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The US Ambassador to the UN urged sending troops to Syria

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The US Ambassador to the UN urged sending troops to Syria

Originally appeared at Politpuzzle, translated by James Cooksey exclusively for SouthFront

After UN Security Council closed meeting discussion of the Turkish troops deployment in Iraq, the American permanent representative Samantha Power suddenly broke forth into a tirade about the need of sending troops against terrorism. The wording is pretty vague. “Comprehensive military solution” formula arose regarding not only ISIS in the Levant, but a number of troubled African countries. However, the reference to Obama’s request to send Special Forces to fight ISIS localizes “significant ground presence” precisely in Iraq and Syria.

One ought to give some credit to skilled American diplomat with extensive experience in Balkanization of Africa and Balkans. Obviously, there is no way to hold territory, liberated from IS without ground operation. However, all of the U.S. allies in the coalition against ISIS, including the United States itself, refused put their “boots on the ground”, relying on the Kurds instead. But shortly before that Syrian Kurds suffered defeat in the buffer zone of Syrian-Turkish porous border inflicted upon them by the “Al-Nusra Front” and Pro-Turkish factions. In response, the President of Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barzani called on NATO to assist Kurdish troops in the Afrin district, despite the fact that he has no authority in Syrian Kurdistan.

This suggests that NATO focuses on the strategic force overwhelming on the ground in their favor. And, therefore, Kurds under the cover of NATO aircraft will be used for implementing NATO’s geopolitical interests. At the moment the main goal for NATO is to liberate the capital city of ISIS – Raqqa and to incorporate it into Syrian Kurdistan. NATO plans to significantly expand the historical area of Rojava, by assigning North Latakia, Aleppo and Raqqa into it, thus connecting Iraqi Kurdistan via Syrian corridor to the Mediterranean Sea. This will allow for unobstructed export of Syrian and Iraqi hydrocarbons directly to Europe. This is what political scientist Thierry Meyssan told before, and what such an experienced schemer, Samantha Power, blurted out as secret allied plans to arrange an intervention in Syria.

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Nathan Pilson


George King

Samantha Powers excellent example of incoherent and stupid holding a nuclear bomb in one hand and wishing in the other for world dominance. Samantha if you have not noticed your world is crumbling around you from your death and destruction in whose name?

If it was not so serious I would find it historically funny.


Western elites are spoiled beyond any description. It’s difficult to find such a disgusting bunch of scoundrels in human history. Must be crashed to the ground otherwise the world wouldn’t be able to complete a single day in peace.

Sasha Lochard

so you think people put their lives on the line every once in a wile in history for a bunch of a good for nothing,overpaid bureaucrats that’s fine but know.. that when you curse them as enemies you also curse the people who they represent those that would fight or die for them.


What’s your point, Sasha?

Sasha Lochard

If I understand your definition of elite being the elected the 1 % the CEO’s the admirals etcetera. all these people are given their authority by the masses because of either capitalism,democracy,bureaucracy or chain of command so you can understand that the elite represents us in a way and if you think they should be toppled then you want to topple everything they control and they control us.

Sasha Lochard

We have a good thing going in America its not perfect but I think everyone should agree it’s better then what’s happening in the east like in Ukraine Syria and so many more countries In the East where you’ll find your fair share of scoundrel at the helm of terrorist groups,warlords and racist nationalist parties.

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