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MARCH 2025

The Values Of Democracy: Latvian Gay Man Dies After Being Burned Alive

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The Values Of Democracy: Latvian Gay Man Dies After Being Burned Alive

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On April 28th, a 29-year-old Latvian medical assistant died of severe burns in the small, idyllic, historical city of Tukums, Latvia.

29-year-old Normunds Kindzulis suffered burn wounds over 85 percent of his body after he was found engulfed in flames on his front doorstep.

He was allegedly set ablaze by his neighbors for being homosexual, in the bastion of democracy and human rights that stands against the evil “Russian Empire” alongside the other Baltic states – Latvia.

A scuffle allegedly broke out in the apartment complex he lived in, and for that he had his clothing soaked with fuel and was lit on fire in what advocates are urging the police to consider as a homophobic hate crime.

Artis Jaunklavins, his roommate, woke up to discover his friend fully engulfed in flames outside their door, and suffered burns as well trying to extinguish the fire.

Latvian police aren’t investigating it as a hate crime, and they even consider that the man could have doused himself in flammable liquid and set himself on fire.

“I woke up from screams in the corridor. Normunds was flaming like a torch,” Artis Jaunklavins told local media. “I tried to put out the flames, I carried him in and put him in the bath but the burns were too severe, his clothing had fried into his skin.”

“We will investigate objectively, regardless of people’s affiliation with a certain race or group of people,” Andrejs Grisins, deputy chief of state police said. “The state police have never sorted people by any affiliation in their investigations and applications.”

Grisins told reporters Kindzulis might have been driven to taking his own life by his hateful and homophobic neighbor.

“Bringing someone to the brink of suicide is also a crime,” he told reporters.

Kindzulis was allegedly set ablaze in the early morning hours of April 22. According to an account, the neighbor reportedly not only wanted them to move out of their shared apartment building, but also out of the town as well. Kindzulis and Jaunklavins had reported the numerous threats they received from their homophobic neighbor to police, but to no avail.

“Previously, once in November 2020, the victim had reported the threats to the police,” Janeks Bach of the Tukums district said. “Following examination of this information, a decision was taken to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings and no appeal was lodged against this decision.”

Kindzulis had fled from Riga, Latvia’s capital for receiving constant death threats and moved to Tukums.

In the quiet, historic town, he was physically assaulted at least four times.

Latvian President condemned the incident, saying there was no place for hatred in Latvia.

To top it all off, police initially dismissed Kindzulis as he was on fire, since they considered him to simply be a “pile of burning clothes”.

If situations such as these are welcome in a society that claims “tolerance” and “equality” as its highest values, then this means that Kiev and its Nazi rallies are sure to have a safe home in Europe.


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I’ve been kicked off most sights for telling the truth about America and “Christianity” and now Southfront is writing articles in support of homosexuals. Why would I support that?

The homo should have stayed in the closet where he belonged.

Jim Allen

In My Homophobic Opinion ? SF does journalism, and does not write articles in support of whatever topics any given article published. That is you attempting to project your values/opinion into the article, by assuming you have a clue what SF’s position is on a given subject. A pitiful troll you are.


The fact that you use the word “homophobic’ proves my point. The words we use say a lot about how we think. And you legitimize a word that was created solely to make normal people look like the ones with issues.

This article does not show any reason other than to encourage sympathy for this homo. It could be trying to show the hypocrisy of so called “free democracy” but the wording does not play that out. So you tell me what is the purpose of this article?

Also, I find it common for people who cannot argue to call those they disagree with “trolls”. The word no longer has any real meaning except as a slur to be thrown at people you disagree with.


Ain’t got a thing against gays once they stay far away from transgendering & pedophilia, other than that there’ll be problems


What? Burning a faggot is now a crime in Latvia??? Seems unreasonable to me….


What about the Socialist Fraternal Kiss?

imgur. com/rii7Tzg


Rockwell said he wanted to gas homosexuals.

bit. ly/3vROCcZ


books. google.com/books/about/The_Homosexual_Threat_to_Civilization. html?id=gJxGvQEACAAJ

Appendix 1: Homosexuals Responsible for 40% Rise in Sexually Transmitted Diseases from 2015 to 2016 —US Government Statistics

Appendix 2: Homosexuals and Nonwhites (Third World Immigrants) the Cause of 61% of all New AIDS Cases in the EU —World Health Organization.

Appendix 3: Homosexuals Account for 70% of new HIV infections in US. —Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Appendix 4: Homosexuals 11 Times More Likely to be Pedophiles —Journal of Sex Marital Therapy.

Appendix 5: Homosexuals, Lesbians, and Bisexuals 3 Times More Likely to be Mentally Ill —Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Appendix 6: “Transgender” Is a Mental Illness —Johns Hopkins Chief Psychiatrist.

Appendix 7: Suicide Rates among Homosexuals 6 Times Higher than Normal —American Association of Suicidology.

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