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The Virus And The US ‘Defense’ Industry: A Bit Less ‘Free Market’ Capitalism, A Bit More Strategic Planning In Order?

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The Virus And The US ‘Defense’ Industry: A Bit Less ‘Free Market’ Capitalism, A Bit More Strategic Planning In Order?


Two recent articles, one in Defenseone.com and the other in Military.com, highlight different though not entirely unrelated aspects of the dis-functionality that has steadily encroached ever deeper into the US’ military-industrial complex, and how the situation can be addressed.

The first reviews structural and procedural impediments affecting the planning, procurement and development of advanced aircraft, and summarizes the arguments of a top Air Force official who warned earlier this week that the United States might need to nationalize parts of the military aviation sector if the Pentagon does not come up with new ways to buy planes that stimulate more competition in private industry.

The second article notes that the pandemic crisis has served as an incentive to consolidate the military production chain in a way that can benefit US technological and industrial capacity and thereby generate additional economic and employment benefits, as well as addressing security and resilience weaknesses inevitably associated with extensive overseas outsourcing of key components and technological processes.

A fundamental aspect of the military-industrial complex that escapes the attention of both analyses, however, is the role of the financial overlords that rule it all.

That the US has fallen far behind Russia in particular in the development of the most advanced high-tech weapons systems and platforms in many sectors has become increasingly apparent, despite the fact that Russia has about one tenth the military budget of the US.

The US weapons procurement and production system is characterized by isolated financial-industrial combines that have minimal interoperability as they compete to secure long-term supply contracts that will lock them into guaranteed production contracts for many years. The competition between conglomerates prevents cooperation among the country’s best scientific and engineering teams and creates an environment conducive to duplication of effort on key elements of procurement and development of new technologies. For example, while one of the conglomerate’s research units may have solved an obstacle related to, say, optimal fuel composition for a specific engine type, research teams at the other conglomerates may still be spending millions of dollars and thousands of research hours on finding a solution to the same obstacle.

Many aspects of how these conceptual dilemmas and structural realities are affecting the US’ ability to develop advanced high-technology weapons systems and platforms efficiently and cost-effectively are clearly revealed in the article by Defenseone.com, which reviews the comments of, Will Roper, the head of Air Force acquisition, at a forum earlier this week as the Air Force finalizes ambitious plans to buy a new series of combat fighter jets called the Digital Century Series.

Numerous anomalies have resulted from strictly isolated R&D and production systems. Lockheed Martin and Boeing are the only US companies that make tactical fighter jets. Boeing’s F-15 Eagle and F/A-18 Super Hornet are considered a generation behind Lockheed’s F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II. Boeing and Sweden’s Saab are building the new T-7 pilot training jet.

Northrop Grumman is the only US manufacturer of a heavy bomber. Boeing’s KC-46 is the only aerial tanker in serial production and Lockheed’s C-130 Super Hercules tactical transport is the only military cargo plane in production. There are no strategic, long-range military transports in production. The isolation and fragmentation of final products has associated affects throughout the production chain, from strategic planning and scientific research and technological development to individual design, construction and production of components and the final product.

At a public forum Will Roper discussed some of the difficulties he faces as the head of Airforce acquisition, and some of the alternatives for moving forward.

“We have multiple vendors who can still build a high-end, tactical platform,” Roper told reporters. “I think it’s really important that we find a new model where there are no big winners and no big losers, but continual competition.”

“Technical talent is at a premium,” he said. “If the design opportunities are so few and far between that joining a defense company means you may get to design one thing in your career … — and that’s if you’re lucky — then that talent will go elsewhere into commercial innovation where the opportunities are more plentiful.”

Thus many separate but interconnected elements of the planning, design and development process are involved, not just in terms of adjusting strategic planning and management needs to existing structural and corporate realities, but also providing satisfying career paths and opportunities for individuals and groups that not only enable existing scientific, technical and managerial talent to be harnessed most effectively but also to provide for ongoing consolidation and enhancement of that capacity.

Defenseone writes:

In this sense, Roper hopes his Digital Century Series plan will attract a new generation of engineers to the defence sector and provide a model for buying different types of military aircraft.

