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The US Army Asked Twitter How Service Has Impacted People. The Answers Were Gut-Wrenching

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Written by Caitlin Johnstone; Originally appeared at her blog

After posting a video of a young recruit talking to the camera about how service allows him to better himself “as a man and a warrior”, the US Army tweeted, “How has serving impacted you?”

As of this writing, the post has over 5,300 responses. Most of them are heartbreaking.

“My daughter was raped while in the army,” said one responder. “They took her to the hospital where an all male staff tried to convince her to give the guy a break because it would ruin his life. She persisted. Wouldn’t back down. Did a tour in Iraq. Now suffers from PTSD.”

“I’ve had the same nightmare almost every night for the past 15 years,”said another.

Tweet after tweet after tweet, people used the opportunity that the Army had inadvertently given them to describe how they or their loved one had been chewed up and spit out by a war machine that never cared about them. This article exists solely to document a few of the things that have been posted in that space, partly to help spread public awareness and partly in case the thread gets deleted in the interests of “national security”. Here’s a sampling in no particular order:

“Someone I loved joined right out of high school even though I begged him not to. Few months after his deployment ended, we reconnected. One night, he told me he loved me and then shot himself in the head. If you’re gonna prey on kids for imperialism, at least treat their PTSD.”


“After I came back from overseas I couldn’t go into large crowds without a few beers in me. I have nerve damage in my right ear that since I didn’t want to look weak after I came back I lied to the VA rep. My dad was exposed to agent orange which destroyed his lungs, heart, liver and pancreas and eventually killing him five years ago. He was 49, exposed at a post not Vietnam, and will never meet my daughter my nephew. I still drink to much and I crowds are ok most days but I have to grocery shop at night and can’t work days because there is to many ppl.”


“The dad of my best friend when I was in high school had served in the army. He struggled with untreated PTSD & severe depression for 30 years, never told his family. Christmas eve of 2010, he went to their shed to grab the presents & shot himself in the head. That was the first funeral I attended where I was actually told the cause of death & the reasons surrounding it. I went home from the service, did some asking around, & found that most of the funerals I’ve attended before have been caused by untreated health issues from serving.”


“My dad was drafted into war and was exposed to agent orange. I was born w multiple physical/neurological disabilities that are linked back to that chemical. And my dad became an alcoholic with ptsd and a side of bipolar disorder.”


“i met this guy named christian who served in iraq. he was cool, had his own place with a pole in the living room. always had lit parties. my best friend at the time started dating him so we spent a weekend at his crib. after a party, 6am, he took out his laptop. he started showing us some pics of his time in the army. pics with a bunch of dudes. smiling, laughing. it was cool. i was drunk and didn’t care. he started showing us pics of some little kids. after a while, his eyes went completely fucking dark. i was like man, dude’s high af. he very calmly explained to us that all of those kids were dead ‘but that’s what war was. dead kids and nothing to show for it but a military discount’. christian killed himself 2 months later.”


“I didn’t serve but my dad did. In Vietnam. It eventually killed him, slowly, over a couple of decades. When the doctors were trying to put in a pacemaker to maybe extend his life a couple of years, his organs were so fucked from the Agent Orange, they disintegrated to the touch. He died when I was ten. He never saw me graduate high school. He never saw me get my first job or buy my first car. He wasn’t there. But hey! Y’all finally paid out 30k after another vet took the VA to the Supreme Court, so. You know. It was cool for him.”


“Chronic pain with a 0% disability rating (despite medical discharge) so no benefits, and anger issues that I cope with by picking fistfights with strangers.”


“My parents both served in the US Army and what they got was PTSD for both of them along with anxiety issues. Whenever we go out in public and sit down somewhere my dad has to have his back up against the wall just to feel a measure of comfort that no one is going to sneak up on him and kill him and and walking up behind either of them without announcing that you’re there is most likely going to either get you punch in the face or choked out.”


“Many of my friends served. All are on heavy antidepressant/anxiety meds, can’t make it through 4th of July or NYE, and have all dealt with heavy substance abuse problems before and after discharge. And that’s on top of one crippled left hand, crushed vertebra, and GSWs.”


