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The Saker: Why Russia won’t invade the Ukraine, the Baltic statelets or anybody else

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The Saker: Why Russia won’t invade the Ukraine, the Baltic statelets or anybody else

Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

The AngloZionist propaganda machine is constantly warning us that Russia is about to invade some country.  The list of candidates for invasion is long and ranges from Norway to the Ukraine and includes the Baltic statelets, Poland and even countries further West.  Of course, we are also told that NATO and the US are here to prevent that.  Well, thank God for them, right?

But what is conspicuously missing from this narrative is a discussion of the possible Russian motives for such a military move. Typically, we are merely told that Russia has broken the European post-Cold War order and borders by “annexing” Crimea and by sending military forces into the Donbass. Anybody with an IQ at room temperature or above by now realizes that both of these claims are total bunk. The ones who indeed broke the post-Cold War international order and borders were the NATO member states when they used military force, in complete illegality, to break-up Yugoslavia. As for the people of Crimea, they had the opportunity to vote about their future in a referendum, very much unlike the inhabitants of Kosovo which had no such opportunity. As for the 08.08.08 war, even the Europeans who eventually, and very reluctantly, agreed that it was, in fact, Saakashvili who started this conflict, not Russia.

But let’s set all this aside and assume that the Russian leaders would not hesitate to use military force again if it was to their advantage.  Let’s assume that, yes, the Russians are up to no good and that they might well try to bite-off some other piece of land somewhere in Europe.

Such an assumption would immediately raise a crucial question: why would the Russians want to do that?

For some reason, this question is rarely, if ever, asked.

Oh sure, we are told that “Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Union” or some other type of empire but, again, nobody seems to wonder why he would want that!

So let’s look at possible rationales for such an attack:

Reason number one: to gain more land

That is probably the least credible reason of all.  Russia is a vast country (17,098,246 km2) with a relatively small population (144,526,636) resulting in a very low population density. Not only is Russia huge, but her territory has immense natural resources. The very last thing Russia needs is more land.

Reason number two: to increase the Russian population

Well, yes, Russia has a population deficit for sure.  But that does not mean that just any population increase would be a bonanza for Russia.  For example, Russia will only be in a  worse shape if the number of people depending on unemployment, social services or pensions increases.  Likewise, Russia would not benefit from a politically hostile population.  So while Russia could benefit from having a larger population, what she needs is more young and well-educated *Russians*, not unemployed and destitute Ukrainians or Lithuanians! The massive influx of Ukrainian refugees, by the way, has already contributed to an increase in qualified specialists, including medical doctors and highly qualified engineers from the Ukrainian military-industrial specialists who, when they saw their bureaus and industries collapse in the Ukraine, moved to Russia to continue to work. There is no need for the Russia to invade anybody to get those highly qualified specliasts. As for Ukrainians without special qualifications, they have already shown up in Russia, and the last thing Russia needs is more of them (they can go scrub toilets in Poland or the UK). Furthermore, there are already a lot of immigrants from other parts of the world in Russia and getting more of them is hardly a good idea. So while Russia would benefit from more qualified young Russians, invading other countries is not the way to get them.

Reason number three: geostrategic reasons

What about the Baltic ports? What about the Ukrainian gas pipelines? The truth is that in the Soviet times the Baltic ports or the Ukrainian pipelines were crucial strategic assets. But since their independence, these countries have not only ruined themselves and destroyed the infrastructure they inherited from the “Soviet occupiers,” but Russia has also successfully replaced the infrastructure and industries she lost after 1991. Thus, for example, Russia has actively developed her own commercial ports on the Baltic Sea, and they have now outgrown the ones found in the Baltic states (see here for a good comparative chart). As for the Ukrainian pipelines, not only are they in terrible shape, Russia has successfully built “North” and “South” streams which allow her to completely bypass the Ukraine and the need to deal with the crazy Banderite junta in Kiev. The simple truth is that while the Baltic statelets or the Ukronazis can fancy themselves as a very precious prize, Russia has absolutely no need for them whatsoever.

In fact, the opposite is true: right now, Russia can barely finance all the reconstruction programs which are so urgently needed after decades of nationalist rule in Crimea. In the future, Russia will also have to help the Donbass rebuild. Does anybody seriously believe that the Russians can afford to rescue even more countries or territories?!

Reason number four: revanchist motives

That is the Hillary Clinton/Zbigniew Brzezinski argument: the Russians are inherently expansionists, imperialists, militarists, and revanchists and they don’t need a motive to invade somebody: that’s simply what they do – invade, terrorize, oppress. Well, a quick objective look at history would prove that it is the West which has always displayed such behavior, not Russia, but we can even ignore that fact. The truth is that while there are a lot of people in Russia who have good memories of their lives in the Soviet Union, there is just no constituency pushing for the re-birth of the Soviet Union or for any kind of imperialism. If anything, most Russians are much more isolationist, and they don’t want to get involved in wars or the invasion of foreign countries. This is not only a result of memories of wars in Afghanistan or interventions in Germany, Hungary or Czechoslovakia, but also the bitter realization that even the so-called “Orthodox brothers” (some of whom even owe the existence of their country on a world map to Russia!) have now fully turned against Russia and have become willing NATO-colonies (think Bulgaria or Romania here). Yes, Putin did say that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a tragedy (objectively, it was, and it brought immense suffering to millions of people), but that does not at all mean that Putin, or anybody else, actually wants to “resurrect” the Soviet Union, even if it was feasible (which it is not). If anything, it was the US, NATO, and the EU which, for purely ideological reasons chose to expand their influence to the East and which are now constantly engaged in a nonstop campaign of russophobia (phobia in both meanings of “fear” and “hatred”). Yes, Russians are disgusted with the West, but that hardly means that they want to invade it.

Reason number five: megalomania

Well, maybe the Russians are mad that they lost the Cold War and now want to become a superpower again? In fact, no. Not at all. Not only do Russians not feel that they “lost” the Cold War, they even feel that they are already a superpower: one which successfully defies the Empire and which continues to struggle for full sovereignization at a time when all European countries are competing with each other for the title of most subservient lackey of the Empire. Just like the USSR after WWII, Russia, after the nightmare of the 1990s, has very successfully rebuilt, in spite of the constant subversion and sabotage of the “united West” which tried every dirty trick in the book to prevent Russia from recovering from the horrors which the western-backed (and, really, run) “liberal democracy” imposed upon her during the Eltsin years. Sure, Russians want their country to be prosperous and powerful, but that does not mean that they want to become a USA-like world hegemon which gets involved in every conflict on the planet. Truth be told, even the bad old USSR was not anti-USA and never had the kind of global ambition the USA has (well, except for Trotsky, but Stalin gave the boot to those crazies, many of whom later emigrated to the USA and re-branded themselves as Neocons). Of course, there is the eternal Russian “court jester,” aka “Zhirik” aka Vladimir Zhironovskii. He has made all sorts of threats (including nuclear ones) against various countries neighboring Russia, but everybody knows that he is just that, a court jester and that what he says is basically utter nonsense.

Reason number six: to save Putin’s “regime.”

It is true that unpopular regimes use war to distract from their failures and to make the population switch off their brains for the sake of “circling the wagons” and being “patriotic.” That is most definitely what Poroshenko is doing right now. But Putin has no such need! Even if the pension reform did cost him quite a bit in terms of popularity, he is still far more popular at home (and even internationally!) than any political leader in the West and the Russian economy is doing just fine, in spite of the famous sanctions. True, the mostly Atlantic Integrationist Medvedev government is not very popular, but those officials (like Shoigu or Lavrov) who are typically associated with Putin and his Eurasian Sovereignists remain very popular. The simple truth is that Putin has no need for any “distracting crises” because he remains remarkably popular in spite of all the difficulties Russia is currently facing. If anything, it is the Trumps, Macrons, Mays, and Co. who need a distracting war, not Putin!

I could go on listing more nonsensical pseudo-reasons for why Russia would want to occupy some piece of land somewhere, each more far-fetched and baseless than the previous one, but you get the point: Russia has no interest whatsoever in military interventions. In fact, what Russia needs more than anything else is peace for as long as possible.

Now, let’s come back to reality,

Putin is a continuator of another great Russian reformer: Petr Arkadievich Stolypin

The Saker: Why Russia won’t invade the Ukraine, the Baltic statelets or anybody else

Petr Stolypin (1862—1911)

The Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Prime Minister of Russia from 1906 to 1911, Petr Arkadievich Stolypin, once famously said “Next comes our main task: to strengthen our lower classes.  In them lies the strength of our country.  There are more than 100 millions of them and the roots of our state will be healthy and strong and, believe me, the voice of the Russian government before Europe and the rest of the world will sound very differently.  Our motto, of all of us Russians, should be a united, common labor based on mutual trust.  Give Russia 20 years of peace, internal and external, and you will not recognize today’s Russia” (this is my own, free, translation.  This is the original text: На очереди главная наша задача — укрепить низы. В них вся сила страны. Их более 100 миллионов и будут здоровы и крепки корни у государства, поверьте — и слова Русского Правительства совсем иначе зазвучат перед Европой и перед целым миром… Дружная, общая, основанная на взаимном доверии работа — вот девиз для нас всех, Русских. Дайте Государству 20 лет покоя, внутреннего и внешнего, и вы не узнаете нынешней Poccии).

Of course, Stolypin was eventually murdered by a Jewish revolutionary, Mordechai Gershkovich Bogrov, and Russia was forced to enter WWI. Eventually, the Russian monarchy was overthrown by a Masonic conspiracy lead by Alexander Kerensky. These “liberals” (i.e., plutocrats) did exactly what their successors did under Eltsin and plunged Russia into utter chaos. Eight months later, the Bolsheviks seized power, and the civil war began. Instead of 20 years of peace, Russia got 30 years of wars. After immense sacrifices and many horrors, Russia only succeeded in recovering after the end of WWII.

Nobody in Russia wants to repeat this terrible experience even if, in the end, Russia would prevail. The costs are just too high.

