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MARCH 2025

The Saker: “What Tulsi Gabbard’s caving in to the Israel Lobby really shows”

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at his blog

Yes, Tulsi Gabbard’s name was not found in the list of those members of Congress which voted “no” to the resolution condemning the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.  This is the full list as reported by The Forward: Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon), Andre Carson (D-Indiana), Debbie Dingell (D-Michigan), Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D-Illinois), Raul Grijalva (D-Arizona), Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington), Barbara Lee (D-California), Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky), Betty McCollum (D-Minnesota), Gwen Moore (D-Wisconsin), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York), Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota), Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), Mark Pocan (D-Wisconsin), Bobby Rush (D-Illinois), Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-New Jersey).

The Saker: "What Tulsi Gabbard’s caving in to the Israel Lobby really shows"

Thank you, so-called “US free and independent media”!

Truth be told, the Israeli Lobby did a superb job focusing what is left of the mind of those who expose themselves to the corporate Ziomedia’s propaganda on nonsensical pretend-issues such as who is in the so-called “squad”  (Reps. Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Rashida Tlaib), on Ilhan Omar alledged anti-Semitism (what else is new?) and on Trump’s brilliant idea to send her “home” (only to disawow it later – in typical Trump style).  As a result, a major chunk of the First Amendement has now been chipped away.

I also note with interest that these 17 Democracts prove that the most pro-Zionist party is the GOP, not the Democrats.  I salute the courage of Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky)!

There were plenty of other signs that showed that for all her very real qualities and her likely sincerity, Tulsi Gabbard does not really dare to speak truth to power.  Here is a very good example of that:

The Saker: "What Tulsi Gabbard’s caving in to the Israel Lobby really shows"

I agree with the slogan she chose: the Kremlin’s darling?  Think again!

A very wise friend of mine wrote this about why Gabbard had to cave in:

I told you she is a single issue politician. It’s about wars without end. Everything else is Realpolitik and nothing is more real than Zionists controlling the politics and legislation in Washington.  She would have no hope of surviving the next round of laws. They are going to make anything “anti-Israel” equal “anti-Semitic” and that will be a crime like it is in France. She has high ideals on only a single issue. It’s a great issue. But you cannot count on a politician to be a noble warrior. Forget anyone doing the right thing all the time.  She shines bright on one issue. If she was really wise or clever, she would have abstained. So, she is neither. 

Again, I can only agree with him.

My personal conclusion from all this is that this is yet another strong indication that the US political system is completely unreformable.  And, furthermore, any political system which cannot adapt to new realities and reform itself is simply condemned to a sudden, catastrophic (and often violent) collapse.

This being said, Gabbard is still the only running candidate who wants to legalize cannabis (at least as far as I know), she wants to reform what is justly called the “US Gulag” system and she backs Medicare For All.  I still think that she is very likable and probably sincere.  But she sure does not have what it takes to tackle what is by far the worst problem of the United States: they are just a subservient and voiceless colony of the last openly racist state on the planet and that is a moral issue.  This is the type of issue in which no compromise is possible, at least for an honest person.  Gabbard chose to compromise on that, and this makes her useless to those who want to free the United States and restore in full their full sovereignty.

Too bad.

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So what, she will not commit political and future financial suicide, polititions are pragmatic and either amoral or without morals the perfect place to be for that type is within US inGovernment circles. We already have 28 states with sworn allegiance to Israel’s and US Jews and Zionist that has many Americans holding their crotches as if a female about to give birth, all in fear of being called anti-semite. In government employ best watch what you say, in US educational institutions praise all Jews, Zionist,, and call Jerusalem our Capital City or lose your job. US has been reduced to individuals having to lie to live, it’s commercial survival, and we elect those who know best bow to survive.

Tommy Jensen

Ohh ohh ohh, so now liberal Saker is condemning Tulsi Gabbard as “useless”, “she don’t have what it takes”, “you cannot count on her”.

A typical liberal concept. Find someone famous Intelligent front page personality, smear and condemn them down in public on minor failures to show how Intelligent and morally better yourself are.

We don’t lack X-factor judges nor liberal besser wissen authors, but people who can take responsibility for their own actions and their society.