“Left my talented and young brother a broken and disabled man who barely leaves the house. Left my mother hypervigilant & terrified due to the amount of sexual assault & rape covered up and looked over by COs. Friend joined right out if HS, bullet left him paralyzed neck down.”


“My cousin went to war twice and came back with a drug addiction that killed him. My other cousin could never get paid on time and when he left they tried to withhold his pay.”


“It’s given me a fractured spine, TBI, combat PTSD, burn pit exposure, and a broken body with no hope of getting better. Not even medically retired for a fractured spine. WTF.”


“Y’all killed my father by failing to provide proper treatments after multiple tours.”


“Everyone I know got free PTSD and chemical exposure and a long engagement in their efforts to have the US pay up for college tuition. Several lives ruined. No one came out better. Thank god my recruiter got a DUI on his way to get me or I would be dead or worse right now.”


“I have ptsd and still wake up crying at night. Also have a messed up leg that I probably will have to deal with the rest of my life. Depression. Anger issues.”


“My grandfather came back from Vietnam with severe PTSD, tried to drown it in alcohol, beat my father so badly and so often he still flinches when touched 50 years later. And I grew up with an emotionally scarred father with PTSD issues of his own because of it. Good times.”


“Hmmm. Let’s see. I lost friends, have 38 inches of scars, PTSD and a janky arm and hand that don’t work.”


“my grandpa served in vietnam from when he was 18–25. he’s 70 now and every night he still has nightmares where he stands up tugging at the curtains or banging on the walls screaming at the top of his lungs for someone to help him. he refuses to talk about his time and when you mention anything about the war to him his face goes white and he has a panic attack. he cries almost every day and night and had to spend 10 years in a psychiatric facility for suicidal ideations from what he saw there.”


“My best friend joined the Army straight out of high school because his family was poor & he wanted a college education. He served his time & then some. Just as he was ready to retire he was sent to Iraq. You guys sent him back in a box. It destroyed his children.”


“Well, my father got deployed to Iraq and came back a completely different person. Couldn’t even work the same job he had been working 20 years before that because of his anxiety and PTSD. He had nightmares, got easily violent and has terrible depression. But the army just handed him pills, now he is 100% disabled and is on a shit ton of medication. He has nightmares every night, paces the house barely sleeping, checking every room just to make sure everyone’s safe. He’s had multiple friends commit suicide.”


“Father’s a disabled Vietnam veteran who came home with severe PTSD and raging alcoholism. VA has continuously ignored him throughout the years and his medical needs and he receives very little compensation for all he’s gone through. Thanks so much!!”


“I was #USNavy, my husband was #USArmy, he served in Bosnia and Iraq and that nice, shy, funny guy was gone, replaced with a withdrawn, angry man…he committed suicide a few years later…when I’m thanked for my service, I just nod.”


“I’m permanently disabled because I trained through severe pain after being rejected from the clinic for ‘malingering.’ Turns out my pelvis was cracked and I ended up having to have hip surgery when I was 20 years old.”


“My brother went into the Army a fairly normal person, became a Ranger (Ft. Ord) & came out a sociopath. He spent the 1st 3 wks home in his room in the dark, only coming out at night when he thought we were asleep. He started doing crazy stuff. Haven’t seen him since 1993.”


“Recently attended the funeral for a west point grad with a 4yr old and a 7yr old daughter because he blew his face off to escape his ptsd but thats nothing new.”


“I don’t know anyone in my family who doesn’t suffer from ptsd due to serving. One is signed off sick due to it & thinks violence is ok. Another (navy) turned into a psycho & thought domestic violence was the answer to his wife disobeying his orders.”


“My dad served during vietnam, but after losing close friends and witnessing the killing of innocents by the U.S., he refused to redeploy. He has suffered from PTSD ever since. The bravest thing he did in the army was refuse to fight any longer, and I’m so proud of him for that.”


“My best friend from high school was denied his mental health treatment and forced to return to a third tour in Iraq, despite having such deep trauma that he could barely function. He took a handful of sleeping pills and shot himself in the head two weeks before deploying.”


“Bad back, hips, and knees. Lack of trust, especially when coming forward about sexual harassment. Detachment, out of fear of losing friends. Missed birthdays, weddings, graduations, and funerals. I get a special license plate tho.”


