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MARCH 2025

The Soleimani Assassination: The Long-Awaited Beginning of The End of America’s Imperial Ambitions

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The Soleimani Assassination: The Long-Awaited Beginning of The End of America’s Imperial Ambitions

Written by Philip M. Giraldi; Originally appeared at American Herald Tribune

The United States is now at war with Iran in a conflict that could easily have been avoided and it will not end well. There will be no declaration of war coming from either side, but the assassination of Iranian Quds Force Commander General Qassem Soleimani and the head of Kata’ib Hezbollah Abu Mehdi Muhandis by virtue of a Reaper drone strike in Baghdad will shift the long-simmering conflict between the two nations into high gear. Iran cannot let the killing of a senior military officer go unanswered even though it cannot directly confront the United States militarily. But there will be reprisals and Tehran’s suspected use of proxies to stage limited strikes will now be replaced by more damaging actions that can be directly attributed to the Iranian government. As Iran has significant resources locally, one can expect that the entire Persian Gulf region will be destabilized.

And there is also the terrorism card, which will come into play. Iran has an extensive diaspora throughout much of the Middle East and, as it has been threatened by Washington for many years, it has had a long time to prepare for a war to be fought largely in the shadows. No American diplomat, soldier or even tourists in the region should consider him or herself to be safe, quite the contrary. It will be an “open season” on Americans. The U.S. has already ordered a partial evacuation of the Baghdad Embassy and has advised all American citizens to leave the country immediately.

Donald Trump rode to victory in 2016 on a promise to end the useless wars in the Middle East, but he has now demonstrated very clearly that he is a liar. Instead of seeking detente, one of his first actions was to end the JCPOA nuclear agreement and re-introduce sanctions against Iran. In a sense, Iran has from the beginning been the exception to Trump’s no-new-war pledge, a position that might reasonably be directly attributed to his incestuous relationship with the American Jewish community and in particular derived from his pandering to the expressed needs of Israel’s belligerent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Trump bears full responsibility for what comes next. The neoconservatives and Israelis are predictably cheering the result, with Mark Dubowitz of the pro-Israel Foundation for Defense of Democracies enthusing that it is “bigger than bin Laden…a massive blow to the [Iranian] regime.” Dubowitz, whose credentials as an “Iran expert” are dubious at best, is at least somewhat right in this case. Qassem Soleimani is, to be sure, charismatic and also very popular in Iran. He is Iran’s most powerful military figure in the entire region, being the principal contact for proxies and allies in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. But what Dubowitz does not understand is that no one in a military hierarchy is irreplaceable.  Soleimani’s aides and high officials in the intelligence ministry are certainly more than capable of picking up his mantle and continuing his policies.

In reality, the series of foolish attacks initiated by the United States over the past week will only hasten the departure of much of the U.S. military from the region. The Pentagon and White House have been insisting that Iran was behind an alleged Kata’ib Hezbollah attack on a U.S. installation that then triggered a strike by Washington on claimed militia targets in Syria and also inside Iraq. Even though the U.S. military presence is as a guest of the Iraqi government, Washington went ahead with its attack even after the Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi said “no.”

To justify its actions, Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense, went so far as to insist that “Iran is at war with the whole world,” a clear demonstration of just how ignorant the White House team actually is. The U.S. government characteristically has not provided any evidence demonstrating either Iranian or Kata’ib involvement in recent developments, but after the counter-strike killed 26 Iraqi soldiers, the mass demonstrations against the Embassy in Baghdad became inevitable. The demonstrations were also attributed to Iran by Washington even though the people in the street were undoubtedly Iraqis.

Now that the U.S. has also killed Soleimani and Muhandis in a drone strike at Baghdad Airport, clearly accomplished without the approval of the Iraqi government, it is inevitable that the prime minister will ask American forces to leave. That will in turn make the situation for the remaining U.S. troops in neighboring Syria untenable. And it will also force other Arab states in the region to rethink their hosting of U.S. soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen due to the law of unanticipated consequences as it is now clear that Washington has foolishly begun a war that serves no one’s interests.

The blood of the Americans, Iranians and Iraqis who will die in the next few weeks is clearly on Donald Trump’s hands as this war was never inevitable and served no U.S. national interest. It will surely turn out to be a debacle, as well as devastating for all parties involved. And it might well, on top of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya, be the long-awaited beginning of the end of America’s imperial ambitions. Let us hope so!