Hehe, Saker is coming back to the real world, TG have one problem, and that sticks to her no matter whatever and how much sympathic she may apear or sound, that problem is what we face to day in the real world, the problem that is running the wars, the propaganda, the policians, etc, to our eh…. eminet MSM and that problem can be summarised into 3 small leters, CFR, if you dont know about the Consil of Foreign Relations or what they represent, you know nothing, period, zip, nada, and She is into the club, and to me, she is an perfect lighting rod, nothing else than an scam, period. I dont trust scums, and she is scum. I dont need much else, but CRF is the problem we all face, and as long this scums can reign free, we will die, sooner or later.


Brad Isherwood

Tulsi could be the next Goddess….like Condoleeza Rice


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

A shame really


“My personal conclusion from all this is that this is yet another strong indication that the US political system is completely unreformable.”

After this, I think I have to agree.

But when has it ever been easy, or even possible, to ban the influence of wealth on politics and government?

I’m really sorry Tulsi couldn’t have stood out on principle here.

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Brad Isherwood


CFR are Warmonger – Globalists.

Tulsi word plays the Sheeple. …and They Fall for it. Just like the Trump Sheeple drinking the Koolaid.

And you can’t reason with Either’s Base, They ignore All the obvious signs they are being played by the system.


I have to agree with you…critical thinking and discernment have gone a long time ago. Americans are addicted to sound bites and self-righteousness. Common sense, not so much.

Brad Isherwood

Over 100 Million Americans Cannot find work. These numbers get erased by Zionist media who back Trump’s idiotic – Great Economy… BS

http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/ http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/as-wall-street-celebrates-rising-stock-prices-companies-are-literally-shutting-down-all-over-america

Brother Thomas

Sadly, I agree the current system is beyond reform. An invisible line was crossed perhaps during the Clinton years, or during Reagan’s time. Or perhaps it might even have been Wallace losing out to Truman. It could even go back further, to the broken flesh and sweat of the slaves, and the native Indian blood soaking the land.


A shame really, I had hoped she would be different. I take issue with the statement that she’s sincere in ending war and pursuit of wars. She gives lip service to being anti-war while supporting the biggest reason for war… Israel’s grip on the US government andddddddd She’s anti-Russian, confirming she has swallowed the Deep State hype and so would be useless in trying to reach a point where the US and Russia could find common interests and thus further avoid the potential for a nuclear war.

Alas, one cannot be anti anything Russian, support Israel, the primary reason for all of those wars in the middle east and the push for war on Iran, and be considered anti-war.

Her redeeming qualities remaining are only(?), medicare for all, i.e. bringing the US to join the rest of industrialized nations to provide medical care for it’s citizenry instead of just profiting off of their infirmaries and de-criminalizing cannabis. Still, she is sincere. Now if she could just free her mind of propaganda, she’d be truly outstanding!


One person, sincere or not, is not going to be able to do much good in a nest of satanists. Don’t get your hopes up, she is an attractive candidate who’s been give a longer leash to run with to collect the “principled” vote, and the tactical voters who would vote for Trump against every other candidate. My bet is she will betray in the end.

Floyd Hazzard

As I have said before, this fellow is one of the most rabid pieces of hypocritical propaganda mouthpieces you can find anywhere. If she caved, she just pulled herself right along the Russian policy which you trumpet and is in full agreement with Saker. BTW, does everyone know that today’s Jews are infact a Khazarian-Askenazi people that originated in the Russian Steppes? That’s right, todays Jews are organic Russians by origin https://m.jpost.com/Israel-News/Putin-adviser-Israels-security-to-Russia-important-because-all-countrymen-here-593541

Floyd Hazzard


Tommy Jensen

To be a jew is to confess to a religion, the Torah. The tellings of the Torah has its origin in Jerusalem and the area around. So there is no “race” of jews, gang of jews, racial origin bs nor bloodline of “jews”. Only interpretations of the roots of the Torah and the bible.

Floyd Hazzard

Actually, to be a Jew is to be born in Judea or be of the bloodline of those that originate there. It’s a nationality, not a religion. You can’t convert to Judaism and claim to be a Jew. You can’t convert and claim generational family lands under false pretenses either. Thats like all Roman Catholics claiming to be Romans and wanting to claim Italy. There’s also nothing like Jewish or “almost Jew”. That’s like telling a Indian he’s Indianish or almost Indian, or sn Asian he’s “Asianish” or almost Asian. You are only a Jew if you originated in Judea.

Tommy Jensen

Nationality and borders are an political Elite definitions which changes after who has the biggest military.

