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MARCH 2025

The U.S. Government’s Top Priority Now Is To Defeat Russia In Ukraine

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The U.S. Government's Top Priority Now Is To Defeat Russia In Ukraine

Illustrative Image

Written by Eric Zuesse

On June 1st, the U.S. Government added $700 million to the $40.1 billion that it ordered on May 19th to be spent on winning their war against Russia that’s going on in the battleground of Ukraine, bordering Russia. (By way of comparison: Imagine if, instead, Russia were to have couped Mexico in 2014, and now set their top priority as being to win their proxy-war against America, in Mexico — 6,700 miles or 10,700 kilometers away from Russia — and were allocating tens of billions of dollars in order to win their proxy-war against America in that way.) While Ukraine is supplying, for America’s proxy-war against Russia, the soldiers (America’s proxy boots-on-the-ground in that war), and Ukraine’s corpses, and Ukraine’s injured, and Ukraine’s destruction, America is supplying whatever money and weapons it believes will be needed so as to enable those forces to defeat Russia on that distant battleground, in this war, which detracts from, instead of adds to, the security of the American people. This is the reality of what is now happening.

Furthermore: also on June 1st, the U.S. Government, which during the prior days had been promising that it would not be supplying to Ukraine any weaponry that can reach far into Russia, violated that promise when Reuters headlined that night, “EXCLUSIVE: U.S. plans to sell armed drones to Ukraine in coming days -sources”, and reported that “The Biden administration plans to sell Ukraine four MQ-1C Gray Eagle drones that can be armed with Hellfire missiles for battlefield use against Russia, three people familiar with the situation said.” Up until that moment, America had been saying that it was never going to allow Ukraine to attack Russia, and that only usage against Russia’s forces within Ukraine would be allowed; but, now, that promise is voided. That weapon has a 400 kilometer range, which is five times greater than the 80km-range that the Biden government had been saying was the limit they would provide to Ukraine (so as to prevent Ukraine from invading Russia).

All of this occurs within a broader context:

As I noted on June 2nd, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is now collapsing. Nothing comparable has ever happened before in U.S. history. This is another sign that the entire country is in decline, except that its super-rich (who own the controlling interests in U.S. ‘Defense’-Department contractors such as Lockheed Martin) are getting even richer faster than ever (except during the run-up to the Great Depression in 1929). Large corporations are doing extraordinarily well, but “mom-and-pop” and other smaller enterprises are not, and employees are not. Insecurity is rising, throughout the American nation. The U.S. Postal Service is in the U.S. Constitution, and so cannot be outright privatized like so much else is being privatized by that Government. But a quasi-privatization is being done, by transferring the profitable parts of the USPS off to its private competitors such as UPS and FedEx, and leaving the USPS’s unprofitable services, and the USPS’s own employees, to bear the losses, from the essential services, that the USPS provides (and that the U.S. Constitution says it must provide).

Defeating Russia in Ukraine is now the U.S. Government’s top priority, and the needs of the American people are being ignored in order to serve that top priority.

Feeding the “military-industrial complex” beast increases the insecurity of the American nation, and of the American people, the very opposite of increasing the actual national defense. It increases the likelihood of a nuclear holocaust, which would destroy not only Russia and America, but all countries. And yet, this is the U.S. Government’s top priority, at this time when the needs of the people, and of the entire world, are basically being ignored, by the leaders of the U.S. Government.

Here are some examples of this:

One cancelled (but fortunately archived) youtube video had displayed especially well the paranoid sense of revenge-seeking, and of imperial entitlement against the whole world:


“Former Acting Director of CIA Mike Morell Sought to ‘Covertly’ Kill Russians in Syria”

9 August 2016, Charlie Rose Show, Morell Interview excerpt

I give them the things they need to go after the Assad government, but also to have Iranians and Russians pay a price, alright. When we were in Iraq, the Iranians were giving weapons to the Shiia militia who were killing American soldiers. They were making, the Iranians were making, us pay a price. We need to make the Iranians pay a price in Syria, we need to make the Russians pay a price. 

Make them pay a price by killing Russians?


And killing Iranians?

Yes. Covertly. Don’t tell the world about it, right. You don’t stand up at the Pentagon and say we did this. But you make sure they know it in Moscow and Tehran. Here’s what I want to do. I want to go after those things that Assad sees as his personal powerbase, right. I want to scare Assad. So I want to go after his Presidential guard. I want to bomb his offices in the middle of the night.