Today, just like in 1911, Russia needs internal and external peace more than anything else, and that is not what she would get if she got involved in some foreign military adventure! In fact, attacking an alliance which includes three nuclear power would be suicidal, and the Russians are anything but suicidal.

If Russia needs peace so badly, why the constant rumors of war?

That is really simple! First, Poroshenko is in deep trouble and short of a major crisis his only option is to completely steal the election. That latter option might be tricky, because if the “collective West” as always, turns a blind eye to the actions of the Ukronazi regime, the internal opposition to Poroshenko might not. Then some serious civil unrest, or even a counter-coup, are real possibilities. Hence Poroshenko’s desperate need for a crisis.

They say that an image is worth a thousand words.  Well, in that spirit, check this one:

The Saker: Why Russia won’t invade the Ukraine, the Baltic statelets or anybody else

Left: martial law regions Right: regions which voted against Poroshenko in 2014 (by the way, this does suggest some kind of future border, don’t it? :-)

QED, right?

There is also another reason, a particularly shameful one: while it is true that Hitler and the AngloZionists did, eventually, fight each other, it is also true that in many ways Hitler truly embodied the dream of a “united Europe” and a “reborn western civilization” (albeit a pagan one!). In the history of European imperialism, Hitler represents something of an apogee, at least until the USA superseded the Nazis as a global hegemon after WWII. There is not much difference between Hitler’s (oh so modestly promised) “thousand year Reich” and Fukuyama’s “end of history” (or, for that matter, the Marxist idea of realized Communism which also would end history by solving the dialectical contradictions which are the engine of history). On a psychological level, Hitler was the continuator of the Popes and Napoleon – a self-described “Kulturträger” bringing “western civilization” to the barbaric subhuman “Untermensch”mongoloid hordes of the East. So while Hitler was most definitely an “SOB,” he sure was “our SOB” (hence the impotent rage my use of the term “Ukronazi” elicits in various type of defenders of “Western civilization” or, even better, a supposed “White civilization”!). Well, we all know how these Nazi “culture-carrying” White supremacists ended, don’t we:

The Saker: Why Russia won’t invade the Ukraine, the Baltic statelets or anybody else

sic transit gloria mundi indeed…

These carriers of the values of a “united Europe” and “western civilization” were totally defeated by these men:

The Saker: Why Russia won’t invade the Ukraine, the Baltic statelets or anybody else

These are the men who destroyed 80% of the Nazi military and who *really* won WWII (not Patton or MacArthur!)

These memories are what truly terrifies the western elites: the existence of a different civilizational realm which not only dares to defy the AngloZionist Empire openly, but which has already defeated every western hegemonic power which dared to attacked it in the past.

The Russian people, by the way, see the current confrontation in the very similar “mental coordinates” as the western Russophobes, just with an inverted value sign meaning that they perfectly understand that the kind of war the Empire is waging against Russia right now has its roots in the outcome of WWII. This is one of the reasons they all cherish the memories of the millions who died fighting “western civilization” and a “united Europe.” This is best shown by the “Immortal Regiments” in all the Russian cities:

The Saker: Why Russia won’t invade the Ukraine, the Baltic statelets or anybody else

The “Immortal Regiment” as an expression of the acute historical awareness of the Russian people

This historical awareness is also shown in the parade of Ukronazi POW in Donetsk:

Again, the reference to WWII is unmistakable.

As I have said many times in the past, one of the most significant differences between Russia and the “collective West” is that Russians fear war but are nevertheless prepared to fight it, whereas the westerners do not fear war, even though they are not prepared for it at all. Truly, “fools rush in where angels fear to tread” (think Pompeo, Mattis and the rest of them here). And yet, despite this apparent insouciance, the leaders of the AngloZionists have an almost genetic fear and hatred of Russia, because they remember how all their predecessors were eventually defeated by the Russian nation.

And, finally, let’s remember the crucial question which Bertolt Brecht asked: “How can anyone tell the truth about Fascism unless he is willing to speak out against capitalism, which brings it forth?“.  Yes, in words, and in words only, the collective West has condemned Fascism and National-Socialism.  But in deeds?  No, not at all.  This is why Fascist scum à la Poroshenko *always* get the support of the western elites under the pious heading of “he is an SOB, but he is our SOB“?

[Sidebar: think of it,during the Crimean War the putatively “Christian West” united with the (Muslim) Ottoman Empire Against Russia. During the revolutionary years, US Jewish bankers fully financed the Bolsheviks. Just before WWII, the Brits likewise financed Hitler. During WWI and WWII the West backed Ukieseparatists, including bona fide Nazis. During the Cold War, the West fully backed the Wahabi nutcases in Saudi Arabia (no, MBS is not the first bloodthirsty Saudi maniac!) and in Afghanistan. The West also supported Apartheid South Africa for as long as politically possible. In Latin America the USA gladly supported what Roger Waters called Latin American “meatpacking glitterati”, that is the many military regimes who all were garden variety Fascists. In Kosovo the USAF became the KLA‘s Air Force even though the USA had previously considered the KLA as a dangerous terrorist organization (that was against the Serbs but, according to Strobe Talbott, the main goal here was to show Russia what could happen to her if she resisted). During the Chechen wars, the West fully backed the Takfiri crazies. Then, after 9/11, the USA finally got fully in bed with al-Qaeda (especially in Syria) even though the official fairy tale wants us to believe that al-Qaeda and Bin Laden were responsible for the death of 3000 people (nevermind that NIST admitted by direct implication the destruction of WTC7 with explosives1). Does anybody doubt that if Satan himself took on a body and appeared before us the USA would fully and totally back him as long as he promised to be anti-Russian or, even better, anti-Orthodox? By allying itself for decades with what can fairly be described as the worst evil scum of mankind, as the not already been allied with Satan for many, many, year?]

Honestly, we should have no illusions about the nature of the western plutocracy, and we should always heed the Marxist truism which states that “the state is an apparatus of violence which fulfills the will of the ruling class.” We all know who the ruling class of the AngloZionist Empire is composed of, don’t we?

Western liberal democracies are, in reality, plutocracies which were created by a class of capitalist thugs with the purpose of controlling our entire planet.  This was true before WWII. This was also true during and after WWII and this has not changed, notwithstanding all the sanguine denunciations of Fascism and Nazism.

What this means is that it is the western ruling elites which need war to survive and preserve the New World Order they have attempted to impose on all of us.  Russia does not need war – she only needs peace.

Conclusion: relax, folks, the Russians ain’t coming, I promise!

AngloZionist paranoid collective hallucinations notwithstanding, the Russians are not coming. Yes, they will annihilate you if you are crazy enough to attack them but, no, they are not coming, at least not of their own volition. Not even to liberate the Russian minorities in Apartheid Latvia or the Nazi-occupied Ukrainian Banderastan. The Russian policy towards these regimes is very simple: let them collapse on their own. After all, they will all eventually come knocking sooner or later, as ideological delusions are powerless against geographical realities.

I will let a much better person than myself conclude this article.

This is what Professor Stephen Cohen recently had to say about the risks of war:

He indeed is the “voice of one crying in the wilderness.”

Will enough people listen to him to avoid an apocalypse?

I don’t know.

The Saker

Footnote 1: the US government – through NIST – officially recognized the fact that the WTC7 building fell at a free-fall speed for 2,25 seconds (for a detailed discussion of this please check out the video which I posted here). Do those 2,25 seconds really matter? Hell yes!! What this means is that the US government admits that for 2,25 seconds WTC7 fell without any kind of resistance to slow it down and this, therefore, means that there was nothing under the collapsing section. So this begs an obvious question: since we now know that there was nothing under the collapsing section and since we also know that there was a steel frame building there seconds before the collapse – what happened in between those two events? There is only one possible answer to this question: the steel-framed section of the building which would have normally slowed down the collapsing section of the building was removed a) extremely rapidly b) symmetrically. There is only one technology which can do that: explosives.  The above is simply not a matter of opinion. This is a fact.  Likewise, it is a fact that fires could not have removed a section of WTC7 the way it was observed.  Amazing but true: NIST itself admitted that explosives were used.

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Russia doesn’t need more land – it already owns 15% of the Globe and inhabits it with less than 150 million people. Russia needs secure borders and if not friendly than at least non-hostile neighbors. Also Russia doesn’t need unwilling or forced citizens – they have enough trouble with part of their population in the Caucasus. The fact that it was Russia that decided to succeed from the Soviet Union and the other Soviet republics first – and not the other way around, proves it. On the other hand NATO needs to have a purpose and inventing a non existent “imminent Russian aggression” is one way of reinventing it’s reason to exists. In the 90s and early 2000s it was “humanitarian interventions” and regime changes, but Syria showed they ran out of countries that will just give up and die. I’m fairly sure that the only reason they are poking the Bear after being trashed by Assad in Syria and flip-flop warriors of Afghanistan and Yemen is the fact that Eastern European countries – first and foremost Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic states – are just dying to start dying as NATO cannon fodder. If and when the hot war with Russia goes off it won’t be US drafted citizen-soldiers that will do the dying in the plains of eastern Poland and Ukraine. It will be Polish and Latvian sheep lead (and not from the front) by their moron/traitor politicians…

Bob Starsky

You need to educate yourself. Balts and Poles are the victims of Russia. Poland tho defended themselves and trashed russia in 1921 when Russia when in danger of again losing moscow to Poles, signed treaty of Riga. Ofc Russia hasnt fulfilled their obligation (till toda)y and invaded Poland again just to be trashed again but this time the whole europe got trashed and everyone got weak, Russia is weak till today.

Today Poland and Balts ARE FORCED BY RUSSIA to be in NATO and seek american military because of Russian constant demand of destruction of Poland and Balts. Russia warmonger instead seeking peace. More about it in my post.

Russia should learn from history and make peace with PL/LT unless they want AGAIN Poles to pillage and burn down whole Russia till Ural. Poles are specific nation. Their priority is not to save themselves but to fuck over the aggressor. You just cant defeat Poland. These western slavs has been unconquered for thousands of years.