“My son died 10 months ago. He did 3 overseas tours. He came back with severe mental illness.”


“I’m still in and I’m in constant pain and they recommended a spinal fusion when I was 19. Y’all also won’t update my ERB so I can’t use the education benefits I messed myself up for.”


“My dad served two tours in middle east and his personality changes have affected my family forever. VA ‘counseling’ has a session limit and doesn’t send you to actual psychologists. Military service creates a mental health epidemic it is then woefully unequipped to deal with.”


“My best childhood friend lost his mind after his time in the marines and now he lives in a closet in his mons house and can barely hold a conversation with anyone. He only smokes weed and drinks cough syrup that he steals since he can’t hold a job.”


“After coming back from Afghanistan…..Matter fact I don’t even want to talk about it. Just knw that my PTSD, bad back, headaches, chronic pain, knee pain, and other things wishes I would have NEVER signed that contract. It was NOT worth the pain I’ll endure for the rest of life.”


“My cousin served and came back only to be diagnosed with schizophrenia and ptsd. There were nights that he would lock himself in the bathroom and stay in the corner because he saw bodies in the bathtub. While driving down the highway, he had another episode and drove himself into a cement barrier, engulfing his Jeep in flames and burning alive. My father served as well and would never once speak of what he witnessed and had to do. He said it’s not something that any one person should ever be proud of.”


“I was sexually assaulted by a service member at 17 when I visited my sister on her base, then again at 18. My friend got hooked on k2 and died after the va turned him away for mental health help. Another friend serving was exploited sexually by her co and she was blamed for it.”


“I spent ten years in the military. I worked 15 hour days to make sure my troops were taken care of. In return for my hard work I was rewarded with three military members raping me. I was never promoted to a rank that made a difference. And I have an attempt at suicide. Fuck you!”


“I actually didn’t get around to serving because I was sexually assaulted by three of my classmates during a military academy prep program. They went to the academies and are still active duty officers. I flamed out of the program and have PTSD.”


“My father’s successful military career taught him that he’s allowed to use violence to make people do what he wants because America gave him that power.”


“While I was busy framing ‘soliders and families first’ (lol) propaganda posters, my best friend went to ‘Iraqistan’ but he didn’t come back. He returned alive, to be sure, but he was no longer the fun, carefree, upbeat person he’d previously been.”


“My husband is a paraplegic and can’t control 3/4 of his body now. Me, I’ve got PTSD, an anxiety disorder, two messed up knees, depression, a bad back, tinnitus, and chronic insomnia. I wish both had never served.”


“This is one of the most heartbreaking threads I’ve ever read.”


“I am so sorry. The way we fail our service members hurts my heart. My grandfather served in the Korean War and had nightmares until his death at 91 years old. We must do better.”


“My Army story is that when I was in high school, recruiters were there ALL the time- at lunch, clubs, etc.- targeting the poor kids at school. I didn’t understand it until now. You chew people who have nothing at home up and spit them out.”


“I was thinking about enlisting until I saw this thread. Hard pass.”


“I hope to god that the Army has enough guts to read these and realize how badly our servicepeople are being treated. Thank you and god bless you to all of you in this thread, and your loved ones who are suffering too.”


There are many, many more.

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Simon Abruzzo

I guess they did not see this one coming, huh?

Ivan Freely

A significant number of recruits were directly from High School. When living in a society where militarism is in major parts of it, it’s rather difficult for young people to see the bigger picture.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

And you should see what happened to the other guy…

Tommy Jensen

America give all these vets a bed with a roof, food stamps plus access to hospitals. Its not cheap. Plus they are a heavy burden on the court system with all their too high compensation claims.

Either you fight for freedom or you die in slavery. That’s the way it is. You cant have both. You are still alive, smoking grass and permitted to live in America. Be happy for what you have!


Indeed. Be glad that the 0.1% are still letting you have your pittance in return for the best years of your life? And the odd body parts that might be missing or no longer working. At least most of the US has been made wheelchair friendly. You think that crippled Houthi kid will have that luxury?

Tommy Jensen

That’s what I mean.