Roper’s project envisions developing and buying plans at a much quicker rate than traditional tactical fighters which often take a decade before they are produced in large quantities. By that time, technology is already dated and brand new planes must undergo costly and time consuming upgrade projects.

The Digital Century Series is a throwback to the U.S. military’s “Century Series” fighter jets built in the 1950s and 1960s. His hope is that new companies can emerge and disrupt the sector, much like Elon Musk’s Tesla electric vehicles have disrupted the automobile industry.

“If our industrial base collapses any more, we’ll have to nationalize advanced aviation and maybe other parts of the Air Force that currently are competitive,” Roper said. “But I also am holding out some hope that if we open up the door to do design frequently, and build things in smaller batches that are between X-planes and mass production, that we will eventually encourage an innovative company to cross over into defense, or companies to start up that just want to build really cool airplanes or satellites, because they don’t have to own the big production lines and tooling workforce, which is the only way to work with us today.”

The defense industry has contracted (SF comment: i.e., become even more concentrated in terms of ownership, control and functional and organizational structuring and management) in recent years following a series of high-profile mergers and acquisitions, the latest being the April mega-merger of United Technologies and Raytheon, which followed UTC’s acquisition of Rockwell Collins. L3 Technologies merged with Harris last year.

Roper said he has been surprised that other top defense officials seem unworried about the shrinking defense industrial base. “It’s not because the defense industrial base has gotten worse, it’s just programs are so few and far between that to be any long-term partner with us in defense tech, you’d have to have a pretty diversified portfolio,” he said.

Roper believes his Digital Century Series plan will lower the military’s long-term costs. Since becoming the Air Force’s top weapons buyer in early 2018, he has been looking for ways to lower the lifetime costs of owning planes. Roper compared buying weapons to getting a free or deeply discounted mobile phone from a wireless provider which then locks the customer into a long-term service contract.

“I believe it’s going to be cheaper to procure airplanes this way than it will be with the major production line, not because the per unit price will be cheaper … but because the total price of ownership is lower, that we will get out the heavy modernization and sustainment costs that really start piling after Year 15,” he said.

Roper has pushed for companies to build weapons with open technology, so the Air Force isn’t forced to repeatedly pay the company that made a specific weapon for upgrades over its lifetime.

“Everything has to change,” Roper said. “This 21st-century challenge we have simply flies in the face of Cold War acquisition. We’re going to have to use technology available to everyone. We’re not going to be able to own it and have it be exclusive for us. We’ve got to create a business model that … [empowers the] defense industry to design systems that are open for technology, especially digital technology that again will be open to everyone.”

So how does the defence industry feel about Roper’s plan to radically change the way the Air Force buys weapons? Not surprisingly, the industry is against any changes that could `potentially interfere with the structures of ownership and control that they have systematically and meticulously developed over the last few decades.

Thus, one analyst says other countries — Britain, France, Japan, Sweden — have proven that they can keep a single combat aircraft manufacturer alive without formally nationalizing it.

Nationalization is “an admission that they have failed miserably and I don’t think they have failed,” said Richard Aboulafia, vice president of analysis at the Teal Group aviation consulting firm.

“The arsenal system was great for the Civil War, where you don’t have to respond to market needs in terms of talent and corporate organization, but the real world of aerospace calls for, at the very least, a public-private partnership — nationalization being, kind of the land of the lost,” Aboulafia said.

Similarly, another industry consultant was dismissive of the possible benefits of carrying out a fundamental re-evaluation of the existing modes of production of the financial-military-industrial process.

“The Digital Century Series may help America win the tech war with China while making it more likely our military loses in a real war,” defence industry analyst and consultant Loren Thompson wrote in Forbes earlier this year. LINK

The second article, by Military.com, briefly recounts some of the collateral benefits that have resulted from the structural disruptions caused by the Coronavirus outbreak.

The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated Defense Department efforts to secure supply chains against China and bring overseas manufacturing capacity back to the US, according to the Pentagon’s acquisitions chief.

“This has, in a way, been the silver lining for us” in the pandemic, Ellen Lord, the undersecretary for acquisition and sustainment, said at a Ronald Reagan Institute forum aired Thursday.

“We in government cannot let a good crisis go unused here,” Lord said, adding that the pandemic is “a wake-up call to do things a little bit differently.”