Daniel Castro

So why was Poland under Warsaw pact? Poland was also napoleonic bitch in the 19th century.

I actually agree with Poland political stance nowadays, but I think you’re exagerating against Russia. Back in the WW1 Russia was under bolchevik jews, they were just a victim as everyone else, and now the same jews who own NATO keep pushing slav against slav, and you are making yourselves their cannon fodders.

I hope Poland and Baltic states become strong enough to defend themselves without NATO, and this ancient feud with Russia comes to an end.

Bob Starsky

POLAND HAS NEVER BEEN under WARSAW PACT! Poland has made relations with Warsaw Pack in 20th december 1990 just to supervise removal of Russians from Poland in next months. Sadly looks like Putin is jewish agent and he desires to war with Balts and Poland. We are back to fucking 30s :(


nobody want destroy poland :D

Bob Starsky

Read communist manifesto or educate yoursefl about lenins and stalins policies to see these were about destroying poland which has been anti communist and “bourgeois”. If Russia dont want detroy Poland then they would stop calling for that all the time.


you are fool, if you believ in such bullshits. comm. manifesto :DDD gosh!


“If Russia dont want detroy Poland then they would stop calling for that all the time.” According to you, And stop up-voting yourself, how pathetic is that !!!

Daniel Castro

Same thing, you were ocupied by the red army, you can’t say you weren’t defeated.

Putin is no jewish agent, but the world is far more complex than we would like it to be.

Bob Starsky

Ofc we werent defeated. Where is polish capitulation?! Nowhere cuz we were unconquered. We had dozens of air squadrons, navy, land army, government until we transformed from 2nd Polish Republic to 3rd Polish Republic in december 1990. In geographical Poland we were loyal to polish gov and were were murdering commies antill stalinism ended and later we were destroying occupant from inside until he got destroyed by us.

Daniel Castro

“The eight member countries of the Warsaw Pact pledged the mutual defence of any member who would be attacked. Relations among the treaty signatories were based upon mutual non-intervention in the internal affairs of the member countries, respect for national sovereignty, and political independence. However, almost all governments of those member states were indirectly controlled by the Soviet Union.[50]

The founding signatories to the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance consisted of the following communist governments:

Albania Albania (withheld support in 1961 because of the Soviet-Albanian split, formally withdrew in 1968) Bulgaria[51] Czechoslovakia[51] East Germany (withdrew on 2 October 1990 prior to German reunification)[51] Hungary (temporarily withdrew from 1–4 November 1956 during the Hungarian Revolution)[51] Poland[51] Romania[51] Soviet Union[51]”


Don’t rewrite history.

Bob Starsky

August Zaleski was polish president back then. He had nothing to do with Warsaw Pact. Why do you spread lies? Are you payed or just dumb daniel castro?

Daniel Castro

“After the war, as the Polish territory came under the control of the People’s Republic of Poland, a Soviet satellite state, the government-in-exile remained in existence, though largely unrecognized and without effective power. Only after the end of Communist rule in Poland did the government-in-exile formally pass on its responsibilities to the new government of the Third Polish Republic in December 1990.”


This answers your question. You may beiieve this guy ruled Poland, but fact is it was ruled by the soviets, and it also proves you were conquered and defeated.

Your fantasies are just that, fantasies, in reality the soviets ruled Poland and this guy was just an impotent diplomat in exile.

John Whitehot

strange, the name “WARSAW pact” should already tell you something.


You beat me to it ! :D

Bob Starsky

then where, when and who signed warsaw pact from poland? no one! warsaw pack was bolshevik organization. Poland has nothing to do with creation of warsaw pact.


Apart from it being signed in the Polish capitol Warsaw!

And Polish troops being under its command.

But that wasn’t in the Poland you know, where you were a God and got about on a spaceship, and travelled to Atlantis to meet up with your genetic brothers.

Bob Starsky

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_government-in-exile this was Poland. Commie stalinist agents like bierut or gomulka werent Poland but occupiers of Poland.


There were more than enough Communists in Poland.

That’s why the Poles were in the Warsaw Pact, to defend Communist Poland.

Concrete Mike

Drink more Kool Ade!!

Tommy Jensen

Balts and Pols will be wiped completely off the landmap when Russia march again toward Berlin after Manhatten. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATQ91Lr0e4s

Bob Starsky

EDIT. Poland can deal with NATO and EU later which are weak and collapse on your own because of muslims, africans, socialism, PC/SCW/gender etc. We Poles know nato/eu are evil shits but they are much lesser evil. Damn, we even have planes to liberate slavic areas east of Laba/Elba.

Tudor Miron

Poland was always western bitch – that’s the nature of their “elites”.


Look at these puppies, yelping and “liking” themselves!


on the other hand you gor silesia with mines instead of shitty swampy territory in west ukraine and belarus, whre did not lived poles, but minorities. and you got also very long baltic sea shores. you have got a golden bag from stalin.

John Whitehot

yeah, now call jens holms.

Bob Starsky

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d91da216ab9feaf4b07d2d5d6900eab4fa2dca96e501c3d815e0ad704885626a.png These areas are historically polish and at best it could be compensation for german crimes. Russia still owe Poland: -money from treaty of riga -compensations for Vilnus/Lvov areas -compensations for russian crimes (katyn, gulag etc.) -compensations for destruction in times of occupation in 1939-91

Btw. Silesia can be only contested by czechia by they still owe us zaolzie and compenstaions for their crimes from 1919-21 and collaboration with nazis and bolsheviks.


Seems to me you guys have a lot of unresolved issues with ALL your neighbors, not just Russia. Add to that the fact that every 50 years or so you get royally buggered in a war with Germans, I wonder, maybe Poland IS the problem… P.S. – Liking your own comment makes you look REALLY pathetic…


It is, and the Brits twigged on to them after WW1.

Any excuse for a base near Russia, while supporting all hostile aggressions from the Poles against Russia or Germany.


You can stuff that Polish ultra-nationalist expansionist map up… that place where sun never shines. How about compensations to Russia for liberating Poland instead ?! That compensation alone should be much higher than all compensations together that you ask because paid with so many Russian lives! Today half of Poland is in Germany and one day Germany might ask that back.. So you better think about that problem instead of picking on Russia (while hidden behind NATO back).

Poles ( together with Baltic and Ukrainian NAZI’s) are the biggest warmongers in Europe. You people make me puke ! (and I am Slav !)

Bob Starsky

jako you communist pos! In what world being robbed from land and put to gulag or being executed in katyn is liberation? in what world being robbed again in 1945 and put to prison to die is liberation? my family was robbed and put to gulag, my grandad was sentenced to prison twice and spend the best years there just because he was loyal to legal polish gov! if soviets liberated poland then nazis liberated half europe from russians and russia should pay germany for liberation. how do you like it? also dont worry about germany today. 1. polish german border today is the only legal one (we had a deal in 90s) 2. german military is even weaker than polish


You can wipe your arse with that “legal agreement” with the West Germany. They did that only to get reunification of Germany and in the eyes of ordinary German that land will be always GERMAN and when times change, they will ask it BACK! In politics only real power is respected not agreements.

German military can kick Polish arse whenever they want even with their half strength. You are just pretentious warmongering lunatics making enemies out of 2 nations that can destroy you again one day. And they will. – I am sick and tired about that DRIVEL on Katyn! USSR has lost 27 MILLION people in defending Russia and destroying NAZI Germany and I don’t hear them complain about that as much as you about handful of officers in f*cking Katyn!!! Georgian Stalin has killed MORE RUSSIANS than Pole’s (in Katyin or in whole Poland ever!) Russians were also in gulags you simpleton so stop complaining! Would you Poles please shut the f*uck up with your endless complains and NATO warmongering and calling of WW3 you sleazy good for nothing twats!

No I am not communist I am proud Slavic Christian and being communist is not worse evil for me than being corporatist, globalist liberal like your U.S. masters. They are just fascist disguised in “peace & democracy” (terrorism).


Poland would have been exterminated by Nazis were it not for Red Army liberation. This was in Ostplan of Heydrich, and Gitler approved the plan.


How to reason with the blind hate?! Georgian Stalin in his lifetime has killed more Russians than the Poles! Yet they keep complaining all the time posturing as VICTIMS and would be biggest SLAVIC POWER in the same time. They want their NATO”revenge” for the price of starting WW3 ! I hate their total hypocrisy and total rejection of reality! They are extension, an instrument of U.S. globalist imperialist aggression together with Ukrainian and Baltic neo-NAZI’s ! They keep spiting in Russian and even German soup whenever they get chance and only because they are afraid of both countries! One must know ones place but f*cking morons have learned shit, so history will repeat itself again in the future!

Bob Starsky

jako, germans didnt learn. attacked poland in 1939 as world power but finished as destroyed weak puppet with polish flags and armies on ruined berlin and dead hitler. before that they got destroyed by polish kings and were begging on knees for mercy. Russian tsars were also begging on knees for mercy from polish king. from the other side Polish king was never on his knees. Damn, when Poles were coming to moscow with napoleoin russians were so scared they burned moscow to the ground by themselves :D only russian instead fight, destroy their own capital :D btw. last week merkel didnt even have plane able to flight to argenitina and had to use spanish airline regular plain for tourists.


WHAT “with polish flags and armies on ruined berlin”?!? You are completely delusional ! Creating history that never happened! I am wasting my time with somebody who is not even normal !

For some reason you deny reality and FORGET that: Polad is MINOR power comparing to Russia and Germany and that is how it is going to be in the future. I do not know for what reason you keep talking like totally retarded person while you present Poland as dominant power to the countries that are clearly dominant. I can only hope that majority of Poles are not like that…And if they are than future of Poland is very bleak. You put your faith in promises from U.S. and U.K. and you try hard to piss off your neighbor next door because U.S. tell you to do so… You trust security promises of the biggest liars on the planet ! You must be totally insane to put the future of your children on that card !


these are nt historical polish territories. this map is only during several years of single one king. and on most of territories did not live poles. you lie more then stalin :DD


katyn was a normal answer to bestialities what made poles to russians after ww1. read about russian surrended soldiers in camps, tthen wrangler, etc. you poles killed hundreds of thousand russian civilians. stalin was mercyful, when he let shot only officers of that killer army.

you were already compensated. overcompensated.