Many people ban every day they go to work, longing for holiday or the day they get pension. In reality most vets are rich, because they don’t have to work but gets feed everyday by my tax money. I pay these waterpipes and their herbs too!

My dad and I had nothing when I grew up, we lived on the railroad. We had absolutely nothing, but we were both happy for what we had because we had each other!

Brother Thomas

Your comment is absurd.


That’s an understatement.


I love your posts. Please never change.

Concrete Mike

Its good satire, but the first one is a bit tasteless


That’s sarcasm. It’s never politically correct. And sadly, not everyone understands it.


Your dad and you were happy because you did not have to worry about getting your head blown off. If you would have, you would not post nonsense like this.


“You are still alive, smoking grass and permitted to live in America. Be happy for what you have!”

You are one seriously twisted fuck.

Brother Thomas

You seem to have no understanding of America’s wars ( “fight for freedom or you die in slavery” Really?? – Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Vietnam, etc).

Nor do you have any respect for Americans- that this supposed “freedom” is to smoke grass.


Many Americans may well be eating grass when the US Ponzi Scheme collapses.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

When did you ever serve abroad? What personal experience do you have with war and the pain and suffering it brings?

“Either you fight for freedom or you die in slavery. That’s the way it is. You cant have both” You know shit about PTSD and war, you dont fight for freedom in a uniform, you kill for a government that you will allways be a slave to, no government will ever treat you like a person, all government will treat you like a slave

“You are still alive, smoking grass and permitted to live in America.” So all of us suffering from PTSD is smoking weed? If you know anything about PTSD, living with it is the worst, being alive is the worst thing, being alive is what is causing the pain and suffering, being alive is a fucking curse, death is so tempting because it stops every thing, it takes away the pain, the suffering, the nightmares, the depression, EVERYTHING!

Nor America, Germany, Norway, Denmark, France etc etc gives all of these vets a bed with a roof, footstamps or anything, they dont give a flying truck about it, they know that there are idiots enough to spent, and garbage like you in the society not giving a flying truck about it.

“Be happy for what you have!” I have the following: All the years from my 25. birthday and forward, 12 years counting is lost, lost to medication (that im thankfully out of), anxiety, depression, nightmares, flashbacks, thinking of suicide. No wife, no kids, no girlfriend, lost 99% of my “friends” Living by myself in a house in the woods Im not able to go shopping in the normal businesshours due to anxiety. Only transportation is my bicycle, since i cant handle taking a driving license If i hear more than three sounds i get anxiety. But i should be happy…

Many civilians dont know and dont care about people with PTSD, no matter how they got it, they just see some messed docu or government propagande show on tv and thinks that the way the cookie crumbles. The Danish government thought it would give a better image of being a soldier and being deployed by giving vets with PTSD a “second oppinion” on their workinjuri case, but guess what, its utter BS: If the second oppinion says you should be retired and get help, its disregarded due to the original study was closer to the deployment, if the second oppinion is similar to the original study, its disregarded due to the similarity; in other words; ITS A POLITICAL BS GAME.

Tommy, i actually feels sorry for you, because im not the person here that needs help.

Concrete Mike

What you did there takes and incredible amount of courage.

Thank you for your honesty!

I’m sorry how you.have been treated.

I’m sorry you had.find the truth out one of the hardest way possible.

Im also glad you have to strength to tell us about it. We are the same age group, so your truths are hitting me hard.

Thanks and dont give up your not alone!

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Thank you Mike, thank you.

Concrete Mike

No problem, we stand shoulder to shoulder for we are but men!

Concrete Mike

Can the comedian routine today please, we have veterans among us.

This shit leads to suicide, ITS NO LAUGHING MATTER.

No hard feelings ,i get you, but this was a bit too far.




Its a good life for some to be a War Slave for the Zionists. They even pay for a headstone or wheelchair as well.


If I had a child who wanted to enlist in the army I’d do everything in my power, every trick in the book, every psychological ploy to talk them out of it. And I get why kids think the army is glamorous. I thought so too as a teen. But back then in the 80’s the Dutch army wasn’t really going to go to war. War would mean WW3 with the Soviet 2nd Tank Army gunning down the Dutch 1st Corps at best and all out nuclear war at worst. Nobody in the Dutch Army really expected to fire a shot in anger back then, and officers thought and projected themselves as managers more then fighting soldiers. In the 80’s being in the Dutch army meant driving a tank somewhere in Germany in the day and having bratwurst for dinner at night.

