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MARCH 2025

“The Western World” Was Hitler’s World, Too. Russia Is Again Warring Against It

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"The Western World" Was Hitler's World, Too. Russia Is Again Warring Against It

Ukrainian patriots from “Azov” battalion are ready for Eurointegration

Written by Eric Zuesse

Adolf Hitler was passionately a figure of “The West,” and believed not ONLY in White Supremacism as necessarily being a Euro-Atlantic supremacism over all other cultures, but he was determined to make that a specifically GERMAN global White-supremacy.

On 25 July 1945, the founder of the Cold War, Harry S. Truman, became convinced by his hero Dwight Eisenhower, that either the Soviet Union would conquer America, or else the United States would conquer the Soviet Union. In other words: Either America would take over the entire world, or else the Soviets would. This global either-or was a restoration of Hitler’s dream of global conquest (but his against ‘the Jews’), with America not Germany aiming to lead the entire world, to crush-out ‘communism’, but really all other resistant countries, via, now, coups and invasions, which have poured forth from Amerika ever since Truman came into power.

Truman despised his immediate predecessor, the impassioned anti-imperialist, FDR, and he replaced almost all of his Cabinet before the year 1945 ended, and he replaced within two years the few remaining ones. But he knew better than to reveal publicly his contempt for FDR, or to display it in any overt and clearly undeniable way during his lifetime. FDR is considered by historians to have been either America’s greatest President, or else its second-greatest, after Lincoln. President Roosevelt had a stellar Cabinet, and Truman quickly replaced all of them by installing committed U.S.-global supremacists (which NONE of FDR’s Cabinet were). On 26 February 1950, Truman wrote a letter to the journalist Jonathan Daniels about his contempt for “the background and ability of each member of the cabinet and those who sat with the cabinet which I inherited on April 12, 1945.” The letter even said, “Maybe I shouldn’t bring the subject to your attention, but as I look back on the situation it makes me shudder. I am sure that God Almighty had me by the hand. He must have had a personal interest in the welfare of this great Republic.” Truman decided not to send the letter, because he didn’t want there to be even a chance that this information would become public. But the unsent letter expressed his actual views. He kept it private. Whereas “God Almighty had me by the hand,” the very thought that FDR might have led post-War America “makes me shudder.” That’s how bad a President FDR was, in Truman’s view. Hitler many times likewise said that God had chosen him to lead not only his country but the entire world. On 18 December 1926, he told his followers, “The teachings of Christ have laid the foundations for the battle against Jews as the enemy of Mankind; the work that Christ began, I shall finish.” On 26 April 1933 he told the Pope’s representative, “I am doing what the Church has done for 1,500 years. I am simply finishing the job.” Just prior to his entering politics in 1919, he wrote in his private notes, his basic conviction; it was: “The Bible — Monumental History of Mankind.” He outlined there his extremely literal interpretation of that book of ‘history’. On the basis of “The Bible — Monumental History of Mankind,” Hitler in these notes identifies the meaning of “original sin” as consisting of the “blood poisoning” of “the Aryan” or “Children of God” (pureblooded descendants of Adam and Eve) by “the Jew” via “miscegenation,” violating “Racial purity the highest law,” and so constituting “a terrible fact” that produces “misery forever.” On this basis, Hitler asks, “Purification of the Bible — what of its spirit remains?” What he is referring to here is the Garden of Eden; Paradise lost. That’s  something he discussed further in his 1925 Mein Kampf. Also, at the end of Chapter 2 of Mein Kampf, he said “I believe that I am acting in accord with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.” A prerequisite in order to understand the 1919 momentous private notes of Hitler, is to understand the Roman Catholic concept of “original sin,” which itself has its roots in the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis, in the Bible. At the end of his career, that fundamentalist viewpoint was basically unchanged. For example, in his Secret Conversations (Table-Talk) in the bunker, on the night of 25-26 January 1942, he implicitly reasserted that fundamentalist Biblical ‘history’ as being his source, when he condemned Darwin’s having extended his evolutionary theory to include humans: “Where do we acquire the right to believe that man has not always been as he is now?” No one has that “right,” he thought. Humans descended from Adam and Eve, not “from the monkey,” Hitler said. That Darwinian view was blasphemy, to him. Hitler believed that he was doing the work of God, not of any real democracy, not of the public. God, “The Almighty,” was Hitler’s Master, he thought. He worshipped “The Almighty.” Hitler was specifically a Bible-believer, a Christian, against, as he saw it, Satan’s descendants, such as in John 8:44, in which Jesus allegedly told the assembled Jews, “You are the children of your father Satan, and you follow your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the start.” Such nuggets of “History” informed the literal-minded Hitler, that Jews, as Satan’s descendants, must carry in their veins Satan’s blood, poisoned blood — “blood,” he thought, which had cursed his own life, with undiagnosable painful digestive disorders. What Jews were for Hitler, Russians became on 25 July 1945 for Truman: his nation’s chief enemy that must become conquered if not eliminated entirely. Conquered, in order “that God Almighty” would win, in Truman’s “Manichaean” (“us-or-them”) Christian view. (It was a racist view, too, but he likewise kept that a secret during his lifetime. However, he believed in racial separation, not in ‘racial’ extermination, as Hitler did. The ever-obedient U.S. ‘news’-media kept his racism a long-continuing secret from the wider American public, so that — for example — Truman’s being the heir to Hitler’s racist-imperialist dream would remain simply incredible for the public to believe, even down to the present day. Both Hitler and Truman remain hidden from the public and covered-over with yet-further myths, so that the public will not understand — will misunderstand — history.)