That happened about two years ago when his brother-in-law was …

I want to destroy his Presidential aircraft on the ground. I want to destroy his Presidential helicopters. I want to make him think we’re coming after him, right. I’m not advocating assassinating him. I’m advocating going after what Assad thinks is his powerbase and what he needs to survive. I want him to think about: this is not going to end well for me. I want to put pressure on him, I want to put pressure on the Iranians, I want to put pressure on the Russians, to come to that diplomatic settlement.

The goal, in other words, is “that diplomatic settlement”: it is, actually, the other side’s surrender. It is conquest. It is conquest against anyone, and anything, that opposes “us”; and this doesn’t include ONLY Russia, nor ONLY China, nor ONLY Iran, but ANY Government that would NOT side with “us,” against “them.” It is conquest, actually, of the entire world. This is what America’s Government demands.

Like all hatreds, America’s Government refuses to view things, ever, in the way that its victims do — that is, in the way that all of America’s ‘enemies’ do (and must — in order to be America’s ‘enemies’, even if they’re posing no actual danger to the American public). America’s Government is similar to Hitler’s, in this way, which is the racist-fascist way, the global-supremacist way: the nazi way. It is pure “us against them,” and of a certain kind, which does not publicly assert that it aims to exterminate the opposition, but which does publicly proclaim foreign Governments to be ‘enemies’ even if the hate-driven side has not yet publicly declared war against those ‘enemies’ — such as Hitler hadn’t until WW II started, and such as the U.S. Government hasn’t yet declared its war, ever since 25 July 1945, against Russia (nor against Russia’s ally China, nor against ANY of the countries that AREN’T ‘allies’, actually vassal-nations, of the U.S. Government).

A good example of this U.S.-and-allied aggression was the U.S. Government, and its NATO military alliance against Russia, having ignored the Russian Government’s demands which Russia presented to the U.S. and to NATO, in the middle of December 2021, demands that NATO not expand, and that the NATO members which had been added after Russia had quit the Cold War in 1991 would be, in effect, cancelled, in accord with what had BEEN the U.S.-and-‘allied’ PROMISES to Russia prior to Russia’s having quit the Cold War in 1991 — finally, now, for the U.S. and its ‘allies’ to HONOR those U.S.-and-allied promises, which the U.S. Government had made, back in 1990.

On 7 January 2022, both America and its NATO said no to Russia’s December 2021 demands. Then, on February 24th, Russia invaded Ukraine — the country that was the most threatening to join NATO. The result of this invasion by Russia was that both Finland and Sweden, in acts of astounding stupidity and ignorance (virtually inviting themselves to be targeted by Russia’s nuclear missiles), asked to join NATO and were (of course) given immediate permission to join, by all of the existing NATO member-nations except Turkey. So: when Russia demanded that NATO cease its surrounding Russia by enemies, NATO responded by seeking to accelerate its growing stranglehold against Russia; and Finns and Swedes were the obliviously willing agents for that to happen. The U.S. Government has thus gained new overt ‘allies’ (new vassal-nations). This can lead only to WW III, or else to a restoration of the American Government that had been in existence prior to 25 July 1945 — a Constitutional Government, at peace with (and even perhaps again allied with) Russia, supporting equal international rights and obligations for all nations’ Governments, no international supremacy.

The obsession of the U.S. Government is primarily against Russia, but it is against many nations (all that refuse to become America’s vassals). This shows itself not only regarding Ukraine, but in all instances of nations that aren’t hostile toward Russia, such as Syria, and Iran:

On 13 May 2020, Newsweek bannered “U.S. Syria Representative Says His Job Is to Make the War a ‘Quagmire’ for Russia”, and reported that:

Special Representative James Jeffrey said Tuesday during a Hudson Institute video call that President Donald Trump’s “maximum pressure” approach towards Syria was paying dividends, and rejected concerns that the American deployment there could turn into a drawn out and costly project akin to Afghanistan or Vietnam.

“We are pursuing what we think is a smart policy,” Jeffrey said. …

The U.S. has opposed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad since the civil war erupted in 2011 after the dictator used force to try and stamp out pro-reform protests. …

Assad — who now controls the majority of the country — is backed by Russia and Iran, both of which the U.S. is trying to undermine. Jeffrey said Tuesday that the U.S. strategy will both weaken America’s enemies while avoiding costly mission creep.

“This isn’t Afghanistan, this isn’t Vietnam,” he explained. “This isn’t a quagmire. My job is to make it a quagmire for the Russians.” …

Jeffrey also said it was imperative to “keep the pressure on” the Assad regime, explaining, “I’ve never seen a regime that poses more threats to its region and to the American idea of how the world should be organized.”

