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MARCH 2025

The US Teams Up The Second Front In Far East

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The US Teams Up The Second Front In Far East

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Japanese authorities are again talking about the “occupied” territories and the need to renew the country’s military power. Such developments are dictated by several aspects.

History is a good place to start. Japan’s desire for revenge runs through the 20th and 21st centuries. At the moment, Japan does not feel that its interests have been fully realized strategically, economically and militarily. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has continued the rhetoric of his predecessors in defending the Kuril Islands and wanting to increase his influence in the region. After his tour to Asia and Europe, he had a conversation with the leaders of the United States and Australia, who were not satisfied with his attempts to get India to condemn Russia for its military operation. Subsequently, Kishida pressed Indonesia as well, but with U.S. interests in mind. This cooperation can be characterized as barter: the U.S. will create an “Eastern NATO” counterpart of QUAD and AUKUS, while Japan will take the lead in this hierarchy.

Political scientist and doctor of history Anatoly Koshkin explained why Japan has become so active in its foreign policy.

Koshkin believes that the United States is in no hurry to open the “Second Front” in the East. Even White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that U.S. President Joe Biden would travel to Tokyo and Seoul to negotiate with countries to support Ukraine. Most likely, this will affect China’s attempts to return Taiwan to the country.

As the second argument, the expert noted the reluctance of U.S. ground troops to participate in military operations against large countries. The maximum that can be expected is the continuation of arms supplies to Taiwan and an increase of the military contingent in Japan.

Anatoly Koshkin also doubts that Japanese forces will provide any assistance other than logistical or food assistance, since Japan objectively has no army and Japanese society has a negative attitude towards entering into any conflicts.

The next assumption the expert noted is the unwillingness of the large bloc of Japanese elites to worsen relations with Russia. This is primarily dictated by the possible negative effects on the Japanese economy and the contradictions in the interests of security. Although the first part of this argument can be challenged, since the Russian-Japanese trade turnover is not that significant.

Tokyo hoped that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian government would make concessions to territorial demands in exchange for the promise of investment, loans, and economic cooperation. But since the Russian position on territorial issues was firm, the Japanese political leadership resumed its former anti-Soviet and now anti-Russian rhetoric.

The expert singled out the escalation of sanctions against Russia and the desire to involve ASEAN countries in the American policy plan to paralyze Russia’s economic activities in the region as the last argument.

On the one hand, Anatoly Koshkin’s arguments look very significant. On the other hand, one can look at the situation in the Asia-Pacific Region from a broader perspective. The U.S. is at least already preparing a bridgehead for the Eastern Front with the help of Japan. It would seem that this bloc is directed against China. But some contradictions arise: the U.S. declared a trade war against China back in 2018 and threatened to start military actions in the South China Sea, but in fact, five years have passed without any military operations; China has intensified military patrols in the Senkaku (Diaoyudao) Islands and the Taiwan area, while the U.S. again limited itself to threats; the United States has not imposed sanctions on China because of its neutral position on Ukraine and gas purchases from Russia through private companies. All these aspects may indicate that the coalition created by the US is not directed against the PRC, but the Russian Federation. The success of these U.S. plans will depend on Russia’s actions in the region, Japan’s ability to influence ASEAN countries, and India’s willingness to abandon its policy of non-alignment (which is unlikely).


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William White

So now the yanks show their true colors siding with Germany and Japan. Sound familiar? Remember the War folks, remember the WAR!


The WAR was just a diversion caused by a madman. Anglo-Saxons. German ethnicity is prevalent in the US. The Great Game is to get Russia on its knees, and control its resources. If the West gains access to Russia’s oil and gas, then they can start screwing China. It is important that China does not allow Russia to fall.


It is important that **Russia** does not allow Russia to fall. Enough half measures.

Jens Holm.

That makes no sense to me. We already can buy anything we want in Russia to world market prices. It should be fine both ways for me.

You write Russian propaganda crap.

We also has no intensions for screwing China. We want them to behave better here and there. The Chinese make the cake to share bigger.

Jens Holm.

Things are not as in 1945.

They are with us in western Economics doing very well. The difference is in what they use their power to and for.

Simple maps tell normal people that. None of those two has been in war ever since. We in Denmark knows our neighbors very well. The German has changed and is mch better for the whole europe.