The crisis has pushed the DoD to accelerate efforts under President Donald Trump’s July 2017 executive order to secure supply chains and strengthen the Defense Industrial Base, or DIB, she explained.

“We identified a lot of single-source, offshore supply chain critical items” that could be produced in the U.S., including microelectronics, Lord said.

The DoD “also advanced pharmaceutical ingredients that go into our drugs,” she said, adding that much of generic drug production now comes from China.

Most chief executives are well aware of the challenges of doing business in China, Lord said, but there “wasn’t really a compelling reason to reshore” (‘onshore’) and bring the work back to the U.S. until COVID-19 hit.

She stressed her continuing concern about “adversarial capital” taking over U.S. firms through shadow third parties controlled by China.

The major concern is for aircraft manufacturers who supply the DoD, as well as the commercial aircraft industry, she explained.

“Those dual-use providers have been particularly hard hit,” as air travel has cratered during the pandemic, Lord said.

“We have made amazing inroads in coming back up to prior productivity levels” throughout the Defense Industrial Base despite the pandemic, although shipbuilding and aircraft production have lagged behind, Lord said.

The official quoted in the second article expressed “continuing concern about ‘adversarial capital’ taking over U.S. firms through shadow third parties controlled by China.” Certainly, each country must take every precaution to ensure that actual and potential adversaries don’t get access to the most advanced research and technology, much less infiltrate or worst of all take over the entire research, development and production process. However, by limiting their perspective to a traditional Nation-State perspective the officials seem trapped in a paradigm that blinds them to the possibility that this may have already occurred.

The fundamental challenge in conceptual terms is creating an operational environmental that promotes diversification and competition among research efforts, whilst maintaining mechanisms for strategic planning and coordination of efforts to meet national needs. Another structural and conceptual aspect is, is the profit motive and ‘free market competition’ the only way to achieve innovative weapons production?

However, notwithstanding the compartmentalization of each conglomerate’s R & D and production capabilities there is an apparent structural anomaly, in that the major shareholders of each conglomerate are almost identical. The ‘free market’ is not at all free, and a small number of investment funds appear to have captured control of the majority of the largest weapons producers. Hence, there is a high capability for strategic planning and coordination of effort, and one must assume that this is occurring. The many billion dollar question is, who is determining the strategic planning parameters and objectives, and on what basis? The circular and interlocked ownership of the major investment funds involved prevents a clear answer to this question.

The people of the US are enthusiastic, to the point of fanatical, about the virtues of ‘free enterprise’, the ‘pioneering spirit’, individual liberty, etc. These concepts and values certainly have much merit and are to be encouraged.

However, they don’t seem to realize that these values have been appropriated and transmuted into malignant forms of predatory capitalism where huge financial and corporate combines claim these same individual values to justify corporate immunity from any form of State regulation and accountability to the public (reduced to a basic equation of State = bad, ‘free market’ = good). This is not to suggest that the equations should be reversed in a similarly simplistic manner (State = good, corporations = bad), and the analyst’s comment above that public-private partnerships can be beneficial cannot be reasonably disputed.

But the nature of the specific roles and functions of the respective parties must be carefully identified and considered in each instance. In the US it seems that the State (the Presidency, the Congress and all relevant State agencies and officials) have abdicated, or outsourced, most of their strategic capacities and functions to the financial-corporate combines.

Beyond the superficial appearance of ‘dynamic free market capitalism competition’ between Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, each is actually controlled by the same three to five key shareholders, with several other investment funds clearly also firmly meshed into the central network of ownership, control and management.

Boeing’s largest shareholders are Capital Research & Management (approximately 14.3%), The Vanguard Group (7%), Evercore Trust Company (6%), Newport Trust (5.8%), State Street (through its investment vehicle, SSgA Funds Management, 4.6%), T. Rowe Price (3.5%) and BlackRock (2.2%). (The percentages listed are probably underestimates, and sourced from ‘marketscreener’.)

Northrop Grumman’s largest shareholders are Capital Research & Management (33%), State Street (9.9%), Vanguard (7.7%), and Massachusetts Financial Services (3.5%).

Lockheed Martin’s largest shareholders are State Street (15.1%), Capital Research & Management (9%), Vanguard (7.9%), Putnam (5.3%), Wellington Management (4%) and BlackRock (2.2%).