America’s proxy-forces in that war to bring down Assad have mainly been a hundred thousand or so jihadists imported from around the world, under the leadership of Al Qaeda in Syria. America has trained and armed the jihadists, who are led by Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is no threat to America’s Government, but it is very much a threat not only to the American people but to Syria’s Government — and is overwhelmingly loathed by the Syrian people and considered by them to be U.S.-Government proxy-forces invading and occupying their land. Al Qaeda is, in fact, a U.S.-Government ally. It provides very cheap proxy-forces for the U.S. Government, in Syria, and in some other countries where the U.S. Government seeks to overthrow the existing Government — to overthrow an existing Government that resists their land’s being taken over by agents of the U.S. Government.

There similarly was “pressure” against Ukraine’s democratically elected in 2010 President Viktor Yanukovych, who was committed to maintaining Ukraine’s neutrality between the American Government and Ukraine’s neighbor, Russia.

The reason why U.S. President Obama overthrew Yanukovych in February 2014 is that Ukraine on Russia’s border has the nearest location to Moscow and thus the best location from which to blitz-attack Russia’s central command there fast enough (within less than 7 minutes missile-flying time) to become able possibly to eliminate Russia’s retaliatory weapons before they can be launched. Obama intended even when he entered office in 2009, to replace Syria’s Government (allied with Russia), but his decision to replace Ukraine’s Government (and install there an anti-Russian one) didn’t come right away. On 12 April 2010 Ukraine’s newly elected President Yanukovych met the U.S. President at the White House, to which Obama had invited him. Yanukovych refused Obama’s suggestions that Ukraine join America’s alliance against Ukraine’s next-door neighbor Russia. Then, on 2 July 2010, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Yanukovych held a joint press conference in Kiev, where she said that she had discussed with Yanukovych joint military exercises with U.S. forces against his neighbor, Russia. Yanukovych again declined the demands, and the official whom Obama had appointed in order to plan the coup, Victoria Nuland, already started the U.S. State Department operation by no later than 23 June 2011. This was to be a classic U.S. coup, but overseen by the State Department under Nuland’s friend Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State), and with Vice President Joe Biden always on call to give any needed (as Nuland famously put it) “atta-boy.” The founder-and-head of the ‘private CIA’ firm Stratfor even called it “the most blatant coup in history.” As was obvious from the many cellphone and other videos that were taken of it, racist-fascist — or “nazi” — anti-Russian paramilitaries carried it out, and they had been organized, trained, and armed by the U.S. Government in order to prevent the public’s knowing who was actually behind the operation; but, by the time of 26 February 2014, high officials of the EU discovered that it had been done by “somebody from the new coalition” — in other words, from Ukraine’s newly installed government — NOT by the Yanukovych Administration (such as the U.S. and its media had falsely reported). It was actually done by the Administration in Washington, as one brilliant video-journalist first made public by a compilation-video he posted to youtube as early as 12 March 2014. (So, ever since that date, all honest journalists have been referring to that governmental overthrow as having been another U.S. “coup” instead of as having been a ‘revolution’ or any ‘democratic’ operation — which is what America’s press still alleges it to have been. In fact, the overthrow was by a foreign power, America, and thoroughly illegal. But this is acceptable to America’s “rules-based international order,” which certainly isn’t the U.N.’s international laws.)

America’s Government is virtually united in support of its Ukraine, against Russia. The U.S. doesn’t want to protect Ukraine; it wants to defeat Russia. And this was made clear by six members of the U.S. Congress on May 23rd, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, when they were interviewed there by a 100% pro-U.S.-Government, 100% anti-Russia, journalist from Britain’s Economist. The delegation there consisted of Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Chris Coons (D-DE), and Joe Manchin (D-WV) and (so as to include a black face in the crowd) Representative Gregory Meeks (D-NY).

The only youtube video that the WEF posted from that lengthy presentation was this 43-second clip from Senator Manchin, who is, within the entire U.S. Senate, the crossover Senator, between Democrats and Republicans, right in the middle, the consensus (or bipartisan) Senator, if anyone is:


“Joe Manchin | Committed To Ukraine Winning This War”

World Economic Forum Video. 43 seconds.