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Zionism = EVIL

My bold prediction is that Americunts will be chased out of the middle east and the Zionist parasites are dead. This is the beginning. Good article by Pepe Escobar in Asia Times and another one in Plato’s Guns more or less states the same. The Zionist scum are definitely overreaching.


They are lucky you are modest, if not who knows what else you could “boldly predict” about them. :-))


If only you can be right.


This will only result in the USA’s most humiliating defeat.

Zionism = EVIL

The Ameriucunts are out of control and hubris has reached epic proportions and now is time to put the arseholes in their place.The best place is to hit them all over region and constantly. They are broke and will have to institute the draft of the white middle class and that will freak the cowards out. Trump is a fat old draft dodging pig coward who thinks that killing a foreign leader by cowardly drones will intimidate the resistance, the opposite is happening and resistance is only growing regionally.

Ashok Varma

Thanks in large part to General Soleimani’s efforts, after so many decades of Western-led destruction, plunder, corruption, hate and brutality Iraq and Syria appear strong enough that they may even be able to expel the US and NATO occupation forces immediately and even peacefully. I don’t think Soleimani would ask for any greater legacy than that – this is what he sacrificed his life for.

“ A people without hate cannot triumph over a brutal enemy.” – Che Guevara


The hope is that the two greatest evils of this epoch of human history, namely the primitive, regressive and bloody Islamism perpetrated by Iran, Saudi etc. on the one side and the liberal, neo-fascistic and imperialistic Anglo-Zionism on the other, will eventually be able to nullify each other delighting and immensely benefiting of the rest of us. Amen.


Did the drone leave from Germany or was it dispatched locally in Iraq? If the drone left Germany then the Germans have a lot to answer.

Zionism = EVIL

Germany has been occupied since 1945, it is hardly a free country.


US has been using their bases in Germany for their drones strikes, surveillance etc throughout Europe,SE Asia and Baltic states. Germany maybe occupied but there was a debate not long ago where a government official wanted those bases closed due to the drone strikes.


But Germany has a weak cowardly government which NEVER stands up to US bullying – time and again US humiliates and shames Germany – reaction from CDU/SPD ? just hot air


True, but Germany can’t excuse herself if that drone left her territory and assassinated Soleimani and his envoy which makes Germany complicit in the crime.


Why do you think that ? US uses bases in Germany and Italy to fly all sorts of attack missions, not just UCAVs – in any case , beyond some weak words what action will the BRD take ? NONE. You don’t seriously think that 1. US informed Germany before launching UCAV, and : 2. Germany could stop US flying missions ? Of course not, Germany has NO control whatever on US using US Bases for anything they want.


You are right. Even if Germany new they would never do that. Official Germany just stated that assassination was “justified”. Germans are US lapdogs because US have made agreement before re-uniting Germany that they will let Germany re-unite in one country and be in charge of Europe as long as they respect the fact that US is in charge of Germany.

Albert Pike

“From Konrad Adenauer to Helmut Kohl, all Federal Chancellors were unofficial staff members of the CIA.” Statement from Egon Bahr, Secretary of State in the German Chancellery from 1969 until 1972. https://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/632920.bahr-alle-kanzler-waren-im-der-cia.html

Okay, Angela Merkel is MI6/MI5 – like Mussolini: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/oct/13/benito-mussolini-recruited-mi5-italy


Angela braking the German tradition?!!? What can one expect from ex STASI agent but to do it slightly different!

Albert Pike

She is as Anglophile, as Adolf Hitler, who was a great admirer of the Windsors, and a spook too (a spook for Max Warburg – means for the Pindar of the house of Rothschild, since they own/owned SG Warburg-Bank or BlackRock): https://orientalreview.org/2011/07/06/anglo-saxon-roots-of-german-nazism/

‘After World War I, Hitler returned to Munich.[84] Without formal education or career prospects, he remained in the army.[85] In July 1919 he was appointed Verbindungsmann (intelligence agent) of an Aufklärungskommando (reconnaissance unit) of the Reichswehr, assigned to influence other soldiers and to infiltrate the German Workers’ Party (DAP).’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler

Jimmy Jim



US will still be in Germany in 2045 an incredible century after the war.