Hitler was not only a German, he was entirely a Westerner, a Euro-Atlanticist, a White-supremacist, who believed that his nation was appointed by its universal God to rule its people, who would rule over the Earth. This is the essence of today’s U.S. Government and of its NATO military alliance (“the international rules-based order” — and NOT international law from the U.N., but only America’s ‘rules’) to conquer ultimately all other nations but ESPECIALLY Russia, against whose Russian Orthodox Christianity the Vatican (the Roman Catholic Church) — and its entire Western World, which has been born from Roman Catholicism and which has largely shaped everyone in The West, even of the religions that came before it and that came after it — has long been very strongly opposed. The West is the Holy Roman Empire, of today. Hitler had wanted to have started the Fourth Reich, the fourth version of the Holy Roman Empire, the “First Reich”. (The Second Reich was the Hohenzollern Empire. The Third Reich was Hitler’s restoration of Germany’s version of the Holy Roman Empire. The Fourth Reich would be now, if Hitler had won WW II and eliminated all of “Satan’s people,” so as to begin his “Thousand-Year Reich,” which was inspired by his reading of Revelation 20:1-7.)

Russia had wanted the U.N. to become what FDR had planned for it to be. But after The West, on January 7th, contemptuously rejected the proposals that Russia had set forth on 17 December 2021 for The West to finally start complying with the promises it had made to the U.S.S.R. on the basis of which the U.S.S.R. had ended its side of the Cold War, Russia had no choice but to accept the U.S.-created disunited world, and abandon FDR’s dream of a United Nations which would be supreme over all matters of international law. America, not Russia, ditched the U.N. and broke the world in two: for, versus against, U.S. global hegemony. In fact: starting on 24 February 1990, the U.S. President informed America’s vassal-nations that the Cold War would secretly continue on its side until Russia itself becomes conquered. On the 32nd anniversary of that event, Russia responded to The West’s January 7th rejection, by starting its invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, to prevent Ukraine from ever becoming a NATO base to post America’s missiles on Ukraine’s border a mere five-minute flying time away from nuking Moscow. The U.S. regime issued yet more sanctions, which caused The West to be economically walled-off from Russia, China, and the rest of Asia, and the rest of much of the world, such as the “BRICS” nations. For the U.S. regime and its vassal-nations, this is Hitler’s posthumous last stand, or else it will be the last stand of the emerging Russia-China alliance. We are now into a new “D”-day, a period whose victor and loser are yet to be determined, the beginning of World War III, but this is only its pre-nuclear start, and the hope is that on its first battlefield, which is Ukraine, Amerika will lose, so that Russia won’t need to go nuclear against the U.S. and its vassal-nations, because Russia will NEVER become any other nation’s vassal, and wants to be able to remain free without having to destroy everything in order to achieve that, Russia’s supreme objective.

