after a millennium of failures and embarrassing defeats, the West has finally “defeated” Russia which would now become a leaderless, culture-less, spiritual-less and, of course, history-less territory whose sole purpose would be to provide resources for the “Triumphant West”. Not only that, but the AngloZionist leaders of the Empire executed the 9/11 false flag operation which gave them the pretext needed for the GWOT, but which completely distracted the West from its previous focus on the so-called “Russian threat” simply because by 2001 there was no Russian threat. So there was a certain logic behind these moves. And then, “suddenly” (at least for western leaders) Russia was “back”: in 2013 Russia stopped the planned US/NATO attack on Syria (the pretext here was Syrian chemical weapons). In 2014 Russia gave her support to the Novorussian uprising against the Ukronazi regime in Kiev and, in the same year, Russia also used her military to make it possible for the local population to vote on a referendum to join Russia. Finally, in 2015, Russia stunned the West with an extremely effective military intervention in Syria.

In this sequence, Russia committed two very different types of “crimes” (from the AngloZionist point of view, of course):

  • The minor crime of doing what Russia actually did and
  • The much bigger crime of never asking the Empire for the permission to do so

The West likes to treat the rest of the planet like some kind of junior partner, with very limited autonomy and almost no real agency (the best example is what the USA did to countries like Poland or Bulgaria). If and when any such “junior” country wants to do something in its foreign policy, it absolutely has to ask for permission from its AngloZionist Big Brother. Not doing so is something akin to sedition and revolt. In the past, many countries were “punished” or daring to have an opinion or, even more so, for daring to act on it.

It would not be inaccurate to summarize it all by saying that Putin flipped his finger to the Empire and its leaders. That “crime of crimes” was what really triggered the current anti-Russian hysteria. Soon, however, the (mostly clueless) leaders of the Empire ran into an extremely frustrating problem: while the russophobic hysteria did get a lot of traction in the West, in Russia it created a very powerful blowback because of a typical Putin “judo” move: far from trying to suppress the anti-Russian propaganda of the West, the Kremlin used its power to make it widely available (in Russian!) through the Russian media (I wrote about this in some detail here and here). The direct result of this was two fold: first, the CIA/MI6 run “opposition” began to be strongly associated with the russophobic enemies of Russia and, second, the Russian general public further rallied around Putin and his unyielding stance. In other words, calling Putin a dictator and, of course, a “new Hitler”, the western PSYOPs gained some limited advantage in the western public opinion, but totally shot itself in the leg with the Russian public.

I refer to this stage as the “phase one anti-Putin strategic PSYOP”. As for the outcome of this PSYOP, I would not only say that it almost completely failed, but I think that it has the exact opposite intended effect inside Russia.

A change of course was urgently needed.

The redirection of US PSYOPs against Putin and Russia

I have to admit that I have a very low opinion of the US intelligence community, including its analysts. But even the rather dull US “Russia area specialist” eventually figured out that telling the Russian public opinion that Putin was a “dictator” or a “killer of dissidents” or a “chemical poisoner of exiles” resulted in a typically Russian mix of laughter and support for the Kremlin. Something had to be done.

So some smart ass somewhere in some basement came up with the following idea: it makes no sense to accuse Putin of things which make him popular at home, so let’s come up with a new list of accusations carefully tailored to the Russian public.

Let’s call this a “phase two anti-Putin PSYOP operation”.

And this is how the “Putin is in cahoots with” thing began. Specifically, these accusations were deployed by the US PSYOPs and those in its pay:

  • Putin is disarming Syria
  • Putin will sell out the Donbass
  • Putin is a puppet of Israel and, specifically, Netanyahu
  • Putin is a corrupt traitor to the Russian national interests
  • Putin is allowing Israel to bomb Syria (see here)
  • Putin is selling the Siberian riches to China and/or Putin is subjugating Russia to China
  • Putin is corrupt, weak and even cowardly
  • Putin was defeated by Erdogan in the Nagorno-Karabakh war

The above are the main talking points immediately endorsed and executed by the US strategic PSYOPs against Russia.

Was it effective?

Yes, to some degree. For one thing, these “anti-Russian PSYOPS reloaded” were immediately picked up by at least part of what one could call the “internal patriotic opposition” (much of it very sincerely and without any awareness of being skillfully manipulated). Even more toxic was the emergence of a rather loud neo-Communist (or, as Ruslan Ostashko often calls them “emo-Marxist”) movement (I personally refer to as a sixth column) which began an internal anti-Kremlin propaganda campaign centered on the following themes:

  • “All is lost” (всепропальщики): that is thesis which says that nothing in Russia is right, everything is either wrong or evil, the country is collapsing, so is its economy, its science, its military, etc. etc. etc. This is just a garden variety of defeatism, nothing more.
  • “Nothing was achieved since Putin came to power”: this is a weird one, since it takes an absolutely spectacular amount of mental gymnastics to not see that Putin literally saved Russia from total destruction. This stance also completely fails to explain why Putin is so hated by the Empire (if Putin did everything wrong, like, say Eltsin did, he would be adored in the West, not hated!).
  • All the elections in Russia were stolen. Here the 5th (CIA/MI6 run) column and 6th column have to agree: according to both of them, there is absolutely no way most Russians supported Putin for so many years and there is no way they support him now. And nevermind the fact that the vast majority of polls show that Putin was, and still is, the most popular political figure in Russia.

Finally, the big SNAFU with the pension reform definitely did not help Putin’s ratings, so he had to take action: he “softened” some of the worst provisions of this reform and, eventually, he successfully sidelined some of the worst Atlantic Integrationists, including Medvedev himself.

Sadly, some putatively pro-Russian websites, blogs and individuals showed their true face when they jumped on the bandwagon of this 2nd strategic PSYOP campaign, probably with the hope to either become more noticed, or get some funding, or both. Hence, all the nonsense about Russia and Israel working together or Putin “selling out” we have seen so many times recently. The worst thing here is that these websites, blogs and individuals have seriously misled and distressed some of the best real friends of Russia in the West.

None of these guys ever address a very simple question: if Putin is such a sellout, and if all is lost, why does the AngloZionist Empire hate Putin so much? In almost 1000 years of warfare (spiritual, cultural, political, economic and military) against Russia, the leaders of the West have always hated real Russian patriots and they have always loved the (alas, many) traitors to Russia. And now, they hate Putin because he is such a terrible leader?

This makes absolutely no sense.

Conclusion: is a war inevitable now?

The US/NATO don’t engage in strategic PYSOPs just because they like or dislike somebody. The main purpose of such PSYOPs is to break the other side’s will to resist. This was also the main objective of both (phase one and phase two) anti-Putin PSYOPs. I am happy to report that both phases of these PYSOPs failed. The danger here is that these failures have failed to convince the leaders of the Empire of the need to urgently change course and accept the “Russian reality”, even if they don’t like it.

Ever since “Biden” (the “collective Biden”, of course, not the potted plant) Administration (illegally) seized power, what we saw was a sharp escalation of anti-Russian statements. Hence, the latest “uhu, he is a killer” – this was no mistake by a senile mind, this was a carefully prepared declaration. Even worse, the Empire has not limited itself to just words, it also did some important “body moves” to signal its determination to seek even further confrontation with Russia:

  • There has been a lot of sabre-rattling coming from the West, mostly some rather ill-advsied (or even outright stupid) military maneuvers near/along the Russian border. As I have explained it a billion times, these maneuvers are self-defeating from a military point of view (the closer to the Russian border, the more dangerous for the western military force). Politically, however, they are extremely provocative and, therefore, dangerous.
  • The vast majority of Russian analysts do not believe that the US/NATO will openly attack Russia, if only because that would be suicidal (the current military balance in Europe is strongly in Russia’s favor, even without using hypersonic weapons). What many of them now fear is that “Biden” will unleash the Ukronazi forces against the Donbass, thereby “punishing” both the Ukraine and Russia (the former for its role in the US presidential campaign). I tend to agree with both of these statements.

At the end of the day, the AngloZionist Empire was always racist at its core, and that empire is still racist: for its leaders, the Ukrainian people are just cannon fodder, an irrelevant third rate nation with no agency which has outlived its utility (US analysts do understand that the US plan for the Ukraine has ended in yet another spectacular faceplant such delusional plans always end up with, even if they don’t say so publicly). So why not launch these people into a suicidal war against not only the LDNR but also Russia herself? Sure, Russia will quickly and decisively win the military war, but politically it will be a PR disaster for Russia as the “democratic West” will always blame Russia, even when she clearly did not attack first (as was the case in 08.08.08, most recently).

I have already written about the absolutely disastrous situation of the Ukraine three weeks ago so I won’t repeat it all here, I will just say that since that day things have gotten even much worse: suffice to say that the Ukraine has moved a lot of heavy armor to the line of contact while the regime in Kiev has now banned the import of Russian toilet paper (which tells you what the ruling gang thinks of as important and much needed measures). While it is true that the Ukraine has become a totally failed state since the Neo-Nazi coup, there is now a clear acceleration of the collapse of not only the regime or state, but of the country as a whole. Ukraine is falling apart so fast that one could start an entire website tracking only all this developing horror, not day by day, but, hour by hour. Suffice to say that “Ze” has turned out to be even worse than Poroshenko. The only thing Poroshenko did which “Ze” has not (yet!) is to start a war. Other than that, the rest of what he did (by action or inaction) can only be qualified as “more of the same, only worse”.

Can a war be prevented?

I don’t know. Putin gave the Ukronazis a very stern warning (“grave consequences for Ukraine’s statehood as such“). I don’t believe for one second that anybody in power in Kiev gives a damn about the Ukraine or the Ukrainian statehood, but they are smart enough to realize that a Russian counter-attack in defense of the LDNR and, even more so, Crimea, might include precision “counter-leadership” strikes with advanced missiles. The Ukronazi leaders would be well-advised to realize that they all have a crosshair painted on their heads. They might also think about this: what happened to every single Wahabi gang leader in Chechnya since the end of the 2nd Chechen war? (hint: they were all found and executed). Will that be enough to stop them?

Maybe. Let’s hope so.

But we must now keep in mind that for the foreseeable future there are only two options left for the Ukraine: “a horrible ending or a horror without end” (Russian expression).

  1. The best scenario for the people of the Ukraine would be a (hopefully relatively peaceful) breakup of the country into manageable parts.
  2. The worst option would definitely be a full-scale war against Russia.

Judging by the rhetoric coming out of Kiev these days, most Ukrainian politicians are firmly behind option #2, especially since that is also the only option acceptable to their overseas masters. The Ukrainians have also adopted a new military doctrine (they call it a “military security strategy of Ukraine”) which declares Russia the aggressor state and military adversary of the Ukraine (see here for a machine translation of the official text).

This might be the reason why Merkel and Macron recently had a videoconference with Putin (“Ze” was not invited): Putin might be trying to convince Merkel and Macron that such a war would be a disaster for Europe. In the meantime, Russia is rapidly reinforcing her forces along the Ukrainian border, including in Crimea.

But all these measures can only deter a regime which has no agency. The outcome shall be decided in Washington DC, not Kiev. I am afraid that the traditional sense of total impunity of US political leaders will, once again, give them a sense of very little risk (for them personally or for the USA) in triggering a war in the Ukraine. The latest news on the US-Ukrainian front is the delivery by the USN of 350 tonnes of military equipment in Odessa. Not enough to be militarily significant, but more than enough to further egg on the regime in Kiev to an attack on the Donbass and/or Crimea.

In fact, I would not even put it past “Biden” to launch an attack on Iran while the world watches the Ukraine and Russia go to war. After all, the other country whose geostrategic position has been severely degraded since Russia moved her forces to Syria is Israel, the one country which all US politicians will serve faithfully and irrespective of any costs (including human costs for the USA). The Israelis have been demanding a war on Iran since at least 2007, and it would be very naive to hope that they won’t eventually get their way. Last, but not least, there is the crisis which Bliken’s condescending chutzpah triggered with China which, so far, has resulted in an economic war only, but which might also escalate at any moment, especially considering all the many recent anti-Chinese provocations by the US Navy.

Right now the weather in the eastern Ukraine is not conducive to offensive military operations. The snow is still melting, creating very difficult and muddy road conditions (called “rasputitsa” in Russian) which greatly inhibit the movement of forces and troops. These conditions will, however, change with the warmer season coming, at which point the Ukronazi forces will be ideally poised for an attack.