Speak about Ukraine first, what Putin’s war on Ukraine and Ukraine’s determination, resolve, the sacrifices they’ve made for the cause of freedom, has united the whole world, but it has united us as Senate and Congress, I think, like nothing I’ve seen in my lifetime. I think we’re totally committed to supporting Ukraine in every way possible, as long as we have the rest of NATO and the free world helping. I think we’re all in this together, and I am totally committed, as one person, to seeing Ukraine to the end, with a win, not basically resolving in some type of a treaty. I don’t think that is where we are and where we should be.

And he was 100% backed up there by the five others there — see this video:


“U.S. Lawmakers Participate in World Economic Forum”

For example, Senator Leahy, who is the senior, and perhaps the most liberal or consistently Democratic Party, U.S. Senator, said that the proudest moment in his entire career in the U.S. Senate was when he had the privilege to place onto the President’s desk recently to sign the almost unanimously passed law to add $40.1 billion more in aid to Ukraine and cuts in U.S. domestic programs so as to defeat Russia in Ukraine. That entire delegation were euphoric about sending even more weapons and ‘humanitarian’ aid in order to enable Ukraine to continue fighting and not surrender nor even seriously negotiate about Russia’s demands, which demands the U.S. had already contemptuously rejected back on January 7th.

It was sheer hatred, by all six of them, and by the WEF itself.

No transcript was supplied by WEF. The c-span video (like all of their videos) is designed to be almost impossible to get any usable transcript from; and even their extremely user-hostile transcript feature excludes most of the most intensely hate-filled portion, but the entirety of the first 20 minutes of that video is well worth watching, for any person who wants to understand how much the U.S. Government craves to conquer Russia — how much hatred they have against Russia.

Here are some of the recent statements by NATO denying that it is an aggressive instead of purely defensive alliance (which they claim to be):

“NATO is not a threat to Russia.”  “NATO has tried to build a partnership with Russia, developing dialogue and practical cooperation in areas of common interest. Practical cooperation has been suspended since 2014 in response to Russia’s illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea, Ukraine, which NATO will never recognise.” “NATO is not an aggressive alliance.”

NATO is the trip-wire to WW III, which will bring into WW III each and every member-nation, as being a battleground (nuclearly targeted); and America’s Government doesn’t merely control it; they love it; it is they, and they are it. Their hatred is what defines them. It is what they are. It is an alliance for global destruction — or else for an all-encompassing U.S. global dictatorship, in the name of ‘freedom’. It is nazi. Here is what American-style nazism is like for all countries — ‘allies’ or not. That’s what America’s Government demands, for the entire world.


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Retired Troll

Anglo-Zionist agenda is the total destruction of Russia and control over its immense natural resources. These dumb bastards have a thing coming if they think it will be that easy.


They must think the Satan missiles are just a toy.

Retired Troll

US is an inhuman failed violent society that has no respect for human life, they attack weak nations and plunder global resources, this warmongering agenda against Russia is hardly surprising. US and its NATO puppets want to “defeat” Russia and then move on to China. That is why it is so important for all decent people to stop the US and global Zionist path to global destruction. Russia really is facing an existential threat. The US and UK agenda is to bog Russia down using Slavic fratricide and fight to the last Ukrainian. The real issue is that around 150,000 of the most corrupt Zionist Jews are committing Ukraine to suicide. Zelensky is a moral pervert and not a Ukrainian, he is Jew and their agenda is eternal hatred of the Orthodox since Byzantine era. The only strategic mistake Russia made was not to neutralize Zelensky and the Zionist apparatus in Kiev, even after the IDF snipers killed Russians at the Maidan. It is high time that Russia start using deadly force and heavy weaponry to inflict some very serious pain on the AFU puppets and NATO warmongers. The Ukrainian infrastructure and puppet government needs to be neutralized and Jews rounded up and moved to Siberia for processioning and re-education. The FSB also needs to keep a close eye on the large Jew 5th column in Russia itself.

Wayne Gabler

You spelled Rothschild World Bank wrong. Is that ‘retired’ like a retired MOSSAD agent?

Last edited 2 years ago by Wayne Gabler

Russias screwed Simple as.


They are expensive toys if you’ll never use them.


I know no nation has any missiles that will ever penetrate Americas defenses..


Only in a hollywood movie.


Nope The only way out for Russia is a miracle. Unless China activates its military to support Russia its all over.

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Why was dvornikov fired?


Imagine if Russia sent $40 billion to Mexico to attack Jewmerica. I wonder how that would go along.