Its no preussian. Its no Nazi. They also are divided in the United States of Germany.

Ashok Varma

The NATO war against Russia is part of the Anglo-Zionist deluded agenda of “global domination” and start a major war on the Asian mainland. The devious Anglo intent as usual to create a conflict between India and China, so that millions of innocent Asians are killed and our booming economies die. Hopefully, Indian and Chinese leaders are smart enough to know how these racist Anglo trash and Zionist parasites think. That is why it is also imperative that the NATO warmongers don’t succeed against Russia. JAI RUS!


Why Germany? Germany has nothing to gain from a western-Russian conflict. We are highly dependent on Russian fossile fuel and even historically the small part of Eastern Prussia nowadays being part of Russia (Kaliningrad/Königsberg) is far away from our modern borders while the vast majority of lost territory lies within modern Poland (Silesia, South-Eastern Prussia, Pomerania, Western Prussia). Almost the entity of the German population has been expelled from there after WW2…

So – in contrast to Japan – Germans shouldn’t have any interest in a conflict with Russia.

It’s all due the ambitions of our western allies and those of our political elites entwined with them.


Sorry, wrong place. Answer was directed to William White.


In WW2 Japan was basically pushed to war by the US (embargoes) and before set up by Britain. Britain had encouraged Japanese ambition by leaking aircraft carrier info, giving initial successes (Singapore). Very similar strategy to treatment of Germany. Both in order to crush them later (with the help of the US). The situation is different now, and I agree that Germany shouldn’t be antagonistic towards Russia. A fair partnership would be good. Despite the terribly one-sided media coverage, there is little appetite for war in the German population. Our excuses for politicians are, however, largely simply part of a doomsday machine.

Jens Holm.

Thats a relative. USA was not alone. So many demanded Japan to stop its expansion. They already has the Whole Korea and made more then the Mancko China.

They here also was in war with Russia.

The only stopper was USA as big tradepartner. It was not provocative but a defencive attitude. It seemes Yiu forget USA already has big unimplyment.

Its tempting for me to go to Stalin. Many would say, that Hitler could not have attacked the whole western Europe with no communist help.

Next Hirtler attacked USSR as well. And we saw the Germans needed food, iraon, coal, nikel to their tanks and a lot of other things.


They don’t have any interest, beside the dream of EU (which is basically rum by Germany) to be in charge when dealing with Russia. So far they overestimated their leverage and got themselves into a pickle. EU is hurting more from “sanctions” than Russia. Also they finally realized, that without Russian support the EU can’t maintain its living standard, which is BTW way too high. EU countries are spending more money than what they take in, therefore they all drown in debt and will not be able to increase any rates to even zero. For now they still have -0,5%, which is the opposite how money lending works. They are trapped and they still manage to worsen their situation every day.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
Jens Holm.

None here believe that. We anytime can ramain the same and can decline a lttle form a very high level.

4 countries has just decided tomake the bíggest windfarm in the whole world. Its Germany, Belgium, Holland and Denmark.

So we do something about it. Thats because Our systems are frelxible for needed changes.

And Yes we are very determinant about Ukraine should have the right to decide things themself as any free country.

UN support that. Many support them in economics and handling refugees. 40 countries support it by all kinds of military equipment as well.

I dont see Our livingstandard is too high. We actually do try to replace quantity with quality by recycling. There will come more initiatives.

The main problem for many parts of the world is low productivity. By that they has less to share. Just as the many poor in Russia their Goverment and themself has to make changes in their minds. If not we should not help them.

We are not rulers unless those sountries or parts of them demand to be colonies again. None can make horses into zebras by painting them only.

Russia think they can do something semilar like that in Ukraine. But they cant even devellop themself.

You should decline with us – the ones still alive – in toatal destruction with us. Hip Hip Hurah. People in Ukraine dont feet themself putting potaoes up in their behinds.


Germany is shooting itself in the foot. I don’t understand why they go along with it. NATO Europe’s philosophy is to keep US in, Russia out and Germany down.

Jens Holm.

Why dont You stop that. As long as its not Your foot. So far their GDP pr capita is twice as much as Russia.

USA is in the western economics as partners too.

As long as You not even try to undserstand Our systems the term understand is correct. Germany is not kept down.


