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MARCH 2025

The U.S. Armed Its Kurdish Proxies In Syria With Anti-Tank & Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems – Report

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The U.S. Armed Its Kurdish Proxies In Syria With Anti-Tank & Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems – Report

Illustrative image.

The United States have secretly armed its main proxy group in northern and eastern Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), with anti-tank and anti-aircraft missile systems, Sputnik reported on January 5.

The Russian news agency said that the U.S.-led coalition delivered BGM-71 TOW anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and unidentified man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADs), possibly FIM-92 Stingers, to the Kurdish-led group in mid-December.

Prior to the deliveries, the coalition trained some 80 fighters of the SDF on the systems at a base near the city of al-Qamishli in the northern al-Hasakah countryside.

Sources in the SDF told Sputnik that most of these ATGMs and MANPADs were deployed at Rifaat, Manbij and Kobane in the northern and northeastern countryside of Aleppo. Turkey threatened to attack the three key towns on multiple occasions in the past, most recently in November after a deadly bombing in Istanbul that was blamed on the core faction of the SDF, the People’s Protection Units.

“This is the first time that the U.S. Army has delivered these types of missiles to its allies in the SDF since its entry into the east of the Euphrates [River],” the news agency quoted its sources as saying.

If confirmed, the U.S. move would significantly boost the military capabilities of the SDF, which is currently facing threats from both Turkey and the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad.

The U.S. may have decided to supply these advanced missile systems to the SDF in response to Russia’s ongoing efforts to restore ties between Turkey and Syria.

In December, the defense ministers and intelligence chiefs of Ankara and Damascus met in Moscow. A more important meeting between the foreign ministers of the two countries will be held in mid-January. In addition, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have already voiced his readiness to meet with Assad later this year.

Any military coordination between Ankara and Damascus will pose an existential threat to the SDF. The group could quickly lose its remaining areas in Aleppo and Raqqa because the U.S.-led coalition no longer has bases there. Washington’s indirect military support will not likely be enough to allow the group to survive for too long.


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EU must not be USA slave

Or maybe they bought them from Ukraine with drugs… Ukrainians will sell the drugs to Europe.

Chris Gr

Firstly, PKK/YPG was supported by the Soviets and the Assad regime. Now they are supported by Americans. Strange world.


Because today they are all fake communists, americscum fifth columns. The same betrayal of the Italian Communists, today fervent pro-Ameriscums, Marx is turning over in his grave.

🤡 Biden the Clown™, 🤡 Zelewski the Clown™, 🤡 Scholz the Clown™, 🤡 Harris the Clown™, 🤡 Pelosi the Clown™, 🪦🔥 Madeleine Albright the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these trademarks is encouraged


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Last edited 2 years ago by Maryiller

The US and Israel use divide and conquer tactics which guarantee that the conflicts in the Middle East will last for many decades.

It improves Israel’s security by using Muslim groups to kill each other rather than threaten archenemy Israel.

Peace and cooperation between all Muslims can dominate Israel’s future.

It is a bad thing for the US to exploit a group of people who are largely illiterate and easy to deceive.

But at the same time, the US makes money by producing weapons for sale.

Chris Gr

Yes, this is partially true though because several ideological differences exist.

Sionist Slaves of America

Turkey is already inside Iraqi territory, cut off those PKK-YPG-SDF terrorists from Iraqi Kurdistan border crossings and starve them.


That’s US biggest ally inside of Iraq and Syria. They won’t allow turkey to do it easily, they’ll probably arm PKK with better weapons if turkey starts making changes

Chris Gr

No, they can’t do much. Look at, for example, what happened with the TPLF in Ethiopia. PKK is much weaker.

Chris Gr

No starvation and genocide. SDF controls only 2 millions in population. Turkey can attack them easily.


If a Turkish plane gets shut down, they’re going to let hell loose on PKK.

The Objective

I expected celebrations from Russia’s supporters here. But this article got a surprising number of downvotes. Seems you’ve concluded the SDF are a threat to Russians in Syria too.

Anyway, this isn’t going to save the PKK. If America really did this, then Turkey should officially declare the U.S. an existantial threat and enemy. Arm terrorist groups with similar weapons anywhere the U.S. is fighting. Arm the faction of ISIS fighting American soldiers with similar weapons. Better still, train and arm an insurgency in Syrian areas under U.S. control. Distribute advanced IEDs to all anti-U.S. rebels in U.S. held areas in Syria. The American public is less tolerant of casualties than Turks. See how far Biden plays the game and stays safe.

Chris Gr

US wants to create a new FSA which will be anti-Russian, anti-Turkish and anti-Iranian and are cooperating with the Sunnis of Deir Ezzor.

The Objective

Turkey has no interest in Syria except to defeat the PKK there and secure some rights for the Syrian opposition. The legitimate Syrian opposition is in Turkey. Any other forces not aligned to it will be sidelined by Turkey. Besides, once a negotiated settlement is reached between Assad and the opposition, there’s no need for Turkey to keep supporting any opposition force to Assad. Turkey will instead help Assad regain control of lost lands.



Chris Gr

Sauron is Soros actually. Erdogan is a Pontic grandpa just.