A more detailed tabulation of the shareholding structure is provided in another study by South Front. In relation to some of the largest weapons producers and some of the largest corporations of the financial sector the results were as follows:

The Virus And The US ‘Defense’ Industry: A Bit Less ‘Free Market’ Capitalism, A Bit More Strategic Planning In Order?

Click to see the full-size image

Vngd – Vanguard,  BkRk – BlackRock,  StSt – State Street,  Nwpt – Newport, CapRM – Capital Research & Management,  FMR – Fidelity Management & Research Co. – FMR LLC,  TRP – T. Rowe Price Associates,  Bnk Am – Bank of America,  LAC – Longview Asset Management, Norges – Norges Bank, Harris – Harris Associates, Brkshr H – Berkshire Hathaway, Mtbshi – Mitsubishi

The difficulty of penetrating the corporate veil to identify real shareholders, the actual people who are directing and benefiting from the activities of these mega-shareholders, results from the fact that the shareholders of Vanguard and BlackRock, for example, are virtual replicas of those listed above. Some of the mega-shareholders’ stakes are a bit less, some a bit more, and some other investment funds and corporate vehicles appear, but overall they forma consolidated nucleus of interlocked entities where there is no head and no tail apparent from the surface. This aspect is also explored in more detail in the earlier South Front article.

The power of these mega-shareholders to appoint directors of the industrial conglomerates flows down from there into the subsequent appointment of senior managers and permeates into every aspect of each industrial combine’s activities and subsidiaries. The phenomenon is by no means limited to the ‘defense sector’, but penetrates all of the most strategic and lucrative sectors of the US economy, as well as those of many other countries.

The financial/corporate combines meld the worst of unaccountable centralized planning and total control exercised by a small group of corporate executives and shareholders, without the benefits accruing to the American people of the consolidation and coordination of strategic planning, prioritization and management. There is definitely a form of extremely strategic and centralized planning and management occurring: the very precise allocation of carefully calculated strategic percentages of shares held between a small number of shareholders demonstrates this beyond a doubt.

The paramount question is who is directing this centralized effort, based on what values and objectives? It clearly isn’t the Congress or the Presidency, who depend on these same combines for the money to run their election campaigns, to receive favourable media coverage, etc.

And who is responsible for running the security checks of the people that control and manage the investment funds and the vast array of corporate vehicles that they have progressively brought under their control? How do they even identify who they are? An excellent study (Hidden Power of the Big Three: Passive index funds reconcentration of corporate ownership and new financial risk) analyses some of the structural elements and mechanisms through which the shareholders translate into influence or control over the decisions of specific industrial combines.

However, it gets no closer to identifying the locus of control, ownership and beneficiaries behind ‘the Big Three’ and the associated constellation of investment funds.


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Lone Ranger

The U.S. was highjacked on November 22 1963, the CIA and the military industrial complex runs the U.S. eversince than. And they are getting more greedy by the day. Military budget is $800billion a year plus black projects… CIA who knows…a lot… Bankster bail-outs $8trillion since 2008. Avg Joe? Haha good joke. Thats the real reason why the U.S. is going down.

Ivan Freely

Eventually Joe-the-plumber will reach for their pitch forks, or wrenches or ArmaLite, and march towards the Capitol.

Fog of War

” The U.S. was highjacked on November 22 1963, the CIA and the military industrial complex runs the U.S. eversince than. ” Actually the USA fell in 1913.

Vince Dhimos

1913. The year Congress trampled the Constitution to turn over the coining of money to the Feds.

Decatur Guy

And, it continues unimpeded to this very day from the starting flag in 1860, IMHO. Remember, President William Jefferson Blythe “proclaimed” the US constitution to be and “organic” instrument of law.

Lone Ranger

Its nothing free market about it. Buy our inferior more expensive weaponsystems or else… Thats called extortion, maffia style…

Zionism = EVIL

You read my mind, lol. I was about to post that the whole Americunt “military industrial complex” is one big Jew cunts controlled fraud and ponzi scam, where the dumb sons of bitches are paying $1,500 for a toilet seat and a gallon of gasoline in the Afghan lost quagmire costs $145 and everyone is scamming the idiots. And then you wonder why they have never won a war. Russian military is ten times more efficient with a total defence outlay of barely $70 billion. The corrupt dying Americunt police state is now costing over a trillion dollars.

