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MARCH 2025

The War In Ukraine Has Damaged Relations Between Serbia And Russia

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The War In Ukraine Has Damaged Relations Between Serbia And Russia

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The Serbian president’s recent statements about supporting Ukraine’s territorial integrity stem from Belgrade’s desire to solve its own problems at the expense of other countries.

During an interview with Bloomberg, Vucic said that for Serbia, “Crimea is Ukraine, Donbass is Ukraine, and it will remain so”. However, he noted that Serbia has historically maintained close relations with Russia. It is noteworthy that after the interview with the American edition, Vucic’s rhetoric softened considerably.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Serbian president, while once again expressing support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, stated that he opposed the anti-Russian sanctions. “I don’t believe that they will give any result,” Vucic said. He also questioned the non-compliance of “some world powers” (obviously referring to the U.S. and its allies) with the UN Charter when it comes to Serbia.

Being in a state of smoldering conflict between Serbs and Albanians for years, Belgrade is desperately signaling its full support for UN and EU principles, hoping to prevent another escalation of the regional crisis. As practice shows, Washington is unlikely to appreciate such efforts by Belgrade, which will eventually lead to the strengthening of NATO member Albania and the final expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo.

Vucic’s complete dependence on European politics is also evidenced by the resolution adopted by the European Union, which requires the harmonization of foreign policy with the general course of the EU. Belgrade has to show that its decisions are in line with the foreign policy position of the union, even if it runs counter to the national interests of Serbia itself.

With the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, which has been ongoing for almost a year, it would be political suicide for Vucic to openly support Moscow’s actions. On the Serbian television channel Nacionalna Televizija Happy, the president himself stated that the people of Serbia support anti-Russian sanctions, although he himself is against them. Vucic also strongly condemned the enlistment of Serbian citizens in the ranks of Russian armed units and PMCs, calling to stop advertising recruitment: “You people from the PMC “Wagner”! Why do you call the Serbs, when you know that it is against our laws and regulations?”

In his desire to avoid increasing U.S. and EU sanctions on Serbia, Vucic is trying his best to stay in line with European policy. In the long run, however, breaking longstanding ties with Russia could play a nasty trick on Belgrade in the struggle for its own sovereignty.


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Matthew Skellett

Serbia wants to sit on the fence ? Fuck ’em – let them be broken up by NATO !!!


Russia sat on the fence when Serbia was broken up by NATO you idiot. That’s why Russia is in the situation is in today. They even had veto power in the Security Council and abstained so the Nazis could go ahead and destroy Serbia. Serbia is bashed from every angle and has still not given in to impose sanctions even though Russia betrayed them when NATO was destroying Serbia.


Remember who was inpower at that time,that drunken asshole Yeltsin who had destroyed Russia,Russia was not in a position at the time to do anything,why do you think the US Reich decided to attack Yugoslavia at that time?

Last edited 2 years ago by Cromwell

learn your history you idiot it was Russian forces that beat NATO to the airport and STOPPED NATO advancing and capturing KEY FACILITIES otherwise Serbia would have been dissolved. SO LEARN WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE SPROUTING YOUR RUBBISH YOU MORON. =Z=


He has no choice otherwise he cannot claim about kosovo! the same way happen with Iran that not recognize Crimea as a part of Russia like Palestine is not a part of Israel.


Please do go back to your cave or sign up for some history lessons !! You are incompetent to comment on this issue !! NATO has illegally occupied Serbia since 1999 and no one has lifted a finger to have them leave !! This article is quite bias and has not explained the problem that’s been there far longer then Ukrainian issue !! If Russia wants Serbia fully on its side then very simple, it should do what the West is doing for Ukraine…Send Serbia 100 billion worth of arms !!

Peter Jennings

I guess the Russian admin won’t be sending any arms soon, as long as Mr Vucic keeps saying that the Donbas and Crimea belong to Ukraine, even though the people of those regions didn’t want the present Ukraine/nato junta that was forced on eveyone else. This doesn’t help the cause of the Russian admin.

Perhaps Mr Vucic will change his mind as he is beginning to do with EU membership?


Sit on it Matthew. .i.

Душан Мирић

From which mental institution you escaped?


Serbia sounds like a really shitty place to live, same as ukraine.