The Objective

This is just an angry response to Turkey’s determination to normalize ties with Assad. Russia is very cooperative now and this normalization process should continue. It’s not about rehabilitating Assad. It’s about legitimizing him IF he reaches a negotiated compromise with the opposition. After an acceptable compromise, Assad should be supported militarily. His forces rehabilitated. The combined military mights of Turkey, Russia, Assad, and Iran should be directed to eliminating the PKK threat. U.S. forces in Syria should be made to pay a heavy price. Just support any hostile forces with the right weapons that will create a steady flow of U.S. bodybags to America and see if Biden can manage that political nightmare.

Chris Gr

You are changing views all the time. Some days ago, you said that Ukraine should win and that Assad should lose. Now you say this.

The Objective

I haven’t changed any views. I typed the word “IF” above in caps to show the conditionality of my support for Assad. IF he reaches a compromise with the opposition. It’s quite different an unconditional support.

As for Ukraine winning the war, I still want it. At least, this will humiliate Russia and force it to rethink it’s war policies. I don’t like what Russia did in Syria. Countless war crimes by Russia or forces supported by Russia with little if any accountability. I used to support Putin long ago, but not after what the Russians did in Syria. Russia would have been better off not entering the Syrian fray. It’s relationship with the Sunni Muslim world would have beeen much more stronger than it is today.

The U.S. will finally defeat Russia in Syria, especially when Turkey leaves. If a new civil war instigated by America were to erupt again in Syria, many Russians will be killed due to the weapons America and Europe will give to those rebels.

The Objective

Biden is incapable of believing the fact that Turkey has moved on from being America’s yes-man. That era is over and never to return inshaAllah. You either accept the new Turkey or risk making it the biggest threat to U.S. petrodollar pillars of the Middle East. I think we are already at that point.

One way to respond to this U.S. escalation is to pour more weapons into Libya. Create a situation in Libya that Sisi can neither manage nor survive whether he invades or not. If Sisi’s regime is brought down, one of the central pillars of the global petrodollar world order is broken, leaving just two vulnerable ones (Saudi and the U.A.E.).

My appeal to Russia, Iran, and Turkey: Please bring these four regimes down and see what happens to the U.S. dollar. [Egypt, Saudi, U.A.E., and Bahrain]. These are the last four legs of the U.S. economy. Anyone who doesn’t know this still has a lot lot lot lot to lean.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective
Chris Gr

Egypt and UAE are too friendly to Russia and Saudi Arabia and Bahrain are too friendly to China.

The Objective

Neither Russia nor China will risk any armed confrontation to save Egypt or any other U.S. puppet states. The Ukraine war has seriously altered certain calculations. Russia can’t do shit in Libya, short of deploying nukes there. Once Turkey finishes the process of rebuilding a capable Libyan military, you’ll see what happens to the Wagners, Haftar, etc. Turkey says it’s building Libya’s military to reach Turkish standards, which means NATO standards. It prepared Azerbaijan for a long time for the last war. It’s doing the same for Somalia and Libya. By working with the U.N. recognized governments, Turkey avoids UN sanctions but helps rebuild stability and security in some Muslim lands.

Chris Gr

However, I believe that Saudi Arabia will be in civil war soon.

The Objective

There’ll definitely be a civil war in Saudi Arabia. It’ll take a bloodbath to uproot these sellouts. Civil war in Saudi Arabia has already been prophecised by our beloved prophet.


Die Türkei wird niemals Saudies angreifen. Wo haben Sie diese Fantasie her? Was träumen Sie nachts? Die Türkei wird doch den USA gelenkt. Haben Sie das noch nicht mitbekommen? Da steht eindeutig “Nato”. Warum verstehst du das denn nicht? Merhaba


Kurds stealing syrians petrol and giving it to the U.S. in exchange for allowing them to establish Kurdistan. Kurdistan will be used to strike Turkey and iran .

The Objective

Yeah, only that Turkey won’t allow any Kurdistan there. Before Erdogan’s InshaAllh second term ends, there’ll be a major war to uproot the PKK from both Syria and Iraq regardless of the risk of clashing with U.S. forces.

Iran had given 10 days. What happened?Erdogan

Iran had given 10 days to kurds, What happened? Erdogan and iran are cowards

Last edited 2 years ago by Iran had given 10 days. What happened?Erdogan

Iran raised hell in north Iraq and they stopped a lot of the big smugglers into and in Iran. At this point an invasion from Iran will be too much

The Objective

That’s not the reason Iran didn’t cross into Iraq. The Mullahs may be cowards, but they are also clever and can see traps far ahead. However, I wonder whether they’ll still resist in the face of continuous deadly cross-border attacks by the Kurds.

The Objective

Iran is smart not to get suckered into an Iraq quacgmire. If Iran makes the mistake of a cross-border operation against the Kurds, the regime in Tehran is finished. They’ll end up fighting an endless stream of mercenaries from around the world armed with increasingly deadly weapons. That’s what Russia got into in Ukraine. But unlike Russia, Iran is neither nuclear armed nor stable enough to withstand the shock of any invasion.

But I think the U.S. will somehow still force Iran into a war somewhere near Iran’s borders. A series of deadly cross border strikes on Iran by the Kurds may finally provoke an Iranian invasion of parts of Iraq. However, Iran could also use its militias there. Still, the war will expand to eventually involve Iranian forces.

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