No they will not. I think that you are too optimistic for US chances. US as would be “Empire” will not survive 2025 if not earlier. After collapse of the dollar they will lose progressively all their influence around the world Germany included.


Yup, but they know whats good for them

Which is more than can be said for the idiots in Iraq,Iran,Venezuela etc,

The above mentioned countries would have been far more prosperous,peaceful and successful if they’d followed German and Japanese example after the war,but unfortunately they’re to dumb

Hence they suffer a huge self inflicted wound

Codenamed 'Gordon'



Thanks. Appreciate it.

Albert Pike

The command and control centre for all US drones on this side of the planet, from Africa to Afghanistan, is in the US Air Base in Ramstein Germany. And if you want to blame the still occupied Germans, then you must also blame your grand- and your great- grand-dad for not helping Adolf or the Kaiser enough (okay leave the grand dad out, since Adolph was mostlikely fake). What I am saying is that this comes from stuff, which happend a long time ago:

‘The German government must ensure that any drone strikes coordinated through U.S. military bases in Germany comply with international law, a German high court ruled Tuesday. The high administrative court in Muenster did not order a ban on Germany allowing U.S. bases to relay drone data, as three Yemeni citizens had sought in a court filing. The three plaintiffs said they lost family members to U.S. drone strikes in 2012. The court’s findings run counter to years of military denials that Ramstein Air Base plays a part in Middle East drone warfare. The court said in a statement that there were “substantial indications” known to the German government that the U.S. drone missions assisted from Ramstein are at least in part “violating international law.” The court added that the German parliament’s investigation into the National Security Agency’s activity in Germany and official information the court examined prove “the central role” of Ramstein Air Base’s satellite relay station for “continuing armed U.S. drone missions in Yemen.”’ https://www.stripes.com/news/german-court-says-potentially-illegal-drone-strikes-aided-by-ramstein-despite-usaf-denials-1.573291

Needless to say that this verdict of a German Court will not have any consequences, what so ever, since every German Chancellor since Adenauer has to sign the ‘Kanzler Akte’ signing all SHAEF laws into legislation (SHAEF for Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces, denoting the … as the supreme authority for occupied Germany): https://hellenicnews.com/germany-still-occupied-us-58-years-christopher-bollyn-9-11-4/


The war of the US in Europe (Ukraine) and Middle East and North Africa is executed from their base in Germany (an area called Rammstein, the drone-headquarter). Germany is a slave of the US since 1945. And if the US warmongers want to piss against the Russians with help from Rammstein? The US-war-managers know: The Russians will retaliate onto Germany and not onto US homeland. Clever, isn’t it? And the Germans don’t have the guts to tell the US-guys “Get out of here! Leave us in peace, we are not your cannonfodder” A rather comfortable strategic position for the arrogant US foreign policy.

Jimmy Jim

Kill the KIKES save the planet….



Jimmy you say “save the planet” Than you post the pic where it is shown the country which is even in bigger danger than planet itself?! If you are American there is nothing wrong,unpatriotic or humiliating in asking for help against Zionist pest that totally controls your country.


Go to it big mouth and collect your Darwin Award.

Tiresia Branding

Iranians are a smart people with a very long history, and they are part of a coalition, so don’t expect stupid reactions like Trump and their zionist friends desperately want. There will be an indirect concertated and devastating response but it will be not military. Start a shia revolution/guerrilla against the gulf monarchies is a possibility


With all the respect since when is;”shia revolution/guerrilla” not “military response”? You probably have expressed yourself wrongly by not saying direct “military response”.

Mehmet Aslanak

US forces will be expelled from Iraq by the parliament vote. Iran allied shiite politicians already control the parliament. Iraq is a lost war like Afghanistan. Trillions well wasted for nothing. US citizen lulled by semitic controlled media is too slow to wake up to the reality that their votes mean nothing.


Nahhhhhhhh…regardless of the vote, the US forces will not only stay but increase. If you missed it, most all the US “Semitic” media is against what Trump did. But reality was never your strong point. And could never counter your bigotry.


That may happen but the pretence of being a guest will be gone & the whole world will see it as an occupation & the consequences that usually ensue from these things. Terrible PR for Trump


Well, if it helped cost him the election that would be OK by me.


Semitic media? The Jews that own those media are Khazars, not Semites.


Will the U.S. forces leave if told do so? What if they don’t? Iraq has no power to force them out.

