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MARCH 2025

The White House Will Approve New $1 Billion Weapons Transfer to Ukraine – Report

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The White House Will Approve New $1 Billion Weapons Transfer to Ukraine - Report

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The package likely includes long-range rockets and air defense ammunition

Originally published by AntiWar

Reuters reports unnamed officials in the Biden administration say a new $1 billion weapons package is waiting for the president’s signature. The next arms transfer will be the 18th since Russia invaded Ukraine in February.

President Joe Biden will use the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) to fund the security assistance package. In May, Congress placed billions into the PDA, allowing the White House to send Kiev increasingly sophisticated weapons with little oversight. According to the Department of Defense, the new package will bring the total military aid for Kiev to nearly $10 billion.

While the details of the new aid package have yet to be finalized, it is expected to include more long-range rockets and air defense ammunition. The US has shipped 16 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) to Ukraine. A Ukrainian official recently said the US was consulted about an attack on Russian forces using the long-range rocket system.

Moscow claims that Washington’s assistance for Kiev now amounts to direct war between the two countries. Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, said, “Washington is directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has repeatedly warned the transfer of HIMARS to Ukraine will cause Moscow to take more territory.

The White House has not commented on the package. The anonymous officials speaking with Reuters said National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) and as many as 50 M113 armored medical transports will likely be included as well.


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Thanks USA for all the weapons that will help in the fight against the dictator Putin.



Bal- baleg

Until when would RF tolerate such criminal activities of US-led NATO streaming lethal weapons over to AFU being used to murder civilians in purely residential areas of large cities including services infrastructures.

Allow me to present a simple scenario.. a person who handed a weapon over to one of the two men actively engaged in a brawl who ended up in the killing of the other by using that same weapon would be considered equally guilty of the crime committed by the assailant in a court of law. Therefore the arms suppliers from the west deserve the same punishment given to AFU. RF is now justified to annihilate all of its adversaries all in one stroke to prevent counter strikes.. Boom! the world’s been reset for the better.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bal- baleg
Retired Troll

CBS news reported that 70% of these “weapons” are on paper only as 70% don’t even make it to the black market as the Uki Jew corrupt regime siphons off the funds and sells it to the highest bidder. The Americunt morons and the limey cunts are starving and wasting billions on the Zelensky basement faggot. The limeys are pretty filthy to begin with but now are so poor that the UK corrupt regime has asked the population not to take warm showers. Wonder what the dumbasses will do when WINTER IS COMING! lol

Hook nose Jew

CBS is controlled by us.

Southfront resident nigha

Good to know. I thought CBS was a Kazakhstan propaganda channel.

i wonder

You are mistakenly lumping the populations and governments/banks/moneylenders in to one group. They are not the same, the ppl are getting exploited by the higher prices, the “bankers” are okay with this situation and want it to last for ever, they will make this situation last for ever even if this conflict passes. Higher prices higher inflation is more gain for those holding all the stakes. This situation enables exploitation and a gain of control over the evermore government dependent populations.


Let’s pretend you’re right, he’s a dictator. Care to compare Putin’s approval rating with the POTUS and the Congress? Spoiler alert, the so-called dictator has a higher approval rating than POTUS and congress combined.

It makes you wonder how much of the US population actually supports the USA’s proxy war against Russia.


By that measure Herr Hitler was likewise fully supported by the German people. Does that make anything better?


Putin constantly interferes with military decisions just like Hitler did too. That is why bridges don’t get blown up and all the American aid makes it straight to the front.


Yes, dictators always have high ratings and dictator Putin is no exception. Like Kim Dzong Un, it’s close to 100%, of course.

Seymour Undies

Go to the website Reddit and read the comments from the typical liberal American morons. There’s a good amount of idiots exacerbating things by supporting this.

Southfront resident nigha

Yeah. Reddit is infested with zoomer libtards. All moderators are libtards too. All comments critical to libtardism get deleted and user banned. Zoomers are mostly libtards. Plus, they use AI to generate comments, since they are too lazy to write them themselves. Like twatter. 90-99% of posts are AI.


US has been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China even EU because EU is competitor of US trade 😆

Bal- baleg

That 38% approval rating of Biden was actually inflated on purpose,it’s like the trollbots fake accounts set up by US cyberspace experts on twitter to create an illusion of ever expanding followers of demented Jo exposed recently by Elon Musk which led him to withdraw his $44billion bid to buy twitter.

Fake president supported by fake accounts.. Mericunts living in fake Lalalands.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bal- baleg

You are truly ignorant on the matters of Russia’s governmental structure. Russia is no longer the Soviet Union.


Yes, and water is no longer wet

Florian Geyer

So, the Ukies and US advisers will soon be travelling in US armoured ambulances. That being the case, NATO is the lowest of the low.

