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MARCH 2025

The U.S. Is Thinking Of Doubling Shipments Of Missile Systems To Ukraine

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The U.S. Is Thinking Of Doubling Shipments Of Missile Systems To Ukraine


The US is considering to 4 additional HIMARS multiple rocket launcher systems to Ukraine.

The U.S. will send four additional HIMARS to Ukraine as part of an approved assistance package. However, according to the Pentagon, the U.S. needs to allocate twice as many combat vehicles. However, the agency is still weighing all options, and the decision to send four more units is not yet final. The speed of delivery will reportedly depend on Ukraine’s need for vehicles. Although Ukrainian representatives have requested far more assistance than the White House has approved. Ukrainian officials say they need longer-range ammunition to gain a ‘critical advantage’ on the battlefield, which now stretches hundreds of kilometers. Senior U.S. officials claim the new missile launchers, along with high-precision ammunition, will prove effective in countering Russia’s advancing forces in the Donbass.

According to official reports, the U.S. Defense Department has provided Ukraine with additional aid in the form of $700 million in equipment. This bill was approved back on June 1. The allocated equipment was to go towards the needs of Ukrainian soldiers. So far, the U.S. has already committed $5.3 billion in resources and $7.3 billion since 2014. The June aid package included the following equipment:

  • High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and ammunition;
  • 5 counter-artillery radars;
  • 2 air surveillance radars;
  • 1,000 Javelins and 50 Command Launch Units;
  • 6,000 anti-armor weapons;
  • 15,000 155mm artillery rounds;
  • 4 Mi-17 helicopters;
  • 15 tactical vehicles;
  • Spare parts and equipment.

The U.S. will soon send four HIMARS, a mobile missile launcher, as well as high-precision munitions that can hit targets at a distance of about 77 kilometers. The decision must be approved by Biden, and the number of HIMARS may change in one direction or another at any time. Although the units have already been moved to Europe. Meanwhile, Britain will send three units of a similar weapon, the American-made M270 multiple rocket launcher with a range of 80 kilometers. Germany also announced this week that it would transfer three M270s to Kyiv.

Joe Biden has already partially justified the colossal sums the U.S. is allocating to help Ukraine. The new missile systems will likely cause problems if Russia cannot destroy them before they reach the battlefield. First of all, such long range systems will allow Kyiv to intensify its terrorist attacks on civilian infrastructure in DPR, LPR and even in Russia itself.


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Retired Troll

US is a spiteful loser and along with the Zionists and Brits who control the corrupt US political system, their intention is to continue this fratricide forever. Russia needs to be more decisive and take out the Jew puppet in Kiev.


🇺🇸🇺🇦🇾🇪”What the US has done in Yemen is very similar to what the US is doing in Ukraine”-The New York Times

The American edition of The New York Times finally recognized the obvious — the United States is waging full scale war against Russia on the territory of Ukraine using hapless Ukrainians as cannon fodder.

jens mom

Danish Soldiers Sent to Latvia ‘Lack Everything From Ammunition to Underpants’ and have to wear soiled garments.

Jens is crapping in my basement for years now, so this is nothing new for Nazi Denmark.


The US & UK could send all their inferior weapons and all their coward gender-confused personnel to confront Russia, but would not ever alter the inevitable outcome of this conflict which is a glorious victory for RF.

Work AT Home

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

i hope the usa loses many weapons in ukraine so the Houthis start moving forward and taking more land 👍


He should go and crap in the trenches, like a good nazi..

Claudio Cioffi

Zionists and Anglo Russophobes can’t allow this war to end yet, there are still Orthodox Slavic Ukrainians alive and weapons to sell


i hope the usa loses many weapons in ukraine so the Houthis start moving forward and taking more land


USA UK NATO EU are nothing but a bunch of cowards who already conceded defeat from the crisis since not one among the pack dared to confront the Russians in the pit, instead their lame response aside from non-appearance into the fight was to attack with trade sanctions which they expect would give them lopsided victory by inundating the Russian economy, however the Western dream has turned into their worst nightmare with Russian economy performing better compared before the military operation. The sanctions has actually served as the starting fire to set their own houses ablazed. Oh what a pity for these idiots.


True but Russian intelligence is doing a great job of locating and destroying weapons sent by nato with the understanding there is a limited supply, the nato idiots are under the impression that there is an endless supply but europe is already under armed and replacements are a long way away,where are the chips?so as napoleon said never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. There is also the issue of nato weapons being too complicated for grunts to operate, a keen indicator of the losses already to ukrainian forces,now that they have ran out of nato trained fodder the clown has resurrected the press gang approach once loved by the brits,and avoidance is widespread there are cases of mothers of captured servicemen pleaded with Russian authorities not to release their children because kiev will send them back into the fray. Russia continues to underplay its hand in ukraine which indicates a concern that nato may yet go all in,but there is no public support for such actions and politicians are not going to take up guns now are they?,And killing the clown will change nothing,he is but that a face, an actor, to give the impression of independence not subservience. So ukraine will continue to suffer until Russia has obtained its objective with little or nothing nato can do about it while the US and UK rub their hands in glee at destroying thier biggest competitors in their economic bracket,france, germany, poland, pretty much all the rest of nato, overlooking the fact that their also their biggest customers, fucking idiots.