In other words, barring some major development, we might be only weeks away from a major war.


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johnny rotten

The hatred millennial of the West towards Russia, but if that’s why it is the same for anyone who lives outside the West, it is going in overdrive mainly because the West is collapsed, when the minds are indoctrinated with hatred not they need reasons, and in the west the hatred indoctrination towards the outside is as ancient as the very idea of ​​the west.

But it is completely out of mind is a totally internal and recent development, because the lies on which it is Western domination was built are revealing for what they are, only lies, the fundamental problem in the recent development of international relations between the West and the rest of the world is that the rest of the world has decided that it has had enough, and at the same time Even the Western peoples have become tired of this menage made of wars and exterminates, the leaders Warmonger today speak practically only for themselves and for those groups that still get a dividend from war and from The hate, but in reality the number of those subjects should be sminued and together with them even the outlaws empire is running out. A note on the war, it seems to me that even the sites of alternative information are staring at future wars, it is good to talk about it but not so good to always talk about it as imminent, now they have been years who tell us that every warlike war is always behind the next corner, Incidentally they didn’t get out, I imagine why some cold head luckily there is still.


There is a divide between the US Government position and the US public position towards Russia and Putin. The US Government/msm anti Russia position is that of Jews and Zionists. A percentage of Americans are evangelical Christian Zionists. Who support pro Jew/Israel policy no matter how bad Israel’s crimes are. That’s maybe 20% of the US population. The remaining 80% of the US population is less, or far less supportive of Israel.

You have a percentage of the population in the US that accepts the lying Jew media and government version of events. Including the anti Russian campaign. In my view that’s a minority of the population here. The vilification of Trump and Putin/Russia were/are very similar. And Trump looks to have won a landslide victory in the 2020 election.

With a different leadership in Washington and a different control of the main steam media. Most Americans in my opinion would welcome a normalization of relations with Russia, and an end to the anti Russian vilification by the government and media.


You’re making it sound like Kushner’s daddy-in-law or Putin are anti-Zionists, which is absolutely not the case.

The terrorist Ziocorporate US regime needs a true change, getting rid of all the Bidens, Trumps, Obamas, Bushes, Clintons, etc., not to mention all of its malign institutions and contractors starting with the Pentagon, CIA, Federal Reserve and then everything else. No one needs Trump selling another $500 billion in weapons to Ziodi Wahhabia again.


Judging people by their actions makes Putin far less zio friendly than Trump.

I agree that the current Jew S Jewocracy needs replacement.


Agree with total Zio domination of America, but your solution requires WW3 or American uprising. Putin is not so much zio friendly, he just careful not to give chance to the Israhelli criminals for open warfare against Russia, before it’s absolutely necessary. After all he prevented the fall of Syria and with that threw a monkey wrench into the Greater Pissrahell project. Didn’t he?


Richard, do you know how all the controlled opposition arguments against Putin are nonsense? The exact opposite is true of Trump. You are absolutely correct that more and more Americans are not buying the banker gangsters’ narratives, but the claim that “Trump looks to have won a landslide victory in the 2020 election” is one reason why that progress can be reversed or negated.

For a second, let’s assume that the Trump admin wanting “a normalization of relations with Russia” is true: How does that mesh with Trump’s more obvious anti-China, anti-Iran, anti-Syria, etc. warmongering? Bigger wars with Russia’s allies mean bigger wars with Russia.


I see Trump’s scamdemic, vaccine and Zionism as bigger problems. He engaged in a lot of compromises to get positive America First things accomplished.

There are limits to what you can get done in a Jew infested Jewocracy. The Jews need to go.


Plenty of Gentiles also contribute to the dystopian world view, “Big Fan of Israel” Trump included, so there’s that…

But yeah: He was never going to get his “positive America First things accomplished” unless his warmongering against Syria, Iran, China, Venezuela, etc. got off the ground first.


Tramp was the one who allowed the zios to scrap the 1987 INF Treaty. This can directly lead to nuclear WW3! I voted for him but I can see that his MAGA was mostly MIGA!!


The anti-Putin stance of the terrorists Ziocorporate globalists’ media and regime institutions is laughable, if Putin were any more pro-Zioterrorist he’d put the Russian defense ministry under a NATO-selected puppet. Who knows what results Pentagon supercomputer simulations produce but at this stage nothing short of a real or perceived attack on Russia by NATO terrorists could provoke a complete break with the West and actual hostility from Putin. Despite all the bullshit about Russia bombing every hospital in Syria, the intervention there has simply been used for Putin to force the hand of the Zioterrorists when negotiating.

Putin took Crimea back peacefully and could’ve easily done as much in Donbass, but Donbass is far more valuable as enablers of further Russian negotiation with Germany and France in circumstances that favor the western Ziocorporatists much more than they favor the Russians.

It’s all more tragicomically obvious in Syria, where Putin puts far more effort in coordinating the Russian military with terrorist Ziojews and Ziowahhabi Turks to safeguard their respective interests as invaders in Syria, than with Iran or Hezbollah to clean Syria from invading vermin.

Black Waters

Look at that, the paid troll using the masquerade of a girl and a civilian disliked your comment lol!

Diana, or more like… cough- Bob, you should stop trying to use the script of subversion ain’t gonna work. You better watch out for fixing the U.S decaying empire, otherwise you’ll face annihilation.


all his comments are always anti Putin, yet you are up voting him?!

Black Waters

I wanted to gave him a dislike, but i did it pretty quick and didn’t check. Good thing that you replied to this, because this mofo would of get a free like.


“And this is how the “Putin is in cahoots with” thing began. Specifically, these accusations were deployed by the US PSYOPs and those in its pay:

Putin is disarming Syria Putin will sell out the Donbass Putin is a puppet of Israel and, specifically, Netanyahu Putin is a corrupt traitor to the Russian national interests Putin is allowing Israel to bomb Syria (see here) Putin is selling the Siberian riches to China and/or Putin is subjugating Russia to China Putin is corrupt, weak and even cowardly Putin was defeated by Erdogan in the Nagorno-Karabakh war”

We all did read very same statements from the paid trolls on this page.. I wrote about this shift in psyops some 2 years ago in discussion, when it became apparent..


“Strange” how all the CIA propaganda topics correspond 100% with typical comments of the usual anti Putin bots here on SF.

But they are not all pro NaTO westerners or Zionist supporters, there are also quite few Muslims among them.

Omega Red

Can anyone provide me with arguments and sources that explain, in addition to the rhetoric of caution with NATO, the reasons why Putin does not devastate Turkish troops illegally present in Syrian territory?

What would be such a terrible consequence for Russia if Putin gave Erdogan an ultimatum, demanding the total withdrawal of Turkish troops from Syrian territory? Is this all fear of NATO? Or is it still a hope that Erdogan will turn against the US empire?


Nobody can do that. You lack basic information’s while you seek to understand complex situation. Start to learn from; Astana, Sochi agreements onward to the present day. Russia is part of those agreements and Russia will enforce those agreements if need be one way or another.

Raptar Driver

It is you who lacks basic understanding boy. Not enough life experience I guess?


First of all Turkey is the second largest military in NATO after the american zio slaves, though Russia could defeat them rather easily. But why? Turkey is already in the process of breaking up with USrahell and NATO. Tolerating Erdogan’s mischiefs is a small price to pay for wrecking the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. A war with Turkey would push her back to NATO!

AM Hants

Wow, so Turkey is the second largest military in NATO?

Do they have nuclear warheads? Are they a nuclear triad nation? Do they have hypersonic in active service? Do they have anywhere near what Russia has, including man-power?

The US has the largest and most expensive military in the World, but, not the most powerful. That medal goes to Russia, with the 2nd largest military, but, the most powerful.

Russian Military Budget is under $50 billion and around the same as the UK, give or take a $billion.

NATO Military Budget comes in at over $1 trillion, but, what do they get for it, compared to Russia?

The US Military Budget, is it around $730 billion and rising, yet, what do they get for it and what does the middle man get for it?


I reluctant to argue with people, who are on the good side. “Turkey is the second largest military in NATO after the american zio slaves..” I obviously ment to mention the well known fact, wich applies for conventional forces. In an utterly unnecessary/zio dream Russian Turkey war almost for sure, nukes would play no roll.

AM Hants

Turkey, serving military personnel, make it the 2nd largest Army out of the NATO Members, but, not the best equipped. Turkey has around 355,000 active service military personnel. US has around 1,400,000 active service military personnel. Russia, has over a million, active service military personnel. So taking out the hypersonic and nuclear warheads, Russia is still leaps, and bounds, way beyond anything Turkey can come up with, let alone the US. Plus, Russia will be fighting for her people, unlike the Forces of the NATO members.

Out of curiosity, I wonder how the general public will feel about the body bags being shipped home, when NATO Members are losing their lives, being involved with fighting alongside a non-NATO nation, against Russia?

Do you remember the Cauldrons of 2014 and how Merkel legged it to the Kremlin (where the NSA could not eavesdrop) and begged President Putin for help. Too many NATO Forces were stuck in the cauldrons and needed releasing. This led to the Minsk II Agreement, that France and Germany were meant to guarantee, on behalf of Ukraine.


I agree with much of your post but it doesn’t change the fact that Turkey has the second largest CONVENTIONAL military in the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. Turkey is actually better equipped than today’s laughable German military, which barely has functioning tanks available. Russia would beat the crap out of Turkey and the rest of NATO if forced to do so. That doesn’t mean that Russia should unnecessarily waste resources on the mischievous Erdogan, who also a source of head ache for the US.

AM Hants

Yeah, I agree with what you say, but, it does not change the fact that NATO spends over a $trillion on defence and Russia spends only around $47 billion on defence, and yet, they have the most powerful military in the world.

To be honest, I seriously don’t know what you fretting about. When you look at military power, Turkey is still behind France and the UK, and they are quite low down, in the top 10 militaries. Are Russia at the beck and call of Turkey or even remotely threatened by them? Is Erdogan fearful of Russia? What happened when Russia stopped taking phone calls from Erdogan and the people of Russia refused to take vacations in Turkey, post Turkey taking down the Russian pilot? Erdogan was begging forgiveness from President Putin.

US (largest and most expensive) (NATO) Russia (most powerful) (BRICS/SCO) China (BRICS/SCO) India (BRICS/SCO) Japan South Korea France. (NATO) UK. (NATO) Brazil (BRICS) Pakistan (SCO) Turkey. (NATO)


Do American nuclear warheads currently in Turkey count?

On your mention of “the middle man,” AM Hants, we have to consider the purpose of the military spending. Russian military spending could be argued as having the purpose of effectively defending the country from threats up to and including “first-world,” peer adversaries. Would the same purpose be applied to US and NATO military spending? Or is that purpose more like wasting as much money as people can get away with to fight “third-world” countries, controlled opposition terrorist groups, and the ghost of the Cold War?

However, if a “first-world” country presents a serious threat to the “international clique” oligarchs and their “policy of financial blackmail to squeeze the last ounce of substance out of its people” (Hitler’s words), can’t the purpose of US and NATO military spending change? Again…? Today is not the first time getting involved in a major war was very unpopular among Americans and the US was in decline from a depression, yet after Pearl Harbor, neither of those points really mattered and almost no one knew or cared about everything the US did to start World War 2 in the first place.

AM Hants

Even the nuclear warheads, lodging in non-nuclear Turkey, makes up the US nuclear war heads, which are way below what Russia holds.

Russia, defence spending is used for defence and without middle men taking their cut, or greedy politicians investing in the military industry. NATO members, military spending, ends up being used for offensive missions and sticking their noses, wherever $oro$ and friends demand.

The Western Economy is tanking and the only way the globalists know or understand how to handle that, is by creating some form of World War. Trouble is, it is not as easy as it used to be, owing to so many waking up.


That’s true on the US’s nuclear warheads in Turkey being dwarfed by Russia’s, but are Turkey and the US the only places where the New World Order oligarchs can command nuclear delivery systems? There are still the UK and France with their official nuclear warheads; “Israel” has unofficial ones. Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy are like Turkey and have American nuclear warheads stationed there. How India and Pakistan’s leaders align with their warheads is also up in the air.

The Internet and alternative media does make the warmongering “not as easy as it used to be,” yet the oligopolization of major social media platforms and Internet service providers, “fake news” rhetoric, calls for Big Tech “regulations,” the demonization of alternative sources, etc. already set the stage for worse censorship and media repression than ever.