Ashok Varma

General Soleimani was a soldier, diplomat, statesman and fighter for freedom, killing him will enshrine his legacy like Che Guevara. US in its sheer arrogance may have created a martyr and a myth.


I really like martyrs since they are dead. And in death they create myths and little else. Please name a war or a country that was won by Che’s myth. His greatest popular achievement is to have his mug on lots of teeshirts.

Hasbara Hunter

Your Filthy ZioNazi Species is done…they will come for you…can Suck Baphomet up there…


You may be a wee bit premature.


“… myths and little else.”: this is the reason for the occupation of Falestine…


I’d include a couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles to that.


One obviously needs to be suicidal to occupy Falestine…


And US “achievement” is to never be on the Moon. And to be terrorist nation in support of global terrorism.


Salvador, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Mozambique, Namibia, Rodesia…and numerous other wars won by resistance movements inspired partly by Che’s myth…He made more practical influence on world events after he was killed then when he was alive – by all contemporary sources he wasn’t much of a diplomatic or millitary genious. But his death inspired more able people to rise up. You really think that somewhere among 80 mil. Iranians there isn’t a person even more capable then Soleimani? You want to bet your life on it?


You do like myths. And I’m not sure Namibia, whatever that is, is quite as important as Che teeshirts. I’m sure there are plenty of capable Iranians. And plenty of them will also be dead if the Murdering Mullahs step beyond the line in response.


Namibia a country in Africa where racist SuidAfrika with the backing of US LOST so called Border War against local resistance fighters aided by Cuba among others. And few years after that they lost South Africa too. You don’t read much at all do you?


Sorry, I should have put a smiley face after that. But more seriously, I worked for several years with the Sandinistas during the Contra War and don’t recall ever seeing even a Che teeshirt. They had their own heroes. Che didn’t seem to be one of them. But he was big among the student radicals in Berkeley while I was there.


T shirts are not the point – its just good marketing that made some italian designer a millionare. The point is in picking up a gun and fighting for a cause. A martired carpenter from Palestine gave rise to the Worlds biggest religion. A martired Iranian general doesnt need to be nowhere near that influential to help filling bodybags…


You worked with the Sandinistas? Really? But you had never heard of Namibia. Strange.

So, what did you do for the Sandinistas, make coffee and serve it to them, wipe their boots, wipe their behinds?


His ignorance is staggering.

42 HSabbagh

Evil Israeli troll


Agreed ;-)

Hasbara Hunter

He’s definitely a Martyr….


I wonder why is even “Che Guevara” avatar agreeing with you. One thing is sure it is awkward to make compliment to the Muslim military leader and compere him to “Che Guevara” like that is some kind of compliment for the Muslims. Plenty of other examples. Like Saladin or some other military Muslim hero.

Lazy Gamer

Resolution or not, there will be a false flag that will be used as pretext for staying. What i fear is that, this is an opening move to a series of moves planned already. We are lucky if this just turns out to be a blunder. But the assassination was one of the options given and thus, highly unlikely to be a blunder. Someone really wants this confrontation badly this year.

Nuno Cardoso da Silva

I agree 100% with this text. Americans being expelled from the ME is a fitting answer to Soleimani’s assassination.


What so the whole place can be run by a bunch of sectarian religious dictators?

Is that what you think will benefit the region?

All they’ll do is create a kind of greater middle eastern religious Soviet,we all know how that ended


But not enough.

S Melanson

I think that US forces being driven out may be the plan as rationale for Trump’s latest escapade – how to bring the troops back home, get help, and help he will get with a united front in ME ready to help Trump fulfill his campaign promise to bring the troops home. Brilliant!


That does not make sense. The U.S. is expecting Iranian retaliation, so has started to beef up its presence by sending an additional 3000 troops, for now.

No, it’s the contrary of brilliant, unless you were being sarcastic?

S Melanson

Yes and no. Either Trump is a genius playing 3D chess or he is a raving idiot. It is definitely a risky move so let us see how this spectacle plays out.


If Trump would have been a genius, that gift would have come out long before now. As far as I can tell it has not. He is ignorant, and he can easily be manipulated, the ziofascists hold him by the short and curlies, so he’ll jump as high as they want him too, witness this fantastic move.

Anyhow, time will tell, as they say.