These days being in the Dutch army means you can go anywhere the Dutch government wants you to go and getting your head shot off in some shitholistan in the Middle East or Africa, just so the Dutch government can score brownie points with the US and some Dutch politician can score a cushy job with NATO or the IMF. These days being in the Dutch army means getting the highest medal order for bravery one day, and then constantly making the headline news for doing crazy shit that doesn’t make any sense. Unless you’re clearly suffering from PTSD.

We all know how stupid we were as teenagers. How easily we swallowed the bullshit that society, our teachers, our parents shoved down our throats. Should kids who are barely 18, and still deeply stupid, be allowed to make the decision to join the military and either get killed, or suffer from PTSD for the rest of their lives? Or should we stop fighting wars in countries we shouldn’t be in? And let our kids play with expensive toys somewhere in a training area by day, and have bratwurst for dinner at night again?


I wish I could upvote twice.


“If I had a child who wanted to enlist in the army I’d do everything in my power, every trick in the book, every psychological ploy to talk them out of it.”

My Grandfather was the highest decorated Canadian private in WWI. He was a runner, meaning he ran messages/orders to the front line. He had a habit of carrying a wounded soldier back out with him on a frequent basis. He was given a lot of medals.

When he came home he did not talk about it much, but the little that he did say made him the last family member who has served. We have a lot of Police, Firefighters, Search and Rescue, Paramedics and the like, but none in the services since him. We go to great lengths to keep our kids out. Some have said that we are cowards. We serve a different way.

There are two war rooms in this country named after my Grandfather, and his medals are in one of the turrets of Minto Armories in Winnipeg, but he was the last.

Harry Smith

No way bro. You had golden days in 80’s-90’s and now you have to pay for it. Stop fighting 3d world countries means economy crash in the West.

Brother Thomas

Quite the opposite. The US is going bankrupt because of these wars.

Former President Jimmy Carter: “Since 1979, do you know how many times China has been at war with anybody? None, and we have stayed at war.”

According to a November 2018 study by Brown University’s Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs, the US has spent $5.9 trillion waging war in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other nations since 2001.

“It’s more than you can imagine,” Carter said of U.S. war spending. “China has not wasted a single penny on war, and that’s why they’re ahead of us. In almost every way.”

Carter then said the U.S. has been at peace for only 16 of its 242 years as a nation. Counting wars, military attacks and military occupations, there have actually only been five years of peace in US history — 1976, the last year of the Gerald Ford administration and 1977-80, the entirety of Carter’s presidency. Carter then referred to the US as “the most warlike nation in the history of the world,” a result, he said, of the US forcing other countries to “adopt our American principles.”

Harry Smith

@disqus_5z1zsYfIBg:disqus , the only thing which stops the USA from falling – the US dollar which is global reserve currency.

The US defense industry pull up the USA economy and US Govt. can spend as much as it can loan. And the credit line for the USA is unlimited because the USD is global reserve currency.

So it’s like perpetuum mobile: as long USA can convince the World that US army is strong enough, world money holders prefer USD for their operations, so US Govt can spend unlimited money. And it spends. But to keep the renommee, US army has to fight overseas in useless wars. So it’s non-stop: get a loan, buy arms from the defense industry, spend it in another war, the renommee is kept, get another loan and etc. Kinda Groundhog Day.

Money from defense industry comes to US economy, as salaries to the workers and contracts to the suppliers. https://media0.giphy.com/media/3o7WIQ4FARJdpmUni8/giphy-downsized-medium.gif


“so US Govt can spend unlimited money.”

This is true and the Bonds that the US issues to monetise the internal debt will intentionally never be paid at Par. Only the interest is paid by the taxpayer or the by the issue of more internal bonds to pay the interest. This is largely why interbank and large corporate interest rates are being kept artificially low at close to zero, and this also affects the US overseas bond holders as well.

To fund this system of largesse, the US has to perpetually loot and plunder the rest of the world. ALL of it.