Lwow will require compensation from Ukraine (not Russia)…if you can manage that, you would get a Nobel Prize in economics, The group in Lublin set up for this has not had much luck as I understand.


Lots of the land in the south (light pink) were in the 9th Century part of Velka Morava, Slav, but not Polish as such

Tommy Jensen

Poland has been a little too big and a little too supremachista towards their three neighbours. Thats why both Germany, Austria and Russia cut Poland down in size.


The Swedes took some too, though they don’t like to recall their own imperial past. The Swedes are just thankful that Russia has enough arctic territory not to notice them too much.

Why can’t the Poles learn from people with proven track records of keeping their nations sovereign.


Silesia is German. It took an alliance of the USUKUSSR to force the Germans to give it to Poland.

It should be given back to the rightful owners.

Bob Starsky

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2cbe04568ce817af5a604f99a466014e2b7ae48a139541fae1b0c9d6bb9198e1.jpg silesia germans? ahahah, all land east of LABA is historically and genetically slavic! read my older post again and look at the map.


boy, this map des not mean, that on those teritories lived only slavs. the german tribes were before slavs on teritories of west slavs, also in todays ukraine. there was a big mixture of different tribes, nations.


Ah yes, this is another debate, Migration Period tribes sometimes allied with Slavs, for example, Goths.

Bob Starsky

beypuutyina now you are spreading nazi lies. in last years DNA research confimred slavs has been like on the map in ancient times. slavs were the germanic tribes as for romans germans were all people north of rome. There is no such thing like eastern germans in DNA or lingustic aspects. In ancient bodies from area east of Laba there are no signs of “german” dna, there is the same DNA what in todays Poles tho. The germans in todays meaning were just in todays western germany. Stop spreading nazi propaganda.


That map was issued by the CIA to paid trolls like yourself.

Silesia is German, they beat the c rap out of Poland in 1939 in a fair fight.


That is the early Middle Ages, Slav extent, along with Prague Culture, reaches almost to Elbe. These tribes were driven back in the High Middle Ages (centuries following time of Starsky’s map). Germannic settlement then into Silesia, Brandenburg, east Prussia and Livonia.


Even if true that map is showing something that was more than THOUSAND years ago! Only retarded morons like him use that as “proof” for present situation.

Bob Starsky

jako you are a moron if you dont believe DNA results and lingustic research but instead you believe nazi german dudes talking out of his ass :D


You are the total moron if you think that more than thousand years doesn’t change situations in all those countries. You are just showing maps that accommodate your interests or argument and hiding some others more recent (maybe inconvenient )maps.

You are simpleton who either takes people for idiots or you are just low educated pompous arrogant ass lecturing others by using bad tricks There is no Polish truth, or NAZI truth, there is only one Truth. I don’t care who Skinner is and if he is on the right side this time good for him.


what are you smoking?


I’m not saying.

But how sweet it is, to be trolled by you, how sweet it is, to be loved by you.


Fuck off solomon kupec you fucking Israeli boy fucking fudgepacker.


…and we’ll just forget the fact that POLISH-Lithuanian Commonwealth occupied wast stretches of what is today Russia, Belarus and Ukraine and treated local population – that called and considered themselves Russian – little better than mere chattel. We should also forget that Livonian order knights tried in vain to subjugate Novgorod in 12th an 13th century… You contradict yourself over and over – first it was the Russians who were the aggressors and then you say (correctly) that Poles burned Russia up to Ural – 400 years before 1921 I might add. Also, you can’t defeat Poland you say – I suppose THAT’S why Poland was divided between Prussia, Russia and Austria for 200+ years. Only people that force Poland and Baltic states to NATO are their demented and bought off “leaders” and US Neocon lunatics that need a hot war with a country owning 7K nukes…


Poland, the rent a State of Eastern Europe.

They are not Western, and they hate the Eastern Europeans among whom they live everyday.

What a crazy shower.

Bob Starsky

So wrong. We love Hungarians and we are ok with ukrainains who are against poroshenko. We host 2 mlns ukrainian refugees who run away from poroshenko regime! My family host ~15 ukrainians.


15 Azov boys probably.

How much does the Yanks give you for that?

Bob Starsky

1 family and 10 women


In your dreams Bob.

Your fat belly means you haven’t seen your knob in decades.

Mourad Sabri

Polska nie zginela!!!


Polska stronk! Very stronk! Polska too stronk! Much too stronk! Stronk, stronk, stronk!!!



Cut your crap! You don’t like Ukrainians because of Stepan Bandera killings of Poles. You “host” nobody! You use Ukrainians for cheap labor and you are more than lucky to have them because Poland is empty out of their own working force. They all run away of the West for much better paid jobs. Skinner was right (apart your beloved Hungarians) in general you do not like much other Slavic nations despite pretending to be would be “leading Slavic power” You lead nobody.


Poland TRAINED the rioters who created the Coup in kiev! George Soros group along with the US state Department and ran by Victoria Nuland (the phone call who said she wanted Yatz and “fuck the EU”)

Poland was a major player in the Kiev coup!

Some people wish Ukraine to be invaded!

u hide behind UK and USA skirt!

u are not tough people!

Tudor Miron

This crazy Pole keeps refusing to take his meds :) “Russia should learn from history and make peace with PL/LT unless they want AGAIN Poles to pillage and burn down whole Russia till Ural.”(c) How abot this one? What a brave keyboard worrior! “Poles are specific nation. Their priority is not to save themselves but to fuck over the aggressor. You just cant defeat Poland. These western slavs has been unconquered for thousands of years.”(c) – That’s coming from a country that was defeated on costant basis and which is totally subordinated to US and feels fine under foreign governing. In fact this fella doesn’t represent Polish people. From all slavic nations there never been such huge gap between elites and ordinary people like it was in Poland. Historically Polish elites see themselves as willing slaves of the West in exchange to being allowed to rule the rest of Slavic nations. It didn’t work because of Russia and that’s the reason for their hatred.

Bob Starsky

Dude, we are with usa to make russians angry. It shows how much we hate stalin worshipers. So much we are ready to suffer under usa just so communists in russia suffer more:)


Just reading your comment shows clearly how sick in the head Polish people like you are…. Russia is world power and the only reason why Russia might take notice of your actions is because Poland is part of NATO.

And that is the only reason why they notice that you exist. You are always insignificant on the world stage and you will receive your punishment in due time for being pretentious.


Poles did not protect the Ukraine lands from Tartar slave raids, these were annual, realistic historical atlases will show the SE extension of the PL-LT Commonwealth as contested territory…Poles had very little to do with the territories of Central Dniepr Basin.








Bob Starsky

Actually Poland (southern regions) was a partner in Austrian Empire. There was never an uprising because Austro-Hungary werent such scums like germans. There was also free city of Krakow. There was reborned Poland with Napoleon (we trashed moscow again back then :)) and even poland had huge autonomy in russian empire. Like you see half of europe had to come together to forced us to gave up some freedoms for some time.


“Actually Poland (southern regions) was a partner in Austrian Empire.” haha don’t be ridiculous, you had more freedom in Russia than in Austria or Prussia.. Krakow was a temporary solution, a buffer state, and it was annexed soon.

“So much we are ready to suffer under usa just so communists in russia suffer more” Yeah you exists to hate Russia, that’s your only purpose. Western slaves, thoroughly indoctrinated, so happy to serve and to die for catholic church and your western masters. That’s your only purpose… cheap cannon fodder, to die for foreign kings and foreign emperors.




The Poles are Slavs, who do not want to be Slavic.

They change their religion to Rome, hoping to appear Western, and they have never been accepted by the West. The Germans showed them how Western Europe looks down on them, as rats who turned on their own.

Tudor Miron

Yes, their “elites” always felt that West is superior of dreamed about being rulers of Slavic world in favor of the West. That’s not actually true about huge percentage of ordinary Polish people – they don’t feel ashamed of their own nature (Slavic) but are proud of it. They do feel brotherly towards Russians and other slavic nations but they have no say in Polish “democracy”.


this is also bullshit


Fuck off solomon kupek.

Bob Starsky

Dude, actually russians are try hard wannabe westerners with all that GERMAN marxist ideology russia so hard to force on Poland and Balts. Poland is the real slavic country. Historically Slavs founded Rome (etruscans were using slavic language) so Rome belongs to us. Rusians are somemix of german ideology and mongolic customs.


You telling me that Polish head of the Catholic church was Germanic, don’t make me laugh. John Paul was another Polish retard.

Russia gave us Varangians, the Vikings as the soft Anglo Saxons came to call them. Stick your Germanic losers up your jacksee, all the Germanics were good for was gay love.

Ricky Miller

Russia, could if needed, make craters out of every Polish city in under twenty minutes. Polish forces have as much chance of seeing the Urals as the British do at recreating their empire. As in, none. And if it comes to that it will be because the United States and it’s satellites start the fight, not because Russia did.


You up-voted yourself you pathetic twat! Should anybody read your comment at all?!

Tommy Jensen

There is nothing wrong in liking ones own comment. If it was a good comment we have our right to like our own comment. It means that at least one like the comment. That is good!


LOL Tommy, that deserves at least one upvote, here you go :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/47647688773d50768b8c37195ec429300dca0b6f46c1070d48c444e2e7fde5db.jpg


That one is “liking” ones own comment is self explanatory. But that one votes for oneself is more than pathetic. Are you trying to tell me that politicians are voting for themselves and ignore 50% of population who doesn’t vote and all other blank, “protest” votes are good guys? So they get democratically elected by 10% of population at the end…. And that “good”, “democratic” practice should be present everywhere? Where is your sense of decency?