I should stop with what? Are you arguing that the current situation is good somehow for Germany / Germans? I’d like to see you elaborate on that. US agenda is to de-industrialize Germany. If you are a green maybe this is good thing for you.

Let’s just ignore for the sake of argument that GDP is a terrible metric and that Germany is occupied by a foreign power since the end of ww2.

Jens Holm.

There qwe go again. It of course was Nato, which invaded Ukraine. Its alos Our fault we have helped them to defend themself.

Thise conflicts You mention has been since before stoneage. And yes, we are in it TOO. Donrt forget the Muslims.

As usual I look for links about zionist being there and all over too. STOP IT. Who has told You there is a Nobel price in lying???

No wonder if people now and then look down at You too. Respect is both ways. Try wikipedia and look up for, what respect is.


We can expect to see a 60+ retired people battalion protecting Japan from China. May be they will send all the retired Japanese people to the claimed islands to create settlements and create a humanitarian PR when China tries to clear them. Everything for the camera is possible in these days of rhetoric.


LoL… well said!

Jens Holm.

They have somehow to solve this. When I grow old I kind of expect to have a combined toilet and shower dressing and undresing me as well.

Here in Denmark a part of the solution is to let in Young ones. They makes children and in next genation they educate because they now has the facilities to it made by Our system.

That does not solve everything here, but its a fact some countries are overpopulated with Young people of no use. Suddenly they becomes important istead of leftoves.


The solution is to have children with families.

Fred Dozer

Does anyone else notice, Nuclear Weapons are Useless. Countries want to take Russia apart with ZZZZZero Fear. ?


Not for some virus and bacteries, I hope.

Jens Holm.

Even so many of them already wearing sunglasses.


Who is doing what? Your comment contradicts itself. Because of Russia’s nuclear arsenal no one will take Russia apart. I want to have cake every day, but I can’t. Wanting something and actually getting something is not the same. EU said they don’t want to pay for Russian gas supplies in Rubles but they now have to. It seems Russia is taking EU apart. EU has no unity and they are very much at disarray on many topics. Just look at Poland and Hungary as they snub EU on many disagreements. People are suffering the most. The inability to suppress inflation will put millions more into poverty. EU is becoming the new ghetto of the world, next to the US. US cities are overrun by homeless and drug addicts. FB and YT are deleting information about this. Use alternate social media to see what is happening there. EU/US are publicly blaming Russia for their inflation now. That was obvious and planed, hence the whole Ukraine mess.

Jens Holm.

Having more sides then one or two is no contradiction.

The rest is a very invinsible side.

The boycut also is many more things then oil and food for the world and fx EU.

One thing is correct. EU has delayed the energy replacement too much. Holland, Belgium, Germany and DEnmark has just decided to make the biggest wind farm ever in the North Sea. It shoud have been done 10 years ago. It takes about 10 years to make.

Jens Holm.

But e do have that fear by the desperado in Moskva. In the other hand we are not willinly being hostages.

I will remind You and many we can do exact the same threat but has not. That might be the difference and why we have tryed to keep Minsk 2.


Japanese are blinkered if they think anyone in Asia will join their 2nd Co Prosperity sphere. Everyone remembers Japanese attempt to enslave Asia in WW2 and know they have never apologized for this. Hirohito should have hung.


If China or the USSR had made the decision instead of the US at the time, Hirohito would have hung along with Hideki Tojo

Jens Holm.

Sure. They have nuked them too.

Jens Holm.

I see none of that. We are well aware about the Japanese attitudes around and before WW2.

Japan is in the same level as UK, France,Canada or fx Finland.

They and we dont care about Your and their oppinions. They are a part of the world market.