Mexican American 🇲🇽

After the 2014 Maidan coup, this guy still wants to be part of the E.U, and I doubt he speaks for all Serbians. What a idiot.


Another US puppet. Same as Sandu in Moldova


He isn’t. Sandu in Moldova, like the scumbag in Bucharest, the German president of Romania are a different story. Everyone hates them but somehow they’re still in power with the support of the Ziomafia banking parasites.


He doesn’t as peak for RR Serbians but he has no choice but to buy time an SD make statements of that nature while still maintaining a policy of not engaging in anti Russian sanctions. He needs to show that he’s against Wagner recruitment in Serbia as he’s being forced by the Ziomafia parasites in NATO to join them.


Buy time for what?


You Mexicans should stick to your drug cartel infested land and shud-up ! You have no knowledge of the regional problem so stick to drug trafficking to the drug infested USA it’s the best help that we could ask of you !!


Kissing up to join the EU is like buying a ticket on the Titanic after it hit the berg.

Душан Мирић

He is a politician who is playing that role to feed The Beast.

NATO terrorists

In have always believed Vucic or or bushit, is like Erdogan, always trying to be everyone’s ally and backstabbing you when you turn back. He’s a NATO spy…

Peppe il Sicario

If “Vagina Lips” Vucic as the Serbs call him wants to tow the line of his Western bosses, he’s f*cked!!! Wagner operatives in Serbia will have him removed faster than he can bend down to get a$$-f*cked by Joe Biden and Co.

John wood

He has to say that same as China Spain and any other country that has independence movements in their current land to accept the donbass as russian civic would have I accept Kosovo as separate or Albanian China would have to accept Taiwan as independent and Spain Catalonia and the Basque region This is the political difficulty We all know the Russians are doing it to protect the donbass people from their own government who had been bombing and killing them since 2014 Why the he’ll would these same people want to be ruled by a government that only wants the land but not the people in it I think NATO have said to zel you can only join nato and the EU of you get all the land back The USA definitely has its eyes on a crimea,naval base hence why Zelensky is willing to sacrifice so many people for the USA NATO is the army that represents the golden billion and not their people

It is the big business bankers army led by bankers for bankers


This is well said. The logic is if he accepts the partition of Ukraine, he would have to accept his own country’s partition. That said, once Russia is done, and they have a peace agreement signed with what ever government is in power in Ukraine (if one exists at that point, then it is different. If the conditions sign over land as a result of victory then that is now legally binding between the two countries, regardless of if it is accepted under international law. War is an extention of politics and vice versa. Regardless of if a state submits under pressure of another, or willingly is irrelevant, as the state is the highest authority in its territorial confines. Let the people decide after the states are done fighting. I’m sure Serbias president will support the legal exchange of land between two sovereign states when this is over. Unlike his country where one part lacks the aspect of sovereignty.


i am really sorry for Serbia. We destroyed them when they were strong and relevant and now are a pity and pathetic little country without any force or relevance, totally depending on the anglo sphere. It is what our criminal politicians do all around the world with our taxes.

Chris Gr

A sane answer finally.


about Spain, France or Germany, our separatists are a joke. Irelevant and minoritary drogadicts, just part of the Landscape and the regional folcloee. Nothing compared to the real problems in the soverreign countries outside the EU.


Finally someone who has the brains to understand the predicament Serbia is in. The Ziomafia parasites who orchestrated this war in Ukraine are in charge of the NATO criminals who are putting huge pressure on Serbia and everyone else daring to not impose sanctions on Russia. It isn’t in Russia’s interest for the countries who support them to be weakened by sanctions themselves.

Isser Harel

Closet homosexual pedo. Easy to blackmail.

John wood

Serbia being impressed by NATO and Ursula the witch

John wood



Serbia fought a 78day war against NATO. Aerial bombing was the only card eventually bombing civilians to apply pressure for the partition of Kosovo and Metohija.


Vucic is an arsehole,his Country is a victim of the American Reich part of his Country is under Nato occupation,find your balls you prick and stand up.