Tommy Jensen

I find your point a bit sought. You can also vote for yourself if you think you are the most fantastic politician of them all, nothing wrong in that. After all its only 1 vote.

What you are pleading is named groupthinking. If 1000 people likes/votes an opinion up and other opinions only gets 100 and less, we call it the opinion of the majority (the sheeple) which is used politically as democratic.

But here we are trying to get to the point and not to be popular so to say. Therefore in my opinion it is rightful to think own comment was a f…… good comment notwithstanding the ignorant masses or the populist sheeple :-).


I gave you only example of distortion but whatever… Yes one “can” do many things but that doesn’t mean that one should… I don’t blame you You grew up with perverted Western “democratic” voting system and you don’t know for any other. Your sclerotic opinion is product of your narrow shipple attitude brought up buy long years of repetition and indoctrination. We all support our own opinions and relatively believe in them no need to lower ourselves to self admiration. In debates we have try to be sharp, to win support of the others through the argument. The objective is not to kiss ones arse but to get as close as possible to the truth.

Anja Boettcher

I fear honesty and thirsting for truth are rare qualities today. They should be valued naturally. No peace, no justice, no friendship is possible on any other base than honesty. However, in a capitalist surrounding honesty is foolishness and cheating smart.

Oscar Wilde once said a cynic was a person who knew the prize of everything and the value of nothing. They do not even know the difference between value and prize.


Anja you are inteligent person. I just hope that you are happy person from time to time as well.

Anja Boettcher

Thanks for your good wishes, Jako.

However, my happiness and my worries originate from the same well: I have a really huge family – apart from my own (now young grown-up) children many nephews and nieces, the youngest only a couple of months, the oldest 28 years of age; I witness, too, as teacher at a German Gymnasium children growing up between their 10th and 18th year of life (we have 4 years primary school and 8 years secondary school – just the opposite of what you had in your childhood), so we release about a hundred every year to university or professional education – and that is exactly the reason why I worry, seeing that attitudes of responsibility seem to have melt down globally.

I meet every day “collateral damages” of todays’ politics: Our (school-)children today come, apart from Germany and other EU countries, from Syria, Afghansitan, Iraq, former Yugoslavia, now again many from Turkey, especially Kurds (some as well from Russia) — and many have either experienced wars themselves or have parents who have. Lunacy of this world intereferes in my daily work life.

So am I happy or unhappy? Can anybody be solely happy who is committed to an endangered generation? Can anybody be called unhappy who finds in his surrounding so many reasons to worry?

Therefore – nice that you worry for me: It shows that you seem to care, but there is no other reason to worry for me which would not apply to everybody else on this globe. Kind regards, Jako.


Life is what we make out of it. One must be happy and relaxed from time to time. To keep inner peace and balance on which everything else depends. Every generation has their challenges. And they must find their own answers to those challenges like all the other generations before them in similar situations. Nobody is called to live life of another person not even the most loved one.

I just simply presume that consciousness has its price in this world. It can be heavy burden with “lunacy of this world”. I just want you to have a peace of mind like I try to have sometime… Take care Anja.

Anja Boettcher


Anja Boettcher

Jako, that link was sent to me by a Serbian friend living here in Germany – about western “democratic system”:



Thank you Anja I had few laughs with this animation… . Well if you didn’t tell me I wouldn’t know that it is only about “western democratic system”. I had impression that it is universal. And talks about all “democratic” voting systems on the planet. There was some intelligent women who once said that; “If the voting could possibly work, than it would never be permitted”

Anja Boettcher

Yes, here people relate the quotation to Rosa Luxemburg, in Anglosaxon countries they claim it was Emma Goldmann. No matter – two intelligent women.

With “western” I meant origin of such voting systems. Once adapted it is not much different elsewhere. The more economic depressive and thus obviously gangster-like=unequal societies are, the less people have illusions.


I have no problem with “democracy” but with the fact that we have oligarchy instead. That is falsely presented as democracy (with false “voting systems”). I am not so much for social justice as imperative ….As much as I am for truly democratic society above all. Where ordinary people rule their destiny and create laws…And not some professional politicians in collusion with banking & financial elites and (propaganda) media elites That keep us indebted and dumbed down. I personally don’t believe in ideologies, that always have served ruling elites only…. It doesn’t meter how good it is, no system can work if there is no respect and understanding for other human being. And if there are no higher moral values to be followed. If the money is “god” and consumerism is purpose, than humane being is reduced to vulgar cattle and society on collapse.

Anja Boettcher

I fully suscribe your last point, but have the question whether the oligarch system is not the natural consequence of the logic of the accumulation of capital as prime economic principle?

Therefore – what do you understand by ordinary people “ruling their destiny”? Within which logic? Agricultural logic of the pre-industrialized age? Or a capitalist logic. However, current western oligarchy is the product of capitalist logic.

Do not mistake me – I was no cold warrior, neither on the eastern nor western side. I knew that I was suspicious of hierarchies of both sides – and history proved that the political oligarchy in the east could be easily turned into economic oligarchy and western economic oligarchy forgot all post-WW2 restrictions the moment there was no longer the challenge to compete with state socialism.

I am much more interested in art, literature, religious and philosophical questions than in politics. I do not expect heaven on earth via ideologies, but want us all to prevent hell on earth – by struggling for a mode of sustainable living that permit us to concentrate on matters that count.

I sea no other way to it than to strive for a mixture of a moderate social democratic or socialist public infrastructure flanked by non-capitalist (that means: a non-accumulation based) market economy – by reducing monetary circulation to active money and thus preventing over-accumulation and subsequent financial concentration, which leads automatically to an oligarchism that enslaves majorities. Something like the non-growth economy or people like Sylvio Gsell though of.)

Democracy without at least real far-reaching equality of economic chances and starting conditions is not possible, I fear. Every concentratin of power in few hands, whether economic or political power (which are in the last consequence the same) goes along with democracy. Nor can democracy dispense with public owned infrastructure in fields like education, traffic, health, research, minimum retirement and social networks for people who cannot work anymore (for health or psychological reasons).

Before 1989 I had the firm conviction that once the Iron Curtain fell, people in the west and the east would struggle to defend the best of their former systems and thus a synthesis of both systems would emerge and save us all from silly political ideologies. What an error! I suppose we all lost control – and allowed a tiny group of people to play on us, as if we were flutes.


I was clear enough I think. But I’ll try again. It is extremely simple. The “logic” is in the meaning of the word “democracy”=rule of the people. Look no further. Huge majority of the people are not represented by the parties and professional politicians today… Voting system is totally fraudulent. Created to really block people from achieving what they want even if they are total majority. By true democratic principal everybody is eligible. So it is logical that everybody is involved and has that possibility to participate and contribute to the ruling of the country. “Ordinary people” should rule the country, not “politicians”. Even though eligible in such system the”ruling elites”; politicians, bankers, super-rich and their media stooges would be still losers because tiny minority.

The ordinary “plebs” would dominate in true democracy and those ex-“ruling elites” would never come on the top again. Well hopefully not.

And all that, with no violence of the “revolution” and false social justice, that have served only communist elites the most. And often brought disasters and suffering upon many nations in that “revolutionary” process. (Do you know that usually the leading communists and their families were the new super-rich when the “socialism” has fallen in East Europe ? So the same people stayed on the top moving to the “capitalism” that they were pretending to hate so much And they were robbing blind the same ex-socialist country they were pretending to fight for)

” by reducing monetary circulation to active money…” I have impression… You maybe tend to complicate. “Reducing” or stimulating things goes always under administration interventionism and etatism (and I have seen plenty of that not working in my “communist” life) Technocrats, bureaucrats have never made happy anybody but themselves. Maybe in the days of abundance in Western Europe while capitalism was still working the “social state” like Sweeden was possible. But not now in this world and with deep crisis that is knocking on our doors…I sincerely doubt that. Complicated things never survive real life tests for very long time. The only thing I would change from today is that the real economy is without speculation. And money would not be issued by private banks (like they do it now) which is criminal ROBBERY and enslavement of nations pure and simple. Money speculation would be strictly forbidden. China is excellent proof today that communism as ideology is pure falsehood and also that capitalism is not only way to economic success. “Non-growth economy” sustainable… or something else I would accept every desire of the true majority.

Anja Boettcher

Jako, I said above that hierarchic political power is convertible to economic power and the other way round. Thinking logically, though, I ask you how political power can be equal, if economic power is unequal on a surreal base. I have not advocated etatism.

If there is no common owned public sphere (public service media, for example), how can anybody be known by majority of folks? Only they whose (fabricated) vita is staged by those who own media is then known? Private media ownership means elite choice of those that can be perceived by a majority – and thus are staged by people that have selected them in a pre-election phase. Then their appearance automatically is a theatrical show – nothing authentic.

So how would you secure decisions of a majority – without guranteeing neutral coverage of electoral processes or decisions? How would you organise participation of majorities in political processes. On local levels that is easy, here it is possible that individuals charged with public concerns are known by everybody naturally – but even for something as simple as building a railway line, necessary activity exceeds the local level.

Then, if you want to forbid speculation, that is money solely made out of money, you have to give up on unrestricted accumulation. How else can you otherwise forbid it? And that is no question of etatism, but simply of the monetary system. I am no economist, but fiscal ideas of, for example, Silvio Gsell sound logic to me – and have, within our capitalist society, for example been tested in a southern German region, the Chiemgau.

Your implication of forbidding something demands much more hierarchic authority (thus etatism) than my idea of implementing a regulative mechanism in the monetary system itsself.

The idea is that money has a time-restricted validity, unlike it is actively involved in transfer of real assets or invested in production. The moment it does not work any longer in active trade circulation or production, it simply loses its value. Speculators like Soros’ fortunes would thus only whither away. He would have no chance to speculate against the prize of wheat or another country’s currency. No police or other regulating etatist power necessary – and all market participants can thus continue with their free trade without risk of unnatural moguls who restrict markets via monopolies or muscular robbery and restrictions of small players.

