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MARCH 2025

The U.S. To Unleash Chemical War In Donbass

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The U.S. To Unleash Chemical War In Donbass

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On February 28, the Russian Defence Ministry revealed that the United States intends to organize a provocation in Ukraine with the use of toxic substances, accusing Russia of the use of chemical weapons.

The Chief of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops of Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov claimed at a briefing that on February 10, a train with chemicals, accompanied by a group of foreigners, arrived in the city of Kramatorsk in the Kiev-controlled part of the DPR.

The car was detached and towed to the territory of the Kuybyshev Iron and Steel Works in Kramatorsk, where it was unloaded under the control of the Security Service of Ukraine and the AFU command representatives.

The consignment consisted of 16 sealed metal boxes, eight of which were labelled with a chemical hazard symbol, BZ inscription and marked with two red bands, corresponding to the class of poisonous substances of temporary incapacitation action. Five of the boxes were labelled as ‘C-S-RIOT’, three were labelled as ‘C-R-RIOT’ with a single red band, which corresponds to substances with an irritant action.

The cargo was placed on the U.S.-manufactured armoured vehicles, which moved to the combat line of contact as part of the convoy.

In addition, 11 wagons with shrapnel ammunition with special markings were unloaded in Kramatorsk on February 19. Previously, such projectiles were upgraded in the United States for striking elements with liquid formulations of irritating substances. The shells were unloaded at night on a suburban platform, and on the cars were inscriptions “Building Materials” and “Cement”.

NATO also plans to supply a large batch of protective equipment to Ukraine.

“…the preparations are in full swing. In early 2023, the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre planned a large shipment of individual protection means to Ukraine. In order to substantiate the situation, ‘…Russian troops have already used phosphorus ammunition and could use the poisonous substances in a foreseeable escalation of the situation…”.

The list of supplied equipment includes more than 55,000 sets of personal protective gear, 55,000 gas masks, 13,000 individual gas casualty first-aid kits. Priority is given to antidotes for organophosphorus agents such as sarin and soman — 600,000 ampoules, anti-seizure medications — 3 mln tablets, detoxification preparations for mustard gas, lewisite and chloroacetophenone inhibitors of hydrocyanic acid — 750,000 vials.

The facts of the simultaneous delivery of toxic chemicals and protection means indicate an attempted large-scale provocation using the chemical weapons on the Donbass front lines.

In an attempt to hide the truth, Washington is preparing the public, claiming that the Russian military is preparing chemical attacks.

On 22 February, an influential U.S. non-governmental organisation held a conference on the Ukrainian conflict. Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan made the statement, ‘…Russian troops plan to use chemical weapons in the special military operation area…’.

Russia regards this information as the intention of the United States itself and its accomplices to carry out a provocation in Ukraine using toxic chemicals.

The Russian military explained that the US expect that amid hostilities, the international community will be unable to organise any effective investigation, and expects that the real organisers and executors may escape accountability.

Moscow recalled that in accordance with the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the BZ agent is a controlled chemical and is included in the second list, its use is prohibited by Article 1 of the CWC. This chemical causes acute psychosis, loss of orientation, hallucinations and memory disorders.

BZ agent is a standard war gas for the U.S. Army. It was used extensively during the Vietnam War.

The United States and its allies have repeatedly used chemical munitions in the military conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

The United States announced the complete destruction of the reserves of BZ back in 1990, when about 50 tons of this substance were disposed of, but the samples were left behind. In addition, Washington preserved its capabilities of synthesizing BZ precursors on the basis of pharmaceutical production capacities in the amount of up to several tens of tons per year.

“We warn that in case of provocations using toxic chemicals, the true culprits will be identified and punished by us,” Kirillov stressed.

The military commander also called erroneous the West’s confidence that such a provocation could be successful for the United States and its allies due to military actions.

Russian stationary and mobile complexes for monitoring the RHB-situation allow timely detection of chemical threats and prompt response to them. In addition, the analytical capabilities of Russian chemical laboratories allow Russian to reliably determine not only the type of substance used, but also the country of its origin.

“So, for example, <is widely known…> information about the use of homemade ammunition against Russian troops using UAVs. Investigations proved that it was a thermal ammunition that contained flammable oxidisers and additives, some of which were produced in the Czech Republic,” Kirillov said. LINK

The general added that the Defense Ministry will continue to work to expose the criminal activities of the West in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Western countries regularly declare the possibility of Russia using weapons of mass destruction, but the United States itself has repeatedly committed such inhumane attacks. Moscow recalled that no one has been held responsible for the war crimes in Iraq, Syria and other countries to date.