The public push back will, of course, become worse in response, more ways around the information blockade will emerge, and the elites needing to keep their followers near cannon fodder-levels of understanding will become an increasing disadvantage, but how exactly all this will pan out is anyone’s guess. For all we know, the oligarchs do not just count on Russia causing fatalities over Ukraine, Syria, etc. to get their PNAC “new Pearl Harbor.” Maybe they have some “dancing Israelis” do a repeat of the USS Liberty… Maybe they dress up Ukrainians as “Russians” and “invade” somewhere, like a reverse “No Russian”… https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/No_Russian

AM Hants

India and Pakistan, together with Russia and China are members of SCO. The SCO, aren’t they aligned, with regards defence and support of each other?

Russia nuclear warheads – 6,372–6,490. (nuclear triad nation) United States America nuclear warheads: 5,800–6,185 (nuclear triad nation) China nuclear warheads: 300-320 (possibly/just nuclear triad nation) France: nuclear warheads 290 UK nuclear warheads: 200-215 India nuclear warheads: 150 Pakistan nuclear warheads: 160 Israel nuclear warheads: 90 North Korea nuclear warheads: 30-40

SCO nations – nuclear warheads: 6,982– 7,130 NATO nations – nuclear warheads: 6,290 – 6,590

Russia : 6,372-6,490. NATO: 6,290-6,590

Russia is the only nation with hypersonic in active service. NATO has no active service hypersonic and didn’t the US try to test one today, with zero success?

With regards Globbies false flags, so many of us used to believe what the media told us and now? Who would buy it?


Don’t India, Pakistan, and China occasionally clash militarily? Sometimes more serious than others…? The Globbies would not have won the previous world wars if they were not good at playing people against each other. Germany and the Soviet Union’s nonaggresion pact immediately comes to mind. https://www.rt.com/news/516142-china-india-border-clash/

On the nuclear warhead counts and disparity in hypersonic weapons, it is important to note that the world elites do not have a normal view of warfare. Compared with losing their neo-slavery empire forever, they would see devastating Russia and much of the planet, then lording over their underground cities as a “win.” Assuming that does not happen, the appropriate total war mentality can justify the Globbies funding a “serious” war effort, again, like they did in the previous world wars.

That will take time and their narratives can fall apart in that time, but isn’t a major reason why we do not “believe what the media told us” as much because counter-propaganda can be made available almost at the same time and efficacy as the “official” story? Don’t too many “Westerners,” particularly Americans, still have notoriously short working memories? Cut off from easy access to counter-propaganda, people may remember their lessons from before… Or they may go along with the oligarchs’ story (and/or the controlled opposition one) because no one is immediately telling them otherwise…

AM Hants

Yep, they are always clashing, and the media thrive on it, yet, they are also all partners in the SCO, which is rather confusing????

The SCO union regulations is an interesting read and does not fit into the media script, though.


Turkey is not nuke nation. Those B61-12 gravitational nukes belong to US and are to be used by NATO (with US approval ) Turkey is not in front of France, UK, even Germany as military power… P.S. Big number of nukes stored in Incirlik base in Turkey, have been removed from Turkey by US not so long ago.

AM Hants

I know. The only nuke members of NATO are US, UK and France, but, the US seems to need quite a few nations to store there nukes, for some reason.

AM Hants

White Helmets – how many nations fund them and encourage their cyber troll activities. Bell-End-Crap aka Bellingcat and don’t they receive funding from the CIA and UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Didn’t old Eliot start off as a Refugee Housing Officer, then ended up redundant, from his position as an underwear sales rep? Before taking a Google Software Course and setting up Bell-End-Crap? Statecraft/Integrity Initiative/Open Information Partnership/77th Squadron – cyber trolls, funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

General Harding Porn Squad – funded by the US. Then you have the Atlantic Council Nanzi trolls and not forgetting those who work directly for NATO and the EU.

The Zionists, whose origins go back to the Nomadic Turkic Tribes, who adopted Christianity, Judea and Islam, whilst learning Hebrew and then for some reason have spent the past 2000 years plus, destroying the planet, owing to their lust of pillaging the natural resources of others, mocking the faiths and religions of others. How many Islamic Extremists originate from those Nomadic Turkic Tribes?

Captain Freedom

Now I understand where the talking points of Mrs. Diana Cornholio and the likes are coming from. I see that your majesty is not exactly amused with your findings!


Except that it is certainly not,never was nor ever will be her majesty,whom don’t lie:

,being a eu-epp/soros/nwo shillstar,pretending to be the uk,that’s how desperate.


You know whom such covert cia/tranny’homosexuals are,in the nature of accusing the sane: Patterns include multiple profiles,fake flags based on misdemeanours,racism,fascism,never blaming the nwo/skunks,ranting on the same anti zio rants,yet themselfs firmly established in their creed,yet above all liars,narcissists,twistfkd retarded mindset typical of gay losers: Needless to say all the downvotes against anyone whom was only reiterating truth,like the truth assasins they are,by the may even the audacity to conversate amingst them selfs in order to try to pull another rabbit out of a hat,but all these tricks came to blot till this day,so I can live with the fact no truth serves not valour nor honour nor ever changes anything,for they had their reward,rest assured free lunch is over,here on in one must earn self respect. Stay safe/happy easter:

Tommy Jensen

Please note that I were the only one who could see through all these fantasies, and also came up with the solution that could have changed the world, and the situation on the ground.

I said Russia should give Assad the S-300 as soon Russia controlled the situation in Syria. With S-300 no Israel attacks, US spy-planes and air-fighters in freeze, and Syria would have been normalised and back in freedom today……………………LOL.

I said that and Putin and Lavrov hated it, but today they admit I was right at that time and that the world missed an decisive opportunity for freedom, because they didnt followed my advises.

AM Hants

Didn’t Syria take down the Israel F35, just using an S-200?

Tommy Jensen

Heard that too. But the only occasion. Since then silence over Israel casualties, if any.

Diana Cornwell

The Saker works for the same people that Putin works for. (The people I’m referring to are the people central bankers take their marching orders from.) The Saker is no reference of mine. He’s an insidious and deluded creature like the rest of the minions populating the controlled opposition stable.

This idiot admires Islam and sings the praises of the Muslims whose only goal is to rape white women and kill white children for the pleasure of Allah: https://thesaker.is/deconstructing-islamophobia/

The Soviet Union sold Russian oil for American dollars hence undergirding the petrodollar system which amounted to aiding and abetting their supposed mortal enemy, the United States. If there was real enmity between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, the Russians would have demanded payment in gold or silver instead of conceding their valuable natural resources essentially for free, in return for the western central bankers’ worthless electronic digits created out of nothing — hence *nothing* — aka dollars and euros and yens, etc.

In the same vein, Putin sells Russian oil for American Dollars today. Furthermore, the Russians can only invest in American Treasuries the dollars they get in payment for their oil. They are prohibited from buying gold for instance with the proceeds; as written into the Russian Constitution drafted under Putin’s former boss Yeltsin. Putin did not nationalize the Russian central bank as promised. The Russian central bank cannot even print Russian rubles without oversight and permission from the City of London. The Russian central bank is a Rothschilds affiliate: https://anonhq.com/checkmate-central-bank-russia/

Putin with his dictatorial powers could have changed all that in five seconds with a presidential decree.

Putin is literally nothing, a nonentity. He’s just a tool, a facade chosen on a whim and no more. All the pro-Christian statements and appearances are empty rhetoric and forceful brainwashing. Didn’t Putin just kill 5000 Christian Armenians along with the barbaric Turkish Muslim psychopaths and delivered the Caucasus to the Muslim horde on a silver platter? Erdogan is coming to Shushi in Karabakh to celebrate the massacre of the Armenians and the Turks’ invasion of the Caucasus — and the opening of the land corridor between Turkey and Central Asia, thanks to Putin and his handlers.

Sol Invictus

Arman Melkonyan, transDiana Cornhole and all your other accounts, Saker perfectly described you and your pathetic trolling tactic, stop spamming and copy-pasting your worthless 💩


Dear beloved Diana. I discovered something strange… I actually enjoyed your down-voting! I know, it’s a surprise for myself too, I didn’t know I’m into BDSM and such a pervert!!

All I ever wanted to know was if there’s a granpa Cornwell or not, and you acting in such a rude manner… tsk tsk…

cechas vodobenikov

corn hole merely confirming saker’s analysis jealous racist granny hag can’t find attention in sterile anglo ghetto—comes to SF for public humiliation and CIA paycheck Saker RX: invest in rehab and Seroquel….

Lone Ranger

Disney called they want you back Trollstoy 🐈

Ricky Miller

Vladimir Putin is head of state in Russia. He is not, however, a dictator. He has enjoyed enormous authority over the years based on his performance and that performances’ status that he earned with the Russian public. But he does not decide these major issues by himself.

On any given issue he could put his foot down and get his way, most likely. But do that too often and he loses respect of other poles of authority in the state apparatus and Russian society writ large. In truth, Russia’s major security and economic decisions are made by a group of people sitting around a table, and this model will only expand as the constitutional order mutates by design this year. You are giving the man a cape and a throne which he doesn’t really have, not all by himself. The Office of the President in Russia doesn’t even have sole access to Russia’s nuclear codes, as codes from three principals are required for authorization outside of a decapitation emergency, which follows it’s own procedure. On any given issue this group of decision makers, including the President, must triangulate and balance choices between various levels of risk/reward and between many different strongly held positions represented in the Russian polity, which operates primarily on the basis of what is best for Russia. Take Syria, for example. On an emotional level I too want Russia to rid Syria of all invaders and beat back the evil Imperial plan. Yet, Russians consistently say that they do not want escalation in Syria and military professionals give advice about military events there spiraling out of control and leading to a wider war with the United States. By all metrics Mr. Putin and the Russian state have done far better than you give them credit for in stopping regime change in Syria. It’s true that he’s done better than you give him credit for among a whole lot of issues.

Diana Cornwell

Thanks for making my point.

Putin is nothing.

Russia is ruled by Khazar oligarchs who are in turn beholden to Freemasons and Frankists who own and control the world’s central banks.

Putin is nothing.

Ricky Miller

Mr. Putin is the President and has the Lion’s share of all decision-making authority. It’s rationing this authority that helps Russia remain stable and allows for the give and take necessary for Russians more broadly to “own” the system far into the future, rather than just one person or a select few. But, Russia’s President sits at the head of each decision making table. That’s a lot more than nothing, and your hate for him, and for the mission of balance he must follow for the good of his country is ruining your mind and soul: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/506a6c2171c955970b9971aca8ec2fec805041f215641b51c578715ab49944ee.jpg

cechas vodobenikov

granny jealous—protesteth too much; reveals her senile awareness that the truth is the opposite: UK is ailing Covid fascist failed island US colony to be more impotent when Scotland secedes….LOL



Diana Cornwell

Add Erdogan to your family picture.

Furkan Sahin

Erdogan is dictator

Diana Cornwell

And a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Furkan Sahin

Yes I do not understand many people defend Erdogan even though he has done Turkey bad

Furkan Sahin

and he’s worse than Trump it’s just my opinion


He’s very pale compared to other family members. Someone really ought to ask his mother a few questions…

Fog of War

His Mom was White supposedly.


Ah OK, in that case, shame on me for thinking less of a woman I know nothing about.

Fog of War

Its OK BooBoo she’s most likely a spook and a rumored Khazarian.

cechas vodobenikov

rehab failed granny …now has new crack pipe—CIA pays granny in crack to post humor at SF

Raptar Driver

Time for your dose of phenibut.


All this talk and mention of situation in southern Caucasus?

What I fear is yet a war of conquest by Azerbaijan and Turkey against Armenia. Aliyev officially laid claim on the southern part of Armenia as an ancient (!!!!) Azerbaijani country (an artificial and counterfeit country with less than 30 years of history, formerly known as Arran, part of Iran). They even created a flag for it and intend to capture it to connect Turkey to the Caspian sea.

The recent calls to war in Ukraine cannot be unrelated to this one. Turkey and Ukraine are very close and there’s no secret Turkey even eyes Crimea, but that’s not the point. Ukraine leaders very well know that Russia’s little toe is more than enough to mop the floor with Ukraine, they aren’t idiots (never assume your enemy is stupid or inferior). They know if they attack Crimea or Russia, it’s finished for them, but they continue beating the drums of war and considering Russia moved a lot of hardware westward, it worked (I’m sure Russian intelligence know a thing or two more than me and there’s a reason they took it seriously).

