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The U.S. Government’s Evilness

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The U.S. Government's Evilness

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Written by Eric Zuesse

On May 19th, U.S. President Joe Biden signed into law an additional $40.1 billion to Ukraine in order to continue its war against Russia, which Biden and his boss Barack Obama, and Obama’s organizer of the 2014 U.S. coup in Ukraine Victoria Nuland had begun by means of that coup, which had transformed Ukraine from being a neutralist country on Russia’s border, into becoming a rabidly anti-Russian and pro-U.S. country on Russia’s border and a prospective future basing-area for U.S. nuclear missiles there (like a 1962 Cuban-Missile-Crisis in reverse) to hit Moscow only a 7-minute flight-time away. It would be a checkmate in the U.S. regime’s long war to add Russia to its conquered prizes, if the plan would succeed.

To place that $40.1B into perspective, the comedian Jimmy Dore headlined on May 19th “ALL DEMOCRATS Vote [in Senate] To Send $40 Billion To Ukraine”, and Dore said “That’s more than three times what the entire U.S. music industry makes in a year,” and he called it “a wealth-transfer to the military-industrial complex.” He said that if this $40.1B addition to the current year’s expenditure on Ukraine’s war were instead to be spent domestically, “that would stop homelessness.”

I checked those allegations. Here’s what I found:

The entire U.S. music-recording industry is $11B retail sales per year. (That’s sales; profits would be some percentage of sales, but even if it were ALL of sales, then this $40.1B would be “more than three times” it.)

Annual cost to eliminate homeless in U.S.=$30B.

He wasn’t exaggerating; he was under-stating. This is how evil the U.S. Government actually is.

Mr. Dore also noted that all Democratic Party U.S. Senators and members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted for this additional $40.1B expenditure, and that the overwhelming majority of the Republican ones also did. Are Republicans now even more neoconservative than Democrats are? Not really: it is always the case that a neoconservative bill in Congress gets virtually 100% support from the Party in power, and gets an overwhelming majority of the votes of the Party that doesn’t happen to be in power at the time. So, Dore expressed anger that in the Senate, even Bernie Sanders voted for this. And Glenn Greenwald presented a scathing condemnation of the hypocritical ‘progressive’ Democrat Octavio Ocasio-Cortez’s “a complete reversal of everything that she pretended to believe in for years”. He attributed this contradiction of herself to “In 2016, when Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump, … instead of accepting responsibility because they themselves had nominated one of the most destructive and outright hated political candidates in modern American history in Hillary Clinton, … they decided to blame everybody else, … especially Putin and Russia. … And so Democrats have been feeding on this anti-Russia antipathy and hatred” ever since. And, so, “there is no viable anti-war [political] left in the United States.”

Though I enormously respect Glenn Greenwald, I think that his analyses suffer from shallowness due to his apparent ignorance of history — his excessive focus on the obvious and recent news, outside of the broader context that’s required in order for there to be a deeper analysis, a scientific understanding, which identifies actual historical causes behind current events. This is not to deny that what Greenwald says is true, but to assert that it lacks the wisdom that ONLY an authentic historical analysis can bring to current events and to public-policy issues. Only by understanding causes can one move forward into the future (if there will be a future) so as to control future events in a constructive way, that will benefit future generations, instead of for future events to degenerate even further into a hell which comes closer with every passing day.

I documented at Greanville Post, on May 19th, “The Secret U.S.-&-UK War Against Europe”, showing that BOTH American political Parties are controlled, at the very top, by a cabal of very closely connected individuals who are basically servants of the billionaire controlling owners of firms (such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and General Dynamics), which corporations’ major or even ONLY customers are the U.S. Government and its allied governments, but especially these controlling individuals are an organization that was started in 1877 by the British aristocrat Cecil Rhodes, and which finally took control over the U.S. Government itself on 25 July 1945, just three months after U.S. President FDR died and became replaced by the naive and manipulable Harry S. Truman, who set America’s Government irrevocably onto its control by “the military-industrial complex” and in league with Britain’s aristocracy, to ultimately control the entire world and obviate altogether the United Nations that FDR had started planning and hoping for back in 1941. (The Republican Dwight Eisenhower was also a key part of the Rhodesists’ American operation.)

