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The Shanghai “Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate”. Engineered Depression of China’s Economy?

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The Shanghai “Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate”. Engineered Depression of China’s Economy?

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Written by Prof Michel Chossudovsky. Originally published by GlobalResearch

Starting in late March early April 2022, the Chinese government ordered a Covid zero tolerance lockdown mandate pertaining to Shanghai, a port city of 26 million people:

“The official story put out by the city of Shanghai, and not denied by the Chinese Communist Party, is so extreme as to invite ridicule.

A new “zero tolerance” policy for COVID-19, which is a bogus non-existent disease in the first place, was imposed on all Shanghai citizens, first on the East side of the Huangpu River from March 28 [2022], and then for the entire city from April 1st.

Supposedly all citizens will be tested for COVID-19. According to media reports, only 26,087 new cases of COVID-19 have been found, and of those, only 914 were symptomatic… 

The confinement of Shanghai’s labour force was carried out under a “Covid zero tolerance mandate”: “At least 38,000 medical workers from across China have been deployed to aid Shanghai … in the fight against the Omicron variant…” (Global Times)

Omicron is the Buzzword: Omicron and its BA.5 Sub-Variant

China’s Health authorities have confirmed that “Nucleic acid [namely the PCR ] tests are central to its strategy”.

A Covid-19 Response Expert Panel headed by Dr. Liang Wannian was set up under the auspices of China’s National Health Commission. The Zero Tolerance Mandate consisted in “China beating the Omicron variant” using the defunct PCR test, which does not distinguish between Covid-19 and seasonal influenza. The PCR test was categorized by the US CDC as totally invalid, effective 31 December 2021.

The Shanghai “Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate”. Engineered Depression of China’s Economy?

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The Role of  Dr. George Gao Fu

Visibly, China’s Health authorities have endorsed the Fauci-Gates “fake science” lockdown consensus without batting an eyelid.

China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) is headed by Dr. George Gao Fu, a colleague of Anthony Fauci et al.

Dr. Gao was a participant in the Scenario 201 October 2019 Table Top Simulation of a Corona Virus Pandemic, less than three months prior to the outbreak of the “Real Life” novel 2019 corona virus epidemic in Wuhan in December 2019.

From the outset, Dr. Gao Fu played a central role in overseeing Covid-19 in China, acting in close liaison with the US CDC, Fauci’s NIAID, the Gates Foundation, the WHO, John Hopkins et al.

George Gao Fu is an Oxford graduate. For several years, he was fellow of the Wellcome Trust which is linked to Big Pharma.  Gao Fu is a professional colleague and “longtime friend” of Anthony Fauci:

“George F. Gao, head of China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention, received the email from Anthony Fauci on March 28, 2020. [a few days after the lockdown in the US].

As Fauci faced criticism for his handling of the pandemic, Gao reached out again.

“I saw some news (hope it is fake) that [you] are being attacked by some people. Hope you are well under such a irrational situation,” Gao wrote April 8, 2020.

Three days later, Fauci replied and thanked his longtime friend for his “kind note.”

“All is well despite some crazy people in this world,” Fauci wrote, the newspaper reported.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a “Double Speak”

From the outset, Fauci has persistently warned of the imminent dangers of the SARS-CoV-2 (including its variants and sub-variants), while acknowledging in his peer reviewed article in the New England Journal of Medicine that:

“The overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968)…” (See Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted, NEJM)

Careful timing: the article was published by the NEJM on March 26, 2020 two weeks following the March 11, 2020 Global Covid-19 pandemic “Lockdown” imposed on 193 member states of the United Nations.

Dr. Fauci’s NEJM peer reviewed analysis (which is barely mentioned by the media) is in sharp contrast with his frenzied statements on network TV.

On March 28, 2020 (2 days following the publication of his peer reviewed article) he stated that “Covid Could Kill as many as 200,000 Americans”

Is this Relevant to China?

Anthony Fauci is Dr. Gao Fu’s Mentor. The same policy framework is being applied.

China’s  Zero Tolerance Covid Mandate is a “copy and paste” of the March 11, 2020 lockdown (based on “fake science”) sponsored by Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates et al under the auspices of the WHO (in close consultation with the World Economic Forum).

China’s Zero Tolerance Covid mandate is predicated on a fear campaign.