What might happen is in a coordinated move: – Ukraine moves to attack the breakaway republics, it might not be in a hurry and just build up forces, small raids here and there with horrific pics of killed and maimed Russian ethnics without even looking in the general direction of Crimea. Russia will face difficulty, on one hand Russian ethnics are being killed and on the other hand if she intervenes, she will be the eternal aggressor. – While Russia is busy in the west, Turkey and Aliyev regime try to steal the southern Armenia. – Israel and terror groups will step up their attacks on Syria. – Pashinian keeps weakening Armenian military and dividing its society. The puppet is worth every penny they spend on him.

The real prize will be that small part of Armenia, connecting Nakhjavan to the rest of Aliyev regime by land and as a result, Turkey to the Caspian sea and central Asia. In that case, good luck keeping the Caspian an exclusive 5-member state lake with no foreign interference.

In this case we can’t count on Iran. We all saw the extremely passive stance of administration and even cheering by the officials for the wrong side. Imbeciles in the foreign ministry are such idiots that even announced Iran’s readiness for mine-clearing and rebuilding of Qarabaq which is in Aliyev’s clutch! It hurts when I see they try licking Aliyev’s ugly bottom for a delusion that he stops working against Iran’s interests and integrity. We should’ve backed Armenia openly and kicked Aliyev’s bottom out of Arran. I just hope if this scenario came true, Ayatollah Khamenei and IRGC don’t let these imbeciles even talk and do what is best without hesitation


That ” coordinated move” can hardly be called “surprise” for Russia. The sooner those anti-Russian t w a t s start their plan, the better. They’ll give perfect excuse to be removed. I am sure that Russia also has few surprises for them…so those “escalations” can have their immediate response.

PS Aliev was victorious. And the most stupid thing he can do now, is that because greedy, he turns his victory in total defeat…

Simon Ndiritu

Someone is waiting for Azeris to make one wrong turn. There are now Russian forces in Atsakh and Russians wont have to evaluate their actions based on the potential benefits to pro-West Pashinyan.


those are about 2000 troops + some tanks, IFV’s, artillery. what about (Kalibr missiles) Black sea fleet, Caspian sea flotilla?! what about hyper sonic Kinzhal missiles mounted on MiG 3K in Southern district?

what about Russian ground forces ( Azeri’s share border with Russia) what about all their Iskander’s , Tornado’s (Smerch) huge number of artillery etc.? Hundreds of tanks etc. South Western district (+ Crimea ) together with Western district are by far the most defended in Russia. Majority of all elite Russian troupes ( VDV-paratroopers, Spetsnaz) are there. what about all Russian aviation in the region? in the case of attack on Russian peace keepers Azeri central commend and all their military airports, military bases, would be pulverized within the minutes, with Russian tactical nukes mounted on various cruise missiles.

Simon Ndiritu

I think Russian Conventional arms are adequate to devastate 3 key European NATO members in few days. I Azeri would be a minor operations using only barrage of hundreds of well targeted Scuds (like the makeshift arms Bazaar created in a Chechen market) , Smerchs and Iskanders

Diana Cornwell

You are now suggesting that Putin was wrong in allowing the Turks and the Azeris conquer Armenian lands.

You are saying that the Ayatollah was wrong to allow Iranian encouragement and support for the Azeri side.

If Putin or the Ayatollah intended to prevent the conquest of southern Armenia (or Arran as you put it) by Turkey and Azerbaijan, would they have *helped* and egged on the Turks and their Azeri brothers in the first place? Did the Russians also not equip with “too sophisticated for the export market missiles” the SU-30s or Migs or whatever they sold the Azeris? Did not the Russians not give *any* air-to-air missiles to their allies the Armenians? Did not the Russians sell the latest model T-90 tanks to the Azeris whereas the Armenians made do with antiquated T-72s dating back to the 1992 war?

Would you allow a man’s hands into your panties if you didn’t intend to sleep with him?

Will it not be MUCH HARDER NOW to repulse them after the Turks and Israel thereby NATO gained a foothold in the Caucasus and conquered lands to the east and west of Armenia?

Stop fantasizing about my panties and think a little bit. Ask your mother to find a nice girl for you. It might clear up your mind.

Rhodium 10

Sorry but the only who has gained foothold there is Russia!…now they have army forces in Armenia and Azerbajan territory ( fully control of 3 provinces of NK beside 2 outpost in 2 more provinces)…beside pro western Pashinyan would be removed!..

Diana Cornwell

2000 young conscripts armed with assault rifles. They will flee first and cry later.

Putin put them there to extract a bigger bribe from Aliyev and Erdogan, that’s all.

Why do you lie to yourself?

Rhodium 10

Stop lying troll! None of them are young conscripts…all of them are professional troops from central sector army troops….they have assault rifles and APC and close to Lachin are deployed Tanks, MRSL , artillery….Russia has the facto removed the Soros puppet and now has troops in NK…thats the truth!

Diana Cornwell

Tanks and artillery?

Sufficient firepower to challenge the Azeri, Jihadi and Turkish army now in the Caucasus?

Be honest.

Rhodium 10

Russia have 30 MIG 29M deployed in Armenia…if it is not enough for you…then warships in Caspian sea can launch 32 cruise missile to support ground forces….but if it is not enough.. then 20 TU 95M bombers from Saratov can launch 400 cruise missile KH-55….and end of the problem!


what about all Black sea fleet?!?! what about hyper sonic Kinzhal missiles mounted on MiG 3K in Southern district? what about Russian ground forces ( Azeri’s share border with Russia) what about all their Iskander’s , Tornado’s (Smerch) huge number of artillery etc.? South Western district (+ Crimea ) together with Western district are by far the most defended in Russia. Majority of all elite Russian troupes (armor, VDV-paratroopers, Spetsnaz) are there

Raptar Driver

More silly baby talk from you, grow up dude!

Diana Cornwell

So the Russians could have annihilated the Azeris and the Turks if they wanted to.

Instead they delivered Armenian lands to the Muslim terrorists on a silver platter, and enabled the Turks to massacre 5000 Christian Armenians.


Rhodium 10

What lands?…if Russia has taken control of 3 provinces of NK and have outposts in 3 more ..in the northwest part Russian forces are just 30km from the AZ pipelines and railways which link AZ with Georgia-Turkey.

cechas vodobenikov

dimwit racist confuses impotent anglo military with Russian—cornhole urinates in diapers when afraid Russian military near her LGBT soldiers

Lone Ranger

Lay off the LSD…

Ricky Miller

There is no history in Russia of conscripts running away. They tend to buck up and harden. Really, 90th Guards Rifle Division at Kursk?

Diana Cornwell

When they know the only reason they’re there is so that Putin can obtain a bigger bribe to sell Armenia and Karabakh to the Turks and Azeris? No sane human being would challenge tanks and missiles with light weapons for the sake of defending someone else’s land which Putin himself claims belongs to Azerbaijan.

Got brains?

Black Waters

Diana, also known as Little Zion, or Bob. hahahaha

Keep trying, muppet.

cechas vodobenikov

cornhole projecting senile granny seeking attention


You need to realise,you lost the plot and shall self destruct in your own abyss,outta the eu,outta democracy,outta the commonwealth for you failed, nuff fkn said,save the pantie hype for your lice infested lgbtq bar,cia creep!

cechas vodobenikov

more amusement from dimwit bitter racist

Raptar Driver

She’s making valid points based on facts and all you do is name call. Who is the dimwit?


“You are now suggesting that Putin was wrong in allowing the Turks and the Azeris conquer Armenian lands.”

You seem to beileve that Putin has some sort of hegemonic desire to dictate what goes on in other countries. As far as I know Putin is president of Russia …. not Armenia, Turkey or Azerbaijan. I’m sure he has interests there and he has a pretty good intelligence service so I expect his decisions are better grounded in fact than your criticisms and speculations.

As far as who Russians sell weapons to I would imagine the primary criteria is who has the money to pay. if it was in Russia’s best interests to supply Armenia with advanced weapons they’d have them.

You seem to think the Russians are fools.

First did you ever heard the phrase ‘never interrupt your enemy while he’s making a mistake’? Seeing as the Ukrainians have bought Turkish drones you don’t suppose that the Russians had a satellite parked over Armenia and sigint assets listening while the Armenians were getting pounded? Note that it was Armenians who were getting pounded not Russians.

Have you noticed that since 2015 the Russians have yet to even turn on their targeting radars on their long range air defences in Syria while israel and the USA operate all kinds of advanced aircraft, missiles and drones within range of their passive radars and sigint assets?

What goes on in your panties is you business …. please keep it to yourself …. I assure you no one here cares.

Diana Cornwell

I didn’t know Putin was Syria’s president.


Get you’re facts straight. Russia is not in Syria uninvited. Assad asked Putin for help and he obliged … it was in both their best interests.

Now explain to me why the USA and GB are there. I can understand Turkey’s interests but not the USA, GB and the rest of the ‘coalition”

Diana Cornwell

So you’re saying it’s OK for Putin and Russia to betray, let down and stab in the back their official ally Armenia, and to claim that Armenian lands belong to the Azeris and the Turks. Because…?

Got it.


“So you’re saying it’s OK for Putin and Russia to betray, let down and stab in the back their official ally Armenia”

I haven’t given it much thought until now, and I really have no knowledge of the region so I did a quick read of the trilateral agreement.

Nagorno-Karabakh has been contested for a century and neither side has a sound legal claim to the territory. Both side fight over it regularly and both have ethnically cleansed the parts they control … in other words it’s a shit show that no sane person without a dog in the fight would pick sides over.

Russia let them fight, broke it up before it got too serious and let them keep whatever they held.

You got a better solution?


Armenia is ally (only on the paper since they participate in NATO exercises and have close contacts with NATO while depending on Russian protection from Turk invasion)

The essence of the problem is this; Armenia did NOT RECOGNIZE Nagorno-Karabakh as independent state !!! So Russia (legally speaking) has no right to intervene to defend Nagorno-Karabakh since NOT EVEN Armenia recognizes that Nagorno-Karabakh territory is independent from Azerbaijan ! Thus Russia can’t intervene in Azerbaijan’s civil war !

Diana Cornwell

Call a spade a spade.

Be honest.

Armenians are the original inhabitants of these lands. They lived here since 3000 years ago.

The Azeris are a mixture of Turks/Tatars and Medes/Persians who were not even a proper nation until a few decades ago.

The Azeris are lying, claiming they are the descendants of Christian Albanians who allegedly existed before the Azeris appeared on the scene.


More important than all of that. The Azeris evinced incredible depravity as recently as 1988-90 torturing Armenian civilians to death in their capital city of Baku and Soumgait. Raping, mutilating and burning alive Armenians in the center of their capital city.

Turks and Azeris have been genociding the indigenous Christian population of Asia Minor for several centuries.

As far as I’m concerned, such depraved creatures have no right to exist.

Neither do, their apologists.

Islam is an abomination that must be wiped off the face of the earth.

That’s one thing I can’t forgive our western ruling classes for: their usage of the depraved Muslim terrorists to keep us down.


“Armenians are the original inhabitants of these lands. They lived here since 3000 years ago.”

That’s a bullshit argument with no basis in law. My people were Normans who came to England with William the Conquerer. Do I get to go to France and force some poor farmer off his land by the point of a gun simply because my people lived there 1200 years ago?

No … of course not. I don’t know where the fuck you live but if you’re in Europe by your logic you’re going to get kicked out by Neanderthals any day now.

Diana Cornwell

The Azeris committed genocide against the Armenians in their capital city Baku and Soumgait only a couple of decades ago exclusively through rape, torture and mutilation.

That means Azeris are genocidal monsters and you are a monster as well.

Neither the Azeris, the Turks nor creatures like you ought to be allowed to walk this earth free.

You deserve to suffer the same fate as your victims.


“That means Azeris are genocidal monsters and you are a monster as well.”

Gasp! Shock! Horror! … Hyperbole isn’t an argument and I kinda like being a monster.