John wood

None of these countries have asked their people if they want to arm Ukraine and gorto war against Russia They are spending millions on this in a pinch scheme Give Ukraine billions in weapons Then give Ukraine the 300 billion of russian money held in the West Then Zelensky pays back USA with this,money probably creaming off ten percent as well as the USA leader and a few others siphoning off this pot of money


Hey guys! Please do not spit on Serbia becasuse we have a sellout president(gay) and a gay prime minister,who are both in the grip of MI6 and CIA. We the Serbs,like ewery other small nation and country,have a hard time induring such ruling by our elites and unfortunatly we lost so meny of our population in wars thru history,that if it wasn’t like that,there would be as much of us as there is Rusians. Even thou tere is only close to ten milion of us,we use to behave like there is equual number of us. We even have a saying “Nas i Rusa 300 milijona”,wich means we and Rusians equals 300 milion. Maybe that would be a good new mouvie “300”,but when we were hit by NATO,we where left alone,due to the incompetence of our leadership,as allways. But it sadens me to se,that you guys(Rusians) didnt learn anything about NATO from our case and thats why there where so many unnessesery wictims among rusian army and militias.


You are correct sir. I will not judge Serbs by their puppet leaders and neither shoud anyone else.

I know, that most Serbs are alligned with Russia, but are in difficult situation due to the EU/NATO/LGBTQ outside pressures from the WEF criminals.


@Goran , fully agree

Icarus Tanović



Never forget that yugoslavia is in the state it is cause russian leaders sold out to the west in 1990. And it continued to do so throughout the 90s. Did not opose the destruction of iraq and did only oppose the destruction of yugoslavia with words.

Sending peasekeepers to a region is supporting the status of ocupation or does the west want a un truce over eastern ukraine and peace troops no they want all of it to be forcefully reclaimed by ukraine.

If russia would have supported yugoslavia with a tiny fracture of the support that they gave to syria things would be different.

But the third rome protector of all slavs and all orthodox countries descided to stand up to the west to protect a muslim nation where people live who did not give a damn when the ottomans murdered the christians there. You should stop pretending to care about slavs and christians when you care more for you port in syria then for you supposed brothers.


@kotromanic It’s not so easy however. Just to boast with strong words wouldn’t help Serbia in the actual situation. Vucic or any other leader faces the big problem to withstand the EU and NATO plans to crack down the country , aware they are militarily too weak. I wish them all the best for their sovereignty , but the same for the other Balkan folks after the Yugolavia tragedy in the 90th. There will be maybe the chance when NATO get defeated in the Ukraine.


also about Syria : the reason to help Assad was of course not only to help a muslim nation , but there were some other points. For example to prevent the jihaddists to spread their influence to the Caucasus…

Chris Gr

Russia couldn’t do anything on Serbia because it was weak then. And on the Iraq file, the Saddam regime was opposed by everyone, even Iran.


And serbia can’t do anything now so why blame it then.

Gerry Bell

“You people from the PMC “Wagner”! Why do you call the Serbs, when you know that it is against our laws and regulations?” – Because they know many Serbs are all too willing to answer!


Are you mental? Have you seen a map? Look at where Serbia is then analyze what Serbia is doing and why.


Vucic is a WEF jewish globalist pig. “At the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Serbian president, while once again expressing support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, stated that he opposed the anti-Russian sanctions. “I don’t believe that they will give any result,” Vucic said. ”

He’s backstabbing Russia.


You’re an idiot. He’s not backstabbing anybody.


Soon Serbia will join the EU. So will Kosovo. Then the problem will disappear… exactly the same as in Northern Ireland… poor russia, how would you stir hate? Ireland problem gone, Kosovo problem gone…


Ireland problem is gone and soon there will be no Irish people you imbecile. A country of 5 million importing massive numbers of immigrants will be destroyed from within. Yeats must be rolling in his grave seeing the once proud Irish nation being destroyed by the Ziomafia parasites and their stooges in the Irish government.

Peter Jennings

Vucic might want to cut ties with Russia but the Serbian people won’t want to. After what the US and nato did to their country, they ain’t fans of the NWO, even though Vucic might dance around the question to keep the EU happy.


You don’t know a thing about Vucich nor his political stand or personal stand with Russia !! Give you a hint…No world leader has met as many times with Putin as he has( I believe 17 times) !! Im a Canadian political analyst and a former war vet from that region !! So quit talking nonsense !! SERBIA is occupied by NATO !! NOW, HOW WOULD YOU HANDEL THIS ISSUE ??