However, that health care, public infrastructure, schooling and education system is free for all, plus a balanced and neutral public media sector, which existed pre-1989 in all western European states, is absolutely necessary for a society in order not to turn inhumane. Access to different level of education should solely be due to intellectual excellency, not monetary equipment of parents.

This is neither etatist communism nor unfettered capitalism, but basic=plebiscitarian democracy in the economy and in politics. If democracy only exists in one field of society, in politics or the economy, than dominant players can always kidnap power in the other field too, and democratic elections turn into farce – through an illusionary machinery owned solely by the super rich.


“Before 1989 I had the firm conviction that once the Iron Curtain fell,…”

You sound like you were an idealist Anja Which is not necessarily bad thing but doesn’t help in every day life either…

“suppose we all lost control – and allowed a tiny group of people to play on us…” We always lose . The MSM propaganda is too strong for many ordinary people to resist not to fall into the trap

Anja Boettcher

Jako, it is natural, I suppose, to fight for survival of oneself and people for whom we are responsible. Struggling for life simply means being a living person. Can anyone look into the eyes of a little one and say: “Hey, you! You have no future – but only bleakness and despair in front of you”?

This does not work – if we do not want to turn cynic. However, current logic drives us towards a brink. Thus we have to contradict it. Wanting to pull the world from the brink of suicide is like breathing, singing, laughing. We may have no reason, but stopping to do so is submitting oneself to cynism and accepting inner death.

20ths century Utopians turned cnyic towards the contempories for the sake of an alleged future. I am not of the opinion that this is legitimate. However, giving up is unhuman too – it is denying our own and others’ humanity.

I cannot do it. Disappointment and failure in such matters hurts – but numbness turns us into zombies. Thus we have to accept pain, don’t we?

I am in education, Jako. If I did not, despite of all disappointments, just stick to the hope that human beings might be willing to learn some day, I could not go through a single workday without frustration.

Promitheas Apollonious

self flattery…… up voting your self. It is kind of lonely in the retard yard I am guessing.



please make sure you take your meds before you write anything.

Ricky Miller

He’s too busy to remember to take his meds. He’s no doubt out, nearly every night fighting Red Army soldiers. Dead ones, who can’t defend themselves or their cemetery monuments. As in he’s vandalizing their graves, trying to wipe them and their sacrifices from history. It’s a common contemporary hobby among current Polish nationalists.

Dawn of Svarog

Yeah… who cares that Poland have attacked Russian empire engulfed in the civil war in 1919 init? That Poland taken land all the way up to Minsk and Lvov in their offensive? All you want to remind the world is 1920 when u got ur arse kicked back and 1921 when with the help of the west u have secured stolen land… just disguising really…

You are playing the same game – victim card – on the ww2 beginning…


And so are Germans and vice-versa, and have you never heard of Fall Weiss (Case White), the code name for the German invasion of Poland? Do you realize that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, formerly the Pale settlement, was conquered and subsequently divided between Prussia, Austria[-Hunary], and Russia? Have you never heard of Communist Poland, how did they become Communism BTW?

John Bee

Thanks BOB needed that laugh…


The Western Slavs have been conquered by the EU.

Considering their crap birth rates and youth migrations to England, and Germany, in a couple of generations they will all be Black Africans just like the rest of the so called “West”.

Gary Sellars

What an idiot…


very biased write up! I think ur research is also biased and one sided! Lets just say almost all Europe nations have done some bad shit! Thats why the map of europe is so different if u look back 100 years! I tell u something Russia has done! They GAVE AWAY LAND! They literally GAVE Crimea to Ukraine in 1952! Kiev was the first capital of city of Russia! Western Ukraine has been invaded by both Poland, Hungry and Germany! In fact the Ukraine language (in the west) is a mix of polish and Russian!

Also think about why Hitler invaded Poland, after WW1, Poland took some German land and the inhabitants of the land Poland annexed were treated very badly even tho they were given polish citizenships! Rape and murder was committed by the Poles! This was the reason hitler invaded Poland FIRST! (excluding Czech)

So we should look at all sides and not comment on Russia russia russia!

Russia has changed A LOT since 1990. So dont come here telling everyone russia wants to invade! Russia is being cooked in a can due to these expanding NATO countries and conflicts on their border!

National Security interests are taken seriously and what needs to be done is done! Russia’s hands are being forced, this is why they Leaked the victoria nuland tapes which exposed the Kiev riots AS A COUP!

Your comments wont go far on this site!People here are much more educated than u think! u will be made a fool of!

Russia is not the soviet union, just like germany arnt nazi’s and japan are not imperialists!

U seemed to be more upset by Stalin’s Soviets (Jews) than u are about Germany’s Hitler! BOTH invaded your country for different reasons! EASILY invaded! There are books explaining how easy Poland was to conquer in every Library on the planet!

But u dont complain about Germany! Only Russia! Why dot u complain about Germany????


Remember, Russian’s were VICTIMS of the Soviets! Jews turned their once free and wealthy nation into a shit hole!

Germans were victims of Nazi ideology!

Same as Japanese!

But here u are, blaming Russians! Like i said, they GAVE Crimea to Ukraine! Kiev WAS Russia’s capital city! Ukraine means “borderland”! They could have taken ukraine if they wanted! Even Bellarussia and Kazakstan! So if they wanted Poland, they could do it!

But they dont, they actually want to be apart of the EU! But the EU doesnt like slavs!

So be it! Enjoy your muslim migrants!! Ur blonde daughters are going to get raped by them and your govt will let them go free!

That will never happen in Russia! NEVER!

Anja Boettcher

Rubbish, that is not even remotely what even the Polish and Baltic population thinks, that is the self-confirmation of corrupt western officials who lick USAmerican elites’ boots.

Unlike irrational Nato stooges, I know what I am talking about. We had, as western Germans, four and a half decades the “pleasure” to be subjected to the state of USAemerican nuclear hostages. That is why more than a million protesters had the support of more than 70% of the western German population in their protests against stationings of nuclear missiles according to the Nato II treaty. The Cold War nearly had turned hot twice in 1983 alone. After WW2 first Brits, then the US had intended to slaughter us, you and western Russians in nuclear and conventional war – just to secure their hegemony. Look up: “Operation Unthinkable” and “Operation Dropshot”. Truman reckoned they would be ready for it in 1953 – but then the Soviet Union had the atomic bomb too – which saved all our lives.

Around the Cuba Crisis the US even were ready to start nuclear war despite of SU counterstrikes. That they, just for winning against the SU, would have been willing to sacrifice in a first strike 200 million eastern European, 200 million western European and 200 million eastern Asians – without even calculating Soviet counter strikes, has recently again been leaked by Daniel Ellsberg, who was not only the man who brought the Pentagon Papers leaked, but was part of the nuclear war planning stuff in the US many years, before it stroke him what madness was behind it.

Alliance with the US, which is only based on coercion and blackmail, can be summed up under the motto: “Nobody needs enemies who has such “friends”! If Soviets had invaded us, then only for the sake of disenacting US nuclear plants on our ground – whose missiles were directed against them. But in that case our lovely “friends” would not only have left western Germany (they want you to bleed for them, not the other way round and saved their own miserable lives, but would have blown us up via a belt of 70 nuclear underground missiles, which would not only have turned Germany, but Poland too into radiating ashes.

Most Poles are smart enough to understand it. Google the following poll by the Körber Stiftung for our Foreign Ministery: 66% of Poles want an end of confrontation and renewed relationships to Russia – and fear that US military build-ups on their ground only endangers their lives. In case of Baltics, none of them named, when asked after what they feared most, Russia under top fives. Only bleeding stupid cattle believes Nato propaganda, which is blown into our ears by a press which is regularly instructed by 24 so-called Nato Excellence Centers (I have carefully studied their conference reports with European journalists) and two so-called East StratCom TaskForce. This is really a wonderfully “free” press we have in Nato countries!

Being with US elites and persuing the interests of European people is no longer anything which goes together. Thus the US has to vanish – or we will sooner or later chase the current class of US opportunists ruling us into retirement asylums. If you want the US to stay – then we will with best greetings send millions of Muslim “collateral damages” of their devastating ME wars over the German-Polish border! If you want to lick their boots, then start paying the prize for it. The Polish nationalistic right has always had a love relationship to suicide – but be sure, your kids will hate your for it – unless you will have achieved to sacrify them before they have grown up.

Bob Starsky

3 simple facts against all the article: 1 – JOINT attack on Poland in 1939 by NAZI-RUSSIAN ALLIANCE and extermination of polish elites by the alliance (KATYN MASSACRE, GULAG). The nazi russian alliance had even own joint parade in BRZESC in 1939. Balts were also invaded by Russia.

2 – Russia still worship stalinism. We can see stalinist symbols everywhere in western russia and specially in KROLEWIEC which is still named after STALINIST BOLSHEVIK KALININ. Russia gets mad when Poles remove stalinist monuments.

3 – Russia deny to make peace with Poland by fulfilling peace treaty of RIGA.

These 3 facts bust totally your article. Russia is the same warmonger like west and their worship of stalinism, crimes on Poles and one sided deny from Russia to make peace with Poland shows Russian will to invade Poland. Russia is just too weak today. You should be ashamed of your praises for bolsheviks, for your praises of bolsehviks crimes on Poland and Poles! Dont forget that even Berlin in 1945 was conquered by 2 Polish Armies and the center of Berlin like Column of Victory, Brandenburg Gate and Reichstag were conquered by POLES! Poles are the one who defeated nazis. Russians just switched side when their ally nazis attacked them weeks before bolsehvik attack. Bolshevism is about murdering these who opose so all your praises for red army is calling for genocide on Poles. You would be in prison in Poland for that. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/40150acb4ac6a43cf18e6668a386f441cc242f4ffa60037fff30bc9b02577c31.jpg

On the photo member of 1st POLISH ARMY at Column of Victory in Berlin 1945 just before also taking by Poles Reichstag and Brandenburg Gate.