Peter Jennings

It seems the dreams of zionists, as warned of by General Wesley Clark decades ago, is alive and well. The USMIC fully intends to carry out its suicide mission, as signed off by bushwhacker bush.

The Iraqi’s. the Libyan’s, the Syrians, and Iranians, have all been very considerate up till now. None have the weapons or the men to singlehandedly defeat the USMIC, but collectively they do. So the conflict in Syria and Iraq is being prolonged whilst the US/nato try to split Syria and have their Kurd proxies guard the border against Syrian and Iraqi cooperation.


OK everything except detail that General Wesley Clark is member of the same gang. It just shows us that “deep state” Zionist terrorists are so sure in what they are doing that they even come in the open with their plans in advance. Literally everybody in inner circles of power in US is corrupted. So whoever takes the office is and will continue to be corrupted. General Wesley Clark is the same peace of s**t like all the rest of them!

Hasbara Hunter


AM Hants

Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if this act of cowardice, forced the US out of the Middle East?

Why was Trump so stupid, besides the US running out of money on 31 january 2020 and needing war to hide the fact. Davos 21-24 January 2020 and what beasts will be dining with Trump, over in Switzerland?

Remind me, but, didn’t Trump campaign on the ‘Make Israel Great Again’ ticket and how is that working out, in the long run?


This is the opinion of Hans, that I agree with :)

Its a distinct possibility than Bibi organised the murder and that an Israeli ‘controlled’ drone murdered general Qassem Soleimani.

That would explain why the US did not notify its allies of a pending strike, as per all convention. It also suggests that Pompous Pompeo was in cahoots with Bibi, who is fighting for his political life and freedom from prosecution in Israel for fraud.

It’s quite possible that Trump was given the choice of saying how smart and clever he was to murder the general. The alternative being to admit that Trump had lost control of his administration.

AM Hants

Must admit, what you have suggested, I have thought similar and it would explain a lot. Especially the fact Pompeo and Graham were so ecstatic, no doubt staining his pants, yet again. With Pompeo now off to try and cause problems around the nations bordering the Caspian Sea. Specifically Kazakhstan and Belarus. Kazakhstan, so close to Russia, China and Iran, but, also a signatory of the Caspian Sea convention that no foreign forces are allowed access to the nations surrounding the Caspian Sea.


By the way, a couple of articles which I found interesting, over on the Stalker Zone, and the Poland-Israel-President Putin one, seriously made me laugh, in a nice way. Gorbechev, gave Maggie the maps of the Soviet Missile route to the UK, long before Obama gave Medvedev the codes and routes of the UK balistic submarines and missiles, and where they were heading. What was it with Gorbechev, that allowed him to sell out the Soviet Union, with so much ease? Tickets to a Bob Geldof Concert?

Gorbachev – A Story of Treason and Betrayal… https://www.stalkerzone.org/gorbachev-a-story-of-treason-and-betrayal/

Poland’s Government Waits With Horror for Putin’s January Speech in Jerusalem… https://www.stalkerzone.org/polands-government-waits-with-horror-for-putins-january-speech-in-jerusalem/

Wonder what this one is all about?

The Globalists’ Plan for Ukraine up to 2024… https://www.stalkerzone.org/the-globalists-plan-for-ukraine-up-to-2024/


All this shows that the West already have adult Greta Thunbergs in power , I think. Reality is so passé in these days of computer wargames.

AM Hants

Do believe petulent little Greta, is perhaps more mature than most Western Politicians and that is coming from somebody who only sees the Bride of Chucky, whenever that face presents itself. I do dislike speaking badly of children, but, the girl seriously gives me the creeps, together with her Soros controlled minders.


Yes, Greta has the maniacal eyes of Sauron. She is seriously creepy.



Nut-yahoo’s project to take over the Middle East was fed through the shredder by General Soleimani, so obviously this loser bully had much to benefit from the strike.


The probably that Mossad organised the show borders on certainty. Occupied Palestine has moles on the ground, the U.S. does not or not to the same extent.


Its a sad day, but we should remember the late General Soleimani for what he did in life. Many women in liberated Syria and elsewhere escaped being sold on a Daesh sex slave market because of his military genius and brilliant strategic planning.


And Hitler petted his dog.


….which got him zapped


1. Provide proof. 2. That still does not justify declaring war on Iran without approval from Congress. 3. The OUTLAW, psychopath-run, blackmailing, sanctioning, belligerent, rogue empire-in-decline has no business in the region. It is the source of the death and destruction, as instructed by its zionazi master in the putrefying cancerous boil in Palestine.