Peter Jennings

No need to get your knickers in a twist. Serbia has been a nato bitch since clinton bombed the place. Vucic is keeping the EU happy. Everybody knows that.

Will Vucic cut ties with Russia? Of course he won’t if he cares about the Serbian people. I have very good friends who are Serbian through and through. They know what is going on in thier mother country.

I posed the question that is all. Here’s another, why is Vucic even trying to keep his US/EU usurpers happy. It’s obvious to everyone on the planet that Russia has the upper hand over the US and nato who have destroyed their own economies and made themselves enemies to half the worlds population?

If Vucic despises the EU so much then why mess around. Now is sorely the time for Serbia to say bye bye to the EU. Russia will have their backs this time.


Its time for denazification, first Serbia (https://espressostalinist.com/genocide/chetniks-collaboration-genocide/) then other ex YU republic.


This article is totally bias and fails to inform of the real political situation of Serbia and the Balkans as a whole !! SERBIA is NATO OCCUPIED and it houses the biggest US army base in the World against Serbian will and against all international law !! Now all of you armchair warriors have no clue what Serbia went through and the resistance that its people and their army put up ALL ON THEIR OWN without any help of any lousy country !! A little Slavic country of 7,00,000 people against 30 member NATO and you all think they are spineless !! You fcking retards !! I fought the X-YU war for 4 years including Kosovo and I also fought in Iraq (long story) I am a baptized SERB(Canadian born) and I handed my medal back to my government because I’ve seen 1st hand what NATO did to Serbia in 1999 !! KOSOVO IS SERBIA and this Canadian SERB LOVES YOU ALL !! Even at 60yrs old now I would come and fight for you !!

Peter Jennings

Good for you Rakoni. I am also around your age and remember well the US/nato attack on Serbia. I also got an education on the subject at the time from my Serbian friends who were all outraged. The attack on Serbia and its leaders is another nato atrocity. It also showed just who’s side the ICC were on. It wasn’t on the side of justice but i guess as another nato device it wasn’t supposed to be.

Raptar Driver

Looks like vagina mouth is at it again with his nonsense. He is a disgrace to all Serbians.


The only vagina mouth here is your momma !! May she make all Serbian proud !!


Vucic you are starting to sound like the NAZI WEST sprouting that RUBBISH there HAS NEVER BEEN A UKRAINE COUNTRY that WAS INVENTED BY THE WEST when the SOVIET UNION was dissolved USA “ADVISORS” suggested breaking it up into 3 countries BELARUS WAS FORMED FROM PART OF RUSSIAN TERRITORY and UKRAINE WAS FORMED FROM PART OF RUSSIA TERRITORY those STATES were just that STATES WITHIN RUSSIA before and have NEVER BEEN A COUNTRY, UKRAINE WAS CREATED BY USA to weaken RUSSIA. these files can be found in records about the breakup of soviet union and how the USA had CIA offices throughout the Russian parliament as described by PUTIN himself who then CLEASNED the RUSSIAN LEADERSHIP of CIA ADVISORS.


Serbia do Tokija motherfuckers hate us or love us, no one lost more lives than the Serbs in ratio to respective population during WW1, Serbs never supported evil, and want peace. If you cucks spit on Serbia about not having balls, stop commenting and do something else pussys.


“Serbs never supported evil…” like in 1914 when Serbs under auspice of freemasonic cabal assasinated Austrian prince in Sarajevo in order to fire the flame of a world war for the sake of global bankers and ideoulogues. This assasination was orchestrated by a Serbian secret service run by a guy nicknamed Apis (colonel) who was executed in Greece in 1915. by an orders of Serbian minister Pasic for high treason as an unpleasent witness/operative of this ugly deed. Anybody interested in atter can read the transcripts from the trial of assasins who declared their allegiance to freemasonry and their GLOBAL CAUSE.

Sgt. Based

Serbia trying to suck up to the people that bombed the hell out of them a little over 20 years ago so they don’t get bombed again

This is what a beaten dog looks like


I Don’t think Serbia and Russia will be drifting apart. Timing is essential against a tyranny and it minions. Posturing is pointless. Europe will be having a reset once the populations realize they are being economically downgraded due to decades of economic theft and mismanagement.


So many lies in this anti-Serbian article.

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