Harry Smith

At my opinion it is not about looting, at first place. The bond holders must be sure they are debit the strong world power. At the moment USA will lose the image of the World Dominator, the system will crash. Looting is kinda collateral sweaty bonus. It is funny, but in the spring when Crimea has returned to Russia, Soros published an article where he said that China will dominate anyway, so we have just to restrain Russia and China for a period of 30 years. Still don’t fully understand why they need 30 years.

Rumata Estorski

“Stop fighting 3d world countries means economy crash in the West.”

I think everything is much simpler – American capitalists need war to preserve their dictatorship. Arguments:

– the capitalists of America helped Hitler – they traded with him (that is, pumped him by force against the USSR), – presidential adviser senator Harry Truman’s (America’s future president ..) said: – “If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible” – Nuclear bombardment of the peaceful cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. in order to demonstrate to Russians THAT they will be with them …

I am pretty sure that America is waging war to preserve its dictatorship. To stop the development of other nations and states and gain absolute power over the world.

Harry Smith

I am pretty sure that America is waging war to preserve its dictatorship. To stop the development of other nations and states and gain absolute power over the world.

Yep. You are right. They call it “the World Leadership”. PS believing in Marxism sucks out you IQ by 0.001% for every day.

Rumata Estorski

No matter what terms are used, capitalism inevitably gives rise to war.

You can call me Al

Very true. Do you know that the Dutch Government has now sent out letters to those over 16 (up to ?), stating they must be prepared for conscription if the NL is attacked or some shit along the lines of “defending your Country”……… yes you guessed it, it infers Russia.

Also the have doubled (or maybe even more) our gas tax, “because they do not want to be reliant on Russian Gas.

Total wankers.

PS I was not sure, if you were still in the NL.


But….., but….., but……, the Dutch army doesn’t even have enough guns and working stuff for the troops it already has. For every deployment they have to scrounge and cannibalize something together from all the other units. What are all these conscripted youngsters going to do in case the Russians invade? Use Pokemon Go at 1st Guards Tank Army?

You can call me Al

I know, that is the funny bit, I have not told my Son yet.

Concrete Mike

I agree i will.never let my children go in the military.

If they want to join the mob, they can do it here at home. No need to go fight for saudi, get a motorcycle and join the hells angels instead.

Just bring a nugget of weed to your.mother once in a while.


They’ll probably make far more money as well.


” If they want to join the mob, they can do it here at home.”

Yes indeed. They could go into politics instead :)


Uitstekend commentaar !!


Well said, and this applies to the British army as well.

I remember the BAOR ( British Army Of the Rhine ) exercise’s of the 1970’s near Paderborn and the large sums of money paid to German farmers for trashing their crops etc. I recall that my driver managed to drive the Ferret into a rather deep and muddy hole and I flagged down a passing Centurion tank to pull us out :)

It was all jolly good fun as a young adult then, but in reality the BAOR would have been amongst the first to suffer the horrors of NBC ( Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) warfare and that NATO also had huge stocks of such weapons.

Paderborn was the base for the British nuclear artillery that was equipt with US systems.

Tudor Miron

Dying defending your Motherland is a honor. Fighting for interests of “the swamp”/ruling elites brings nothing other than fear, anger and grief.

Quenten Bruce

Bull fucking shit. The mother dont need defending. You talk as if our motherland is a possesion. Rather, we are possesed by it. Any defence of the mother would entail the utmost to stay alive and not be party to war. The idea is not worth dying for. You have it back to front. The idea is worth living for.

You can call me Al

Oh dear; you really do not understand, do you ?.

Tudor quite rightly stated “Dying defending your Motherland is a honour”… I repeat “defending”.

Rumata Estorski

“I repeat “defending”.”

– In the entire history – it was you who attacked other countries. You are invaders and killers..

You can call me Al

I am not American.

Concrete Mike

Tudor is Russian, they see things differently.

Try looking through glasses that arent american.

Tudor is alluding to.what we call world war 2.

What the west.thinks.is.not what the rest of the world thinks.

Tudor Miron

I’m not talking about mother. I’m talking about Motherland/Родина. Where are you from to tell me about this things? If my grandfather and his generation would think the way you suggest there would be no Russia by now.