Most Russians think that they are conservatives, but, in international relations, they hold FDR’s views, which were not only the most progressive in his own time, but are still the most progressive in ours. His domestic-policy views were also the most progressive. But after his death, America (because of Truman) became more conservative — today’s Amerika, especially in international relations — than it has ever been, and farther away from what had been the intentions of the majority of America’s Founders (the most progressive group that ever existed up to its time), and from the Constitution that they collectively wrote, than it has ever been. America is now a profoundly conservative country, an imperialistic aristocracy, instead of any democracy at all. Truman was the turning-point. He continued and restored Hitler’s legacy. WW II is being re-fought, and, this time, Amerika leads the global-imperialist side, the nazi side. The facts here have been hidden by the media and scholars that are funded by U.S.-and-allied billionaires and their agents, who have presented a very different, contrary, and fake, ‘reality’.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s next book (soon to be published) will be AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It’s about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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What a joke it is that Adolf wanted to conquer the world . Zero evidence is provided and it does not exist. The one who wrote this clown story should first ask what did the Jews do to Germany??? Do some research on Weimar Germany, a Jew run shit hole.


Besides Jews declared war against Germany. 6 million lies won’t change this fact. Before WW2 Jews run USSR, USA, British Empire, France


So tell me one thing, if they controlled USA, USSR, UK, France…. why they allowed his to rise to power and German remilitarization? They could easily crushed Germany in 1936. UK and France alone were overwhelmingly military superior. German army after Versailles had only 100k soldiers, no aircrafts, no tanks, a tiny obsolete fleet…. Not even Italy supported Germany. Yet they not just maintained friendly relations, they actually helped his economy. Why?

A Fellow

In the hope that he would serve as an ally against the USSR and not actually wrench Germany out from under global finance. This didn’t pan out.


They did run Russia as well, they called themselves the Bolcheviks, back then and murdered millions of Russians, including the whole family of the Tzar and just blamed the Russians for it, in other countries. Fortunately Staline killed them all, one by one, no matter where they hide. Staline was a Georgian, which is quite a story, in itself.


trailer park polo moko need more prozac


Read Mein Kampf. He wanted to rule the world along with his loving Britain.


Conquering the world has always been a jewish pet project. Now the zionist control the USA, so it has become the pet project of the USA. Because of that any competiton in anything, is seen as an attempt to control the world. In Psychology, this is called “Transfer” where one put their own aims as their enemy’s intentions. The Zionist do it all the time, example, they accuse Iran of devellopping an atomic bomb to strike Israel when it is Israel that has hundreds of nuclear weapons and they would like to use some on Iran. Same behavior for the Zionist runned USA. The examples are so many, that there is not enough space here to describe them.


attended school w Wittgenstein


Hitler and Elensky, 2 peas in a pod.


All true Eric. But Putin and the Russian Federation should have been “warring with it” long ago…

Especially after 2014 when it came to it’s neighborhood and did nothing by keeping it’s diplomats in the United States in harms way (https://www.vbirstein.com/the-convenient-death-of-vitaly-churkin/), and “carried the water” (https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/) for the UN elite without demanding an investigation all those years ago!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

They were not ready, both militarily and economically. Now they are ready and the job, will be finished. If GB or the USA and EU don’t like it, it does not matter anymore. Russia is in it for the long haul.


What Adolf Hitler undeniably believed is that all Slavs were inferior, untermensch that should be enslaved or exterminated. And that is actually true about these insane Slavic idiots who worship him: they really should be exterminated for stupidly alone. I mean it’s one thing when someone from the West loves Hitler, he did nothing against them (a little bit against France, traditional German enemy, and even less against UK, they did more against him). But when someone from Ukraine (or Russia or Belarus or Poland) worships him that’s pure madness and complete idiocy.

Last edited 2 years ago by N007
Eric Zuesse

Sadly it (respect for Hitler) is commonplace among some readers at this site.


“he did nothing against them (the west)”???

The Germans shot my uncle in the left temple after he crossed the Siegfried Line near Ubach Pallenberg in early October, 1944. And both my grandfathers were disabled in WWI while fighting Germans in France. The Germans inflicted mortal wounds on my great uncle, who died at age 22 after returning home after the war, with a Distinguished Service Cross and a Croix de Gras. Half of my folks male friends had Purple Hearts earned fighting the Germans in WWII. I watched them limp and hold disfigured arms.

I know the Russians won that war and bled a gallon for every drop we bled, but please don’t align the USA with Germany during the first half of the 20th century.


Why not, Jens? They sure absorbed a lot of Nazis in the US, I name the Koch brothers as one of the small examples. Both Kosch brothers (fomerly Nazis) made a fortune in a very friendly USA, at least for them. Russia, is the only country that fought the Nazis with real fervor. all the others had sympathies for th Nazis including the US of A. Why are you always harsh on Russia and so forgiving on the wrongdoing of the USA. My guess is one of those 2 things: You were brainwashed or or you just hate the Russian because you feel superior on them out of delusions and false vanity. you choose, what fits.