Here is the list of the biggest companies of Japan in 2021:

Rank Company Fortune Global 500 Rank Revenue ($M) Headquarters 1 Toyota Motor 9 256721 Toyota City 2 Honda Motor 48 124241 Tokyo 3 Mitsubishi 51 121543 Tokyo 4 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone 55 112670 Tokyo 5 Japan Post Holdings 58 110561 Tokyo 6 Itochu 71 97753 Osaka 7 Sony 88 84893 Tokyo 8 Hitachi 95 82345 Tokyo 9 AEON 100 81228 Chiba 10 Nippon Life Insurance 111 76984 Osaka 11 Mitsui 114 75562 Tokyo 12 Nissan Motor 116 74170 Yokohama 13 Dai-ichi Life Holdings 119 73842 Tokyo 14 Panasonic 154 63191 Osaka 15 Marubeni 165 59735 Tokyo 16 ENEOS Holdings 166 59540 Tokyo 17 Toyota Tsusho 167 59517 Nagoya 18 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 180 56838 Tokyo 19 SoftBank Group 184 56214 Tokyo 20 Tokyo Electric Power 187 55343 Tokyo 21 Seven & I Holdings 188 54442 Tokyo 22 Tokio Marine Holdings 208 51517 Tokyo 23 KDDI 217 50115 Tokyo 24 Denso 244 46569 Kariya 25 MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings 245 46150 Tokyo 26 Nippon Steel Corporation 249 45556 Tokyo 27 Sumitomo 261 43818 Tokyo 28 Mitsubishi Electric 300 39539 Tokyo 29 Daiwa House Industry 306 38929 Osaka 30 Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance 313 38004 Tokyo 31 Idemitsu Kosan 318 37792 Tokyo 32 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group 325 36811 Tokyo 33 Sompo Holdings 331 36283 Tokyo 34 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 347 34903 Tokyo 35 Fujitsu 358 33863 Tokyo 36 Aisin 365 33260 Kariya 37 Sumitomo Life Insurance 367 33183 Osaka 38 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings 401 30729 Tokyo 39 JFE Holdings 404 30444 Tokyo 40 Mizuho Financial Group 406 30357 Tokyo 41 Medipal Holdings 408 30291 Tokyo 42 Takeda Pharmaceutical 409 30166 Tokyo 43 Suzuki Motor 412 29981 Hamamatsu 44 Canon 414 29560 Tokyo 45 Kansai Electric Power 417 29171 Osaka 46 Toshiba 420 28813 Tokyo 47 NEC 432 28243 Tokyo 48 Bridgestone 434 28047 Tokyo 49 Chubu Electric Power 440 27690 Nagoya 50 Sumitomo Electric Industries 442 27532 Osaka 51 Mazda Motor 449 27187 Hiroshima 52 Subaru 459 26698 Tokyo 53 Alfresa Holdings 494 24556 Tokyo

Written by Sergey Karpenko is a co-founder of Asian-links.com and a value investor who has lived in Asia for many years.

So even if Japan decline a little, they are from a very high level. And the world do change there too.


If Japan is obedient then they ei restore the Emperor They are the oldest royal family on earth, and not unusually their blood lines are Korean.



Jens Holm.

He has pictures from his samsung android himself.

Jens Holm.

I looked up. according wike Japan and its first empeorar is made by the Sun Godinn Amaterasu.

According that she made people grow rice, wheat and silworms in the name of Shinto traditions.

I wasnt there myself. If So I would be 2500 years old.


US State Department is funding and directing the Indian Aam Aadmi opposition party in an attempt to take over management of India in an effort to create another enemy for Russia.


aadmi is useless,besides he does not represent anything but nazo sodomity,genocide,mass starvation

Jens Holm.

Russia is not the center ot the world in this too

I wonder why the old Congress party hardly is not there anymore. Modi unites nothing.


Soviet Russia crushed Imperial Japan in 1939 at the Battles of Khalkhin Gol:


And again in 1945


Amazing how easy it was to defeat the enemy,unlike 05 when after sign the peace treaty the enemy snuck on the more naive russians back then,in such a cowardly unsportmans like,hollow stalemate!


per recent index by transparency international—USA most corrupt dictatorship on earth, Japan #5—-thge blind morons like nazi Jens reject reality….see full article at scheerpost

Jens Holm.

When Yuri was born he was put into a worst case scenario. They soon found out he is nothing and never would be.

https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2020 is the Youro source

Here USA is number 25 of 179. Russia is 129 and Ukraine is 117.

Porc halal

I’m not russophobic but Russia has to bear and take responsibility for its past actions, even the ones it doesn’t like and which have done enough harm to other nations … to just lie about these sensitive topics or supporting/ backing them, will bring Russia to the same primitive level as fucking bastard ukraine …

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal

What actions? Your comment lacks the very basic information you are trying to emphasize on.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
Jens Holm.