Zelensky is there because they cannot trust such absolute treachery to a gentile that might deviated from their plans and do something honorable (like surrender). The Jew is there to see this through to the end.


US is just miscalculating – as simple analysis from them based on Afghanistan yields the model – supply Russian opponents with weapons, kill Russian soldiers in numbers and they will withdraw in the end. The problem is the correct analysis by Obama’s US was Russia will always have escalatory dominance in the area. A dominance driven by legitimate security needs. This is just a Biden Balls up, which he will try to sell as weakening Russia – when in fact Russia is getting Richer, rearming more and becoming stronger – truly a Biden Balls up!


It won’t make any difference, Ukraine has lost this proxy war for the west.

Ashok Varma

But the Anglo-Zionists hate Russia and will do everything possible to continue this war. Russians don’t understand how evil the British are, we Indians know how they scheme, as they killed 20 million Indians during the 200 year exploitative imperialism. Russia has many natural resources which the dying west needs and they will do anything to destroy Russia. Britain stole $45 TRILLION of India’s wealth and created a famine to feed the Anglo pigs by diverting our crops as Indians starved. The Anglos are savages with no human values, just racist hate. They now are obsessed with the destruction of Russia and it that works, China is next.


Genocide is not foreign to Anglo-Saxons. Especially if they are controlled by Talmudists, which they are.

Claudio Cioffi

However, this is now a totally Anglo-Zionist war on Orthodox Slavic people, as the previous wars were against small defenceless Muslim nations for OIL. The Jews see Ukraine as a stepping stone to undermine Russia which already has a big Jew population.

bob bob

I think this might become a forever war unless we sue for peace soon. Its not unfeasible that the US opens up a front with the hidden consensus that its conventional, both sides sending ‘warriors’ to the front for years or decades, boosting the military complex and stimulating the economies. Russia clearly is taking its time. Why? Because winning is not really the issue, they are changing the geo-political agenda and realigning the world order in their favour. There is no such thing as ‘Berlin’ any more, a distributed control structure and the size of Russia means it will never be beaten. They can do this forever, quite possibly on other fronts. Upstart nations will fall back into place, allegiances will change. Zelensky should have surrendered on day one, all he has done is allow Russia the chance to play out this global shift by force. The only winners here are the people that want to understand how a modern war will playout, its like a huge experiment, only it took place in the Ukraine, not Russia. Obviously Syria/Egypt etc were the same, but they were asymmetric.


“Russia is ruled directly by the Lord God. Otherwise, it is impossible to imagine how this state still exists.” Minich is a Russian Field Marshal General. 1878 They don’t get anything! History knows this well!


Waste of time, Ukraine had lots of these or similar and all were destroyed. You would need 20 trucks just to feed them.


The wet dreamers in Ukraine want at least 400 HIMARS multiple rocket launcher systems. “So they “could” do counterattack” and a lot more.

N Harari

They need to see how effective these weapons are so when they use them on the American People they will be fully capable of killing as many people as possible.


Americans will do it themselfs. Loosing to hard on Ukraine might start something dirty at home and/or another war that will lead to ideals conditions for a civil war or a coup. Brandon seems to be as gifted for doiing stupids things as the rest of “the blob”. How could it end well ?


Even if he dies in office, the power will go to Stupid, the vice-president. No matter what, the Muricant are on the skids.It’s going to be a long ride to oblivion, while other countries rebuild a better world.


They need to send twice as many since only 1/4 make it to the battlefield intact. Since the Ukraine will only use these against civilian targets, Russia needs to kick up their invasion a notch to extend the battle lines far enough away to render these less useful as terror weapons.


Terrorism has to be stopped.. can be done by neutralising the head of terrorists hiding in Kiev, please my hero Russians don’t make things too complicated.

bob bob

Apparently, the black market is getting quite a bit of the kit. No mention of Ukraine being one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. How can you send such a corrupt nation $$$$ and expect it to get used as intended?

Zhukov Lives

Who would have believed: the Iranian ayatollahs were right all along: The US is run by dedicated Satanists, for the purposes of killing as many people as possible on earth. It is run by demonic forces allied with the likes of Gill Bates and Fraudci. Depopulation is their plan.

Zionist Plan

An evil Jew has figured out what to do with useless people? kill them off with MRNA shots and wars.

Yuval Noah Harari | What to Do With All of These Useless People?



Harari was referring to his own idle kind.

Zionist faggots

He is a faggot Jew and has written a book on Jews and historical faggotry:

Homosexuality Is Part of Jewish Tradition

Contrary to the common perception, intimate relations between people of the same sex did not always have a negative image in Jewish communities.

Harari takes great pride that Jews are now pushing LGBT agenda, gay rights and social acceptance in the western world at the expense of “traditional” outdated male dominated family structure. He also attacks the Muslims and Orthodox Christians for not socially accepting homosexuality and “modernizing” their social outlook. He is especially critical of Russia and Iran for clamping down on homosexuals.