Diana Cornwell

Here, insidious cretin:




“insidious cretin” Oh no … your biting insults have convinced me of the errors of my way … I’m in tears. I’m now off to a monastery to silently reflect on my misdeeds …. bye bye.

cechas vodobenikov

shriveled ISIS granny hoping to get STD

cechas vodobenikov

bitter granny knows very little


Diana, don’t try to put words in my mouth. I didn’t say any of that. Here are some of your mistakes and wrong assumptions:

While some parts of Qarabaq was Armenian land since a long time ago, the other parts weren’t. Armenians had to give back that areas a long time ago. They did their share of mistakes, holding to the land which wasn’t theirs, allowing a crook to lead them and still being cocky for their victory 30 years ago while they saw Aliyev is arming himself to the teeth. And the worst mistake was not incorporating Artsakh into Armenia. Russia had no obligation to defend Artsakh when even Armenia neither annexed it nor recognized it as an independent country, still they came and saved Armenians and the most parts of Artsakh. In fact Aliyev retook the parts which wasn’t Armenian and a tiny bit more, instead Artsakh has a land bridge to Armenia.

Another assumption is the use of the term, “Ayatollah”. Are you so naive to think Iran is a homogeneous country where everybody thinks the same and there are no factions and groups within the government? Currently the president is from a group and majority of parliament from another. Iran’s stance from 30 years ago was that Armenia should give the non-Armenian lands back and make peace with its neighbour (not Artsakh, but the 7 regions surrounding it with Azeri population which were displaced after the war). In recent war a faction of government (president) was cheering for Aliyev. This is the faction that inflicted the most sever damages to the country. Another part (Ayatollah Khamenei, IRGC, the patriots if you will) gave stern warning to Aliyev to not even think about entering Armenia proper and warned that Iran won’t tolerate any changes in its borders (meaning Armenia proper, we didn’t and don’t share a border with Artsakh since the Azeri-inhabited lands taken by Armenia wasn’t considered part of Artsakh).

Arran is the whole area you know today as republic of Azerbaijan, southern Armenia is and was Armenia. Don’t mix these two up.

Now about the Armenian Su-30s, Russians sold them with weapons, Armenian leadership simply didn’t use them just like they didn’t use their other effective hardware or even didn’t send supplies to Artsakh. Both Iran and Russia had very good relations with Armenia but if they don’t ask or try to by weapons, who is at fault? Russians? Us? For years Iran was the only way Armenia connected to the outside world, if they wanted we would arm them one way or the other but they didn’t. Armenian leadership brought this on themselves when they allowed Pashinian to usurp power and as a result, he reduced relations with both of us. I repeat, that war was about the Azeri-inhabited lands taken by Armenians 30 years ago and NOT Armenia.

What I talk about now is the southern part of Armenia proper, try to understand the difference.

Eww…. Barf! Your panties!? ugh… Don’t flatter yourself, I said from the get go that you’re not my cup of tea, didn’t I? I was inquiring if you are available for a good friend of mine, the @Great Khan ( @schlomobinwahab ) who is interested in a pale albino Englishwoman to add to his Harem. He is stronk and satisfies all his Harem while making strange noises… and pays dowry in Yak wool. You’ll have your own Yurt and learn how to milk Yaks and make Qumis. So, please, send your panties to him if you’re interested too.

Eww [spit] … I’m out of here!

Diana Cornwell

So we see how honorable and serious you really are, little man.

cechas vodobenikov

bitter granny needs more anti-depressants


Putting words in other people’s mouth is a nasty habit, which you developed Ma’am. Who said I’m honourable? But I’m dead serious about the @Great Khan ( @schlomobenwahab )

Now that you got it out of your system by that petty insult, would you consider his offer?

Diana Cornwell

You said you enjoy sticking the down arrows somewhere unspeakable?


Interpreting a sentence like I actually enjoyed your down-voting into “enjoying sticking the down arrows somewhere unspeakable” says uncomfortable things about the interpreter, like frustration, deprivation or similar sad conditions. It doesn’t matter why your mind drifts that way, it’s not lady-like at all. Let alone talking about men’s hands in one’s panties and putting long, pointy things in some certain places with a total stranger who is probably as young as your grandchildren -god bless them- or as you so elegantly put it, a little man.

My parents might limit my internet time if they read your comments, thinking some predator is after their innocent little son. As I said from the beginning, not my cup of tea!

For finishing on a higher note and cheer you up, I tell you a secret: I enjoy all down-votes, it puts a smile on my handsome face because it tells me I got on someone’s nerves. So feel free to gift me more smiles!

Damn you Great Khan! The commission fee you were going to pay me for finding an albino pale English bride is not worth it…

Raptar Driver

Another child pretending to know something!

Diana Cornwell



=)) I was raised learning to respect very old people. So, respectfully I’m sure you know where to put your insults.

Diana Cornwell

Misogynistic and hypocritical cretin.

You’ve been insulting me with sexual innuendos and contradicting yourself forever.

I feel sorry for you.


Aww.. You didn’t seem to feel sorry when you wrote “you make me blush”.

Come come, don’t play innocent now, it wasn’t me who started writing dirty and sexual. Try these labels on somebody who cares or doesn’t consider the possibility that a chubby dude might be sitting behind an account with a female name and vice versa. If it’s any consolation, it’s not personal, I like to play this kind of game with all trolls.

And don’t forget, insulting can be a two-player match. You’ve been allowed to play solo because I know how nerve-shattering this game is.

Diana Cornwell

I did humor you for a while.

But now that I know you’re indubitably a two-faced real POS, I will ignore you from now on.


Sure you did. Ignoring me is the best decision you made so far. So our business is concluded, another troll down the tube!

Diana Cornwell

I did humour you for a while.

But since you’ve shown yourself indubitably to be a real two-faced POS, I’ll ignore you from now on.

Diana Cornwell

I did humour you for a while.

But since you’ve shown yourself indubitably to be a real two-faced cretin, I’ll ignore you from now on.

Great Khan

Diana you need even small pale English boltu,,,,,,,hahaha too much anger and No miss PussyGalore,,,,,haha

Great Khan

Hahaha Great Khan like brother Garga offer,,,,,,but Diana shimloo angry bushkookoo,,,and sound paleskin ugly,,,,,with no bazookas,,,,Great Khan look for beautiful woman,,,,not English frigid one,,,,,,hahaha

Tommy Jensen

All western women can easily be seduced with the right words and charm. Easily.

ME and Caucasus is a much more complex game than we can imagine here. It requires a sophisticated mindset and real men to succeed among the simpletons here.

Diana Cornwell

Pompous insidious sexist cretin.

You haven’t said anything of scientific, political or even tactical worth.

Except being misogynistic and condescending only to establish indubitably that you are an inveterate cretin.

Tommy Jensen

All the women I seduced said the same thing to me that you say here. Called me a lot of nasty things.

Diana Cornwell

Misogynistic condescending cretin.

There’s not a soupçon of intellectual, factual, or even rational element in your drivel.

Tommy Jensen

I know. But nothing is said and done without a purpose.

Simon Ndiritu

There is a possibility of a tripple-pronged war evolving in the next month. If it occurs, Russia will conclude them speedily to dissuade US/NATO/Turkey from trying such in future and also ensure that their economies do not benefit by selling weapons. The first prong will be around LDPR, the second in Idlib and third in N-K. 1.US-Ukraine against LDPR and Russia In the first prong, Russia will be defending the two republics from US-Ukraine Axis but also getting some “revange” for political and economic damage that the west inflicted on Russia after the Euromaidan Coup and ensuing dramma and Sanctions 2. US-Turkery against SAA and Russia In the Second Prong, Russia will seek to conclude an active front that has evolved for 5 years and has been consuming resources and killing its advisers. Of importance to Russia, this has become a fertile ground for NATO to train Mercenaries which can be used used against it as the NK war demonstrated. Russians Must be plotting a very firm way of dealing with the threat where NATO can raise very cheap yet adequately trained Jihadis to fight against Russia in different areas. Secondly, Idlib has becomes the NATO’s grounds for false-flag operations, the most important one being accusations chemical weapons’ use. Of note, even the ‘Novichock’ Incidents in Salisbury occurred alongside accusation that Sarin Gas was used in Easter Gouta and Aleppo. This makes Idlib a front that Russians finally wind up. 3. Turkey Azerbaijan against Armenia and Artsakh The third prong Is the NK, where the outcomes were unfavorable to Russia as it restrained itself from taking actions that could benefit Pashinyan. Therefore, Russia may have to compete with Turkey in its traditional area of influence. It can also embolden Turkey to use its militants in future or support Ukraine in LDPR and Crimea. To Cut Turkey to size and avert the possibility of having Wahhabi mercenaries in Dagestan, Chechnya or Ingushetia, Russia could be waiting for Azerbeijan-Turkey to launch the next N-K war to rearranging the region in its favour with a possibility of recognizing Artsakh

Tommy Jensen

The two liberals, the grinning clown Rouhani and Zarif, again again

cechas vodobenikov

are the pathetic anglostanis stoopid enough to confront Russia directly? No. they attempt childish provocations, reflective of a few comments observed at SF….i.e. CIA cornhole granny, Jens the linguist, etc we should comprehend these posts as confirmation that Russia, Iran, China have succeeded in derailing the anglo-nazi chu chu train—their little shrinking failing empire only seems real in their hollywood dreams…and this has upset them so much they employ holograms to dispute via silly comments ,their incompetence and impotence at SF

Trap Is Not Gay

Iron Zion Tommy Jens HiaNd Diana AngloCanadian tsar

And more


Yeah well some represent soros others nwo,either way they are powerless not only in eastern europe but also the commonwealth of todays and certainly in australia , where the government did a major reshuffle for the better in timely manner putting and end to nwo/payne(in the ass fake policys) There will bge no sanctions against russia for the sake of eugeddon/soros/nwo/feminazi/greens (period) reynolds +payne both sacked from defense posititions,dutton is in,he’s the real deal ozi,whom can’t take to nz pm arden(soros/nwo) muppets,and allready warned any twitterrazis any lies will be dealt with by the constitutional court of law,pines vacant seat has been filled,many more good moves,that’s got the nwo establishment and media caught napping yet again and this is why we dont officially promote mantatory vaccines in pamphlets sent over hear,but rather if to qualify for vaccine here,one must first prove official employment in any fron’t line medial fields first,agains the complete opposite to what abc,ch9,ch7+10 deadbeats were ranting over and over, Bottom line,gates/soros grip is non existent in Australia here on in (period)

There is much more to come,in the end usa if we need you prove your the buddy!


Zionist Australia on US zios’ leash mightily faqd up her economic future for starting an unwinnable economic war against Russia’s now defacto ally, China. All on US zio orders. What can go wrong?

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

IS supporter list: Hasbara Hunter Kenny Jones Steve Standley ruca FlorianGeyer johnny rotten Zyklon B J Roderet Lupus Alejandro Bonifac Cray Brand Peter Moy Albert Pike Faisal Al Al Mahdi Lone Ranger Furkan Sahin harold Ashok Varma

Trap Is Not Gay

As far as I know, Lone Ranger is a good visitor.

Tommy Jensen

General Joseph Dunford made computer simulations that showed US/Nato and its Allies could take over Russia but it could not be done over night. It would take time. This is a fact and the truth. He said that, and you cant deny that!


Yes, I can deny that. So far all Western simulations showed a catastrophic NATO defeat. BTW, what do you mean; “It would take time.” Do you honestly assume that Russia, facing a ‘slow’ defeat would not use her superior nuclear forces? On the contrary, there would be no long war. If provoked, Russia would delete the US from the map in 30 minutes or less if a conventional war turns into nuclear contest. As of now, Russia could defeat NATO even in a conventional war. Simulate that!


Drew, does the New World Order elites control nuclear delivery systems only in the US? Or do they also have those in the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Turkey, (let’s be honest) “Israel,” and God knows where else because of submarines, black sites, the political uncertainties around India and Pakistan, etc…?

Considering the elites have underground cities they believe they can evacuate to and do not truly care about their slave states, “motherland”-conscious, Christian Russia loses any kind of nuclear contest, hence why the corrupt oligarchs do not seem overly concerned about it.


“Christian Russia loses any kind of nuclear contest,” Where did you get this? Russia has the most powerful/advanced offensive nuke arsenal and also the most powerful defensive systems., along with the largest territory with sparse population. How does this compute as defeat? BTW Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey do NOT have nuclear weapons! Some of these countries have US bases with US nukes.