Lone Ranger

Indeed. U.S. pointing their fingers at Russia for being corrupt. But if that was the case they couldnt keep up at 1/10th the military budget. And not only against the U.S. but whole NATO. Meanwhile Russian livingstandards on avg are better now than that of the U.S. We live in historic times. U.S. is the first global empire to collapse and we can witness it in slow motion.

Damien C

it won’t stop being an old boys club until the US military bans its senior officers from joining defence companies after retirement.

It’s just ripe for corruption with them previously being on the military panels that award the contracts Insane situation just asking Colonels Generals and Majors to be bribed with future job offers


So why did India Drop out of the SU-57 program after investing so much into it? Why do they now require OLD Mig-29’s? Why did the SU-57 price drop to 42million from 85 million AFTER THE RECENT CRAASH IN DECEMBER 2019?

Answer these questions First, then u can talk about the 180 F-22’s and the 550 already made F-35’s (2000 to be produced) and the newly updated Super Hornets that a little bird told be are getting Super Cruise engines :)

Lone Ranger

Price didnt drop of the Su-57. India has a tendency to flip flop with progrsms. F-16s, Rafale they did it many times. They will be back dont worry. Adide from that they arent buying old Mig-29s. They have Mig-29Ks. And ordered Mig-29Ms. U.S. has only 110 F-22s left. And the Flop-35 is a joke. U.S. started orderi g Super Jornets and F-15s instead. There will be never 2000 of it. Not even a 1000. It will top out below 700. Same as the F-22, they wanted 1800 ended up 172… Aside from that your reply has nothing to do with my post… Great, Su-35 could super cruise 15 years ago… So could the Eurofighter Typhoon. And now the Mig-35 and Su-57…


India doesnt invest heavily and then back out! As for which aircraft the choose, most of the time its done to keep on good terms with many nations!

The Flop-35 is a joke but the Chinese Flopping fish isnt a joke? lol

Lone Ranger

India didn’t invest heavily.

Depends how close it comes to the original. I mean the Chinese jet…

Lone Ranger

True. But the bulk of their jets and helos are still Russian.


Listen ive got something serious to tell you! Because all in all, i know u are a serious guy! Take away your frustrations for a moment and just listen to what i am going to say and its not about military hardware!

READY? Ive just heard (but cannot confirm an its backed up by some SERIOUS evidence that has come true in the last 2 days in the form of predicted Cyber attacks) That a REAL Kinetic war is about to take place with China!

CloudFare (the Internets biggest DDOS protection server has just gone down) im talking about Discord, Google, AT&T, Verizon, Comcast (i could go on and on) have gone down in the USA! Struggling to maintain service and mostly failing due to flooding (data)

I AM NOT KIDDING! THIS IS DEADLY SERIOUS! Hong Kong Diplomates have just been evacuated into the Phillipines! It has been said that a KINETIC war is about to begin anytime soon!


Nations immediately going to war against China are (These are not my words but leaks on 8Chan from a US Space Force Officer) (Trump created Space force so no leaks could occur)

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b64ec13a5e945bf24110f7275b75a3933c07d312171a440acb716e55b0f7a519.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f87b08413e756274e9628750d22146d0c0940e6e1b7238a428e11f0805fb5a08.png

US, UK Canada, Australia, India, Russia, South Korea and Japan “are going to decapitate China in an operation to take only a few days”

“it has been established as a fact how Covid 19 has been used as a bioweapon, how civil unrests have been organized and funded by China with operatives on our ground” “Low orbit stationary defense array is ready to disarm any intercontinental threat exgressing China” “The strategy consists on a multi stage plan to protect our soil from cyber attacks, the solution proposes to turnoff the internet in critical areas completely also establish buffer corridors, which means intranet nationwide. All exists out and into US will be capped but you will have all the services you are using today.”

“Generals among them Gen. Robert B. Abrams, Gen. Raymond A. Thomas and Gen. Robert Brooks Brown are in a multi day VTC session.”