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‘Former partners’? https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=UaNGtgYwSsU&feature=share


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Last edited 2 years ago by anni44
Raptar Driver

The world’s greatest terrorist will terrorize, it is par for the course.

Last edited 2 years ago by Raptar Driver
Remember Bucha!

Ukraine is infested with Orcs, time to remove them w/poison gas!


To which the “orcs” will say, Ukraine is infested with Nazis. Time to turn them into radioactive glass.


I don’t think the Russians will resort to using poison gas to remove the Orcs. That’s not a very nice way for you to describe the armed forces of the failed Ukrainian CIA project, you rascally li’l NAFOMO urinal-puck-eater.


Russians removing Russians? Orcs is your new name across the World since last year!


I bet you are a real fan of Zyklon B,do us a favour and open a can in your house you Nazi trash.


Now, now, don’t be that way, every time the conflict threatens to settle itself something like this happens. There is honest cause for suspicion, and concern.

Peter Jennings

Chemical warfare was always intended by the US and its nato poodles. Both rogue admins did the same in Syria and then tried to suppress the independent reporters and even official organisations who were going to be investigating. The bbc then took a staged attack and tried unsuccessfully to blame the Syrian admin.

Ukraine used to have around 30 chemical bio-labs, most of which were situated on the Russian border. They have less now with which to attack the civilians of Donbass and civilians further afield.


Except now they’re doing it against a nuclear power. One that has more warheads than the US. It’s surely going to be interesting watching this unfold. Those on the ISS are going to have a spectacular view of the fireworks.

Peter Jennings

I think Suzanne that the USadmin is hoping that bluffing still works as a stategy.


Not only in Syria but they also used chemicals in Vietnam and Korea.

Peter Jennings

The western powers also supplied them to Saddam, to use on Iranians.

Sika CZE

Fucking SPOLANA NERATOVICE agent orange factory.

WT Baker

Would not doubt a bit that the Wash. war machine would commit such a heinous act of inhumane warfare. Reminiscent of White Helmets in Syria. I think Biden is suffering from dementia. He rarely if at all appears in public.

Last edited 2 years ago by WT Baker

Ruské špecialne sily by mali zistiť a lokalizovať miesto kde Banderovské fašistické zvry majú uložené tieto chemické bojové prostriedky a mali by im to tam kobercovo vybombardovať. Čím skôr tým lepšie. Tým by predišli stratám na životoch vlastných bojovníkov.


OK but with bakmut all but flat and lifeless wont the gun tubes swing westward, probably ending all road and rail service along the way, and dropping shells on munitions dumps and headquarters and troop concentrations and anything else the ukraine still has that looks useful or valuable, little late for tear gas.

tom sawyer

when jens rented me to mulattos they used chemicals in my anus and many penis


Next time a member of the Washington cabal makes a guest appearance on the Zelensky Show in Kiev the Russians should make sure to give them a very “warm” welcome.

Seriously though. DC is run by real terrorists. I wish Moscow could give them a terrorist’s send off without starting WWIII but of course they must be careful because the DC terrorists have real WMD’s


we all should remind that the zio-khasarian, transatlantic and globalist satanic mafia well know that ukros are loosong this war, apart from theyr ongoing lies of an ukro victory comming on theyr media and politic speaker puppets still ongoing. so the only realistic chance to slow this down or try to tip over, is a massive intervention due to ten thousands of “mercs” or as a last solution, an open nato involvment. since this is simply not possible, a massive false flag is required with a, b or c weapons to justify the intervention. so thats the main point why russia must go on asap to finish the whole yob.

OTAN Piggies Go Oink Oink Oink

Nasty chemicals spewing out of the mouths of Neocons. They are dead on the inside

Paul Citro

It is an information war as well as a ground war. It is critically important to document this activity with as much verifiable evidence as possible.


…If true lets hope the response is beyond “severe”!… If the events that took place earlier this week downing the Russian A-50U with it’s crew (which have yet to be identified) and drone strikes inside Russia have been “true” then it’s time to use the nukes!… Because if chemical weapons are being used on what has been a toxic waste dump made po$$ible by NATO since 2014…. WHY THE “F” NOT?!!!…

In the immortal words of Bill Kristol. What good are nuclear weapons (like chemical weapons) if you never use them?!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
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