Typical: When things happen the memory pr routine i erased as Arnold was there.


Russias doing fine,its your sodomised gutless eu/union homosexuals of soros,burning in hell,duddo!

Jens Holm.

Some how many of those tiny kopeks is that.


Such things need to be addressed. Russia did illegally occupy Japanese territory and that has never been resolved. In view, especially of China’s ambitions, it is understandable that Japan would strengthen their defense capabilities. Hopefully, this will be accompanied by more NATO-independent policies. While Russia is rightly concerned about NATO agression, that doesn’t make everything Russia does are has done automatically right. But again, Japan’s main concern is China, not Russia. It will won’t supplies rather than start a war.


Japan started the pacific war and was aiming to expand by “seizing” other territories. Don’t use words like “illegal” when others did start “illegal” actions first. Once rules were broken there is no such thing as illegal or legitimate. You start a bar fight, you deal with the consequences, even if this means that you get your ass kicked. There is no whining about anything afterwards.


Russia crushed the jap/nazi kuntz in ww2 (period) The fully deserve the lands they saved unlike usa!

Jens Holm.

Thats totally crap. After a short hor warfare USSR and Japan made a neutral treaty. Here russia got space inMogolia.

Russia was not partipating in the war gainst Japan. It even is decided in a treaty by Stalin, Rosevwelt and Churchill.

How the F…. do You get that from.

First when the Nazis was defeated the Russiand did some small symbolic actions august 9. That – of course – was for taking land from Japan(and China).

Its was 3 days AFTER Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I admit its the short version. But You are wrong and far out.


It’s not baloney, Japan ceded it after WWII. The USA agreed to this beforehand.


Tony Kaku

That’s totally crap. Japan broke its treaty with Russia by stealing all of Sakhalin. In 1945, the USSR took Sakhalin and all the Kuril Islands. Japan has nothing to whinge about.


It was also agreed to by the USA and Japan ( after their defeat). Now they want it back. What can anyone say, excuses for war…


The USSR declared war and took it. They also defeated the Japanese Imperial army in Manchuria. USSR invaded 3 months after Germany Surrendered as agreed with the USA. This allowed for an independent China.

“The Yalta declaration gave Moscow back southern Sakhalin, which Japan had seized during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-05, as well as the Kurile Island chain to which Russia had renounced its claim in 1875….With the Treaty of San Francisco, which formally ended the war in the Pacific, Japan ceded all claims to Sakhalin, leaving the island under Soviet control even though Moscow had declined to sign the treaty…”


Learn a little History.


Everybody knows who’s in the driving seat instigating these agitations… Yes it’s the yanks again in full swing grooming it’s minions to be the future proxy army in preparation for another brutal conflict, a well known template to keep the US soldiers away from firing range and protect the nest of terrorism in DC. It’s an undeclared war being waged in China and Russia that should be countered with black ops mainly with assassinations and sabotages to disrupt enemies’ atrocious activities. USA feels it got nothing to loss since itself is anticipating its inevitable collapse soon.


They lost the wildfires eco narrative,now hoax corona narrative,yet to date war narrative (period) Russia is exposing the wests weakness like no other ever before in the history of mankind,for real!

Jens Holm.

Russia is exposing they are a malfunktion as an museum not able to repair.

Peter Jennings

The USadmin and its nato poodles want Japan to open up a second front. That’s what is meant by ‘support Ukraine’. Only western idiots have answered the call so far, and many of those returned home pretty quickly when they could. The rest of the western population think fuck Ukraine in its present state, as it’s being lorded over by zionists and nazi puppets of america.

It seems operation Paperclip has backfired.


I feel sorry for these japs who are being pushed into the cauldron by the monster master in DC. The japs military should get rid of its political leadership and purge all American military personnel from japsland. Start a new government that would purely looked at its interest and develop an independent foreign policy.

hunter bidé lab pork !

the only front is Klaus the Pig, Zoros the Parazite, Obomba lgbt, Hillary clintoris and the usual gang of lgbts !!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

and the Psico Pedos Parazites !!!!


Japanese imperial flag is East Asian equivalent of nazi flag. I guess Chines would have to deimperialize Japan.

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