Slava Russiya.

Miki Miric

Slava Rusiji


Blast them anyway! Less philosophical questions about it. It’s the house of cultural ignorance (US) we are talking about

Southfront resident nigha

Yup. Plus everything is charity work in the USA 😆


The ambulances wont be used as ambulances

Ricky Rocky

Still waiting for those famous strikes on decision-making centers

Max Schmidt

We all are waiting for it buddy. I hope the strike will be soon.


Don’t hold your breath.

Chinky madoo

Maybe in hundred years hahahahhaha


How is Russia going to take more territory. After five months of fighting they can’t even get Kiev’s forces off of Donetsk. It is disgusting the Russian military under Putin is this weak and helpless.


Not sure why they did not do it before, but they are finally taking the territories around avdeevka from where the shelling has been done by the ukrianians.


All they managed to do is recapture some villages they captured and lost 5 or 6 times since February. Nothing much has changed at all, and it isn’t going to change. The allies have been decimated by Putins “offensive”. DNR and LNR have death counts just as bad if not worse then Kiev’s forces. The RF doesn’t have enough forces on the ground to conduct any type of large scale offense.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vanya
Seymour Undies

They cleared out all of Luhansk. Give them time. Shelling the enemy from trenches is time consuming.

Dick Von D'Astard

In case you hadn’t noticed the Russian tactics are pound, decimate and then take. It’s what you can do when you have overwhelming firepower, air dominance and superior warfighting tactics that limit your own casualties and maximizes your opponents.

Nato just lost this confrontation big time and the cold-blooded and callous way it has killed it’s own proxy army through suicidal tactics will be noted amongst it’s member states. Nato-Turkey (just for one) will probably see now very clearly how the USA and UK throw away others lives like dust into the wind.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard
William White

The Ukies have been dug in there for years, it takes a lot to shake em out.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Hey uncle Vanya are you a JIDF, or a UK Brigade 77 troll?? LOL


Instead of talking crap, just look at the past 100 years of history in the Ukraine and how Russia has managed to bungle everything and lose all the territory to hostile forces. The Communists played just as large of a role in that disaster as the Bandera.

Joe Bidet Is a Senile Pedo

Yeah whatever troll boy!


they were too bussy removing Ukro bodies from the fields, 200k dead!!! just official AFU forces others not counted!, we saw all the Twitterpost! From Ukrainian officials…

boy….. 1:20 Russians and Pro Russians maybe 10k dead Ukrainine 200k

Seymour Undies

I think that’s a bit exaggerated, but you’re on track.

Seymour Undies

They’re dug in. Have you ever read Julius Caesar’s The Conquest of Gaul? It takes a long time to clear out the enemy from fortifications.

Max Schmidt

And now the weather forecast: It’s raining heavy in Kharkov. Missiles. Cope.


Every day since February Kharkov gets hit by three or four missiles with 500kg warheads. Considering the vast amount of supplies that freely make it to the front those three or four missiles a day don’t make much difference on the front.

Dick Von D'Astard

The calculations are under 30% gets anywhere near the frontlines. Corruption and missile strikes see to that. U.S. can’t hide anything for long and the distances to the frontlines are exceedingly long. Sorry bud, but the war in Donbas shall be over real soon for the Kyiv-Nato Axis.


But you have to admit, Zelensky is the world’s most successful telethon host, raking in billions.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

Right, forget about Jerry Lewis!

Bal- baleg

the crimes they want to keep secret in eternity which can be divulged and disclosed by Kiev’s personnel and military once the stream of cash from the west stops flowing into these Ukronazis who are holding the key to crucify the Western bloc nations, These filthy secrets are being held hostage by Kiev to squeeze ransom from the two masterminds leading the pack, no other than the US&UK dubbed as the center of global terrorism.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bal- baleg
Dick Von D'Astard

War Criminals In Need.


1 Billion for weapons isn’t nothing. Putin just gave Turkey 100 billion so the Turks could build a nuclear power plant in Turkey. Pretty strange huh? First he loses over 300 billion dollars to the US thanks to the Russian central bank keeping all its money in New York and now he gives away 100 billion to the Turks. No wonder Russia has to sell so much gas and oil to enemies who are killing Russian soldiers and Russian civilians.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Hey uncle Vanya are you a JIDF, or a UK Brigade 77 troll?? LOL


eat las hamburgs the fat gets stuck in your brain!

there is no giving 100 Billion to Turkey, this is called a loan an investment! Turkey can pay it back!

Ukraine can’t, Russia and Pro-Russian Ukrainians control the areas that make 85-90% of Ukraine’s BIP

all money to Ukraine is lost forever!!!!


Ukrainians should demand war repatriations from the US UK Poland and RENT for their nation being used for Proxy war.