I get that the “US nukes” distinction matters to you, Drew, but if those weapons are launched from Belgium, Germany, etc., do you think the distinction would matter to Russians? And how would it matter…?

On Russia losing any kind of nuclear contest, remember what Napoleon said: “Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” Russia loses because its leaders care about human, material, and ecological losses. The world financiers do not care.

AM Hants

I was trying to find the link, where President Putin states that any attack on Russia and the whole planet goes down. I think it was around the time that the people of Russia had a nuclear war exercise, involving millions. Russia were expecting a ‘first strike’ at the time.

In the meantime, I found this and well worth watching.

Putin’s Dire Warning – Anybody Listening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYL6PEuRgJ0

Rhodium 10

Ukraine is not a problem for USA and NATO….Ukrainians are just useful fools for NATO….the problem is Nordstream2 and the artic route which means the rise of an economic axis Germany-Russia-Central Asia-China…which can lead that countries such as Nordic states, Holland or even France join the project…we have seen how Denmark has allowed ND2 in its waters because wants to preserve the Artic route and the Maersk hub in St Petersburg ( linked by railway to China)…its neccesary to highlight that Russian air space route allow western airlines direct flights between Europe to China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan…

Tommy Jensen

Good point.

AM Hants

Talking of the Arctic Route, the Ever Green Tanker getting stuck in the Suez was a wonderful PR pitch for the Arctic Route. Did make me chuckle.

Isn’t Nord Stream II virtually finished now, with regards the pipe laying?

Bet Ukraine is going to miss those transit payments from her dear neighbour?


This was another ‘unforced error by’ he “smart” zio supremacists, just like the Jewkraine putsch. They wanted the Russian Fleet evicted from its Crimean base. The result; they’ve been evicted from the entire Crimea, while Russia keeps her base. They are pretty close to be evicted from Jewkraine too.

AM Hants

Must admit I love watching the Crimea Putin Documentary, and especially when the USS Donald Cook ends up being aware of Bastion, looking down with a smile. Before the destroyer does a figure of 8 in the Black Sea and tries to flee her warm welcome. Also, the ghost train, full of Ukraine Nanzis, who heard a few Crimeans, with broom handles, were waiting for them at the railway station. They legged it off the train, and it arrived, with the Crimean Welcome Committee waiting for the Nanzis to get off. Only they had legged it, before reaching Crimea.

Wasn’t the USS Donald Cook, leading the NATO Task Force, to remove the Russian Forces from Sevastopol? Not forgetting they had already been setting up the NATO schools and had been in measuring the curtains and carpets, in the non-NATO territory.

Then you have the museum, that is dedicated to every single person, whether friend or foe, who has died fighting for Crimea. Only, there are no Ukrainians remembered, owing to none losing their lives fighting for Crimea.

Ralph London

AM, I think it’s about 90 kms to go. ukraine has already seen gas transit being cut/going via different pipelines. Capacity was about 200 bn M3, but going to ukraine now I think is down to about 40 bn M3, and only till 2024. Problem also is state of the pipes in ukraine, at some stage – sooner rather than later – the pipe infrastructure needs upgrading, and if not, Germany needs a new pipeline because of it.

AM Hants

There is a lot going on and not just NATO trying to cancel Nord Stream II, and protect Burisma Holdings, investors and the Ukraine transit system. Didn’t $oro$ and the Rothschilds invest heavily in Ukraine transit? Was it back in 2016 that Rothschild took control of it, with certain stipulations?

You have also got the Fiat currency going down the pan, as gold and silver make a comeback.

Then nobody is believing in that funny virus, and the jab they are trying to force on us.

So what do they need, to get the public focused? Yet another war, without realising that it will be over before it starts.

No doubt the S-500 is ready for active service and needs a few essential exercises, to fine tune the system? Like on the borders of Ukraine and over in Crimea. If NATO are freaking out with the S-400, how will they handle the S-500? Do they seriously believe they can take on Russia, on her own doorstep, when they have been focused on Pride Parades and gender transitioning, whilst Russia has been focused on the needs required to defend her nation.

Ralph London

ukraine transit system has a much reduced use. Dunno about rothschild & soreass. Provoking/attacking Russia is still part of PNAC and the original wolfowitz doctrine. But above all, those in the usg etc are SATANIC, that is why they don’t care about the consequences, just like demons, they want to kill & damage as much as possible.

AM Hants

THE ROTHSCHILDS GRAB “NAFTOGAZ UKRAINE” FOR 98 MILLION HYRVNIA November 13, 2017 Comments Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard 01:56:03. – 13/11/2017



George Soros Revealed As Puppet Master Of Ukraine By His Own Hacked Letters…

‘…Entitled, “A short and medium-term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine.” The memo from Soros calls for steps to, “restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement.”

Soros blatantly notes that, “General Wesley Clark, Polish General Skrzypczak and a few specialists under the auspices of the Atlantic Council [emphasis added—f.w.e.], will advise President Poroshenko how to restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement.”

Soros also calls for supplying lethal arms to the Ukraine and secretly training Ukrainian army personnel in Romania to avoid a direct NATO presence in Ukraine. The Atlantic Council is a leading Washington pro-NATO think tank.

Notably, Wesley Clark is also a business associate of Soros in BNK Petroleum which does business in Poland.

Clark was the NATO General in charge of the 1999 bombing of Serbia. He had ordered NATO soldiers to fire on Russian soldiers guarding the Pristina International Airport. The Russians were there as a part of an agreed joint NATO–Russia peacekeeping operation supposed to police Kosovo.

The British Commander General Mike Jackson, refused Clark, retorting, “I’m not going to start the third World War for you.” Clark apparently decided to come out of retirement for the chance to have his crazed revenge against Russia directly…’

(Remember General Wesley Clark – We will invade 7 nations in 5 years, ending with Iran)

https://anonhq.com/george-soros-revealed-puppet-master-ukraine-hacked-letters/. (2015)

‘…Historically, Soros’ Open Society foundation had convinced former soviet countries to open up their economies immediately to the free-market rather than gradually. This allowed him to come in and gobble up assets, profiting handsomely.

In West Africa, George Soros backed a former Open Society employee of his, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. He gave her international publicity and, through his influence, even arranged a Nobel Peace Prize for her in 2011, guaranteeing her election as president. Before her presidency she had been well-indoctrinated into the Western free-market game, studying economics at Harvard and working for the US-controlled World Bank in Washington, and the Rockefeller Citibank in Nairobi. Before becoming Liberia’s President, she worked for Soros directly as chair of his Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA)…’


Soros ‘stuffed Naftogaz with own people’, says pro-government media… https://dailynewshungary.com/soros-stuffed-naftogaz-people-says-pro-government-media/

Read more at: https://dailynewshungary.com/soros-stuffed-naftogaz-people-says-pro-government-media/

Ralph London

Ok AM, thanks for the reminder. BTW, wesley clark is a jew. P.S. Did you see when ze visted no. 10, bojo was standing on the red carpet, while fellow jew ze was NOT allowed to stand on it?

AM Hants

No, I seriously would not have noticed, as I would have avoided the story and image. I seriously cannot handle Boris, as he seriously gives me the creeps, so try to avoid most stories involving him, especially with images.

Colleen Crouse

Swap with Colleen Crouse.

1:34 pm CST March 21, 2022

Lone Ranger

People are awake all over the World. U.S. pedonazi narrative has failed. They cant even control their own vassals anymore. Naziato with CIA leadership wants to establish a shadow govt network in Europe now but its already dead in the waters. EU is cozing up to China, its a nightmare scenario for the U.S., EU, Russia, China establishing the end of the crumbling satanic pedonazi empire. Making way for the Free World. Only ukropnazis, balticnazis and poletards support anti Russian narratives. But a big chunk of their population are either Russian or Russophile, meaning in case of a real war these toy countries will have to fight a two front war one at home and one against an emerging Superpower. Even according to Pentagoon estimates Russia could take the Baltics in 72 hours, Ukraine in 2 weeks, Poland a month and Germany in 2-3months only with conventional weapons. If these faglet nazi wannabes dare to attack Russia it will be the last thing they will do…

Black Waters

No matter what situation is, always the mind should be cold. You are thinking with the mindset of fire itself, not a good idea. Let the U.S burn from the inside.

Lone Ranger

I agree to a certain point. But in case of an invasion diplomacy ends.


LR, don’t you see how ending diplomacy is the bankster empire’s whole point…? The strategy is essentially the same as the previous world war.

“The principal effect of every war is to destroy the flower of the nation… Germany needs peace and desires peace!” ~ Adolf Hitler, 1935

“We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not.” ~ Winston Churchill, 1936

Just replace Hitler and Ex-Weimar Germany with “new Hitler” Putin and Ex-Soviet Russia, and the dynamic is nearly identical: Use propaganda, sanctions, and provocations to escalate defensive or counteroffensive actions, take a few early losses, blame the “axis of evil” people for everything and claim they attacked first, then use that casus belli to mobilize the empire. The banksters plan to win this world war like they won the others.

The Internet is a major factor in why this strategy is not working well right now, yet that is only possible with a mindset towards diplomacy at all times.

Fog of War

Good analogy , except , both the Soviet Union and Germany were both financed by the Rothschilds. Not to mention all the strange ” decisions ” Hitler took which prevented Germany from total victory. For example, allowing the British army to escape from Dunkirk when the capture or elimination of its troops would have guaranteed Germany’s total victory in the first months of the war.

Tommy Jensen

Hitler’s race theories and Arian laws weren’t the most intelligent decisions either.

Fog of War

Do you think the Chinese should allow massive immigration into their nation to the point where they become a minority in their own country ?

Tommy Jensen

Bad example.

Fog of War

Not at all. Its a basic question. Would it be logical for the Chinese to allow so much immigration into their country that they become a minority there ? Yes or no ?

Tommy Jensen

Give me a break. China has 1,3 billion. To become a minority means 1,4 billion migrants, not realistic. Anticipate your “basic question” meaning another country another place. Most countries are already filled up with a variation of people and tribes. For example Eritrea has 3 main languages and 17 tribe languages. China similar is filled up wit a variation of people with different cultures and different languages, Russia too. Conclusion, bad example and question as I said.

Even in the German “question” as basic for our conversation, the idea of speaking German blood, German culture and German roots its a bad idea, as all countries are a mix and changes. “Superior” or “Exceptional” culture ends in decay and smut which we know from Egypt, Rome, Germany, USA. Stick to the universal principle, we are all born equal with equal rights to God’s Creation. God didnt made legal lines, possession, labels and ownerships of the earth’s gifts. On the contrary he told people to spread and fill up the planet.


Don’t the Rothschilds, or whichever other crime families are running this, always try to have their money manipulating everyone? Even now, for example, “Western” countries are continuing to import Russian oil, Chinese manufactured goods, etc. Does that mean Russia and China’s policies are mostly in-line with the banker gangsters and there will not be major regime change wars against them…?

Something likewise happened between the Soviet Union and Germany. Yes, FoW, they “were both financed,” but while the USSR was getting into false flag wars (the Shelling of Mainila) and starving people (the Holodomor) like the banksters want, Germany was growing the middle class and criticizing the “international clique” about its “policy of financial blackmail to squeeze the last ounce of substance out of its people” (Hitler’s words). Therefore, one country got hit with a regime change war, while the other was allowed to stick around for several decades until it collapsed on its own.

As for “allowing the British army to escape,” that might have more to do with Hitler’s “Germany needs peace” angle than anything. After all, don’t we see similar criticisms about “new Hitler” Putin’s restraint towards pushing the offensive in Syria, Ukraine, Georgia, etc.? Diana Cornwell is somewhere in this comment section talking about how “Putin was wrong in allowing the Turks and the Azeris [to] conquer Armenian lands.” From the perspective of keeping dubious wars from escalating even further, these moves make some sense.

Fog of War

Several points:

” As for “allowing the British army to escape,” that might have more to do with Hitler’s “Germany needs peace” angle than anything. ”

Thats some strange reasoning. German generals knew that they had the British trapped and defeated. They were begging Hitler to continue and finish the job , because they must have know that would be the end of the war, whether the British liked that or not. ” Peace ” would have come to the continent by default. Therefore, Hitler was either a total naive fool, or something more nefarious.

Many people forget that there are many possible reasons for what happened in that time period. For instance, here are some results of ” Hitler’s economic ” miracle and his ” defensive ” military actions.