Read my comment again. I was stating what he did that had a positive impact on the Middle East.

Proof is on this website and others detailing how General Soleimani got Russian and Syrian forces working together that took down Islamic State. Nobody is here to spoon feed you.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

That guy deserves 72 virgins


Agreed. He saved many women from the jaws of Daesh, and went out like a badass. The pinnacle of masculinity.


He really had balls. They just can’t find them anymore.


Because of guys like you people world wide take time, effort and (even pleasure) to kill Americunts. Your kind of people should be eliminated to the last one from this planet for benefit of whole humanity

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

he had so much toxic masculinity even feminists got wet when they went near him xD


And in the end a bunch of other Islamist leaders near him just mostly liquified. It was a good day.


Sounds like you had that experience.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

i have made a few feminists wet mate.


US army can bomb Iran back to the stone age – for an exorbitant price but it can never ride on tanks into Teheran like they did with Bagdad. Real question is how much of a price – in blood and coin – is pre-ellection US ready and willing to pay fighting against it’s own geo-political interest and against interests of all but ONE of it’s allies in the region. Also by not being able to bring down Iranian government the war will quickly become another Forever War, only this time the battlefield will not be limited only in the ME. And no matter how strong, no army can sucessfully hold a line that stretches all around the Globe. And last but not least Iran will get more than a “little help from it’s friends” while US “allies” already started to distance themselves from this debacle. Remund me again which side is “at war with the rest of the World”?


Well, the US still has at least one very strong ally there. And they also have an overabundance of nukes if your Islamist Iranian butt buddies step too far over the line.


If only one nuke lands on Iran Russia will enter in war against US immediately and China will be right behind


No it won’t!


f**k of you filthy ZIONIST PIG!


Well that was jolly creative!


I wish you were right, but I’ll believe it when I see it.


Fair enough. But I think it is misunderstanding here. It is not charity or recklessness. China & Russia can’t really afford to have US-NATO occupation because immediately after that would be Central Asia and than Russia next. Attack on Iran is part of bigger plan for taking over of all oil resources in the world (Russia is planned to be the last one) Without oil and gas and Russia protecting her back China would not stand any chance to resist.


Russia does not need the oil, and China does not have the global military reach to assist Iran in a serious way.


“Russia does not need the oil” Writing such banality it is like calling me a stupid?! Instead of reading & understanding what I have wrote you are playing super intelligent and lecturing me about something I DID NOT SAY ! I have tried to explain but now I don’t care to explain to arrogant people like you. Go away Che Guevara do not waste my time! No wonder that you have lost a”revolution” and that nobody wants communism


Whoa, hold your horses !! What’s got into you ?? My oh my, I thought I was overly sensitive, but you’re a notch worse.

You’re right, you did not say that about Russia and the oil, my mistake, I admit it. I apologise. I shall not go deeper into your previous argument, or why I don’t think either Russia or China will side with Iran. Let’s leave it as it is.

BTW, I do not need to play super intelligent because I know I am not and I know my limits, unlike many other people, and that is not an oblique reference to you !

I did not try to lecture you either, there was no need for it. My statement was blunt, but was not meant to hurt.

Last but not least, I replied to your comment, perhaps not to your liking, but I did not attack you personally. You resorted to ad hominem attacks and mentioned my avatar, which, FYI, is not the topic here. Also, it is not me who wastes your time, it is you. I did not ask you to blow up and reply, if your time is so precious you should have moved on. Now, if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

The last paragraph IS a lecture because you obviously need it, not because I think I am super intelligent, far from it. Ciao.


“You’re right, you did not say that about Russia”

You didn’t have to write book as an answer either. It was enough to say that you were wrong . I would apologize for everything over the top on my behalf.

But no you must lecture again which speaks volumes of what kind of person you are. Just go own way Che ! Revolution and idiots are waiting for you.


I write my replies as I please, incl. lectures if there is a need for it. My only standard is to be courteous, i.e. not to insult people, unless of course they insult me. I did not insult you, so your ad hominem was uncalled for.

Again, my avatar is not the topic here, so you are off topic again. You also, once again, resort to ad hominem attacks in your latest reply, which is a true demonstration of your inability to have a civilised discussion.