Dick Von D'Astard

$300 billion dollars eh? That is 1% of The United States of America’s national debt. Printing money debases that money and leads to inflation, hyperinflation, stagflation and then sovereign default bankruptcy. At which point the U.S. overseas Empire collapse and the repo man comes to the Pentagon and starts removing carrier strike groups, stealth fighters and bombers and space assets.


I think the US has a gambling problem. Instead of cutting their losses they double down thinking the hand will be a winner but just continue to lose and lose and lose


American banks create money out of thin air. The US government “borrows” as much of this never ending supply of USD that it wants. They will never run out of weapons and they will never run out of money to supply the Ukrainians with weapons. And Putin doesn’t want to blow up bridges or rail lines!!!!

jens holm used condom services

USA cannot go “all in”; amerikani feminized fear death lose all wars except vs black lies matter


Warfare is not played like poker betting more and more….XD

In the end, the US has to go all in or default…


all in means madmen using nukes

Southfront resident nigha

A typical behavior of ghetto slag 😆


Well. If dementia Biden can arm his “Allie” in Kiev with anything he wants, surely Moscow can arm it’s own allied people’s Republics. Right? At that point, it’s up to the people’s Republics decide independently where to strike and from where threats come from. All without Moscow having anything to do with it. It does make sense doesn’t it.

Bal- baleg

I had once thought of your brilliant idea Elpocho but Moscow is fully aware of the possible situation that could escalate rapidly. Putin is quite cool and comfortable right now with regards to unfolding events.

Joe Bidet Is a Senile Pedo

They should send the Ukies some WW2 Italian tanks, the ones with 4 reverse gears as the ukies spend most of their time going backwards!

WT Baker

makes me wonder just what Biden “thinks” he is doing. He is not necessarily in charge as that is not how this “rules based order” operates. No such thing as presidents, congresses, or parliaments in the west; it’s simply very powerful (in the monetary sense of power not ideas) entities like that which made up the British East India Company of the past. This is extremely dangerous as this present financial system and the political perceptions it promoted is bankrupt; the reason for war predicated on coup d’etats, color revolution, and regime change rather than ending these perpetual wars through massive physical economic development. These are the paths for our choosing; war and depopulation with the oligarchic minded élites or peace through development with the promethean paradigm.


The USA is the direct descendant of the West India Company. Even their flag is the West India Company flag.

Bal- baleg

the reason why the group of US UK EU NATO are not interested to end this war… It’s because all of them would be prosecuted for all the crimes against humanity that they’ve collectively committed in collaboration with Ukrainians, and many other crimes in violation of international laws.. Legal charges would be leveled in cooperation with their once Ukrainian partners who will naturally switch sides to the Victors RF forces that guarantees conviction with Ukrainian corroboration. And that’s a war to be fought to the last of Ukrainian in order to eliminate all potential witnesses who might testify in tribunal/courts leaving the NATO defenseless and eventual conviction, a parallel to Nuremberg trial.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bal- baleg

We need a new Nuremburg

Assad Defeated Zionists

ussian artillery has at least a 15 to 1 advantage in numbers, most of that are hugging the frontlines and are used to break up any meaningful Ukrainian offensive before it ever begins.Those who thought the land around Kiev and Kharkov fronts were retaken because of Ukrainian military competence are wrong. Kiev and Kharkov were diversions, the real objectives were Donbas, South Ukraine and its Black Sea ports. That’s why Ukrainians haven’t been able to retake any of that lost ground. NATO sending weapons systems piecemeal only plays into Putin’s plan and will bleed Ukrainian manpower white until it is no longer an organized military force.


Please pray for total Russian Victory soon so there can be peace & USA & RUSSIA in the future can be friends for the sake of world peace. 100.000 troops & artillery coming from NORTH KOREA then 100.000 Chinese volunteers will join the NORTH KOREANS UKRAINE won’t be allowed to win.


40,000 from Syria.


Yes, pump 100.000 s of foreign asian perverted mongols and whatever scum into white ukraine, castrate the people there (like in the video where asian russian invader troops castrate an ukrainian POW) , violate the women, steal the ukrainians land, and bomb all the ancient cities to shreds and then claim how superior and peaceloving Russia is, that Soviet Union and its jewish-communist expansion geopolitics no more exist, and that mercenaries are bad when USA or Ukraine deploys them, bad very ok when communist russia does. You are so hypocratic, it is unbelievable. Hope you communist demons all rott in hell and will meet your well deserved punishment very soon. Commiting genocide is the surprime crime, but instead of recognizing that, you are blabbering about the evil west and the bad ukrainian Nazis arrogant enough to defend their country, AGAIN against this newest massmurderous communist onslaught.

William White

So that’s 300 million dollars for obsolete junk for the The Ukraine army of Women, seniors and convict rapists and $700 million for the politicians to sell on the dark web including big kick backs to the democRATS. The filthy scum.