Rumata Estorski

Your peoples do not have a homeland, because you are ruled by murderers!

– The extermination of the Indians.. – Nuclear bombardment of the peaceful cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. – Extermination of the Vietnamese with the help of an “orange agent” (there still are born children without arms and legs, with an open spinal cord) .. – You robbed Iraq, Syria, Yugoslavia and dozens more of states..

And all the crimes you have done are made by your hands to preserve the dictatorship of your capitalists. So your suffering is fair. And this is only the beginning – your capitalists will unleash a new war, and then you will bathe in the blood of your children.

This is not written from evil – I just told you your future.

P.S. God sees Evil – do not hope to go unpunished, it is impossible.

Tudor Miron

“Your peoples”(C) – I’m from Russia :)

Rumata Estorski

Hello, comrade!

Means you understand me. I hope the overseas companions would also understand the meaning of what was said.

Tudor Miron

Of course I do. Regqrding overseas population…their society is structured in such a way that makes sure that majority are clueless about what is actually going on. What is “amuzing” is that they (population) even think that they are the “good guys”. I guess that lately it was kind of hard to maintain this idea and their elites came up with an old trick from zio book – exceptional! That means that it is “possible” to base your nation on the bones of indigenous population wiped off from the face of this planet, be the only nation that used nuclear weapon (against children and elders) and still think that they are the good guys. Up for a rude awakening.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

lol i would never ever ever join the US army


Neither would Trump and Bolton.




“Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? But,after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”(Hermann Göring)


You left out the most important part of the quote, how the leaders manage to drag the people along :

“Just tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for being unpatriotic”.


Heart wrenching stuff. If we serve in the army we should make sure it is 100% good cause. If you’re sent abroad it is more likely that it is not a good cause but an imperial war for the elites. And we should never join the army because we think it will cover us in glory. War is the ugliest business in the world. Only a thoroughly good cause can absolve it.

Lazy Gamer

It gives me hope that some of America’s soldiers are not heartless killers. These are the ones that should lead in the military. But some, are just concerned with lack or quantity of privileges.

Brother Thomas

“I spent 33 years and 4 months in active military service . . . And during that period I spent most of my time as a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.

“Thus, I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street.

“I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927, I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested.

“Our boys were sent off to die with beautiful ideals painted in front of them. No one told them that dollars and cents were the real reason they were marching off to kill and die.” – General Smedley Butler

Rumata Estorski

“In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. ”

– These are the words of an honest person. The author of these words can certainly be called a patriot of his country! Because they directly condemn the dictatorial capitalist class and its anti-people activities.


under-educated white trash that never had the chance of a good life – it’s either the marines or the meth-market. both serial killers to the extreme. schooling in the fly over states is dwindling to nothing and school fees is affordable for a few and each state in the disintegrating states of america is forced to pay their share of what washington dc has decided shall be given to the illegal statehood of israel and that would on average amount to 100 million bucks per state, money which would be better used in the school system in each and every state, or pay for health care and so on and so forth. the list of the dumbness being inherent in washington dc is endless sadly enough. but with neo-nazi morons running the show there is no hope for the poor fuckers.

Every tribe should fight only to defend their tribes own lands. Never attack another tribe unprovoked. Never abandon your own. Always be neighborly, but never become entwined or dependent upon any other tribe but your own. This is true universal respect for all.


Isn’t that rather ‘waicist’ ? :)

Rumata Estorski

Never attack another tribe unprovoked.

– A beautiful theory, but the reality is more cruel – there are super dictators in international politics.

– Vietnam, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria – none of them attacked the US …

Quenten Bruce

yup. only the temporarily insane, stoic idiots or those with meaningless lives (most of us) would sign up to kill people for what is essentially the politics of business.

Concrete Mike

This was really hard to read, but this is a cry for justice, to all the perfumed princes and war cheerleaders, im talking to you rocket nose!!!

Look at what you have done!! And this is to our own people can you imagine what we do to other? That we see a subhumans???

I can see who is treating other humans like crap, Im not the only.one either.

And most of all, we can see thats its all.about a certain group that gets to.keep all the money and ressources, while we fight each other for scraps, while these decadents pricks throw us poisoned treats and watches us fight over it.

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