Wayne Gabler

I have a better question. How long ago would the EU World Bank members of NATO have surrendered if they faced what Ukraine has for the last 3 months? I would say Belgium would be suing for peace (with crossed fingers of course) after the 1st 24 hours when all their military bases suddenly lost all ability to tell who was flying planes and missiles in their own country.


Didn’t you read It’s just said it’s 700 billion now.


And it’s not gold backed It’s just fiat And the people have to pay it anyway.

anti jew/nazi

bullshit, the americunts only won int two tinny countries panama and granada, and were defeated by a group of bearded men in sandals in Afghanisthan. They will inevitably follow the same destiny as Napoleon and Hitler, in fact usa is falling apart, just look at how children are killed in schools every day and Its army is incompetent and corrupt.


Napoleon was freemason tool Hitler Jesuits. Opus Dei Jesuits run freemasonry

hans raus

Russian propagandists are in panic mode, they hear HIMAR then they know that all russian supply lines and ammy depots will be destroyed by american toys for big boys. glory to NATO


mate you dumb krauts should have learnt the lesson in 1945, the Ruskies really fucked you bad. This time it will be worse. Nothing “glory” about a bunch of NATO faggots or war.

hans raus

triggered russobot child rapist…..next please ^^


You sound like Pedo and obsessed with kids. Sick German bastard.

hans raus

russian invaders are child rapists in ukraine…fact

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

like German sex tourists in Asia?

Wayne Gabler

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_wpVzoLO0A Cambodia’s Scam Orphanages | The New York Times How many of the adopted children were taken to Orgy Island and never left? (or someplace similar)

History has it as ‘the Dutch Slave Trade’ rather than ‘the German Slave Trade’. Even as far back as the 30 years war in the 1600s Germany were ‘sub-servant’ to the Rothschild Bankers based on what was going on during that era. When your bankers are using money from the slave trade, and you accept it, you are not the most moral group when the enemy are ‘Roman Christian Europeans’:

Your Mouth Yankee toilet

You are a dumb gay whore raped by your daddy and uncle. And 1000 NATO niggas every day. fact.

Service for the fight against German Nazism

“The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine does not have a single confirmed fact of violence against children…”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jCwIjnOW9Q

Ashok Varma

Most German tourists in India, especially in Goa are sick pedophile perverts. Germany also has the highest number of mental patients after US. So your gleeful obsession with war and child rape should not come as a surprise.


Yeah Germans are perverts, but Brits and Danes are even worse.

Danes are by far the most sickening degenerates in Europe, perhaps in the world (followed by Japs and Saudis)

Ashok Varma

True, and then these sick perverts have the gall to tell others about “morals”. The British and Danish “royal” families are full of pedophiles and perverts, with Saudis that is quite normal as they are savages, but then so are the western hypocrites. Like Gandhi wisely said, when asked about “western civilization”, he replied “it would be a good idea”.


Got any evidence? just asking you dumb bastard.




hans anus was raped by Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Joe Biden when he was a little girl on Epsteins island… which explains his sick obsession with pedophilia.

Nazi trash

Halt die Schnauze du Missgeburt

Michel LeBlanc

What are 10 HIMARS going tondo dumbass?


ukraine is not for poofs,poof!


Well said!

Last edited 2 years ago by Walther
WT Baker

LGBTQ army!!! LOL


RUssia suffered millions killed. Germany too The Orthodox the protestants and the Jews were all slaughtered.Stalin was a Jesuit.Meanwhile nazi Argentina didn’t suffer at all.Catholic South America didn’t suffer a bit.How many did Catholic Spain Portugal or Mexico lose?

Hunter Biden your Pimp

Gloryhole to you dumb gay whore, keep sucking “big boys” and their “toys” 🍆


Hunter Biden’s computer search history reveals his obsession with gay porn and sex fantasies including ’18yrs old,’ ‘lonely widow’ and ‘MILF crack whore and also seen snorting cocaine with Zelensky at a gay orgy.

Last edited 2 years ago by paul
Bernard Davis

Not to mention his taste for 14 year old girls, including Obama’s daughter Malia..

Edgar Zetar

We all known that xxx free sites are run by goverments… the job they did with little hunter was in order to have some leverage with big uncle joe. They always move in multidimensional and multidirectional aproachs, and if you known how they play, you can sit and play better against them. There arent exceptional, they just poke us in the eyes and were blind so they can presume of exceptional powers and thoughts… soft power used like an old victorian british era loves the colonies and USA had learn well from his father…

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Aunt Polly

Don’t fall over yourself – you might never get up.