On that note, I will end this thread. By all means have the last word, incl. another ad hominem if you wish, it’ll make you feel good since that is what you are specialised in. Bye now, and try to keep smiling, life is so much easier that way ;-)


You did “insult” me by making such comment -as if I was stupid. And I really tried to explain my point of view.

Incredible you did it again. You just can’t finish your comments without lecturing people. I have no problem that you “write your replies as you please” just do it elsewhere from now on.


Your inferiority complex with a chip on your shoulder is your problem, not mine. Like I said, if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

Just for the record: if I am not mistaken you are not a moderator here. So, I will continue to comment here as, when, and how I please. If you don’t like it you have 3 options: 1. you don’t read my comments, or 2. you block me in your Disqus settings, or 3. take your sensitivities somewhere else where commenters like-minded. (Sorry for the lecture, but you beg for it so desperately that I feel a need to oblige)

In any case, either way it’s your choice, my choice is to keep commenting here.


It has nothing to do with “standing the heat” I can “stand” any heat. The problem is that you are arrogant and pretend to be somebody else. Wrapping everything in fancy words . That is all.

Who the hell is stopping you to comment?! Just leave me alone with your bullshit. You are completely out of your mind by not having basic civility to let it go and go your own way. And you are starting to insist even though I do not talk to you . I do NOT HAVE NEED to talk to at all you so why would you bother me? Take your “revolution” elsewhere.


LOL. You cannot stand any heat all, your skin is too thin for it and the chip on your shoulder too big. Nobody is forcing you to read my comments except you. And those comments will keep appearing here. And if you think I use fancy words, do yourself a favour and get a bit of an education, learn some words and learn to discuss without ad hominem attacks nor the use of vulgar words.

Oops, sorry, here I go again, lecturing you, but that is the problem with the uneducated, they get confused when they are intellectually challenged in the slightest way, and that gets exacerbated if they have a thin skin and/or an inferiority complex.

Hey, I told you, keep smiling, don’t be so serious. You are the way you are, nothing wrong with it, just learn to channel those frustrations a bit, everybody needs to do that, so do you.


I will not read any of your crap comments any more including this one. You are just pretentious asshole why else you would be a communist if not thinking that you know better than the others.


I will not read any of your crap comments any more, including this one. You are just pretentious asshole, why else you would be a communist, if not for thinking that you know all better than the others.


LOL. Poor soul, get an education, you desperately need one seeing the gutter language you use.


Threathening with nukes usualy means a country has no other arguments – military or other – left. So thanks for proving my point. I know present Israeli leadership is a bat shit crazy bunch of murderors but even those clowns are not insane enough to irradiate worlds most important source of energy, themselves and half of Europe in the process. You really think the Saudis – aka The Real Owners of Pakistani Nukes – would just stik their tumbs up their anuses and wait to die from several cancers?


And why would Iran start direct all out war? They had already opportunity and they didn’t use it (they prefer asymmetric war for obvious reason) It is obvious that they are not match to U.S. and that they have no interest to confront them that way. Iran needs support in the case of all out US attack and China and Russia will provide that support but only if Iran is attacked (not if they are starting themselves all out war) US on the other hand needs public support for that kind of war and they do not have that support


If you missed it, Putz Putin is NOT supporting Islamist Iran in this and will keep its distance if there is an all out war. Oh, he did say killing the SOB was illegal. BIG WHOOPEE! Oh, and China read a fortune cooky that said, Can’t we all just get along? Islamist Iran is on its own aside from some lap puppies here and there. They step too far over the line now and it’s all over for them.


You are wrong and ZIONIST LIAR as usual HERE NEWS FROM SPUTNIK read you idiot ! Trump Ordered Drone Hit on Soleimani Despite Intel That General Had No Plans to Target US – Report



You really think that Russia and China would give all the signals that they will help Iran? If US attacks Iran will get S-400 and everything best Russia and China have to offer in weapons! Only when your “flying brick” F(lop)-35 start receiving missiles from 300+ km distance up their arse you will start to understand. But it will be to late!


I doubt Russia and China will help Iran. Russia is on the side of Occupied Palestine, to wit: those 100s of air raids on Syria and Iraq by the zionazi bog rats without Russia interfering. Why is that? Simple: Russia let them.


For some reason when intelligent people mix emotions in judgment all gets upside down.