The Devastating Economic Impacts of the Shanghai Lockdown

On July 10, 2022, China’s Health authorities announced that several major urban areas have been instructed to implement the Zero Tolerance COVID-19 mandate as a means to combating  the “highly-transmissible Omicron BA.5 subvariant”

The labour force has been confined in a large number of industrial cities thereby leading to economic and social chaos as well as a dramatic decline in economic activity. According to Reuters:

The BA.5 [subvariant] lineage, spreading fast in many other countries, has been detected in cities such as Xian in the province of Shaanxi and Dalian in Liaoning province, … It was first found in China on May 13 in a patient who had flown to Shanghai from Uganda, the China Center for Disease Prevention and Control said, with no local infections linked to the case that month.

Did that “patient” from Uganda take the PCR test upon his return to China? Variants and sub-variants cannot under any circumstances be detected by the PCR test. (The original SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be detected by the PCR test).

The study by China’s CCDC  focussing on the detection of genetic sequences based on a PCR nasopharyngeal swab is misleading.

The Shanghai “Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate”. Engineered Depression of China’s Economy?

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A large number of urban areas have literally been closed down. There is absolutely no scientific or public health justification for these measures:

“In the central province of Henan, the town of Qinyang has almost completely locked down its nearly 700,000 residents from Sunday, with one person in each household allowed a trip every two days for groceries.

Authorities in Wugang, another town in Henan, have told its 290,000 residents not to leave home in the next three days, except for COVID tests.

Four major districts in the northwestern city of Lanzhou, in the province of Gansu, and the southern cities of Danzhou and Haikou in Hainan province, are under temporary curbs for several days, with a total of 6 million people affected.

The city of Nanchang in southern Jiangxi province, with 6.3 million residents, shut some entertainment venues on Saturday, although the duration of the curbs was not specified.

In the northwestern province of Qinghai, the city of Xining kicked off a mass testing campaign on Monday after one person tested positive on Sunday.

Mass tests also began on Monday in several major districts of the southern metropolis of Guangzhou.

On July 11, 2022 China’s National Heath Commission confirmed the following data for Mainland China:

  • A total of 352 new domestically transmitted COVID infections recorded on July 10
  • 46 new symptomatic cases, 
  • 306 new asymptomatic cases

46 new symptomatic cases out of a population of 1.45 billion people does not justify closing down China’s major urban areas.

  • This decision borders on ridicule.
  • It has no scientific basis.
  • Is there a hidden agenda?
  • The Chinese Communist Party has acquiesced?
  • Are there divisions within China’s leadership?

Both the Western and Chinese media are totally silent on the matter.

The impacts of these measures put forth by China’s National Health Commission and China’s CCDC have precipitated China’s supply chains into jeopardy.

“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as its buoyant export economy. It has also contributed to undermining domestic transport and commodity supply lines.

The Shanghai “Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate”. Engineered Depression of China’s Economy?

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China’s QR code

The Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate has created social havoc and hardship for millions of people, requiring the imposition of PCR tests on a regular basis using QR green, yellow  and red color codes as a means of social control.

The  Washington based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) applauds:

“One area of real success, and that may have application in other countries, is the rapid development of an online “health code” system (健康码).

This innovative app tracks an individual’s travel, contact history, and biometric data (for example, body temperature) directly through one’s smartphone.” (emphasis added)

The Shanghai “Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate”. Engineered Depression of China’s Economy?

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Impacts on the Global Economy

Since mid April 2022 (coinciding with the lockdown of Shanghai), the Yuan (CNY) declined abruptly against the US dollar (USD).

The Shanghai “Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate”. Engineered Depression of China’s Economy?

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The volume of commodity trade in and out of the Port of Shanghai (and other major port cities) has subsided, which inevitably has a bearing on the availability of “Made in China” commodities Worldwide.

The Shanghai “Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate”. Engineered Depression of China’s Economy?

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“Made in China” is the backbone of retail trade which indelibly sustains household consumption in virtually all major commodity categories from clothing, footwear, hardware, electronics, toys, jewellery, household fixtures, food, TV sets, mobile phones, etc.  Ask the American consumer: The list is long.

Importing from China is a lucrative multi-trillion dollar operation. It is the source of tremendous profit and wealth in the US, because consumer  commodities imported from China’s low wage economy are often sold at the retail level more than ten times their factory price.