“This is it. The show will commence”

“Watch out for internet blackouts and a sudden drop in protests due to arrest of the organizers.” “Strategic moves in India and Korea” “Expect new never before seen technology like jet only powered Osprey type transport and attack plane, new bombers, new propulsion type, new type of aircraft carrier that will break the record of speed will be announced, already built, ready to roll presented to the world. and size and unexpected Allies that you would have never imagined would join us in a million years.”

“Announcement of Aircraft carrier striking group soon and massive drill with B2’s and B52’s.”

“Enjoy the show.”

Lone Ranger

Ok I will be very surprised if that indeed would happen. But I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.


National Recon office has just launched (2 days a go) 4 classifed Sats and also some in Feb and March!

US election around the corner, Covid -19 Australia (my state) on total lock down! Indian has moved its Carrier. Serious shit is happening in Australia on the internet! We will likely shut ours down too due to attacks for 3 days or more!

Its an all out attack upon China thats about to take place!

Think about it! All happening at one time! Putin pushes through new constitution to stay on as Pres (in order to protect Russia) Putin just made new deal with Mongolia (to use their air space) Putin is 100% supporting India!

You have seen the world speaking out against China. Its on and it must happen before the election! Soros just lost federal funding!

The world has gone Covid crazy! The carriers are in place! You know its coming! deep in your soul u know it!

Be ready! We are on the same side, please remember that! You will understand when u see Russia attack China!

China has been planning to take Vladivostok which is why the Russian embassy in India and China let china know via its twitter accounts!

This source i have is credible and has proven to be very accurate!

Keep your eye on the ball! When it begins, make sure u stand up for Russia and do not take the Chinese side! They are everywhere!

Loyalty to Russia comes before China! remember that!

Good luck!

Lone Ranger

My loyality goes first to God. Than my homeland Hungary. Than Russia.


Hungary has been a great nation lately standing up to the EU!

My state Victoria now has military in the streets! We cannot leave our houses unless for work or food! MUST wear masks by law at all times! No shit!

We have caught a lot of CCP agents lately (in politics) its going down, i can feel it!

CCP is very embedded within Australia! i believe a national counter intelligence operation is occurring right now! Our internet has been going down and services are slowing!

this is happening soon, i can feel it!

Lone Ranger

Here things are more or less normal. At least as of now. Can go anywhere anytime. You only have to wear a mask while shopping. On the streets its business as usual. Stay safe.


You have a patriot as a President! You are well protected!

We were light at first with this Covid thing, but as of late, tomorrow (monday) its stage 4 restrictions! Soldiers in the streets!

ive heard in these moments, arrests of enemies are taking place!

Lone Ranger

Crazy times… But if U.S. and Russia will be allies or already are, why the confrontation in Syria and Ukraine? Also U.S. just targeted North Stream 2 and now South Stream projects with sanctions. Germany and the EU said they wont aside, neither will Russia. Doesnt sound too friendly to me… I wont mention the bounties on U.S. soldiers thats an obvious deep state fabrication same as the Russia dossie, BS.


“But if U.S. and Russia will be allies or already are, why the confrontation in Syria and Ukraine?”

I dont know about this! i think the EU making its own army is a sign that the EU beauracrats have seen a shift in alliances! i think the EU is more of an influence in Ukraine than the US now that trump is in! Id say Ukraine would be used against Russia. Look at whats going on with Turkey and Azerbajan and Armenia! You know Armenia is a russian ally!

Dont think of it as nations against Nations! Think of it as Globalists Elites vs Good guys! The nations involved are proxies of good guys and bad guys!


“Also U.S. just targeted North Stream 2 and now South Stream projects with sanctions.”

i honestly dont know! it could all be to throw off the enemy! I mean Russia already has pipes going to Germany right? So who cares! Therefore its a complaint more so against Germany than russia!

Lone Ranger

But friends or allies don’t do things like that. Neither to Germany nor Russia. The new pipes are needed to circumvent Ukraine and also to boost total capacity by around 50%.

Lone Ranger

I played the little with the history of that jet on that site… It must be brand new because it doesnt have any flight data from last month. Only this week. It flew above the north pole… Also at a time it managed to hover at 8700feet with only 37knots basically standing still. No jet can do that…


Something is coming! i can feel it! ive seen many signs of it here in terms of technology fucking up.

Lone Ranger

I’m a bit tense too to be honest. More than usual.


think of it this way…. look at every statistic in history that is a prelude to a world war!