Debt-free monetary system aka ” the German economic miracle ” : No longer discussed due to its ” guilt by association ” to Hitler.

Winner: The Rothschilds and the ZioWest

Racially, politically, ethnically, and religiously homogeneous White nations: Currently vilified due to association with Hitler.

Winner: The Rothschilds and the ZioWest

The establishemnt of the Holohoax narrative:

Winner: The Rothschilds and the ZioWest

The destruction of European monarchies and the elimination of tens of millions of White, European Slavs, Nordics, Aryans, Anglo-Saxons, Greeks, Italians, etc:

Resulting in a fatal wound to White population numbers ever since.

Winner: The Rothschilds and the ZioWest and Giggling Khazars.

The elimination of Germany and the German people as a world power: Winner: The Rothschilds and the ZioWest

I could go on, but hopefully you get the picture. All these ” unintended ” consequences just happen to benefit the ZioWest, Khazars, and the Rothschilds. What are the chances ?


“End of the war” against whom or what? Consider “new Hitler” for a minute: Ukraine’s Maidanites have been causing trouble for Russia and the region the past six years, and the fighting is ready to flare up worse than before. If Putin said “to continue and finish the job,” would that be the “end of the war”?

Or would the Rothschilds and other banksters fall back to the US and other people they still control, Russian forces would lack the force projection to pursue, the banksters would point to evidence of “Putin trying to recreate the Soviet Union” or the like, and the bankster countries would ramp up their war machines to “liberate” Ukraine? of course, the latter is more likely to happen, and if that is true with Russia now, why wouldn’t it be true with Germany back then?

And why would the banksters have Hitler implement a “debt-free monetary system aka ‘the German economic miracle'” in the first place? They could have achieved many of the results you mentioned under their post-WW1 austerity measures. They did not need another world war, hence the “war to end all wars” rhetoric. Remember, FoW, that China had the same financing from the banksters, but flipped the script with the same economic miracle.

“When compared to workers in America, the UK, Sweden and France, workers in Nazi Germany were paid the least. However, in the area of imports/exports, Nazi Germany did quite well. In 1933, 1935, 1936 and 1937 there was a trade surplus while the annual trade deficit of 1934 and 1937 were relatively small.” ~ “Nazi Germany and the Economic Miracle,” C.N. Trueman

Low worker wages compared to foreigners but having so much domestic production there are trade surpluses is exactly what China is doing now to grow its middle class. Did the banksters want that…?

Also, just so no one thinks White people are special in all this: China is being targeted for regime change conflicts, yet is it predominately White? The banksters, through the Bolshevik-brand Communists, also hit China with depopulation strategies, some of which have been reversed, like the one-child policy. And this is not a recent phenomenon either. For example, like Germany, the banksters’ military occupation has not left Japan yet, Japan’s birth rates are down, suicide rates are up, yet the country is not predominantly White. I don’t know how “White” you consider most of Iraq and Iran, but their leaders sympathized with Hitler’s Germany, the Allies invaded them, too, and folks like Madeleine Albright still claim the depopulation dropped on them is “worth it.”

People’s ideology or mindset is what’s important here, not race.

John Brown

Wow very good you get it one of the few.

John Brown

Can you expand on this list please?

Fog of War

For starters, read about the ” swastika ” and try to figure out why it was also chosen for ” guilt by association “. Many answers are hidden there.

John Brown

Why don’t you just say what these answers are?


Brilliant argument!


“End of the war” against whom or what? Consider “new Hitler” Putin for a minute: Ukraine’s Maidanites have been causing trouble for Russia and the region the past six years, and the fighting is ready to flare up worse than before. If Putin said “to continue and finish the job,” would that be the “end of the war”?

Or would the Rothschilds and other banksters fall back to the US and other people they still control, Russian forces would lack the force projection to pursue, the banksters would point to evidence of “Putin trying to recreate the Soviet Union” or the like, and the bankster countries would ramp up their war machines to “liberate” Ukraine? Of course, the latter is more likely to happen, and if that is true with Russia now, why wouldn’t it be true with Germany back then?

And why would the banksters have Hitler implement a “debt-free monetary system aka ‘the German economic miracle'” in the first place? They could have achieved many of the results you mentioned under their post-WW1 austerity measures. They did not need another world war, hence the “war to end all wars” rhetoric. Remember, FoW, that China had the same financing from the banksters, and flipped the script with the same economic miracle and reduction in poverty. Did the banksters want that…?

Also, just so no one thinks White people are special in all this: China is being targeted for regime change conflicts, yet is it predominately White? The banksters, through the Bolshevik-brand Communists, also hit China with depopulation strategies like the purges and one-child policy. And this is not a recent phenomenon either. For example, like Germany, the banksters’ military occupation has not left Japan yet, Japan’s birth rates are down, suicide rates are up, yet the country is not predominantly White. I don’t know how “White” you consider most of Iraq and Iran, but their leaders sympathized with Hitler’s Germany, the Allies invaded them, too, and folks like Madeleine Albright still claim the depopulation dropped on them is “worth it.”

People’s ideology or mindset is what’s important here, not race.

Tommy Jensen

Be aware its the speculative usury part of the Financiers that are the venom.


True, Tommy. But isn’t the venom harmless without the fangs of violence and threats of violence to inject it into the bloodstream…?


Hitler’s mistake of letting zio-Churchill’s army to escape came from the reasonable belief that he still can make peace with Britain, after defeating them. He did not realize that zio Churchill was on joo payroll since the 1930s and he rather sacrifices his country and world peace in order to please his zio masters!

Fog of War

So Hitler wasnt a genocidal maniac who wanted war and conquest and the elimination of undesirables ?? Are you saying the Nazis didnt want to conquer the world ?


The correct answer is NO for all of the above! You should ease upon zio propaganda for your own mental health. Clear up your Foggy, brainwashed mind! Get well!

Fog of War

You should ease up on the accusations and instead read all of my comments before passing judgment. I was being sarcastically rhetorical.


“I was being sarcastically rhetorical” Mea Culpa! My bad! I sincerely apologize! There are so many really idiotic people around that in the heat of the battle against them I missed your sarcasm. Sorry!

John Brown

allowing the British army to escape from Dunkirk when the capture or elimination of its troops would have guaranteed Germany’s total victory in the first months of the war.

Yes you get it Hitler father of Israel following his Rothchild masters orders as per the Zio Nazi Havarra Pact


BS! This the same type of psychop than the one trying to paint Putin as a servant of ISISrahell! Never mind that Putin prevented the fall of Syria and threw a monkey wrench into the Greater ISISrahell project!

John Brown

I never said Putin is a Zip puppet. Yes the Syria thing has hurt the Zio empire Massive irrefutable proof Hitler was a Zip puppet. They have made movies about it tin Israel.

So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/ Nazis and racist supremacist Jews allies forever just like in Ukraine today. When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers. Hitler the father of Israel! https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805

Nazis and racist supremacist Jews allies

forever with identical race laws.When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers.

Any European who likes Hitler is a fool. Hitler

worked for and with racist supremacist Jews. Hitler was responsible for the

deaths of 30 million Russians who were white, end of story. He continued end

the work of Yagoda as per his master Rothchild’s orders. The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of

the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine. https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805 Hitler’s Jewish Army https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.602868 https://www.haaretz.com/1.4902179. At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the LubavitcherRebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. read more: https://www.haaretz.com/cau… A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitchrebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star Chelsea Handler confronts dark family history as she undergoes a televised journey of self-discovery By

YIFA YAAKOV 10 August 2013, 5:27 pm 80 American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler realized her family history was no laughing matter last week as she underwent a journey of self-discovery in an episode of

TLC’s Who Do You Think You Are, which was aired Tuesday. In the episode,

Handler, who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/






Racist supremacist Jews = Nazis Hitler followed

the Rothchilds orders in implementing the holocaust on any Jews who refused to

move to Palestine as per the Havara pact with the help of his 150 k plus Jewish


So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying

about this? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats

the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board???

https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/ Racist supremacist Nazi Jews role in running the Holocaust. American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e5142fdf79f086ca4e3a87561def9b6b5a7e5c1a08933959cf5dbf361c50987.png



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4459ebe10c59a2e488167a50332554f523c630518609e0aa116050aaee343b8b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dd4d735eea70179b2d3522d799fea4678fd225e0551cf1fff32cb889f4e59679.jpg


“Hitler was responsible for the deaths of 30 million Russians who were militant atheists, end of story.”

Fix’d that for you. Think about it, John: Do you think Iraq and Iran would have sympathized with Nationalist Socialist Germany, and got invaded by the Allies because of it, if Hitler were a Zionist puppet? And please note that the Atheist Soviets were supporting the Zionists’ weird chemical weapon claims with “Nazi gas chambers” long before the White Helmets were doing it with “Assad gassed people.” The billions of dollars worth of American military aid they shared, like Studebaker trucks and Ford, Toyota pick-ups do not help either. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d463186be9dff3d5212941119d7a9eca7442c0093efcc64f5a5116552b90c9c8.jpg


“We are a people of different faiths, but we are one. Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls… We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity… in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another in the deep distress of our own people.” ~ Adolf Hitler, 1928

Compare this with the modern claims that “new Hitler” Putin has any kind of connection with “Jews.” Would you claim that Putin is kosher, as well…?

John Brown

Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called “full Jews” SERVED IN THE GERMAN MILITARY WITH ADOLF HITLER’S KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL

So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying

about this? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats

the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board???


In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded German’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of Norther Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Mitch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

In one of the famous anecdotes of the time, Goering falsified Milch’s birth record and when met with protests about having a Jew in the Nazi high command, Goering replied, “I decide who is a Jew and who is an Aryan.”

Rigg’s research also shed light on stories surrounding the rescue by German soldiers of the Lubavitcher grand rabbi of that time, who was in Warsaw when the war broke out in 1939. Joseph Isaac Schneerson was spirited to safety after an appeal to Germany from the United States. Schneerson was assisted by a German officer Rigg has identified as the highly decorated Maj. Ernst Bloch, whose father was a Jew.

Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.


Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police (Ordmmngdienst) AND CONCENTRATION CAMP GUARDS (kapos).

“Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers” is Price’s first Holocaust-related work. The idea for the film was triggered by a book published in 2002 by a young historian, Bryan Mark Rigg: “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military.” After reading a book review in The New York Times, Price’s friend Ilan Seidner told him, “We should do a film about it.”

Werner Goldberg, for example a picture of Goldberg in uniform appeared in a Nazi recruitment advertisement in 1939 depicting “The Ideal German Soldier.”

Arno Spitz, a German paratroop officer who was awarded three Iron Crosses for bravery, When captured by American troops at the end of the war, however, he quickly informed them that his Jewish father had fled to the U.S. and settled in Los Angeles. “You can’t take me prisoner, my father is an American Jew,” he argued. “This is the first time my Jewish ancestry came into play,” he says in the film

It turns out, for example, that the definition of “Aryan” and “Jew” was not so rigid. The film notes that some well-placed Mischlinge received “German blood certificates” declaring them to be “Aryan.”

In any fair court that actually listened to real evidence (from sources such as the Israel Times, the Jerusalem Post etc.) it is very easy to prove the Nazi racist supremacist Jewish alliance and that it was mostly the Nazi Jewish army that killed Jews as part of that alliance, under the orders of the Rothschild’s, killed Jews unless said Jews moved to Palestine. The Rothschild banks even seized the financial assets of Jews in Swiss banks which is also well documented, of German Jews etc. killed in the holocaust for refusing to go to Palestine.

To put the size of Hitlers massive, huge, Jewish Nazi army in context, the size of the entire British Armed Forces – by numbers today is around 144,000 trained active personnel. Comprising British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines and the Royal Air Force – the Armed Forces is a huge operation,

So Hitlers massive, huge, gigantic Jewish Nazi army which ran the holocaust was bigger then the entire UK armed forces which are ranked as the 5th most powerful armed forces on the planet and the Jewish Nazi army was bigger then that 150 k to 144 k for the UK .

Ricky Miller

Pentagoon! I love that.

Lone Ranger




Lone Ranger

🐈like that too


Strong words indeed,happy easter:

Lone Ranger

Happy easter 🤗

Great Khan

Brother Saker speak truth,,,,,,,fat stoopid Amerikkkan kishmish mamtu, China Han Brother very verymucho kheili STRONK,,,, Russian Brother need sign treaty like Iran brother. NATO gayboy become no man with no boltu,,,,hahaha,,,Asian Brother now strong like Mongol warrior,,,Amerikkkan loser now too fat and do dishdish with other men,,,,,,Biden son drug addiction and also marikon,,,,hahaha take money bribe from Jew rat,,,, fini now.