Eric Zuesse

“Salamander,” I’ll tell you “why not” (but it’s in the first link in my article, if only you had clicked there to see the evidence): On 25 July 1945, Harry S. Truman reversed FDR’s foreign policies 180 degrees and adopted Hitler’s.

A Fellow

By that token, any Baltic person is an automatic idiot if they follow communism.

There are Slavic national socialists for quite simple reasons. It’s quite simple to take the philosophy as it existed, and expand the master race to include yourself (even exclude Germans if you really want). Ideologies are infinitely malleable.

Additionally, Putin is a rehabilitator of Stalin’s memory. The Reich is understood to be defunct and its enthusiasts condemned; the Soviet Union can be seen as still having a “score to settle” with in the eyes of such non-Russian Slavs.

Finally, these Slavs may look towards the West with its waves of immigration, look towards Putin who embraces multiracialism & multiculturalism in a more reserved and conservative style, and only see national socialism as the most recent & stalwart philosophy to claim in response.


There is no difference between hitler and stalin

Eric Zuesse

There was a huge difference. Fascists are NOT communists, and communists are NOT fascists. People who think those ideologies to be the same are living in a fantasy-world, not the real world, and have been atrociously educated — deeply deceived.


Eric you will concede, I trust, that both systems were totalitarian.


What’s the problem with Totalitarian? USA is totalitarian, to name one. A country where the population decide nothing, only the Oligarch of the USA decide something. Peoples like Soros, the Rockefellers, the Bill Gates and all the superrich decide. The americans have to accept the dictats of their masters, like the owners of Facebook and Google that remove their right to free speech, the Bill Gate foundation that control their bodies with enforced vaccinations, The War industries that force them to ruin themselves on useless wars and there are more examples, where that comes from. Don’t be so blind and accuse others of what your country does. Most countries are totalitarian. The only difference is who brainwash you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Salamender


I certainly don’t hate Russians. I acknowledge that WWII was won by the USSR with great sacrifice beyond anything my country experienced. If you followed my posts before this war began and since then, and there is no reason to expect you would, as I am not an expert on military or political affairs, you would see I urged a diplomatic solution to avoid the war by recognizing Russia’s very real and legitimate security concerns. After the war I urged a peace process under which the Donbas and Crimea would become Russian oblasts: this is totally unacceptable within Ukraine, but I recognized the Russian cultural dominance historically in these areas. Russia in exchange would have to let the rest of Ukraine become part of Western Europe and give it security guarantees. So I am not a Russian hater.

I do observe however that the former Warsaw Pact nations that have aligned with the west have done so because they found being subordinate to Moscow and being subject to police state treatment reprehensible. Russia’s nearest neighbors also fear Russia. That’s why Finland and Sweden are joining NATO. Kazakhstan rejects Russia’s military expedition into Ukraine.

What we need to do is find a way to stop the killing and move to a stable steady state politically. We should again try to engage economically and try to advance peaceful co-existence. All this talk of WWIII and nuclear war is insanity. Likewise the opposing parties playing some zero sum game in which one is defeated is crazy. Nothing good comes of this.


USA not totalitarian. We have very divergent political opinions that are freely offered and hotly debated. The state controls very little. We have extensive private property. We can move freely across 3,000 miles without showing ID or papers. We can reject vaccinations. We enjoy great personal Liberty. There are huge private centers of power, like the Internet forums but they too are not able to hold onto their control. And despite propaganda to the contrary our grocery store shelves are fully stocked and our gas stations all have gas at around $5 a gallon ($1.25 a liter). Medical care is great. We are too wrapped up in our creature comforts to be sure, and our entertainment industry plays to a lowest common denominator, but hey, we invented rock and roll. It’s a great place to live and if one doesn’t like it one can move to a different state in the Union or leave the country. So, no sir, we are not totalitarian.


There is: Hitler was a Nazi, but Stalin, was not a Bolchevik, as a matter of fact, Stalin killed all the Bolchevik leaders and Stalin was not even a Russian, he was a Georgian. The Bolcheviks, are the one that conducted so many massacres in Russia. History, only hurt the ignorants.