Yes Russia does lip service to Palestine but than huge majority of MUSLIMS & ARABS do exactly the same. Palestine is of little political or other importance it is a fact. Russia is not humanitarian organization and they can’t be bigger Muslims and Arabs than Arabs themselves ! Do not confuse that with Russian strategic interests and Iran is Russian strategic allay even though they can’t see some things always the same way.

Personally as pro-Russian I support and 100% Russia’s strategic choices since Russian resources and capacities are limited !!! NON-objective people like you forget the fact that Russia is world power militarily but it is not world power as economy ! And I find that to be very hypocritical as approach. Russian main duty is to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine and Russia against NATO-NAZI enemy. Syria and Venezuela is already PLENTY for Russia ! It is good that Russia knows her limits


I love all this stuff about “evidence”

Mr Giraldi thinks he’s living in an episode of Perry Mason!

“evidence ” meh!!!!

America doesn’t need ‘ evidence ‘ it needs action to contain dangerous people


Exactly. The only problem is those dangerous people are in DC and Tel Aviv.

Wolfgang Wolf

what if Iran offers big bounty for every killed or captured USshole… done.


Why can’t Iran,or rather its pathetic backwards regime, just grow up and accept the way the world is

They’re on the wrong side of history, their silly self destructive, so called revolution has run out of steam

They have nothing to offer their own citizens, those of other countries,or the world

In short,Iran in its current form is a violent failing state with no future,sooner its gone the better!


Perfect description, for the United States.

Falling apart infrastructure, massive homelessness, the young generation running away from debt collectors of student loan debt instead of working, their only high speed train in the entire country derails at only 80 miles an hour, Zimbabwe style monetary policy, rotting cities filled with crime and violence.

But they got money to go ‘help’ other countries who don’t want their help because they know ‘US help’ equals even worse problems.

United States is useless to its own citizens, useless to the world, its useless to even itself.


Iran and Iranians are present in the region for several millenia as opose to US and Israel. They faced more serious threaths then a chito haied clown most of whose own people want impeached and/or imprisoned and a fake Hebrew with invented surname desperately trying to awoid prison for corruption.


There you go living in the past!

I’m sorry to dent your little world but iran faces the potential for total destruction

Nuclear war being perhaps the greatest threat, so no,Iran now faces truly existential threats to its very existence,and yet it continues with its malign s actions


Before Iran is wiped out, the ziofascist garbage dump will be gone before it knows what’s hit it. 100s of 1000s of missiles from Iran and Lebanon would rid the world of that little 20,000 km2 zionazi cancerous boil.


The only cancerous boil is within your thick scull


Maybe there is one in my skull too, who knows, but the zionazi cancerous boil in the Middle East is unique, and thankfully there is only one, albeit assisted by its ISIS apprentice and its fascist trans-Atlantic lapdog, the OUTLAW, psychopath-run, blackmailing, sanctioning, belligerent, rogue empire-in-decline. High time to get rid of that putrefying toxic cesspool.


Ok the mullahs in Iraq were more than happy to side with the Nazis during the the second war

They haven’t changed much, they’re still spiteful hate filled idiots who are incapable of organising a modern economy

Islmo fascist neo nazi supporting scum,thats all they are, they failed in the past and they’re still failing

Don’t be on the wrong side of history!


WW2 is off topic baby. It is a favourite ploy of hasbara specialists to deflect to some completely unrelated, irrelevant topic when they are cornered, when they have lost the argument. I understand your despair, but I don’t go for that nonsense, so I suggest you find someone else to play your silly games with.


You don’t go for nonsense, like historical facts, because you’re to busy consuming BS from idiots


The only BS I get present with is the zionazi hasbara BS.

You can call me Al

Iran will be protected by Russia and China – not so loud now are you ?.

You can call me Al

Go suck some Jews small knob, you pathetic, retarded inbred.

Arch Bungle

Why can’t Israel,or rather its pathetic backwards regime, just grow up and accept the way the world is They’re on the wrong side of history, their silly self destructive, so called apartheid regime has run out of steam They have nothing to offer their own occupied masses, those of other countries,or the world In short,Israel in its current form is a violent failing state with no future,sooner its gone the better!


Yeah ok!!!!


Like almost every U.S. president since WW2, Trump is a vulgar, low down war criminal, a bog rat who should strung up by his testicles.

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