Global commodity trade at wholesale and retail levels is in crisis. The potential impacts in all major regions of the World are devastating. World-wide scarcities of essential consumer goods coupled with inflationary pressures.

These developments also affect China’s sovereignty as a nation state, not to mention its Belt and Road initiative. There are also serious geopolitical implications to the detriment of bilateral US-China relations.


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Chinese are really fanatical about this shite for some reason. Even cowardly cunts in Australia moved on, only Chinese still molest their own people with Covid-12345678


They never moved on but rather the soros-goy fukfest of the neo libby nazo government were voted out of the fuking way by the more not so coward peoples communities and with this overnment know only too well there may be a revolt of biblical proportions,if they try the same soros-goy bullshit like certain cretins in shanghai who assume their god of nothing may save usa,but they ain’t got the balls to tell the who the fuk are you gates to go and take a hike,irrespective Russia is destroying the nwo!


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

War in Ukraine exposes Western defense gaps – Financial Times

Americans are amazed at how it happens that with Russia’s $66 billion defense budget and NATO’s $1.1 trillion defense budget, the West is running out of weapons and equipment to transfer to Ukraine, and Moscow continues the operation and grinds up all this untold military aid. fixed!


The PCR test, as per the “US CDC as totally invalid, effective 31 December 2021.” Just gotta love it, the F’ing nerve. Now it’s invalid…but they justified every last thing they did, using it. So now what? An admission that it was BS? That those ‘fake-news’ people were right and that they were the liars? Wow, so much for their fact check horseshit. Oh, and what kind of test are they using now? Guess. Those vaccines? Were they really for C-19..or the population, if you get my drift. But it is really easy to see that there is most definitely a world-wide scam going on. Another easy tell? Requiring face masks that do nothing, except maybe be deleterious to ones health in the manner they were used. Especially when the non-use ended up with fines from hell or worse. Had the entire world not required masks, they might have pulled it off for the vast majority…but even idiots finally came to realize it was BS. Possibly the only reason China might be inclined to quarantine is out of fear that there IS an engineered component that acts against their genetic group. Look at the research discovered out of Ukr…and the studies they were doing on DNA grouping. Then again, it just might be that it’s all BS and the Chinese, as well as the Russians, are in on it as well. For me, it was when I saw Assad with a mask on… I knew it was all BS. A medical man knows better. Yes, there is a great big charade going on and we’ve got front row seats. A show to be sure, but one needs to remember the new powers that were given to our keepers…to keep us safe. Ain’t that a laugh? Not really. It’s only a coinkydink that every country now has new far reaching ‘laws’ to shut things down instantly…or flexed those they already have (just to see how they worked). As the Trumpet said…it’s a dry run…the real shit comes later. Oh, btw, has anyone noticed that the world economy is being suicided? That freezing and/or starving may be on the horizon? Minor things that might cause …unrest? Boy, those ‘laws’ might come in handy. Or maybe a major war??? Nah, it’ll just be a small nuclear confrontation, we’ll get past it.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman

Russia will deal with them goy zoggy nazis,irrespective if china has the sack to fight with them or not: FIXED!


While I’m no expert on Chinese politics, something strange is indeed taking place over there.

That Chinese, Fauci alligned WEF “doctor” agent should have been executed by the Chinese government long time ago.

The only possible explanation for this guy still being alive, would be a WEF infiltration into the top ranks of the Chinese ruling party.

Toxic Male

Same problem in Russia, full of WEF puppets and Fauci buddies who like cattle tags and clotshots a little too much. Thats what you get when oligarchs are allowed to take control in the name of the “free market” or whatever. In 2001 the CPC allowed businessmen and billionairs into their ranks, a “party of workers and soldiers” became a party of oligarchs. Might have something to do with all of this.

Last edited 2 years ago by Toxic Male

It is an expedient way of imposing sanctions on the US without imposing sanctions.

Tommy Jensen

Stupid. What is behind? So our new life consist of checking out our green/yellow/red QR code for Covid on our iPhone from we wake up in the morning to we go to bed every single day all year long. Xerxes is NOT gonna get the 300 of us.


Maybe the Chinese are looking for foreign NGO saboteurs and troublemakers embedded in various communities therefore locking down city by city and doing house to house searches.

Vlad from Romania

PCR – RT technology was not designed for virus detection for epidemiologic reasons. Using this as the center of a policy like that is an abuse and a lie.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad from Romania
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