Eric Zuesse

He was elected as Germany’s Chancellor — not as Austria’s — in March 1933 with a plurality of votes, 43.9% and so became appointed to that post. He had been born on Austria’s border with Germany the son of an Austrian customs officer, and the family moved across the border into Bavaria when the boy was 3. His dialect was Bavarian, not Austrian, and he self-identified as German, not Austrian, but was pan-German in beliefs and always wanted Austria to become part of Germany, which he made happen on 12 March 1938 by Germany’s invasion of Austria, the “Anschlus.” He always referred to himself as “Deutsch” — German — and he fought for Germany in WW I, and he led the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, no National Socialist Austrian Worker’s Party. It called itself “Socialist” not as left-wing socialists but as aiming for the support by workers, who mostly sere socialists, but the Party’s financial support came mostly from Germany’s industrialists (none of whom were Jewish despite many readers here assuming that Hitler was funded by Jews, and other such nonsense), and the candidate Hitler’s speeches to them (those industrialists) told them that he despised “Bolshevism” and supported the corporate owners and opposed labor unions. So, he was elected and selected as Germany’s leader, not as Austria’s, and as far-right, not far-left. Some readers here are deluded, but these are facts, no matter how much some people ignore them and believe the contrary.

A Fellow

Radical center, if anything. Organization Todt would come to subordinate corporations to a small-capped profit as part of their wartime contracts (and any board opting out of contracts would have been liquidated).

The regime certainly made use of corporations, but let’s not kid ourselves; the state wore the pants in that relationship. You couldn’t say the same for, like, Pinochet in Chile.


Deutsche Bank’s von Stauss “lent” dear Adolf the typewriter on which “Mein Kampf” was typed while “interred” in Landsberg. Coincidentally he was also an operative of the Redshields, and their representative in interwar Germany. The banksters have always profited the most from wars. The Anglo-Saxons’ plan was to arm Germany, and pitch it against the Soviet Union, so they’ll both get wrecked in the coming war. The history of the events got it somewhat different, as the SU survived, until it’s demise in ’91. Should I go into details on who owns the bankster cabal?

Albert Schlageter

The Asov sign shows two nazi symbols. The “Wolfsangel” and the “Schwarze Sonne” The Wolfsangel was used by the SS division “Das Reich” and the Schwarze Sonne was in the “Wevelsburg,” the sipriual center of the SS. The Wevelsburg still stands in Germany.

Hitler was born “Schickelgruber” what in yiddisch means tax collector.


Russia was supporting Hitler. They have started ww2 by invading Poland in 1939

Barba Papa

Hitler wasn’t an Westerm-Atlanticist. He despised the US and capitalism. He was a socialist, just like Mussolini. Which if anything places him closer to the USSR then the USA. Where the USSR’s socialism was class based, workers of the world unite, that sort of thing, Hitler’s socialism was race based and Mussolini’s was nation based. For the latter all you needed to be in his club was an Italian passport, for Hitler you had to adhere to all sorts of pseudo scientific Aryan mumbo jumbo. Hitler enacted strict government controls on everything, telling business what they had to make, restricted to who they might have sold it and and what price they could sell it. Which was, like in all socialist countries, a large black market existed. Hitler did not believe in capitalist tenets like trade and getting rich together. He firmly believed in that core socialist tenet of zero sum gum. In order for one to get rich, another has to become poor. That was why he withdrew Germany from international trade, causing massive damage to its economy and food rationing had to be introduced. Logically from his alliance with the USSR Hitler could have gotten all the raw resources that he need, including oil, which Stalin shipped abundently to Germany prior to the invasion. But, as said, Hitler did not believe in trade, and in a zero sum game world, if Germany were to prosper, another country would have to suffer. And thus he went east to get all the land and resources that he wanted Germany to have, in the greatest socialist internecine war since Bolsheviks fought Menshevik. Only Mao’s China almost going to war with Khrushchev’s USSR had the potential for a bigger socialist brother struggle.

Before WW2 the Soviet leadership was keenly aware that Mussolini and Hitler were rivals in the struggle to spread socialism abroad. They had even called the Italian socialist party idiots for kicking Mussolini out when he realized in WW1 that nationalism motivated the Italian worker more then international brotherhood and class struggle. During WW2 the USSR constructed the lie that Hitler and Mussolini were of the extreme right, as to better motivate the Soviet masses, then what they really were, extreme left. A lie which has been maintained by the Left and has even become one of its own core beliefs ever since. So much so that even fascists now think of themselves as extreme right, and not the closet socialists in denial that they are.

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