Every single box has been ticked!

Trade wars, currency wars, growing empire vs old empire

Arrests of people who are involved with Elite pedo rings that influences political leaders!

Think about Epstein Death, Prince Andrew in headlines! Think about Kim jung Un and trump shaking hands in NK!

think about bagdaddi, Soliemani, think about Ehud Barak and Bibi indictments.

Think about Covid-19

Think about civil unrest and riots! Think about Hong kong and China rushing to take over!

Think about Carriers in the south China sea!

Have u seen the latest on FBI director, Sec of State and AG speeches in last few days on China? THEY WERE WAR OF WORDS…. LITERALLY!


its come to a head and it must before the US election! specific reason why! tell u another time, im off to bed!

its gonna happen!

Lone Ranger

Sleep good :)

Lone Ranger

Good luck to you too.





it cant be a drone! Unless its new! 1000 knots?

“As the twitter thread goes, no way that’s any of the current recon/UAVs at the moment, as none of those known goes even close to 1000 knots (that’s around mach 2 at that altitude.)

But there’s a bunch of supersonic fighters that can do that easily.”

50,000 to 60,000 feet flying at almost Mach 2 directly over Beijing! Did not get shot down!

Lone Ranger

According to the article it was a Global Hawke version but those have a top speed of Mach 0.9. Also if that black line was its course than it flew above Russia. Why would it do that… And how comes it wasnt shot down…


and its max speed in the photos was 972 knots! 1000 knots is almost mach 2. it also flew non stop back to US midland base!

Questions: What can fly that far? A B2? U2? (B1 cant, B52 maybe) What can fly at almost Mach 2? Not a B2 not a U2 not a B52 What can fly directly over Beijing during a time like this and not get shot down?

Lone Ranger

It could be an Sr-71, but those fly usually higher, aside from that they were pulled from service in 1998. But I heard rumors there are still 1-2 in limited service. Interesting non the less. Not even the part with the speed and altitude but its direction crossing over Russia and going up north near the arctic circle than back. Doesnt make much sense.


As i reported, russia is in on this attack on China! Think about the recent agreement with Mongolia and India and the war of words with Vladivostok with China!

Think of the timing since the Indian border dispute!

The announcement of Russia buy the indian ship building port!

it has just told China, “fuck you”!

Think hard about this and the timing of events!

Lone Ranger

Yeah the ship building deal was sure interesting timing. But why would China want Vladivostok? And why would they think they can get away with it? They arent that dumb…


China claimed it was stolen in 1860 by Russia from China! These war of words have just come in the last 7 days!

Think about the timing of such words! What has Russia done in very recent times? What announcements?

You havent seen the Russian embassy tweets from the Embassy in India and China? You havent see the responses?

its all about Vladivostok!

Everything has meaning, nothing is a coincidence!

Lone Ranger

Ok, see you later. Good night.

Lone Ranger

Maybe they could upgrade the Flop-35s engine with Super Hornet tech. Since the Floppy doesnt have real supercruise :) Neither has it supermaneuverability. Technically its a 4.5gen jet same as the Mig-35. But at least the Mig has Supercruise…

Vince Dhimos

One main difference between the US and Russia, for ex, is that Russia does not allow defence lobbies to influence government arms acquisitions.

Simon Ndiritu

It is a perfectly free market;I mean, free from any regulation or accountability.

Zionism = EVIL

To be honest, there is no “free market”, it is euphemism for exploiting the most vulnerable and maximizing profit for the benefit of the rich. Adam Smith, classified the unwashed masses as “factors of production” for the industrialists. Almost 200 years of unchecked rapacious capitalism, controlled by the Jews has finally brought the western cunts to the brink of disaster.


No warranty,no guarrantees,delivery,no logistics included nor after sales technical assurance,nor permission to utilise against a potential enemy (without cias) approval,fk pentagon shills,then you got to ask,why do nations entrust such dubious deals,particularly, costs always way more than quotes?bribed!

Jim Allen

Everything I thought I wanted to say has been covered. A rare, and amazing occurrence.

Tommy Jensen

The big Hedge Fonds Vanguard, Blackstone, City Bank m.m. have made US into a communist hellhole with no competition and 5 and 10 years central planning programmes………………………….LOL.

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