Colleen Crouse

So they swapped it, huh? I cannot log on with the Disqus unless I first go through gmail? So is this some counter-State Department “psy op?”

Hey…what about the contrast? Putin gave the first vaccine to his “daughter” after himself. Contrast with Biden…whose eldest son, who was a state official (Attorney General of Delaware) “died” under mysterious pretexts (if nothing else, he had to get medical treatment in Texas prior to the treatment that resulted in his death, comparable to what happened with Edward Kennedy in terms of technique and time frame, and in the course of cancellation on a major contract regarding a logistics center in Afghanistan) and then his wife “married” the “other” brother (who is in private equity, including private equity financing a “pipeline” from the “Ukraine” to “China”) and ended up having a son with him instead…

What does this say about the “American girl” versus those “beautiful Russian women?”

I think we all know THAT by now.

“Infrastructure investment?”

What happens tomorrow, on the anniversary of the murder of the woman and child, whose bodies were thrown in the lake?

The British never got a damned thing correct about Mary. That’s why in over five years they never ever said “hello.”

I wish we had an “American” President.

Colleen Crouse

I take it the Department of State is so bankrupt they cannot continue paying for their own operations without again having to lie and steal it from me and say it is, what? A “spam” and then divert me to the “local police?”

This will be the last I can post for a while. I am not paying them a bribe anymore than the “police.”

Neither did their damned jobs in going on five years.

Colleen Crouse

Three days before the 12 year anniversary… 60 days left and counting…

1:37 pm CST March 21, 2022

Swap back.

Trap Is Not Gay

Finally people are waking up, that’s great.

Some important facts:

1) Ron Unz is Jewish.

2) The Unz Review already insinuated that CIA lie that Putin was a “Jew puppet” in the past.

That’s the Unz Review and why I stopped going there (and I advise nobody to go there).

Most USA “alt” sites are paid shills like that, the best examples being Alex Jones, Breitbart and PJW.

The exceptions, the real people, have mostly been banned (100%).

Since 2020 I only read Chinese and Russian sites.

If they’re not available, I rather “go to bed” than watch Jews paying people to project all Jews did and do onto non-Jews (their job).

That being said, so why the hate against Putin?

The USA is basically Jewish.

Raptar Driver

The fake Jews always hit you from more than one end.

Trap Is Not Gay

Fake not, true.

Raptar Driver

Fake as in not ancient Hebrews.

Trap Is Not Gay

Same ones.

Raptar Driver

Modern jews are not the ancient Hebrews! They are a Turkic people possibly mixed with some Arabs & Europeans. They cannot prove to be the Hebrews and neither can you!

Trap Is Not Gay

Still the same.


The western world leading Ukraine is simply hoping for Russia to make the first move to blame them for everything happening in Ukraine. They have tried since 2014 and yet, Putin is never took the bait which must be infuriating for the Murcans, Brits, and Poles.

Putin will continue to be a cool cucumber but if Ukraine pushes to far, they will pay the price for being US stooges.


A very good article by The Saker


Bankers need a war to cover their responsability in the coming financial crisis.. Plan since obama was to get the 2 natural allies: Russia and usa, to destroy each other. Zelinski is totally irrelevant in that context.


Technically, that plan goes back before Obama and at least into Dubya Bush. Remember when the Bush admin installed Saakashvili as president of Georgia, started the Russo-Georgian War, then tried to blame Russia for it…? Same thing with Maidan and the War on Donbass under Obama. Saakashvili even weaseled his way into that, too, as a governor of Odessa.


Saker should know better. He tries to present Putin as on par with Jesus Christ. He is nothing of the sort. He is the creature of his times. He was not brought in by a revolution but was installed by his predecessor and the oligarchy. He had a role to play, namely to protect the robbers of Russia, including the “family”. As we can see it after more than 20 years he lived up to his promise. John Helmer works out of Moscow (not US): “Exactly how the Russian oligarchy operates, steals, and rules has been the focus of the investigations of Dances with Bears for thirty years now. These investigations reveal little evidence that Putin has been the mastermind. The conclusion to these stories is that what Putin might have done, or ought to have done, or publicly promised, he didn’t do. The weakness of his character, not the strength of his mind or hand, explains how he rules”. and, “In the history told every week by Dances with Bears, where is Putin and what does he decide? The answer is that for the most part he avoids deciding by delegating to others; changes his mind; takes one decision only to revise it; vacillates; equivocates; temporises. The reason for this is the iron law of the Putin period – he is the creature and the mouthpiece of the Russian oligarchy. Such a form of rule, and ruler, must continue to succeed itself until Russians decide otherwise”. http://johnhelmer.net/oligarchy-in-russia-alexei-navalnys-telling-mistake/

cechas vodobenikov

another CIA birdbrain at SF


Sorry, Duck: The Putin admin is not controlled opposition. That should have been obvious when the “Greater Israel” plan was stopped in Syria, and the Zionists dropped an anti-Putin coup next door to Russia.

Putin is the Zionists’ “new Hitler;” he’s just wise to how the Zionists beat the “old Hitler.” Hit the “international clique” empire too hard and too soon, and what stops the corrupt oligarchs from crying about “another Shoah,” clamping down on the anti-war movement, and seriously revamping their military-industrial complexes…?

Raptar Driver

Sorry, it is exactly that, just very well done Russian style.


Raptar, we saw “Russian style” controlled opposition before: The Soviet Union. Its leadership claimed to oppose the world oligarchs while also enacting similar policies as it. The Soviets also had false flag wars (see: the Shelling of Mainila), waste, fraud, abuse economies (see: the Holodomor, Chernobyl May Day cover-up), supporting other dubious administrations (see: Afghanistan’s Saur coup), etc. Why is the Putin admin doing the exact opposite?


For sure Putin is allowing Turkey to bomb Syria, I have lost trust in him long time ago. Since he came to power pro-West governments have been established in Georgia, Ukraine and finally Moldova; if he is not careful he is going to lose Belarus too.

cechas vodobenikov

tampax trust her crack cocaine from CIA

Fog of War

” At the end of the day, the AngloZionist Empire was always racist at its core, and that empire is still racist: ”

Saker cant just throw out a statement out like that without clarification. What race are the Zios racist against ? Whites ? Slavs ? Is Russian a race ?

Tommy Jensen

We talk about London as the early centre of slave trade, and the British Empire with Anglo overlords and their sub-humans in Africa and India. US cotton fields. US vassal states in Japan, Korea and Taiwan and as exceptionalism the world’s policeman.

Fog of War

Have you been hitting the bottle ?

Raptar Driver

I called out Putin in 2014 as a long-term fan of his.

cechas vodobenikov

a fake CIA employee=rupee grifter


America is a fading Empire and from historical and scientific perspective you know how this (always) ends.

Band Itkoitko

I still maintain that peace is better and not having a war now is preferable. However, one can feel this quiet before the storm. Let’s wait for Putin’s move. It always comes following a different logic, a different model than a lot of the hot heads would want or expect, or predict. It’s just a different type and level of thinking.

If this escalates to an open war with the direct involvement of RF, I think we will observe a split in the UA armed forces and a lot of them (eventually the majority, which will not take long), will reject the command and declare disobedience to the foreign powers pushing them into this war.

No one is sincerely ready to suffer and die for foreign interests. UA politicians may be willing to play the game and present things this way, but the dying regular soldiers definitely would think quite differently. Fear is a powerful motivator.

Those who plan and push this war are committing a major miscalculation. The foreign command that expects obedience and subjection to their commands are going to be surprised.


“Those who plan and push this war are committing a major miscalculation.” They don’t care about Ukraine. Even if everybody dies, they can’t care less. The only objective for them is to make as many problems (to Russia) as possible with anything that is available. So it is not total miscalculation

Band Itkoitko

Typically spring comes with the flights of swallows and storks. This year spring may be different and come with the sound and flights of white swans (Tupolevs) and Sukhois.

There were foreign soldiers in Georgia during the war, participating (quite unsuccessfully) in combat. There are definitely foreign soldiers in UA now as well. This can lead to an escalation.


“This can lead to an escalation.” Strange enough, I am convinced that Russian swift invasion of huge chunk of Ukraine, will immediately remove any enthusiasm of the “escalation”. Specially among NATO troops. I sincerely do not believe that Putin have said just for fun, that Ukraine will cease to exist if they invade Donbass. Russia can and will defend Russian citizens.

Band Itkoitko

I agree. Also, it’s clear that things are going towards war and this cannot be avoided completely or at all. Russia needs to respond and cannot tolerate anymore without losing its identity. Russia will oppose that spirit with all its abilities. I have personal reasons to desire this to be delayed a bit and also I see it beneficial in general.

We may have whatever opinion (good or bad) about Жириновски, but he has some insight and experience:


I’ve seen another video where he said that a war in UA will start in June (or around that time).

Russian military, in my impression, has this wrath, spark, and readiness for war. They are sick of all the attacks and insult, and seem ready to have a go at it, if called for that.


Yes! Most definitely, Russia is ready to whatever they can throw at them.

Tommy Jensen

Many have waited for the punch in the face that US/UK need to wake up. US/UK only respect brute force. Sink a couple of Air Carriers with 30-40 pieces of F35 on, or blow up 2-3 military bases + a couple of their sick bio-chem labs in foreign countries and ask them to piss off home. Russia dont own anybody anything than taking care of itself. But the one who have the means are expected to be in front.

Band Itkoitko

Wise words, Tommy, without satire this time. Although, satire is a smart way to say quickly and efficiently a lot of truths and expose a lot of things.

Historically, tragedies, pandemics, and wars, the taste of destruction have happened and brought chastisement and purification to people, brought them back to their senses. Unfortunately, this seems to be less and less the case, less and less effective. There is the other side of this that is purely for destroying and removing the unclean from the face of the earth, which is for punishment and brings no or little chastisement, like the story about Sodom.

This last thing is quite dominant today. Very few people get to think deeper and feel compelled to explore their inner being, the inner man and learn about the deep yearning for what is beyond themselves.

I agree fully with what you say, but yet my optimism is low, since very few people would be moved by such a thing. Even sinking many aircraft carriers is too small to scratch the ego of modern men.

As Abraham pleaded for Sodom, so we should hope that such ten righteous people can be found there so that it can be spared, or at least delayed a bit.

If a major war happens now in Ukraine and NS2 is stopped before finishing, in the context of heavily mishandled pandemic and general social sickness, Europe would be devoured and face much destruction and death. This I do NOT want.

Tommy Jensen

Agree fully. But when you mention the spiritual site of it, it seems as you say sodom again has become too ugly. Further some are about to change the heart of the Creation. It cant go unnoticed.

Tommy Jensen

Yeah. Abraham kept the second command even with Sodom. At the same time we are supposed to not liking it here where demons govern. But, now its summer, a pause in the planned detour until july or autumn. People will party, forget and hope again.


Can a war be prevented? No wars are part of our life. Nobody can stop it. Pretext is easy to find.

cechas vodobenikov

NO war—amerikan anglo cowards—a paper tiger decayed nations of LGBT Covid infested proto robots Ukraine would likely lose in war vs Romania

AM Hants

Back in 2014, I used to read The Saker, with interest, owing to their take on events in Ukraine and how Russia reacted. However, when the cauldrons were going down, you could guarantee The Saker would be all doom and gloom and have little faith that the miners and farmers of Donetsk could handle things. Especially after Strelkov was removed. The Saker then went anti-Putin, in the run upto the Russian Elections, and very supportive of the Communist Party Opposition, which I believe Strelkov was part of. I am sure I have spelt his name wrong, but, most of you know who I mean. What I found strange, with regards the Communist Party, was the leader, not only made $millions, but, he invested them over in Switzerland. Strange place to hide your money, considering who dominates Switzerland? Every article you would read from the Saker, would be anti-Putin, which made me question why? Especially when the Communist Opposition, was running a $oro$ style script, using the typical soundbites against President Putin.

So although I appreciate The Saker’s stance on Ukraine in the past, I will take the three articles with a pinch of salt. Soft Pay-Ops work in a multitude of ways. Or am I being cynical?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x