The US is losing the proxy war and the that’s why they keep sending more money and weapons to Ukraine. A winning side would no longer need help or just minimal help. Another defeat for America.

Dick Von D'Astard

Russia should start banning uranium exports to hostile states and pricing it in BRICS currencies for friendly states.


Shall include Titanium too.

Dick Von D'Astard

The United States led West is a serial loser of regimes it props up and armies it trains. With the United States directly paying the salaries of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, (AFU) it should be noted it’s army is being destroyed and it warfighting tactics looking highly questionable and substandard, where they can’t win a conflict with 250,000 starting strength and double that in reserves for the Kyiv-Nato Axis forces, when the opposing side (Russian allied forces) is fielding significantly less in overall numbers deployed in the theatre of battle.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard
Dick Von D'Astard

Would be an interesting exercise for SouthFront to list the likely first American bases in Europe that Russia would strike first, in the event of a miscalculation by the Americans over Ukraine.

Personally I’d hit Aegis ashore in Romania and/or Poland first, but others might have other targets that could send a stronger military and political message to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Perhaps Nato HQ building in Brussels?

Southfront resident nigha

Hit oligarchs and propagandists in their mansions. All wars would be over in 1 day 😆😆😆😆


Those hit are most often the russian tank crews and their tanks, but likely russ propaganda SF doesn t show that to you. See for example 2 days ago near Izium http://rlu.ru/34Zrn

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

They also have bunkers underneath the alps and in the NZ mountains and everywhere. Luxury bunkers with full spectrum lighting and underground farms, with their own deep underground water sources.


The amount of people who would CHEER, lets remember the shareholders of the weapons industries, Blackrock Vanguard and the WEF.


Russia. Keep destroying whatever comes over the Eastern border of Ukraine. And when they attempt anything “bigger”!?… Nuke Kiev!…

DO IT NOT Mr. Putin and your days will truly be numbered!… As they should be!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
zelensky mortuary services

77% lgbt amerikans military age too stupid obese criminal to qualify for military—US navy so desperate they offer 65,000$ bribe to join….the #1 immoral morons want more–in USA morality and patriotism is money—no conscription due to amerikan fear of death

zelensky mortuary services

why 35% Ukrainian fleeing “Russian aggression” flee to Russia? 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺


Aggression, invasion, liberation … these are just words. Facts on the ground are what counts in the end. So let the west talk, while Russia takes action and produces those facts for them. When Russian forces enter villages and people greet them with their happiness in war torn country, they already by then know very well they are not taking something from Ukraine, they are liberating their people from EU-Nazi oppression. No one want that tyrannic state to rule over them. One can also take a look how many sane people leave EU every year. That is why they need a steady influx of refugees to make it seem, their population is growing.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

Why Turkey now has signed deal to start production of Bayraktar drones in Ukraine, while refusing to do so in Russia ? See: http://rlu.ru/34Zm9 . I guess because Turks don t like Soviet Union aggression, same as Ukrainians don t like it, same goes for Finland, Sweden, Lithuania etc. Wake up folks. Communism is jewish satanic ideology and the arch-enemy of freedom and justice. (Whereas jewish robbers-capitalism US-style is bullshit too. It’s just the other side of the very same jewish orchestered scheme resp. medal)

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson
Cheryl Brandon

70% of the weapons never reach the front, where it is needed.It is a moneylaundering operation.

jens holm used condom services

Russia 1.2 million military–only 130,000 obliterate ukie 700,000 military—if trained by taliban instead of my lgbt masters USA maybe they could occupy Malibu

jens holm used condom services

“due to sanctions Russia is now self sufficient; they produce everything except Walt disney movies and Italian handbags”. Michael Hudson

tommy taco sawyer

“only in amerika is the father vestigial: the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer “he is like a woman—he lies for the sake of lying”. Emile Zola


what sort of handbags do they have?

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I approved sale of 1921 horse buggy to Sawyer…”amerikans are 300 million used car salesmen that have no qualms about killing anyone that makes them uncomfortable”. hunter thompson

tommy taco sawyer

“amerikan parents lie to their children, USA children lie to their parents; amerikans bewilder europeans” Geoffrey Gorer

Last edited 2 years ago by tommy taco sawyer
Pamfil Military Academy

An excellent ring to ‘transfer’ another treasure from JUSA tax payers (in)directly in the politicians pockets. Those weapons.ammo cost a lot of money which goes to the military-industrial mafia complex where a lot of corrupt politicians have interests. The biggest error of peoples under the so-called ‘ Iron Curtain’ was that they have believed western world peoples a lot more competent and smart ones than us. Which have proved the millenial error of the human race. JUSA and JUE nations are just simply another herd of idiot sheep.

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