This organization by the Rhodesists is the source of the evilness that pervades today’s U.S. Government, and it cannot be overcome unless and until it first becomes widely known-about, and then condemned so that all of today’s U.S. Government becomes replaced, because the corruptness of America’s (and UK’s) Government has, by now, become virtually 100%. And if this assertion doesn’t seem credible, then check the links in this report, which explains (and those links document) the actual source for the 19 May 2022 law to pour an additional $40.1B into Ukraine, which after the 2014 coup is a U.S. vassal-nation that’s self-destructing in order to serve as today’s main battleground (and U.S.-proxy) in the American (and British) aristocracy’s long war to conquer not only Russia, but also Europe, and the entire world.

First, the entire world (especially in Europe) has to recognize and publicly acknowledge the unacceptability of America’s Government, so as to condemn it and to order all of its troops out, ASAP. It is a hostile power, to the publics, everywhere — even in places where its stooges and hangers-on-billionaires are in political control (like a cancer) (such as in Europe). America’s Government is NO DEMOCRACY. No empire can be, and America’s most assuredly IS NOT. (Nor is UK’s.) It is a hostile occupying alien force, even inside the United States. (And this is widely suspected to be true, even by the American people.) In fact: the U.S. is the world’s #1 police-state. It is a cancer, everywhere that it occupies, and needs to be rooted-out everywhere. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and the majority of America’s Founders, would have viewed this nation, today’s U.S. Government, to be their enemy, because it violates everything that they believed in, and hoped for, about America’s future, and the world’s.


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Controlled by the british Crown moneyprinting NWO-company

hunter bidé lab pork !

british crown of pedos and dark side of the universe !!!



Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin cockroaches were celebrating last week because they thought Rand Paul had blocked the $40 rescue bill. They thought that the Senate was going to leave Ukraine to fend for itself against a horde of demented Putin rapists. That’s says all there is to say about how moronic these deranged Putin lunatics are.


google VICTORIA NULAND , will make see in your darkness


I would argue that complete control did not exist until Obama. I would also argue that there is one center to Globalism . It should also be known that Biden publicly stated he would use nukes on Americans who revolted. You blame the patient for the cancer. Who has the continuity to pursue a takeover since 1776?

hunter bidé lab pork !

obomba got is anus full of nazi covid ………..Obomba the prostipute pimp !!!??


It’s all going according to plan but it’s not Putin’s plan.


57rub to the dollar,proves you are delusional!


So the plan was that russia get’s the destroyed parts of ukraine. The Poles pontentially get a not destroyed part. The Ukainians in what is left may not join nato but hate russia. Finnland and Sweden join Nato. The US can force the EU and many others to stop doing business with russia. The EU will suffer economically and the US will take market share from them. Russian Airlines can’t fly internationally.

Every thing that harms the EU and US will be blamed on Putin. Great Rest for the western People but it’s Putin’s fault. Profit to western oligarchs.

This does sound like a plan of the western rich people against everyone.

And no i am not happy about it. I am not against russia … just don’t like the way this is going.


The Western half of Ukraine is worthless. Thought someone of your “Intellectual might” would have figured that out by now.


The current regime in DC is evil. Not just the pretend president, but the entire thing. It behaves exactly like an alien entity, because it is one. It is also, and obviously, hostile to the American people and to the rest of humanity.


Wrong about Ike,he was the last indenpendent president,watch his speech from 1960..Wrong about Linkoln,he was a pure rodhesian.


To be evil you must be intelligent. These fools are just driven by their animal instincts, supported by a credo of total invincibility. What could go wrong? Brace for the nukes my friends!


Russia made a big mistake in 2014 and now is making an even bigger mistake in 2022. Not being able to secure Crimea is a huge blunder by Russia and now depopulating LPR and DPR territory is even worse.

Imperialism is the most anti-human idelogy in the world. Stop empires of USA and Russia!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by MamaViDebaLujliva

You don’t know what the fuk your on about,who do you think your kidding,STOP USA BIO LABS NOW! THERE YOU GO DEMENTED IGNORANT ASSFLOGGED DUMBASSED TWUNT, =Z= FIXED!

Karl Pomeroy

You seem misinformed, Ms. Mama. Russia has secured Crimea. Russia is not depopulating the DPR/LPR, but defending them. We need to stop the empires of the EU-NWO-US to be sure. But Russia has little to speak of as an empire, other than its own historical territory.


