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The Trojan Horse Of Zionism In Al-Muthanna

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The Trojan Horse Of Zionism In Al-Muthanna

Hamid al-Yasiri, a representative of Sistani, called for rallies against the government

Written by Damir Nazarov

While some of the worst crimes of the 21st century are being committed in the Gaza Strip by the hands of the Zionists, some Iraqi clerics, instead of directly supporting the Palestinians, use populist slogans to create a new hotbed of crisis inside the country.

Six months have passed since the beginning of the full-scale aggression of the Zionists. Iraqis affiliated with Islamic movements provide support to the Palestinian resistance in various forms. Leading authoritative cleric Muqtada Sadr was the first, even before the Hamas operation, the al-Aqsa Flood, to call on parliament to adopt an anti-Zionist law prohibiting the “normalization of relations” and any kind of cooperation with the Zionist occupation. Further, after the Zionists created a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Sadr organized a humanitarian campaign for the distressed population of the besieged enclave. On the other hand, a number of Islamic Resistance factions, where Kataeb Hezbollah and al-Nujaba declared themselves the loudest, organized attacks on Zionist positions in the occupied Umm Rashrash and the Golan. Against the background of the impressive activities of these parties, the official Najaf, represented by Ayatollah Sistani, only called on the international community to end the conflict and provide assistance to the Palestinians. This is where the “pro-Palestinian activity” The Marjie is over.

Instead of helping the Palestinians, Sistani is trying to play on the contradictions between the ruling coordination structure (a coalition of Shiite parties) and the Sadrist movement (the opposition political wing led by Muqtada Sadr). These contradictions took on a new face immediately after the elections in 2021, when the Sadr movement won a crushing victory, which representatives of the coordination structure tried to challenge, accusing the UAE and the UN of election fraud. There is probably some truth in this, but it would be foolish to deny the multimillion-dollar support of Muqtada Sadr. Actually, the intervention by the UAE was in the nature of manipulation in order to clash the heads of the leading Shiite parties and organizations. The Shiites of Iraq understood this game, after which Sadr retreated, resigned from parliament and temporarily retired from politics, the vacant seats were occupied by parties from the coordination structure. Despite the peaceful expenditure, the parties remain on the brink of a powerful conflict between themselves. Old disagreements are slipping away. The situation is overshadowed by the anti-Sadrist antics of some individuals from the resistance factions and individual statements by the coalition of former Prime Minister Maliki. For his part, Muqtada Sadr often criticizes the cabinet of current Prime Minister Shia al-Sudani, calling him “Banu Abbas” * and calls the militias “corrupt individuals.”

As for the provocation from Najaf. Here, the actions of cleric Hamid al-Yasiri, who threatened the governor of al-Muthanna province with rallies, in connection with the alleged lack of a fight against corruption, became a vivid manifestation. The logic of Sistani’s confidant’s actions is that it is necessary to create conditions for a “light crisis” in order to look at the Sadrists’ reaction. The fact is that the supporters of Muqtada Sadr have been the main opposition force to the ruling establishment for ten years, where Nouri al-Maliki and Hadi al-Ameri play a big role. If the Sadrists found a common language with the former head of BADR, then the differences between the head of the “State of Law Coalition” are still enormous. In the run-up to the elections, the political struggle between the camps will escalate, which is what Sistani wants to take advantage of. This is why al-Yasiri is active in Muthanna and talks about the revival of the infamous Tishreen movement are connected.

Of course, it cannot be said that Sistani’s office coordinates its actions directly with the Zionists, but is it really that important? Especially when these parties have a common ally in the face of the Republican Party of the USA, the sect of Shirazists based in Britain and a network of non-governmental organizations from Western countries. We look at facts that allow us to ask logical questions. Why did Hamid al-Yasiri make impossible demands right now? By the way, in addition to ending the genocide in Gaza, there is another important mission for Iraq, it is about membership in the Silk Road of China, and in the event of a powerful crisis, such plans may be postponed for at least decades. Against this background, Yasiri threatens to ally with the radicals of the Tishreen movement and organize strikes, rallies that, according to Najaf’s ideas, will have to go beyond one province. It seems that Sistani has conceived a big game of manipulating the Shiite public in order to divert their attention from the Palestinian tragedy in favor of local political intrigues.

The ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip once again exposes the real state of affairs in the depths of the Islamic World. Jihadists of various stripes are silent, those preachers who incited the youth of the Arab world to war against Assad are silent, the so–called international union of Muslim scholars limited themselves to verbally condemning the Zionists, and their leader did not come to Rafah. In addition to all this, there were also such “Islamic figures” who decided to touch on a sensitive topic in the local segment and, despite the possible consequences, are ready to go to extremes for the sake of political ambitions. There is no doubt that by their flawed actions they are doing a great service to the Zionists.

*- a reference to the tyrants of the Abbasid dynasty, guilty of the murder of the most pure Imams (peace be upon them).


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the zionist nuttenyahoo terrorists and their fake clerics are silent toward the zionist isreali genocidal maniacs. zionist were patching their bastards up and sending the terrorists back in to syria through the golan heights.


stfu damir about sistani, i wrote last time when you dissed him. sistani has never been a political scholar you fool.


90 % of islamic countries are sunni. there are three shia countries, iran, iraq and lebanon and one zaidi country, yemen. all of them help palestine. none of the sunni countries help palestine, not turkey, not jordan, not gulf states, not egypt etc. all of them are with zionists. who helped shia when they were butchered by isis in iraq and syria? who helped afghan shia being butchered by taliban in afghanistan? who declared jihad/war against isis in iraq? was it not sistani? just shut up, damir.

Last edited 4 months ago by JamL

ali al-sistani is a traitor of islam and iraq. this scum at the height of the war around 2004/2006 made some fishy secret deal with the uk&usa + went to uk personally (claiming reason for his travel to uk to be ‘heart disease operation’).likely the secret deal was shias helping the usa to finish off saddam remnants in exachange for iran usa occupying iraq & bleeding the iraqis (especially the sunni ones) dry & murder them. a deal that was accepted by the usa around 2007/2008.

Last edited 4 months ago by Teresa999

interestingtherory i wonder where the surge programm to fund sunni extremists militants to fight shiites by the usa administration fits into this supposed deal. oh surge was the foundation of something that later became isis but dont tell this to the people. they may get distressed by this information.


sisitani is old now and look like the people around him many of them are not trustworthy. its time for sistani to think and appoint his successor who can get rid of all zionist slave from the iraq and declare all occupation force should leave iraq or face force removal.

Malcolm Z

sunni people of irak, syria and lebanon dont care about the fate of palestinians, they support all terrorists gangs who fight vs shia, while kurds have close ties with israel and usa.

gilberto posada

.los palestinos saben que unicamene los iranies, houties y hezbollah son sius verdaderos hermanos.


they are shia they will find a consensus, like they ever do. the zionist agents who sowing distress will fall down like drying mud, like dirt. why? because the time of mahdi is at hand. they know this very well.


the most important result for iraq is to get rid of the us and turkish ocupation and find a way to reintegrate the kurdish territories. gaza is not the problem of the iraqi people. dont forget that during the early days of the war against isis/ al quaida hamas was payed by quatar to fight alongside these against the syrian government.


finally people are starting to realize that the islamists are in fact collaborators with both zionists and crusaders did they not beg nato to bomb libya and kill qaddafi ??? and they were about to do the same with syria until russia stepped in. and lets be clear israel would be occupying all of lebanon today if not for iran helping the remnants of the plo army and lebanese patriots to form hezbollah

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