Glory in the sense that this is the death of NATO, yes. Find me a country willing to destroy itself in order to prop up another one while having no political connection to it (we don’t get to vote ukrainian politicians) and I have a bridge to sell you. The people do not care about eastern European power plays. Get over it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Elpocho

“. Find me a country willing to destroy itself in order to prop up another one ” Easy. Ukraine and the United States. And they’ll do it all for their masters. Jews (Israel).

Service for the fight against German Nazism

The toys of Nazi collaborators will be broken or captured, and the big boys will run to complain to their mother in tears. Glory to Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Service for the fight against German Nazism
Ashok Varma

The problem is that US is a warmonger and not interested in humanity, let alone its own impoverished destitute people who are killing each other out of frustration. US spends more on wars and weapins than rest of the world combined but has never won a war, even against small defenceless countries like Iraq, Serbia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria etc. They are underestimating Russian capability and treating Russia like Iraq. No country, let alone a nuclear armed superpower like Russia will allow its territory or people to be attacked by NATO rockets. The whole rationale behind President Putin’s ill-times and under resourced Operation Z was to stop Nazi racist atrocities against ethnic Russians and minorities in Don Bas. Just imagine how Russia will react if its people on its own soil are killed by NATO. You Germans are not that bright as you lose every war, and a nuclear war will simply destroy Europe and most of the world. Think before you post warmongering nonsense. JAI RUS!

Indians are good at lynching and raping each other

Wasn t Índia submitted for several centuries by an army of a couple thousands from half the globe away? That makes you… Bright? Jai losers!

Joe Bidens Dementia

According to American experts, Biden sent only one HIMARS MLRS installation to Ukraine

Retired US Army Colonel Douglas McGregor, in an interview with Tucker Carson, said that the HIMARS MLRS, which Biden spoke of, will go to Ukraine in one copy with six shots for her.



Another braindeath entering this sacred place LOOOOL

Get a shrink bro :P


🇺🇸🇺🇦 According to American experts, Biden sent only one HIMARS MLRS installation to Ukraine

Retired US Army Colonel Douglas McGregor, in an interview with Tucker Carson, said that the HIMARS MLRS, which Biden spoke of, will go to Ukraine in one copy with six shots for her.

He also believes that the United States lost the war to Russia, and the Biden administration has always been “a few steps behind. And now they are looking for a way to continue this war for as long as possible.


Fuck Off ..Imbecile German Nazi Tranny


You must be a homosexual. Only a homosexual would advocate for globo homo.

Z The Clown

Ukraine is getting 4 HIMAR systems which wont make any real difference. Russia will destroy these with air strikes or Kalibr strikes.


Hans Draus, u’re getting desperate indeed. hahahahahaha. hope u’ll get the medicine u requested, oh, no, west is in deep shit, so no medicine for u.


The fat, out of shape, vax’d up LGBFaggot Jewmerican Army stands no chance against the White Russian homogeneous military.

Vlad the Imposter

HIMARS is GPS guided … which Russia jams in the battlespace … and Russia has SAMs that are already shooting down Uke Smerch and Tochka missiles on a daily basis so all the do is prolong the enivitable.

All they are good for is hitting targets outside of Russian AD and EW coverage … which means civilian targets … which means retaliation against NATO assets.

Biden got beat in Afghanistan … Biden’s getting beat in Ukraine … now he wants to try his luck against Russia. Roll dem bones but if the USA can’t crack Russian air defences and planes start getting shot down and airfields start getting shot up Biden, the $USD and the USA are as good as fucked.


Glory to bullshit, you need psychotherapy


The US gave four systems and pleaded for them not to shoot into Russian territory. The idea is that certain unintelligent people will get excited and get a morale boost enough to keep trying to fight. The only effective Western weapon in Ukraine is Ukraine, and the West is using it up.




You forking Jew pigsh it didn’t learn from Russia in WWII…now you are begging to be forked again by Russia’s big hard di CK without lube


“Imagine if, instead, Russia were to have couped Mexico in 2014” Not Mexico. Texas is a better comparison. Imagine if it secede, then Russia turn it into a bastion against the rest of the US.


The world needs to stop this US and UK rulers personal crusade asap. They are a crazy and deranged bunch keen on destroying Europe to prove a point. They need to be dealt with sooner rather than later.