…member of Polish COMMUNIST Russian sponsored army whit a big red star on his cap. An army that was latter part of the Warsaw Pact – the way you keep putting your foot in your mouth is EPIC…


The truth is that in the Soviet times the Baltic ports or the Ukrainian pipelines were crucial strategic assets. But since their independence, these countries have not only ruined themselves

Big, big BULLSHIT!

In all baltic countries the life niveau is much, much higher than in russia. Aso the infrastructure is on godd level, not on that one herited from the shotty ussr. :DDD

the author is a puppy. so much stupidities, so wron english, so primitive composition!

Bob Starsky

Yes, sadly when SouthFront comes into politcs related to Russia they cant mask they are in reality fans od stalin and genocide on Poles and Balts. I almost puked when i saw how they praise and are proud of stalinist bandits. When in central/eastern europe communism is banned and for praising stalin u go to prison, south front is not even ashamed of their praise of bolsheviks.


Bob, stalin was much worse to russians than to poles.

Bob Starsky

I know because he was afraid of us more. Im sad how russians can be so dumb/evil to now in “free” russia dont ban communism like central europe has done.


Just google Bolsheviks of Polish origin and you’ll find a ton of them – like Felix Dzerzhinsky – founder of Cheka, Bronch-Buryevich, Vishynsky – Stalin’s procurator general etc. Also, Latvian bolsheviks were Lenin’s praetorians during the revolution – executing perceived enemies without question . If Russian people really hated your guts – which they don’t – who could’ve blamed them…

Bob Starsky


Leadership of czeka. not a single russian. also lenin wasnt russian and stalin and beria were georgians. Can anyone explain why today russians worship these non russian czeka and nkvd? Do russians like to be butcher by foreigners or what?


I like you used to wonder why so many Russians loved Stalin. I got my information from western governments and their media, and the Russians only lived under Stalin, so obviously the stories I was told were the truth, and even though the Russians actually experienced it, they were wrong and I was right. When those very same sources said Saddam had WMD’s, even though he didn’t we were right again. When you are otherwise sane, and you disbelieve your own eyes and hold an opposing view based on faith, it’s called cognitive dissonance. I hope that one day you are cured like I was cured.

Bob Starsky

just watch some russian national event related to history or politics. stalinism symbols everywhere. also the communism is allowed in russia!


So for you, freedom is to prevent free thought?


Afraid of Poland! LOL

Poland was disappeared for over two hundred years, thankfully.

It was Hitlers bankers who got you back your statehood, as the bankers need knuckleheads to do their dirty work for them.




No need to worry :DDD Prague Spring 1968 : ” painting over and turning street signs (on one occasion an entire invasion force from Poland was routed back out of the country after a day’s wandering, another force went around in a circle) “

Concrete Mike

Its an opinion peice dickweed!!! Have you ever read a newspaper?

Author says what he wants supposedly.


So how if life is so good in the Baltics, are they so many Balts leaving?

Emigration shows how little faith in the Baltic states there is among the population.

There is no mad rush to emigrate from Russia.


Don’t ruin his lies and prejudice with facts. :)


So how if life is so good in the Baltics, are they so many Balts leaving?

fear from russia


Fear from Russia my arse.

I don’t see no Irish or Scots fleeing their lands, after centuries of English domination. The Germans do not flee from Western Germany because of their fear of French armies.

Those Balts who bolt and run are economic migrants, as the local economy is no more than the income from NATO troops spending on strip clubs and beer.

It’s pauperism they run from, the Soviets gave them an economy for the first time, and now the Soviets are gone, so is the work mentality.

Feudalism Victory

Basically russia is too weak to do anything except hold onto what they have already. Its this that forces them to be nice diplomatic fellows. Which is good for everyone but dont let that fool one into thinking theyre morally superior to their foes.

The us would be nice too if they didnt have such power available to them.

Bob Starsky

They are still not nice. They still call for genocide on Poles and Balts. Nothing has changed since Lenin this is why world HAS TO keep russia weak as its clear russia has no desire for peace.

John Whitehot

the lowly jewnazi servant today plays the polak to incite baltiks russophobia.

Bob Starsky

More like russians are polonophobes. maybe still butt hurt we put on knees his tsars and killed them later in polish prison… but it was 400 years ago so their polish complex must be huuuge.


Polonophobes??? Is that like antisemitism only against kielbasa eating people? And does that mean that once you shout Polonophobes we should be really scared and stop arguing your insane theories – you know just like your cousins currently residing in Palestine expect us to…

Ricky Miller

Please. You had an empire and Russia took it from you. You sent a false Tsar to Russia pretending to be someone he wasn’t, trying to Catholicise the Slavs and he got discovered and strung up and Polish forces got the boot. The reason you’re in NATO is because you’re afraid to talk trash to Russia on your own and like a punk in the school yard you go and run behind your big friend. Just a reminder: your big friend, the USA, is running out of money and people are growing tired here of all these security entanglements. You will be on your own soon and can prove your prowess to Russia with your own money, blood, and weapons. When that time comes you’ll learn to play nice, be a decent and stable neighbor or history will witness Poland’s exit for way longer than two hundred years.

Bob Starsky

Ricky Miller you have just confirmed Russia want to destroy Poland. Last time in 1v1 war we smashed ruskies. Russia can only do us damage by attacking us from behind when we fight nazis and when being slaved itself by jews and georgians.

Ricky Miller

They are two leagues beyond you now. Seriously, the kind of conventional force they could muster would far surpass the Red Army juggernaut at it’s height. The resource base of the Russian Federation is easily twenty times that of Poland. Your claims to be militarily competitive with the Russians could represent delusions of grandeur, the very definition. You would be like a local Spanish High School Football team, having won it’s district championship, now demanding a shot at Real Madrid. It’s folly, and why in the real world your government is begging for and willing to pay for “Fort Trump.”

Ricky Miller

I can’t signal intentions for Russia. I’m an American. And I’ll tell you what I tell my Congressman. I’m sick of paying for your security and we have too many issues and problems here at home to be antagonizing Russia. And btw, Russia has remained peaceful towards you despite all the bellicose provocations. If I were you I’d take this opportunity to align your country’s behavior with the reality that the Baltic States and yourselves are soon to be on your own with them in your little part of the World. The EU states and America are all on the cusp of their own major tumults and distractions as recent events have shown, most lately in France. And if a conflict does come it will be because your government blunders into it and Russia probably will hardly worry about Poland at all, seeing how Belarus could probably kick your ass into surrender. Just saying.


“seeing how Belarus could probably kick your ass into surrender. Just saying.” Bob will not like this for sure, Excellent ! :D

Bob Starsky

Russia has never been peaceful towards Poland. Specially now. Read what Ive read about treaty of Riga and KALININgrad as proofs of Russia being hostile towards Poland. We Poles would love united Slavs but Russia do everything to destroy all other Slavs. Look how noone like Russia. The whole world is against Russia and russian only friend is the biggest european shithole Belarus. The thing is if Russia will attack Poland they overextend and collapse. Btw. the “polish gov” has support only of 15% of Poles. 85% of Poles dont support these morons who want to pay trump.

Ricky Miller

Russia is peaceful toward Poland, especially now.The Russian Federation is not the USSR or the Empire. It’s other people, like yourself, who are assigning values and menace to the current Russia be because of the demons in your psyche from the past. Then, as Russia assertively and defensively moves to protect herself and others you blame them for it and cite such examples as proof of their terrible intent. All the while making yourselves allies to the United States, a country busy violating the UN Charter, threatening and attacking small states and attempting worldwide hegemony. It’s sick, and so are you.


Another American or Israeli, who thinks that you should always steal, if you can steal. Such primitive values.

R Trojson

More Russian propaganda. The only thing stopping Putin from taking back all of USSR is threat of military attack on him personally. There are elements in his own Russian military that oppose his idiotic plan to rebuild USSR with WW3. A few, not many, in Russia’s military love their own children more than Putin.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Russia dont want to feed beggars states!..that was the economic problem of yhe Soviet Union!..now EU have to feed them!




You are obviously American, you think more of everything is always better. Just look at Americans waddle down the street, slurping on their supersized drinks of liquid sugar and you will see that more is not always better.


What would Russia want from the bogs of Latvia or Estonia?

I thought the West hung all the Nazi scum at Nuremberg!

Obviously, your parents got off the list.


No that’s another American lie. The US took most of the useful Nazis back to America as slaves. It was called Operation Paperclip, and it was what transformed America from a backward unscientific country into a nation that could build jet planes and rockets. All that American golden era was caused by German scientists. They are now all dead, and the USA is returning to the swamp whence it came.


The US are now reduced to getting Ukrainian scientists from Galicia to come over and build new rockets.

But the Galicians can only make thumbscrews and pitchforks.

Tommy Jensen

We have Zuckerberg invented Facebook, Tesla invented electr car, Bill and Melinda Gates invented the computer, 50cent invented rap music, Obama invented ISIS, McDonald invented the whopper, Davidson invented the Harley motorbike, Disney invented Donald Duck, Mosanto invented GMO food.

You cant say we Americans dont invent anything.

Bob Starsky

the same they wanted in 1939-40 when in alliance with nazis attacked Poland and Balts


You can’t trust those Galicians Bob.

How many alliances did Poland have with Hitler, and how many times did Polish troops act in concert with Nazi Germany before Sept 39?

Collaborators get what they deserve Bob.

Bob Starsky

it clear you lack knowledge so let me tell you how many: zero


Wrong Bob, the Polish army and the Nazis were common allies while plundering other states in the lead up to WW2.

How come you can’t write in proper English Bob, you fat git.


CZ after Munich, PL acted as Hitler ally



And the many other agreements with post WW1 Germany, until their wet dream came to power in 1933. A kindred spirit to the Polish leadership and political/mercantile class.


The only value Eastern Europe and the Baltic states have for Russia is as a buffer from invasion.