Saudi is UK made, Both Iran, Turkey, Syria, Germany, Russia have changed borders countless of times with a variation of religious minorities and different natives. Judea has changed borders since 587 bc. Judea has been invaded and occupied by almost all their neighbours. Judaism has been banned in many countries and believers banned from Jerusalem many times.

Therefore your comment doesnt make any sense at all. The only fixed relation to Jerusalem that can be claimed, can only be religious in relation to Temple 1 and Temple II and other historic churches in Jerusalem.

Елена Перельман

And kind of it was pleasant to you if to compose about you the same idiotic and false slander, you about Jews? You take the idiotic coward imaginations for the truth; means, any imaginations about you, even the most black and false, on your “logic” too the truth. And kind of it was pleasant to you if to compose about you the same idiotic and false slander, you about Jews? You take the idiotic coward imaginations for the truth; means, any imaginations about you, even the most black and false, on your “logic” too the truth. ANTI-SEMITES=COWARDS.

Елена Перельман

It is imagination from scratch like to “The earth flat, triangular and with through holes”:)). Modern Jews occur generally from ancient Jews. At our males the Semitic Y-chromosome J prevails. If we in general have a share of Hazaria genes, then are few. Khazars racially were Mongoloids, but at Jews mongoloid lines are very rare and even at having are weak. We are the southern Caucasians (Ashkenazes with small northern (“Aryan”) admixture also.) Try not to lie so silly and frankly any more. You consider that it is “good” to be the anti-semite, but even your way, likely, it is bad to opinion to be the big idiot.


I think she is just dodging the fight untill she is in office! If she is getting blackmailed even more noiw she dont has a chance to get to the office!


If she can be blackmailed, why would she be worth voting for? We know who does the blackmailing and what they expect for their silence.


For once, I can agree on practically everything in a Saker article. My first hint there was an issue with her was her assessment of Assad, ‘brutal dictator who has used CW on his people’, even as she disavowed the non-evidence of CW FFs. My feeling was that she agreed with the ‘Assad the Butcher’ BS, but wanted absolute proof. Her public votes show where her allegiance lies. Could it be a front to get elected? Sure. Could Trump have been sincere in all his blathering? Sure. Could Obama have been sincere over his healthcare plan, before he let the insurance companies write it? Sure. Is it at all likely? IMO, not even a little.

Muriel Kuri

I was a Bernie supporter in the last election and voted for Trump by default after Bernie caved to Clinton. Trump said some things and made some promises I agreed with but he was swallowed by the swamp instead of draining it, as he promised. He also vowed to curb lobbyists and set congressional term limits and best of all, get US out of all foreign wars and tend to our own business. This was the worst slap in the face – instead of doing these things, he just continued with the same – then did even worst – reneging on contracts/agreements signed, sanctioning everyone and using the dollar as a weapon. I thought Tulsi would be different, but I too, was upset about her assessment of Assad. Now I read that she’s anti Russia, so we can expect more of the same misbehavior on the world stage, instead of being grown up and diplomatic and trying to get along with other countries’ leaders. It’ll just be more of the same, and I probably won’t vote at all, since there’s really no one to vote for.


The USA pay lip service to democracy by giving qualified Americans the right to vote but that’s where it stops.

The USA is capitalist first. Money holds the power in the USA. The political system is set up so that you can’t get elected without financing by moneyed interests. They make political contributions, they pay for your PAC’s they control the media. Without the backing of capital you can’t get elected in the USA and the courts have supported this.

Tulsi Gabbard was likely given the choice between getting her foreign policy in line or the end of public life. She chose career over principles …. or perhaps she felt that she’s more influential as an elected politician that at least partially toes the line than a failed presidential candidate who is characterized as a crackpot in the media

Hos Ng

i agree except on the capitalism part. the us is doing evwrything in its detriment to fight wars that do not profit itself nor captalism


Judaism needs to be outlawed and the synagogues and yeshivas permanently closed. A UN convention similar to the slavery convention abolishing Judaism should be gotten in place to help dejudify the planet and create a Jew free world that will be much better for humanity.

Linda Furr

Bernie supports legalization of marijuana!!! And he supports US leading a world movement to bring about a two-state solution for the Israel/Palestine conflict. The two-state solution has been the official UN/US/Israel up through 2016, Since then, things have become murky with right wing pressure in Israel and Trumpian edicts coming from neocon dominance (still) in Washington DC.

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