They are enthusiastically helped by most of Europe’s governments, the few who have reservations are threatened and ostracized, so Europe is in fact destroying itself with only some help from UK and USA


I”ll say it again because it bears repeating…

What a different situation this World would be in had the Russian Federation as one of the most important economic superpowers that it was in 2004 made an example of the United States after the “official” 9/11 Commission Report” made it’s debut… Only out of expedience to rig a second election that left numerous glaring details out -like a 47 story office building that housed offices for the SEC, NYPD, FBI and CIA that collapsed 8 hrs later.

And this says nothing to what it might have accomplished in saving millions of lives in Afghanistan… Iraq… and in cauterizing the damage to the Balkans after the destruction of Yugoslavia!

Had the Russian Federation demanded an international investigation through the UN Security Council of the facts on the ground after the U.S. government’s spin and shown it’s leadership in those endeavors it would be almost a guarantee that others “on the fence” would have joined them!… Even China and India that were complicit in hauling away the crime scene and the “deals made” for what was left of America’s industrial manufacturing base that kept their silence. I even think both of those countries would have ultimately reversed their course had Russia shown that kind of leadership.

Now we get to see a potential conventional war escalate into a nuclear one with all of Russia’s superior technology on full display that will level Western Europe, the U.K. and North America if it goes to that! “What if”?

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Edgar Zetar

Russians arent morons to do what you think…. they just sit and play the cards, no matter the game it is and the rules that puts the house (US)… Worlds events arent based on different events, world events are made of “will to power” of humans, and if something happen in the field you have to deconstruct entirely the dimmensions of the events and forces that make that event happen, and then discover the players involved and the give solutions, answers, repply if neccesary…. Russia and all major powers were silent after 9/11 and what happen next in world arena was only will to power of USA and might always makes right.

Donald Moore

The US border is a total mess. The US economy is a total mess. The US transportation system is a total mess. The Prince of fuel and power is a total mess, well everything is a total mess but Biden thinks that having a war in the Ukraine will not turn out to be a total mess!

Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin cockroaches are still unaware that the entire world sees them as the modern day Nazi army. Because everything they do is right out of the Nazi playbook. The moronic denazification is just another moronic narrative from the deranged orwellian Russian propaganda where Russia needs to be denazified from its deranged terrorist president, not the other way around.

Bernard Davis

please stop with the verbal diarrhea

Service for the fight against Nazism

Moronic cockroach of Western propaganda, your “Heroes” have too many Nazi tattoos.

Muhammad your Prophet

I don’t make the rules. You’re not only a murdering Putin cockroach to the rest of the world. You’re also a Nazi cockroach to the rest of the world. Nobody buys your deranged denazification.


Rules? The only thing you moron “make” is endless shit from your cockroach mouth….

Muhammad your Prophet

I understand that a cochroach like you lives by raping and pillaging neighboring countries, but there are rules. And your shitty Russian army has broken every single one of them in the most grotesque and despicable ways. That’s why your shitty Russian government needs to be denazified. Starting with your terrorist Russian president.


Poor poofy goy,getting asskicked by the brunt of the truth,soros turd brain!


Begone poof,ukraine is not for you,go to canada,bless your cakewhole there lgbtq lair! Arab league,rejects sanctions on Russians,there you go poof lost again fake muslim!


Dont bother gimp,even after Putins times up,they developed the Putin droid,and that will have no remourse at all,you can crimea river all you want,but regardless you can never stop putin,ever!


Nah, they are just full of hot air, PR bullshit for midterm elections. They’ll send just a few of these overrated crap (and it will be kept in Lwow for cameras, nowhere near frontlines or it will be destroyed easily)


Nuclear war is a certainty, but Russia must be prepared to strike first !

Muhammad your Prophet

Russia must strike first so that the entire world can see that Vladimir Putin is even worse than Adolf Hitler.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Not mine

And if it is inflicted by the United States, then who will be Adolf Hitler?


I don’t know what your were taught in school Muhammad. But it wasn’t Adolf Hitler who first killed civilians with nuclear bombs…

Edgar Zetar

I known where Muhammad a.k.a Jens Holm schools was… he learned in Maniac’s Mansion Schoolz, address Bakery St. Elm St. PO Box: 69166

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

The only ones worse than adolf is usa (period) No one else used nukes on japan,twice,fkn drr!


What for? When they are smashing western faggots right across the spectrum in all facets,fkn drr!


The US is unhinged and following an evil agenda. Their “full spectrum domination” is already years behind, all they can do is caus trouble.

Ashok Varma

US is a failed state and bankrupt, it has more poverty than India and now these warmongering Anglo-Zionist criminals are printing dollars and sending billions to Ukraine in weapons for a lost cause. US is scared and desperate.