That was true after the Napoleonic wars, that was true after WW1 and 2 and it’s true today. Other than that, they have no resources Russia doesn’t already have in abundance and keeping them policed and secured as well as the cost of building and maintaining military bases would be making the same mistake as the USSR did after WW2. Say what you want about the Russians they learn from their mistakes. Europeans are much more valuable to Russia as trading partners than as

Ask yourself why every empire in history only ever last a few hundred years at best? It’s because after the initial period of plunder those colonies become expensive and violent millstones that nearly bankrupted every one of these nations. Ask the British, French, Portuguese, Dutch or Spanish if they want their colonies back ….. they are all richer without them.

Back in the good old days when the British could send a ship to Africa laden with weapons, then take a load of slaves to the Carribean then load up with cotton, sugar and mahogany for Britain there was money in the colony business but not today.


The “Russian fear of war” is an analogue of the fears of Chamberlain and Daladier in the late 30s. Like the appeasers, Putin is trying to give teeth to Russian diplomacy by rearming; the logic of this is peace at almost any price..


War is about winning, and Russia is winning, the USA grows weaker by the day.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu


Only for as long as the US holds back from brinkmanship.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Russia would invade Baltic countries in case they dont allow access by air or land to kaliningrad…


Why bother to invade, when they could just bomb the Nazis into submission? Invading and occupying is expensive, that is why America is collapsing. It’s much cheaper to just kill the bad guys. Plus once America has been defeated, most of the Nazis, who work for the Americans will simply slither back under their rocks.

Bob Starsky

in what world baltic nazis are lesser evil than stalinist russians? for sure not in our world


That’s fine of you to admit you live in your own fantasy world Bob, but all Nazis are gutless scumbags.

Stalin died 75 years ago, and still you c rap yourself just thinking about him.


You are such a useless scumbag, like all polacks your just stupid animals.


It’s a good sign, they only come out of their holes when they are scared.

S Melanson

I am a big fan of Professor Cohen and it was a very fitting way to end the article. Note that the KLA was a terrorist organization according to the State Department while the NATO bombing was underway. Bombing ‘terrorists’ to protect terrorists. Also, the liberation from Germany by Soviet Union does not erase Russian invasion and annexation of Baltic’s, eastern Poland and sections of Rumania under protocols in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-aggression Pact. It was more then a Non-aggression Pact – it was complicity with Germany in the eyes of most. These countries were invaded, portions of territory annexed by Russia, which was not returned and these countries probably not to fond of Soviet dominance – Hungary and Czechoslovakia were made examples of when defying Moscow. Russia is not the Soviet Union but memories will not forget any time soon and bear in mind Putin is former Soviet KGB

Overall a Good article.

Tommy Jensen

If Russia fear war and needs 20 years of peace to prosper, we must secure Russia are in constant war all the time and never be left in peace, in order to defend the civilised free world and our freedom. Thats the only thing we can do to defend ourselves!


I don’t agree with the Saker’s 911 conclusions. I’ve run the numbers and done the spatial and mass analysis myself on these threads a few months ago. I completed algebra, geometry, trigonometry, biology, chemistry and physics classes in school. The building debris mass from buildings that size isn’t on the ground at the WTC site. These buildings were substantially dematerialized using non conventional technology prior to hitting the ground. What did hit the ground is only a small fraction of the material that was used in their construction.

The internet has been scrubbed of this analysis, and while Dr. Judy Wood is on to the right track, she does a substandard analysis of the spatial geometry and mass calculations, of the type necessary to demonstrate conclusively that the remaining debris is only a small fraction of what the buildings were built with.

While it’s possible that some explosives were used to assist in a controlled demolition. They didn’t facilitate the dematerialization component of the demolition. What the available evidence suggests is that some type of directed energy technology was used for the dematerialization process. Satellite or secret space program ship based would be my guess. Or possibly a high altitude aircraft based platform. I know that this technology exists in either terrestrial sequestered technology programs and or off planet from a more technologically advanced civilization than ourselves. From a beam weapon shooting that I survived that left the left side of my face just below my left eye permanently scarred.


But what % of the mass was concrete, which was pulverized before it reached the ground. And may you think of it as “dematerialization”. There where no concrete floor slabs in the debris field. The collapse was extremely energetic, fast, and very hot. You learned some of this in physics no doubt Richard. Hope the face scar is healing :)


It would be the first, last, and only time in history that most of a collapsing building has disinigrated in mid air before hitting the ground and blown away in a cloud of dust and smoke in the air.

The rubble at ground zero isn’t any different in composition than any other similar controlled demolition. There are plenty of large chunks of concrete. There just isn’t nearly enough of it. The 47 story Hudson Department Store debris pile looks the same, is the same size, and the total mass of the building is a small fraction of what was destroyed on 911.

The scarring is as healed as it ever will be. Only plastic surgery would change anything and I’m not interested in that.



PS Found this pix of concrete being pulverized https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8b8baa659f132e819d2d370b849106cc455654cf67f5dc1be9f37dcfc122cdba.jpg



Robert McMaster

1. Russia does not want to assume custody of the ungovernable wreckage of non-Russian states. Costly, deadweight does not profit Russia. It benefits Russia to leave such rubbish for the EU and US to bear the costs therof. 2. It suits Russia very well for the US to move its military assets within range of its far more powerful military. All the easier to eliminate said crap. When the time comes. 3. The peoples of neighboring garbage states will be increasingly unruly and ever threatening to their ruling elites. They will serve as unwitting allies of Russia’s interests thereby. 4. The US will further burn itself out trying to control and manipulate border regions. This will be expensive in money, political credit and public acceptance.

The American State of Historic Hubris. Coming to a country near you!


Russia won’t attack because they can’t (would be suicide) and it has no good reason whatsoever. She needs good economical relations with her neighbours. As for the schizophrenic East-West divide purported also by the above author: “the West”, the least desirable part, is already in Russia. All the big chains, shops etc. are there. Social differences are rampant. The love of Rolex and SUVs is perhaps even more pronounced than in the uneducated money-classes of “the West”. The rest is also not much more than propaganda. Europe, i.e. France, the Benelux and Germany have no interest in war at all (and they couldn’t care less about the US’ stance on that). Poland etc. might have revanchist motives, however. Lastly, I take exception to “the Saker’s” presentation of Nazi Germany as ‘glorious’ (“sic transit gloria mundi”) rather, sic transit stultitia superbiaque mundi.

boggis the cat

A rambling tirade against various ‘enemies’ doesn’t really support the argument.

WTC 7 didn’t fall ‘at freefall speed’, either. That’s an easy thing to check: https://youtu.be/PK_iBYSqEsc

Note that the machine housing falls in first, then seven seconds elapse until the top of the building facing the camera starts to fall. The building is 47 stories tall, and the video shows only the top 18 fall from that point taking four seconds to collapse — not the entire building.

The “2.25 seconds” claim can be debunked using your own eyesight.


Don’t you just love how the Western mainstream media conveniently forgets that Belarus is a military ally of the Russian-led CSTO, or that Belarus is also a member of the Eurasian Union and the CIS?

boggis the cat

Belarus is far more autocratic than Russia, and has been an on-again / off-again subject for Western MSM demonisation. When the MSM went full lunatic in vilifying Putin specifically, and Russia generally, Belarus faded into insignificance.

The reality is that Belarus is providing a useful separation between increasingly nationalist and Russophobic Poland and Russia proper. (The Kaliningrad exclave is a potential flashpoint for conflict, of course.)

Bringing up the Eurasian Union, CSTO, or CIS are all problematic for the Western propaganda narrative. The CSTO, in particular, in what Yanukovych’s government preferred over the EU offering and therefore must be ignored entirely as it undermines the ‘Maidan’ narrative.

Bigaess Wangmane

So building 7 fell due to what? It wasn’t even hit by a plane, you propagandist.

boggis the cat

You should find that out for yourself. Start with video and photos of the south side of WTC 7.


You’re the one who needs to be debunked. Did you even go to the link in the article which states:

“The official National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 admits that the top of the building accelerated at the rate of gravity for 2.25 seconds into it’s own footprint — 8 stories worth of collapse.”

Kristina Rain Mcleod

Get ready for more celebrity narrated PSA style propaganda pieces that spin Hollywood-esque fairy tails about angry Putin’s and their desire to rebuild his good ol boys club the Soviet union.

This amd other behaviors by my country is SO embarrassing

Daniel Wagner

The author totally avoids the Russian ambitions to take land in the Ukraine. They took Crimea and you better believe they are trying to take eastern Ukraine. Yeah Russia is huge but they want to acquire better land down south. Most of Russia is frozen tundra!

Dušan Mirić

Someone made the point in a video saying Russia has no reason to invade its customers. I think it was The Saker who in one of his analyses said that the past behavior determines future behavior…


The Russians could afford just about anything if they got rid of the Nationless oligarchs and Nationalized former Soviet industries.

At least the massive capitol flight to the West would end. After all, why exploit Russia’s natural resources just so “Capitalists” can buy real estate in New York and London?

Obi Juan

I agree, this article is another garbage from the vineyard of the looser, full of historical lies such as “Eventually, the Russian monarchy was overthrown by a Masonic conspiracy lead by Alexander Kerensky. These “liberals” (i.e., plutocrats) did exactly what their successors did under Eltsin and plunged Russia into utter chaos.”

Did you hear about the bread riots?

Saker when do you go back to PutinLands?


I’m wondering when Sucker will OPENLY start working for the Empire again.

Obi Juan

The Sucker is a looser in russina mafia payroll. Only a looser like him can write such non sense articles full of historal lies.


Bob starsky is proof that poles are stupid sub-human shit.


This is the base of the North Tower on 9-13-01. There isn’t 110 stories of massive steel and concrete building demolition debris on the ground. Most of it was dematerialized before hitting the ground using some type of unidentified technology.





– 9/11 Ground Zero Damage Overview High-Resolution Photos –


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