Khomeni was a visionnary, he also called the USA “The Great Satan”. He was right on the mark on that one and that was before the gaytards took over.

Len Colodny

“We worship The Prince of Peace , not the god of war”. President Jimmy Carter

Hans raus

Very nice, Crimea bridge will be destroyed hhahahahahahah hans happy, russobots angry

Kraut losers

Why don’t you dumb Krauts get off your fat asses and go fight Russia and see how well you do this time ? lol

Hans raus

15% body fat here :D

Kraut Losers

Even better than go to Ukraine and put your skinny ass on the line and check out TOS :)


Wait for this winter. You will loose not only that 15% of fat but most of the muscle. Happy hungry times!

Hans raus

hunger ? EU produce a lot of food, we export way more than import . When it comes to lack of food then i guees in africa and middleeast but not in europe.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

North Corea had some famine with exeptionals harvests. The crops rot on the granaries because they didn’t have enough transports to deliver and no industrie to make long lasting food… Supply chain is also a key factor.

Michel LeBlanc

Then freeze.


100% faggot.


Destroying that bridge will definitely improve positions of Ukrainian army in Severodonstek

Hans raus

Real range is not 77 km but about 100 km, stick with facts.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

More than 25% of Ukraine now officially integrated into the Russian Federation

Ukraine’s Kherson region ‘broadcasts’ Russian TV

Moscow says Russian television is now broadcasting in Ukraine’s southern Kherson region, an area where Russia already introduced the ruble and began distributing its passports.

Russia’s army said its forces have “reconfigured the last of the seven television towers in the Kherson region to broadcast Russian television channels” for free.

Russian forces and their allies now hold a widening 200-250 kms liberated buffer zone and seem poised to strike at Odessa and Kharkov.


Into the meat grinder it goes

Peter Jennings

These presents to the Kiev junta will depend on the US taxpayer who will have to replace them, probably as soon as they arrive on Ukrainian soil. I’m sure that the citizens of California and San Fransisco won’t mind crapping in the streets for a few more months.

The USMIC only need to wait until creepy uncle joe has a bad day. They can then fill their pockets and keep their spite and hate going a little longer. Just like the bankruptcy that is looming, this will keep going until it doesn’t.

Red Admiral

About time Russia sanctioned US and NATO exports of free Iron. RFAF have been turned into a Scrap Iron Production facility which is endangering iron ore mining jobs in the Urals. Typical Yanki sales procedure “free for now pay later”

bob bob

Not enough. All that will do is shore up a single 2-3km line. Not enough fleshy units to hold the positions or equipment to advance. Essentially Ukraine has run out of kit and so its simply a case of the US supplying the war effort with token support from other nations to make it look like they too are helping. When they stop the music stops and the party is over. All Zelensky has done is bite off his nose to spite his face. In this modern world I thought that kind of behaviour was looked down on. Its like, ‘If I cant have her, nobody can’. Well done Zelensky, lets hope your protein supply and creatine stacks don’t dry up else you’ll become a fat useless politician like all the others. Wonder what he’s benching right now?

Last edited 2 years ago by bob bob

Keep mass producing them and sending them… Because the American $Dollar has less than 6 months to LIVE!…

And while the American people may not be cognizant of it yet, they are ready to take the TOP off that dome on Pennsylvania Ave which is why “Defcon 2” is ALL the U.$. Government feels it has left!…

Blame it on Russia with a series of Fal$e Flag$… And I wouldn’t be surprised if something happens in Poland “again” like it did 83 years ago!… Because $acrifice$ of your own (https://www.ae911truth.org/) are so important for the owners at the top!… Especially when your prior business partners (http://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html) (https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/) are ready to call it a “DAY” because the business and money is no longer ANY GOOD !… And is NOW ALWAYS at your expen$e!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Lazy Gamer

Those four weapon systems should make Zelensky’s calculations much easier. If he knew this extent of meager support 5 months ago, he probably might have not been duped to antagonizing Russia and we probably wouldnt have to bear this much inflation. Four Himars (probably in loans)is the extent of US opportunistic investment in this conflict despite it stoking the conflict. lol

Last edited 2 years ago by Lazy Gamer

It is very clear now that this is all just games by the world powers. Both sides are willing to sacrifice their own people in their fake war while protecting each other’s elite. Why are you protecting the decision makers of your “enemy” RUSSIA???? Why do you just keep killing minions and allowing your own troops to die while yours and your enemies’ elites sit pretty and without worry?????

Nothing is what it seems.


Let them waste their armament, so far it has been a huge bonfire.


amerikans are morons; they cannot think


The more the merrier. Let the Russians burn!


So USA might send the other half of a battery and make like it is a big deal? To make any effect they would need to send several batteries a month, and missile defense systems to protect them. IMHO this is just pablum for the masses, “See we are really trying to help the oppressed Ukrainians” when they have no intention of actually doing anything significant.


The moment Russia goes into defensive in Donbas it’s game over for the West because the burden of ending the war will fall onto Ukraine and UK puppets (USA, EU). Not to mention that it’s a lot easier to defend than to attack, especially if you are saturated with thousands of artillery pieces.

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