Because the US is an empire does not mean there aren’t other empires in the world. Russia is an empire as much as the US is just a much weaker one. EU is not an empire it does not conquer anytbing it does not attack anyone(unless the US forces it to). In any case EU is a shitshow not an empire. Mariupol, Severodonetsk-Lisichansk won’t be populated soon everything there is destroyed. Russia is going to rebuild them as much as they are rebuilding Syria nothing for 3 years of relative peace. Russia did not secure Crimea. Crimea was facing humanitarian catastrophe if Russia did not open the North Crimea canal. Hence Russia invaded Ukraine not becuse of strength bu because of weakness. Almost emty water reserves. By your logic Bulgaria should conquer its “historical territory” in Norther Greece and North Macedonia. Germany should invade Poland, Czechia and Austria even Russia to retake Konigsberg. But btw Poland together with Lithuania should invade Belarus and Ukraine. Oh and Italy should then invade the whole of the mediterranean. Do you now see how stupid your argument of “historical land” is?

Edgar Zetar

You call it “By your logic” and its what you think they thinked by reading his comment… your logic is so wrong that you should not call it logic should call it unlogic or brain blindness


You mean it is okay only for Russia to restore its “historic land” and not for anyone else?

Edgar Zetar

Guess that if I throw a big rock into your head even there you wouldnot get it, and wont get it right. Keep watching TV friend, and please migrate your body to the “metaverse” and into the CLOUD so you can enjoy your live prision virtual cell… some folks in the WEF think that everybody is like you.


Except that Crimea was secured


So you can live without water?



Karl Pomeroy

Zuesse always blames everything on the American government. This is an annoying pattern in his writing. The West as a whole is promoting an evil trend, destroying Western civilization, vilifying Russia, and trying to depopulate humanity. But the US government is not the sole origin of this trend. It is in Europe that the powers that be have their castles, and the City of London has long been a center for deep state totalitarianism. Not to mention the insidious hand of the Freemasons, which are world wide. ……………… [My comment ends here. For some reason the editor is adding the words “hash hashed” and I can’t get rid of them. –KP]

Last edited 2 years ago by Karl Pomeroy
Edgar Zetar

Really like your comment Karl Pomeroy, also when I write comments in here the editor adds the words “hash hashed” that means the editor or your browser is modified by some algoritm (macro). Google is also part of the Totalitarism and WEF agenda, the Billionares rules the world friend and all new techs we are using to communicate between us today are owned by them. Freeworld is just an ilusion they paint, because there is only one thing the hegemons fears… and its revolts against them, against the Totalitarian system they want to achieve in the future, thats why they use soft power and Big Tech Big Pharma and others Bigs Multinational to control us all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Yeah, right…Greenwald and Dore…this is muppet show live . But I for sure find it funny that they now even clash with Bernie Sanders and A.O.C. Always nic e to see the dog-fight between the so called wookys and illiberal-left.

Edgar Zetar

This article written by Eric Zuesse is so wrong. But i understand its intended to domestic audiences inside Russia and friendly domestic population worldwide. This article would be considered by USA Goverment has a Russian Disinformation. To be honest and from an objetive point of view is also so wrong, i cant argue everything you have said but I thank you to point me to Cecil Rhodes so i can advance on my investigation. Thanks Eric Zuesse!.


Why do leftists cling to the belief that spending money on a problem solves that problem? Oh, of course, there are homeless people in the US because they don’t have a place. Ergo, provide a place to live. No discussion of how they will pay utilities and taxes or whether homelessness is a result of loss of employment, criminal behavior, drug use, alcohol use, divorce, illogical thinking, or mental illness.

Beginning with the “Great Society” “we” decided to “solve” the problem of single women having children by giving them money. Proven result = more single mothers and more illegitimate children.

If you subsidize something you get, per every day bedrock common sense, more of it. Leftists see that NOT spending money to subsidize anti-social, reckless, stupid, or criminal behavior is immoral whereas people with sense that the good Lord gave a duck understand that anti-social, reckless, stupid, or criminal behavior is the cause of people’s problems and that said people need to cease and desist from such behavior or suffer negative consequences.

Sgt. Based

On the one hand I dont want all these forever wars and I hate politicians and especially businessmen

On the other



Based aBased, depends on Allah(swt).


This is incredibly stupid. The US government is controlled by Jews.

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