Joe Bidens Dementia

According to American experts, Biden sent only one HIMARS MLRS installation to Ukraine

Retired US Army Colonel Douglas McGregor, in an interview with Tucker Carson, said that the HIMARS MLRS, which Biden spoke of, will go to Ukraine in one copy with six shots.



You still fall for their bullshits? Their words are never in tandem with their actions.

le sith rouge

Feodality ploutocratic of OTAN-WOKE and UE-HIDJAB is to defeat all nations, all peoples, for multicuturalism league divised in ethnics, and different uses of ass of course,

“multiculturalism is in its essence anti-European civilization. It is basically an anti-Western ideology.” Huntington


One must assertain whom built western and european nations,it were ethnic cultures,not lgbtqrx!


Both Ukraine and America are run by Jews. So this is a Jewish war against Russia. Jews think they are chosen by their god to dominate all the world, and so they want all that oil and natural gas wealth in Russia, and they are pissed that Putin has been throwing these Jewish oligarchs out of Russia. And so Jews have an ax to grind. The Ukrainian gentiles that actually fight and die for these obvious Jewish goals have to be the dumbest people on the planet, and all the Ukrainian males deserve their deaths for going along with the Jews.

WT Baker

Very true yet let’s not forget that it is Global Britain behind America’s actions. The murder of Pres. John F. Kennedy (Abraham Lincoln, McKinley) was never investigated with the intent to expose the foreign intelligence assets of the British. As a result it was covered up. That allowed British Intelligence to contaminate the US military. In 1970 Richard Nixon dismantled the Bretton Woods Agreement fixed rate exchange and monetary regulations in favor of British Liberal Economics allowing the City of London and Wall Street to take over America’s financial direction. Yes there are very powerful people in the US systems institutions and they appear to now be in charge; they certainly think so, yet look backstage to discover the real culprits as their very system collapses due to their own entropic mindset.

hunter bidé lab pork !

and how many pigs they need for a sheizen like that ???


Ahahahahaha, another “Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN)”.

hunter bidé lab pork !

but first joe the obamba gaqy !! needs to colected all the heapons from civilians or they may kill a frank and stein lgbt digital robot unicornium nazi !!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

i thought it was digitalizen everybody several times so that they can make sheizen !?

hunter bidé lab pork !

so the Nazi usa of parazites digitalized lgbts terrorists with unicorniuns in the anus are going to free the world from parazites ????


US priority should be withdrawing from supporting Ukraine. Focus on our economy.


US doesn’t support anyone. There’s nothing for free from the US.

hunter bidé lab pork !

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah !!! should be Put a Banana in the Anus and waiting to explode !!!


Have yet to see Russia do anything to the Western “partners”. Instead they continue to supply Western enemies with useful products for worthless numbers on computer screens.


All Russia has to do is precision shell the shit out of Ukranian forces from a distance in combination with the use of drones and slowly take out the most experienced Ukranians located in donbass because those men take a long time to replace. This will deplete their manpower and western equipment while sacrificing few Russian lives. US intelligence about Russian artillery positions doesn’t matter when Ukraine has no ability to strike them. They would need hundreds more Western artillery pieces for that and instead they are only getting a few dozen here and there (most of which they have no ability to even repair)

Edgar Zetar

After Russians forces retreated from Kiev I thought they will have already charted all terrain and destroy UKI while they go out regaining loss territory. Also I thought Russia would use a two or three tiers paralels operation and storm Odessa and secure the Black Sea during Phase 1. Its not a bad performance at all from Russia but I guess they fear USA so much to try more ambitious strategies in Ukraine. Its easier planning than deploying and achieving to add in Russian’s army special operation.


The Western economics are collapsing within the next 5 months food prices in western countries will have doubled and food riots will be an everyday event. The Anglo American cartels need a distraction a major one to blame Russia on the collapse of the Western economics. The western military apparatus is not capable of a long drawn out war with Russia the cost in lives alone would be beyond anything they could imagine. Russia should sit time and patience. Patience and time! And when the time is right cut the head from the snake…….


You could bleed the west dry by artillery maxing


The situation is favourable to Russia. Russia wanted to confront the US and initiate a worldwide strategy to destroy its evil empire, but the Russian people would not tolerate the risks. Now that the US brought the risks to the Russian border, the Russian people will be okay with killing Americans everywhere. Piles of dead Americans being buzzed by flies will be a common sight at every American base all over the world in the coming decades long after the war in Ukraine is over.

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