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MARCH 2025

The Taliban Is Chasing After Afghan Resistance Remnants In Hindu Kush Mountains (Photos, Videos)

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The Taliban Is Chasing After Afghan Resistance Remnants In Hindu Kush Mountains (Photos, Videos)

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The Afghan resistance has reemerged in the northeastern province of Panjshir, specifically in the rough Hindu Kush mountain range.

On September 25, resistance supporters shared videos and several photos showing fighters of the resistance, that was defeated by the Taliban less than a month ago, marching in the rough mountain range.

The Taliban is reportedly chasing after the Afghan resistance’s remnants. A video showing Taliban fighters conducting a combing operation in the Hindu Kush also surfaced online.

The Taliban captured the main headquarters of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan in the heart of Panjshir on September 6. The group also killed Fahim Dashty, a spokesman for the resistance, General Abdul Wudod Zara, a military commander of the resistance and nephew of late Afghan leader Ahmed Massoud, and Roohullah Saleh, brother of resistance leader and former Afghan Vice President Amarullah Saleh.

Despite of this major setback, the Afghan resistance vowed to continue its fight against the Taliban until an inclusive, decentralized government is established in Afghanistan.

The resistance top leader Ahmed Massoud Jr. is allegedly still in Panjshir. On the other hand, Amarullah is reportedly taking refuge in Tajikistan.

Initially, the Taliban engaged in talks with the resistance and offered a political settlement. Now however, the group appears to be working to root out what’s left of the resistance. The rough terrain of the Hindu Kush will make this hard, if not impossible.


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The resistence has no future!!

Aneurin Davies

The Western media are using a misnomer to describe ISI-K because they are not fighting for Afghanistan and freedom, they are fighting for money – they are Mercenaries controlled by foreign Intelligence Services International and Corporatism & Crimond Cartels!


Brother you still got it wrong – ISIS/Daesh/ISIL are the US foreign legion. In their ranks are NATO fighters from Norway, France, Denmark, UK, US and Israel. Most atrocities against civilians are carried out by these NATO soldiers


Wrong. Victim of delusions. Resistence always has a future. Indeed, it is the future.


All main resistance leaders are dead idiot. Amrullah Saleh and Massoud Jnr escaped with ragtag killers and sodomisers. They will be liquidated soon. taliban ALONE deserve to rule ‘cos they ALONE Defeated the Invader USA

Aneurin Davies

The Taliban have seized large caches of weaponry, arms, materiel and equipment controlled by the NRF and ISI-K in Panjshir and latest reports are clearing out ISI-K from Jallabad Region. How can Western media call ISI-K Resistance fighters, when it is widely known they are Foreign to Afghanistan!


Afghanistan has observer status in the SCO. They could potentially be an integral part of wider Eurasian projects. This would lift the populace from poverty to prosperity.

Last edited 3 years ago by block
Chris Gr

Does dr Assad knows that you support Wahhabis?


Imbecile. Does SF know you are a pathetic troll tracking my comments?

Chris Gr

If you troll the trolls you are not a troll. Two negatives mean one positive.

Chris Gr

I am a basement dweller. I support Assad, Saddam, IRGC and Taliban at the same time despite hard ideological differences because I hate my government. Next time if Somali pirates are against my government I will support them too. *sarcasm*


There are perfectly good reasons to support all of them under particular circumstances. As there were to support Somali pirates when they first started out as an impromptu coast guard before they began doing it only for money.

JC Denton

Chris, you may not believe this, but people can agree with each other even they have different religions/ideologies. You can shove your forced sectarian divide up the ass…

Chris Gr

Assad doesn’t like Sunni Islamists. Saddam doesn’t like Shia Islamists. IRGC doesn’t like the West. Taliban doesn’t like secularists. They have made the sectarian divide.

JC Denton

Assad doesn’t like the west. Saddam didn’t like the west. IRGC doesn’t like the West. Taliban doesn’t like the west.

Get it?

A Fellow

Sounds like the same logic which put Stinger missiles in the hands of folks like Hekmatyar & Sayyaf.

This knee-jerk anti-Western outlook will necessarily be poisoned as it swallows success…you have to have positive commonalities, not just negative, otherwise there will be inevitable discord when the enemies of enemies have to decide whether they are in fact friends.


Haha, Southfront is still desperately hoping these Contras are going to be able to fight off the Taliban when their leaders have run away, they’ve lost their home territory, they’re reduced to unsupplied and unreinforced little groups in the mountains, and the winter is coming.


Moscow has ordered them (SF) to be anti-T, what do you want? Basically, there is a Tali-ban ;-)


The CIA stooge Saleh is hiding in Tajikistan and the pathetic Massoud Jr has fled to Macronistan. Russia has nothing to do with either of them.


„The Taliban is…“ what? There is only one? Must be a super-Rambo. When will you learn. Taliban is plural! Meaning „students“. That‘s really slopoy journalism writing so much about them and still ignoring the basics.


Actually it literally means “two students”.

Arch Bungle

The NRF ‘leaders’, nothing more that CIA puppets are long gone with suitcases full of dollars, while their brainless followers fight a lost cause.

There’s a sucker born every minute.

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